Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 15, 1877, p. 3

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ssiKfc-'SBP gfefe|pS ii '-: fa - v. rhpr? ^ .-its fa i J'j^n r i lM '" ! - - 1 " " -Mih' i<Hpfi : 'B VrA IK- m') * ^n -.a 4-; ans ptlE A.CTOS FREE PRESS PiblUhed K\'K,v Thursday Morning, J. U. H.UlKlXG, Proprietor. SI Per Anituin in ALdvance j'OS_ H HACKINd EDITOR TaivimpAV MoBstsc., March 15, 1877. " the tariff question is still under , debate- in tho - House nt least' it .was rip t'o the latest reports in yes terduy's papers. A CQUpIo of aiiiitmrmeri'ts-'liftve- been offered and discussed ttz great length, but tho probabilities am that the Finance' MTri'iitr'spi-6positfpa will bo car riitr by a considerable tnnjority. ;. The debate.lias brought out a num ; U-r of interesting points; on thu ab struct Uieories of Free Trade and Protection;" still, a gleaner for in- . for/nation to assist him in the solu tion of the questions involved will doululet-s feel disappointed "at tho lack of sta'tasinenliko views oniann- ting from either side of the House.: It lnis scarcely risen above- that "of a purely partisan discussion, the pN merits- of the subject being"8"eiri- . "" ingly regarded with muyb less im portance than the opportunity offer ed for the one-ptrty to endeavor to -'- out-general the other." 'We itotice : that Sir John has promised to in-' ,-i ,trohiou a -motion of a-strongly. Pro-. \ 't< cure character, and when .that ; conies np, .wo may: look for" some tact*; and llieories of a liiore Ituilt. rstautial nature, than ij'e -have hith erto had, on. which to base an argument. . The' final result of the j re-count in" the South WatciKo election cum*', has been to increase Mr. Mister's m:\jority from five to twenty-thrift. F THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, Pen and Scissor Gathering*. ,The Wellington! County Poor- house and liuuls will cost $15,000. John B. Cion.nh has been lectur ing on temperance for thirty-five years. The Government. US consider! ng , . of .Jnnijj8 *..w UW idea o him.ig- Canada repre- - ^.^Hmj^((, sen ted at tlio 1 hub hxlitbitton ol J "The I lifted States Cnbinrt. Ti:e gentlemeni nominated W President "Hayes to fill the otliees in the Cabinet are : , Secretary of Stat Win, M. 'Evarts. " '. M " Secretary of the.Treasury Jotin Sherman. < rSecretary of War George W. _. ^IcCNary." Secretary of the Navy Rich.'d 51; Thompson- i ; , ,' Secretary of tie Interior-^-Garl Schnrz. < s - Po^tmaster-Genenvl^Davjd . M. R.W. Attorney General- Charles Dev- iens. ' The U. S. Senate has' confirmed" all Presideiit' Hayes' nominutionB. : Much satisfHctioh r. is expresied .j-thereat, and this satisfaction is jin- c.-eased hy the promise tihat |"fhe policy indicated by the President in his hiatigurul address will!be entered upan as' soon as practicable. HallinafHil, ifl.OO (|>r onirying Atn't- ty. MuDudo,, tui indigent and dis abled porsou, tb the;. ptior- Louso.-r Cari'ied. j ? . Moved by M^r. Iindsay,.Beconded by'.'.Mr Wurrelj, t int tho suiii of $2.00 be refunded to Riohard Swales, Leinfl'an ovor aKgessmoiit on N. E. 14 27, 7|b oou. Cuiried. Moved by Mr. Warren, Bwxmded by Mr Shortreid, that tho petition of Mr. James Bribe and others be laid on the table' until tho next meeting of the! Council, iar.d that tho Clerk notify^ the pathmiiHtors of -the roiid divisioiis,interested to ap pear irf the iutfereat of their res|>ect- ivb sections, Carried. Moved by. Mr,1 Shortroid, second ed by Mr, Frazeji,that tho accounts of this nmnicipklity for tho year 187G ns audited Iks passod by this Council^nd tl)ii|ti250 copies of tha shiuo bo prlntoil for diBtiiuutiou. Carried. Moved by Mr. Fnuer, seconded Cy Mr. Shortreid thattlio Treasurer bo hereby authorized to pay David Cross, Esq,,'tho aum of 7.60 in full, for er^ctianof culvert on John