Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 8, 1877, p. 5

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\( ylrjus^nrJafWfP ^^V***-*^!?-'^1' -'--:*> M M rfe-vi-^--- M 'HS^pKEiSi ~ ACTdfr, : march :^^lsn. iyr |". |Af*l|^t;IV THAT. WW* f And lire midnight hour is near, And the faggot's crack, and -the elook'tr j_ dBlHjck , Are tho only sounds 1 hear ; " .And ovWTmvTpHik li*-tt< b.iHuVp, : 'For my, M ttd my eyfa. arc full wlun jft^ diur^'Vor liTJh^n tp"a inontl Of tho little bov that died. ">d all ' Oiiironco Centoi I went oiro night to inv father's house ' Went hoine to tho dear ones all, ' Anilil softly opened the garden jpito.. And oftlytae dwr-of the hall. ' My.45"ther/'<3r<' oift^jjjl inwt hor mitt- r SUi-kiijrfe s*itthen sigkod>"^ And her head fell on un wept , For the little boy that died. nook aa -she ft! i . ^p|%i** I hairniiu him when the. flowers como, In the gardcu^whero-hi- played ; I shall miss him more, hv tho liivside, " And'Uie horse he" used to rJdo : And thev will speak with a silent speech.. VTo'ihalVgo home to our Father'* house To our J? athcr's house in the skuv, Where theMhgToOhe soul-shalrjluvve -'iHjsf imfo,iM--kroV.en ties. We shall main ou the banks of the river ^ And bathe in its blissfuLtide ; .--' -, And one ofihe jovs of heaven shall be - _ The little" buv that di<*L A. M. '}------ ." -t|- BUM' LIST hVhV [The last verses writtvji by the Rvnn-. gelist who perished! at the Ashtabula ,Bridge,]^|_#% d~W .rV-V;. Ikno^^mJvlQ^oio,y - - God^kinaly reus mine eyes^ ~ And o*&r each step on my .onward way, He rhVkes new scenes arise ; And everj- joy Ho sifnd.s me comes A sweet and glad fcurpriso.. Cho. Where Hetnay lead I'll follow, My trust in Him repose, " - And every hour in'perfect-rteace I'll sing! 'Ho kuows^ He knows." One step I seo before me ; Tis all I need to see ; The light of heaven .more brightly shines ; When earth's ttlnsions rfee. -* And sweetly through the silence came Hia laying *' Vf&am^&e," ~K *,- . /D^U|<1 bkcfcojj^sdMn, V;.- 7* "Tia blessed not to Know ; i "P ' He holds me in His own right hand j. And will not let me go, And lulls my troubled soul to rest J'Jn Him who Ioues nie so. So on I'}{o not knowing, -? . I would not if 1 iuight ; " 'I'd ra^tfc-^Uk ia^Ue^Udxif wi&h. GoU Thn'gaftione;ih ifa^iirht; Td rather walk" by taitli with Him " - Than go alone by sight.^ THE CABEIESS BOY, Lost! a funny little fellow, Send a crierThrough .the town, Cry him all day, upland down! . -These the features ur the case : ' ..He never put thingsii their place ; :He thiew his hat upon the float; His books hot all his faults why tell ? Thesoonaequsnce wo. know too well. jnst as he did, Then find the article that's needed. Vexstian followed him each da}-, . Becmttse of TSajgifidfcy.* .--- _' "-'it .The birdies Iw ttted knn. in song, -' " U And chirruped as he came along ; " You're a queer, ^untidy blade 1 ggs x>t onrs are- not mislaid. - How Wonld we fall into disgrace H onn nest we should misplace T" Flowers and leaves upon the tree Whispered: " Look, how orderly ? Method see at every turii." - . Spite of this he wfoiild not learn. - .Thus from bad to worse h^. passed . He mislaid himself at last. Lostl a funny little, fellow, V Cheeks of red and hair of yellow, - Ko doubt he's on some High shelf : Where he has fqrgot himself, i Mo*p Mllkiftter's Wire's -AVi'H, Soiihroiuu Aim, I'iii abut ymt'vo coino. A great timny ihingB have li-.