Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 1, 1877, p. 3

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ml ' ?**: m ii twt TABLur j Direct froni Montreal THE FREE J>RpSS, J^CTON, HALTC^ G 1, Xrjins leave Acton u follows : ooiso WEST. j (jsitroWp coim.g ka?t,. aodi&i :i- /- ;-J 1 - > >m for cmriji^ " -j* at-cose^t gg* &m*f*] - c- nttStdckl tia Ihj &uniJ - JfuM Express- '0,lt mixed p^s-Express \v'esf*r,,CkM. l^,d6a .mixed 5.'JO p.m. 7:T)?p.m. 3:3$ a.m. 9:10 a.m. 11:34 a.m. 5:20 p. in. LOCAi MATTERS. S. aid boj a is. .."'I *, Flam*), rla. y and.-any oa , for they cost. B^ill w, Why writ" * been able t the 1o*Mt ^courtesy-are ^ & ea Tb'c Village Council ruoetinga will hen*?'01, he held ^ Jfta^thews' ' .hill. ' ..--.'->/- uita recent. meeting of the School Boird, Mr. John Ross Was ap.- j&Btvd5ccrotary*Tri:asurer. J __Richard Ball son of S|r,' Win. Ball, <vf Sassagawcya, had his toes cut from on* of his feet, a ooUrJe of weeks . ^g, with an axe . __Qnr boystnay store.\ip in their Temoiy the f*0* ^^ they havo been able to pUy marbles on the sideWalts ' nearly o*cry-day during tho month of February, 1S77. - . Dr. iLowry, having taken unto - himself a partaeiv i* now dojnicilod in tie boaae;formoriy;occupied jby'Xlr. R. little, .on Frederick; street^ where ho nsy be consulted atsll hours. The enteitainment in the M. E. Church, last Thursday, evening, real- iie& about 63. The cak'o was contest ed for by friends of Mln Kennedy, of Georgetown, and Miss Maaselas, of EriD, ad was won by the former. At Glenwilliamst,. the other dsyj two young fellows took it into their , htais to have some fun with, a dog! - when one of them fjot his hand severely jhitten. They were trying the cruel trtetof pouring turpentine under the djg's taQ. " Hera is the 1st of March, and Yennor's promised ; sno w~ storms . ancT cold dips have failed to put in an ap-. pearaxice. He now ealnjly requests us to look out for three feet of snow almost '- immediately. Yes,' Shakespeare told r'%r 8<veral yeaira a^;p, to Beware the Ides of. March. ' Don.'t~forget the grand entertain ment, consisiinsr of vocal and^instru. mental music, "dialogues^ &c, by the - Crewson 3 Corners Division Sons of lemperance to-morrow evening.' The interesting dedicatory services of the nau temperance hall will be conducted ' rOsTid Millar, Esq-,of Toronto,Grand 1 WthytP.atriarch of the Grand Division lof Ontario.. We understand that a hand, toma me^lsiioc of the Order is also to l>o presfcnted to a well-known gentleman : who_has specially interested himself, in " the success of the Division. '.- , via G, T. Iv.,no\v goods for spring trado just roceived:; Barrcb of goUleh, honey and 'amber Barrels of Sugars, all kinds. i Boxes and caddies of tobaccos, r Chests of now choicaToas, bettor still. ' Cases of niatehus.- , Cases and boxes of raisins, salmon, sar dines, pickles, spices, soaps, cheese, otc., etc Barrels, kegs and mats" of Prunes, onr- .. rants, dates, etc., otc. all bought , low, and will be sold cheap. "Examine our goods and prices and if they are not cheap or don't suit, don't, buy, but if you want to get a dollar and- twenty cents-worth of goods for ovory dollar you spond, you must call at So- cord Bros. ABSTRACT OF AQjOORNST^ -i MUNICIPALITY OF ACTON, __________. ' For the Year Ending 31st December, 18T0. Cn. ,: