Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 12, 1877, p. 3

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"? li/^m u i >&&*,-.: I s l f; r S PRESS, ACTQtf, HALTON COUNTY, ONTt, AfelL 12, 1877. NEW ADVEBTISSMBNTS.^sMrtsUa trui According to appointment the Wei. lingtonDivision Grang* met in Rook, wood in tha Towa HiL Th. meeting was well attended and aggrooably con ducted, and after the general business was disposed of, the Erin, Eramoaa Centre, Rockwood tod Rallioitad Sab- jtamipi McXawJs Bankrupt stodu GleSl*>n MUUM3. t K. Tolton, Vew goods-^McLcod, Anderson tj Co. DiaJtoo of Partnership Dickson Jt JlcNaK -- _ :S .- -; . i. y. L :l - fur Goods last f ,.;r. fto-dajy. &C0. LOCAL MATTER*. __Xbc ruin who knows, of a good troutstream'is now actively engaged in keeping his month shut. : L ~ -^-cGent's Fattcy shirt&git 12| ctipw vard at the K&st End. -,. ' * J ' _--A worthy ckiwn of tJbis vd- Jageirrjiiredihis hand'severely, last week " when lighting tho morning fire. Thii "Jia ternUe warning to men to let their wires light the fires. ; ilcs&r^ McLeod, Anderson & ' -'. Co., of Georgetown, announce tho (ar>, \ rival of an immense (tock of seasonable ';" djy gooda, clothing and: millinery. See : thiradv*rtii*ment. Now tho busy housewife elexneth house to her heart's eonteut and. her husband's delight, ' and the cheerful carpet tack lyeth around loose with business end uppermost. |le^rVyow;.i A heifer two years old last month owned by Mr. John Mitchell, of Esqucsmj^, weighed here a fow days ago, turned the scales at eleven hundred and forty pounds. Shejtook the" first prixe at the exhibition, jn. Milton and Georgetown last fall. \i An Acton "lady has got rid of tramps by a wise system of treatment.' AVhen they call at the bouse requesting '^something to ..'- eat," she sets them to catting enough- ^roodto'pay for the meal TheyjeTer ' icall^aciain, and brother tramps shun ti* -rfP^-L { - ' ':'.> ^ Elder .Hcrtxog /who baa rhad ' Tery.sacceisfur^eTival'meetings'in. the Pisciple Church, left here on Tuesday morning for<at brief respite/befere com. J nien'cing meetings^ in Guelph nejrt week. 'We learn that twenty persons have been baptised and admitted tormember- ship in the church here during*the past three or-four wee^s. A lodge of QJd Fellows is to be instituted hereu_jto-mom>w evening iy Deputy rHstrict.Grand Master Gil- fctt' The hall over J. K. Smith's furniture store has been engaged aid Ji.-ctted up for a lodge room. A-number -of the brethren from GuelphT^Geerge- - town, and other-places are expected to be here fo assist in the ceremonies. The Knights of Pythias have secured tbejperniission of the Acton v Social Club, to make use of tho Drill Shed on the 24th fof May for a contemplated entertainment on that day. It is proposed, we lie "" " jjjrand uniformed-- J Gr*n?* KKl*'e!,tod to be struck off from the above Division, which was granted. The Delegate, of Fairinera Home and Acton Orangea in the County of.Halton, being present, they at case with tho above named Oranges proceeded to form a now Division Grange at Rock- wood to he called ' tho. Union Grange, ,and tho following officers were chosen And installed by Bro, Cromar of *Wera. \\\ Master Bro. J Ramsay. Eden Mills. Overseer ^ro, H. Smith, Erin. , Lecturer Bro. H. Black, Rock wood. Steward Bro. S. a. Campbell, Acton. Asa. Steward Bro. G. Campbell, Balli. Chaplain Bra D. Anderson, Eramoaa. -Treasurer Bro. T.. Waters. SccnstMy-Bro. R. Drodw. Rockwood. Oat^-kcupcr Bro. G. Ellington, Erin. Ceres Mr*. H. Smith. i^ Pomona Mrs.1 G. Campbell] " Flora Bes^T Tesaperaaee: The following persons'were installed officers of Crewson's Corners Division Sons of Temperance,' on Saturday even ing last by Bro. John Socord, D.G.W.P. Bro. a McGormanl W. P. " Sister M. McLoughlin, W. A. Bro. H. Ryder, R.-S. Sister S. A. Cripps, A-. R. S. - Bro. M.