Street. Carried'. Moved by Mr. Frazer, seconded by Mr. Warren, that tho sum of $20.00 be granted out of tho town ship fund's to John Hunter and Alnx. McKiniion, Esquires, for the relief of Gooijge Smith who is in indigent circuinstances, on tho con dition : that no jfurther grant be asked on his behalf for the cuirent year. Carried. Moved byjjlr. ) WarttSn, necond- United States- papers report l>nsiilwis already improved siuco the peaceful settlement of theprtsi- Uential disfiutr, ' THE EA3TERM QUESTION. BaWia Desirous of Peace. A CRISIS IS THE NEGOTIATIONS. The leading editorial of ihe Timry 'coiitajn-s tbe following :^ " It: may, , "4t truly said that the crisis of I the1' Eistern Question has arrived,' . JS'uwer driring Riiy phase of the C .q'wtion has a more important coui- uiiiuication been addressed by one Scate to another than that of which Gen.- Igruitieff and Count Schouval- ott have been the intermediators. - T'ie substance of it is that if Great j..BriUiin and the other .-powers will 'agree'to nuiintain the seflemynt insisted, upon at the conference, and 10 urge it ujion the Porte, IVU'ssiaJ will \fc content to act in aficordf witk them.Tinfl will demobilizo her"; armies. This communication is no <v under thi serious consid<^rktion 6/ the^Eiiglish GoverncaentJ" i Lo.vdqk, March 13. Thk^Ttinen in it8 leading article says : ToliJuy memorarile in the histoiy of the -Eastern QuestiaB. The Gabin.. i!t meets to consider the terin's oii among the Powers. Tlie Powers will employ diplomatic influence in favor of* the reforms Ukj "Conference decided to be' neci% s-iry, but further than this they will- not go. Wli"ii the propa-ial which Lord Derby submits to his crjlleajfiies Jias been accepted by tlw-European Powers,! it is expect ed that llussia will declare herself s.itiJied. A' protocol to be signed by the Porte and count rsigned by t.'ie P.iw.ers is tho form of agree- i'i,-ut which has found most favor. We believe that^if England Hcce|)ts ;, iiiis, all the otlier Powers will. It f'lfi 'Ixp^nds Mpon the- temper in -.yh'cli th<* Poi-Le recives the agre- ' ut and the acts with whichfit * jIIows it to show wliether we' .are r'U; :tbu path to final pacifieafcion. Therft has, as yet been no beginning of better rule, ariti the pondition of Vim Provinces which were the origi ii d seats of the, insurrection is pitiable in the exfreme. Tho Powers .^ will become .once more - s iTOties for Tarkish government, . '.i 1 should they fail the end must ^ ed by Mr. Lindsay, that Mattie Mo- Dado bo admitted to thepoor house from the 22ijdFeb. ' Also that the Treasurer, he' authorized to pay- Mrs. John V'hiU'side $1.50 arrears for support -if said Mattie McDade ^Carried. Tho Coun :il then adjourned un til 27th April. ~' 1878. ifhe deatlis from smuH pox in Jlontreal frvmi t)io 14th of January to March tho 3rd, exclusive of city- hospitals, wero 173. Itis.expectod that work will be commenced on the portion of the; Hamilton &. NortliwesUnn Railway; north of Georgetown about April! 1st. - \.T Tho registration of births, deaths and marriages is to }*e more strictly enforce*! in future than heretofore. Thoso who have not complied with tho law had better do so at once. Mr. James SroitH'of Guelph a:-1 cepts the chnllenge of Sir. Murdock Mackenzie to n .checknr match of twenty-fivo games for the champion ship of tho county of-Wellington.," Diptberia-has made its appear ance in some sections 6f Montreal, antl proved very fatal in manv casus," es|H>cially where children liave beeu atcacked'hy it. - Tho enterpriKing inhabitants of Listowel, areiiiaking arrnhgements to build a new school house in that place, at a cost of 11,000. . -. An examination of tho Suspen sion $$i"jdgo hy the G. W-. U. u- thoiuies Is in progress, and trains are running by way of Buffalo until it is tiuisht'd. Another advance in freight rates to the West have been agreed upon between different, trunk lines, to take effect next ^londay. British Columbia and Marti tabs.