Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 22, 1877, p. 4

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mm 1tM |fiiErrMss,'T-"actoS,/;.MtTdtf !<&toi#C'6ni^ ;RnyAinVjrti'diii city and^ounti^f .'Mid when wo" hoar a person say "1 :-o\vi no man anything," we look s>t him with kur^)%> lujd inc-jx-diijitv We fi^.4ibul|J5i|:iin l^t^ statuary . and +HH'ks, luxuries in carpetR. easy chairs, conches, deli c'e .-china,- and sumptuous fitre, I whose inmates do- not hesitate to I aay " \Vo havo but very little! money, bin 0,,r credit is good." I^Wm> ift JWr poirhismi must dre^f >M2k _tfeje*s u&i,11y ,- m*Ji<|> . i tough m reliant, tailor, and nmn- - tua umker wait long-for thrtti iiv> Rwt"; pfTo git in an ioci and have your own mpiher-indaw. ' Lifct ir. umdrMip ov llttjo things. ^jigitHflf m-l)pb.^-4ji(ttJ\ tlving^v ppp; l>V>Uih. loii, CilW VdbmoaC i thi pimncral, ,/(i,s7/ Ihllincfs. J^sus Snitl. ' My burden Is light. lull. They must :kivp a carnage tid retii)iio of servants to support a style Oi>riv.<-jo"nifiiVg tojtheiv " sot," ?i*e-P ihsijfiia^iojsljorrow _pf Jine ' tc* 'jfliich in .ordinary Im^uioss might mor* tru'Uifiilly be called stealing. - The etniot'ce koopjng an <^>uit&Ck Sto^fcH Wot Miaous^ tnie, for even the most-piudent per sous will "VKfttfihbe t^pU^.to, purchnse tfgfgsfiPr. i^* pft$r- chAfji**j# nfe**<Mip<l fe: |jf>.y cash JBardt.J.lLiSuLya3V to have things ^charged tnat weTvpcoriio "caroiess" al>out expenditures of the house and faniilyrioid when-the bill, swoolen to great proportions with items and snadjfica, is presented, we are quite Lorrifit'd *and give 11 i peremptory comhiantLtg s^d iw njore^prdoi-s 7 been so long accustomed "have t>e- cornea positive necessity, anjtl we really .think we cannot do without them. As we-t^ceive our salaries, we pay as.'ranch iis we can of the .yeailyt debt, sufficient perh:n'>s Xo retam CoT^deftice in bnV erefrtt,:riYicf W% ii*a .__________...... aniPsin no- nioro. lk-cauRe^- live, y&TJbaH Uv-a|Ho.- ~. I am tlfoHr&urrfeotKm. tind- the life. ';- My words. I am the godtt shtiphotxl,- and know Alvsh^ep. .,..'-, owMo, biiUall .lriejBlessed art) the puro in heart, for they shall seo God, j. ^ QffaSr mferi thivtfc, lePhSm^tsMne unto Mo and drink. that jpu bear tiuicu Iruit.. The things that are. possible with Your heavenly father' knoweth thai ye have need of' all these things.. Come nnto Me, all ye that labor aril are heavy laden, and I will ffive voh rest. , m arthpeejMvaunts whom ^rJ-l^a^iitonBath, shall find watching. In the worliTye shall have tribul ation ;. be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. Whatsoever yo-/shall ask in my teiuie chut will 1 doy that the Fat^eV u.iv; be glorified in the Sou. -. : ; thus we go on from year- iOtyear with a debt increasing'whicirS^wn-1 J give unto them eternal life, and iif bank- f'leJ shall never perish, neithei sliall any ihan pluck," them out of re orjjisHcr, iuvolves Jus rnjitcy.'- "W*e~have become so arttstifc in pur tastes und haie- cultivated the "primitive house and plin {appoint ments, and the tucst m'odrst clei^iand "we m;.il\t? is a pietmv.