Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 5, 1877, p. 3

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:%1 ' " -i- j - V'~ THf Fj$m PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT./ APRIL ^*bjen*< C [E^?&r 'i; ?aMOtethat y*- ^ TrtiM low Act^iti^Uowi i> Jfigfct Rtpr*** > 1:04 a. m. l\jronto mail :: - - --* O.JO ai.m.. J^y tpre*t'"-", > 1.67, guimt -..- - : ,- j5.2ep.rrt. <Jft mixed 7:07 p.m. OOIXO tfST? I Jfaiit Express _ "V- . S:3Sa.m. o3t mixed : * * Ship .m.' Xbf fcpress - . ,11:34 a.m. .Western mail \5:20p.m. i0d0p.m. NBW ACVSKTISBMBNTB. To Fanners Joel Leslie. Bargains Wilson Jt Johnson. Kw*-Spring.floods A. O. Bnchara. .- Nurse Wanted* -Apply at this -office, . Stoves and Tinware Robert Fisher. ; Valuable Property for Sale in Acton. Shorthorn B^byfor Sale C. S. Smith. Spring has Comic J. D. Williamson, k. Co. " "- . Ibeolvent Act of IS75 Estate of Mrs. vMc2air. .- "= I Executors' Notice ^Est* to offlato Mrs. AnnClarE j AWEYA. LOCAL MATTER*. et, i - ittuae as that - I aspect j J MOlinay, && I cent lower U**a^\y \\ Tery rty- r lower than :s.y . f h-iii ell the other >n &ca- i- / ir Servleealfo (on. ge slock fo< th* |the beat material. tune to^n fn given to; . " LSlaek- btd**- v ; ! Ito doD iKalsami niojr jyandeorsasoa- |jok* mai && H. WAJKKEB- LTF^:; ; _ merchantable ^e Actetf ** [higherf *$J*^ " 32-tf;. ,owaT** -DwMjf y 1 P-Zej'by* ^Sln*P*, C.8. l. Acton- \. *f .-^-April showers bring forth May flowers. .-_ ! U-Fcta Cor the People.- If you need a neat, durahlo'. and cheap shoe, yoa can get it at Christiet Henderson & CoV ,": ^ , ': Mr. Andrew C. S^tt, iLe pop ular -bag-pipe player, leaTes Acton this sitenabon for Scotland. He aaya ho njiy return to Canada when times get better. - We wish him a good' voyage. ". Secord Brde.' spring Btock" of XJroeettes, Teas, 8yrapsj 4c.,-iju8t ^receired." ,Ktiw in stock Garden 'Seeds of ajl kinda. - Tfce Free Ufcrarjr. . J Another addition of fifty dollars, worth of,-b^oks has jostheen made to oar pnhlic l^jrary, making the present nnml>er'.of ^Volumes about 1300. AVe would again^ remind the residents of Acton and vicinity that the tisc of the b>oks is perfectly .free, and that the volumes can bo obtained from the Li- Ibraran, at the school house, every JJonday evening. The library <x>ntains' s great many very valuable works; IiftirFricwb. T . "We would he greatly obliged if any of, oar readers would furnish us with particulars of occurrences of general in terest, which may hajupen in __ their nciKhborhoo(L Xerefmind how crude "tie style in which ypnjmay express "your thoughts, only-,write proper names . nlsinly and correctly, and w^ will put it is--'abapc tor pulrliwtion and lw verj: ^lsd of the oppiirtaznty*.,- The only way to make a successful local iTper, is for its patrons to take an interest in it. , ' iV tkt Aitom Fire Prtts. BxjAoit ot Ten NaBsatrawey* f . . Braves. : i)U> neigb.l>or)ioo4 booamo much Jllarmed, one night lately, as two j TBung Tarn O'ShAnters, <m their way home trqm a party, discovered our chool houB, like Kirk Allow^y of old, all ablate. Ursou inquiry they ltamt that fffe <' tramps" had been soen in the vicinity during tho even- ing, and tho probability was that B*id trampa were the occupants pro tern of the school house. And as a couple of such caractors were known to havo oeoupiod it some time since who. took away the mastor'a gloves and;:e>ash; with them, we rogarded with suspicion such tenuanU-at-wilL and it was eajy thoreforo to imagine these trsimps as belonging tL tho worst 8pociruins of humanity, per-' haps fugitive^ from jastice, afraid tofuceUieir fellow-craatijre_to ask shelter; or perhaps they wore just waiting unul the still hours of the night when they might sally forth to d**ds of plunder or blood. At any rate.they were guilty of Housebreak ing, and should at onoe bo arrested and brought to trial. So thought the aforesaid young men. 8o they harried] off and gave the alarm to one of the Trustees, who set about gathering, a band of Skates, for sure they were nothing less, who turned out on that fearfully stormy night to capture a band of'{despera does, armed no doubt to :the teeth with pistols, BowiekniVes, etc. A