- w^ll strive next summer to" see which can laifte the largest turnip. B. C. give* the challenge with one weighing f>li pounds. rl'he Honolulu Gazette of Febrp- ary the 20th contains an account p'f a remaikablo submarine volcado outb.3eak: in Keajakvakaya Bay near the entmnco to tie harbor. : ... : The verdict of the coroner's jury iu the case 6 the Ashtabula rail road disaster declares that tho bridge which gave way was improp- ei;ly"cunstructed, and lays tho blame on the railroad company. '" Thtf announcement is made that the Hamilton H/jfctntor has passed into the hands of Messrs. Black burn * Co., of the London Free Pre-**, *nd the two pa[>er8 will, in future,, be run conjointly. The, Grand Tiunk and Canada Southern .have pooled, their paJ 8engerj business between Detroit and Buffalo. The number of trains on each road has been reduced, and the tickets of one rotd are accepted on the other. AIL the signs of the Zodiac are' represented by Grip as attacking Mr. Venncr. The Glol>e appears as Aquarius mounted on Bowpark TaurOs pouring cold water on the unfortunate, while the Glnbe's old Iady_ appears as ivirgo. "The Gaz- elJe'ti big Indiaxr is Sagittarius. There is on exhibition in Mont real a magnificent box made of different kinds of "Canadian wood and adorned with silver emblems, which is to contain 20,000 in gold -i a present from the pilgrituB of the Province of Quebec to his Holi ness the Pope 6u the occasion of the SO'.h anniversary of his episco pate. - ' The Orangeville Sun tells of an old man named Seige, of that town, having died at the extraordinary old age of 102 years._ Rev7Futher Laussie tells of an old lady whp lives on the Owen Sound Road, about three miles from Arthur, who is 103 years and six .months old, and is able to get about'-quite nimbly yet. -' '.' We notice that Mr. Trow, M: P., has introduced a Bill to make life assurance policies unforfeitable. Tlie object of the Bill is to pteverit companies after accepting premiums for years from refusing ;to p^y the sum assessed 6n technical grounds. Sueh-a measure waB muoh needed,- and we hope to see the Bill become -law. Mr. Hugh Black of West Gara- fraxa, wh(J was sd unfortunate as to get ~his steam shingle factory burned down some time ago,shortly after it -was started, with cbmmend- alij "enterprise fitted up another factory, which is now in full oper ation. '".'.- . An exchange says: In New foundland there is not a snake, toad, frog or reptile of any sort; not a squirrel, not a porcupine, moose, or mink. The artic hare is found in' . , . _ , Newfoundhijill, but nob in Capei^r?ful ^"f" ,n, the P^once of Breton nor in Nova Scotia, and yet dvines,;and not look at the time. r' : K^vlral of (Bud|ieM. ' ::.Tha'-8fQttJih Afheriwi 'Journal says : On all bauds, tuid from all quartan, there are reported indi- yntioris of reviving coihmeVoo in'tlie jTJnited StatoB. IJtinint'HS | IiouseH are reoeiving largo] ortlors, and ex- perienco an unwlonted dOgreo of activity. The money market -is firmor; Ainorican securities^ nro going up in foreign markets;; public be authorized ui pajr Mr. Thompson, ] oonfidivnce is being restored; and tv II- . P i:'i ' *1*n! t W*>^t* itiunHtnAf'llii1.