Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 29, 1877, p. 4

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in THE ;FB3S^PRES^; AOtQN,^ KA^QN;'eG^ :.J8JT7 AT THK BLI K ILASS l\|IO , To aoc what a maiden fashes ' I'm Mealing along .Ilia stairs t Mv tov* t tile blnCPglass rash is -Vll'ugnio on Iht iiti:i\v.itx'. Her;haiir of the vleeni'.-it goUK-n. Takes the hue ofVcivdi; I kiurw She'll look like a saint in Homo oMen Churcli window of lon^ afju.', did I say? wonder! Her head, like a billiard ball, ' Gleams lre in the sunlight yonder '. Groat Caesar ! I see it all 1 Her locks, with the gold-light flitting, NVcre false I She I hoped to \vji> ; Has none of Jisr own ; she. is fitting there . ' ' j - Trying to get some in. 0 rieasantrm ^ where is the kindness That sages have seen in thy fneo ? Better suiler front absolute blindness Th:in see what I've seen in this place! Yott'vu scattered my -; idol ^. you've shown jnc . That Science has tta dues ; Your blue-glaaa iuventiojl haa~thrown : ne . . In a permanent fitof tho blues 1 3 Ttt.lT BOV. Is the housa turned topsy tnrjry ? Dots it ring from street to *oofT \Vlll-the racket still continue," Spito of all your mild reproof T __ Are you oftoa'in a flutter^ Are you sometimes thrilled with joy [ Then I b5Ye my|jr*v suspicions That you havo it homey that boy. ~ Are^thciwaUand.tablesbiannnered,? : Are yotir nerves and ink upset! i HaTe tvojeyee, so bright'and rougish, Hade yon every; earo f orcet! ! Hate yews'garden-tads ft flower,, Who delights but to destroy ! ' ". are well known >nd!|ca' They are 7 That y ________________cations you havo at homef-p that boy. Have yon sen him playing circus With his hoad upon tho.niat And his heels in mid-air twinkling For his audience, the cat? Do you ever stop_to JiaUn. . _. When his merrj- pranks annoy Listen to aioicc that,whispers. You woro once just like that l>oy. Have you heard of broken windows, And with nobody to^blanic ? Havo you seen a trowsisrod urchin, Quite uncooscious of the sarno ! Do you love a "teasing mixture. Of perplexity and joy ? You may have a dozen daughters, . Bttt IeoOw-you've got that boy. MATRiaOW, ' OR EXTJlEJjfcS HAESlbs&IJP. Boing; extracts from the list, of banns published in the Metropolitan ; . Churches, Tliomas Black and Mary White, Peter Day arid Ellen Knight, Solomon Banks, and Catharine Vale, James Hill and Susan Dale, Isaac Slater and Jane Thatcher, John Bake and Mary Butcher, Daniel Huriy and Peggy Ball, Kodger Loiig and Sophy Small, Stephen Head and Nancy Heart, William Stately and Julia Smart, . lienis of THounut. <' Little children uro tub Hlica of tho valley of lito.: lndoloncu jh tho cuHt of tho mind uud the iulet of overy vice ]>!i7,inu88 travels bo Blowlythat poverty soon overtakes hor. >. Wrong nono by doing injuries^ or omitting tho bout-tit* thut are your' duty. i Conscience is a terrible punish ment to-the villain who yef believes in a iiorcttftor. Men usually, follow their wishes till suffering compels, tlieia to fol- lowa-Uioir judgmnut.] ' ; AVliiiiis aits border to remove Bon'o^v8 j for tiiuo, iusteud of weakening, ^trenjjcbenb ihoin. Bo always at leisure to do goodjj nuver make business on excuse to idoclinu oiiioos of.huuiauity, Tho intoUect of a truly wise man is like a glaaay it adniits the light of