^jne "cotjage, tasteful furiiitun? and {iretty aciprn- - mpntK. Birciinse we are so-uni-ver- s;illy estiiuatid by our appearance " and"%tffesifcJivilte*r--&V:: ihiTei the" moral courage To-limit their expen- - ditures to what they] can uctually pay fb>, and for that, very . reason ' we fimfso many, beautiful; homes passed .into other hands, .ami their once respected and apparently pros perous owiiera in'jtbc cie^perase 7Sttempt'-t6 save them are -tempited- to the" crime pf forgery orembezzle- . ment Town and city are almost -daily startled with the announce ment of the defalcation of swiue . prominent and trnated man, whose - first temptation;to, dishonesty was - to gratify. _____ "~ present false way, of living, in' a htyle, and hayirjg things which we . cannot afford.' ; _ '! e/iiv. This credit system ba3 a Tery demoralizipg inEuenco! At first^ subject of not " paying as we *go" bat'wefindso many others 'lIyihg, ppon the same principle that we try1 id make ourselves believe iuifiqiiit^'l inst-ead of pr3icricin^|sajt*T -'"denial we indulge in 'i.pnrple fitnd fine linen," have'"ta"' goo'3" tioie generally "and p-it afar off the evil fajfrjot- 'JKO&a*: \f^r. ~Qga any onsjeonder-that the cry through the length and breadth of the land is/' h ird tim^s V < And would not a little of the primitive simplicity ' so long ignored and despised Jje good forj tho itjsliid|iaij^nil'Jhes natipn .aBa!-a';^'-" Plllippieiip. Tho uudoraigiiod bigs lo'avo tn Inform the pcHiplo of Autop and vicinity that ho will ^flrfsh. all .- . Keciiilsltcs In tlndcrtalcliiB on ilwrt notiuc mid rtumiiahlo torms as cau ho had Jlctvrae 3u})j}!it\d, .when.. Desired. j Also that lin will Pii.'up Stores &-0fflQfis _' in tho host stylo. SkioV Cakei, Bnak t*ao and B^ilii . in ado to order. rFURN)TURg REPAIRED. frSIWiB/^'^Ulovr 8tr>tVnoor ilain t. - ' P. M. McCANN. j<cton, March 20. 187fi. 39-fim b: t. Hill, MUl Street, ACfON, -""-'"*" "^BfiXEEK'TH"^-^----' Boots & Sheoi, Vail P&wr. :Wn4ow Blinds, Nails. Glass; rutty. ';;; Llai94 PU,> i;- Taints",' Tnrpsntino, Coal Oil. Salt, otOv All of which will be sold, low for cash. M'*\~ fk :aNi>--'""" SLEIGHS. ^- Now l tho tirao to loaves your ordor At J, Ryder's Faotory - for a ' Stylisb Ctmrr or Sorviconbla ; Sleluli. I am making u {.reaont eoosou, in. largo stock for tho from tliu boat Dmterial. My: hand. Whospever shall do the will of lac!i,iisan*lJi e^-en^ttte rtoj)r,\a& fry* i&idr and my mother. ;/ "SVere there not tenfcleansed? bnt where ; tl, ro the mno ?|Th ere are not, found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger. *- There is no ,mftnj. tht;bth left ioud^ 0c":plirr^"<w:?breiJVen, or wife, or childith,for -the kingdoin of God's sake, who shall not receive manifold more in thispreseht-time, and in the world to come, life ever ' lasting. Call and Seit i urHandiome Gutiira, . J/y p-caont stock of BUGGIES. ANP WAGONS will he sold off ypry cheap. I-" ^ Now is a good time to securo- bargains. , Strict attention piv'en to Sosso-Slioslaff fit SonotalBlaok- smltblngr.- - JAVIER RYDtB. Act6n,,Sept. 27, 1870. | . .- ."l" .'-: -3- Yl| McLEODj AKDERSdN 1W S CriBbBCrETQ^N. SUBSCPwIBS IfcTo-w* is -the tian The pubfio fairly startipd and astonished at the startling cheap goocp? now ,"! being sold at the MAMMOTR'SO^SS 30 Pie Fash^orTaVle Serges, niBWubades, 15 cents,: ,,.r.;.] Jf?; ; 123 Piecetj Wool Serges^' 256enU,ngakir^ -Special Line Black Silks, 9u cents. Trd, "Z&'~'f&- 53 Pieces;Dresst Silu,'bands6n^faoai'|iL cleared out at 50 cWntsis yMrd.'