Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 29, 1877, p. 2

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i&i&. *m '^r IF-' M 5<t> : .*>. IvV i| THE [FREE PRESS, ACTON, HA-LTOKT COUNTY, ONT., MARCH 29, 1877. paL Ajl'TOX FREE PRESS I Bible. Society Mecttnjr. -1 i" - / ! The annual mooting of the Aoton Uranch of the [Upper Canada Bible Society whs hold in tho Methodist Church, on TuesdayeveuinR. There was a very fair attend'inco. Archi bald Campbell, Esq., President, oo- oupfed the ohair. After devotional oxvreixfs, tiro chairman rend a letter from Kov. Mr. Culvert, explaining his inability to bo present on no count of being engaged in speolal religions services at Silver Creek. Tho President then raud the follow ing interesting address : Pa'olishpd Kycry Thursday Morning. J. U. llACKING, Proprietor. $1 ?er Annum in Advance .-':- ,--}- 1877. HACKING EDITOR TuoiwPAYj'MonNiNo, Maucii 29, 1$ Mi The new President ot tho United Si-iU-s -is u surpriso ,-tTo both lui friends und iniemiva. Tho Ropnbli- cms; arc. astonished li\ find liiui a much greater, man than: they had any idea of, and tin? Democracy art) --.disappointed at the splendid sui-ciss that has uUeuiled hi:} etibrjts to dfci what lie promised in bis let ter of acceptmw und-inrtiigmal tid- dress.-. The!Republicans knew that Gov. Hayes was a well meaning maii, who meant what ho t-aid, but - us Grant had failed-to make any "'"reform in the line of civil service, they had no idea that it was ;possi- ble to do it. Tb.e- Democracy be lie vtdibift all has'talk was of the auti-e.lectipn order, that nothing woiild come of it, that, tlie.y would Have " broken promisesi'-v as r elec tioneering capital.' Both arj dis appointed. Hayes promised reform - and he is carrying it out.' Tee '* e^-.v-gvinij, Arell-iii'eaiiiug Qian _ L:c Uevelo|>eJ iuto an. iron handed. Siong-wilied, intelligent man, who ' knows what he waists and pi eposes to do i. In his hatlds civil service r.-forin is an accomplished fact. The orHce-seekers who did not believe that, he w^is in earnest are. going home in- droves, their carpet-bags lightened- by the exact weight " the ; recoiauie'ndutious 'hey took with them. They have sill met with the' same answer: "The in- ciuul>ent is a good^ capable man, and the .good Of the service does) not demand a change." f ' But my ser vices in the campaign'f' " They * go for nothing whatever. Every ' citizen did what iie could to elect .' the nun of his choice. We ' i-ecogiiise nothing of the sort, and 1 "shall not. Good service is what ' we, want! Good . morning."'- And so the applicant who has : made politics a. business and is in politics for purely busine.vs reasons . i goes away sorrowing to his member : o cougress. ' Up starts the Hon. - ^ir. Blank, with blood in his e\e. aild demands the appointment of Li.^ friend. The s*vine imptrtumbl^ yvlitienos iuui the same Roman firmness meet him. " Ti.ere will "( e no changes made for party-j*a- "-sons. i If the present fncuinherit is ; " unfit for the place, show it, and we " v. ill put it better man in, and .your " recommendation -will J have its ' But there will be no " change e-xopt for cause." And the Congressman storms and raves, h'.it- it all amounts to nothing. C60I, self-possessed, the Prpside~nt sits, paying no more heed to -the storming and raving, than as thongh it was the softest zephyr.5 Oh ye pfcople,ljdo you know why President Hayes jsvin'a" position to do this 5 Learn and apply the same.-' to your local politics, imd get good govern me-Jt 'allj around." This is the se cret he "don't owe anybody any favor for his nomination or ejection. He never asked for the noUiination, he never asked for .election, aii.i he is complicated .with nobody. Con sequently 1\ee has no, friends to reward or enemies to punish. He has no cine to thank, for he asked no one ifor 1 is |\ole or influence Iu ; s.Lort- the ollice sought him .nut he the office. He can afford to do as hfe thinks best, for lie is in .mi o'le's bands. There: \ire no ringsor clique's, control! i'r.g. hi in,r ami aLLtlm efforts tororgar.iz them have . ljeen'fiiilui-es. Kutherfofrd B. Hayes, not a clique usiiig his name, is the president. The era oF good feeling , iij-at hund. 