Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 15, 1877, p. 5

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IP^l .[-fl US1' -i Kfir-'-i b Ml fcS:S "tw fe^-^ w'^H mm -v-r^*^H a*#.-=3 ^n |P& E35?-3 jkmb iSB pfe} *Hsl KifrV j JKTV-'" sip P3;-,:S f'r^l iwagsesitaag: gmi)iiBaaaiM; *" * -c^yj^iup^ L.'grj*"1 '* t?1 T""ai*s>s- j. txkiiT. >r Ys, tV bean beacon of our church ' Nigh on to fifty year. Walked iu ttcwy of dootji too, Anfttou-pyvat^tncc clear. ^ " " t I've *idhaa_.itai ohlldituLgrowintf up. . - Seen brown lock* turniu' gray, ' Bt never ewr sech join's yet ; As those I've seen to-day. This ahoroh tu built by godly men I . To glorify the Lord, ' j\i . In seventeen hundred eighty-eight; ' " Folk* couldn't ttan afford, . : ' ~fCWKtt rfjnwah&giTftnd sech Hk* L b^JJws eltajfefc^J?plaih wood,' -. 4' _ Too barrer for the sleepy ones ; '-, In prayer we alius stood, ^ ._,. And when the hymns wore given out, I teU you it was grand To hear our leader stAtt the tunes. With tunin'-fork in hand J p l^ffl^W^' typf&t',- '*M|iw." ail ' r tverohcard oil SLibYolh days; " ' And men and women, boys and girls, . ;, J'ined in the aong of praisb." . ! Jestei*"ht feet from the grounds, %Xfc&eJS^BSaM ACTON, HALTO^ COllNTY^ ONT.j A najrjgfMW-mnt dgTrn ; . The f roritawenaswenrtm>--cat .rved' ft': ; With Scripterstoriaa all Fiudin' of Motet,- Jaooh's dream, ' ! li-^a s^Wafnl+Adaia's fall, - ------ Jest-room inside to put a cheer, The Bible t4fe*fe%c, * : (I'Jfows^faH"jM nertou* wlftn rvl^*a tha edge).: i - i -! _ JEJftn**^*: paWPJMfcoai, be senpter to expound ; j There, man and boy, I've sot jtalow. And not a fault was'foundj Of course, I've seen great ohaairas made, - And fought ae'inst 'era, too; But first a choir was interdooced. Then cashing* in each pew ; Kait, Wyj.hti^Mrfwt lotthanonr, Aiid Bn.-lKft;Yer3r yoSl i ' . . )...i WKofrSo* mmiia^oAaoai, - - . > Aflll,%*ndyleeir' ^ Well, well! I -tried to keep" them straight; - I went to ev'ry meetin', And voted " No," to all they said, But fonnd my influ'nee fieetin'. At last the worst misfortin' fell I must blame Deacon Brown ; He helped *he young folks when they said: _ The pulpit should come down. They laughed at all those pious scene* I'd found sixedifyin*!; Said, ' When the parsAn'rose to preach He looked.'olost lijfe fl>-m*';" f Said that " Elijah's chariot ,f Jest hall-way up had tarried ;".' And Deacon Brown sot by and laughed,. And so the p'int was* carried. .' This was lasijneelc. The carpenteris : Have nearly'made mn end~*~ Kicasa my feelin's. Soeuw to ms As ef I'd lost a friend. "It makes Iheir necks ache, looking np," 1 J Was what the folks did say ; - More looJcfnEsp would help us all I$$M d^Bsfrate day. :-li^?S'- -Sp - "" w-x-. .. . . yTK ehuTollTron'b never seem the same, (Fm half afeared) to me. Under the preachin' of the truth I've been so nsed to be. : And now to see our parson stand Like any common man, ' ; With Jest I don't believe I can ! : Harper'\ Mogazint, ^UrjMn> Clpthei. , ~fi M^MdAl dothes Btiok & tha flat iron,. it is exuoodiugly annoying, and tbo housokeejxir ib t-M'tb^r-HUt to go. voxud aiifl din? SWmgoO. "TJUfiy;think it&:<>wrng tb-the roiirmorvin trfiioh the t*rcb' is made ;; but thut ib riot always the reason, pno oause ot starch Bticking is owing to the adulter-, ations; in starch iteelf.. So it >m very'essential to try'iind prooure thej be^t .article, SJtarch. gloss _is- used, tobru vfinr-litis sticking ih lieu of iiddin^'a'jwlisur"* Somo iauudrcssos shuvo hard soap and boil it up with tbo BUiroh, ' jAti excellent wy to make clotlms utiff is' to strtrch thcui when, wringing out of the. rinse water, then dry them ok tbo line,, and when about to bs-irdriBd, dumj) thfinp m water iu which mw starch, hna boon dis solved. Spread them between dry clatUs^nd roll tbf.iuiip tight for a' quarter of an hour, when they will, iron very smooth. 