Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 8, 1877, p. 2

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m JP'ia ^r_r.. THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, 01% MARCH ___________ 8,/ 1877. &o1 an $?r egress HAipKINQ tfalTOR = TnrieiDAT Mon>tso, MiRcn ft, 1877. ill -Kin i h' a The a^ony is over at laat, arid | onco more the people of the United St*ten can breathe freely. Hayes is elected, but we could fain wih it liHii Ikhmi brought about in some otheV wa\- i-. r ic V;jt: :'-l V| '.-% ! *% k? # {_ - i>JC ;---t -1 Si- .13 Wm 1 JfRf = :& - : * if l-Viday afternoon at three o'clock . tite Lieutenant Governor proroflund the . Local V Legislature. .Ho was escorted to the House by a detach ment of tlia Queen's Own aud tht> '.(JuvBrnor-Gnerari Nody Guard. The evumt did not attract a great nrahy people, and it passed off very, quietly. Mr. Blake's Bill for the .preven tion of gambling practices iu certain publio conveyances, provides that whosoever, iu a^public conveyance, by means of the game commonly known as " thr*e card toonte," or . of any other" game of cards, dice, or any other ihitrument of gambling, obtains money, chatties, valuable security, or property, shall be deem ed guilty of having obtained the same unlawfully, by false pretence*, and shall be liable to imprisonment for any Urru not less than- one year, with or without hard labor, md with or without solitary con finement. The bill further provides that confederates may be punished as principals, and the' offence may be tried in any. district or",'county through [which -the railroadjcar or st<4unboatrnmy have passed'^ The bill further provides that a copy thereof is to be posted up i&'i con- spicnons part, of each tailroHd car or steamboat.' , A firm of Ohineao lmve started ITIIE a tanudry in Montreal. ' . Gaft -will have eight tavern and three shop lioenies Ibis year. Unusually fine weather has boon experienced in Manitoba, The ! Americam Hotel, Mount Forest, waa burned on the 2nd iuaU Loss, 7,000. Rev. | Dr. Hogg, ,pastor of 8t. Andrew's Church, Guelph, diod on the 3rd inst. A woman nanrod Martha Drum- moml died in the fOttawa county jail from cholw*. i Gov. Haye* took tho oath of office of President oh Sunday even ing at the Exooutivo Mansion. Coburn, the pugilist, has been convicted of assault with intent to kill, and remanded for sentence, John Ronnie, one of the oldest settlers of Guelph Township, died' oq Friday, t the ago of 80 yean. Recently a tramp offered to sell to a resident of Eergus the clothes which he had stolen from the latter'" yard. . ' Nathan Greenfield his been found guilty of the murder of his wife at Orwell, near Oswego, in October, 1875. > 1YIM>KOR 1IOMIC1 f < Alv-'. H'sTORt or "OASapa. -The Lovell Publishing Oouipniiy , of Montreal, has issuod a now addition of the jiistory of Canada for the use of Schools. It is a thorough revision of the work that'has been in use for the -past sejreral years, with emendations and additions, rendering it much better adapted ^for our public schools than former ly. The matter is well classified and, arranged, and there are many illustrations. IDE. irder 1 Vewliot of WUflilMuu.... against Humphrey-The Pris oner's Statoinenti I Tho inquest at Windsor on jtho 1st, relative to the'&il^tig of Fred, crick Apple by AuHtir " ' - resulted in thk koi.lowixci That one Austin on tho 26th day of ; <\)bhmry, she- town Humphrey, ERPirrr Hsunplirey, in of the year 1877, at Windsor, in the county of Ess uc, on the public street, near the resi dence of John Davik Esq., did feloniously, wilfully land of liis malice hforethought, kill and