Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 1, 1877, p. 4

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I! a^u^^\;Ji,^j:j^rfAi^.:^-j.s|iXuia:;:-jgtP-' ^,^;4':^J-rf-~r+fl^:u'.&g \h ^ti+tt-&$&':t&&&$'^ -iwa#^g^ gg ;>fd^Etotna^>^^t-^ j^k-I si^w.*- HAtTOff <60iJM/: OJS^ ______ _mungaad . With blue-gray eye* and blue black hair, /? And 1 pi at red u any cherry. Which wartht tjtttteJtyty _ And yet a fori from Eiigland came Imploring her to be hit lady. Sho hid another worshipper The boldest boy about Killarney, With only love to offer her._ A little cabin, and the blarney. Bhe favored him with many a;glanoe, UlB#jkHord/<e*Mie oa-thu tapis; ShelOou 4s> wal^d Wo^t^f1 An3 relay atating>St*happy. j "-foWoi . The lord was jutt a trifle cluiu .! j.-,^ The, model of an Englith lover t.' < But tore, if he'd been deaf and dumb. Hit jingling gold could talk one over. " In silk and satin you shall dress. And I will kjjsijou jpwelt," aaid ho. iiSm/ajp j5! Och, bat them word* were eloquent, Poor Kitty was no more than human, me _ . ......._________iffe ifound a crowbar ? sledge hauimor in hm- croam t It ia impossible air for such articles to be hidden away in Buoh ,ell^prioljlrSjiijtisV, grsiSfK mg, and as the Btrangefj-quietry- supped away at his oreajn, two young ladies oatno in, bit down near hiui. Ho wai,td uutil tlioy hud ettou a liiUaand tueiu~re&>ark> od 1 f . ;jBeg uardo^Wies^Bu\do, you> rvo anytmtg'peciHiar. uiSthe* taste of this cream ? and.were not certain. . " Does it.taste to? you as if a; plug of tobacco bad fallen into the S^&^MM^m ' Tit thrao,'Pat ooorto mo boas, bat Thought .h^<5a||? w,th'^e ta$ Arrah^atJ'il&kayWhatttjeywUl. tto be my ,ladv-1" And to she-wouldn't look at Patt ; In'vain be watched for her and sought i her, , . V . o Until oue evening, when he tat Jutt flinging pebbles in the water, His downcast aoe and heavy sigh Might have moved even stones to t-J?L tfr^jirii|siii>i.TiMr She Jriod 8 pH?MMM*- Aa any encumber or melon r But though in love, Pat was no fool. He spring to meet hit truant Helen, She wouldn't take his outstretched hand:' - :_ "An* is it you, Miss Kitty Brady. Sa*jha^": that's stiff an' grand? Good-morrow to yethiii, rajrlady 1 and tryhig to spit out what they had. eateu. Both rushed out, and it .waan'i longjbefore the, proprietor s. agra. If bat to tell me what's come you Or is it tha your eyes are wk5e. An' you jcan't aee me, here before yon'.?, ,. j Och, fare, alsnna. you've no- call AiC/^i|flfs|aJafaifc -;. Iridout your party seliTmy threaauref "That EngUsher has wealth galore . A rint-roll longr than my arm ; Way should he steal from ma.-asthore, That's niver done him any .harm ? Just give us something he's not got, .. An"_that's your own; thrue heart, my " - Sure. thenvFw6w!da't^W^iittfy W -- With him for all his dirty money." -And what is little Kate to do?' She laughs, and frowns,' and sobs and bluihea: " Ochi Pat, I give it up to you . You'd charm a bird from off tha bushes ! Well, just to save your life, machree, An' not because I care about you, I'll think it otjt" -" Bat I could live an' thrive without you!" And now to tell the lord of it, r -," No wonder if he's rather crusty, . But little Kate has Irish wit ' " Sure if TOur<H|jm#jJ.Sj g >* i. ' Ife well for you Whin it's yourself can pick an' choose From all the grandeur of the nation. "An* I