Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 29, 1877, p. 3

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I /: fKwtifc tjtai j^ mi 11Z ickra or v ioat *H,*d.hj S. >HeJji,id ad above all |opaiB| [%rch, ! ierm. In & co. it* yoar stack for & best saaftsssaL <* . <" eh**... i , ime to BYWKB. THE FREE UE^RESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., MARCH 29, rttendaa^SMtt* Pibdrt#rtf*f. -.; |and*JJ>P** :' |0VAC?f 1 "~gW Tftt^k TOW TABUS ' Train* leave jActoa as follows . GOING VEST. Jfigbt Kxpresa i ' - '; " TcwBto mul \ j ? r^y.Bxprwi. - -/ (jjt mired QOIXO XAST. JfiAtBtpt*** - .(jjtmaed -. Day Express Western mail - - London mixed - _, 1;04 aim. 8.10 a,m, 1.37 p.m.- 5.CO p.m. 7:07 p.m. 3:SSa,m. 11:34 a.m. ,5:20 p.m. 10:10 p.m. 10CAL MATTERS. __Good Friday to-morrow. ; __Pjrwpare for Spring trade by. ; tdrerUJliRg yourbusiness. V i V k , '__Tl)e "new' Masonic "'Hall in Goelp&^nU be opened on Friday, 20th ^Crockery and Glassware, sell ing off at cost at the- Post Office Store, - Acton. Gko. YkSies. ; As an evidence of an improva- jaeilt in the tunes, it may bj; stated that 1 tramp was seen to-day ' wearing a paper-caflar. 'J" - . i .' A. hound pap, about six months old, has either strayed or be?u stolen, from Mr. "John Setord, He is inxious for its recovery. ' Butter is scarce and very slip -r*ry it slips from a storekeeper's coun ter almost as soon as he can get it in The demand is much greater than the ?*$* | One morning last week, a -Jsorae' belonging to Mr. S. Zimmermin was found in, the stable with its le broken, and had to be shot. i yonng tiorso be- longing to Mr. James Matthews, sud- detlv dropped dead while attached to a cotter on the -road between here and Georgetown, oa Saturday. a-- meeting of Mrs.. Me- Xair's^reUitors, here, yesterday, an- of fer .on her behalf of 25 cents on the dollar was refused. We presume, the stock will soon be put up for sale... WOOD'S BIBLE ANIMALS. ISiia is thei "title of a valuable work, giving a description of the habits, structure, and uses of every living creature mentioned in the scriptures, from tho ape to the coral, and illustrated with over one huudrcd new designs^ The book contains 800 pages, beautifully punted on tine toned paper, and bourid4u a superior manner. Tho publisher of tho Canadian edition is Mr. J.. W. Lyon, of Guelph,. whose agents ate now canvassing for orders. His agent for this I county will have his headquarters in Acfoii for a few weeks. : The following testimonials ,have been freely given by the gentlemen whose names are attached, after a careful examination of the com plete work : T Acton, March 24, 1S77. i The Rev; J. G. Wood's ".Biblo Ani mals" is a description of the habits,: structure, aud uses of every living crea ture rianied in the Bible. In addition to this, however, it will bo found to contain much valuable information re lating to t^io geography of Bible Lands, aitd to the msuners and customs of their inhabitants, The English edition has for years, lwen highly prized by Bible students,. and the Canadian edition, published by Mr. Lyon, of Guelph, is an excellent reproduction of the latest Knglish edition^ The original index has been enlaced in tho Canadian edition, and anriiidex of all the passages of scripture illustrated has been added, SEC OR D BROS., -acto:nThat wONdERPUL maisi; OUR MILLINERY t)EPARTMElSrT. &B*ck *T rrtkln. Dr.. J. S. King, Grand C'hant-ellor of the Knights ef Tythiaai deliveretl an interestiBg Guelph, on Tues day evening, On the object and benefits "of the Order. He is expected to ad. dress a meeting in Acton some evonin^ rex*. hy " 1 ravel aud research in Bible Lands." The paper by Dr. Met'osh presents the arg-aments for and against the Develop ment Theory in a clear and forcible: manner, ajid successfully refutes the views advocated by Darwin and his dis- cipbs. Dr. March's article contains tho latesi results of researcb and travel in Palestine,"gypt, Arabia', Assyria, land Babylonia^ and is an exceetlingly inter esting and instructive paper. Having been a reader of the Knglish edition for vears, and knowing its great value, 1 heartily recommend Mr. Lyon's reprint of it to all'who deiire rightly to-under stood the zoology of the Bible. H R. Littlk, Insj>ector Public Schools, Co. Halion. <j<jas ! JUST RECEIVED, FOR TUB- SIPIRinSTGr TRADE j FIBST Direct Importations-^Important to the Pub lic Great Sensation amoDg the Ladies. 