'Another 'desideratum is to taktt good - care of the irons. Many houseket^MTR who are called neat will -.let Ummu stand on the stove for days,"catching all the bIods of cooking.-^AYhen not iartisd-they ahoiild be kapt, in , a dry place. Onee the face is Tustsd,(jthoy nyer kioJc as well again: But in ease of their, becoming rusted, rub them on emery or brown paper. Bees wax is good to use, rubbing it well over the hot face of the iron, and then nibbing the iron on a oloth or paper. ^Household. ii ' j ; J?AXVS# Barrs -A young lady bet a tnan kin thai Tildeu would be ejected -he to pay Jf Tilden won, and she-tb pay if Hayes was elected. On the mornihgof the 8th of No vember he called and paid the dubt: on the 9th he called and took it back. That evening she paid' the debt. Next morning she took it back, and he. paid ;. then she;-paid and he ptid, and; s^r they have been kept busfj by the opntradictory dia patches ever: since/ betb declaring their wiHin^nesa and ability to j hold out until Monday lust when the question was finally decided, and she was compelled to pay- the last.kiss,. >; .: BEST BK^fOGRAP-HS: ...i\:;. 1,.,- 'l.,- \l-i.t ;... iu the County, at The OatMlp Photograph SilUry Fyr:B*auttj tif'Ftiiiih a\t>& IfriUiaiu cy In Ton*, thtjf cannot be turfiautd. : VT~ - ~l~~-:~~ COPYING i& ilNLARQING In all its branohej, hi tho best style o the art, dono on tho shortest uotico and at reasonable rate*. Alan a splendid stock of Mouldings and Picture frame* kept on hand and made-toordor; I .. i ..-. ;"', -*; , A'call i solicited and you wiH bo couvinoed-itbat this is the place to gat photographs. ! Yours rospectfutfy,I. .-". - crwjinLL, Acton, Deo. 5. 1870. BREEDERS. young thoroughbred' Durham rpo Tho y< Rill "D Stone,. of -GuoJi uko of Kent," bred: by Mr, <ph,< cow "Sultana uic 7th ' } by of Springwood,' Hordj. Book) wilt sorvo oows; <in if eJf >4 Hu^ c Uie War-Pa th. How Thet Stibhed Up Tii Male JLTO JESXALE PASSBXOEfiS OF" A PitACK-CABL. ' ~ "' fFrxm the St. Istniit Brpobticm. ) As the Miasouri Pacific train was leaving Miller's Dtnding, Monday .night, a gentleman cajue aboard VfcefiS)% & atisk, to whijih was' "ccrrio&sly atticlied a horneU' nest. He had found .it in the woods, and .itrli^ltba appearance of being ten' 1;tMl" 'Bof w^eii brought into" the atmo*pbereJof the car and plac ed near (tif stove^ thej h^it soon awakened its dormant life, and a 'low bumming noise from the interr wr iraroe^_ih :43mbyTO jiatoraiisi and his companions - in destined " misery that the sorrow was about ^ fSgpL,. '^K'SfwoiSt'vtBxtii&iay the nest from the window ^released tbeuBprisonedinsects, and thea&xt $q^agj^^trw?:irtal ihroogb tbe or, each ivdividujil-'boraet arnied with fury and savagely bent on the- war-path. They struck right and' ,le,ft, and/every where left in their' trailf a Jcry '-jot agony. Women i shrieked, *nd v men yejnxad^ curses loud and deep. JSat 'the Borrow waxed apace and. the misery increas ed*- , Fevple tumbled over seats and gcb*led on; the floer. One fat old lady took a recumbent position, and slicking her abnormally de veloped f^l'OTtremities straight; up in tb^irV'cxecatea'anevc|luti6n that wonld have done credit to Boldsne's kicker. Polonaises were torn and scattered to promiscuous bootm|oKj - and shapely extremities were exposed in a frantio search for ^jbrnets th*f had ventared, in direc- tibns^which hornets have no right to penetrate. . ;Ba!d-headed men ' mopped