mur der the said Frederick Apple "by shooting him with a pistol ball in the head, against, the peace of our lady the Queen, hor crown aud dignity." ;' ] ,' \ [' UUMPHREY'a STATEMENT. t "I was working for^ Mr. Apple. until the Job waa finished, and after a while I got a job at Islington m a sash and blind factory. I intend: ed to go back there on Friday, and me that d to give Apple promised to bat bo did not, I going on tho stage that day, because some of. my tools were it the Bee- man HoUae, and some yero whenji I boardtf>d. 1 wanted to. pay my board and get away, for I was afoul Belford Bros.' Books. " To' Years of Mv Life, by the Prin cess Felix Salm Salm.r BeliorJ Bro*.,' pa))liahera, Tnmnto. For ' sale by J. C. Bill, Acton. - This is a_hok of 385 pages, 'aaeatly got up and well bound. It will be remembered ' by many that Salm Salin ibts at young prince of one of the petty German States, who arrived with some distinction during the war of the rebellion in the States, as Colonel oi" the 8th' N. -YJ-.Volunteers. The. Princess was an attractive"Cuban girl, whom he married in 18G2, ";Who very de- Totedjy followed the-fortunes of ; her husband, and after the close of ' the war^ went to Mexico and served Wm. Freeborn, of M'aryboro', was heavily fined for illicitly manu facturing spirits on his premises in that township. There are now 227 pupils in the Deaf and Dumb Institute at Belle ville, being the largest nunilier who bavo ever been in attendance. Hon. Billa Flint calls for the information of a\new party, which shall disregard otber questions and work earnestly for tie passage ef a prohibitory Liw. < Toronto luinbermen have met and decided td^ mise the prices of hill stuff and lumber generally. They a'sb contemplate organizing a Lumberniiin'a Exchange. Skating has been more popular this winter throughout Ontario than for many winters past.- Every village of any importance has its rink and its skating carnivals; An illicit still, run by one Mar tin Carroll, in the jtownibip of Luther was seized-' by revenue officers on the 2nd inst., and the owner fined $100 and costs. Messrs. Janes <fc -N.ewcombe of Toronto offered, their creditors '- jwelve cents en1 the dollar which was refused, and the stock eto., will consequently be sold. ; Messrs. Gray, Rennie & po.'s, troubles have been settled by the assumption of the liabilities of the firm at seventy-two cants by Mr. John Rennte, . who will carry on the business. The joint session of the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States have finally reached the eonclusion'of the count ing of votes of the Electoral Col leges. The Electoral 'Commission having in each case of the disputed States declared the. vote for the I would lose a good tvo or Up thiei through the oim[4ign of that-Republican party. Florida, Louia- 'm- til!-: -A ".;Ste--! r' country of revolutions; and from thence to Germany, taking an ^act- j ive part in the Franco-German struggle'until, at that terrible en gagement at Grarelotte, he fell ^.mortallyjwounded. ; tax. B-vsTOTiyAM. A tale of the Ameri can iavaaion -of CacuuLi is 177i>-76 -by John Leaperance; Belford Bros., 1 publishers, Toronto.. For ale by V i- C. Hill. Acton. j : ; This work is written by an auth- 'fcr not altogether unknown tp those who take an interest in historical fiction. It contains over 350 pages ami the tale is placed before the reader in that easy and at the same time somewhat matter, of fact man ner, that engages the attention from-the opening chapter' to the conclusion of the rrolume., Of course many ojf the incidents hap pened in Canada, and the old cita- . del at Quebec and the adjacent neighborhood affords a spot- on - which the plot-connected with the "tale and the stirring times of a " century ago opens. Among other . volumes lately issued by the enter prising firm of Belford Bros., the " B.tstounais" is sure- to be read by '. murty, " ' *- Kate ' Dastos, or Captais J^aktoVp tlArtjerrit By May Agnes Flem-, a" ing. 