187,320 YARHfe OF RIBBONS Bought by Mr. David Hogg, in London, England, at half value, how offer ing exactly at half-price, at our jstore, Guelph. 4' yards beautiful ' - silk ribbon for 10 cents, 3 yards beautiful silk ribbon for ' > ' '- Crempton's Adjustable Corset Is only 91 per Pair. These are the best goods in the market; Ladies tee them before purchase ing elsewhere. Ladies'Now Dress. Gopdi, Ladies'New Black Silka, V' ' -; Ladies'New Plain and Brocaded Colored Silks, . Ladiea' New Mantle and Jacket Cloths, Ladies' New Mantles very beautiful goods. \^s at our store. New JHOW GOODS. Ladies' and MJses""new Hats in- all kinds whit*, brown, Mack, navy bine, cardinal. Also; novelties in new shapes and styles; only to hWl bifr ' '" " Flowers; new feathers,'View Ribbons, new SilkJWes. Our House Furnishing Department embraces everyihing that ea < be rea sonably looked for Call and examine this Department Bead^LtLade Glq^hing. Extraordinary value is ottlrad in Men's Baits, Bbys' Suits, Meh's Coats, Men's Trousers, Boys' ^oats, Boys' Fartts, 1\f^ ofier a xoo< [ mit of Tweed, Men's siao, for 7 coat, vesfi and pants. JOHN March;8r 1877 HOGG & Alma Block, Ypper Wyndham Street, Guelph SON, N' i ^mojpw^ Bought Lor^ and vill be Kedcecd Farr. BsSam tickets will be issued X be- tvbes all statirtto on the Grand Trunk al oae-third more than single fare on the 29th, 30th and 31st ;March, go^xi to, return up to Monday, 2d April, inelo- 7ve. -AUo, return ticket at sin on Good Friday," 30U; March, that dav-onlv. Soil at Priosg never Ecard of Before. Ff IIot.1. \Ve leari that a c'aarter has been ;ap- piieU for, and that a L-xlge o: tie In, e . peailent Order of Odd Fellows |s to 1^>, ' instituted in Acton, on Friiiay evening, 13& Aprir, by Br-. O. GOlett, D. D. G.' XL' A sermon will be preached in Ihe Methodist Church next Sabbath even- tQj^ by Bct, Brp. Calvert, treating upon the subject of Oddfellowsbip. / ' Seksal ExaniaatloB. "~ The Kas'ter examination of the pnj.ils attending the Acton public schoul, on . Ac-fox, March 19th, 1.877. After : a carefol examination - of .""Wood's Bible Animals,"' 1 unhesita- tin^ly declare it to be well calculated to intertist a.nd inatrtict all Bible re-adere. ^Sabl^ath Sehotd teachers, and others who are engaged in the work of impart- ( ing religious instruction, will find it of , considerable interest, as it elucidates" se.veral [jaisages in the scriptures that ' gle farrf'f refer toJtnituaU the nature iuul habits *>1 f^r ! /which ire inot very Well known. The ". [ pajier by Dr. McCosh ua "Evolution," and th:rt by Dr. March on " Ilesearch niid TniveU in I>iMe Lands " add much i to the value of the work. The former ; ii ^successful refutation of Darwinian- | Um, and the latter gives the result of ; discoveries to the latest date." I hearti ly commend ihe: book, and wish it an extensive circulation. D. B. Cameron, __ Minister of Knox Church, Acton. Barrels Tq THE Pt'BUp GESEBAlir : I have great pleasure in recommend ing to all .Sabbath .School teachers and scholars Rev. J. G. Wood's " Scripture Natural History," as the most complete and interesting -nrork I have ever read on the subject. It cannot fail to meet Thursday and Friday of last week, was' a felt need in Sabbath School work, and I feel certain that no one interested in such Work will regret purchasing this ' very interesting, showing a highly rreditable state of progress. The junior department*, under the management of Miss Moore and Miss McKellar, were examined in the forenoon and afternoon ofTinriday, respectively, without as- listancei The children exhibited