band of ten. including" the Peda gogue and the aforesaid Trustee, were; soon gathered, and while one of the number was sent to the near est J. P. for a warrant,. the i nine prepared for the conflict. At first 'there seemed a difficulty in procur ing arms that is, the necessary equipments-of war. A couple of fowling pieces and two revolvers were on-band, and the rest of us took such clubs, shellal is, broom sticks, etor., as we could find, while, one shrewd fellow itook the wile's potatoe-masher (ah Wrll-he knew the potency of sucn a weapon, for in the hands of a cood man or woman it never misses tire) ; and here let me say in justice to that brave nine, Mr. Editor, had you seen them that terrible night, as-they drew up in elose column behind the brow of the hill, waiting the word to do.or die, had you looked upon that devoted little hand with that temble snow storm dashing in -your face, -you would have ahed" tears, so you would. VV'elh the'word was given, and awuy we went,, and quicker than I can writo it, we were around that school house; three luking possession of the windows en each side, while ! other three unlocked the door, walk- . $d in and ordered the garrison to surrender. Seeing escape impoFsi- . ble, and rrghting u-eless, they capit- ulaied. About daybreak tho cob- stable arrived with a sleigh and a 30 OASISS THAT WONDERFUL. We have opened up recent extensive purchases, and are prepared to ' .': shbwja Magnificent STOCK OP1 ; NEW &OODS. W Invite Inspection from every Lady. A. O. BUCHAM, fashionable West Kud Dress, MUlinory and ijantle Establishment, auetpb, April S. 1IT77. Pub- SECORD BROS., FIRST A|IRIYAJ.!3 Direct Importations Important to the lie Great Sensation among the Ladies. 187,320 YABps OF RIBBONS | Bought by Mr. David Hogp, In Londonr England, at half Vlue, i|ow offer ing exactly at half-price, at our store, Guelph. 4 yards beautiful d silk ribbon for 10 oents, 3 yards beautiful silk ribbon for 10 cents. Come and Bee. ! )TJB Lbdiea* and. MiJMe* new cardinal. * at out 1. Crempton's AdJHstable Dorset is only 9f per Pair. These are the best goods in the market. Ladies see them before ! ing elsewhere ; - '/ j :' ' ' Ladies' Now l|re88 Qoodi, \t LadioB* iTpw Black Silks, lies'. New Plain purchas* iidi: and Brocaded Colored Silks, Ladies' New Mantle and Jacket Cloths, *' | Ladies* New ^Mantles very beautiful goods. T MAN. MILLIJIBRY DEPARTMENT. r~ SHOW GOODS. aUin ii kmd% whKe, brown, black, navy blue, Also novelties in new shapes and styles, only to bad be stove. New Flowers, new leathers, new Ribjbpns, - new 84k Ties. J- i ". ^ Honse.Far iishing Department embraces everything that can sonab|y looked [for. Call and examine this Department. I. be re*- B^adjHQi^de iDiothhxg. Extraord,Inary ralue U pf&red to Men's SniU,: Soys' 8nits, Men's Coats, Men s Trot sersj Boyjs' Coats, Boys' Faata. We offer, a good suit of Tweed, Mea'isize^for.^7 eoat/ves^ and paou. JOHN HOCC & SON, A ma Block, Upper Wyndiam Street, auelph. AOTOIT. Biswt er rrtkuv Dr. J. S. King, Grand ^Chancellor of the Knights of Pythias of .Ontario, will 1 deKver a free public lecture in Mat. thews' Hall this (Thursday) ejrenhii-| "{ w>ui?int and took the culpiiUto the etc, oi the Order..' CorSlial uhsUtation to.veryliody. especially the ladies, to come *nd hear a very interestiug ae- coantof the drenmstanrea whicllj gave ri to the Order, including a sketch jof tbe beantiful example set ^y Damon and Pythias, as recorded in ancient histbrr. hectare to eoinmence at eight gclock. F. H. Stoket; K. of R. &. S. .# >'!' JUST RECEIVED, _ftimm ef Te^peraace. The following persona were^installed officers of Acton ijivision Soas of Tem perance, on Tuesday evening last by Bra JoTmSpcighti K.G.W.P. Bro. Edward Moore,JW. P. ' -- "i Sister Hattie Speight, W. A. . ^ Bro. Wm. Smy4h, B.a " Sister Lirde Warren, A.RiS. ' Big,/ma Wuim, F.S. Brj>. Benj. Nicklin, Treas. Bro. E. B. Cook, Chap. Bro. S. Zimmerman, Con. Sister Jennie Aold, A. C. Bro. Hugh Cameron, .LS. Bro. Win. Gibbons, O.S. Bro. Robert Warren, P. W.P. ~ CeaayedUve ExfclMOeai r Ctman Sease. .:-. ' ' " . . An American paper publishes an ad- vertisement Ti^nciwg a. fair and festi val ofa novel and unique description, to be heid by the ladies of a certain church In tHe toaxl. Among the- neir features will be a " Free Competitive Exhibition of-Commpa Sense, in the Household a or a Display of Culinary Accomplish ments." " Premiums are to be. awarded to the lady who makes the best pie; cake, tea-biscuit, or. bread. Supper will-be. en-yed a- laXearte. (Call for : what yoa want and pay for what yoa "-get-} ' T .