- Crewson, K. S. Bro. J. Crewson, Treas. .'. Bro. W. Plank, Chap. : Bro. W. McDonald, Con; : Sister S. A. Moore, A. C. Sitter E. Forbes, I. S. Bro. >". Forbes, O. S.^ The following'" Ode to Spring" is B few " feet " aflsr Hood : Farewell, snow ! the winter's gone. And the summer's coming on, Thunder rtortns now fill the air. And there's song-bird* everywhere. Wanner, warmer, warmer itiU , .Northward-steal the vapors chill.! Strong the earthly odors grow ! We. see the grass above the snow. ' If you need a neat, durable nd - cheap shoe, you can get it^t Christie, Henderson A Co>. 4 Seconli Bros, 'spring stock of Groceries, Teis, Syrups,- &c, just received. Now in stock. Garden Seeds of all kinds, Facts for the People.' Im-. mense stock of gents' and youths' Ready Made Clothing Opened at Christie Henderson Jt Co's., Acton^ a complete assortment in quality, style and sizes. A sood tweed sui.t for only-$8.00. These goods are bound to sell, as they are 'de cidedly cheap. See that some one else - -does not get the suit intended for you. ( rKBWs. ~ L. A Parties wishing Route Bills printed - neatly and expeditiously, should try the Ffre Ppts* office. , lievPito have a 1877. IC SPRINC. 1877. MtEOD, . Christie Henderson & Co. this week open beauti ful lines in Seasonable DressGoods all psrad^and pro^nade ccSbert, jto j ^TwiS^^L ^&&hLS?Z 1>e conducted in first-lass style. 1 ^^ jow .^jh priies. A new consign- Tiger Brand V 2f^ver mind the. idle puffs of J these /juelph storekeepers, but call at the EastiEnd aedbe con'vinoed that you can get better goods for-less money at bom*. , f -r 7 \ ' *- The Centennial Medal award ed to the Acton Plpw Company for best general purpose plow, arrived here a few' days ago. j It is a vtry handsome pieceof rtorkjTofhranze, neatly designed, rand engraved withrthe words " Domin- ia ^of CiBada,"_. and " Exhibition "Philadelphia, J876." The word* *' ^c- _ tea Plow Company " are niceljr-engrav- ed in a.-, script Letter. The medal is ." nearly two inches in diimeter, and i enclosed in a neat ca^e. ; AMfesitTrjo. I KAlsomiiiin' ' rThe stock of gooda belonging to .the Mc>*air estate was sold at ahc- ' ^f0 tion by the assignee, on Tuesday, and ' C^V8- boofj^it by-Messrs. J. D. AVjUiimson & Co,t 4t cents on the dollar of invoice prices. :. Tjie goods will be removed to- dayinto the new brick store opposite '^gaew's hotel,.and run off at a very low price, -according to' announcement in another column. The household fur niture and effects were sold yesterday. The Qjal estate will btf put np for sale sometime soon. -f. ;_ - - Fashionable r Tweed : Suite, !made to order for $12 at the. East nd -Clothing Store, Acton. ment of the. far < famed Black Lustre just in; this brand is pro nounced by competent judges to be the beet and cheapest knake of Black Lustre in the market. Am examination especi ally requested, [ | f The custom made cheviot shirts offered by Christie, Henderson A Co. this week are really 'the nicest articles of the kind in the market. -; Their new stock of white Dresi Shirts comprises all the sizes, and are really very cheap. Come to the Post Office Store, Acton, for bargains in Groceries, Crock ery, Glassware, Wall. Papers, Paper Window Blinds, Stationery^. Fancy Goods, etc Geo.. \Lzxzx. ? - -' Felt Hats in all colors, JBJzes, and qualities. A'large. lot to: select at Christie, Henderson it Felte are depidedly cheap this Beaaon. ' At least C, H. L. Co.'s stock are extra value. Please rememW that gruall profits anoLquick returns is the motto, of the Post Office Store, Acton. ' GlO. YlMEN. ANDERSON &C0., Gr-EOI^Gr-lTO"^vV3Sr- Take pleasure in announcing to their customers and the public that they, have received and opened out for sale the llnr^est, finest, and i best assorted-stock of D>RY- GOODS, MIL- i LINERY nnd MANTLES, CLOTHING, TWEEDS, THATS and CAPS,&c., in this sec tion of the Dominion. . j "We have ransacked the markets of ther world and think that we can suit jevery one, who wants to buy god Goods, cheap. Ladies, we-Jiave all the new leading colors and styles in Plain and Fancy Dress Goods, Black Silks, Golored Silks, Poplins, Matellasses, Cashmeres, . Persian and Oriental | Fabrics, Grenadines, Percales, &c, with trimmings and Buttons to mntcii. Prints nn immense variety. Our Millinery and Mantle Department has been entirely reorganized and-riinp'roved, it is well worth your trouble "to call and see our magnificent stodk of Stylish Millinery. = ORDEEED CLOTHING We have the latest styles and patterns direct from^the mills. Gents^ if yoli want n really superb fitting suit1 at a moderate price, call and see our stock of Tweed)*, Coatings, &c, we cannot fail to suit you. I Hats and Cap, Gents Furnishings, &c, a splendid stock, very cheap. : Our Staple Department has had our very best attention, having boiigltt our CotttonH, Tickings, Shirtings, dtc, last December when Cotton Goods were so very low, we can offer nnd are keltinc goods less than we can buy them to-day. Carpet^ Oil Cloths, Hugs. Lace Curtains &c, and House Furnishing Goods of all kinds. Housekeepers you should call and see oir splendid stock ofCafipets, etc. I Boots and Shoe*. We are mus season sell ing very cheap and keep a very fine assortment on hand. I We propose to sell everybody who has any money to lay out this spring, the very best of Goods at the very lowest bottom - prices; - | .-.:.-!. . j [We would retnrn our thanks for the very large and increasing pitronnge hitherto so liberally bestowed upon us, and we are pro pared to sell Goods cheaper than "ever for Cash only. McLEOD, AtfDEKSON & Co., April. 8.1877.' MAMMOTH HOUSE, GEORGETOWN THAT WONDERFUL 30 CASES FIRST ARklVALS ! ' '! ' ' r;: ! I - "^ Direct Importations Important io the Pub- lic-r-Qjreat Sensation ^tmong the < Ladies. - " .. . 187,;320 YARDS OP RIBBONS Bought by Mrh David Houp, in London, England, at half Tlue, now oflar- ing exactly at half-price, at our store, Guelph. 4 yards beautiful silk ribbon for 10 cents, 3 yards beautiful silk ribbon for - - 10 cents. Come and see, v .. Crempton's Adjnstable Corset is only #1 pier Pair. , These are the best goods In the market. Ladies see them before purchas- !_ ing elsewhere. Ladies' Now DreBS Goads, . j. . . Ladies'New Black Silks, i . I . ! < i . ' . Ladies' jNofv Plain and Brocaded Colored Silica, I Ladies'New Mantle and Jacket Cloths; \ - Ladies' New Mantles rvery beautiful goods. Ladies' and Misses jew cardinal.. Also at oar stoie. OU5Jt M liLLINERY DEP^RTMEK^T, n6 elties in new shapes and styjes, onll to had W Re Marcl 8, 1877 JOHN HOGG SO J Jma Block, Upper "WyndhamSw HAS COME | I AND'WITH IT ' Immense Quantities of New Goods the nLzonsr.! : IIFOIR, jrom ^ho Old Uoantiy by every ye have " "Our new purchases are] doming forward steamer. Already THE LARGEST, BEiST ASSORTED If | AND CHEA:PElT f^-STOCK OF DRY GOODS West of Toronto. .:'" ', This is no empty bras, bat sober truth "which tiobody "can deny." rt)ar- aim has been, and always will be, to keep up the reputation, that- f The Lion is tho Cheapest Store in Ontario. I As an instance we may mention. ompton's Celebrated Adjustable Corset, We hare jast received another lot which we are selling at 87j cents. This we guarantee to be the genuine article, and exactly tho same as that ! for which! others are charging One JJollaK, . : Our whole stock is equally cheap. j Our Dress Goods, Our Silks, plain and Fancy, Our Cottons, Our Prints,' Come and inspect 11 J J We;- have bj en*l up recent extensive -purchases, and are prepared to J ' : show a Magnificent STOCK OF NEW GOODS. We Invite Inspection from jevery Lady. i . ' rnUleEe.< * A Ewe belonging to Mr. Thosi Ryder, ce the 4th con.: Esqnesing, gave jnrth to five lambs on Wednesday" morning. Pour of them are living and frisky. . bstnietlBC Mdevjilks. A correspondent wishes.