'In Cuo-jio'od pn>viileno of God we are again tuet t<i celebrate this an niversary of tins Bible &>oiety, an event >ve' are told which' resulted from an interview which th'o- Rev.. Thomas Iiala had with a Welidi girl who told him that Bho journeyed seven miles over the hills, every week to get sight,of a Bible: Thisinci dent directed the attention of tho rev. gentleman to the dearth of Scriptures in. the principality, and 1*h1 him,r wjieu next be visited Lon- d..n, tour^o the committee of the Religious Tract Society to consider bow the need might b met. While engaged in this interview, It occur; red to a rev. g-ntleman present, surely a'society might be formed for the purpose, and it for Wales, why not lof tlie' Empire, and it for the Empire why not lor the world. Hence, on the 7th day of March, l$u4. was founded the British anil foreign Bible'Society, a little more than boventy-ihree years ugo In the estimation ot some oi the men of the present day this lapse of time is but as iv, and > et what a-mar velous worK has been accomplished in ipe publication and spread of the Gospel throughout the world, and while we rejoice at the amount of progress that has been made already in this great woik, the details of which'I shall unt now enter upon, (leaing that lor the speakers that will follow), suffice it to .say that by , the;8riri-h and I'tireign Bible Socie- of | ty alone 76.-132.7^3 copies have been issued in some. -11 languages and dialect-, and a numl*r not much smaller issued by societies to whose birth i:nU lite this >oeieiy has given inipal-e Is. it not reasonable on our.-part; in acknowledging the boon thus conferred upon'mankind, to pr^y in time to.come the spread aud prigiess of Bible Socielies may increase ten fold until all lands shall knew the salvation of our God, ol the tuiKiohs of Indi 1,-China, Africi, and otheri heithen lands. .1 have ,no dotibtjyou will bear something to en list your sympathies, and as we value our Bible lor ourselves, so we v^lue the tidings of great jay which shall be unto all people, and if we value 'the peace <nd prosperi y we enjoy as a nation, let us urise and renew our ellbrts and lend i.ur helping hand to the cause of the Bible1 Society. It is true some will say that money it scarce, lue crops were a failure, and we eannot afford to giTe as we would like, but is it rioi^ilso 'rue that our cropland all our gettiugs are more than we ask for. How-niany are there among us who 'when they commit the =ee<l to-the ground leave it there for the Jaws of nature to give it liie and giowth, just as the ostrich in her warm climate depos its her eggs in the sand -and le:sves the sun to produce her young, when we ought to look to God and to pray daily fur the early and the littler rain, and to give abundant increase to the fruit of the ground that it may bring forth in some thirty, in some sixty, and inisotoe one hundred fold, and let ur obey the "injunction ofjjod who said "Bring ye all the tiihes into the storeoouse'th t there be meat in mine house,/and prove me now herewith saith the Lord of hosts if Iwiil not open you the win dows of heaven and pour you out a blessh.g that there' f-hall not be room enoofgh to receive." And let ua hope th^t the- Acton branch of the Bib e Society will vigorously pursue its effortB In the good cause in all time coming uniil the knowledge of God's word shall cover the whole earth as-the waters cover the sea." pensing with tho orvico of a paid ngcut o( the Biblo Sooioty, Mid tbnt iii fttct mors Iibbrnl tabnoriptlona hrt bun obtained, foltj warriudud in ngaili adopt ing tho same plan, ft!(d rulying ontirel ' on tho resident miuistcrrf to nddrusa tl e- amiual meotilig, which they trust will meet tho approval of this mooting, Tho Treasurer's report of colluotioiii o far m returns havo boon mado ! a* follows'; |. ' Cash on hand f rsn last yoar....} 1 2$ From sales of Scriptures........ 32 75 Collected by Mi8 SpoiRht and Nicklin .. lfi S4 Missci Stool and Konnody..... 15 50 \V. Oonlon andJ. Mann .... 7 60 O. D. Christie and J. Warren fi 40 D. Hondorson and Y. Manu .. 3,'i(l A. Kennedy and A. Lashy.....2 00 A. CnmplxMl and D. Kennedy 5 33 P. 9. Armstrong and C. Swack- haninier ................ 7 05 CoUoctiou at annual moptiug.. . 