-- FUR THE Base Ban. The Acion Pastime Club has been : organized for the season, with a strong team, believed to he much superior to that of;;any previous year.-.- The. old grounds have been leased for another - term, and we shall expect to see some good practice as soon as the state of the. field permits. The newly elected: officers are a* fanowa: ->- Oliver Loxier, president. [ Jos. Allaiv.'^ae-President. Wm. Cramar, Captain. / P. H. Storey, Secretary. ~ Thos, Kerrnedjr, Treasurer. i__, Field (3onnnJttee. W. Cramar, W. . Winiana, Jos. Speight, J. Allan and R H. Storey: " _ . AeU Cowaefl. The regular monthly meeting of "the Couneil'was held in Matthews Hall, last Thursday evening, all the members being present. The ininates of previous - .meeting were read and confirmed.. A petition was presented from) Mr. P. 8.; -Armstrong and 120 other ratepayers of thevil]age> requesting the Council to' , tak; some action towards opening out ': and'-straightenmg Mill street from the _- rJ^w*Jr crossing to the boundary line of JS. corporation. On "motion of Mr. Christie] seconded by Mr. Nicklin, the' . \ Pebtioo>was received and referred to TO-ommittee on streets and sidewalks. On potion of Mr. Christie, seconded by Mr. Smith, one dollar was ordered to bs refnnded to Mr. A. B. Wright for in assessment of a "dog. The voaacil adjourned to meet again on Friday <th May. magi*irnie, who told them to stand up and answer the charge of house breaking. The oldest of the squad spoko as follows::" They bad not been one year in Canada ; they-had no_honie, no money, no food, no shelter; they, were, making iheir way to Toronto in search of work; they had been refused shelter so often that they had'resolved to ask it no more ; and were driven as a last report to take shelter in the schtjOl- housa; they were honc^t^ laboring men, and if they had been guilty of a misdemeanor it was to -save their lives." The' defence was certainly able, and the J. P. felt himself in a quandary. It was usual in sucn ca;es, to send some one to jail; bat In tbis cas>- whether .to send the prisoners, the witnesses or the constable, was a difficulty from which, however, one of the prisoners relieved his worship, by stating that 7 he was indueed to come to this country by the representations of an emigration agent; when the court decided that that emigration agent was the party to go to jail. SCaffcer giving.them some good advice, the sentence of the Court was that pris oners be taken to the nearest tarern and provided with breakfast at the expense of the corporation and theri set at liberty. The inn was about ai mile distant, and here let me add to. the crediiof the prisoners, tha.t.after' sentence not one Of them attempted to escape. Boniface smiled at.the word " breakfast for. five," although he looked a little blue afterwards when charge it to the muni cipality.' However^ Jike a sensible man, he made tbe best of what he could not help, and treated the prisoners and constable to a glass of beer each, after which he pronoun ced the benediction on them and they absquatulated. Moral Be careful to entertain strangers, lest they be overtaken in school houses unawares. < OnbopThem. vl BFttTlSTG- ITEl^JDm i Bought Low, and will be Scld at Prices never Heard of Before. Barrels erse Bills. .' . > - Parties wishing Bonte Billi printed neatly and expeditionsly, should try the Free Prat office. 