Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 22, 1877, p. 3

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IV^jf" THE\ FREE ADVERTISEMENTS.' hiR members of the Order: Orand Chancellor J. S. King, of Toronto,. 1U. C. Uvorgc II. Mitchell, G. |K; of K. aml.S., 1\ C. AVilson, of 'Toronto, fast NEW Insolvent; Ac _______Cctof 1S7S-W. Allan. r Hnt Arrivals John Hogs Jt Son. Schedule of Convictions--Co. Hal ton. or 50ft. :1 % iS?E A SOX. se eommebci^t/ " tent. lated selicJtatie l>i us. how diSeatt sing Uko feaaaa- |tandard of most [. :.'6f-- Jfi^eliaoit taErntrd': |Ti"j<T\7TTicg on an cities, and is ^soninll t-eas- aadby Gnelpbj I of it to fioelpb, acd 3n, aw* aboren .' ' 1' ' " - parjfcn>eirL, which bse opening ON & GO- your &*. Preasnnkihg Misses M. * M. S. Maun. T*cts f'* the People Christie, Hen- .derson & Co. ' ~ LOCAL MATTERS. Chancellors Bros. Bemrnistcr, Murray, Craliame, Townsond, Jackson, MeOou. key, llwk, .and Knight* Jackman. Cornish, Mainwarino Jivcknmn, fowoll, ;Kldor, [ Read tho story on the first- pgc of the Frkk Press, headed *' Liv. ine Too Fast." It is the confession?, of s young ntta who hid been robbing his employers in;order to keep up the c*. penscs of stylish living, will who was forcAl to escape front tho^eottntry. -Division Court -to-day in Matthews' hall. Avoid colds and coughs by : I getting a pair of new Boots at Craiuo 4 Sod's. - '. 1 Ladies requiring dressjB made, xe referred Uv the advertisement 'of i- Misses M. * M. S. Mann. ; Examination in the junior de partments of-tho public* school to-day, . nd in the senior department^to-mor-7 _.row. " The public are invited tOTitteud. ^ It may comfort some >of'those persons who grumble about _tho.woather to remember that the heaviest snow . storm of last season took place on the - 29th of March. A meeting- will be held in tho the Temperance Hall to-morrow (Fri? day) eveniug, for the purpose of ro- tiyanizing the Pastime B. R Club. All parties interested arc -requested to at tend. Elder O. G. Hertzog has boon delivering a coarse of interesting loe-. tures iti the l>Ucip!e Chapel each i-wu- :n-^ unriiij; tlie p*si wcelt. Tliey h^ve leen well attended, ami will be contin ued f'r some time yet. ; The r.ppfartince of .thirijjs yes- ter.lay mon-.fnij --led us to think that i Verniers prophetic three feet, of snow :. was a reality. The flakes fell thick and ', Fait until u'iN'ii, the'.i the sun shon-.-'ont '. 1 right, and now the indications are the white"mantle will speedily disappear. Knights-, of Pythias rn- ;rahd turn-out and en-. th- lsr,j;it July' full membership ten dollars ; this oniv c5;.w:ijc rlir.t caniliclrites SEC OR The tend havi x*rU::.:'-r.:': The initiation :ee fo ' in this I'rder is only ___1U Hopkins, MeBain, Wiunifritli, Davis, Cudlno, and Jdarlatt, of Toronto, and l\ C.J. Davidson, of Guolph, ami Chancellor John P. Sacord, of Acton. After supper thuy retvtrood to tho hall and. resumed business, conferring do- groes, iustallinR officers, etc, which occupied till after daylight tho follow ing, inorumjr. The Grand Chanoello tpieu addressed tljo brethren, complin meriting /.them, not only on the good .quality of which the "hodgo scorned composed, hut complimented tho Vil- lagc of Acton, and in that way tho Lodge, by stating that ho thought they should in a short time be second to none of the new lodges. A vote of thanks was then tendered to the visiting breth ren, which was replied to by several, after, which.the Grand Chancellorolosod the Lodge. The Knights partook of breakfast, and left Acton and their newly made brothers by the nine o'clock train, delighted with the prospect of sttc-. cess which tho now Lodge has before it. Before .'adjourning it was arranged to have another- meeting next Friday evening, ,23rd inst., when tho officers will bo more fully-instructed by V. C. Davidson, D.D.G.C., of Guolph. The following are tho:olneers elected for tho ensuing term : > Bro. Z. A. Hall, P.C. Bro. 3. P. Seeonl, C.C. ': Bro. J- Hill.lVJC -; i