4 10 Pen and SclHftor NelectH. I DciidfiTwo Weeku and Alive all 8101 24 sources lost yoar Proceeds from $93.15. j The Secretary stated that it had been previously resolved to dig pense with the services of a paid lecturer, and he asked an expression of opinion on th'r' advisability of the step. - It appeared to be the unani mous opinion of th meeting that it was a judicious saving of unneces sary expense, especially as it was shown that the receipts nere greater than in previous years. The meeting was then addressed by Rev Mr.'Cameron and Mr. John Speight, both of whom gave interest ing statements of the good work accomplished by the Biblo Socioty. - Tlie Moontniii Meadow Mas sacre. EXECUTION OF JOttN T>. LEE. Ai 11 a. m precisely, on Fri day, John D. Lee wa brought out upon the scene of the massacre at Mountain.Meadows, before the exe cuting party, aud aeated on his coffin about twenty, feet; from the shooters. After the order of ;.the court was read to him, Marshal Nelson asked if lie had anything to -say before the execution wan carried iuto effect. Lee made a short ajKiech denying that he had done anything wiong designedly. He had done what ho could to save the immigrant^ aud was now sacri ficed by tho parties to blame in a cowardly manner. He was d firm believer in God and the Gospel as taught iu ita purity-'by Joseph Smith, but did not believe any thing taught aud practised by Brigham Young. Ho regretted leaving his family, but was prepared for death. After prayer by Parson Stokes, the bandage was placed over his eye*j- he requested the firing party to aim at his heart, and at the word from Nelson-the five guns were fired, penetrating the body in the region of the heart. Lee fell square back upon his cotEn, death, being instat- tiuoous. , The body was placed , in tlie Coffin, aud the crowd dispersed. There were about 75 persona on tlie ground. Not a child or rela tive of the deceased wus present. The body will be given to the rela tives ^t Cedar City. - Tho Proviuoml^Lunatio Asylum' at Toronto haa at present 0&0 patients within its wifllH. A (lonpatch from Rome announces tho death of MonHigno'r NarUi, Auditor of tho Snored Rota. A horse-breeders' convontion is talked of, to bo hold in Toronto about the last week iu April. -, Guolph papers report tho origugo- uient of Quinton, of Harrinburg, Pa,, as sliort stop for tho Maple Leafs. '-*' A recent telegram ftxim Romo says tlie Pope, has lost the use ot hisjlegs and is carried abmit in u chuir. ' i Guelph will'bo:fifty years!old oti the 23d of April. Tho people of the town aro making arrangements for a grand celebration on that day,. Tho lute Georgo Dawson, of England, declared that he loved religion and flowors .but bated theology and botany." The Archbishops of Naples and Perugia und the Vicar of Rome are mentioned as candidates for tho succession to Pius IX.! Thoy say that a girl in':a Strath- roy church leaned her limd oh a young-man's ahoiilder and ato candy all through the service. Th greatest grumblers orer herd times are tho ulingy men and those vho do the loast work, drink the rami whiskoy and ubo tho most tobacco. It is Rtated that tho Popo has received official intimation of tjhe approaching marriage; of King Alphonso snd the daughter of tho Duke do Montpensien:, " The Great Eistern, which baa been lying idle for want of suitable occupation is being fitted up for the tmnsjiortatjon of cjittle between this country and England, B'our hundreii Peiinsylvanift col lieries are idle, sixty thousand men" being thereby deprived of work. The suffering among this-class of the population is-, reported to be very great. A telegram from MnTneapolia, Minn., to tho Chicago Inter-Ocean, dated 15th iiist,, tells the following romarkablo story : " About throe weeks ago Jonas Nelson, a lumber man, while in the woods on the Uppor Mississippi, was:'criishod be- uenth a fulling tree, and, after suf fering Hoyeral days, died. His comrades placed his body in a'rude pine box and forwarded it to irhmdu in this city. It was over a week before the body arrived. At tlie Bauio ti mo tho woatboi' wuh quite cold. Tho roinuina wore tukon to tho residence of John Peterson, rwhero for two or threo days they wore visited by friends. Finally, ono who bad not yet seen the body called, and after- examining it for Boino moments exclaimed : " VVhy, Jonas is not dead." Thoso who hoard him wero astonished at this remark, which scorned incredible; but efforts were made to resuscitate the body by placing it in a bed and imparting warmth to it. After a time color began to show, itself in the cheeks, and shortly after