1 . . ^-Pelt Hate in all^ colors, Bizes, ;-*^l qualities. AJarge.lot to select warn-' at Christie,, Henderson. & "* '. Felts ere decidedly cheap L^i( eetebni At least C., H. <fc VP-8 stock are etr vaje, cv Christie Henderson & Co. this week open beauti ful lines in Seasonable Dress Goods all: the leading styles, and shades." These goods will be sold without reserve at their low cash prices. A new consign ment of the tar famed Tiger: Brand Black Lustre just in; this brand is pro nounced by competent judges to be the best and cheapest make of Black Lustre in the market. An examination especi ally requested,- ' . The custom made cheviot shirts offered by Christie, Henderson & Co; this week are really the nicest articles, of the kind in jthe market. Their new stock of white. Dress Shirts comprises- all the sizes, and are really very cheap. iCome to the Post Officefltore, Acton, for bargains in Groceries, Crock- : ery, Glassware, Wall Papers, Paper 4 Window" Blinds, Stationery, Fancy Goods', etc, Geo. Yehe*. . '. A fourth Canadian claimant to sd English peerage has come to light in, one Mr. C. J. French-Dalzell, who is seeking to establish his title to the earldom and estates p( "Carnwatb." Of White and Refined Sugar's, Syrups, Molas ses, Vinegary Oat Meal, Com Meal, New Cur rants, Prunes, Coal Oil, Boiled Oil, Baw Oil, Spirits of Turpentine, Tarnish, Japans; etc. Of Prunes, Soda, Red- Colors of all jkinds, etc. Lead, White Lead. Cases, iiBoxes, Caddies and S^cks Of Biscuits,: Confectionery, Spices^ Starch, Canned Fruit, Fish, etc., Tobaccos, Cigars, Raisins, i Cheese, Soaps, Candies, Crystals, Pickles, Jams, Jellies,Matches, etc Washing W.STEWART* CO Have commenced opening their y ' ..'. '. i Ne^r Spring ] Importations And in a few days will show the finest stock of FIRST GLASS GOODS submitted for inspection in Guelpb/ Special efforts nave been made to i show the newest Drei$ Geods, Spring Jacket*. > Manttot, ' j CoituTiies, " "' i ; Kid Oloptti ':': Boeiery, ' .r. ' Laees, Lac* Curtain*, Shestingi, mttd Mourning Good*. OUR COTTONS were all contracted for before the recent advance. Customers will have the benefit. : Gents' Department. In Cloths and Tweeds, Dress Shirts, r Ties,Collars, etc* ' Stock of Felt Hats, Are particularly inviting In styles and price. I WM. STEWART 4 CO. Quclphl, March , 1577. , -, >, . ' I ' Chesty, Caddies and Bp^es and Of Toung Hyson, Gunpowder, Japan Black Teas, ranging in price frofjLiO cents upwards. The best value in the county. - Acton, March 14, 1877 SEC0HD BROS. .\CTON LIVERY & SALE STABLE y J. P. ALLAN j Takes pleasure In announcing to the public generally. th4t he Is prepared to rurnlsh fisst-elasa HoMea and 6&Ues At Reasonable As tea. His Bigs and Horses are the best that can be had, and he Is determined not to be surpassed by any City Stable Acton July 1st, 1875. $999 every Can't be made < agent every month In the business We furnish, but those willing to worfc can easily! earn a dozen dollars a day right In their own localities. Have no room to e^rUUnhere. -Business /pleasant and honorable. Wo men. and Jjoys and gtrls db as well as men, We wllf furnish you' a complete Outfit free. The bnstness ppys setter than any thine: else.- We (will bear.ex. ponse ot startlnK yoa. - Particulars frd. write and see.1 Farmers agd mechanics, their sons and daughters, and all Classes 16 need of paying work bt home, should write ti os >and learn about the work at once. Now Is the: time. Don't delay. ~ Aubusm, Maine Address TaV* * Oo;, * FOR dPEMED THIS WEEK AT V & Men' s, Women's and GhihWn7*} Si^lr, AT A L And a still BERAL teherTreduction of 5 per cent on all pirchases of fire pairs and orer. IMMENSE Pltis OF BBAij^ifiBB bixymrndt The undersigned begs leave to inform the people of Aoton and sar- rounding neighborhood that he has procured a'. magnificent HE A BSE. And is prepared to attend and con duct Funerals on tbe shortest notice and most moderate terms.; y Catlxti, CoffiiUj Burial Bobti, ' Afid all kinds of Funeral Furnrsn- ings k^ptin stocky and supplied - on the Shortest notice. Hat Bands and loves supplied when . required, -y . .> r , \- &OHN PPEIGHTJ Acton, Feb. 10,1877. *.-' - JOB PRINTING of all Kinds neatly and promptly esecutddBtthe Kexlllke rest 0stSi <U8tret. v and I'OR ^-EI Aoton, Maw h: tl, 1371. 3L 0?0^ v-i ^.CTOJSt^ iiOESS ON ON OLD PBICES, ^.yi'-s m FOB FULL TWEED SUITS $8.00 oasrxrsf. T SI Newesl, Styles and Makes Very Cheap. EemettbiM* thai; Paino^ :: iri stie, sendbiwon & qa r , * !- :'i 4* s, A'- :-;-s' -K-.

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