their shining pates in ag ony- Rushing td. the rescue of his beleaguered passengers, Conductor King was 'met on the threshold with 'a warm reception.: Sat the oondnotor .only clasped bis lips with both.: hands and commenced an lu- dUa^wfjNknoe^'in perfect keeping witfe~4h% conduct of his passengers: He seemingly lost all anxiety to in- qnire any further, or if his cariosity was not Appeased be prudently re frained -from expreasii^ it. Finally the do'ars and windows were thrown open and the hornets began to leav the car. In a little while only- a fewriteay xmes'w'ere'Ieft, Wnd these -iitm passengers kindly, refrained from! hurrying, bat allowed to take: theut time, which; everything1 con sidered, was magnanimous on - thel part of people Who had undergone K>MJ/ b^uiBot^fo^<>ft, a<acottnt v4 BrvtscD Pfto>iEBBs,^What can not be cured must be eaten fresb, A hird in hand^ will fly away un less held tight Little pitchers don't hold mUch. There's many a Blip -on a skating rink. Boys will be boys^-they can't be girls. It's an ill wind .that -blows your hat of You can't make a silk purse- out of unbleached calico. - .March came in like a lamb; let's see if it go oat like a lion, A Chicago ^newspaper says ths.J sU St.'! Ix>uis belle; travelling in Europe, bad a last made exactly likJbJpr foot ^andshegot it through thp Chstom ttotisV free of charge^ as a^work of art, by pretending that it was a part of Bertholdi's colossal statue of liberty^ " Papa," aaid a little boy to his parent, " are Bailors , very Bmall menf* "Np^mydeari what leads yon to siqipose that they are. bo small}" answered the father. " Be cause I read, the other day, of a sailor going to sleep on his watch," replied tho young idea, smartly. : A justice of the peace cannot legally solemnize matrimony in most parts of Ontario. In Algoma and other new districts, special powers are given them for that pur- poea 1 Regular miniitte of churches in Canada can legally Bolemriize matrimony, whetner in charge of congregationa at the timp or not out of the imported ith "j by " U<1 Uuke (see 3d vol. Canadian 1 sorvo oows; <in thii preinie9 of the undersigned, lot 24, 1st con. Esqnesing. Terms For Durhaiim $5: Grades $2. > , . ALKX. WALD1K. Eaq.uesing, Feb. 1, 1877. 31-3m UNDERTAKING. The undersigned begs leave to inform the people of Aoton and_yicinity that he will furnish all ~ ^ ;' J! Requisites in Undertaking on short notice and reasonable terms as uan be had .j llehne Supplied uhen Desired. Also that he will Fitlup Stores & Offloea in tho best style. Bhw Cases. Book Cases sua.ia>sk made to order. FURNITURE REPAIR^ Shop on Willow street, near Main st. AND SLBIO-HSl Now is the tune to leave your order At J. Ryder't JTaotory for a gty)l*l* Vnttr or Serviceable SlelKb; X am making up a large stock for tho present soasou, from tbo beat material. ' T'"^"'": Catl and. '$eo burHditdiuriie Cutltri, jtfp.jpreson* stock of | _'., JBTJCKJIESf \j$kp \ WAOQNS will bo sold off very chcnpv Now ib a good timo to secure bjsrgatns. Strict attention given to Sorie-Bhoo'i&tr * aoneralfillolt- .amitalngr. , JAMES RYDEK. Acton, Bcpt. 27, 1876. SUBSCRIBE IVlcLEOD. ANDERSON & COS GkE30^C3iST^)rW'3Sr. '.-.>. : .- ' Notv is the time forBatgains The public fairly startled and astonished ' nt being,sold at the the startling cheap goods'now MAMMOTH HOUSE, Farmers, Mechanics, Laborers, Housekeepers, young and old, rich and poor, if you want to buy cheap goods, at the: very P. M. McCsi ^cton. March 20. T876. JN. - 39-Gm CASH JKOK.WJHEAT. . r Aiy quantity of good merchantable wheat wanted at the the Acton steam mills, for which i *he highest market price will be paid in cash; '".