heaven, and reflects it. He who is puffed up with the tirstjgale of pixwperity will bend beneath the tret blast of adversity. Correction does much, but en couragement does more. Encour agement after censure id' as the sun after a shdwer. . The incapacity of men to under stand each: other is one of tho prin ciple cau&cs of their ill-temper towards each other. With love, the heart becomes a fair and fertile garden, glowing with sunshine and warm hues, and ex haling sweet odore. The chief proprietors of wisdom are to be mindful of things past, careful of things presont, and pro- videntf'if things to-Come. A great secret of education is to tnake the exercist-s of the body and those of. the mind serve always as a recreation to each, other. Those wLo excel in strength are not most likely to show contempt of weakness. A man does not des pise tho weakness of a child. "" - With tho ^utmost icare ono can make but . a very few friends; whilst a host of enemies may be made without any care at' all. In all our Calamities and afle<h tionB it may.servo us a comfort to know that he who, loses anything <ind gets wisdom by it, gains by the loss.. ; SPEYSJDi r HEADING- AND Any par tit* wanting SliinaleK would do wollto givo us a call. Wo will al ways have on hand a good supply of No. 1 and No. ^'ShiiiBJos. ^ j Boat (junlitv No. 1 iSllinglca $1.70 par square. No. 2, 70 oijnta per sq.uaro.1 P. it- H. SAYEIt3; Spoysldo, Deo. 13, 1376. 24-m ! Joafph Beed and. Hdon Hay, Thomas Spring and M Joseph BroinTaBd KittyvGrem, May, John Jlobins and Jenny Wren, William Cattle and Nancy Hall, Peter Chatter1 and Mary Call, Joseph Man and KUw Child, Peter Merryman and Lnoy. Wild,.' Thopaaa Bruin and Mary Bear, : Janes Pox and Catharine Hare, Alexandtr Bstler and Mary Cook, .William Crow and Nancy. JEtjsok, Peter Smith and 8nsan Armor, Charles Field and Jans Farmer, Daniel Currier .and Susan Boot; Joseph Hands and Ulen Foot, :\Viliani"Large and Sally-Small, ,,k j John Stand and Jndy Fall, | James Broom and;Ellen Birtch, ^ ' Charles Chapel and Sasaa Church, Samuel Kivera and Mary Brooks, Thomas Straight and Dorothy Crooks. , Confidence is everything betwven husbabd and wife; and a woman loves aid desires above~aIl things 1 to be troited. She would not be ignorin't of "his troubles or hia onx ieties. Anything.Js better to Tier than to )>e shut pdt from the inner- moat of the life of ono who should be all hers and she all his. Women generally are^.averse to 'keeping "things to themselves, and:a husband i often overdosed with confidences; -but many . really afketionate men "lead, as far as their wives are con cerned, a double life. Of that -which is not domestic they think it -r%h.t to say nothing. Some griev-. ous troubles" may be upon^them dread of failure, cettainty of loss remorse for some mistake whichinis plunged them into anxiety; and they make no sign of it save by a change.of tnanner, which to the. wo* mep^who are ignorant that they ave many cares is incomprehensi ble. ., " i The' wife would be sympathetic; . but when a rfrowning brow, silence and a lack of the usual caresses are' all the token she has of her leige 'lord's trouble, all her boasted in tuition cannot keep her from flying to the conclusion that -it is a per- -bonal matter -that she is no longer loved, or that" .ho