his eyes opened. The spectators were nlinost overpowered with a sense that they were in the! presence of un unseen power. Finally one asked the reviving man;: " Nelson, are you cold?" Without moving, fixing hLs oyea on his questioner, he answered, " Yes." The' exer tions to restore him were redoubled) and his condition since has been gradually improving.' Theea are are fuctB, thiit a niun who has been apparently dead two we6k3, and must have been frozen in transit to An exchange truthfully says that it is true of newspapers as well an of churches, that those who con tribute the least to ib'eir support criticise and find tho most fault with their management, v - MAKEIED.: ; At the Presbyterian Mrinso, Acton, by Rev. D. B. Comoron1,, on tho 20th inst., Mr. William Miollio, to Annio, daughter of Mr. Win, jHydo, of Es- quosing. DIED. j In tho township of Culross, on tho 16th inst., Mr. James Gordon, formerly of Ksnucsing, oged about 70 yeari. Funeral at the Presbyterian burying ground, Acton, to-day, (Thursday) after tho arrival of the 11:30 train from tho .west. ' .' ACTON HAKKETH, .. 83 25 to 3 50 Flour...... . Old Fall Wheat.. . Kow Fall Wheat Spring Wheat, Glasgow Red Chaff Wheat Barley ... Oats .-... ... . Peas Potatoes, nor bag Dried apples per lb Butter..... Eggs, ..- ..'.... 1 40 to 1 45 ! L 35 to 1 40 .!,! 25 to 1 35 i 5 20 to 1 30 0 00 to 0 00 0 47 toO 50 i 0 68>ta0.72 0 80 to 0 00 0 06 to 0 07 j 0 22 to 0 25 i 0 12 tot) 00 this city, has come back to life." . * Murder Brought to Light TWO RQTIIER8 ACCUSE ONE OTUER. Epps' Cocoa. Gratet^ asto'Cok- fortino. " By a thorougb- knowledge of tho natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a caroful' application of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epos has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors', bills. I"t is by the judicious -use of such articles of diet that a constitution may. begfradually built up until strongenougn to resist every tendency! to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies arc floating around us ready to ottaclr wherever there is<a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a pro perly nourished frame." Civil Service Onzfttt. Sold only in packets labeled ' VJames Epps & Co., Homceopatbic AN'- Chemist, 48, Threadneedle Street, and ' 170, Piccadilly, London." TO THE We have great pleasure in informing our nnmersoa lady frieobftl connection with other branches of our business wfpurpoioaa^S Dressmaking Departme: We have decided on this In compliance witb, tlie repeated M>itokij- "" of our regular customers, who have again andj ajafn told us tm^SiS?- " they have found it to.get first-class dressmaking o x anything like ^^ able terms, i .^ -.'] v ' ': ' ' ' ~ i To rnaintain the highest posjsible stan^ Design and Execution, at th^ moitl Moderate Prices. " The Department will be'under-the MRS. THOMPSON, \.^ m , -,_^i. c&4 PP spntiolpf vVbo codim to ns with the reputation of bfing one ot the snort telnjiltj Dressmakers on this Continent. She has hitherio,been carrti|A establishment of ber own in one of the'largest American titMa, ^i k' especially f-'tied for a great variety of design. M -a-. Thompson %ffl teiK sisted by Mi-s Smith, already well and favorably k lown in Onrfyh i^u" a large and efficient staff. :~ ' _ ' L, , We purpose keeping a very choice range of -" A few days ogo. Edward L. Keeler, of Matilda, laid an infor mation before the'Police Magistrate ot Cornwall, charging, his brother, Albert C. Keeler, and AbraliamC. Bedstead, with the murder of John U. Corry_ about six years ago. Corry,- who was married to a sister The Direct Cable 'Directors havo of the Keelers, disappeared about that time. On ,the 16th Albert C.' Keeler. and Abraham V. Bedstead *" The settk-ment of the Eastern Question hangs fire. Russia dallies ~with the /English amendment to the protocol, and Turkey appears in no hurry to arrange peace with , Montenegro. It looks as if the two" powers directly [interested are ..merely killing time with protocol*, and treaties that they never intend to sign, and that the opening of fine weather will witness the coui- ineiicement of;another R'ussorTurk- . ish war. ;Mr. Blake's Act for the suppres- fci^nof gamblingiind gaminghoii)fe., i.uiposts a penalty of not less than 5-0 nor nioxt! than $100 on. iiny person ton ml iii'a gambling huiise. la default of'payment,! imprisorf' utvui not exceeding two mouths.