^ tuft-It , Esqncalnir I Council. Stkwahttowm, 2nd March. . The Conuoil met, piirsuant to adjournment. The. Reovo in tho chair members all present. Tho tninutuHof lUt mooting wore then road and ponGrmed. The ice and others j Moved by Mr. -Warrou, seconded 'by Air. Lindafiv th it tho Troiuurer there is every prospect that with the opening sprintrjliore :Will bo the dawn of i-eturning prosperity. Canadian Live Stock Tor Great Britain. > j The "London Timrs says an as sociation has been formed in Kdiu- burg for pu'roluuring and slaughter ing cattle and other stock; in tho TTnitod States and Canada, and also for purchasing farm and dairy produce for sale in Edinburg and other parts of Groat Britain.' It is, intended to dispenso with lniddhv men and o|>en premises in EdiAburg and. Leitb, ,iu tho first instance, for tho sale of moat. The foot and mouth disenso 1ms appeared in Sliotswell, Warwickshire', and Grimsbury,..Northamptonshire. ONT, MAOLICH 15, 1877. j MAKBIED. At St. AUsan's Chnroh, Aoto i,on tho UtH hast., by IUv. O. K. Led, M.A., Mr. W. Hcdpath/of Toronto, to Maria Ilurdeh Catnornn, daughter of jtho lato Mr. Wm. Cameron of Toronto town- ship, and nieuo of Mr. Jnnics Carrioron of Actou. I ACTON SI.IUKETH. Flour' .:."' T/; ' '.. |3 2i Old-Fall Whoat.. New Kail Wheat Spring Wheat, Glasgow lied Chaff Wheat Hurley ... Oats ; ... Pea* .... ... . Potatoes, porbag Dried apples per lb Hatter ... Kygs. .. .. ; W3 50 1 40tol 45 1 M to 1 40 1 2i>to 1 35 1 2J-to,l 80 0 0.4(7 to 0. 00 0 8 to 0 72 0 0to 1 00 0 0f> t<> 0 OC 0 20 to 0 21 0 T3 to 0 00 "A. BloAnisT. A nian-tiamed Samuel Gocjde has just left.'Guelph for tlje Unitol States to e?ca|>o ar rest <in a ch rge o? bigamy.' S vn yeat-sjago, vhilst residing with his parehts in Waterloo, he wooed and won-a-girl by the name of Rosa Geiger, of the township of Wool wich; They lived (not altogether happily) for seven : years, and had four children born to them. In an evil hour the wife took umbrage at something. :hat had happened, ard left her. liege lord, taking at the everything that she claim to. They have met, and Goode after-, wards came to Gnelph and worked for Mr. Zinjmer, having with him j from Formosa, hear as his wife. Chief one day this week, tele- arrest Goode on a charge bnt he bud flown to-'pas- same time could lay never since a ; woman WaTkertorj,' Kelly was graphed to of bigamy, tiires new. A.voTHKB Victim: Wm. Drnry of Rotbssy, well known in. journal istic circles as tho " Rothsay Cor respondent," was found on.Monday morning of last, week, frozen to death, between his own house and one of the) taverns of thatvillage, from which be had started' the previous night in a state of intoxi cation. An inquest was held.> Lettkhs. tA con temporary has tho following inter esting information and sensible advico:' "The question is [very often asked, What is tho difference between a registered letter and any other 1 Tho difference is tljat n registered ietter-does not go into the mail i proper. -Every person through whose hands it" pusses is requested to sign a receipt for it on receiving it,.Hnd to secure u receipt for it on passing it over to.the next transit.; The person holding the. Ust receipt is thus always able to show Who is accountable [ ff the loss. Tho responsibility jrests on the man who has siuned it receipt for the registered package, itnd who is not able .to producn'the ipackage or a receipt from somebody else for it. The safest way to send money is by money order. VVhere it does not go to a money onjer oflice it should always be "sent in a regit tered package.: Money ought-not to'be sent in an ordinary letter under any circumstances. There is no' way in'-'tracking' such n letter.". Peo ple sometimes complain thut adver tisements are not rea,d, mid that money spent in advertising s money wasUnl. Never was a greater mis take made. " The public peruse th advertising columns of ft ipaper with interest, and for the same reason as tho news forinfohnation GuELP.n's Anniversary. The fiftieth anniversary of the foun dation of; Guftlph, on the 23rd of April next, will be observed in a becoming manner. The Council has already taken action' in the matter. Fire at Mono Mills. 