\|>ivened much yovt wore liofw. tn-riouso eUwiiiv- Wnio, YotvlttroW ;tln:ii 1 luuluVbauit Uuftr tho Aletho. i{ wua u laughing, and a iiuvking-funnf otir .nuw mii^ibtor'a wit'o. ltuw, di\jadi fu H.V tliey tl id .Uil fe ahou VI hai vol vet bmnu't of hern ! At litst tlio womon in tho oUifeh^QultfiirC>Ui(Vl 16; no longer ; i^r "Jliss- Hrown, an' they tohl her, that t>oo ilAdihultalvt ullOiwemM-injurin' nud a koepin' back the LoixI'h work, by ii-wearin' sielt a wicked worldly '.KUinut. And jliion Bays Miss piV^r'i^.^.Linliesi .4-.-should <Ukjra tM>*tb*iint>t Te-y'nmoh. Tho- blrw velvet whs my withliii' lint, iiourly twa yojii's nyo. S'uico, tlign my liusljiuuj; "btia Ihhju too iwrly i)uid, ItB hicrrtof been abloto liny mo any- tliingiiow. So I have boenobliged to jtf^fe^tliis^MVSiifitiifei' and winter." ^ow^SiBteiv PtyltftVsho 1'ad nil old lilicik silk! uproii^jost its gov>d as iittu\-_AiU idio^tIud^ifi.Uio.^akkifs would tako hold aiitl fhelp, v bIio .would have a sejving bee, and.nmk up Miss Brown a dt-eent bonnet.; I didn't euro nothin' 'bout tho bou- netj but. scein' Miss Pipkin was a goin' rto the pains of a-gettiu' up a aji)g^t FI-;U>oiiglit I'd yo- and help 'iitic."ZyFcVL, tf I da,say it. we made oiub of"*ke xpurtiest bonnets you evk;r lay" eyes on. ._ There was, none of thentshighfanltin' tBiugs nbout tlip bonri^ and wo spnt it to her that very night. ;So'win ineetin' next Suuday uiorniu' they all look ed: at Misa Brovfn'a soa.t, To Beo how tho now bonnet looked oh tor head, but she wasn't there. After tho prayer was oyor, who should they see but Miss 'Brown a-comin' iifTTuo .aisle, a holdin' her head higher thin ajkito. "And do you suppose ahehad_on ournsw bonnet I Nb Ittdeedl l^<i4ia\*0 on one of them lie* bfajck <felt < hats, that coma down over a purspn'a eyes, and are all covered with black great And TAKINC. !*riio undprHigno^ hegs loavo to Inform i and yiolnity that ho tljo neenlo of Aoti w,ilFturnish ii,U KequlHltcs In Hiidrrtnklnff on short notioe ant ' ' :- " j can ronsonahlu'toniiB ns >V had Heitrsf jSiyyrf/ei i when BmreiJ. STARTLING !'.en fwitliers.i. 16" ..looked: a Also tlu 4 howill Plt.up Sto^B-& Offloos ,.,; ' Jin thuboat stylo. : , Show Cases, nook Oases and I>fikn ' rnado tp order. .. FirJUriTUBXr-AUPAlliEI). ,, :'^h'op <wi \Vill6w'-rnetj-near Main st. Pi M. McCANN. ^oton. Moroh 20\! Iti7<3. 30-flm G. T.jHILL, Mill Street, ACTON, JDEALfeU IN ^roperft*,'"' ' .- Orookery," ' ";j- . . Boots SB Sliooa, VaU5pos. "Windov Blinds, ' iT&iii, c iub, Puttr. idaMKlOU*-. Pais to, Turpoatiao, Oo il OIL Salt, oto-i All of which will bo sold low for caab. BOOTS and SHOES Selling of! at cost. Also agent for th > RUBBER PAIK'T COMPANY AND...... SJLBIGHa Kow Is tho time to loare your order At J. RyderVFaotoryj T fora StyllBli Cutter or Seryicenblc iSlclHlii n'6 ip a.largo stock for the; .from the best matorial^ ;0s!iatf j I am making prusent seaso: VctH dnd'&co ^oiir.HaruUonm Outiir*. ; ifypreBontitoukef BUOGHESiAND WAGONS will be sold off very cheap. , ^Kow' is a good timo' to sccuro bargnliiB. -^ Strlctiattontion given to SorBfl-SflOolnj'S! (JeaorMBlMX- |8ait^in(f.v ,|,;;; , : JAMES ItVDEU. Acton,. Sept. 27, 187G. i - Now going on at niorn* wjish- sight wuss then her old one. the meanest of all was, next jn", wheii old liver, the wqiti&n, caiuVto dp Misjr Pipkin's whshiu", she-liad oa that very samo black silk bonnet, that wo had took sich pains to make