'ljelford Bros.,. publishers', - Toronto. For sale by J. C. liUI, Acton. . " ] The author of this novel is:a Canadian lady,.a daughter of New. Brunswick, aud the scenes and ' characters portrayed in the present -work, are all Canadian. The de lineations of chiir-tcter, constantly varying soeni, iind deeply interest ing plots which tutrk I Mra. Fleui- iiij,'Vi novels are hulking theui more and: lliure popular every day, placing her,in the front ranks of modern novelists. "Kate Denton".is as inten-sting and pleasing as any of hi-r noviols, inn', will n^Kiy |erusal. The Family Doom, ob' the Kik or- a Cocstesw. Belford Bros., publish ers, Toronto. . For sale by J. ('. Hill, Actou. - i - . Thu> is a novel of .125 pages, writ ten by that Very papular novelist, Mrs, South worth, author Of many excellent works. jThe tale opens on. board a brigantine leaving Ohsspsuke By,' and througlioui deal"with several characters |rho "godown into the sea in ships.' Cuptain TomiStorme is the her6 ol the story, and. tlie detail* are nil ho interwoven as to prove highly in texeittng- yoara' job. I had no ijnoney, iic wheu I saw Apple ugaiji he promis ed to pay me on ilomiily, sure ; si I got ready to go on Tuesday, bad a great deal of whibkey overy| day, and on Monday I drunk con siderable, and waited for Apple,but he didu't come, and 1 was in hurry ' to begin packing. I went up Sandwich street and Apple over took mo. Ho' said her.had no money. Then i I was vexed and wild with whiskey and put of my head, and said: "When will you pay me, then i" He said [ "D-------n you, I'll pay you when I get ready ; not before'." I said : j" That's a pretty way to do. I've shoot you." He grabbed' me by the thumb and ibent it back, nearly breaking it. I was crazy, and the first thing I knew I shot. I do not know anything more. | don't' re member what happened after Unit." KILLED ON happened ft' i THE BA ILWAY. lana, South Carolina, Oregon, and Vermont have been declared for Hayes a majority of one to those gentlemen as President and Vice President for the ensuing term. The annual meeting of the Agri cultural and Arts Association of Ontario, was held at Ottawa on Wednesday. Mr. L.J E. [ BipIey, Falkirk, was elected president; Mr, Tho*. Stock, Waterdown, vice- president ; Mr. Geo. Graham, Brampton, treasurer, and Jlr. J. R. Craig, Guelph, secretary. The treasurer's report showed ceipt* for the year to be$3y,08.i5) expenditure, $31,456.14. i ' A Woman Cut to Pieces near Guelph. : " About half-post eight oclock last Friday morning,, while Section-men Welsh, Cusick and Hurley, were inspecting and repairing the, truck, about four miles east ol' Guelph, they came upon the body of a woman with the head and legs severed. They at once proceeded to gather up the fragments with a shovel, and placed them in a rough box, which was conveyed to the passenger station at Gnelpb. Cor- onor Horod was notified of the occurrence, and after viowing the body concluded that oninbuost was unnecessary. Tho head'waa gone excepting the back pari of the skull, one leg waa maahed to a jelly, with a foot separated, the other was-severed from the body at the thigh, and one arm was cut off. The mass of flesh was almost unrecognizable. The Coroner gave it an his j opinion that the woman was