would look a holy show, Drest in the beautifullest bonnet; Even if all the'flowers thai glow,' An' feathers too, were stack upon it. An' in a tthree!in' satin gown, Td stfll be only Kitty Brady '- Sara **,,_ if I'd the Queen's icold crown, - Twouldn't make me a raal lady." . At first hu lordship felt the cross. Being'unaccustomed to rejection. Bat thinking,-" It's the girl's own loss I" Found comfort in that wise reflection. And ere he,lft our island green, fffr firw heading' in' KiBarney, - An' drank, in genuine potheen, " Success forever to the blarney 1" orslgn ____ ________ I the people of Aoton ami viuiulty that ho RequiHltes in Undertaking on abort notioe and rejuonable torms as can bo had ftenrte:: -Supplied when tyatirod. Also thatbe will Fit up Stores ^OfflooB r .. in tho best style. hew Cases, Baek Cases aad Desks made to (>rder. j rUBXlTVjiE^ ftKPAlRED. .'shop'oh Willow street, near Main a*. P. JM, MeCANN. ^otoa, March 20, 1876. S9-6ro *' Sbe, here-, what in biases are yygjkjbg i(M|t|'|i)es?den}anded. . Wiat 3o y8i|faearifb/ pjiug to bacco. iB"the freezer X , '" i*-^lr3r~Hift'a sViaiiA X aaktttj tfioftP ladies if this cream tasted of plug tobacco. I don't taste any' auch taste, and I don't believe yoa put a bit of tobacco in it. "'Well jou doa'v want to talk that way around : here, continued r, '] My w cream is an slrbo .savkVlt is' aN^U bolsWrakl' ir& fy"- . He went away again, and- a wo man with a long jfreok and sad face sat down and said to the girl that ahe would take a small dish of lemon ice, j 4' ' ^ Fl^:bron^t,,)pd she tk abo^t two mouthfuls when the stranger ftiquired - " Excuse me madam, but do you know bow this cream was made have you any idea that they grated turnip and chalk with the cream f h didn't-repjy. ^he slowly ,V|eelsi aroint and;-made doifr.^hWeraiigier folio*- ed after her, and-by great good luck his coat tails cleared the door an instant too soon:to be struck by a five pound box of figa, hurled with great force by the indignant otor, .4,s_Jhe_i _reached% tbe ^oe Wiaited, looked 4t the loor jof the . parlor and Solilo quised J ." There are times when people should infer, and 'there are times when they shouldn't. I I suppose if I had asked that woman if Bhe thought the; had hashed up a saw mill in the cream she'll hare felt a circular saw going down her throat.' .' - If an empty purse could speak, what-"loving sentiment would it express i You'll find no change in Ti<'Me^l';are-lik"el1JyTnn8v, remarks an exchange newspaper. 'There are short metre'men, sharp,' blunt ;ind hasty; there aro long-metre men, slow, weighty and dignified; there are hallelujah metre-men,, mercurient, fervent and inspiring, and there are eighths and sevenths men, gentle, gonial, and delightful. There are , tiao aom# ' peculiar iiaetrea> s MU1 Street, ACTON, deaiJer in Oroearljij; QiotiAn, ~, Boots h EUtOfi, T r*W*U Papkr. i - TSladowlSllndf,' ; , *4uUjM> Patty. . Paints, TarpoattBf, Ooaieu, Salt, ate.. AU of which will be sold low for cash. BOOTS ind SHOES ft%f-?:^'-..'^ r tlA* v v.-ANp. StiBIGriBDS. Now is the tuns to leays your order Faotory At J. Ryder's " - fora StylUh Matter er Serrtceable ! Sleigh :! I ' I am making:up a large stock for the present season, from the belt material. - i 'j. ,'.'