Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 22, 1877, p. 3

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>," ^t -. - * r *?tt**i tliePu^ ~*'# THE FREE PRESS,- ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., CBa* Tt!el TIME T**U X -'CO'IKO WT, Xifkt Express - Toronto mail t>r Express; KiP * >"' . " , * tieit mixed _ / GOIN-KA*T. 1:04 a. ni. 9.10 a.m.. l.fiT p.hi.' A. 20 p.m. "H)7 p.m. Ni*ht Kxptcss .(iib mixe<r 1Py!Kxjgwt 8.38 9:10 a.m. 11:34 5:20p.m. .10:10 p.m. LOCAL MATTERS.1 > t- -.-!-. . ; ___Village Councir-this-evening. _Business dulii Itesas -very eare. -r~" __Farmer* and others are referred $j the. advertisement of L. Roeo, of Geersetowu. He has improved hit mill. iU-Remeinber the tea-meeting in the .brick church, _ 1} miles .-.west of Actoti, this evening. ' , j We understand that Bishop Foliar, of Hamilton, ia to prsatbitn St. Albans churchy Acton, next Sabbath " Tha fine weather of the past few days baa nearly taken-away what little B0w we have. The roadi arc getting bare again. LOST. An ea.rrdrop, with green . setting, was loat in Acton, esterday. ; The- Under wfll be well rewarded by leaving it at Secord BrOa.r store. '. r-Wl Bengough's enter tainment last evening' was heartily an. joyed by an, intelligent audience. Hie drolleries and flis life-like sketches were ; wall appreciated. We haven't ro 'for farther details this morning. Great crash in Coal Oil! Secord Bros." new stock at Issleaarr Meeting. r _ j i The annual missionary meeting in connection with Knox Church, Acton, was held last Monday evening, , Rv. t>. B. Cameron, who occupied the chair, opened the meeting-with' devotional ax- aroisas,] Mr. John Ross, on behalf of the Treasurer, read the annual report, which showed a batter unsocial position than in former years. Mr. Archibald Campbell moved the adoption of the re port, supplementing it with some inter esting remarks. Rev. Q. h. Murray, of Woodvjlle, then delivered an appropri ate an intelligent and earnest manner., . lie was,followed by Rev. R. Torrance, of Ouelph, who gave a Rreat many interesting, facts, which were strongly enforced on the consideration of .his hearers. .The chairman then sub mitted a few practical remarks. .The singing of the choir wa*' excellent. There was a large attendance, end alto- gethoc this i* said to be one of the best meetings of the kind ever held in the church. The amount collected' for mis- sionary purposes was stated to be about $250. ^; .. The Social on Tuesday evening at Mr.'Armstrongs, in aid of the Con. gregational Church building fund, was well attended, and a very enjoyable evening spent. Proceeds about $18. Always Wide-awake to the interests of themselves and their' custo mers, Secord Bros some time ago became convinced that'thero would be another duty put. upon Teas, Tobaccoos, and several other articles, and acting upon this conviction they ordered direct from Montreal an extra lare stock ef Teas, Tobaccoes, &c, audi have got them through before the dn|y was put on, whereby they will by this: shrewd ness' and foresight be able to sell those articles, at the old prices, and even lower as they bought most of them much lower than, usual.. They have the largest stock of these goods ever shown in Acton. Go and see. them. PORK! PORK!! Charles uameron is prepared to pay the Highest Market Pnoe for 90 tons of GoocVPdrk. jCall and see him at the Old Stand on Main street. . V Acton. Nov. 80th, 1876. 