middle-aged. The clothing was torn to ribbons. There was also found a cheap, fur cap, a hi own nap ' cloth jacket, a black cloud, dress of some dark material, and a pair of leather gaiters. Itis pres imed the woman roust hare been lying par allel with the rails, and partly on one of them, as the wheejla. of the cars appeared to have traversed the entire length of the body] Fatal Accipknt. Mrs. Coch rane of Eramosa, while going into Guelph with her husband, through the breaking of the king-bolt of tho wagon, was thrown out and became entangled in the wheels,'causing a fracture of four ribs, one of which penetrated a lung. Shejdied at.the Hospital on Monday, ~ The Gbanoek8. Mr.^. iRymal haa dj&rge-of. private Hill, enfitl- fed ."AliiAct to incorporate the JDoujinion Grange of the\ Patrons of- Husbandry." Irt is' ttej usual Act passed under such cieirduin- stancos, and enables the Giange to acquire and hold property? sue and fee sued, eto., etc. All the' funds and revenues of the corporation, no matter what the source, shall be devoted to the maintenance and carrying, out of'. the , object, for which it is constituted. It shall have power 'to grant or .revoke charters (o subordinate grangers, and have general management of the affairs of the "Patrons." The business of the Dominion Grange shall be attended to by a Board:of Directors, composed of a Master, Secretary and Executive Committee of five members. The Provisional Directors are to be Squire W.Hill, Worthy Master; Wm. Pemberton Page, Secretary.; and James Daly, Alfred Giflbrd, Amos- J. Hughes, William Colo and'Charles Drury, Executive Committee. The, gen? eml meetings are to be held^ once a year, and for the usual object*. The Grange shall, at all times, be liable to make full returns of property, ifeeeipta and expenditures, HREWSON'H CORNERS. OVenlBS *t the New TrmperaBre Ball. A little over a yenr ago a Division of tho Sons of Tompcrance was drgonirod at Crowitui's Comors, by Mr. JohuP. Soconi, of Acton, D.G.W.P., which -has evor sinco booii in a nourishing condi tion, r From tho lri(o attuuduaou of niemlturs, it was found noccssnry to erect a hall for tho uso of tho Division, anil t|iu work was oouttnuuceil last fall. It is a comfortnblo frnino building, con- venicjitly located, cljuo to tho junction of tho four townships! of Kramosn, Erin, Eiwiuesing and Naksagaweya, nl>out throe wiles from Aeton. Last Friday evening tho hall was formally opened audjdudicRted. Thero was also a musi cal and social festival, attended with most extraordinary success, the build ing having been orpwdttd to its utmost capacity, while tho entertainment was of an excellent character. After a very sumptuous ten, the linll Was dedicated to " Love," " Turity " and; Fidelity," the iutctesting ceremony of tho Order boiug conducted by David Millar, Enu/., of Toronto, (irand Worthy Patriarch of tho (Jrand Division of Ontario, assisted by Bros. I{ose and Wallaeo, of Toronto, and Seeonl, Stewart and Speetlio. Tho Acton brans band thou played a tune, and tho chair was taken by Mr. Millar. Bro. - Charles Dean, of Acton, sung " Wo'ro wearing own' Jean," nud was loudly encored. Mr. O. M. Hose, P.O. ( W.P., was intrmfuced-by the chairman, with the remark that tlmt gcntlcuian had probably done more to enhance, the cause of tcui]>craiico thaii any other man inCanadn. Hoijavc nn excellent address, Misses Elita and Augusta Camoron, of Acton, sang a duett in their usual fine style,' with._pianq oc.cOmp.iuimcut by Mrs. Dockray, .of.Krin. Aildrcss by Bro. Hugh Wallace, of Toronto. Miss Strango of ;Hockood, saiig " Better bide a wee," accompanied by Miss' M. Coulson',, on the piano. Bro. John P. Seconl,. of Acton, yras then chilled -to the front and . preaejitt-d with n handsome silver-mcdalion, em blematic of tho Order, accompanied ith an address expressing the indebted- nc.