6n Fri day morning the store ef Mr.; Pat rick McLaughlin, of that village, was "discovered to be on fire, and before any asslstanceeould be render ed it and the contents were destroy ed together with a storehouse and other buildings. Mr. McLaughlin's 1 oils is heavy and the stock being large t(nd but lightly insured. None of! the books were saved, and Mr. McLaughlin had. a narrow escape himself. It is supposed to be a case of incendiarism. Mustn't Look at your Watch. At a missionary meeting in one of the Mitchell churches on Monday evening, one of the members of the congregation looked at his watch to see what time it was. A speak er, perceiving what had taken place, addressed himself personally to the gentleiman who committed what qeemed to him an -offence, and hoped the like -Would not occur again I the island is full of bogs.and swamps, A sum of-8'3,000 was-placed in the Ontario Supplementary "Esti mates for' the establishment of a dairy station in connection with; the Agricultural College at Guelpb. This was done at tho suggestion of the Ontario Dairymen's Association. We understand that the factory will be built on the most approved plnn, with every improvement that the experience of practical dairy men can 8ug;ct, and will be put into operation during the coming summer, Steanqe Sto&y. A. child of James Landry, of Ottawa, was sup<- posed to have dieii on Wednesday evening, and the body-was prepared for burial. About midnig it, while the mother and some friends who had been watching the corp >a where taking refreshment, thef were startled by hearing the cl ild, as they aver, cry put* "Mamma! Mamma 1" On going into the room they found the child toising its arms about, but before any one could be called, it had rosnraed its deathlike state, and was undoubt edly dead, j Newspaper Hnbserlptions in Kansas.. . Tho . Kansas Funvr, published at .Osborne in that State,' says : " We have taken wood, pi)tato< s, corn, eggff, butter, onions, ciibbagi s, chiokon'. stone, hinibur, l.ihdr. Mind, calico, Hfttirkraut, Kccond-lmnd cloth ing ooon skins a^d bug juico on subsctiptioiiH, in our time, and now a man write's to us to knoW| if we would'send tho pui^r six months for a large owl. There iire fow things an editor would it fuse on subscription, and if we come across any fellow who is oiit of owl and is in need of one we'll do it." Hits' Cocoa; UitATEyui. And Com foiitinu.' ." Hy a thorough k lowl^dgc of tho natural laws which governithe operations of digostitku and nutrition, ami hy a careful application o ' tho tine frojiertiau of well ucleeted couon, Mr. )p])s has provided our broukfrst tn|>los with a delicately llayorod beverage which may save ns many heavy doctors' bills. It iB by the judicious ntcof such nrtielea of diet that a ci'iiistitiitiou may liegradiially built up until strongenoiigh to roxJHt every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are'floating around lis ready to attack ivheravor there in a weak point.,! We muy cselipo niairy a fatal shaft by keeping hirScfves well fortilieil with pnreblood and a pro perly nourished frame." fi'i'ir Smncc ftnvttr. Sold only in packets labeled "Jasikh Kprs &, Co., Homreopathio Chemist, 48, Tbivaducedlc Strict, and 170, Piccadilly, London." ' Oo S999 Can't be made by vcry iiKont ev ry montli )n the btlfftnOHf, wa Ainiti.ll, but tlio.Hi) wlf44Jiir to - work enn coi-lly earn n dozen dollars a day.rlciii, (ii tliclr own loc.'dltl^K. Hiive no room toexr inln here. UiikIiiokk pleasnnt nnil honornblr. Wo mcn.Mi'l bovH nti'l sMs do as well as men. Wo will fui'iilkh yi.u a romfilfte onlflt free. Tlio hi slnssn peys bettor tlian .iinylhl|i( tdsp. We v||i b"nr ex. I nnso ot ttartln? you Pnilieu nr fief. Write ut-d see. KnriniTHand rapd-nnifs, ttiflr cons ami ilair.'litt'.rs, nnil all clnkfcs In lie* i! of pitying work "t home, shoul I write f> us ami In.irn rihout the work ill onro. Now 1 i>'o tlni". Don't <leluy. Ail Ir.'cii TisuE iCo , Auuusln, Maine. Choinistry