- In the House last Friday even iusf a division'was ut last come to yl. Lhe motion of Hon. Mr. Cart- wiight^anl auieiidi On Dr. Oiton's air) in -jorir.y for' I,1 Z J. On Sir on. liuents thereto. o-idmeut, the e-Government Was John MicdorialdV anieiidinent the majority u-as 49. Ou the mahl piotion being put Etie Opposition next demanded the " yeas aud nays," in order toiobtain a strict party vole. The result wai- a m ijority of 51 for 'the Govern ment, i - ' -^ Another butchery, npder circum stances of. iimi'suul cruelty, is re ported from Herzegovina, i On motion of Rey. Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. W. B. Storey, all the officers pf last yea>, witb the ex- ception^ of Mr McPherson, removed, were Ce-appointed, viz,: President, Arch. .jCampbell; \rice-Presidents, Kevs. S B. Cameron'and G: W. Cal vert and Mr Adam D ckson ; Secre-. tary-Treasurer, D. Henderson ; De positor, D. D. Chiistie'j- Committee, Peter Mann, senr, Robert Warren, \Vm. Gordon, John fcecord, ^Samuel Moore, James Matthews, D. Ken nedy, R. Little, Asa Halt; P. S. Armstrong, John Speight, and Alex. Kennedy. : Mr Henderson, Secretary, read his annual reports, as follows: Report qfa Committee of Acton Branch Bible Society for the-year ending r 27th March, 1877 : (The committee, since making their last annual report/have held two meet ings, the former in February of last year to make an appropriation of the collections and subscriptions, and the latter on the 13th inst., for the purpose of appointing collectors for tho current year. . The committee, in making the appro priation for "1870j not forgetting the L;reat claims of iUv British and Foreign Bible Society" on account of its wide V.phere of operation, felt that there were urgent calls within our own borders for a wider distribution of the Scriptures, ami therefore decided on reducing the usual grants to the parent societies with a view to aiding to a greater ejxtent aoine operations. . .The committee, therefore, made-the . following appropriation of the funds at lieir disposal the amount at.that .line paid ill being 91.65 :" Free to U. C. B.'bje Society......10 00 Free to B. & F. Bible Society____ 10 00 Montreal: Aux. for Biblj) distribu- ' tion among the French Cana X Desperate Train Wrecker. Ardiesperttdo giving his. name us James; Lorn was put put off a train at Kleiuburg, on the Toronto, Grey A Bruce Railway, and revenged 1 iinseif by obstructing the track with a rail which he laid across the line. Trackmen discovered the ob struction in time to avert mishap, and followed tie fellow to, Wood- bridge, where ! they attempted to arrest him, but he drew bi revolver and threatened to shoot them. The constable obtained a warrantt and with- James Raul, the switchman, went after him. They found him on concession A, having cut through the woods to avoid pursuit. On coming; up to the ipan the_ consta ble called "to him to stand. He again drew his revolver and fired at Paul. He missed and fired again, aud again iuisse(l. Then Paul and Lorn closed, aiul fell to the snow. When in this position be fired at Constable Haslam, shooting him in the thigh. After a bloody fight, in which they had to shoot him in the arm to get his revolver from him, tbey succeeded in bringing him a prisoner to .Woodbridge, where he waa tried and committed fo the next assizes at Toronto. jumped over the tiacs and resign ed. This move is in tho interests" of amalgamation with the old cablo companies and means another in- Crelso, of rules to the public. i Ex Mayor Oukey Hall, of New York, is missing and many sur tuihes aro made as to hiB where-: jiboutR. Some think it a case lof Buicide ; othera that he left because Sweeuey returned to Ne.wr Vork and luaygiyo evidence against.him. Jobn D! ,Lee, 'the Mountain Meadow muiderer, w;is s'hot on the scene lof the massacre at eleven o' clock ' last Friday morning. Brig- ham Young has telegraphed to the New York Herald flatly denying the charges; made against him by Lee. '""',. A man who attempted to wreck a Toronto, Grey, and Bruce train on Friday, was captured near Kleiuburg, his object having been fortunately frustrated by the dis covery, in time to prevent mischief, of the obstruction he had placed on the truck. ' ' wereiarresled and sent to Cornwall Chemistry has Discovered at