Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 8, 1877, p. 3

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f-3 A:i; e, U^ Pbs* : At-:. '^ 1 room for tfc the^pij^f : eb*j> of g _ 1! prtmoaa Wfcttt. our Stock. > tins U^)aB4 s. bis. iould bay a <b I Drawers, fr^nnsh' Shirts. . Branches, destm fee, soil may eo*i; ic, for thtj sin. . topcoat. Poll Isked is, WfcjVit iQn.wrjti piwtat |*ne answer is tfcu |'puy=*t the loMt that thy always |y and courtesy st ION & GO. OUSHT- |hi ia the plao* to i V-' \ i' '. ' W [clocks, '.-- fc&DS' rj Sto,;Ae*cb . [unaejaig** ' - lyers. i- hoods .1-; THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALToiN i*M*B TK1 '** Trtiolv> \<*m J"' uoim; vtkct. Sight .K*iir* - ' Tonmtii m.vl - -= j.;prc t " ' i" <;lt mixc*f, " ". ,sols:;BAST. yijbt Kxpru:' - Glt mix^l ' Py.Kxprcwi; - - -__ VTc*t*rn mail' ' Loudon mixil *: y * TIMfc TAMI.k. as follows: '1:04-a. m. 9.10 a. m. 1.57 p.m. A; A) ]v in. 7:07 ivm. 0:10 a.m. 11:34 a.m. 5:20 p.m. 10:10 p.m. LOCAL MATTIR8. Mr. 0. G. Hertzogjwill (D.V.) prvJkch in the Hisciple Meeting Housu oa next Lord's Day at 11 o'clock a.m. Ttiipcnimff txtare. ^ -"AffVlilres* WM delivered iu tho Tern- peranco Hall on Mouday ni^ht, by Mr. ::j_ j; \Y. Simpson,' agent andllecturer of the Grand; Division of the 'Son* of -Temperance of Ontario, on ? tic^naa, the Dunkin ' BUI, and Prohibition." Thore was notii Tery largo,audience, owing, no doubt, to this lack of sufficfent notice having boeasgiven. Tho aadroai vat interesting, ijid the facta and fibres were given in a forcible and convincing manner. IcusMhI Bar4. The Board of School Trustees met in '- the school bouse on Mondky evening. Present, Alex. Kennedy, chairman, and ' Messrs-. Storey, Hall, Moore and Sny-. : der. Minutes of last meeting were road : and approved. The chairman read monthly report of head teacher, which, on motion, .was. adopted. The report stated the number of pupils entolled ou the 2Sth February to be 1S1 ; 5S beiug -in the 1st Department, -to_iu- the 2d, and 7S in the 3d ; average attendance for February, 148. Q - - The Finance cotnmUtee rccommendwl the pay mcn.t of the following accounts : Balance-of caretaker's salary for 1876, J13.50; for insurance, $17.04^ for ad vertising, $5 ; for stationery, Sic ; lucks for school, ?7.30 ; Mr. Ross, one month's salary, $4o.S3.'; The chairman gave hii checks lor the above sums, and the Board adjouhieil; Every Person Read ! - ) Another Gnuid l>rombijd Concert given under the management of the Acton Social Club, will bo held infiho Drill Shetl, Actou, on ' ,-, __ .Tkttrtday: EvtHinif, the 24th May. r Tho success of our last summer enter^ 3:5S a.m.' Uiuincuts Mid tho satisfaction we gave * the. largo,, crowds' which attended them it - a good advortiscmont - for this future one. Furthor notice will bo given through tho columns of thii pajier. i Reiivectfully, " Actiik Social Club. COUNTY, ONT., MARCH 8, ABSTRACT OF ACCOUNTS OF TUB Sabbatfe l^ekool <nTrntlo. The annual convention of the Sab bath SchooLAssooiation of the Couiity pf Hilton- was held in Geo^etown on ..Wednesday and Thursday of bvst week. 