loves some one else. And we believe much domes tic misery bas-iboen caused in the .first, place by -.the man's secretive- " ness when ha bid no secrets which might not baye been shared by his wife. You may sayj why sliouliL he tali; to one who cannot juntler- sfcand or give counsel to [al being with Btich vague ideas of stocks Mid banking and speculation filfat she can only wonder why things have gone wrong ? Well, there are many reasons': The . woman who- holds him dear will give hiui more sym pathy than any other living being, for one thing ; and he needs sym pathy-wiiet her be knows it or not. And then she nas bee rights, for partner- in a firnVof two, and the books; should not be closed. to her. She is mate of the" vessel in which hois captain, and surely QTEAM Carriage & Wagoii Mala Stroot, MICHA^BL SPEIUIIT, ; Genoral Blacksmith Carriago and Wngon-mi.ker. \ . Best Horte-Shoers *. the County. Porfeot satisfaction tuaranteod or no prico elm-god, FUm^Clau rioin and! CoJUard'a Paten t Iron narrows always on band. A Rood stock of Carrir^oa and Wagons. Repairing promptly and properly at tended to. :' - Aoton, July \Z, 1876. s HINQLE s Acton. QNTARIO SADDLBBY, AOTOIT. Tho subscriber takesj this opportunity of thanking his numerous customers for for tho very liberal patronage given him tho past year, and would state that it is his motto to do a Square and Honest Business as heretofore, and;hordes to retain the samo liberal appreciation from tho publie. !; | ; j v All orders entrusted to my care will bo i Lath, Lumber, And all b\illding i-bquiHitos' kept oii baud Or delivered on shortest possiblo notice 'f. Boat quality-i^p.,,1, Shingles only '1.70 j boat.i'iiiality'Kci. 2 only 70 e'eiuta. .. -4ny of the above will-b delivered Wlieti Nqiityeil.'-. .'"::; ylny cpunntity of oats taken, lb ex. change for any of tho above delivered at the mill between Aeton .and Milton, on Lot No. 8, 2nd con. Esqucsing. Ordors by mail address to Aeton or Milton P.O. j R. O. MILLBR. Esqaosing, Jan. 3, 1877. ; 27-3m UNDERTAKING. The undorBigncd begs leave to inform tho people of Acton and vicinity that he will furnish all Requisites In JUndcrtaklng on short notice and reasonable terms as can bo had Hearse Supplied w7ien Desired. Also that ho will Fit .up Stores & Offices in tho bost stylo. ] Show Cafes, Book Clues and Desks mado to order. FURNITURE REPAIRED. Shop on Willow street, near Main st. P. M. McCANN. ^cton. March 20, 1870. , 39-6m SUBSCRIBE Prepare for the Wet jW^ither I GET ft ?m OF NEW BOOm CRAINE & SO^J ""' Have now in stock a splendid assortment of "' immmmB Suitable for tlie Sparing Season. All Sizes nd Styles from the very best makers. PRICE* AS LOW AS! XHE IX)WEST; Speoial Attdaiion Given to Ordered fVrork. Repairing promptly Attended to/ - y ' CRAINE <fe SON^ ' Acton, March 1.1, 1877. . ^T C5E 'y^cSmaJker: v. laid p OST My work'is all gt*lg WisLtclLeS, ANI> THE STARTLING BARGAINS. ATTENDED TO W As none fTTB PKOHPTXESH. but Good Worlnncn Employed, are ' The third river in Scotland is the Forth. Joining the Shakers Getting tho ague. . Tho modern song of love Cupid- ditty. i A patent has been optained for .amaciWfor making haste. Tjoag j range practice Twenty years' experience as a cook. , i; . Affection which is never recipifo* cated Neuralgic affection. ',} Tliat