... Call and SeaourHancUontkVutUrM. My present stonk of . BUOOIEfl AND WAGONS will be sold off rer;'cheap. Now la a good titie te seoure bargains. Striot attention g Ven to gQTtt-ahotlltr * <r itral SlMk- \ ami thing,, JAaftSBYPKR. Acton, Sept. 27, 1876, SUBSCRIBE Also agent for Selling off at coat. the RUBBER PA INT-COMPANY Of ClevnUnd; Ohio. Cash lfrlMei. , Aeton, July 18, 18W. - >' r TICK'S FlOWEK! and VEC- ETARLE CisUtEM ' Istbemosibeatiuiul worKofttie kjnd in the world. ItcoritalDS nearly 150 page'. hundrtMli of flosmltutratlons,. and sla chromo plates of flowers.. beauJIully irawn ana ooioredlirom naiurs.' Price SO oenteAaMpweovemti.ooioUecantelotb Prlatetrin'tfermwn and Rnirllih. Vfek's Floral OuUddQuarteriy, 25 cenU Vlck'ij Catalogue! 3D0 illustrations, only 2 cents- ; r Address i Jams3J\"?ck, Rochester, N.Y. TICKS* FLOWER and TEC- ETABLE SEEDS, Are plamed by a million people In Amer ica, gee Vlek's Catalogue. K Ulustratlont, only 3 ceals. "i1 Vlek's Floral oulJe, quarterly, 36 csnu a year.' J Vlek's Floral and. Vegetable Garden, 69 - eents, with, elegant clotb esversfl. All my publicallons are pi luted lnuer- dEn " FOR THE GREAT SBMI-ANITT7AL V ^.co?c3sr _ _____nullsh Address, J ax , Vick, Bocbestei.N.y. TO ITS AND A Castomertnat made things Unpleasant, He slipped into aa ice cream sal- - obti very softly, anci when the girf ntttaaVkuayhailie wantsd, he re .plied *4 - "Corned beef, fried potatoes; pickles and mince pie." . r,'r. " This is not a, rest in rant, this I is an ice-cream parlor," she sajd;^-- j '.-,." Then wh v did you ask me what' ' I WOK f61EWh,r didn't jou ; bring on your ica-cream V ' She went after it, and as she re turned, he. continued . " You see my dear girl, you must riot infer you must ,naa6b*^4t isn't( likely that I would ooma into ari ioe^cream pkrJor; id' tfdy* ' grltid- stone, 9 it? You didn't think I came in here to ask you if you had baled hay, did you f She looked at him in some sur prise, and he went on - < -'If J Ud^^rd^eCktfre^ and yoa" dsmh TH, I ~thtotd infe? that you wanted something in my line. I wouldn't step out and ask ywx if yoa wanted to buy a mule would It ~ 8hej went a way, highly indig nant jA^tjo|^^y.waJ devouring a dUbTofrea,m a't the' next table/, and the strangfr,- mtf)er,-wat<$bibg her for a moment called j>ut ^~ disnr ' - ! " Marcy, no!" she exclaimed, aa : aba wheeled around and dropped iMrJspooni, - ;. yWeff^anvgliiiPW.ii," U *m tinned. If you find any, j rut \ let me know." * -She looked at him for half a min ute, picked np the spoon, laid, it down again, and rose and left the room. "She must have said some thing to the proprietor, 7orae bam*: yi(pajng-fQ jy^ ^^f1^!^^- _ "Did you toil that woman thai there were hairs and buttons in my ice cream V : "No sir.". :". You didn't.*' each ingradiente, to.inform me* " Welli sir, that was a mean triex." . " My dear sir," aaid the stranger, Fancy Selling off it ' ;. j - * *.' * Auction Prices. CHEAP j '" E0DKS A* Vicit's in strated Priced Fifty paces au|lllnatraUons, with de- soxlptlons or tbousands oftbsibeslflowers sad vegetables in the world, and tbe way to (row tbexn -all f>T a Two Cot postage stamp. Hrlnted la Qerman and SitU.h. Vica's Fixjslsx] ourna, Qcabtxbi.t, 3S Mntis year- i Vi#TC^'KXOWKB |Ain>VKOfTABXB Oab- dcx, 5odebts In paiwrr In telegssnt elotb covern,$l,(. 