them- . serres wonderfully. weU,- reflecting credit upon the ability and aptitude of their Of White and Refined Sugars, Syrups, Molas ses, Vinegar, Oat Meal, Corn Meal, New Cur rants, Prunes; Coal Oil, Boiled Oil, Haw Oil. Spirits of Turpentine, Varnish, Japans, etc. W.STEWART* CO Have commenced opening their New Spring Importations And in a few days will snow] finest stock of t -the Kegs i Of Prunes,ij^oda, Red Colors of all kinds, etc. Le;id, White Lead. work. - It is a valuable aid in the study' of Scriptural History to all others as well as Sabbath School workers. . G. \V. Calvert, Methodist Minister, Acton. Ac-ras, March 21, 1877. Mb. Lyos : Dear SiR,-^-I_have read carefully the ' Bible Animals " teachers. The attendance of visitors ' toUe of contents of" i bj-J. (j. \\ ofd-, and the known reputa- , was not as large as we should like .to tion of the author is sufficient guarantee hare seen ; the juniors are as keenly , that he has treated these subjects in an .idra to appreciation of their clever- i instructive manner. The article of Dr. , nesj as the older classes, and want just | u much encouragement. ? In the examitiation of the senior de partment, which occupied nearly the whole of Friday's school hours, Mr. Boss iras assisted by Inspector Little ..and Mr. W. H. Macdonald, teach, r There was quite a large attendance of visitors, and the- proceedings W^eje very interesting. The prompt and intelligent manner in which answers were given to intricate questions, elicited much praiso "from both examiners and1 visitors, while 'the reading and spelling were pronounc ed excellent. , Easter Holidays. , ,1 bave;.iziI.^axithority-. to furnish the t^snfKni residing Bait and West, North ' TUd South of tie Pont Office during the Easter Holidays; foil supply of the -Choicest 'Groceries, and Provisions, to enable every one-4o enjOy this interest ing season in a becoming manner. McCosh (with which I am familiar) is one <)f the best on Evolution for its length that has come under my obser vation. The researches and travels of Mr. Mirch rank among the first produc tions on that subject for the masses. I j regret that I am called away so that I wUl not see you to express this much to yon, and'encourage you in furthering Scriptural knowledge. To spicK as have a taste for such literature: I hesitate not to say they will find a feast in this book. - "-" Det Goods Every family must purchase more or leas dry goods every season, and the question isSwhere to .iuy ; and the answer is where they can _T had the best and at the lowest price. JVe know of one house particularly in Acton, that does do exactly as they ad vertise, and. they ' do sell cheaper than others, and that honse is Christie, Hen derson .4 Co.'s. Their popularity is daily, increasing, and there is no end to - the bargains they offer. Go and sea for ... youtself and-be convinced. They send > ."^T**7 customer, away happy. ') " --Come to the Post Office Store, Acton, fer bargains in Groceries, Crock- *jy. -Glassware, Wall Papers, Paper -Window Blinds'. Stationery, Fancy , Geo. Yemek. Truly yours, .. O. G. Hertzoo. ActoS, March 21, 1875. I fully concur with the favorable opinions which -have-been expressed of this work, and have much pleasure in adding my testimony to its value, and cordially recommending it to the public. C. Kcsseli. Lee, Incumbent St. Alban's Church, Acton. i This is to certify Jthat we have examin ed the Canadian edition of "Wood's Bible Animals," and do most cheerful ly recommend the same to all teachers of the young. , Chas. T. Hill. ' . - . W. H. Storey. ' if. McGarvct, M. D.' Abch. Campbell. ;. Gases, | Boxes, Caddie3 and Sacks! Of Biscuits, Confectionery, Spices, Starch, Canned Fruit, Fish, etc., Tobaccos, Cigars, Raisins, Gheese, Soaps, Candles, ^Washing Crystals, Pickles, Jams, Jellies, Matches, etc. !' " . i ' Chests, Caddies and Boxbs Of Young Hyson, Gunpowder, Japan and Black Teas ranging in price from 10 cents upwards. The'best value in the county. FIRST CLASS GOODS