- , ' B.-4E. NICKLIN. Acton, Feb. 7, 1877. 32-tf PAINTING lag AND or TB undersigned is prepared-to do all kinds of * House Painting, Kalsomininfir and Paper Hanging " . i in the very best manner, and odt^eascjb.' ' able'terms, , Residence comer of John and. Agnes streeta, Acton. ' . ; .' '.- ' , WALKER, Acton, Feb, 14, 1877. ,' 33-2m ..-.'. . ., - ' If you let a lie ijlo^e it will run itnelf to.death, with no one to, atf tpod it* {aneral. > ) gHINQLEJB. Lath, Lumber, And, all building. requisites kept en hand or delivered' on shortest 'possible notice. . ~ Best quality No.- I Shingles only 1.70; best quality No. Sonly 70 cents. Any * the above wUl bo delivered when required. . i Any quantity of oats taken in ex change for any of the above delivered at the mill between Acton and Milton, on LotNp..8, 2nd con. j^squesiug. Orders by rijail address to A'cto'n or Milton P. 6." R. O. MILLAR- Esquesing, Jan, 3, .1877;. ' i ' 27-3n JOB PKIBTTIIfl} of all kinds i '--,..- FR^B P^ESS OFFICB, ,^ Ifexi. (be. rt JMee, Hill Street!' Q. T. HIL1L, Mill Street),: ACTQX, OEALEft IN^ j &rooexle, .: Orookery. Boots & Sfcoss, Vail Papor. "Wlttderw BUads, XTails, Crlass, Putty, Taiata, Turpoattati Oatl OIL Salt, etc.. All of which will be sold low,for cash BOOTt5 and SHOEQ ' Selling off at cost. ' Also' agent for th* RUBBER PAINT COMPANY Of Cleveland, Ohio. Cash for Hides. Acton, July 18, 1876. FOE THE Lowest* Hard Time Prices/'- .x Onaoeoont of certain anticipated changes In business, and &*<&. reduce tbslr stock preparatory to such change, the unders?-^-*' * have decided to othr Speo^al Inducements to Cash Bnywj, 00DS, FLANNELt; Winceys ari& other Staple. Qo6d& To be disposed of at cost price and under. . *' - - .-i -"'-.- A lar^e and Varied ;assortnjept "of. -" ., latest'styles to be rushed of at reduced rates. 4] Jf the GENTS' Tol 4- UNDlJKOLOTHING AND FURNISH3NG&: Parties desirous of supplying themselves with a cheap suit willliiu^ >w is the tide to buy. . !; ;.?".- , '.::] ---r^Wf DICE50K & MoffAS, now i Acton, Februsrr 7,' t8W, POST aFF ICE STORE, #.- fe' ^CTGOSr,? --^-^i-S-Mf-ii My work is all giving satisfaction, and you will find this is ibej^aea ti 1 ' ' bring yeur 1 ": -~ I; l !i'. Watches, Clocks and J^wlplI^ . AGTonsr FREE PRESS, Now is your opportunity. We have marked down .the balance! of our ex; tensive stock, and are determined to clear it all out before spring. We are bound to make this the niot extensive Clearing 5x:ile we have ever at tempted. Don't neglect tho opportunity of getting the largest lot oi go<.xis for the least money, you ever tan in your liTetime. REMEMBER THIS SALE IS FOR GASH. - '- 'I- We must have the money, therefore you can buy goods very cheap. Don't forget the spot. [ | McLSQD, ANDEHSON & Co., Jan. 8..1877J ' . J1AMMOTH HOUSE, Grij)RGTOWN- To get Hepaired. r THE FINEST^ SELECTION OF JEWEIXERY, ' THE" LATEST STYLES TS JEWELLERY, . 1 ' A^D THE BEST STOCK OF WATCHES AND CLOCKS^; Will always "be seen at ', ' Only $1 a Year ACTON WANING MILLS AND Pump, SasltiJDoor and Blind Factory. I THOMAS EBBAGE, . Manufacturer of "WindoirT Sash, Doors, Venotian Blinds ^ Mouldings, And otli<?rBaildin(r Requisites ' Also Maker ot j YiIMPEOVBP SUCTION PTTOPS Lumber Planed and Dressed to orde in the best manner. All work guaranteed. : Ac ton, Jan. ,1876, In Advance. VICK'S FLOWER and Veg etable tiAKUKM Js the most beautllul work of the kind In the world. It centalus nearly 150 page', hundreds of One Illustrations, and six chnmo plates of flnweis, bflftiuHirtly drawn and colored from nature. Prtod 50 oeots In paper cover8,$1.001n elegantolotb Printed In Uermnnand-BDclUb. ; Vlek's Floral