TikcriPTS Tfo balancoon hi .ml "from 1875 Bread Xotleo, Hereafter all piartior doing business with Galloway Bros, must pay up in full on tho last day of every month. No accounts allowed-to run more, than one month. Gauoway Bitoa. T Some dead bargains that you can't afford to loose : Bunch axes worth $2.50 for $1.25. Shingle hatchets worth SI.00 for 50c Lsth hatchets'wprth 80c for 50c. Lath hatchets, Btar, worth $1 fop 50c Boy's axesjjhan&led, worth ?1 for 50c. Adzo eye claw hammers worth ?1.25 for 80c. Bottles of Worcester sauce worth 25c !" : for .15c Ttofi-breakablo chimneys, tobaccos, teas,- syrups at Skcord Bros. Kon-rosiden ; Public Bchqol grant... Public schdol, loan. Sala of lumber To publio scho< 1 debonturos Investment on mortgage Tax &rre&rs Clergy reset vo interest colli Uncollected ' -Dried Apples, Potatoe*, Butr ter, Applss, otc, otc, wanted at Socord Bros. - ' | ' -^Large stock of new fre3h Teas, -very fine, cheap and good, just received at Secord Bros. _ j -^Don't fail to secure some of the Tea they are selling at the Post Office Store for"30c pec lb., or four pounds for $1. It- is extra value. - 10 pouuds of Tea, for a dollar. 6 pounds of fair Tea for a dollar. < V' 3 pounds of good Tea (worth 50c) for 90 centa. 2 pounds of their 60c Tea for a dollar. - The'Jgreat Tea House Secorx>" Bros. Socord Eros, have decided to continue their great Cheap Cash Sale for one week longer. Make no mis take, bring your cash and make money. have examined year 1876, and Acton, Jan. mt or THE -I THAT WONDERFUL MAN'S COST PRICE BA1M Uncollected . viUago- sohool ta c, 187S.. Villago tkxsi, 1876-. Tavern licon ids. Interest on i iortgage| school investmo! it fund Statute labo tax. Clergy roserfro, balance 1876 Tax arrears. i tax government S^72 84 and-! . .. 791 16 .. 803 00 i 98 60 interest on !_,. 32 96 54 00 10 50 29 83 7 14 123 00 84 50 2 00 CR. . ' | PAYMENTS. By publio school......... Charities ;.... ! Streets and aidowalks.. Contingent account,. Salaries.. .. . '.. County rato.. .$1356 6b . 73 90 . 361 35 . 153 97| . 191 29 . 90 0Q Balanoe 92400 53 JU30O 00 [412 00 !ao^ as 3i) 75 872 7G 2926 89 3n hand LIADILITH8. By balanco Wo, tho undersigned Auditors of the village of A ]tho books and aecouhts of thq-'freaauier of tho said Villago for tl.e that the above U correct statement !!6th, 1877. DETAILED STATEMENT Of the Expetditure of the Munici pality of he Village of- ActonJ for the year ending 31st Decem ber, 1876. 'E ounty r ito Paid John Mc David M Strangen HABrnes. ?he ' ."; : not Important Xotlcr. -- All parties' indebted to Galloway Bros, are earnestly requested to settle up their accounts by the 2Sth of this month. All accounts not paid by that date will be handed into court for col lection, with costs. STRBET > Ih'D SIPKWAI,KS. Paid S. Zimm Sidney Smith Brown ei J. < :nnan lumber Hall, lumber Paid H. s: s. p. Fishe: Zijnn Zimn SALARIES. Mbore )iT. t J. Boss iler, JoisnE.; ? .'> ellery ""' .'."f-;~ - ' ^i CKB, .'; " 'Ml -A JSTDS'- -Stojf* V;'. - 't -:.-. i fancl in ortlar * idexaijS**1 v liiyor^f >OdS S': 1:^ s rAS. ' m -^-A week ago last Satnrdy fevepng, several. y onng men had an ' oyster supper at Campbell's Hotel, and jotce/of thmn had "beer to t drink. A law days afterwards somebody gave in^ fn'rmatioa /to the License Inspector that Mr. .