'It was well attended.Vmost of the religi ous denominations of the county being folly represented. The proceedings were of an instructive and interesting character, and the report-.of the state of the Sabbath schools gave evidence of their increasing prosperity. Mr. D. li>. Christie, Treasurer, reported the re ceipts of the year at 43, and that, the association was free from debt with a very smill balance to their credit. . Mr. Buutih, of Burlington, was 'elee&d Prcijen: ; II. (,'oau-j, of Lowville,' Secretary; and D. Df Christie, of AjrWu,-. Treaiurer, for'the ensuing year. Th*; next annual convention is to be held at OakvUle. " . ElDcd on the Railway. , Patrick Dillon, a man well known in the neighlxjrb'Kx] of Liinchouse and Ucton, got drunk last 4Thursday,^and was killed by being rnn over by a Grand Trunk train, shortly after dark, about two miles eastof here. Karly in the e reiiing . J/es^r-s Tho_ ismyth ajid liiibt. : AVataon^of Aeton,"were wa}kibg.down the track and.came across DilloTi \lying close to. the rails, apparently quite help less, fronrtitjuor. The^y lifted him some distance from the track|]and remained with him a short time till a freight train had passed, then proceeded to wards Georgetown. He evidently got up and walked about a quarter of a mile along the track, and was struck . down by the "Dutch mail" which came along shortly after the two men had -left him. The mangled remains 1 .were _ first discovered by a man named Keil -jifcGill, of Limehouie, wljo.was"wmJl- - ing down the track about. ten o'clock that-evening. He went to a house near by and procured a jlantcrn^ ahd^assist- anee. TThe body was brought to the freighthouse here, and an inquest 'was hl<Lat Campbell's hotel by Coroner Freeman on ^Fridajr.-.when verdict'iWM _ returned in accordance with the facts. Church Organization. A publio meeting TvfcB held in the b*sement of. tho new Congre gational Church, yesterday after- uoon, for the purpose of forming a church orga^nizatioh in ActK>n. Tho services wore conducted by Rov. olr. Wood, Congregational' minister, of Toronto. After sing ing and prayer, Rev Mr. Msnchee,. of Guelpb, was requested to act as Secretary. The chairman read a letter from Dr Jackson, apologizing for his inability to at.tend; ho also stated that Rev. Ifllr. Unsworth, of Georgetown, was unable to' attend on account of family sickness. Tho object of the meeting he explained wns to organixe into a new church. There were about a doieu of- the memlnsrs' connected with the con-' gregation known as " Swackhsm- mers," at.Chu&bill, who resided in .'Acton, a^ul who having received certificates of membership in good standing, it- was unnecessary for them to do more-than assout^tp the usual form of.' covenant. He ex plained' the indepetVdent character of congregationalisin *nd gave" a brief summary of its principles of faith and church discipline.' The following persons then stood up and assented to the covenant and wore received into full communion, viz: James Cameron and wife; James Ryder and wife ; Peter S. Armstrong and wife; Stafford Zimmerman mid wife; M"rs: Ellen Dempsey ; Mrs David Ryder j Mis ses Jenny Cameron, Martha Ryder and Adaline Ryder. Rev. James Darit-s was appointed pastor; Messrs James Cameron and P. S. Armstrong, Deacons ; and. Mr. S. Zimmerman . Secretary. Services waro closed with prayer and sing ing. ' IX THE EVES ISO, A very successful Tea Meeting was held in the Temperance Hall, under the auspices of the friends of the Congregational Church, in aid of the building fund. The entertain ment was excellent-^a fuller re]K>rt deferred/until next week. Receipts, at'^.he door, about $G8. (gr Turn the Free Prf.s* side- ways, and read this carefully and criti cally : MUNICIPALITY OF ACTON. For the Year Ending 31st December, 1870. Dn. RECEIPT!!, . ,i_^ To balance on hand from 1875. .