-?- W For jDhci^p Dreaa- s, ladies should visit- the Kashionble rTC .;- " :-. \ ......... ' .% Faihlonablo Wast End Dram, Myjlnery O. E(OOrIlJi* ffaIpbl>ecniber 1, 1876. I r.' r l> r, -,.:* ?* Wilji-i^h. BOOTS.-and SHOES v . " I "Selling off at cost. Also agent for the rubSer paint company - Of Cloreland, Ohio. Cash for Hides. . . Acton, July 18,1876.; . ;- "- gHINGLECJ Lath, Lumber, And all haildina; rcajuisites ckept on| ^if>r- <h<|v^a<| ia:' iRlrteat possible Beat quality K6.S 1 Shingles only -51.70; l>est quality ^o. 2onIy 70 centa.: Any of the above will bo delivered iwhen required, An3"* quantity of oats taken in ex change for any of the above delivered at the mill betnvoen Acton and Milton, on L*>t Xo. 8, 2cdpon. qnesing. Orders by mail address" to Acton or Mdton P. O. ,/ ' "' '" R. O. MILLKR. Ea<ju**ing, Jan; 3, 1877. ? 27-3m TTICK'S FLOWEK and VE6- T - ETABLE GAKUE.Is ttio most beauitlul *ork of th kind In Uie'worlil. Itoontalo*nearly 150 )ec', hundreds of One llluslratiouf, and six chn mo plale of flou-pi, hontutlnllj dratrnand eotocwl from.natarc. Pri eo SO reptiln paper oo?e rn.Sl-OtUneleeantclotb. JPWnli*clfoUerBa*naiitiSf'liib. - VIcKVFloraKjUiac.^itMU-tCTly, S cent a year. . Vlek' Cataloguc-rSOO Illustration*, only !{eenU. ; Address James Vice, Rochester, N.Y. ^ o s AND Little Thinss. -Akros3.wopd iz a "little thing, bat it. iz what stirs up the; elephant. A kind word iz a' litris thing^but;, . it is just whit'soothed the 'sorrows'1" gStffchtf *^tn^,..be3i,. -j An orange peel on the 'sidewalk iz a*little thing, tut'it har npset msnny a jjiaiit. ^ ~Aa bath izjrfittle tbing, but it i2 reckoned in the grale ' V . . J?S53 .i.-; ^^;::^v ^y.:v- A serpznt's fang iz a little" thing, bnt de^th iz its viktory. ; j^i -A baby, iz a little wee thing, but i ^coiistable waz once-aljiby. gun's grayer in torment. A hornet's sting, iz a little thing, bat it sends the schoolboy home bowling., '__- A star iz a litt'e thing/, but it caff-Jwffi ,4hK^gr\t"T?wridoafiT its arms. " , ,' Tlie tting.iz'a little_thing, but it fiUs.ltegalvkgjb'-Witkr lrtmfcls[ .*-J - the huge kroknrdile kreepsc into life out oy it.^ - ? A;kissiz a very little thing, but the hand8 ov his enemy. ,- , , A spark iz a little tbHig, b'it^ it kan light the poor watl'a.piper and* ga-Ve the world f>m, ruin; I The akorn iz a -little thing ; but : Sefling off at r Auction Prices. CHEAP BOOKS XT ANDERSON'S : . * ' On the 'EJMjteideof Wyndham Street, 1 GUELPH.; ' i -.-> - B00SST0IIE, -VTICKS FLOWER and VEG- T ETABLE 8EKDS, Arc planted by a million pcopTeln Amer ica. " fee Vlck's Catalogue. 890 Illustration*, oDly 1! cents. Vlck's Floral oulde, quarterly,25 centsa year. Vlck's Floral and Vegetable ciarden, 50 cants,'with elegant cloth covers Jl FOR THE I Farmers, Mechanies, .ilnborers, Houoekeepors; yonrig'onrl oW, Tioh' and ; ' t poor, if you want to buy cheap goods, ^t the rery.-. >.