1 - : Address, James ViCK,Bocbester, N.y. ^rTOK,i3 iPtiORAIi QCTIbB A beautiful tinarUrlyJournallinelyIllus trated, and contaUiLng an elegant oolorwl Flower Plate'with the first number. Price only 2S eerits for the year. Tbe first No. for 18T7 just Issued In German and Kngllsh. ,, [ -- .- Vick'- Mower and Vegetable Garden, In paper 50 cents, with elegant cloth cover, ll.oo I Vlek's Catalogue. 800 Illustrations only 2 eenta." "Address- . ihiim VJJOK. Boehester, N. t. PRESS, Now going on at McLEOD, ANDERSON & GO'S GhE30^C=rJElTp^r3SrV Novr is tlie time for Bargains. The publie/air'.y startled and astonished at tbe startling cheap goods now being sold at the , ( M^MMOTtiE HOUSE; Farmers, Mecbanies, laborers, rlounekeepprs. young and bid, rich and poor, if you want to buy cheap goods, at the rery , Lowest Hard Time Prices* Now is your opportunity. We have marked down the balance of onr ex tensive stock, and are determined to clear it all out before spring.: We are bound to make this tbe most extensive Clearing title we have ever at- tempted. Don't neglect the opportunity of getting tbe largest lot ot gouds for the least money, you ever saw in your lifetime. REMEMBER THIS SALE IS FOR CASH. We must have the money,, therefore you can buy. goods Tery cheap. Don't forget the spot. i - i! 30 KoLEOD, AHDERS01T & Co. & AT T#B. PASIIIOlTABLE-vTESTEKD \-.C- \ 1- j (' 4 '.' Twl 65 Pieces Brocaded Iiustre*, 10 centa a yjird. "' 20 Pisces Brocaded Reversible, 12A cents. ii ' i a.~ .-.-.] ' Pieces Fashionable Serges, new shades, lftosnli '<-" 123 Pieces Wool Serges, 25 centa, regular r*^:iffna,L-"'- Special Line Black"Silks,- 90 centa a yaidl ^^ T& 53 Piece* Dreas Sjlke, ^andsoaa (WfldiiflS cjearedout at 50 centa a rard. f ~1 'i'O . For Cheap Dress Goods, ladies should visit the Fashionable Jfgsi^J S'ly' Oaelpb, l>ecember A. O. BUdH*IK|;, Pathlenable West 2nd Stress, MlHlnery and lianUsaa^ai-'- ember, l, 1878. ' ' -i ^ > -j //: *4.:""rr" I' "W^puJd rfiispectfijHy call the attention t^?'^^-' J friends and the general public that tKej ! ' "':"|t"^^ Have Kcmoved To their NEW PRIM per WyEgaham Street! Jan.8. 1877. , MAMMOTH HOUSE, (iiiOBGBTfiWN Only 0ne Dollar ANDERSONS cr-*> ---- CHEAP B00KT0RE On the East side of Wyndham Street, GUELPH. *W store;, i ^"CJEX^a, A. large stoek of W0GY GOODS, TOTS, &c. At. Day's Bookstore. PJjANII^G mills AXID Pump* Sash, Door> ami Blind Factor^."' ' THOMAS EBBAGE, Manutaetarer. at Window Sasli, Toaetiaa Sli&ds Monldings, And other Building ateqalsltes ' Also Maker of qcpsoTKB svozzour town LunW?Une4aiirj t>f* in the best manner. |pr>i Ail work guaranteed. Aeton, Jan.,187fl. PJ5*: A Year in Acvance. TfflUJLT PAYS? IT PAYS erery Kamafkeisirer. Her- ehaat, MeekasJe, laTeaSs*, ~ FreHenlawsl IKaau to keep_______ all tUe lniproTcmenu and dscovenesof tbe ate. ' i ITPAX8tkesteadr erc^,_____, lntroducelmofars Household i, newspaper Uuttls iDstroeUTe.ooeUist U stersa taste for luTetUKavon, and promotes tbooa-ht aud encourages dlscucsloD. THE CIENTIFIC AM wnleh has been pnbllsbed weekly forthe last 81 years, does this, to an extent be- *ond that orsny other publleatlon fiset Itas the oiily weekly pap r ' Jn tbe United BTtatea, devote?_________ e-AcruBBv, Mx-a aics, ixvawnoss and ^fwi*80vlffL?? 