(Campbell had solid liquor aftei seven o'clock Saturday night> in.contra- veatiou <)f the license law. A summons was issued far thre* or four of the party to appear at Milton last Monday- to give evidence in the case. They went, but .tie trial d-ilaiTcorqe off,'Mr. Campbell hiving-chosen-to pay the Sne of ?20. Llerssc Ccmmlsiloners. *.: Last^year*s iCommissionerS and In-. sprtorjfor Halton county have befe re-; appointed for the present year, viz*: Commissioners, Win. Bunton, Johnson Harrison," W.i H, Taung-j Inspector, ' - At ton rauncIL. ' '-' -Tie Village Council met btst Thurs day evening.. Present^-the Keeyeand', ^-'.Messrs. Christie, Smith, and Hender- | ~ son ; absent Mr. Jvicklin. The min- ' Btes of hast meeting were read and approve i. . Mr. Henderson, chairman of-Finance Committee, -reported that they had examined toe auditors' report for the year ending 3Istpecember 1876, i-. and recommended its adoption. The .committee also recommend/the payment o-sa account frqzn ^MiWW- & SAwlinson,. of $0.12 for assessment blanks. On motion, the-report was adopted. On motion of Mr. Christie, seconded hj ftrrSmifit-;:leave -Waa granted" to introduce a By .-law to limit the number of tavem_Jifeenseg4and- for fixing the , sum to be paid for said linen sen, The "By-law was read a first anil secondtime, and the Council went into -committee to consider the clauses therein. In Committee Dr. McGacvin' pro posed that the license fee beglOO.; Mr.' Henderson and Mr. (3hristie we,re, in favor of .$80, andMr.-iSmith iwanted it $85. After votes-hafl .beentaken] on ."the several motions, with a tie in'each case/.a "compromise- was finally effected .."-by fixing the sum at-S84. The feel, last iyearwaS $?5. The number of licenses wis limited to three. No sliop licenses to be granted. . Cpjmcil resumed.' On motion of Mr. Christip, seconded by; Mr. Henderson, the tavern by-liw was read the third - time and adopted as amended. Moved by Mr. Christie, seconded by Mr. Smith, that thfs Council dovnow adjourn to .meet again, in Matthews' baU, on Thursday evening, 29th:Marcl^. '- Great crash in Coal OiT. Secord-Bros.'new stock at about half the old price, will arrive in a fow days. The oil ring in London has busted, j Secord Bros, are offering and giving special inducement in Crockery, Glassware, China, Hardware and Gro ceries. Go and see them... "^ -..ot'irrrNGENCiES.. . IjiPROVEMESTS^-The Champion. fays there is a^ prospect of ' several rie-w buildings being erected in MH- lon during the coming .season,., and several new lines of business being established. Highway Robbery. A gentle man-from the north arrived in Mil* ton last Friday evening, with empty pocket3,- and a cut on the back of his head. He-said that-he m?t_ja- couple of men a short distance this side of Acton, one of whom knocked Lira over with a club, and 'then re lieved him of what cash he bad about him. " Mr, 2s.^Marshall,, livery stable i proprietor, Georgetown, the other day laid information against a man for cruel treatment of a horse which the latter had hired from j him. The man was fined 40. '--. ! Paid J. H. E acking, printing Account Election Registra tion Constab! Audi ton " ** Sheep Frizes, . - , - In order to settle tho mjaunder-. gtandiag, as mentioned in a previous iwtJej Mr. Waldie wrote to the ecretary of the Cfiunty agricultural society, and his * received thef .following reply; ' * ' Omagh, Feb. 21/1877., A- WiiDIE, Esq., ' .