Bro. \V. Smvth, P. % I Bro. F. H. Storey. K. of It. Bro. Geo. Vemons, M. of F. Bro. C. S. Smith. M. of E. Bro. Isaac Francis, M. at-A. Bn: J-., I..G. Bro. J. BtirnK, O. G. Bro. T. C. J.1 Davidson, D.D.G.C. The iremhers of the Lodge number twenty-one. I Wood's " Bible Auimnls." This is tho till'of t\ valnnble work, giving ix .doscription of the habits, structure, ixfid uses of every living creating mentioned in the scriptures, frpnj the ape. to ; the comf, and-illustrated wjth'over! one "liundred new designs. The book contains 800 pages, - benutjfidly pi in ted on tinb tontii paper, uikI bound in a sujierior manner; Tlie ]niblisher of tBe Cariadian etlition is Mr. ! JJ \V. Lyoii, of Guelph, nest. | whose agents nie now canvassing 1 TT: 'ugeu.t for this lis hejidquartei-s 'REM, |ACT0N, HAITON .(DpU'NTYi/ ONT., MARCH ^2,! 1877.: D BROS. THATi irVONDERFU^ -A.(Z5TOIT. A. # % & JUST RECEIVED, FOR THE SIPIRIHSTG!- TRADE FIRST ARRIVALS Direct Importations Important to the Pub lie Great Sensation among the Ladies. 187,320 YARDS OF RIBBONS Bought by Mr. David Hog;;, in London, England, at half 'value, now offer ing exactly at half-price, at our store, Guelph. 4 yards btautiful silk ribbon for 10 .cents, 3 yards beautiful silk ribbon for TlOoeryts. Como and see. Crempton's Adjustable Corget Is only 81 per Pair. These are the beBt goods In the market. ; Ladies see them before purcbos* ing elsewhere. Indies' Now Dress Goods, .'-';' Ladies'Now Black Silka, JLadies' New Plain and Brocaded Colored Silks, : Ladies'New Mantle and Jacket Cloths, :^ . - :| Ijndios'New Mantles very beautiful goods. - OUK, MILLINERY- D^3? AUTISM NT Ladios' and MIses new at our store. Extraordinary value is SHOW GOOI Hata in all kljn"ds--r%hitrvbrown, black, cardinal. Also novpities in new shapes and styles, only to New Flowers, new feathers,-nw Ribbon e, new Silk Ties.' Our House Furnishing-; )epartment embraces everything that ian be rea- . - sonably_ lookec for. Call and examine thief Department. . ' -made Clptiiing offerftd In Men's Suits, Boys' Suits, it en's Costs, Men's Trouaers, Boys' Coats, Boys' Pants,;, 3Ve offer, a good suit of Tweed, i:en'ssike, for Jg7 coat, vest and pants.'. .- - JOHN HOCG & SON, Alma Block, t?pper Wyndham Street March 8, 1877 T Bought Low, and will be !vo t.i nice tiu* i*.e_T\'CS.- .iml JiLiii ta all id C" ristio, Tlend-^rs C.i.s " Kactii":".'.r r,!he People." Tiiey -rv uo^- ^if.'W::;^- sjtrin-^ ^'->o.Vs r.t sur- pr:"52;:^;y- low' priced. . nol'.vith-t.-.-iuin ^ t".i-.-Tet-e'.it a-'v.::i-_--.-s in m.-^ny l::i^-?. I-:i- stanc^ a. jLeatly mr.'K' tweed suit.-for only $S ; Men's heavy sh >es only $1.1.'). Kcuieui!<cr.their":;s .">0-_' Tex Tlie. ngi-nt for Wood's " Scrip ture Natural Hi.-torv fi-' ., . . vvrv ^ratifvint; -ur.-e.- :s ineetin 1 Sold at Prices never Heard of Bpfore, _>.-;. 4 in rv-o .U'tu, ., - nrc bddiiu our itile'litenan rthe work.' ! .-l! :*v as' to th p-.0.'lislle'l_ rv-rrie-ri. n ItH ennvays SeVer.d te.-'.i- 1 o-.hcra of the c V;-.l'.ic i:i- ;-.uo;lier col^e v.e.hi\e" ij f.-iviTablo-opinion of liitl and uiechaiiicai merits o ^ iU .arrive fin:'.- of the tach Tea !'! iisu.-tl lirice^> now srH-k of-Crockery in.a'few day*. 'Am iiar^'ains in this liner are C> ,:, s for ."ill cents IJK.T dozen, j cents' per doxe'n.\| e>K:o:tl) Bi:os. - . : -;. vp.rv-nice stvle of Indies and tor oriiei-s. His coiuity will have in Acum for a few weeks. The follawing testirnpuiuls -have been t"r<-tly given by the, - gx-ntleuien whoso names lir^Vattached, after a careful examination of the com- .]ilete work : . ' ' ' j AiTox, March 19th, 1877. ' I After a .careful -examination of' " WikkI's Bible Animals," I Ullhc-sita- ! tingly declare it to be well calculated to ' interest and instruct all Bible readers, ^idihath SeluHil teachers, and otfiers \> Urt1 aro engaged in the work of impnrt- ! ing religious instruction will find it of j et_!U.idera-h!o interest, as it elucidates 1 several passages in the scriptures that i refer to animals the nature aiitl habits j