farmer understood human naturo who said : "If you want your boy to stay at home, don't bear too hard on the grindstone when be turns the crank." REMOVAL. Day's Bookstore has been; removed across the street to- the store recently occupied by Mr. Geo. Jeffrey j nearly op- posite the did stand. Greater Bargains than ever at Day's. Gnelph, Ifarch, 1877. HURRAH! HURRAH! TOR THE BEST PHOTOGRAPHS in the County, .at The Oatario ?h.ot0rrapli Gallery For Beauty of Finith and.BrtUian- cy in Tone, ckty^annot be surpassed. Parties can rely on getting a good arti cle and as cheap as 'good work can be dono for. ,'/' Bep&lrinc Done with Neatness 00LLAS8 AJSPZOXAITY. ll R, CREECH. Aeton, Feb. 14, 877., Mill Stroctr ACTON, DEAJLER in Orocorlos, Crockery, Soots & Shoes, Vail Paper, Winlolw Siinii Nailp^ Glass, Putty, 1 0U, aints, Turpontlno, Cool Oil, Salt, etc, .411 qt which wfll be sold low fort cash. FOR TUE GREAT SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARISG OUT SALE Now going on at February 1, pFf itoej srpRt, AG^QiN- sa*isfMUob> ^nd: you will nd this Is ih^bla^t">' -briBrfur *^*r Clocks and To get Repaired. yur THE JFINEST SELECTION OF JEWELLERJT, THE'LATEST STy|l2E8 IN JEWELLERY, BEST STOCK OF WATCHES A&D CLOCKS ' ..... ^ . - Will always bo seen at 1876. On account o reduce their stock preparatory to such change have decide d to offer DR ACTOIT fftu BOOTS and SHOES Selling off at cost.- Also: agent 'or tba RUBBER PAINT COMPANY Of Cleveland, Ohio. : Cosh for Hides. ^Icton, July 18,1876-; PliANHNa MILLS and,~inoreovrer, if you love ner' you do not want to make her miserable. Trust ber. Companion in armB Twins. The only cats worth any money i-Ducats. COPYING 4 & BNIiARGING In all its brahchos, Jn tho best style o the art, dono on the'shortest notice and at reasonable rates. '. Aho a splendid stock of Mouldings. , - , , - , - , - an^ Picturo framos kept on hand and sbpuld know what shoals are near;, made to order. Wv(V-' : r. r : ! < - --T~i ^.^ - - * 5.-"j*M. . ::*^* A- A caH is solicited and-yau will be convinced that this is the palace to get photographs. . Yours respectfully, . h c. w. hill; ^Ictdn, Dec. 5, 1876. $5 to $20'gss,Pd,sr.'.aa?"jo roe. Stinsow 4l Co., Portland, Maine.I I l^^^^&'fiiau^^j AMD Pump, Sasb, Door and Blind factory. FREE PRESS, Only $1 a Year In Advance. IVlcLEOD, ANDERSON & COS GEOBaETQ-WN. ISovr is the time for Bargains. Tho public-fairly startlej and astonished at the Btartling cheap goods now r beinsi sold at the MAMMOTH HOUSE, Farmers, Mechanic*. l<Tborers. Hou-fekeopors. young and old, rich and poor, if you want to buy cheHpgobds., at the very - Lowest Hard Time Prices., Now is your opportiinity. We have. marked down tho balance of our ex tensive stock, and nro determined to'clear it all'out before spVing. We are bound to make this the moct extensive Clearing Sale we have ever at tempted. Don't neglect the opportunity of getting the laijgeat lot ot goods for the least money, you'eVer saw in your lifetime.' " GEORGE GBBAT A certain i- J*m.-. "Ife-" Jewell^ anticipated' clanges inbui ioesg. and hror&r to" Special laducements to Casli Bnyew. GOO US, Wincey To be disposed of at cost price and A large and varied assortment ~pt latest styles to be fUBbed of at reduofed rates. ;ilso the iindeid^&ad 3 and. othjer .Stapl?f Goods nnder.:' Jf tht GENTS* Aeton, Fobrniry 7, 1876. UNCERCLOTHI? AND F [JRNISHlSfG& turties deei -ous of supplying tbemselves witb a c tieap soit Will Cnd.ttst now is the tin e to buy. ".