submitted for inspection in Guelph. Special efforts have been made to show the newest Dfett Goods, a Spring Jacket*. Mantles, . ,' Cottwnet, j Kid Olpvu, Eoriery, '"- ! ' Lacu, .' Lace Curtains, . Sheetings, and i . ' . Mourning" Goods. OUR COTTONS were all contracted for before the recent advance. Customers will have the benefit. ^ Gents'Department. in Cloths and Tweeds, Dress Shirts, J~ ' Ties, Collars, eto.K Stook of Felt Hats, inviting ia styles JUST AT Aeton, March 14, 1877. SECOND BEOS. : Are particularly : and prico.' WM.STEWABT 4 Guelph/MarchiJ,lS?7. & ^oToassr tt##4tai M^n's, Women's and "Children's Siz^js, AT A LIBERAL <p. ?l 11 J J Blinds', iaaovr . Goods, etc _ -Please remember that emalf profits sod quick returns is the motto . of the Post Office Store, Acton. '. Geo. Yemes. . .NOTICE. On account of a dis- - aoUtioo, of partnership, all parties in- WOted to Dickson, t JlcNah either by or boot account are hereby noti-, 'vS.^ **** wi' Jv the same by tte first iof April ne*k_ "^--Avery nice style of ladies and ^fldijeo's BooU and Shoes just receiv- at Qraine t Son's. Avoid: colds and coughs by getting a pair of new Boots at Craine it Son's. Factts for the Eeople. Chris tie, Hehderson~<fciCo.'s famous 50c Tea for flavor and strength is equal to-anything of the kind in the mar ket, at even 20 per cent in advance. Jjeakyr boots should be cast ofi now, and a new pair be purchased at Craine & Son's. Craine <fc Son have just re ceived a large assortment of Boots and Shoes suitable for this, weather. Facts for the -People; Chris tie, Henderson & Co. have as large a stock of Men's, "Women's and Children's Shoes as can be found in any retail house in. Ontario^ and for cheapness and quality combin ed their'Stock is not equalled; . A well-made boot is the cheap est, eveniif it does cost a little more at first. It' lasts longer and gives better satisfaction. . Try Craine & Son's well- made boots* j Now on Exhibition AT TBS FASHIONABLE "WEST END ttlMjiU' REDUCTION ON OLD And a still furth er reduction of^5 per cenjt on alI purchases of fivetpajrs and over. IMMENSE Puis OF KMlDX-lfckDE ; aLOTEINCP A. O. BUCHAM. FashUnmbls West End Dress, Millinery and Maotis Rsta^usbi Ouslpb, March IS, 1S77. ,-._'.." lent. ACTON LIVERY & SALE STABLE J. P. ALLAN Takes pleasure In announcing to the pbbllo generally that tie Is prepared to . ' - furnish ' Slrit-elMiSomei and OaniageB .At Beasonable Rates. : ' - His Rigs ana Horses sre the uest tnat can be had, and be Is determined not to be surpassed by any Olty Btable. ,- Acton July 1st, 1876. Can't be made by every agsnt every month in the business we furnish, but: those willing : to work can easily earn a dozen dollars a day right in their own localities. Have no room to explain here. Business pleasant and honorable. Wo men. and boys and gins do as: well as men, We will furnish yon a complete Otttflt tree. , Tho Inislnew pays D^tter than anything . else. We will bear; ex pense ot rtartl'ns: you. Particulars free, write and see. Farmers and mechanics, tbelr sons and daughters, and all elasset > in need of paying work ot home, ahsuli. write tins and learn about thew^ijka; ones. Now 1 the time. Don't delay1. Address Tame *CO, Auausla, UsJhe. $999 LIST OF MUSIC BOOKS '.'" Sold wholesale^alnd retail by John Anderson Bookseller, Guelph. Bfarrowes' Pianoforte Primer. Jou'sae's Musical Catechism. . ' i ' - Bertini's New Method for the Piano. Clarke's New Method for the Piano. Hun ton's Piano Forte School. Howe's Piaao without a Master. Riohardson's New Modern Sohool, -Qitst^s Parlor Qrgao, r3ilyer Wreath (Vocal). ' -.^' 10d differeht Music Books.! -., A Big Disoount on all MUSIC BOOKS ANDERSONS CHEAP B00K8T0BE On the Bast side of Wyndham Street, gt4elphv Men and MEN'S FOE' b1 oe m>rr CHBjISTie Acton, March 21, li 77. FOB TWEED SUITS $8.00 oasr^,-2}- s:^.1:!: Newest St yles'and Makes V^ry <3 heap. 60<: Tea. . . . - ' ^ Eemember that Faraotis HENDERSOIT \' ^ 8b CO.

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