1" rtrtaaija BcltabM. Errynlimbori|i protoaelyDltislrated aadiueontenueabraee the latest and to tBe IMoatrial M eehanleal llfle nroareSa of. the world. B jsCIBSTinc tsUaUCAH baa been f.iremosi or all Industrial publlra- It Is the Old- It is wprth any person's while when in Guelph to call,and see the ! Liimeii8e Stock of O rV" IE JEt G O^A-T ;: ^"or Men and Boys, all colors and prices, at Rutherfordi^s Clothing' Establishment, SIGN; OF TKS iELEPHANT, " .']' No. 31) Lower, Gnelpi., : y\ . ' ': ' ' '.. ' <r-- '- ' :" ". ' " ' . "'" - V . /- -' S- ':'- Noted for having the best assortment west of Toronto, and at prices thst oofr, competition. Cotue.and see." > WM. RUTHERFORD & CO. Gnelph, Not. 20, 1876. - SP G B E fJ.-.U drtXEXiIH-. EG1AL LlNEi At^Low Figui^s. Many Speejal Lines of Groodg have been a$ extraordinary low figures. ?ec pertaining andSelep- the f.iremosi or-all lodus >1.ods for the past 81 years t,Targes' lustrated esLXargest, Cheapest and Best Weekly Illustrated paMrdeToU^ toi^neerln/, Meehanies, ObemUUT^ewInVeBUons! eibllsb. eelpes lption j SPBYSIDE sShi^igle,. Stg^e; 'J- AJtD SEADnra mills. . jaadred TWrns, 9S.Ia year by math I postao. Discount to elobe. Be by math fnelndhu . ur_t_^- . t . Jbs. IpiaiaJcs. enlar*,lTtnelub rates, aentjfree. Bin, i Any parties wanting lo w^lto.gWe n* a-oaU. oold nys have on hand a good supply of No. 1 and No. 2 Shingles. Sett quality Xo. 1 Shingles $1.70 per square. No. 2, 70 cents per square. P. <b H. SAYEE8. Spsyslde, Dee. 13, 1670. 24-6m . ______^____inventions. Science and lndottrial .ProtT,-" r* ed In tbe world. The waeU arewell worth t*nn#*J*rtbscrl,____ ;Wtfttieiai$meMt>elo*r#ry ramtly. i^ismg* *-*?' -* A new Toteaaeoommeneesjrannary Ut 187I.T a jaarls nnjnbers eon tain 8S0 paces andBeveral Hnndred Engravlnaa, *^ es .nailed on receipt of 10 eenu. badofaltnewsdealen. ",w," f been madj^nsltntath ooh tbelr ey, snta are obtained on the 1 wsVsaasa, sltofNew InyenUons anlSketebes gained,and[advleeifree. +A pamphlet ^'^-^'-itblLdteeeUoBatot obtalnlnc tiree, naJeteni Se Asaer*. --------jee staeli, a velan e bound In oth and gflt, eontalnlns; tie Patent tfs. Census of Ufa TLB* ad 148En, vines of meelumleil^mweitenu? eessoents. : address for tha Paper, or ooneerninc Patent*, MONN a OO./ff fart Kir! ;-lu- :}-\-'^^'^"^r">'^ UNDERTAKING. AT BAE&41 Wili Be* Given^ !? -|--i .' -I An early call is necessary, as many Lines can be repeatect at the low figures. J ::!;.: qnelpbjDac ^8, 187o. B9SBSBB]akVs The anderaigred beg* leave to inform' the people of Acton and sur- rOOPding neighborhood that he has procured a magnifioeat And. is prepared to attend and conduct Funerals on tbe shortest notice ^ and most moderate terms, 'i:-- , Coffins, Bii a And all kinds of Funeral Furnishings' kept id atobir, ana suppiied on 'the ; shortest aotice. '. :. ' Hat Bands a?id Gloves ettpplied when'Beqtiired. Aeton, Aug. 8, -1876. JOHN SPEIGHT; BOOK AND JOB PRINTINQ PBOMPTLY EXEGOTED AT PRESS OFFICE. OUR WINTER IS TC KffiABV.- aiji;^ :'I..-,--.'". NOW COMPLETE. (^63 assortment in all the leading lines of.* Pelt Goods. Ovors-ioes. Rubbers, Ciollxea's Soots and SI Iqqb, etc SRIGE^ UT 1TBRY LOW Aoton, Deo. 5, 1870 \- Kepairine ProBtpily Attended to, as tuaal. ..-i-jj*?? FOB m. ?- " 00114 lateli '5j -.lea.3 ^' pi:nx.| AC D. lAIa *e3T and tioani Olasal ~M - *e. <[_ - Street lleit . Caanl K ns f Mlltcf meS^ 4aW Aeet Alibi falthf soliclf Pates forpd sttonl Me| ttfats Issaq 6Bc Plast] tjiei Hon I -Eldti sale I Uaul ton. Offlo. Rocl ICera $ PU T- fiii 1 '-.' V : t:

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