$372 84 Uncollected Village and school tax, 1875.. ., 791 16 Village taxes, 1876 .. ..803 00 Tavtru license*.. .. .. 08 60 Interest on mortgage, school [ investment fund .. 32 96 Statute labor tax.. .. 54 00 Clergy rcaervo, balaneo 1875 10 50 Tax arrears___ ____ 29 83 Non-resident tax ... ., 7 14- 1'ublie school government grant.. - ..' 123 00 Public school, interest on loan. ..84 50 Bale of lumber .. ,. S 00 ASsrrs. il dobeut Investment on mortgago Tax arrears .. Clergy reserve interest Uucolleoted taxes .. 2:0S 03 .11300 00 . 412 00 . 302 38 . 39 75 . 87S 76 $2996 89. CBj. raTM^MTS, By public school ........ Charities .... Streets and side walks.. Contingent account.. Salaries.. .. ' County rate,, .91366 6b . 73 90 . 361 35 . '153 97 . 191 29 90 00 Balance on hand 172 34 93400 * laujiLtTias. 5U .92926 89 $2926 89 We, the undersigned Auditors of the village of Acton, horeby certify that we ~ the books and accounts of the Treasurer of tho said Village for the By balance have examined year 1876, and that the above is % correct statement of tho same, -Acton, Jan. 26th, 1877. SAMTJEL CARTER, W. H. STOUEY, Audi ton. DETAILED STATEMENT Of the Expenditure of the Munici pality qf the Village of Acton, for the year ending 31st Decem ber, 1876. Paid public school board ..?13G6 68 County rate..... 90 00 $1426 68 $22 00 31 10 20 80 $7390 'CUA1UTIE3. Paid John Mcl'hee .. David Minot - Strangers .. . ... RTniETS iXn SIUSWAI.KS. Paid S. Zimmerman .. .. $325 75 Sidney Smith, lumber .. 13 00 Brown & Hall, lumber .. 1 60 "J. .....; .. 21 00 . $361 S5 ' RiLARItS. Taid H. P. Moore .. $30 00 R. Fisher .. .. 33 00 .6. Zimmerman, assessor 20 00 S. Zimmerman, collector 28 29 J. Ross 80 00 =u o .o o o o ei 3 t- - o 5 5 . *- '-> ^ y Zm ^ *-~ I.- O _ c ;i x -A ss eo <f* v* to hf co i $191 29 coKnsoxyciEJV Paid J. H. Hacking, printing $59 65 Account books 4 50 Klection expenses 3 00 ' Registration .. I 90 Constable's foes .. -4 50 Auditors'fee* . - 8 00 Night watch .. ..1 00 Selecting jurors .. 5 00 - Collecting statute labor tax 4 00 Livery, T. Campbell 1 60 Lawyer's fees ' 5 00 stationery.. .. ,. 2 28 Postages .. .. ..' 1 80 For sheep killed by dogs 5 34- Donation to brass band.. - 26 00 Inspector of Taverns .. .. 3 00 McNab, cutting thistles.. 2 50 Road surveyor's assistant f 3 00 8106 97 Audited and found correct, SAMUEL CARTER, )., ...___ W. H. STOREV, 1 Auditor...' Acton,-Jan. 26, 1877. PAINTING ASD Paper Hanging1 The undorsigned is -prepared to do all kinds of House Painting, Kalsocainirifir and Paper HanRing in the very best manner, and on reason able teruis. Residence corner of John and Agnes streets, Acton. W. H. WALKER. Acton, Feb. 14, 1877. 