for , Misa Brown ! Woman'ii Journal. of > Butter Hakinz. Results Experiments. The fol lffwing facts were stated - at a meeting of the Ohio Diary- men's Assochition : Milk is the Dark was not oan<d to make batter in. any respect unlike that iet in the light. ' Tho --"exjicritfi'ent Vas tried with both, standing twenty-four hours, but there .was no difference in_the color trf the butter. , r U T Sweet ajtd Sour Uream. L. S. Hardin, of~Kentucky, said ne had in^dp axgeriment3. with both condi tions of cream, and in connection " with others pronounced the butter best when made from sweet crea 'In one experiment; fifty pounds o BWeet cream were tnken, and stir ring it thoroHglily t^> pfcoduce a un- -iforp) quality througlioiit, he dipped ' oat half and churned it' immediate ly. Soar milk was added to the' other half, and it stood tilfsharply soared, .and was% then churned. Both were at-605. This experiment was r|pemte^Jjrith-^rsuits raxActly- <dikejgjte3l,veet;| cre^tn gn" JaoTn.'. oases, produced five ounoestEe most butter a small difference, although the quantity of butter is not given. Mr. H.., therefore concluded rthat sweet cram was--best,"both for ^quantity and quality. - Other good ' bUer'makers preferred sour cream, ;, bat no additional measrired experi ments were'given Tjy them. \ .Bt?T?EK i-FBOM JERSEYS: East- j buraRseder, of Philadelpliia, found ' ItTiatafractionoveVrrffteteen ponn'oV- of milk! we're requifedto inake" a _ pound^ol butter.. Mr. Ward in made a poundfiorn a little over seventeen "-..*.{tOUuJli of-miy<... :,' One .kundrbd-. pounds of"Jersey "milk produced^ twenty-five per cent of cream'.' fin' another trial, Mr. Reeder made, one; pound^" of butter from seventeen pounds of milk. - In. one iustance^ v it required but fourteen poutids.; After a thqijough trial of. duTersnt; temperatures down as low as ,10',' ' he find* 58-!tne^^ best^and5 keeps' (i s cream'at that point. HischarriSig brings butter in about-twenty inirf- ntea, JWauinderstand the milk of Jorpeys was. used in these experi- wepts. , 9 j*1 Si'" " ' * ^ A 6e awar&nusD^Sd'tlfrasbftd his wife bec<tui>e their baby didn't get the |rize at a baby show. ... though she was to blame for if. SUBSCRIBE MdEOD, ANDF.RSON & COS OiEo:RGKE]TO"W":isr. AT TBE PASITIOITABLE WEST END CO Pieces.Brot aded Lustre, 10 cente a yard.- 20'Fieees t Bi-ocadedi'Reyersible, 12J cents. ,. t,.; i^ ^ 30 Pieces: Fasbionabltt Serges, new shades," 15 centil' 123 Pieces Wool! Serges, 25 cants, regular pries 4fofAu.' Special Line, Black Silks, 90 cents a yard, - ' "-' 53 Pieces Dress Silks, nanilsoine giedi/fc*i^ 14 cleared out at 50 cents a yaid, - "'* !?ii' Wow is the time for Bargains. The public fairly startled apd astonished at the startling cheap goods now - J MAMMOTH HOUSE, 1 Farmers, I ,. Mechanics, LnboVers, Housekeepers, young1 and old, rioh ind poor, if you want to buy cheap goods, at the .ery - Of Cleveland, Ohio. CasJT for Hidcst Acton,,'Jufjt 18, 1(76. T O [What is there wljich,- supposing itsgfeatest breadth to be four inches, length nine inches, anddepth three inches, contains, a solid foot 1 A shoe. ;" - STABkEiKEEPERs '^'Bytheway shall I put in an extra buffalo ?' English Blood " Couldn't you ..let TB-*j'avei- an ' .know3, 'Eriier rather not drive'a buffalo-first time, you know." |" Little Miss.; Papa, I can eat a piece mono currant tart, pl.ease."' '. t Papa. No my child, I havd already said that you have