ot which are nut very, well known. The j paper by'Dr. MeL'osh'on " Kvolution," auil:that by Dr. NJarch on '.' llcscarch ami Travels in Bitfle Lands " add much f to the Value of tfitfe work. Tho former is a successful refutation of Darwinian- ism, ami the, latter gives the result of discoveries fo, tlie latest "date. I hearti- 5s". ly -commend the Ifook, and wish it an extensive circtihitii.m. ' , : . '" ! Minister of Knox Church, Acton] Barrels t'h:! Iren's B iots and Shoes j -ed Craiue i Son's. st rectiv- BaptUt < luirrlL. ; The' Rev. J. Sf>d>o, of 'Brampton, will preach in the aliove place on Sun day next, at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. We learn that the members of th:3 church are arran^iiii; tx* have considerable rm- provements made upon their place of "worship, for"sJrhich purpose:they are soliciting subscriptions. s, Mo!a^- Of White and ftefine<l Sugars,' S.yru ses, Vinegar, Oat Meal, Corn Meal ritiits, ?nines, Coal Oil, Boiled .Oil,' Raw Oil, Spirits of Turpentine, Varnislr, Japans, etc Kegs Of Prunes, Colors of all Tu THE PfliLIr CESEi!Al.l.Y : I have great pleasure in recommend ing to all Sabbath School teachers arid- scholars Kev. J. (J. Wotsl's "Scripture Natural History," as the1 most complete and interestim; work I'have ever.-read on the subject! It cannot fail to meet a felt need-in-Sabbath School work, and 1 feci oertaiiVthat ho one interested in sach work will'regret purchasing thisj work. It is a valm.ble aid in the study " of-.Scriptural History to all others aa well as Sabbath School workers.. G. VT. Cal,vert, ' Methodist Minister, Acton. Bible t^oclelj-. In accordiiuce with previous an nouncement, the annual" meeting of the Acton Branch of the Upper CanadaTSible Society, will be held in tho Mothodist Church on Tues- day evening next, 27th. inst., 7:30 j o'clock, to which tlie public are cordially invited; The annual report of the committee will be submitted, after which a number of the resident ministers are expect ed to address the meeting. The coDectora will, kindly visit their various districts and report to the Treasurer not later than Monday " evening,.if possible.. Mb. Lvok Aitox, March 21,1877. '6 r COD srge the FaofeW] "f ttoclttar **< aid*omt<%*Ur*i ".;;;' 7,- m :] :s - - -v-eSJ* On account of a dis solution' of partnership, all parties iu- . .debtee! to Dickson t McXab either by -note or-book account are hereby nofi- _. ed that they mast have the same settled by the first'6t April next.' ' Facts foe the People.-HChris-, tie,-Henderson & Go.'s famous 50c Tea for flavor and strength is equal to anything of the-kind in the mar ket, at even 20-per cent in advance. *iitkt* oT rjthlum (n Aetan. A little after s^venj o'clock last Thursday evening, quite a lively inter est was created by the marching down Mill street :from the station-of what looked like a company of uniformed ..sohiiers, with Swords-dangling by their sid^, piloted by our town band and tbrefcOights. They halted opposite Matthews' Hall, and wheeling to the left, -marched op-stairs, leaving the hand to entertaia the multit*ido of on- lookers outside. It soonbecame known ' u** ^eae were the representatives of " '..' * honorable order of the Knights of : Pythias, and that a lodge of the. same ' T** * 4** organized in Acton. The w>ors were locked, j and not even- the S1*** admitted to i-eport proceedings. ! Aevert^eless, a little bird has whistled a; our ear the particulars of how thirteen 0f our highly respectable younc; "jj^L w?!e Put through the trying ordeal ' ?*;?"- K the goat," and otherwise . initiated into the sublime mysteries and mythical honors of Knighthood. After this was.done.the whole party adjourn- a to Campbell's hotel for supper. Amongst those present *we the follow. > '-. I have read carefully the table of contents <if: "Bible Animals" by J. G. Wood, and tliCi.knownreimta- tion of the author is sn'tfSsicTit guarantee that he ha3 treated these subjects in an i I instructive manner. iThe article of Dr. McCosh (with w;hich . I am familiar) is one of the best' on Evolution for its length that has come under my obser vation. 