Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 5, 1877, p. 4

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mm mi j iix aWafatss THE FREfe Hi ^ L '--5 _ rcwrsus wto*. I've triod the best In liast aud West, I've lunchoil 'neath tropic sun, 1'ye tested 41; < The fruits tliaj fall, .1 And lifai them every oiio j !; ~_ "BitjNorth tr Soutb ;|- No human mouth,. I will the world apprise, Ettr tasted food frtjtie-h'alf so kihmI A our own' pumpkin pica. . >:Vpoa the vino, , In ruin or shine, ; through frnkrant day and night, ' - Xbv yellow globe lu emerald robe Drinks up'tfee lupimcr light. Oh, "golden awect, Tbe suus repeat L To wold thy luscious nso, That-we may come And^roll thee home. And make our pumpkin pioa, I, .Qatlovalir^prf*,' - \.' With aliniiug curl* * Put,neatly in a cap, 7 Cut slice on slice And peel it uice, . . "1 And slew it to a pap ; 'j- ,- r Tdlen milk is had. And eggs they add, L And sweeten as is wise, -._. r Wbfio others hasto ' " To spice to taste ) . TheMbome-utade pumpkin pics, !Oh pare and fair This food so rare, >o croature'spaln i >-.'crCRMKto its gain . <! only nature s Tpast | I : L*Eosimnior' days -. j. . ^And autumn hate A&d smiles from beauty's eyes Are in the dish,' Mixed to our wish, -3*hi we call pumpkin, pis. No wander, then, 1 That loytisgpn, < - "From Florid* to >Iaiuo, - Their quarter ea$, ThtsamaJepeat, ' Andpass their plate again ; Tfiat exiles fret With vain regret, And Vex the air with sighs, " \Vhen forced to stay ^ In climes -away - - * From their own pumpkin pies,-. ; A . lSo to"bwr boast j. ' ',' *-' I ^ive a toast, Snbroadered aVia rhyme * , " - May punrokias rotind \s' " \ - \\ xth us aoound. i X. Thrauh~ future autumn-time ! '-.. And may our prU, ; J With shining curia '- ' And tender beaming eyes. All learn by heart The happy art Of making pumpkin pies ! Harper's Bazar. ~V I' have thorn; and if ye frightou fblka as ye frightened rae, and hurt to boot, I'll warrant they will tM|nko on innoh noise as I did."../ " I horn) you didn't -open the oV'Kotv nindain," said tho door- keojier, ; " Opon the closet J Ere ato tho apple she wua forbidden. If you want a woman to do any thing, toll .her nof. to do it, and she'll do it certain. I oould notstaud tho decapitation. Th^aeotot was- there. I wanfcxUo fcnowUt. I opened tho door and out ifoppad the tarnal crit ter right into kny fuco. I thought tho old boy had mo, and. I broke for, tlid ataiiB with tho critter but- ting nio at every jump. I-full over tho tub, and got downstairs, aa you found as, all in a heap." "But,; n>dam,M aaid the door keeper, '*you are in posaaasion of the groat secret of our Order, and you roust go up to be iuitiatod and swoi-n, and then go in in tho regu lar way." "-Regiilar way 1" exclaimed the lady. 'fAnd do you-suppose 1 am oing neir the tarual place,- and ride that ar tarnal critter without a bridle or a lady's saddle t No, never ! I don't want nothing to do ithth man that-rides it. JI'd look nice perohed. upon a billyijoat, woulQp?! IX No, ojBver | I'll never go rjgh4t again V and if I can pre vent it, no woman shall ever-join tho Odd Follows J Why, X^d sooner bo a Freemason, and be broiled on a gridiron as long as tho fire could ho kept under it, and palled from gjvrrjjrto pellaf, just as w' poor deatf hnabaod and he lived over it -but I never could live oyer such another ride as I took to-day." SPEY^IDE Shingle, Stave I>RESS, ACTOI^, HALTOIff COUlirTY, 6M, 1A#T&L 6, 1B7T. AND HEADING MILLS. Any parfcios wantiug Shinglea would ...... ' " Wo will ol. d9 wall to givo ua a Spall, ways hav en hand.' a g No. land No, SShingUu Best quality No. lJShi square, i 'Mb: 2, 70 ;' \ . p." i Speyalde, Dee. 13; 187 supply of les$1.70 {>er pet sqiare. SAYER8. 24-8m Carriage fc Wagon < 'VVOIlBtiHI. SCala fitroot,' !