had sufBcient.. _ r Little Miss. Well, Papa, then :why do we so. often sing that favor ite hymn of yours, where it says, feed-^me till I- want no more. She tfadiho tart. -' * Not long since' an.intoxicated tar rolled up against Sir Bodney Mon day and ejaculated with consider able difficulty : " Get out of my way." " How dare you address me like that, sir V demanded the Ad miral ; " Don't you know Who I am? I am Admiral Munday !" " Don't care if you are Admiral Tuesday," ixjrslstod the sailor ; " get out; of rny way."j \ \"AM) Fancy The Icton Plow Co. Are manufacturing the celebrated TEPHENSON PLOWS. ey keep a fall stock on hand, and are prepared to do all kinds of Repairing on Plows, FOR THE IT S Goods Bellini off at Auction Prices. -A.CTO J Lowest Hard Time Prices. Nowia youropportunity, i We have marked down the balance of our ex tensive stock, and are determined .to clear it all put before spring-;. We are bound to make this the mo"t extensive Clearing Sale we have ever at tempted. Don't neglect tbo. opportunity of getting the largest lot ot goods lor the Feast tnouey, yqu ever, saw iu your lifetime. REMEMBER THIS SALE IS FOR CASH. . . .'. 1 We must have the money, therefore you can boy goods very cheap. Don't forget the spot. r -#. For Cheap Press Goods, ladies, should visit the Fashionable A* O. BUCHAWh Fashionable Wast End Dress, Millinery and Mantis :-*'**":! a,i' ySfoutd respectfully call the attention of .. friends and the general public that they i-..V'i! V". To their ;*i IEW ;p Jan. 8, 1877. McLJEOD, ANDERSON & Co., MAMMOTH'JHOU.SE, GK()BGEToWn . t. .CHJEAP At BOf)KS ANDERSON'S CHEAP BtlOKTORE FREEPRESS, Ontho BurtBidaof .Wyndham Street, gtje:^ph, and also also kinds of %VTqrk, 'and li-on 'J Planing on the shortest notice. Pleaso call and examine oar plows before purchasing-elsewhere. ': Acton, Feb. 13, 1876. . . HINGLEgj Lath, Lumber; And all building requisites kept, on hand or delivered on shortest possible- .nofcice^.' * \.. ^-. \^.:l - :['-' Beat quality No. T . Shingles ' only 1(70 ; best'q'naiity No. 2only 70 cents. Any of the above will bo delivered when required. Any quantity of oats taken in.. ex- jcliange for any of the above delivered at tho mill between Acton and Milton, on Lot JJV>. 8,2nd con. Esquesing.' Order^ by-mail address to:Actonror. Milton P.O.- -,'ii.. I'. R. O. MILLER.; Esquesing, Jan. 3, 1877. " 27:3m J OB PRINTING of all kinds neatly and-.promptly executed at the F.EEE PRESS-OFPIOB;^ fexl Itac Post Office, Mill Btfeet. /^ TON AK Onl^ $1 a "Ylear i MILES Pamp, Sasli, D >or and Blind FaqCory. THOMAS EBBAGE, t >lonnfact arer of "Window Sash, ,. Boors, Venetian Blinds :*" -'SffoxildingiBi And other Build tnsBeqnlsites '" Also Mal:er of Z2SFB072S SUCTION Tn^K'S! FLOtfER and YEG- T ETABLE UABUEX Js tho most beautiful work of tho kind In tho world. It contains nearly 150 pagei', hundretla. bfi nne Ulnstratlons, and six ehr" rho 'platfs vof flowers, boftiullully drawn and colored from nature.' Price 60 conti In pacer cover",Sl.OOInolegantoloth Printed in German and EnalUb. Vlck's Floral Uuldt.Quarter/yi 25 cents a year. I v j Vlck's Catalogue 300 Ula'strallons, only 2 cents J Address James VlCK, Roohestor, N.Y. -vriCKSliFLOWEB and VEG- "V ETABKESEEDSy^- ' "7 Are planted by a million people In Amer ica. See I Vlck's Catalogue. 300 lllastratlons, only 2 cents, i ' - I Vlok's Floral onlde, quarterly, 25 oentsa ... ,, year.,..,, .. i .