-'s of the I)ivi?ii,:i to him for the many kind ferv'itcs rendered itiiice its organize ation. | The address was read by Uro. R. I-iing; and the presentation made by j^iater Addio Crevrson, Engraved on the- - emblcmare the following words ; " Pre- Isented to J. P.- Scccitd, Ks<i., by Crew- sou's Comers Division S. of; T., ih re cognition of his services to the Order, March 2nd 1877." Tho musical and literary entertain ment was then resumed and kopt up till a late hour. The chair was taken by Bro. Hugh Blacky of Eramosa. Miss Maggie Coulson, of Rockwooil, sau& " Evening brings me near to'theo," jnd was encored. Mr; McKaig, of liockwood, delivered au' interesting ad dress on Temperance. Pitino solo,.; in superior manner, by Mrs Dockray; song by Miss A. Cameron, Duett on* Piano and violia by Messrs John and Charles Hill, of Acton. Kecitation by Mr John McMaster. Piano solo by Mis M. Cjonlson, and song by Miss Eliza Camer on, both encored and followed by tho Brass Band. The proceedings were clos ed with a very amusing dialoguo en titled Mrs. Jonas Jones, by Misses M. S. Mann, Lizzie McDonald and Messrs. Ri. Nelson, D. D. Mann and J. Hill. Tho receipts at. the door amounted to ?<i3. Many of the visitors from, Acton and Rockwood aro indebted to Mr. Gregory, superintendent of the passen ger traffic on the Grand Trunk, for per mitting the trains passing pp and down ;tliat evening to stop at the! Comers for the convenience of passengers. j ANOTHER E^TEBTAINirr.ST Wm held last Tuesday evening at tho same place, comprising vocal and' in strumental music,.etc., which was also largely attended.^ There was an elec tion cake, contested for" by the friends of Miss Cassie Auld and Miss Lillie McGorman. The prize was won by Miss Auld, and realized about 812. There was .914 taken at tho door. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS,- W. STEWARTCO Have commenced opening their New Spring Importations And In a few days will show the i . finest Btook of FIRST CLASS C00D3 submitted for inspuotion in Guelph, Special Offorts have been mode to show the newest ' Pre** Good*, j Spring Jacksi*. Mantltt, i- Costumrs, :] Kid Glovcn, Hd$icry, Late*,] \- Luce. Curlnint,\ ^ Sheeting*, and Mourning Gwdn. OUR COTTONS were all contracted for before jtho recent advance. Customers jwill have the benefit. Gents' Department. In Cloths and Tweeds, Dress Shirts, , Ties, Collars, eta., Bto&lrfW Felt Hats, Are particularly inviting in styles nnd price. ! wm. sfTEWAirr & co. . Guelph, March 6V 1877. Killed Near OranWuie. Donald McDougald left home at Alton on Saturday morning' with the expressed intention of going to some friends to see about contracts ofstone work, instead oil which he went to Orangeville. In the even ing be entered the train to come home, but, the conductor finding he had neither ticket nor money put him off. On Monday, bis son was informed of his being /put off the 'train, and at once' started in search of his father, whose body was found under Melville railway bridge, the face being fearfully mangled and broken. J. K. Riddell, M. D., coroner, was telegraphed for, a jury snmtuosea, and an: inquest was held. '". . ' TheGrano TuuKJJt Strike. On Thursday it was asked in the House whether, in view of the difficulties recently occurring between the Grand Trunk Railway Company and the locomotive engineers in their ebiployrand the injury to the public arising therefrom, it Waa the