ltns Discovered nt Last what Everybody wants. Wood's Iniprorrd llnlr nrsloratlrr In unlike nny other and liini no equal. The Improved has now vegetable f8nic properties; n'tore1-crey Hair toaulos.y natural color; r More* (iuletl, dry, hnrsls I iind filllnc hair; restore', dresses, Rlyos vli;"r to tht llnlrj'rostores hair to prema turely bald homls; removes dindniflr, hn- mor,'.pc:ily!crnptloii; tcmoves lrrlta Hon, llcUliiit nnd fealy dryness. No iir.Ucle protljioi meli wonderful.effects Try it, call JTor Wood's' Improved Hnlr KentorntlveJ and don't be put ofTwIth anviouierartlcle. Wold; by a 1 drugg.slii n ihlH ptne^i and denlers everywhere. Trnilo supplied nt man-fnelurers'pries by o. a.C.)"B; a t'n., chleaRO, Mole A Rents for the Uii|i<id States-and Onnndftk.and by Lyman films, a Co., Toronto. Announcements, therefore made in a regular way, im the reader with evidence thiit are pressing good of faith, are tho most likely to be re membered and consulted . Ci'is] statements, with frequent changes. give an appearance of life and busi ness. Professor Bell's wonderf ii inven tion, the telephone or speaking tele graph, is being extensively tested in.Boston, Chicago and elsewheie. The other day1 Professor B|)l stood in a public hall in Boston and lectured to an audience of B00 peo ple in Salem, Mass./ whp heard every word distinctly. Tbp lecturo was reported and agreed exactly with Piof.; Bell's ra'anugcrip.fc when compared. After these "experiments the instrument was introduced into the Moody and SankeyJ tabernacle and the audience in Si>".om heard every word that was said, .even to Moody's request for a '.collection. At a recent telegrapher's bull in Chicago, the entire coitipany: danced to the music of the, " Telephone" waltz, played at Milwaukee, about 100 miles away. There see ms to be no end to the possibilities of his instrument. " i; A Sensible Wife. _ When trade grew slack and notes fell due, the merchant's face grew long and blue; his dreams were troubled through the night, with sheriffs bailiffs all in sight.. At last his wife unto him aaid|: "Rise itip at once . and , 'get your paper, ink and pen, and Hereafter people, j must bej gay these Words unto'all men : "My goodsl wish to sell to youj nnd| to your wives and daughters, too ; my prices are so very low, that all will buy before they go." He! did,! as by his wife advised, - and in* the papers advertised. Crowds came and bougbjt off all he had; his notes were paid, his dreams wbre glad ; and he will,tell yon {to this day, how well did printer's ink [re pay. He told us >vith a knowing wink, how he wa|"saved by printer's ink. ' i .- Polygamy in Salt Lake ilourish- ea on perseqittion. Within three Biiccesaiye;deija recently, lJifj polj: camous marrianes were celebrated gam there, NEW' ADVERTISEMENTS. sr IIOOL EXAMINATION. The Public Examination of the pupils ot the ACTON PUBLIC SCHOOL Will bo held on Thursday and Friday, the 22d, and 23d inst. Kx.iniinntirin to commence on Thnrs- Jay in the 'Jd and 3d Departments, re spectively, at 9 o'clock a.m. and 1 p.m., and in the 1st Department on Friday at 10 a.m. prerj.-tfly. Parents and friends of Education are respectfully invited to he present. Acton, March 14, 1877. 37-2t- ' TO TAVERN KEEPERS, Sliop Keepers. j BREWERS AND OTHERS. Notice is hereby given that nil BppliT cants for License for tho the sale-of Spirituous and Fermented Liquors in the County[ of Halton \ for the year. 1877-78, must bo made to tbo nhder- signed nt his office, .Mill street, Milton, before tho first day of April next. Applicant)) must come prepared with the names of sureties they propose to offer. J Office Days Saturday, 17th March. Tuesday, 20th " Saturday, 24th " Tuesday, 27th " f , ] Saturday, 31st '* ; JAxMES A. FRAZER, I' fjtecnfe Inspector. Milton, March 9, 1877. 