_ i* | Aotoxip 1-t " ~ 1 MICQAEL SPEIGHT, Qeneral j Blacksmith, Carriogo and ' ! Wagon-makor, Beit HorteShoert in the. County. Perfect satisfaction traaranteod or no : j pr,ioo charged, riMMlau Flaws aad rallaM'sPaleal ; Irea Harrow* alway* oa hand. A ijood stock of Carriages aud Wagoni, Repairing promptly and properly at- tanded to. 1 Aston, July 18, 1876. s H INGLE s Lath, Lumber, And all building requisites kept on band or delivered on shortest possible notice. Best quality No. 1 SUiDKl01 on!? 1.70 j best quality No. S only 70 oents, .4ny of too shore will by delivorod rwhon required. _: 5 - .4n'y quantity of oats taken In ei- dhango for any of the above delivered a the mill between Aeton-aud. Milton, oii f/)t No. 8, Slid con. Ksquosing. Onlors by mail address to Acton or llilton V.O. B,O.MILiEK. Bsqueslng, Jan. 3, 1877. 27-3m Prepare I 'for ttte Wet W^atlaer 1 GET A PAIR OF HEW Bte CRAINE & SO Have now In stock a splendid assortment of V. W LIST OF ", A Woman's Curiosity. A certain lodge of the Indepen- . dent Order of Odd Fellows deter mined to have their. lodge-room done np clean and. nice. It was - ; rwolved onanimoosly that Mrs. K. 'ahoold bo employed to do the job. i After tho meeting adjourned, the who knew the inquisitive cluracter of Mrs. K.., procured a billygoat and placed him in a closet , thstt was kept as a reservoir for the isecret rthiaga, "He then informed -; - the Woman of the wishes of the lodge,' aud requested her to come r early the next morning, as he would then show her what was and what was cot to be done.- _; .Morning came, and - 'with it Midam.K., whh herrbFobm, pails, etc, and found tie Guardian wait ing for her. : ..- "Now, madam,",he,sa|d, " I will . ~teU.-joa wbat we.' waiit'done, and ^ how -W oaaae to a4iloy^you.; The brothers said it-was dilfic,ult to get . anybody tb_do the job and not be meddling; with the secrets in the clotwt ji we nave^iost -tne key; and cannot find it to lock the door. 1 assured them that you can be de- ,yHW n." . '-. ,f*. Depended n! I guess. I can. * -Jly poor and. dead-anntgona hus band he belonged t# the Freemasons. , or j, wti-JHssona* X] don't know wluch. He used to tell m* all the -t secrets of the concern, and^wben he showed me ' all. the. marks of the gridiron, made when he was initiat ed, and told me how they fixed . poor Morgan, I never told a living BOui to this day-;' if nobody troubles your closets to find Qt your eeoreta ; 'till I do, they will Ha there till they rot, they will," "I thonght bo," said the Guar! - di^B,"" and I want you tq commence _ _.-j _th*t corner, and gfv the whole : room a decent cleaning: now, don't go into the closet," and then left - _ the woman tp herself. No sooner had she hoard the s sound of bos feet on the last step of : "the stairs, that >he exclaimed^ : ! 1^1 t.WJstrfisftt^Bre'a a gridiron, orl some saob>nonsense, just like the,anti- Masons for all the world, 111 be bound. I will take one peep, and ; nobody will be any wiser,,.aa I can keep it to myself," ; ..,'- - "';' T?fcittng the aotjonL tgj tb* word, ^8ne"steppedlight!j to tl^eforbidden oloset, and turned the button, which was no -sooner }'- ^ent Che'.'billy go^t," With a Bpring MUSIC BOOKS Sold wholesale and retail by John Anderson - Bookseller, Quelph. Burrowas' Pianoforte Prjmr. lotuso'a Musical CaUanUsi, Bertini's New Method for the Piano. Clarke's New Method for the Piano, linn ton's Piano Forte School. Howe's Piano without a Master. Richardson's New Modern School. Gitsfe's Parlor Organ. Klrer Wreath <VoeaJ). -109 different Music Books. A Big Discount on all MUSIC BOOKS Q.NTABIO SADDLERY, f ACTOiT. UNDERTAKING. . The nndorslgned begs leave'to inform the pooplo of Aotoii and vicinity that he will furnish all Requisites fn Undertaking on short notice and reasonable terms as ; can be had Jlearte Sujiplicil tchen Desired. Also that he will Pit'Tip Stores & Offloes :- in the best stylo. Shew Cases, Beak Cases and Desks made to ardor. - \ FUItNlTUKK liEPAIItED. Shop on Willow stroet, near Main t. P. M. McCAlNN. ^oton. March 20. 1876. 39-6m \\ Suitable for the Spring Season. AH Sizes anU Styles from the very Ibest makers. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Speoial Attention Given to Ordered "Work^ , fiejpalrlnK Promptly Attended ti>l , iORAINE & SON. My wpijk ia tjll giring satisfMtldn, and you will fit. bring y^ar . Watches, Clocks;:aiid/^ewell^ry i To get Bepaired. THB THE ANI Acton, March 1^1877. "T^ STARTLING BARGAINS. The subscriber takes this opportunity of thanking his numerons oustomers for for the very liberal uatronjsge given Inn) the past year, and would state that it U his motto to do a ' Square and Honeaii Business as heretofore, and hopes to retain tho same liberal appreciation from the public All ordcii entrusted to my care will be AXTKXIOP TO WITH MtOWTXESS. At twrie but Oeod Workmtn re Employed, Parties can rely on getting a good arti cle and aa cheap as good work can bo done for. ' Bepairing Done with Neatness 00LLAB3 SPZ0XAX.T7. SUBSCEIBE FOR THE QEEAT SEMI-ANNUAL Now going on at;. .1*.- R. CREECH. ANDERSONS CHEAP BOOKSTORE On the. Bast side of Wyndham Street, GUELPH. j AetonJ Feb. 14, 1877. RBMOVAI,. Day's Bookstore has been ' removed across the street to the store recently ooeupied by Mr. Geo, Jeffrey, nearly p poate the old stand, Greater Bargains than ever at Day's, Onelph, -afarob, 1877, *>ai ^iwmns^rm HURRAH! HURRAH! J-0B TBI to regain bis liberijf, which "came BEST PSQJTOGRAPE^'S near upsetting her-laidyehip. Both* started for the door, but'it was fil led with* implements /for hdifse-' cleaning, and alt ware swept r.olear '"J^ftai'^tlielr position down to the -bottomf "the ataira. -~!-- The o|)ise and coafusiou occaBion- * ed by such unooremonious coming down te tftairB-drewbalf tho town to'witne88~~Mrs.'K.'B efforts to get from under the^ile of pails, tubs, brooms and brushes in the i street. Who should be first at the spot but the rasoallji doorkeepor 1 After 'reja^ng^tiie goat/which was ' % "cripple^ar life, and .uplifting the rubbish .that bound the good wonfim to the earth, he anxiously inquired. . i*3<tbo had bieii taking tbo "degrees. ' ""/"Jlaking the degrees ! If you? 0*11 tumbling from :tha top to the ~ bottom ol the stairs" with jthe devil after, ye taking things by degrees, in theOoiinty, at Tho Oatario Paotogrrapb Crallesr For Beauty of Finish and Britiian- cy h.Tone, they cannot bt turpwed. COPYING & BNIiARGING le o and In all its branches, in the best st" the arfcj dono on the shortest notiot at reasonable rates. -""-.. J 41so a splendid stock of Mouldings and Picture frames kept oh band and made to order, /. A call & solioited and you will be convinced that this is the pbvo<l to get photographs. , - - / | - - Yon respectfully, ;-.>-.j -7 r -.,-.. i ^Ictoln, iDec. 5, 1876, C. T. HILL, Mill Street, ACTON, j PEALEBW OHraeexies, Boot* *: Shoes, - Vail f aper, !Wlndov Bllndfl. Walla, aiM> Putty, ttniMi OH, Vaiats, ffarpeattae, ', - Ooal Ml, Balt^etc, 411 of wbioh will be sold low for cash, BOOTS and SHOES Selling oiF at cost, Also agent for the " RUBBER PAINT COMPANY Of Clerebuid, Ohio. Cash for Bides., -dcton, July 18,1876. | ACTON " PLANING MILLS Pqinr), AJTD . Sash, Boor and Blind Factory.' THOMAS EEBAGE, j ManufacHjrer or "Wiado-w Sasli, '^ Doors, Venetian Sliads Honldings, And other BalldinffReoolsites ".Also Maker of zacpsoras suotios pt/icps a WJ HILL; Lambef Pla|Td and Drened to orde in the beat manner. $5 (to $2DaniPl5r4brin>,V ree. Stisson i Co., Portland, MalneTl 1ST All work guaranteed. Aeton, Jan.,1878. ^A.QT0 3iT FREE PRESS, Only $1 a Year lYIdEOD, ANDERSON & COS aEOEG-ETO'to. JTo'w is the timelfor Bargains. The public fairly startled arid astonished at the startling cheap goods .now :' being sold at the MAMMOTH HOUSE, GiEQRQE H^DS tclimaker and POST OFF ICE :. hi Fejjrjary 7, : 1 STpHE, ^cJiio:&r- 0^, ^! tniriiHHipj^^ ]1NEJT: SELECTION OF JEWELLERY. |1ATET STYLES IN JEWELLERYL : '>' [ ^ THE jBEST STOC?: OF WATCHES AND -CLOCKS -_ - -1 V. 1876; GEORGE HYNDS*:;, JeweUery 3toT;--Aeiba. GR,BAT t EARING Onaj^onnt of certain anticipated changes in business, and uvordsi ts> reduce their stock preparatory to such change, the nnd*tslepe4' ! ' bare decided to offer J. ' - -,;;; . :rl' I- Aeiw '1 a "fr-:--d > -,-?