22-3m Fork Wanted 5000 Dressed Hogs 'Wanted Weekly, for which .the Highest Cash Prne will be paid. J>om #2,000 to $5,000 in cash to be paid-out to .farmers for Pork every week during December, at [ SECORD BROSf' Store HURRAH! TOR TH HURRAH! l*'*dK eyi Powers, 'aiHfc T&: S^W*w,'leeaffe ': ' ***" *U esse" *w /' Wii>j!is!tt^ f we have been akto on, to its i answer is] [bay at the tbat.tjbay tys^rossrtesysr* 'I- "l,-'l- ^ S, CXEF3& [this isihople ' Iewell< $ about -half the old price, will arrive in a few days. The oil ring in London 'has busted. , -i-A $400 organ has just "been introduced into the new Methodist, fhttrcb. from the factory, of" W. ~ Bell A Go, Guelph. It U-a very fine looking initrnment, and ate have no doubt it wiH prove to be: as good at it looks., r Tbe'Congfegataonal Church in Actdn will be formally brganirad oh the afternoon of Wednesday, March ~th, in the basement of the new edifice.' Ap propriate services will be taken part in by:a ntfmber of ministers. In the even ing, a tea-meeting will be heldriu the Temperance Hall. " t Crewson's Comers Division Sons of Temperance intend opening their new hall_ on Friday evening of next week, with a grand Concert and Soieev-W4eam- that they have secur ed the services of no leas than 21 muei- -1 and vocal celebrities- to entertain the audience. ' Good arrangements are being- made for the' accommodation of teazae.i with ample ihMi-.end ctabling. . ~-Tna HamiUoa: ind North western Railway is opened' for regular traffic a* far as Georgetown with but one train' daily.' As it leaves George- . town about a half-an-hoor before the - arrival there of the Grand Trunk morn ing train from the west, it is perfectly useless "for the accommodation of per- sons at Acton or other^places wes(f=- on- feas they go by foot or team.. t The County Council on Tuesday , appuinted-a committee to secure plana and specifications and^generally to pro cure information as to the cost - of building a new jail or large additions to the old One. Mr. Langmuir, Govern ment Inspector, was present at the meeting, and submitted a sketch of a proposed ibtulding, the estimatod"cbst of Which would be about $10,000 the Government'to pay half of that amount. The committee consists of the Warden, ..--and. Messrs Dewar and Waldie. \' . Deplorable- It is lamenjtablo to1 see the way some of the young men in Mil ton -are agoing to destruction. The Ckajnpioti says: Out of five whe were sitting in a jcpom in a west end hotel One night recently, fonr thoa*ht their saw a mouse running across ure floor, and No. 5 says* that'-they chased ii around the room and struck at that Imaginary mouse, and gazed behind trunks with their eyeballs sticking right out of their minds. No. 5 couldn't see any mouse, and he managed to get the other 'yoiing men calmed down before they got to the snake degree. Direct from Montreal via ft T. R., new goods for spring trade j^ist BEST PHOTOGRAPHS ia the,jCounty, at Tlit O&ttrlo PkotogTapli Gall'ry For Beaufy oJPini*h and BriUian cy in Tone, th*y cannot be turpautJ. WONDERFUL EXCITEMENT! FEBRUARY J 22j 1877. THAT WONDERFUL MAN'S COST PRIGB The largest amount of Goods sold yesterday or o h: ust h- o o- g- &c Ever Soldi in one day in Guelph* G^tEAT BABGAINS! -=1 S 0 2ST TOO LATE. COPYINQ & BNIaARQING la all its branches.^in the best style o the art; done on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. ( Abo a splendid stock of Mouldings and Picture frames kept An hand and made to order. . 1 A call is solicited and Jyoii will be convinced that this is the place to get photographs.; ] Yours respectfully, ! Ci W. HILL, Acton, Dec, 5, 1876. G. B. PRlNGLE'S amber received Barrels oft golden, honey and , ., syrups cheaper than ever. Barrels, of sugars, all kinds. Boxes and caddies of tobaccos. Chests of new choice Teas, better til L Cases of matches. Cases and boxes of raisins, salmbn, aar. ; dines, pickles, spices, soaps, cheese, , etc., etc.- Barrels, kegs and mats Of Prunes, cur rents, dates, etc, etc all'bought' -. low,> and wiil be sold cheap. ' ;' Kxatnine our goods and prices ami if they are not cheap or don t suit, cjon't buy, but if yo'u want to gets dollaPand twenty cents -worth of goods for every dollar you spend, you must call at Se cord Bros. : Lumber, Lati. a&diShiagles The undersigned have for sale, at their mills in Acton a large quantity of all kinds of-.. I PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMBER, Pino SMnelM aal L*vtti.