[as to direct -the attention of the proper parties to the fact that the sidewalk leading to the Baptist Chapel haa been covered with snow and. ice neariyisdl winter, and that hops of sawdust l?ft by parties sawing Wood are now on it.' <H* hopes that the village cuostable </n\l see that .the Tiniganoe is remo ved without delay, r ACT** JiAKKETS. Flonr ... ... .. $3 25 to 3 50 Old Fall iVheat.. .. 1 44 to 1 50 New FaU Wheat .. .1 40 to I 45 Spring Wheat, Glasgow .. 1- .25 to 1 35 Bed Chaff Wheat .. 1 20 to 130 Barley ... .. .._0 00toOJ00 Oata .:. .. .0 47 to0*5O Peas .';. .. " .. 0 68toG72 Potatoes, per bag, ... 0 90 tot) 00 Dried apples per lb .. 0 06 to 0 07 Butter ... .. .. 0 20. to 0 23 Eggs. .. - 0 10 to 0 00 * WkoM it our Coneera. -. We nndersten'd from one of the credl- -tors that information nas teen received from Mrs. McN'air to the effect that her j many a fatal shaft by Epps' Cocoa. Oaxrirvh and Com-. TOBTtso. "By a" thorongh, knowledge of the natural laws which; govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well, selected- cocoa, Mr.' Epps has provided onr breakfast tables with, at delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' billw. ' Xt is by the judicious txaeof such articles-of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strongenough to resist every. tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating aronnd ns ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape ourselves account books, Invoices,-Ac, are Jn the Possession of some unnamed person in Acton, and that she itaV9S that by glv- incju>uee throueh tbeFgut Press such 'Person:.will deliver tbep to the. party *roperiy-entitled Ut-receive them. We :.arcreqoMtedtosay thatlf they'are left /! tteh pbee that Mr. AlUn,tha A; s'caee, e*n get Uiein, no furtner j^oes- ttonswm be asked. fbest K"-Uffcj IG1*-' Poi? i <* tfl Jet ike. Syria*;. ! -'. If-pur peoplo will do all they as to improve their, own places, tiie whole country will be benefitted. If very man gee, to H that' and gran plats look fresh and neat, the gen- *1 affect win be pleasing to the eye. j We if*^1'increase otir repntation for oean, trim villages, and tidy rooms and ^owteps, oar conjrtry will growpopu- - r^o^.^P'dly than it . does. A word wth* wise .is safficieni,-and every man c carry out his train Of thought and t-Trade supplied at jnje local improvement which will be by C. a. Coo* * C< adTiatag#toliiinnd his neighbors will fortified with pure blood"and a pro petr^y nourished frame." Citsi Service Qazetle. Sold only inj packets labeled-j- " J amis Epps k. Co., Homoeopathic Chemist, 48,. Threadheedl^-Street, and 170,. Piccadilly, London." i ; 1-----*' Bon't Spend a Dollar until Ton have tried this. -- VT**s 1mfih4 Bali- mtt*rmtt-r.f> is unUke any other, and has no equal. The Improved has new resjetable tonfe properties; retores grey balr to at lossy natnralcolor; rrstore* laded, dry, oarsb and(alilh hair; restores,dresses,five* vigor to-the hair; restores hair to prema turely bald heads; removes dandruff, hu mors, scaly eruptions; removes lrrlta tlon, ItehlDf and seslr dryness. ' No article produces such wonderful eflects Try |t;-eall for Wood's Improved:Hair, Restorative, and don't be pat ofliwlttr an^otner article. Hold by al druggists n this, place and dealers everywhere, maunfacturers' priors by C. A. Coos a Co, Chicago, Sols Agents for the United States and Canada*, and by Ltmas fijtois, *Co Toronto. ' A. O. BUCHAM. Fashionable West End Dress, Millinery and Mantle Establishment. iQaelpb, April . lsTT. * ' ' *r REMOVAL.' O iMTARlO .Day's Bookstore has been removed across the street to ; the store recently occupied by, i Mr. Geo. Jeffrey, nearly op- poeite tLe old Btftnd. Greater Bargains than ever at Day's. , Guelph, Jtfarc^, 1877. | QTEAM r- "' dairrage & Wagon a&aia Street. - j Actoa. MICHAEL SPEIGHT, General- Blacksmith, ' Carriage and Wagon-maker. .