-.,. i, - i " ' Lowesli Hard TimeVPiJices] Now is your-opportunily. We have marked down {heT>o]ance oToiir ex^ tensive stock, and are determined to clear it all out before spring] We. are bound to make this the mot extensive Clearing bale we hae ever at tempted. Don't neglect the opportunity of getting the largest lot'of gcn.ds for'thu least moiiey, you ever saw in your lifetime. ; J ' ' j^. QT O 3DT REMEMBER THIS SALE IS FOR ^onta,- _ A1I uty pablicaUons are pilntod InUer- man nnd Kngllab. Address. Jambs Vio*, Rochoitot, N.Y. VICK'S Illustrated Priced CATAIOGIE. Fifty pfges suoaimstratlons, with de- EcriptlonsorthuoBandsofthobestflowcrii and vegetable* In tDe wbrld, and th*. . wny to <row tlicnj-^ffn-frr-a Two: CKTrr rotn|testamp. I'rlntcdla Qcrmitn and BibIIA. ! - VlCi'8 Fl/ORAl, OCIDK', liVJARTEnt.V, 2S o^nts a. year Vlt'8'KL0WBn.Aicr>VjtOrrABiEGAB- r>ffrt/60c*ntJo pajKr; In elegant cloth covers, $1,00. Address, James Vick, Rochester, N. Y. ^^CK'^.ii'JjQRAX GXJIDE A beautiful Quarterly Jpurnol flnelylllus- trate^l, and containing an elegantcolor*-d Flower Plater Vltfi the' first - BumBet. Price only-3S woM for the year. ;Tbe flrsl Nf>- for 1877 Jnst Issued In Herman and English. Vick'x rlnwartnd Vesetable Onrtlon^ln paper K centa, With clefant elOttt coyer. $1.00 _ . ' - ' - vlck's Catslosne. 300 lllastratlnns only 2 cents. Address ' . r JAM.F3.Y1CK, Rochester, S*. Y." FREE PRESS, We must have the money, therefore you- carji Ltiy ^Qodj} yery,jcheap. Don't forget-the spot.; "'"." '""' .fan. i8. 1877. s jjlAMJIOTH HOUSE,' pkf)BGJJrOW:'lf CASH. "Toes Tfoiild respectfully call the .aiieatmii^C^^ frient^raod the general public t|ia|"t^ To their G-tJEJLPH: It is worttt $a*%. ^r^mJk LOnly One Dollar; vcTosr MILLS AND -l ) ..i >r< c>:5H A large stock of the oafc that uvm&lkti&l&^t^V ^^(mMm^l^ *ytN0T goods, . >word hat^ been inenny a-ia'a"n5s cles^ jfc. - . A penny iz-a very little thing, ~iiit the interest on it ifrom the A lap dog iz a little thing,: but he a very ailly thing besides. TOY^, &c.,| Pomp, Sash, Door ai^d Blind Factory^.; .- THOMAS EBBAGE, .,.Manufactarer of "Windo-T?" Sash., . Doors,, Venetian Blinds ' iffouldiaffs, And other Balidln'e Recrnlsrtein Also Makor of: A Year in Advance. IpJrnAT p!i|r? It" PAYS e-re!ry Manaractnrer, Mer chant, Mechanic, Inventor, Farmer, or Professional Man, to ket-p inlorroed on all the Improvements and discoveries of the age. i IT, PAY* the head or every family to introduce lmobis household a newspaper that lb lni-tructiye,one thi?t lusters a tunte for liiventlimiioo, HDd promotes thought 'and ncouragi iii>ejf slOn.. t. THE CIENTIFIC AMERICAN which has been published troekly for tho lost 81 years, does this, to an extent be-, yond that ot any other publication; In XMT&OYEO SWOTI0W ^IXaratrtiuu^rot^^5^^ ! - - Lumber" Planed and prde , -> .7 J,\n tlte^baWniahHair. -' ' -' : J" All work guaranteed. . Aotoo, Jan.,lSTA, ! ce. and for tie shop and house will *> manytlnws toeoost. . ^ . . n > H sbotjld hive a plane In every Family, Lilbrary, Htady, Offloe, Readinff Kbdm, College and Hct ool. . Anew volume commences January 1st 1877.. A year's n imbbrs contain 830 pages &PBYSIDE e,; Stave Ai*r> HILLS, "" .. " ,' AI*1 HEADING Any parties wanting" Shingles would 4^iU^^f^<ylla-/^..^iii i. AT pay's Bookstore. Bi>p**f My^hKVe No. l;and No. 2 Shingles'. Best quality Xo. 1 Shingles $1.70 per square. .No; 2, 70roents per square. : P. <fc H. SAYERS. Speystcje, Dee. 13, 1876. 24.6m faet His theouly -meekly paper published In the Grilled'Slates, devoted to IfANt;- rACTOBBP, Hi' HAnrce, I.wemtionsand New lnocovKBIEa In Arts antl.Sciences. 