37-3t rpRAVELERS Life and Accident INSURANCE COMPANY Of Hartford, Conn. Paid-up Cath Capital... Ca*h Axscta........... Surplus for protection Policy-holders....... of $600,000 4,054,000 ' I lj,170,8s: The Travelers is a STOCK COM-1 "PANY and writes Life Polioies upon. the Low Rate nil-cash plan. No un certain promises o^ impossible "divi dends/' but a reduction of the pre! raium nt the oulsejt; equivalent to a "dividend '* in advance. The" Trav elers writes Life and Accident Poli cies combined as ohenp as most companies write life policies. It is the largest Accident Insurance Com. p.any in the world, having'written 436,000 policies and paid in actual cash benefits to accident policy holders alone over ?2,5fl5.QQ0. An accident policy costs but a f&fle. No medical examination required. Qet a policy and share in the general benefit. O. P. RUSSELL, Distnot Agent, 33 Adelaide Street East, Toronto. *> Yearling DURHAM BULLS 4& .for sale. Acton, Feb. 14, 1877. C. S. SMITH. 33-tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. " Q.BAFTING. iiiny portpn wis llllg choico fruitgnvft- od on-apples, pre tnt, -pears, rttd other fruit trenis, please lot tno know by enrdj addressed to Acton'P. 0., and I will solect' tho ghtfts t iat you prefer. As'l do hot hiro boy i to gather niycions from say ionco,torner,I can,.warrant work and fruit. ?or tlio last two yenrs I havosoat off a great many limbs that was grafted on by strangers to this part of .tho,country, and that do not care what fruit they giyo yoti. JOHN CREWSON, Erin, CrewsonVOornerJ, March 12, 1877. The Aotot How Co. Aro manufacturing the celebrated , STEPHENSON PLOWS, 1 - ANU ' Tho 'Boss' Gang F1ch77 Tlicy keep a full stjock on linnil, and arc prepared to do all kinds of j Repairing on Plows, and auto also kinds of Lathe Work and' Iron -planing . on tho shortest notice.. Please call and cxamino cmr plows beforo purchasing elsewhere. A0EHT8 FOR - - - - Sharp's Self-Dumpinpr Hay and Stubble Rake. Acton, Feb. 13, 187C. PAKM, For Sale or To Rent. That piece of land being"compos, ed of part of north-eastern \\u If of Lot,No. 25,5th con. of Nassagnweya, and containing by admeasurement. 40 acres, more or less. wbich=will-be sold or leased as may be agreed upon. Immediate application to be made to tho undersigned on the premises, if within two week's; otherwise to Archibald Cnmpb' 11, Lot 26, in the 7th con. Nassagnweya, if after that date. JOHN KELLY. Ifasiagaweya, March 5 1777. REMOVAL. % ; - |; Day* . Bookstore has been removed across the street to the Btore recently occupied by i Mr. Geo. Jeffrey, nearly op posite the old stand. Greater Bargains than ever ; at Day's. ' Guelph, Jtfarch, 1877. Prepare#fbr the Weft Weabtfaer f GET A PM OF NEV^ BOOTS. CRAiNE & Have now in stock a splendid assortment of" : ' ']' >) :^.\:.$ Suitable for.the Spring Seasprt^J: VL All Sizes and Styles frorrL the very best mike^' PRICKS AS -LOW l AS, THE; LOW.^'l Specisl Attention Given to Ordered Repairing Promptly Attended to. Acton, "Match- 13, 1877. We have great pleasure in informing ~6ur. numerous lady friend* tfctl i connection) with other= branches of our business, we purnosacomhwt, J? Di-essmakiiig- Departmenli. We have of our they have able terms regji -;' i "t = we purpose decided, oh this in compliance with the repeated olid lar cu .'turner.-;, wh'j- haye ng^iin and again told us how bund ijt to get tirst.'class.dressmaking on anythidz^iEe O.TJR .A.X : vi -VtTTJLJ^ BEj To maintain the and highest possible standar i iSxecution, .at .th9 iriost Brices. . -. Moderate I'he Pepartm MR- Xiressmnkers on this '\Contin e.'tablishm ent'of her own especially faneci for a jireat sisted by Miss SmithJ-^lreauty a lar^e and efficient stall. \^TAK IX THE EASTi'. QREAT SLAUGHTER IN LEATHER. ;:' " As immenso quantities of leather is be- ibg mamrfactured into harness fortho . Artillery Horses^ the prices have consequently goDo up. Nevertheless E_ 3SI- ,0"pO'BZj Is prepared to furnish all articles in tho line of j Harness, Saddles, Tru&s^ Etc., at as reasonable rates ar ever.' jHe is a practical workman, and ready to fill all orders as quick, as good, and as cheap as anywhere else in tho Dominion. *B* All work guaranteed. tBSO Ittpainng promptly attended to. A good stock of Harness, .Whips, Brushes, Combs, etc., always on band. E. K.jcboK. 