intention of the Government at the present acssion to introduce any'. legislation bowing for its end the prevention oi similar evils in future. In reply, Mr.1 Blako said that the subject was under tb'e consideration of the Government, but he'could not seer that there was any hope of preventing such evils by legislation. He expects,-however, to be able to propose to tho House some measure which may bavaL&r. its end the prevention of some of the evilB, or at any rate.which' will tendlo their mitigation. I '. -J i . At a recent meeting of the credi tors of Messrs. Henderson in Boat- wick, fln offer was made to com promise at fifteen cents. This offer was not accepted, and the estate will be sold. The liabilities of the BIKTHH. In Acton, on tho 28th ult., tho wife of iMr. Geo. JLevens,.of a son. In Acton, on the 2d inst., tho wife of Mrj Itobt. Agnew, of a sou. HABBIEB. In Hamilton, on tha 28th Feb., by thej Rev. Dr. Stouo, of Hamilton, Mr. Levi Smith, of G Ian ford, to Miss Susan ,Auld. eldest daughter of Mr. Robert Auld, of Erin. On the 6th lult., by the Kev. James Scott, of Owen'Sound, at the residence of tho bride's father, Mr. \V. J. Moore, of Sullivan, to Miss Priscilla Wallace, second daughter of Mr. Alex. Wallace, of Bjn.rgoyno. : i :. jur.D. In Guelph, on tho 3d inst., the Rev? John Hogg, D.D., agod 55) years. Chemistry baa DlsroTcred at Last what Ererybody wants'; Wood's Improved llnlr Kesforatfve Is uultke any oUier, and hitsnoe<)ual. The Improved has hew vegetable tonic properties; relorosgrey hnlr to a glossy natural color! rrstores faded, dry.imrsh' and Milling balr; restore", dressos, gives vlgorito the hair; restores hair to prema turely bald heads; re mores dundrnfT, hn-' morf, pcaly ernptipn*'; lemove* lrrlta Uon, atoning ant^ ca)y dryness. No article-produces sueh wonderful effects Try l^, call,for Wood's Improved Hair Restorative, and don't be put ofT with nny other article. Sold by o I druggists n this plnoo and dealers everywhere. Trade,supplied at rauB-jfapturers' price* by C. A.CooK A Co.Chleaj o, Sole Agents for the United Stntes and Oansdas, and by LiYmax flitos, i Co., Toi onto. REMOVAL. Iloy's Bookstoifo has been removed across tlie street to the store recently 'occupied by Mr. Geo. Jeffrey, nearly op- \ posite the.old stand. Greater Bargains than, ever at Day's. j Guelph, Jsfarch, 1877- LIST'OF MUSIC BOOKS Sold wholesale and retail by John Anderson Bookseller, Guelph. - Burrbwes' Pianoforte Primer. i- .lousso's Musical Catechiam. Bertini's New Method for the Piano. Clarke's New Method for the Piano. Hun ton's Piano Forte School, .1 Howe's Pinio without a Master. Richardson's New Modern School, I Oitze's Parlor Organ.' Silver Wreath (Vocal). 100 different Music Books A Big Discount on all MUSIC BOOKS AT ANDERSON'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE On the East side of Wyudha'm Street, GUELPH. i Ul TCTAEM for Sale oir To Rent. That piece of land being compos ed of] part of north-eaitera-hfllf of Lot No. 25, 5tb con. of Nagsaggweya, and containing by admeasurement 40 acres, more or less, which Will be sold or leased ;BB may be agreed upon. Immediate application to be made to the undersigned on the premises, if within two weeks; otherwise to Archibald Campbell, etc., to theOovernor-Genei'al, as hcl firm; foot im,to.^ 1^5,600, aud the Puiluiaienc may refc[itire_ ' I assetstQ $83,384. l'-t.. Lot 26, in the 7th if after that date, eon. Nassagaweya, JOHN KELDY. .Naflsagnweya, Maxell'5, 1777. .',.'