- Our jClotbing, Our Carpets, ' Our Millinery, etc- .'And in every branch you will find our prices fully 20 per cent lower than any other house. M*Ask for onr New York lish: the new colors. | the 13i cent Dre&s oods; Tery sty- SPECIAL NOTICE. Do not forget the Dressmaking Branch. We have the best Dressmaker in Canada, and oar charges are lower than- p any other House; y REMEMBER OtJK CARPETS." r r We have a larger stock of Brussels Carjyets, Tapestry Carpets, Wool Carpets, than all the other ! Store* in Guelph intt together. Hard Times are never felt by those who deal at The lion. *- Guelph.'; April 3, 1877r J. D. WILLIAMSON & CO. Best Horse-Shoers in Perfect the.County satisfaction guaranteed or no price, charged. ^ Ftnt^laas news aad Collard'iPatent Iroa Mmrratrm always kuuad. i _ .-' .- ^ <^>od stock of Carriages and Wagbns. Repairing promptly and properly at- tended to. Acton, July 18, 1876 SADDLERY, ^.OTonsr. The subscriber takes this opportunity / of thanking his numerous customers for for. the very liberal patronage j^iven him the past year, and would etato that it is his motto to do a Square and Honest Business as heretofore, and hopes to retain the same liberal" appreciation from the public '" c i All prders entrusted to my care will be ATTENDED TO WITH PROMPTNESS. As none but Good Workmen , Employed, are A CTOX LIVERY & SALE STABLE JF. P. ALLAN Takes pleasure fo announcing! to the publlo generally that tie Is prepared to furnish ! ' ' . yirat-olasi Oarriasrea; - At Reasonable Bates. ; ' : - . T - -| A Is Bigs and Horses a re the. best that cao be had, and he Is determlhotl not to be surpassed by any City Stable. ! Anton July 1strI?75. j | Parties can Tely on getting a good arti cle and as cheap as good work can be done for. " .. . , . BepalrlneDone with Neatness OQUiABS A SPEOIAT.Tr. ,K. CREECH. Aeton, Fefe. 1*. 177. 8YearHnK DURHAM BULLS for sale. Acton, Feb. 14, 1877. C. S. SMITH. 33-tf &PEYSIDE! Shingle, ; siave AMD ' heading m::lls. Any parties wanting Shine les would1, do well to give us "a call. We will al-| ways have en liand a good supply of! No. 1 and No, 2 Shingles. j Best quality Ko. 1 Shingles $1.60 per' square. No. S, 70 cents per souare. 1 P. Ji H. 3AYEES, Speyside, Dcj 13, 1878. 2*-6m . I > ' r.- SH0W GOODS! .' -:"'| Hats in all kinds whit*, brown, black,'navy Hue, New Flowers, liew feathers, new Kit boos, new Silk Ties. -i - rOnr HjonsoFamishing:)epartinenfc embrkoeg ererything that can be rea sonably lobk04 for. Call andJxajmine^^ this Deparlrnent. r-made Cibthlzi Extraordinary valnk is offered in;Men's Suits, Boys'Sails, Men's Coats. Men's Trousers, Bi ya' Coats, Boys', Fonts., Wo offer fl good suit. pf Twe^dt if en's size, for gT coat^ vest and pants,: iElIEOZPIjIE] et, Guelph. THE .< Men's AT A LIBERAL REDUCTION ON OLD And a still Men and The undersigned begs leave to inform-the'people of Actonand sur rounding neighborhood that he has procured a magnificent HEAKiSE. And is prepared to attend and con duct Funerals on the shortest notice and most moderate terms. Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robts, And all kinds of Funeral Furnish ings keptin stock, and supplied .* on the shortest notice; ! Hat Bands and loves supplied when required. x : JOHN SPEIGHT: , Acton, Feb. 10, 1877. JOB PRINTINGJot all kinds neatly and promptly executed at the - "FREE PEESS OFFICE, Xcxrjtho Post Office, Mill Street. I "Women's and Ghildren's Sizfesfj, 3P3E ^cyiEi xtemMb3r k J':. urther reduction of 5 per Cfint on all purchases of fiyerpairs and over. IMMENSE PILES Off. BEAiDY-I^DlT CLOTHING PRICES. .-*~i M -.-FOB Boys? Wpai^Qiwapl SUITS $aoo GJ^rxrsr i-.ii ET.^.H-^LM^S, iNTewejsl .Styles and Makes-HVery Caie^cp. 4 'J-'-i CSHI3TIE, HENDEES0N m i

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