Last what Everybody wants. Wood's Improved Ualr KruforatlTe Is uiilitce- any other, and has no'equal. Tho Improred ha new regetable ton'c propertlei*; rtoren groy lialr to a (flossy natural color; r'Storei faded, dry, harsh und'fal.llntc hair; restore*, dresses, gives vli>r to Ihf hair; resiores hair to prema turely bald hen dt; removes dindn'in", hu-^ raon, ncaly eruptions; removes irrlla tlon, llchlngf and i-caly dryrrrpK. Ko article priKluces uch wonderful eftects Try It, call for.Wood's: linjimved Hair also a very complete assortment of suitable trimm ngs .. fo effort will; be spared to give" every possible sal iefaction, and iborsil] our charges wil| be kept to the lowest possible figj r ^ . -- ' We hav aet;&part a suite of room* specially for will be found r jail, the former having immediately; j Kcsu.r.illvo, and. don't be put oft" with after hiffhti-ieat laid an information nn' ^Merart.ele 8ld by a.l drn^.su _ : r, .. ., I t D ' n this place and dealers everywhere, betoro A. 1'arlmger, fcsq., J. V., ; Tradesiinpiled at maB-facnirrrs'prlc dunging his brother Edward .with . hy c. a. GV'K a Vo, Chicago, Sole Agents the Clime, and his1 sister, Mrs. ; for the United States ,and Ganadasand rj,' with being, an accessory after.! by Ltmasj3ros, a Co.,Toronto. . ; tho fact. Tlie two lutter were Lrought bt'furo Mchhih. Furliu^er, Chamberlain, Casselniai), aud."'Mal loy, magistrate, and Dr. Allen, Po lice Magi.strAte of Cornwall. Under udvice from the" C-iunty Crown At torney, - 1 ward Keeb r was remand^ ed, and Mrs. Corry was admitted to NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. D RESSUAKIXti. MISSES MANX -respectfully an nounce to the ladies of Acton and vicin ity that they have commenced business as Dressmakers in the house recently lull, herself in |r?l,000 and twoj.built by Mr. Edward Matthews, near sureties in 2,000 each'. The in- j Nicklin]s bakery. The_ patronage nf vestigation commenced .at Cornwall ou Wednesday laat, and has result ed iu the commitment for trial of Albert C. Keeler, Edward Keeler, and Bedstead; Mrs. Cojrry was discharged. The trial will take place at the assizes in April. 38 oo 33 65 di^ns iiti Lower (panada .. On purchase account ...,,, Total ain't remitted Depositor .-.891 Gfl After making the foregoiug appro priation, several small sums previously subscribed were blinded in to tho Treas urer, amounting to 81.50, out of which express charge on books, 25 Icenta, was' Eaid, leaving a balance of 9 F. 25 in the ands of the Treasurer frdni last year. The committee Iwlieving that no loss had been sustained last-year from dis- t " ' -' ' A Dishonest Bookkeeper. r New York, MBrch 13. George L. Wbiting, head bookkeeper of the Brooklyn Bank, was arrested today charged with having robbed the bank of ? 100,000. In a valise which he carried was found $120,- 000, leaving $40,000 still missing. He refused to. stato the where abouts of the rest of the money when first questioned, but at tho later hour he confessed that the missing 840,000 was.concealed in a room at the Vandyke House, corn er of Bayard street and the Bowery, New York, where the detectives proceeded and found it. The mon ey was counted at the Brooklyn police headquarters, and found to be correct. Later. The Brooklyn Bank officials have counted the money, and found it $10,000 short. Whit ing said that be had spent it, but' on being asked what for, replied, "I will return jit on the following condiiiornv: I \yill return the notes and one half of] ihe money, if you will guarantee not to prosecute me, and to release |ny bondsmen." - : ' | f of JPort Dover, while playing with a revolver, shot] his sister. in the "breast. She died in' on hour. Another, coal oil accident has just happened in St. Mary's, the victim sustaining severe ; injuries about the face and arms. Pouring coal oil in the stove to hasten a fire- was the cause. A New York correspondent says business in the United States is getting better, every day. Since Hayes has tuken the helm there has been a lightening up, a revival, that is delightful. People are riot only paying hut they are investing. Goods are- selling, exchanges are, being made, there is a life and vitality thlrt the country has riof. bad for years. And everything looks better. They are all going^to do well from this time out. The negotiations between Turkey and Montenegro have