Ouiat, (Quarter Jy, 25 cents a year. . Vick'a Cataloffoe SDOlllastratlnns, only '1 oeuts - -Address James Vicz, Roohater, N.V. VICILSI FLOWER and. FEC ETABLE 8EED8, Are plaiiiea by a mullon people in Amer ica. 8ee , Vack'sCaUlogue 800 lllnstratlons, only 2 cents. Vlek's Floral oulde, quarterly, 25 cents a year.', . Vlek's Floral and Vegetable Oarden, 60 cents, with elegant eloth cavers $1. AH my publications are piloted lnuer- aa>f and Knglleh- Address, James Vies, Rochester, N.Y. TTICK'S Illustrated Priced T CATALOGUE. Fifty pages aoo Illustrations,-with de scriptions of thoosandsofthe best flowers and vegetables in the world, and tbb way to grow them -all fcr a Two Cent postage stamp. Printed In Qerman and BngUtih. VlCHL'S PLOIAL BUH>I, (ItTABTKBt-T, 25 cents a year VltK'S KlOWIB ASD VEOBTABLE Oab- disk, GOoents in paj>er; in elegant oloth covers, (1,00. Address, JamksVick, Rochester, N.Y. .';! ' SPEYSIDB Shingle, Stave AMD HEADING MILLS. Any twtftiesswanting Shingles wontd do well'^'giire'us if dl. - W^!ll*al. r, nave on hand * good supply of 1 and No. j) 8hingle*. it quality Ko-i square, jfloi 9, 70 cants per square; ! P. AH. SATER& Spey aide, Deo. 13, 1876, 34-<Snt Jhinglesill^QiBer; cants per square; - '; FLORAL GIJtpB A baantlful Q,narter)y Journal finelyillns- trate^,' and oontalnlns an plegant oolored Flower Plate with ,the flrst number. Priee only 05 cents for the year. The first No. for 1877 Just issued In Herman and EjigHsb. .. a p*^ree'oeTt*(Tmh e^e^nt*elo^ooTO ' vlok's Catalogue. 800 illdnratinnB only Scents.- Address JAMR8 VICK, Rochester, N. Y. it is worth ^y'."pj^rTOBrs-']#iiii6 when in Guelph to call and see tlie , Immense Stock of f '--.] For Men and Boys, all oolors and prices, at Rutherford'a-Clothing | Establishixieiit, SIGN OF TKS [ELEPHANT, Ho. 31 Lower "Wyndliam Street, Guelph. Noted for having the T>est assortment west of Toronto, and at pri ;es the t def^. competition. , CJoiua and'-Bee. : WM. RUTHERFORD _Qaelph, Non20, '18i6-:\- 't -' <: THE FREE PRESB To Merchants and other Men in Acton, as j weU1 as throughout' tit^ County, the! ifree Press is ihyaluable; A^dveirt&iidg. an Medium. BREEDERS. mo . The! yokna Berkshire Boar ',' Wel lington Chief," bred by aeo. Brndd, of Onelph, has been purchased be roe and will D* kept for service on my premises adjoining this village. This animsl is !from imported stock with first-class ledigree. Terms fl.00, paid, at ime ot service. ' ',. C.S. SMITH. Acton, Dm.. 18,1876. 26- UVI- Oor Unrivalled Facilities for Executing all kinds of ,..t.i; .;'!<-:>i BOOK AND JOiB WJ,tf^-Vfc Enable ub to turn out work fqul to enything done in the cIUbs. -tiv .H-Tli 4j*ti>s?fflifesSd2i^ WWIBBHBSJgSia^^^" i*J.W>.-.wi_______ PRINTING :. February 7, 187.. GEORGE HiTSrpSf ^ Jewellery Stbie, Acton .. ii DEOIDED BARGAINS^ ^ CbHel and J .a tell Dl le- Ooile ^ae4 p. m*l A.CTOI Liife 1 *e*, Pi and <f boai'l aiaS 2^ "B tree I - lici tot Main I Caanl .K ngf Jtilt ment) law- , oaFd H Aeeii Xah< ralil atMr, t wiul "tuC-i Patei for pri Me teatel CoU- IN Glass-wai^e and Si ^^nsrOTT GK20JM AT THJS J'lasd tied .tlonl Flo sale! van] ne| Tras BUd a tel ting-1 lilqJ atte^ Post'OfeLpe Store, Actofe The Subscriber, :.!t<< ..-: :*:i '-'$$ .: Is now prepared to offer a choice seleolion of GrocJBries,^Grockery, i Glassware, Wal I JPapers, :'.. ;Paper Window mz r-K-M ,:4 J-i-%% ' Pbl ^3 At prioas that oannbtifail to please even those who rail at Ox* ffsTd^a^Wft :v":;;:;'i:'" ":v:sipi PRICES A^J "*"in*fflifeik ^6caT c&rv -he > eonTinoed, will be found to advertisement. ^ Port (#<** Febifuirj-J, m I 'm ,m & ,:.'i-! '

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