- ^-^ Acton. Deab 8ie. I forward the resolution Passejd at the. meeting of the Board in regard to the pen of sheep. ": - Moved by J. Brownndgej seconded by S. Baulk, tUt A^ Waldie be paid he prize of three dollars for pen of "*JP.-Carried. Tn* notice in the Georgetown Herald was not asnt by ine. Yours 4c, W. C. Bxaty.. Halton Conuty Council. . Milton, Feb. 20ih, 1877. Council^ met at 1 o'clock p.m., according to adjournment. The Warden in. the ciair. , Members'preaent: Messrs. Buck, Dewar, Frazer, Foster,' Menzies, McGarvin, McTCenzie, Earnsey, Bobertson," Warren, Waldie, fWat- sonand Yoang.' The minutes of last rneeting Wfire read and confirmed. On tholnvitation of the Warden;' Mr. langniuir; Inspector of Prisons, addressed tha council '^ith' regard to the proposed addition and alterations in the jail and county buildings. =. - Mr. Waldie, chairman of tho standing committee on finance, pre-- sented their jeport, which waa read, and adopted^' Dr. Buclc movad, seconded by Mr.' Foster, that tjw Warden and Misr8. Waldift and Dewar, be a committee to '.procure a plan for such additions! and alterations in the present jail, bo- that the ! same may be made comformtable to the Jail Inspection Act,' also, for such alterations aB they, may consider desirable to the CourtHouse, jailer's residence, and jail yard. Carried Dr. McGarvin moved, seconded by Dr. Buck, that the report of the Inspector of Public School* l re ceived and refeirred to the committee on education. Carried. Mr. Little, County Inspector of Public Schools, presented hia re port, and by permission, addressed the council touching certain por tions of it. ^ Dr. McGarrin, chairman of the 'standing committee/on education, presented^their report, which was read, and adopted. Mr. Foster moved, seconded ,by Mr. Ramsey, that this council ad journ and stand adjourned untii the second Tuesday in ! June. ne:sjfc. Carried. Council adjourned.. i. - Wm. Panton, Co. Clerk. .$1366 68 90 00 91426 63 . $22 00 . 31' 10 20 80 873 90 PA 172 34 f :^siSiSift^i!**Sii^sftj; U .vif***'iw^ ;?/$-*-- rS^ TTf* S9L JSH! N The largest, amount of Goods sold yesterday bt ore- CET &c s o ir Ever Sold. in one day in 0ulph. GREAT BARGAINS! $2409 53 nu .$2926 9 $2926 89 :ton, hereby certify that wo er of tho sa' of tho same SAMUEL CARTER, ) A,,>., . W. H. STOREY, j Audlto"- Bost"quality of Soasonafcl Goods less thanMaaufacttiror's Piicof The great Sale continues eacl^ day. Hurijy j,n and partake of the jgrpat advantages offered. INTING AND erman, assessor ermah, collector books expenses e'a fees fees labor Night wjatch Selecting jurors .. Collecting- statute ' Livery, T. Campbell i.. . Lawj'er' i fees .. i.. Stationery., .-;. Postage: .'. .. !.. For sheep killed by dogs Donatio! i to brass-band.. Inspects r of Taverns |... McNab, cutting thistles.. Road su weyor's assistant $325 75 . 13 00 .; l eo 21 00 i$361 35 '.- j $30 00 .1 33 00 20 00 28 29 80 00 $191 29 $59 65 4 50 3 00 1 90 4 50 8 00 15 00 3 00 Paper Hanging Tho undersigned is i prepared to do 111 kinds of House fainting, Kalsomininj? and Paper Hanpring. in tho very best manner, and on reason able term's. Residenco corner of John and Agn streets, Acton. [ W. H. WALKItl. Acton, Feb. 14, lgjTT. - 33-2m HURRAH ! Feb. 8, 187T, r iii JOHN HOCC A. SON, ", Alma: Block, Upper Wyndiura sW, Gualph. FOR ONE WFEK ONLY. 4 00 1 60 6 00 .2 28 1 80 6 34 26 00 3 00 2 50 3 00 $156 97 Audited an I found correct. SAMU W. H. Acton, Jan 3L CARTER, ; STOREY,. ' 26,1877. Auditors. BEST PH0 HURRAH! 