been com pletely stop|>ed. Ignutieff, it is said, is endeavoring to revive the alliance of the three emperors and to arrive at a solution of the pres ent phase of the Eastern Question without the aid of England. Mili tary preparations are being carried' on .with the utmost activity in Bosnia, j There was great satisfaction in an Arkansas town the other day over the lynching of a newly arriv ed stranger. He had. sent ahead and had the town posted for two weeks or more with bills saying, " Old Reliable is coming." Every- (body expected it was a circus, and made preparntiou8*accord'ingly; but when " Old Reliable" reached town, und proved to be nothing but an agent for some patent dandruff banisher, he didn't live fifteen minutes alter he announced the -fact. '..-' ' ' . ' . j . ! ' A shocking accident occurred at the Belleville Station) of the Grand Trunk Railway on Thursday,- the 22nd instant. As a ballast train was "approaching the station from the west, it slowed up as usual at the Canifton road crossing, when several hoys jumped on one of 'the rear cars. They again jumped off when npar the station, but one 'of them, John Daroy, a lad of about 13 or ii years old, who alighted at the sloping edge of a coal heap, fell fback upon , the rails, and the wheels passing over him cut his head and body into several pieces. Death' was of courso instantaneous. Menagerie. Hip pockets for lap dogs are the j latest inventions in ladies' dresses." With a dog. in her pocket, a seal on her back, a bird in her hat and kids on her. the public is respectfully solicited. Dressmaking in the best manner and: most fashionable styles. MISSES M. & M. S. MANX. Acton, March 21, 1877. 38-3m G RAFTIXG. Any person wishing choice fruit graft- eel on apples, plums, pears, and other fruit treas, please let me know by, card addressed to Acton P. O., and V will select the grafts that yon prefer. -A I do not hire boys to gather my eions from any fcnee__corner, I can warrant work and fruit. For the last two "years i I have cut off a great many limbs that hands nd feec, the-well dressed j was grafted on by stranger? to ithis part lady is but little shoi t of a walking of the country, and that'do not\care what fruit they give you. - -| JOHN CREWSON, Erin. Crewson's Corners^ March 12, 1877.1 JDZRIESS G-OOT38 Which will be found superior to anything eTeryei brought to noeipsvaad eplete with every convenience. VTt On Monday, tite I9lh Marehi When woinall be- fully prepared to undertake ordertl- ..--Guelph. March 14, 1877. *: per terl thl sap ^ior| -wa ' bro '-- 4." his Department mUA puTpoteopauai' dij of' drd" ne i J. D. WILLIAMSONS TO TO TAVERN KEEPERS, Shop Keepers. ' ' BREWERS AljrD OTHERS." menagerie. -.. To Everybody. Support your home merchants. We havo no sympathy for those people who do nil their trading in the cities. When you wunt contributions for a charitable 'dr., worthy public en terprise, you alwajyt-. go. to the vil lage merchant forjhis contribution Notice is hereby,given that all appli- first. Then help to build up your cants for License for the the saw of merchants, and you will help niakej Spirituous and Fermented Liquors in good stores, and to improve the ^Sl^un'y f Hatton for the year s . I , ... r , ; 1877-78, must be made to the under- prospenty of the village and town. Bigned at his ogicef ain street> jyiiitOD| -.-----------------iefore tho first day of April next. jr Spring bonnets and new dresses' Applicants must come prepared with . . . i. . w ; . the names of sureties they propose stand no chance in the present de-! on-eri | Tlie Action Plow Oo. Are manufacturing the celebrated STEPHENSON PLOWS. <;; ,| AND Tie 'Boss' Gang Plo-w They keep a full stock.on hand, and are prepared to do all kinds' of ' <' Repairing on Plows, and also also kinds of Lathe Worfy[and. Iron. P/amny. on the shortest notice. Please call and examine onr plows ^before purchasing elsewhere. >m AKD AGEKTS FOR :- ' - Sharp's Self-DTimpinfr "-; ' and Stubble Rake- lb, 1876. [ I am' making Hay f- Acton, Feb. T^Alt IN-THE EAST. to ceitful weather. It is March, and no moderately ambitious woman cares to appear in the street .as yet in the new Btyles. Mr. Thompson, of "Welland, haa been four years in Parliament and hev says he cannot see the difference between the tweedledum of Reform ers and the tweedledee of Conserva tives. Like , the- Hon. Peter Office Days Saturday, I7th MarchJ Tuesday,- 20th " Saturday, 2ith '" - j Tuesday, 27th . "- | Saturday, 31st " |. JAMES A. /FRAZER, I License Inspector. Milton, March 9, 1877. -= 37-3t I rjTO BREEDERS.' ..;.' .'