- Shingles of the best quality for only f 1.85 per square. T Bestiality of SoasonalDlo G-oods less thanllaaufacttu^sPric^ I- . , * .'.'.'V ',' - "* The great Sale continues each day.. Hurry in and partake of the great adranteffes offi.H'ed, Feb. 8, 1877 JOHN HOGG A 80H, ! 25 Par Cent] Disoount Sal. Will only continue until the 1st of March. If you want to.get Watches and Jowellry cheap, -now is your time. After that date the full price will be charged. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. GUMMING MACHINE. We have just introduced a new. Gumming Machine,, and are prepared to gum Drag or Cross-cut Saws. ( '-, BROWN Jt HALL. [. Acton, Deo. 1^. 1876.' - 24-3m "Hefty.- . A Durham bull calf twelve months old last Friday, was weighed onthepublTe scales and ticketed,at 1070 pounds. It girte.6 feet 3 inches around the' breast. . Mr. \ S. Smith is the owner. A Subprise Pabtt im Nassaga- WETAl-T-^On -. Thursday evening a number of'.the farmers and others residing in.-the neighborhood of lot 24, 2d con. Nassagnweya, drove to the residence of Mr. John Kenne dy, who has just got a new mill in running order on that, lot, and as it were tqok possession of the prem ises. , fiefreshmenta were provided by the visitors, and besides'aancing other amusement* were indulged in ' until a late hour. The party was got up .for the purpose of showing -towards Mr. Kennedy a neighborly and kindly feeling. Erin 'Gbakoe. This grange is in;a very satisfactory position. At one. of its recent meetings the ex- Secretary, Mr. Alex. Smith, was presented a handsome sum in recog nition of hia services. JOB P*IJf*ING or all kinds neatly and promptly executed at the FREE PRESS OFFICE. - Vesicae Past GD.PRIN.GIiB SECORD BUM. Have laid in a mammoth Stock of si'? and Bmutifol, in Hehderson Watchmaker, Guelph. F.bruary 12tb, 1877. wrf DECIDED BARGAINS X Co QH1NA, Glasaware, Hardware, &c. .N. IN :clock^ tYNDfiP'*"":!': t, and &.<***? -? NE ' '^tf> ' -ii"^ -f'-,' "' .--:: Sabbatk Scheol rastveaUesu Thej regular annual meeting of the Cotlhty of Hilton S. S. Convention will be held in the new Methodist Churchy; Georgetown, on Wednesday, the 28th of February, and Thursday, -the 1st of March. The committee appointed for securing accommodation to the visitors, is making every preparation for a large number, and there is every indication of there being a very large assembly. All friendly to the cause of Sabbath School - education are requested to attend. Terr Clever. -- "The Free Press is jubilant over r the fact that that village is free from J debt. Considering the fact that; its ' incorporation dates back;to the remote period of two or three years ago it cer- taialy is wooderfuL Money could be aside by cTpibitiinr the Acton magnates ss a glass case-to admiring thousand* throughout the country at ten cents a bead. He taxpayers of such slow-going hamlets as Toronto sind Hamilton would bejpsrtlcularlyJglidHo'.see tls^n." jThe Oakrille IBtpliss, from which we '< clip tBe above, ,|s &*rticnlMrly sharp and brnusntly ironicaL While tts sutnait that the Free Passs never was " jubi- laat" orer what was merely giveix as a passing remark, we cannot resist the thought that dur catem, was more in tent .upon exhibiting his stale witicism than in giving point to his paragraph- We commend him to the office of show- Bun, He could doubtless snake money at the-enterprise, if anybody could. ; i eisi e."---- i .