'Every numbi*- it prolunely Illustrated andltscontentaembraee the latest and most interesting information pertaining to the Industrial, Meobaolcal, and Scleu- ififftfproirossnirjihJBiw^rifl. .; ,: i. . TnE SCIENTIPK: 1MEB1CAN has been thu fjrifmosi of all Industrial publica tions for the pact 31 years It Is the Old- when in Guel^li to call and see Immense Stock of O the For Men and Boys, all colors and prices, at J Rutherford's Clothing' Establish ment] '.. i :'.-. - SIGJM ] OF TKS EJLEBH^, No, 31 Lower Wyndham Street, Guelph. Noted for having the best assortment west of Toronto, and at prices that defy competition'.- Come and see. . . WIW. RUTHERFORD & CO, Guelph, Nov. 2t>, 1876. -_- SREOIAL LINt :;i* <fti-/: -. -iter: a. U . isv-=j" .' i - ^ Many Special jjihes of Goods have been teewtii jy. _ .',--'. at extraordinary, low figure*. s<i- *e. Btree 7j Uc . Jtalnl e ... sen vlaiw* oa.Fjj _____-* , J tn< _, .' Eateri -. rorpil .^ aUon| ' i ' * j tontsl -IsSBel PiaSfc the.* "tlon i Flon. saW i 1**11 y GBBATBAR Will Be G&m. GtAZ mn fahb^^WAvS* t'J-fej &&$' igaa i^(i<>j the undersigned begs leave to .4nfofrn <theVpeojcle. oftiAttoni and sur rounding neighborhood that he has procurod a magnificent _E3~ _Ej _i~L. jE\^^^3 -Ej. '?; Selence and Industrial Progress,publish ed In the world. The practical Reel pet are well worth t m times the subscription and Several Hundred Engravings ", lin Bpeo Calais', giving ortb rates, sent free. 'Sl'n- Terras, $a20a year by mall,________ postage. Uiscoiint toolobs.' Speolal Cir- And is prepared to attend and conduct Pu'neraliaion 'the stoVtei'tiiotice and most moderate terms. Caskets, Coffins, Bxvi Robes, And all kinde of Funeral-Furnishings kept in iiocK, ana BuppUed onr th ' yat^elnc&'-iiicl'Glov'e'B'pUijplieci when required. fhelDdlng zle copies mall, d on'receipt of 10 cents. Slay; be had of al ^newsdealers. PATCIITS " lD oon'aection with; oai!S^8sr5.,*ft? ini OoJara Saneito^s ol American and F irolth Fat*nu, nnd have tho largest;establishment In the world More thari flrL- thousand.amplications ttava been made 'or patents through their agency., |; Patents are obt lined on the best terms, Models of New inventions ana SKetcbeB examined, and advice free. *A pamphlet containing full directions lor obtaining tfaOf B^;entfre >. TJte Selentflc Amerl- ssm JaeOrsaWje. j t K, a volume bound In: cloth and gilt, containing the Patent; Laws, OeDsui* ol .the U. B and 148 Ed gravines of nveohanloal movements Price* oents. ~ Address for We. Paper,or oonoerolng Patent.*, MHNN a CJO., sr Pjirlt Row. New York.' Acton, Aug. 8, 1876. 9 BOOK AND JOHN SPEIGHT. ir "--n- -in n'j job priKiting T'A.'"Ki: w& 'bo-J; r.i.i <6Kl PROMPTLY EXECUTED AT ' a' ri ,l!f.o A i .': j ' > TaB FREE PRESS OFFICE T 1.*i- -j^-.---- ;- .->-,.^ ^^hsyi.'i-.fc^Si-jE^i Al6R capy An ear|j4eaji is tiecesisary, as maiiy Lines .caB';W#^ be repeated at the lowrfigures.^-^- Guelph, Dec. 18, 187t5 Wlff, ^Etf&S M ; Aigood aaaortment in all the-leading lines Felt Q-oods, Overshoes. Hu 's Soloteh and Siosa* w promi it! AU He Be I- palirin Promptly Attended to, w ***& Aoton, Deo. 5, 1878. CKAIlSfi: & I $$'v -S'lrV. jits'--.-- --'

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