. ' The thoroughbred Durham BuU Mitchell, ho is a party in himself j ^tl^Sr^TA^T^ On Tuesday M a son of Mr. W. ^^ gw^o^Gueth^gS Thurston, of Bobcaygeon,. about Imported Sheriff (29964), dam iSahspa- four years of age] swallowed a tin, net 10th. whistle, which stuck in bis throat and could not be extracted. He was taken hurriedly to Dr. Bonnell, ,who found the whistle .so firmly fixed that extraction was impractic able. The only resource was to push it down, which operation the doctor accomplished. The whistle remains in the interior,-and has not been- heard -of since. Tho patient is in as good health as ever. Acton, Feb. U, 1877. S. SMITH. 33-tf INT'ING - i "", AND - _ 'I Paper Hanging The undersigned; is prepared to do v kinds of all GREAT Call and See SLAUGHTER Now i the^me to le*r yemr < At J. Hyder's Factory for*.. ' - ,-\'.. Stylish BnWy or SciiltwliK IFaceon. up large stock*. I present seasor, from the best 'mstsirsi '. ourHandidmt Cmr% jrcsent stoct of :'^|.... AND WAQOKS (MM* IN liEATHER. As immense quantitiesjjf leather is be ing manufactured into .harness for the * A ArtUIery Morses, the prices have cb"nsequently gohe'up.; Nbvcrtheless i S3. Is prepared toj furnish all articles in the line of . : Harness, Sai.dlcs, Trxmke, Etc., at asi preasonabh rats r ever. He is a- practical workr nth, and ready to fill all orders as quick asrgo0d, and as cheap as anywhere eh e in the Dominion, > O" All w>rk guaranteed; "Ha Repairing promptly aiiena^d to. - "" A good sto< k of Harness, - Whips, Brushes, Comb , etc., always on hand. E. K. COOK. ^Icton, Feb. &0, 1877. ... The Tariff debate closed Friday 1 House Painting, Ealspmininfir night. The Opposition amend-! and Hanging: j ments favoring protection, in vari-!>n-the very best manner.and on reason ou3 guises were successively defeat ed, and the Government .resolution carried by a majority of 51. | The Minneapolis Tribune is v^ry confident that the grasshoppers have seen their best and most de structive days in Minnesota,. and that the year 1877 : will witness a return of all sections of the State to the fruitful and thrifty condi tions of iti- past. able terzua. Residence corner of John and'Agues streets,' Acton. - ' i W. H. WALKER, -dcton, Feb. 14, 1877. 33-2m fttSH for wheat: Any -quantity of good -merchantable wheat wanted at the the Acton st am mills, for which tho highest mar tot price will be paid in cash. - ;. I B.4E, NICKI4N, ^cton, Fb. 7,( 1877, 32-tf A'ton, Teb. Jt/y BTJOQ-IES - ' will be'i old- off -very eheap. - Kow is a good time* to bargains, Strict ttteiition given to Sorse-lioe: ng 8c 0*aXftlfiMk-- JAHKS *tiWB Acton, Feb|26, I87T; ' t ooos: Ta the Working Class. Wa -are now prepared to furi Isn all classes wltti con stant employmi mt at home, tho whole of: the time, or lcr their spare mom< nts. BuBlness new,' 1 got and proa table. Per sons cf either sex easily earn from SO oents to J5 pervenlng, and aproportiOB- al sum by devoling tbelr whole Urns to the business. 1 oys and girls earn nearly as much'aB BO.e.]u- That all -who see this notice may *sei d thelc address, and test tbe business w> i maJcotuls unparalleled off.r: To snetx a * are not well Batlslled ve will send one d( liar to pay. for tlie trouble of .writing- FuU parttculara, samples or! Ii several d tllars to commence work- on, antta copy < f Hitmoonrt Kireslde, one of the lllreestai d best Illustrated Publi- catlons; all rent free/ by mall. Reader, if you wont rernanrtit; profltable work, address Qboeq4 Stinsok 4 Co., Portland, Maine. 3 Yearlinj: DURHAM BULLS -far sale 14, 1877. C. S. SMITH. 33-tf ings kept Ii orr: the Hat Band&on ie<jnirfd. Aotori, Feb. .-" i The nndeiwgned. ^tt^^^J^. inform the p pJe of Aetoa'1*fC rounding nei jhlwrhood *^^ )fSr procured a magnifioent HB*lr And is prepa -ed to attend:* duct Funeral ion the iboTt*?7 _,* and most molerate term*. ' Caskett, i 'ojin*, Bant^.9^|-> And all kinds of PaneralTWT . took, and "B,B - Bhorteat W^Jff-_^ jilOTeMJf** ** "<? ' JOHIT SFSBjHT; 10, 187,7- ^--'" JOB PRi: fTXNG of 4BI neatly and prt mptJT* **t**^ FREE 1 'RESS 6*1%$*^ ..". 1".

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