- " Som dead bargains that you can't afford to loose: , , Bench axes worth $2.50 for $1.25. ^ 8hingle hatchets worth $1.00 for 50c -. tsth hatchets worth 80c for 50c . ' \. ^tt hatchets, star, worth $1 for 50c Boy's axes, lymoUedvworth $1 for 50c. Anse eye claw hammers worth $1.25 for 80c ' Bottles of Worcester sauce worth 25e for 15c ' . -..' . T l ' - i^00'^***^8^* chimneys, tobaccos, ~; -^ si Sbcoed sKreaet-Xatiee. ' Hereafter all .parties doing business with Galloway Bros, must^pay up in fall on the last day of -every month. No accounts allowed to run more than one month. Galixiwa'V Bbos. GROCERIES, CROCKERY, Glaf siware and x ^-A-isroirJ G3-0 J3S AT Taa :4 Post Office Store, Acton. Dried Apples, Potatoes, But ter, Apples, etc., etc, wanted at Secord Bros.' - - , Large stock of new fresh Teas, very fine, cheap and good, just received at Secord Bros. l)on*t"fail to secure w>m..of the Tea they are selling at the Post Office Store for 30c per lb., or four pounds for-$l. It ra extra value. '. 10 pounds of Tea for a dollar. 6.pounds of fair Tea for a dollar. , 3 pounds of good Tea' (worth 50c) for 80 cents. - . ' I , l.? 2pounds of their 60c Tea for a dollar. J The great Tea^Honse. <. ' j Sbcobd Bros. ': -Secord Bros, hare decided to continue1 their great. Cheap Cash Sale for one week longer. Make no mis take, bring yonr cash aad make money. Christie, Henderson & Co. on opening a fresh lot of their fainons SOc Tea. this morning were pleased to find it turn out. ,by far superior to anything of the kind they had before handled,' Evidently a' TrUetak-i had been made by the shipper as the: lino' is worth a great deal more than they paid for it, but they will, not withstanding, offer it at. the same old popular price, giving their customers the-decided: advantage of their good luck. In view of the probable addi tional duty' to make up for the large Government deficit, no one should fail to procure 10 lb. lot of this in- dispensible luxury. ' ----" ' m m IsBjeersapt JleUee. ' AH parties indebted Co Galloway Bros] are earnestly. requested to settle up their accounts by the 28th of this tnoath. All accounts not paid by that date will be handed into court for col lection, "with.cost*. What U harder than earning money 1 Collecting it,, The Sulscriber, GEORGE Is now prepared to offer ft choice selection of Groceries, Crockery, Ai pries* that cannot fail to please evon those who rail at the Hard Times W0 SPECIAL PRICES ABE QUOTED, As a trial of his goods, A oall is solicited. February 7,1870. YEMEN This Week will offer extra special values in tBe following Qbpds] to reduce pre- paratory to Stock-taking; 2 dozen Cardigan Jackets, $1.50, worth, $2.00 2 dossn CardiganlJack9t3,^$2,00, wortli:$2.50 22 pairs Blankets, $2.50, "wortli $4.00 17 pairs; Blankets, $3.30, worth $5.00 20 pieces Full Cloth, at 55c per yd, worth 70o ' 16 pieces Full Cloth, at 606 per yd, worth 756 clouds,;, WOOLE^ QOOOS, MlLLmERY, At Giv^ Away Prices. CHINA DEPARTMENT. Gents' Mottoed Mustache Cups and Saucers, Ladies' Mottoed Cups and Ssuoers, Children's Mottoed Cape and Saucers, ' < jl Glass and China Mugs, saottaad, all eetej^ Flower Vi n Glass Pitchersj Preserre Diahem, Goblets, Tumblers, Fickle Jan, Wine Glswet, Glass Seta, )i Glassware, "Wall Papers, Papier Window Blinds, &c, Stone and China tea Seta, Lamps,i jQantems, Sick Cope east Feeslew Everything in Granite Ware, ' ISvBrythtng beaadfol ia Any one in ned;of J'all C|oth Clothing, will find j oiir stock well times. for Men or Boys' suited;to the Positively free from Ishoddy.M Remember that liamotts 50c Tea, Canned Peaches, Plums, Gooseberries, Blaekherriee, Okmn&m, tmt%. . Preserves, Jama, Jellies, PicJdesv i^bs^era, Salsaon, '" / be is oonvjinced, will advertisement. be found to be the best CeO. YEMEN Post Office i Store, Acton Cash paid Tub Butter. for j an), quantity of really good CHRISTIE, SEITDEIOSOIT as 00, : ' . - . : ' i ActOD, Jan. 23,1877. :Aetdn,.KoT. 29,17; Sardines, Clams, C ysters, Trnita, Pefsins f CozTsate, Kfs,|Nm, Bisxsnita, Gonfewttoesnw aai Tht Largest and Cheapttt Stock of T into Acton. Tobaccos, Rice, Barley, Cbrn Staircfa, Bice Floor, Boaae, eio, ^ ; ' Hardware, Cottlery, OpeosssV fab*, Oils, !*.'. r' - i

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