0GRAPH$ in the Cohnty, at Tho Oat irio Photograph Cralloiry MT. For Beauty' of Finish and Brillicn cy in Tone,- thty cannot be surpassed. COPYING & In all its branches, Also a and Picture fr made to ojrder. frames ENLARGING in the best style I Henderson & the art, dime on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. splendid utock of MoulH kept on hand A call is solicited and you will be convinced that this is the place to get photographs. i Yours respectfully, j. c. w. Hiijx, Acton, Dec 5, 1876, JOB PRINTING of all kinds neatly Sn* promptlyexecutedatthe FREE PRESS OFFICE, Sex! .the Post Office, Hill Btrrrjt de:cided bargains IN GROCERIES, CROCKERY, Glass"v7are/&nd AT THB * * Hafe laid in a manunoth Stock of everything Hich, Rar|, TJarfnl and^ ;.'..' and Beautiful, in . Post Offlc Storo, Acton. - V 7:.|-V TBe Sub^riber," _1 V GEORGE YEIVIEN Is now prepared to offer, a choice selection of Grdceriiesi Crockery, Glasiware.TTall'Papers, \ 7 - Paper Window BHnds, ^c.,; At prioas that cannot fail bo please even those who rail at the Hard IMmfea AOTOir, : This Week will offer extra special values in f the following Goods to reduce pre- :.i-. paratory to Stock-taMng: " 2 dozen Cardigan Jackets, $1.50, worth. $2.00 2 dozsn Cardigan Jackets, $2.00, worth $2.G0 22 pairs Blankets, $2.50, worth $4.00 17 pairs Blankets, $3.50, worth $5.00 20 pieces Full Cloth, at 55c per yd, worth *70o 16 pieces Pull Cloth, at 60o per yd, worth *75o CLOUDS, "] ';^.^.::^j.%] I MIliliOTEKY, SECORD BROS. r i \X Glass'w&e, flairdware) CHINA DEPARTMENT. V Qeita' Mottood Mustache Cups and Saucers, - ; "'" ' ' - ' " ' Ladies'Mottotd-Cups and Saucers, ~. Children's Mottoed Cups and Saucers, Glass and China Mags, mottoed, all rijTmg TBlo^er Vases, Glasi Pitchers, Goblets, Tumblers, Preserve Dishes, Pickle Jars, Wine Glasses, = - Glass Sets, NO SPECIAL PEICES ABE As a trial of his goods. i, he e is convinced, will be fou nd to be the advertisement. . A call is solidte<L_ February 7, ,1876. , lAny one in need of JBluli :CIoth for Meii'^bif "Boys' Clothing, will find our stock"'wm^siiifed ito the times. Posithely free from slioddy. ~./V Q~.--i Eemetoibet t^ iF^mons Oc Tea^ QUOTED, best GEO. YEMEN - Post 0|ioe Store, Acton Cash paid Tub Butter.; a^v.n; ixtfT^f A^usmtity of really goirxt . i-.-*S~- * i*<-- >.'} CSHISTIE, HENDEHS0IT Sc CO, Aoton,Jan.,2JrWT. :: :',- 'i t" The Largest and Sick Cups and &c. 1*^1 Stone and China'5?a'Sets, ' \ - ' ', ' ' ' ' Xcunre, Lanterns, Everything in Granite Ware, ., Everything beautiful iff endless Variety, &M 0 o^mm^B. t Canjne^?eachesi^umirGb^eberries, Blackberries, j | t^riserea^.Jajiffl,JelKvPickle;i, Lobsters, 8 cos, Rw>;Barlr/ "i'OT'V |!iton,KoT. 29;-U3 Cnerries, Parts, Salmon, > ^> Sardines, Clams, Oyster ^ IVuita, Bjtisins,: Carranta, - IgB, Muts,- BL cttitSj Coniectic-nesy - wad .Honey S5i26 W "-r <5- Cheapest St oqk of Teas tver hrougkt r -into 'Acfani' " Corn Starch, B^ice Flonr, Hardware^ Cattlery, S; Paints, Oik, eie, 6. ;-r

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