33.2m HURRAH I HURRAH! BEST PHOTOGRAPHS In the County, at Tit Oat&rio Photograph Grallory Fur B'juty of Finith and Brillian cy in Tune, (hey cannot be turpntted. COPYING & ENLARGING In all its branches, in the best style a the art, (long on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Also a| splendid stock of Mouldings and Picture frames kept on hand and made to order. j" - - A call is solicited and; you; will be convinced that this is the place to get photographs. Yours respectfully, C. W. HILL, Acton, Deo. 5, 1876. TOB PRINTING of all kinds nesuy and promptly executed nt the FREE PRESS OFFICE, "Text the rest Office, Mill tttreet. ffl DECIDED BARGAINS o s y. . cz a ^3 3 ?e a 5 ^ =0- 5 Crabffe Tea-Seetlna> A tes-meeting was held by the Gran- 'Old Fall Wheat. g'ers Divisibn No1. 198 ^n the-village of Erinjon the 21st uit, 1 The_Bleit;hing be ing good And the "evening extremely clear and pleasant, it gave an opportu nity t<T^members of adjoining." granges, also thosie non-grangers who resides in the vicinity and village to be present, who _ were heartily welcomed by the Division. The lady members spared neither labor nor expense in making-; it the tea-mee^jng^of the "season. "Ad dresses we're delivered by ill. Hill, the Master, and Mr. Pemberton Page, Se cretary pf Doniinion Grange,' and by Messrs. McDowell and Maloy, of Erin; The remarks made by the* Master and Secretary, 'displaced the prejudice of -those whowere opposed to the Order, many of whom afterwards expressed &eir belief that it would-be a benefit if properly carried out. Music washir- .inshed-by the Misses and-Mr. Malcolm j Gordon, of Acton, in grand style. In \ addition to their grange songs they had ' * very appropriate selection of other nasic, wbich enlivened the hearts of tie audience. Com. ~ -a: ' "^ e % _ 2 m "E "S x S S S H > 5* - t- 'u S ; ^ K jo ~ 2 J | "A IN ACTO % MAKtiETS, .. $3 25 to 3 50 .. 1 40 to 1 50 Flour Isui twill 6w*f* l- Al\'r ,"- -'.'"r I' i :> :V-k - -^-SpjEcrAt, Notice. Parties receiving pictures withJMonthly Maga- xines or weelply papers^ should call at ' * OnUrio! Photo Galary, and ^have them framed'-np in the best style. j- ' ] cJvv^ HILL. Tk"1"^--------~'T--------T^~7"'- i' The -Scottish American - Journal My the Farmers' Sons' Franchise Bill " is a just reeognition of the *t*tu and rights of a^large and in- fflueiitial class in th? community." New Fall Wheat Spring Wheat, Glasgow , Bed Chaff Wheat Barley .... .. . Oats ...... Peas ... Potatoes, per bag Dried apples per lb Butter ... .. . Eggs. .... . 1 35 to 1 40 1 25 to 1 35 1 20 to 1 30 0 00 toO 00 0-47 to 0 50 0 68 to 0 72 0 90 to 1 00 0 05 to 0 06 0 20 to 0 21 0 13 to 0 00 ^- Epps' Cocoa. Grateful akd Uom- rotLTtsa. "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application.of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr, Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may begradually bnilt up until strongenough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies^re floating around us" ready to. attack j-wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure'blood and a pro perly, npurished frame."' Cirif Serriee Oazftte. Sold only in packets labeled "James Eppb- & Co., Homoeopathic Chemist, 48,' Threadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." i . -i m ' S999 GROCERIES, CROCKERY, Glassware and Gi-OOIDS ATTHfi T^AT im: 1877. 9r EXCITEMENT! TREMENDOUS WONDERFUIi. MAN'S GOSt PRICE, SALE. The largest amount .