- The undersigned begs leave to inform the people of Acton and sur rounding neighborhood that he hag procured a magnificent HEARSE. And is prepared1 to attend and oon- duot Funerals on the shortest notice and most moderate terms. Caskets, Coffint, Burial Itobte, . And all kinds of Funeral Furnish- ings kept in stock, and supplied on the shortest notice. : Hat Bands and Gloves supplied when required. I JOHN SPEIGHT.' Acton, Feb. 10,1 1877. ' ~ ' t^AJH ./ THREE Yearllnff due: BILIH far sale. ' C. S. SMITH. Acton, Tcb. 14, 1877. 33- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. rpo TUE FARMING COMMUNITY I have addod to my Mill a Thirty Horse Power Engine Alio othor | RUN OF STONE, with other Machinery, and am prepared to do Gristinc: and Chopping Fine 6r coarse, to suit all parties, on the shortest notice. Thanking you for past favors, .1 re- main, : l ' . ' ,' Yours respectfully, L. ROSE. GeorRtown, Feb. 21, 1877. 34-4t ^TAR INITHE EAST. CBEAT SLAOdHTER INILEATHERJ . As immense quantities of leather ir be ing omuufacturud into harness ^or the Artillery Horges, tho prices have consequently gone tip. Nevertheless e. isz. oooe: Is prepared to furnish all articles in the lrne of Harness, Saddles, Trunis, Etc., at as reasonable rates ar ever. He is a practical workman, and ready to fill all orders as quick, as good, and as cheap as anywhere else in the Dominion. **".A1I work guaranteed."a R'jmirinij promptly attended to, A good' stock of Harness, Whips,1 Brushes, Combs, etc., always on band. E. K. COOK. Acton; Feb. 20, 1877. T O BREEDERS. The thoroughbred Durham Bull " Zephyr," will serve cows on the farm of tho subscribor, near the Grand Trunk station, Acton. Telros Grades, $l>. Pedigree- -Zephyr [4260] bred by F. W. Stone, Guelph, got bv Imported Sheriff (29964), dam Sanspa- riof 10th. .. C. S. SMITH. Acton,-Feb. 14,-. 1877. 33-tf QNTARIO SADDLERY, The subscriber takes this opportunity of thanking his.numerous customers for for the very liberal patronage given him the past year, and would stato that it is his motto to do a Square and "Honest Business as heretofore, and hopes to retain, the same liberal appreciation from the public, . _' All orders entrusted to my care will be ATTENDED TO WITH PBOMPTNESO. At none but Good Worlcmen 'are. ; Employed, [BIG PUSH. C Grind Final Slaughter I i ALWAYS TAKES THE LEAD. - i * ": On w 1st of Has?ch *we tak& stock, \^i b cjrder to redtice it to tie lowest pda- iljaible -fl^p' wa/will up to tHatf -| date p^tdoTO the prices ] | lo^rer than has byer ! .T - J .. .. T^eea known $1 ' ][ .Qnelph.^/i ... "WVwrll keep no winter ^g|lods on hand we ra'nst have roorn'lot oataW y Spring Imports so jf 7011 want tho greiteit Bargains got Kow\ is the Time, and the'Won theiJKaet.- | W have (lone a rushing trade during the pVst season, u4 jj^";' " '."'_", to counterbalance the hard times so generally com-' I ' H plained bfj we will give! our customers I Tori Paj Eifl Gal] Graiid Ghatic |to Buy ' Our entire stock, amounting to over 890,000, in offared A1 This .will be Ifound to be the greatest chance for buyin r Dry Goods ever known in the annals of GoeI#i The Lion ha3 already the greatest reputation for selling chiB ores in the Pjroyinoe, but this time .we will surpass all prerw stores nnd beat the woijd Chaap *.n-ia# prerwistabrti, ' T-':'.-' The Reduction is general throughout our Stotffc Everything to!-lw rushed off at cost. No one should log* thiswjchaae*. IR EI S S (3- o o in> s. 65 PieceSj reduced from 30 cents to 20 cents. ' T5 <r ":' 36 24 80 i 25 10. 22 12 45: These are tbe^rery latest styles and colors, and no'oae should bora d>aa rvitfaoutfirst'making an inspection of these goods. 1 ^ Silks at Extraordinary Flgnr*a.