'Acton, Feb. 20, 1877. ] mo BREEDERS. j ^The thoroughbred Durham- Bull "Zephyr," will serves cows on the farm of .the subscriber, near the Grand Trunk stition, Acton. Terms Grades, S2. Pedigree--Zephyrl [4260] bred by F. W. Stone, Guelph, got br Imported- Sheriff (29964), dam Sanspii- riel 10th. . .- c: S. SMITH. Acton, Feb. 14, 1877. ' : 33-tf Which wil also a verj -4 sX1 of snt will be under the-control.of ' ii MOMPSQ]^ \ " ! Who comep to us with the reputation of beinc cne of the most tfcdfiW | ent f;he has hitherto- bean carnrici i one of the !.irget American eitiea] anety of de3ien. . Mrs; Thompson wi 1 well and favorably known in Guelph, aad bf sod ii l*ei>- We purpose keeping a very choice range of ]] | DBESS a-oo3b^ be found superior to anything ever yet bronjjhfio Q.B complete assortment of suitable trimmirigs.i - |lo efforS will be spared to our charges will be kept to give every possible satisfaction,"and the lowest possible figures. - .. .; We have set^part a suite will be found replete with e On Guelph. v< f rooms specially for this Department, ery.convenience. We purpose opei ing Monday, the 19th MarCJfc When we shali-bc' !' ) . J March 14, 1877. ifljfb.aoif . ". '-_ fi abotntt Tully prepared to undertake, orders; anl h/ w^ he -^t^ D. WILLIAMSON>fc 00. M-X m LIST OF * Ode pb Primer. To the WorklnR Class. "We are Brow vrepared to furnlsb all classes jwlth. cuu- stait employment at home, th* whole of the time, or lor their spare moments. Business new, light and prontiible> Pei^ soj.s c.f either sex easily earn from 60 oents to $5 per < vealnu, and a proportion al devoting.tnelr whole' tlma tb .the business. Boys and girls earn jiearly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their address*, and test the business we make this nnparSlleled ofl'-r: Tosuoh as are not well satisfied wo- will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of-writing Full .particulars, samples n orth-.eyeral dollars to commence work on, ond a oopyofHomonntt FlrvHlde. one of toe largest and best Illustrated Publi cations, all sent free by moll. Reader, if yon. want permanent, profitable ]work. address QuobOE Stinbon *Co., Portland. Maine. $5 ^to: $20-Hmpief ^^^f ree. Stums 4 Co., Portland, Main*. The unpersigned begs |leave to inform the: people of Actori and sur- .rounding neighborhood that he has procured la; magnificent HEAKSET. And is prepared to attend land con duct Fuihe'rals on the shortest notice and most moderate terms..: ;; Gaskets, Coffins, Burial Roten, And;all kinds of Funeral Furnish ings kept in stock, and supplied oh the shortest notice.' Hat Bands and Qloves supplied when required. :- I . JOHN SPEIGHT. Acton, Fob. 10, 1877.- j Jfext" the JOB PRINTING of all kinrfs neatly ami promptly executed at the' ~'r '.* - - ' - FR-EjE PRJ33S OFFICE, Post Offlee.-HIU Street, Bookseller, Burrowes' Pianoforte Jousse's Musical Catechii Bertini's New Methodfer Clarke's New Method for Hunton's Piano Forte 8 Hawe^s Piano without-a Riehardson's New Mpden Gitzji's; Parlor Organ. Sflyer ^Wreath (Vocal)' 100 different Music-Books A Big Discount on ( MUSIC BOOKS AT MUSIC BO Sold wholesale and rei3&3f 'John Ancjera* ,i ;:. thePtoft flieJf**.' Sciool.. ' : School aD ANDERS CHEAP B00K8TI On tho. East side of Wy^5^"8*^* GUELPH.' sn K-d iiJ evJ Crl nd 1| ed -i col \ a! MjW

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