-of Goods sold yesterday Ever Sold in one day in Quelph, GREAT BARGAINS I Can't be made by eyery acenl every month In, the business we furnish, but those willing to worfc can easily tarn a dozen dollars a day right In theft own localities. Have no room to explain here. Business pleasant and: honorable.; Wo men, and boys and girls do as well as men. We will furnish you a complete Outfit free. vThe bnslnesi pi'vs better than' anythlnr else.-'Wo will bear ex. ptanse ot starting yon. Partlcu'ars free. Write and see- Fnrmern and mechanics, their sons and daughters, and all classes in need of paying work nt home, should wrltjp t-> us and learn about the work at one*". >ow is tbe time. Don't delay. Address Tnue & Co, Augusta, Malne.,; The |rreat Sale continues each fday. Hurry Feb. 8, [1877 On w S o asr f Bestiality of Seasonable G-oods less than Manufactiirer's Prices in and partake of the great advantages offered. '- -' ....'- JOHN HOGG & SON, Alma Block, Upper Wyndbam StrMt, Ontlpfa. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. C'liristie, ! Henderson & Co, -^s-OITOIT, This Week SECORD BROS. Have laid in a mammoth Stock of everytbing Ricb, Rar*, Useful and i '.. -': and Beautiful, in * K % GROCERIES, CHINA, Glassware, Hardware, &c, Post Office Store3 Acton. j TL Subsoriber, GEORGE YEIVIEN Is now prepared to offer a ohoioe selection of Groceries, Crockery, _i ' i Glassware, Wall Papers, l Paper Window Bliads, <fec. At prices that cannot fail to pleaM van those vrho rail at the Hard Times ' J NO SPECIAL PRICES ARE QUOTED, A* a trial of his goods, he is eonTineed, will be found tobeth> beat drertisement. ^fifer extra special values ia the followirig Goods to reduce pre paratory to Stock-taking:; I 2 dozen Cardigan Jaokets, $1.50, worth $2.00 2 dozen Cardigan Jaokets, $2.00, worth $2.50 22 pairs Blankets, $2.50, -worth $4.00 17 pairs Blankets, $3.50, worth $5.00 20 pieces Full Cloth, at 55o per yd, worth 70o 16 pieoes Full Cloth, at 60o per yd, worth 75o CLOUDS, ! WOOLEN GOODS, : MILLJLNEKY, iAt Give Away Prices. 'i "..",' ' ' '- ' ' Any one in need of Full Cloth for; Men or Boys' Clothing, will find our stock; well suited to the times. Positi^ ely free from shoddy; r CHINA DEPARTMENT- Gents' MottoedMuatacbaCupa and Saucers, -- ." Ladies'Sfottosd Caps and Saucers, ' : ' -i - ' ' ' - - Children's Mottoed Cupg and Saucers, Flower Vases, Qlass Qlkss and China Mugs, mottoed, all colors Pitchers, Preserre Dishee, Celscj Qlsiiss, Goblets, TumblerB, Pickle Jars, Wine Glasses, C \ Glass Sets, '_ ^-, I Siofc Cups and Fathers Stone and China Ts* Sets, . | j ' \r. Lamps, Lanterns, f i - ' Everything in Granite Warw, .., ^ ~! I; - Ererjrtbing beautiful In endlsss radwtjr. I Eemember that Fanaous. 50c Tea, A call is solicited. February 7, 1876. CEO. YEMEN Post Office Store, Aclon Cash paid Tub Butter. for any quantity of ; really, gc.od CHRISTIE, EJENsDERSOST & Acton, Jani 2I,.1877. QiElO Canned Peaches', Plums 1 , Gooseberries, Blackberries, Cherries, Peats, Preserves, Jamsj, Jellies, Picklss, Lobsters, Salmon, j i j Sardines] Chvfes, Oysters, Fruits, Raisins, Currants, Figs, Nuts, Biscuits, Confectionery and Hocej The Largest and b 0. Tobaccos, Rice, Barley Aefon, Not. 29,185\6. Cheapest Sttfck of .Teas ever brought : \into Actpri, \- :: . V- -h ! ', Corri Starch, Rice Flour, Soapsj etc. Hardware, Cuttlery, Spootts, Paints, Oils, etci r . v SEC0Rl>BROS.

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