= Special drives in Clouds. FiJra, Sbawls, Wool Shirt and Drawers ifUnaals ' BlankeU, QailtsJ Horse Blankets, and Winter Shirts.' ! V WINCEYS ! WINCEYS ! WINOEY^r: <),ur Ready-ma^e Clothing and Millinery and ilande'SranehesMatrtt speqi.1 notice. These goeds we will run out at any price, and any en . . needing) these good;, should coiae 'to.--jus al once for'thty : <r- will never have a better chance to secure a bargain. A fine assortment of T-vfeeds Satrt Cloth 30 Cents. all marked,down to cost. 1 CI ffj Q~^Tne qpestion often asked is,' Why ult . --.-ryr ^ .Ul {hat in a few years] we have b*en Ne- to increase the| small bmsinfess, formerly done atThe^.Ion, toitftprssent enormous size, icthe largest dutiide of Toronto) 7 'The jrue answarlis tkst *|d the best jwe possibly cjin Ifor bt*r customers. We'buy at the lowirt figures; we b11 at the same nnd we treat our friends so that they ahvin com'e'hack to us. Honesty ii th|e best policy, and honesty and oanrtesj an ihe ruling principles at The. Lieu. Enll k feuelph. Fcbj 12, 1877. Jl p. WILLIAMSON & CO. V "Watch-make HYNDS, and Je^eUer; POST OFFICE STORE My work is all giving satisfaction, and yon will find>hejpU4e to si .'. r Watches, Clocks and Jewellery To get Repaired. THE FINEST SELECTION THE LATEST STYLES IN JEWELLERY,- Parties can roly on getting a good arti- clo and as cheap aa good work e&n be done for. Repairing Done with Neatness COLLARS Jl SSSOtLLTZ. R. CREECH. Acton, Feb. 14, 1877. To the WorfcinK as. We are now prepared to furelsu all clouieii with oou- stattemploymentalhomc-, thh whole of the time,: or lor their spure-moments. Business new, lightund profluible. Per sons of either sex easily earn arota 60 cents to $5 per evening, unci a proportion. alKum byuevotlng tuMr whole |tlme to the business. Boys arid girls earn nearlv4-' as much us men. That nil who pe tbls notice may send their address, and test the business we mako this unparalleled oltor: To such as are not well sattsflcd we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, samples w orih several dollars work on, and a copy of Hume ana Fireside, one of the largest and befit Illustrated Publi- cations, all sent free by mail. 'Reader, if you wnnt permanent, profltablo work. addross-GKOKQS Stinson 4 Co., Portland, Maine. AND THE^ BEST STOCK 0JLSH F<rfE WHEAT. I Any quantity of good merchantable wheat wanted at the the Acton steam millB, for- which the highest market price will be paid in cash. B. ft E. UICKLIN. Acton, Fab. 7, 1877. 32-tf T O BREEDERS, The young -thoroughbred Durham Bull ,#sDuke of Kent," brid by Mr. Stone, of Guelph, out of the imported cow "Sultana the 7th"; by |"'3dDuke of Springwood," (seo 3d VolL Canadian Herd-Book) will servo. coSvs on the premises of the undersigned, lot 24, 1st con. Esquesing. Terms-r-For Durhams 35; Grades $2. . ,-li' . AibEX, WALDIE. Esqucsiug, "Feb. 1, 1877.. 31-3m Fabr.uary 7, If 76. Will OF JEWELLERY, w. WATCHES AND CLOOK^ i : aiwajs>bo oen at' V f-j GEORGE mM)S| s Jewellery Sto,|Actoa I' business, and inordw* On account of certain anticipated" changes in eparafcory to uch chajnge, tne unowmsuw- bay1 decided to offer : f t "f:-. Special InducemQiits to Cash Buyers. . DRV Q0 0DS, FLANNELS; "Winseys and other Staple Qodcls i ....:".(j ..-. Tc be disposedjot at cost price ind under..- ' - | A larfle arid varied assortment of . .._ ; SATS JJ^nSTX) GAESir.j jf the la test-styles to be rushed of at reduced rates. Al" '.' j GENTS* pNpERCLOlTH^ING AND FURNISHINGS. , themselves ivith fi-cbeap suit will find U* Parties desirous of supplying now is the time to buy. ! Aoton, February r. 18T6. DICKSON 55 MCITA3*. Dill I ett|

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