-I" - . -I" BI QZ30N DEBITED BAR(3A REMEMBER THIS SALE IS FOR CASH. We must havo i the' money, therefore you can buy goods very cneap Don't forget the spot. Jan. 8, 1S77. McL^OD, ANDEHS0N Sc Co., ' " GilORGETOWN ,S EBBA^B, lUfaoiurer of THOM- " \' '**' ; ".bpotfi;11- Venetian Blinds 'Mouldings, And other Building Requisites Also Maker ot HIPS0VED SUCTION PUMPS LumberPlanedJindDre/aed to orde , in t^je.bes.t:manner.. All work guaranteed. i ' Aoton, Jon.,1878. , VICK'S FIOWEK and VEG- ETABIE UARDEST Js tbc moei. Oeaulllul work of tbft kind In tbeworfd. It contalDS nearly 150 pager, hundreds of Ono Illustrations, aud six chromo plates of flowers, beaudtufly drawn and ooiorod from natu re. Prl ce 60. oents lnpaperoorers,tl-001nelegantolotb | Printed In Herman and Eogluh. - Vlck's Floral GulUt, Quarterly, 25 ce nu a year. . Vlck's Catalogue SOOlllnstraUons, only 2 cents. Address James Vick, Rochester, N.Y. ICKS1 FLOWER and VEG- ETABE:SKDS, -, - .... . Aroplamed byamliltoa people In Amer ica, j " '" "Vlck's Catalogue 800 Illustrations, only 2 - cents, f ' Vlck's Floral suldo. quarterly, 25 cents a year. , Vlck's FJorajiind.Vegotiiblb UardoD, 58 cents, with elegant clotu oarers $1. All my Dubllealious are piinted Jnuer- THE FREE PRESS PRINTING HOUSE. man arid English- . Jakks yicK, Roohester.N.Y Address, VJICK'S Illastrated Priced -V CATALOGUE. Fifty pages 300 tllnstratlons, with do- sortptlons of thousands of the bast flowers ond vegetables In the worlov and the ; way to row tbem -all ,fcr a Two' Obnt postage stamp. Printed In German and English. | j . . . . ,. VlOR'S FLOBAI. OU1DB, (HTA&TSBI.T, 28 oents a year Vih's Floweb' Aim Vegetable Gar-, den, SOoentBln paior; In elegant oloth covers, $1,00. Address, .TA.MES ViOK. Bochssterj N.Y. yTCK'B A beautiful liparterly Journal flnplyillua- tratedi and coatalnlng an elegant colored Flower Plata ;wlth tbe__ first -number. Price only .35 first No. for :S77 Just issued In Uerman and English FLORAL GUIDE cents, for Ihe year. The Viok's Howes and Vegetable Oardenj in ,per60oeDtsVwlth elegant oloth cover, Vlck's Catsl ogne, 800 lllurtraUons ohl> 2cents. /. l.adreM, j , ". JiMRivIOK, Boebester, r. Y To Merchants., and other Business Men in Acton^ ; as 'well"as tlir6vtgh.6ut County, the Free Presses an . ; ' - t . invaluable Advertising Medium. the Oar Unrivalled Facilities for Executing all; kinds of B^OK ^ND,, JQB PRI1SITIN0 JEnable us to turn out work equal to anything done-m tbe cities. :*!-. - 1- : ft. Ss MoNAB.- asaea ':-** - \". Glassware and W: c^cd At THB" TPDS'b'./"^! SlioTO,' The Subscriber^ Ii Groceries fAt prices that m As" & ttiftl of A call is solicited now pr spared to ofler ft ohoiee selfotion of Croek^rj, i&ialsswar , W&M TapejjB, Paper. Windo *" !ll'. . " -7". " - . sannot fail to please evenlthose who r dl at PRICES AEJP hia goo<jls, he is roonyihoed, jwill be - adTextis^mbnt. ' t^ ^h w *! February 7,1876. re!iMiB58!fflrait' pwi^Mw'j^aw.^^ia-i:?<^^{-:??:,!n'?yg? Jmj:. 'M}n Port foi*j : snd Ooa Street H' Altb flxt 'tkenj T.tioa ; X:. ^4 M i:*O.J : *--. 'rtM

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