- trel ':. Speoial Inducements to Casli Buyers.- Winceya and otfieriStaple Goods r ; - I - - " . .. ;To be disposed of at oost price and unjer. r;' A !ar^} and taried assortment of ' JBcJa^.TS' !!a_ nsrip ; o .a. ^ ss ^ iff the latest styles to be rushed of at reduced rates. Also . . CJEJNTS'I UNDERCLOTHtNct AND; FtTRN-ISHINd& .; now is desirous of supplying themselves with a cheap suit will find 4bat the time to buy. . ' . '." .'," . t ,Febrnarr7. 1876. DICKSON & McNAB. r.1- Milt oaen -.taw He tent. Cm 0ECIDEL> BARGAIN^ Farmers, Meehanicj poor, if Laborers, HouBelceep^rs: young arid old, rieb and you want 10 buy cheap goods, at the very In Advance/ Lowest Hard Time Prices. Now is your opportunity. We have marked down the balance of our ex tensive stook, and are determined to clear it all out before spring.. We are bound to make Ibis the mot extensive Clearing Sale we have ever at tempted. Don't neglect the opportunity of. getting the ilargeRl lot ol goods for the least mouey, you ever saw in your lifetime. REMEMBER THIS SALE IS FOR CASH. IN Gl We must have Don't forget the sp)t the money, therefore you ^can buy goods very cheap Jan. 8, 1877^ MoLEOD, ANDERSON & Co., ilAMMOTH HOUSE, GJdORGETOWN TICK'S FLOWEK and VEC- BTABU CiAKbE.f Jsthe most beanutul work-oftbe kind In the world. It contains nearly 160 pager, hundreds of One Illustrations, and six ctiromo plates of flowers, beaudlully drawn and oolored from nature.- PrloeftO oenU In paper coers,tl001neleiantolotb | Printed inOerman and Knallih. Vlek's Floral Onldi, Quarterly, 25 ce nts I a rear. ! Vick's Catalogue S00 Illustrations, only I Scents. | Address Jakes Vick, Boobester, N.Y,! THIS FREE PRESS, PRINTING HOUSE VICHS* FLOWER and VEG, ETABLE SEKD8, Ate planted byamlilloa people in Amer- lea. . See Vlck'sCatalog*!. 300 Illustrations, only X eents. - I Vlek's Floral oulde; quarterly,25 oentso year. Vlek's Floral and Vegetable Uarden, GO cents, with elegant cloth cevers $1, All my pnbUeallons are piinted lnuer- m-i<i and Ensrllsh. Address, James Viobt, Boobester, N.Y. \riCU.'B Illnstrated Priced T CATAlVOfitnB. - . Fifty pages 80S Illustrations, with de- sorlptionsoftboDiandsofthebeglflowerB I and vegetables In the world,- -and t+ih way to grow them -all for a two Okst Lege stamp. Printed In German and Shjclbib. Vical lea's VlABAL OUU>X, (iUAETEBI-Y, 26 oents a year* " VrSK'8 KlOWBB AJTD VEOZTABtEOAB- DKK, QOeentsln pai<er; In elegant cloth covers,' $1,00. - Address, Jakes Vicx.Bochester.N.V. B FLORAL GUIDE Abaaotffnl Quarterly Journal flnelyillus- trated, and eontalnlna an elc*nt oolornd Flower-Plata with' tbe first; number. Prloa only aV cents for the year. The first No. for 1877 Just Issued in Merman and Bngltsh. VlokV Klower and Vegetable Garden, Iff paper SG oents, with elegant cloth cover, Vlek's Catalogue, S00 illustrations only 2 cents. Address ,. . J AM B5B VICK, Rochester, M. Y To Merchapts and other Business Men in Actoiv as wbU as throughout the County^ the Free Press is an invaluable Advertising- Medium. Glassware and AT THB ^ost Ofiice Sto2?5 The Subscriber, V -It ,i-:.4H--; C.EORQE Oar Unrivalled Facilities for Executing all kinds'of BOOK AND JOB PRINTING Enable us to i uru out work equal to anything done in the cities. Groceries,. Crockery, At priws tnat"annot fail to please eyea those who rail at. NO :V:rvNV/^>^v^^:,>?^ "SCV;<(l*H!ai'2--"-- Is now prepared to offer, a ohoiee si leotion of -- . " , Glassware, Wall] Papers,;- ,b Paper Wiud^w ; SPECIAL PRICES AHE As a trial of bip goods, he is com-^ni' advertisement. call is solicited. r. ^,.-'* theasad^aw*^ i'-!i-'."-.t.v"-""-' incei wUl be Ifound. iobeitalbf*; :c^ February; 7,; 1876, .- / YEMEN : Poat !dfficef S ^ }??i- -. rot' ten.l -On ^ SS) 3

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