'The.researehes and travels of Mr. March rank among-thc first produc tions on that subject for the masses. I regret that I am called away so that I will not see you to express this :rouch rtjo you, and encourage you in furthering jScriptural knowledge. To such as have :a taste for such' literature .1 hesitate not to sayithey will find a feast in this book. Truly yours, O. G. Hertzoo. Of Biscuits, < Canned Fruit, Soda, Red Lead, kinds, etc. White Lead. Cages, Boxjes, Caddies! and 1 1 Sacks onfecl.ionery,, Spices, Starch, Fish,? etc., Tobaccos, Cigars, Raisins, Cheese, Scrips, Candles,! Washing Crystals, Pickles, Jams, Jellies, Matches, etc Chests, Caddies and Boxes Of Young -Hyson, Gunpowder, Japan and nging in price from 10 cents best value in the county. , Acton, March 2), 1875. I fully concur-iwith the "favorable opinions which have"been expressed.of :this work, and have- much pleasure in ^adding my testimony to its value, and cordially recommending it to the public. . C. Russell Lee, Incumbent St. Alban's Church, Acton. Acton, March, I877r, I have carefully examined that very. valuable and entertaining book. Wood's; " Bible Animals," and have no hesita tion-in recommeuding^it. The paper oh " Evolution." by Dr. McCosh, is the best refutation of -Darwinianism that I have read. Every person should: read it; . Johs Boss, Teacher. Thii is to certify that we havo examin ed the Canadian edition of " Wood's Bible Animals," and'do most cheerful ly recommend,the same to all teachers oftheyonng. Chas. T. Hill. ' ' , Wi H. Storey. . ' ! N. McOajivjn, M. D. Arch. Campbell. ; Black Teas ra upwards. The Acton, March 14, 1877. SEC0ED BEOS. 11 i J W. STEWARTS CO Have oommenoed opening their New Spring Importations And'in a few days will show the fineBt stock of FIRST CLASS GOODS submitted for inspectionin-Ouelphi Special efforts have been made to show the newest Drest Good*, Spring Jackets. Mantles, ' . Costuinfy, Kid Gloves, . . - . . Horiwy, .. t ' ' Lace*, Lace Curtains', Sheetings, and Mourning Goods. OUR COTTONS were all contracted for before the recent advance. Customers will have the.benefit.. j Gents' Department. In Cloths and Tweeds, Press Shirts, " Ties, Collars, .etc., ; ! Stook of Felt Hats, Aro, particularly inviting in BtyiB and price. WM. STEWART & CO. Guelph, March *, 1877. " navy blue, had be . THE <? OPENED Gnelph. t--- AT &$Bi% "T\. ^.Cyi^03<T^ !###':to Metfs, T^ omeii's and Children's Sines, AT A LIBERAL REDUCTION ON OLD PRICES, And a;stHl further reduction of 5 per ce;it on 'all purcli ases of five pairs and oyer. '::':-_-,l-'t::- - -' . ' j .- V' . IBrlMENSE PILES OF ; EBADY-Im^DB OIjQTil^Ci Now on Exhibition -i A well-made boot is the "cheapr eat,) even if it does cost a little more, at first.' It lasts longer and gives better satisfaction. Try Craine & Son's well- made boots. ." _ AT THE . Facts forti^e People. Chris tie^ Henderson' a stock of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes as can be-found in any retail house in: Ontario and for cl eapness and qnality^ combin ed tbeir stock is not equalled. pashio: "ABLE "WEST END GEORGE HYNDS, Watohmaiker and Jeweller. * POST OFFICE STORE, My work is all giving satisfation, and you will find this is the place to - bring yeur Watches, Clocks and Jewellery ?- - - j To get Repaired. l : THE FINEST SELECTION OF JEWELLERY, _ THE LATEST STYLES!IN JEWELLERY,^ j AND THE BEST STOCK OF WATCHES AND CLOCKS, Will always be seen at MEN'S FOB :j T^en: aac. Boy^ "^d^Cilils^ WCt>JE I $8.00 0!N"D LI r_ 2^W A. O. BUCHAM. Fashionable/ West End Dress, MlUlnory and Mantle Establishment. - Ouelpu, Jlarcb 18, 1877^ February 7, 1B76. GEORGE HYND$ Jewellery Stote, Acton Newest S ;yles and Makes^-Ve^ Cheap Kem^mber -t TWEED h: V !: JIUITS V'.' ^-S^ that Ftobus ^0|dx #e& CHRISTIE, HENDEES0N A<|tdnj March 21, 1877. a: CO, .'{ i ' :.

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