> i.. . ,A! Vlck's Floral nnd;Vegetable Ofcrden, 60 cents, with elegant cloth covers $1. All my publications are printed In tier ia|iana Engllsn.' Address, PTxars Lnniber PJaned,'atad Drepsad to ordo, " All work guaranteed. Aoton, jan.,1875. SPBYSIDE Shingle. Steve ANl HEADING- MILLS. Any parthjs,wanting Shingles would a call! \Ve ,.wi!l: al-i ! jl6)weQ tojglyehs a, will. waysTiave en nana a gt>i No. 1 and No. 2 Shingjei _es. Best quality No. .1 Shingles $1.70- per square.' "" -':Speyoide. No, 2, 70 < ents per square, -P. *iH, SAYERS. , Dec/ 13, |87G. 24-flm " -."H^"^^-^****8 In j^,dvance; maiianaEngl___ ... JAMfcs Vies:; Roehestet, N.Y. vriCK'S. Illustrated Priced '" 'CAXAXOGIIK. ~ ' : Fifty pages 300 Illustrations, wltlt de scriptions of thousands of the beBt flowers and vegetables In the world, and tho way to irrow them-all-for o Two Cent postage stamp. Printed in German and EnglUh. ; VIOR'S FLOBAL GUIBK^ UDAIITKB1.T, 25. oents a year ; *' Vice's Flower ajsd Veoitahle Qab- den, 50 cents in pajier; In elegant cloth oovers, S1.00. _ r " ' V " AddroM, aAMKBVioK,Bocrieter,N.y. guide A beautiful Quarterly Journal flnelylllns- trated, and containing an elegant colored Flower Plate with the first number. Price only 25 cents for the year. The first No.' for 1877 Just issued In Oerman and English.; Vlok's Flower and Vegetable Garden,.In paper 6Q cents, with elegant olofh covor, ' Vlok's dtfcaosnksoo* lllnsiratlocs only Scents. i Address ' J HM KS VlCK, Rochester, N.Y. It is ^worth any person's-while v when in Guelpli to calland, see the Immensie Stock of j OITB M a o^ T s For Men and Boys, all colors and" prices, at SIGN OF THS ELEPHANT, ^o. 31 iiO'f'er Wyndkam Street, Gnelpli.: Noted for Laving the best aissortmenfe weat of Toronto,'and ac prices that defy competition. Come and see. ' ' WM. RUTH^F0RD & CO Guelph, Nov. 20, 1876. '. V-^.V THE E&BES-PRESS Many Special jCiines; of Gotfds have been secireB SR Tlo| l-'t Coilesl p. tsa. V __r#J bife A **%* loan ' qia**o Street >er <3-TJEXjJPDr3:. irl Mi EGIAL LINE^ At Low Figiares. at extraordinary' low figures. ; Will Be Given. I", An early To Merchants -and other Business Men in Acton, as well as throughout .the < Qountypth^ Free Press is ahinvaluable Advei-tisihg Medium. ^ C GueIptt)Dee;.lgJ I876V "^-! <-l CALL EARLlf. \S? /l't'V.' call is necessary, as many Lines <rD^Bfl* be repeated at the low figures. TO, STEIWART *W -n KIMWP rpO BREEIHiRS. The^yotmg lington" Chief," hred h' Gnel ' ' ^villi The^yonng Berkshire Boar lgton Chief," hred by Qnelph, has been purchased be me and Wel- Geo. Rndd, of ._.. i-i- j._ . , ^~keptJfor*ervioe onmy premises odrttfppryjffl^iftirrbjijihS* vlilage. This ahimsl is from imported stock with first-class, pedigree. , Terms $ 1.00, *o ,be paid at lirneof Bemoe.' "" "'- " -' j. f .-' C. S. SMITH. Acton, D^o. 18, 1876.. 25-"tf ; k.' Oar.ynrivaJledl^ftniliiieisjor Executing all iin.ds of j BOOK AND JOB POINTING , *j %M ti. .Enable us to turd out work equal to *nything done in the cities. / IS CUT VERY Kepai^ine Promptly Attended to, as Ab^on, DeoL 5, l"8.7fl; or cM+y A good assortment in all the leading lines of Felt G-oods3 Cvershoos, Childrea's Boots and ShwS; :etc UcltorrJ Sain I Ctl -K n*. Milton lav on ViU H1 : !a!\ bo . "falthtl Hook.* adrtrel wJUi til Can Fatend for pri j Cop7 tsnfcs i Ml Teae oPlastel the ml lion el .Excel I lloxip^ Ml PL

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