Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 12, 1877, p. 4

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THE FREE PRESS,-ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, -dNT, API^IL 12, 1877 D ' " ' ":' I ---------- ' ' A riT OFTBK OT.IBS." The blue*, thp blues, th terrible blues ! From tfea east, from too west comos the hoarUuadingnews .' That fate has been iloing What time I can't updo, And we'll all be engulfed in a deluge of bine! vrBlue duties, blue bonnets, blue garter*, ' Blue '-coats. Mid blue nootties, blue {boot*, if you choose; t Ityuttuacs, blue elections, blue Demo- ant*, too. Who itw tUt the White Ucmeo. will' toon become blue ! ; Blue prospects &s bine as- the world ever know : '-' Blue ruin, and blue glass, the bluest of blue, Timo was when tho heavens seemed fair to the view j - -Whso, the dark, deep, , blrio oocan was bowtiful. too; When the--bright asfuro flowers, all glistening with dow, J . Received the attentions their loveliness . drew; Bat *ow>-be it fair, be it old, bo it now,^_ . r-, " Weiitest the resemblance of anything . run*! r -And prayj with a fervor we ne'er before i - knew, - ; ", :: . / Blue blessings be scattored oalrtfry- ' thing Hue! that it was bolter forhim to kick it into forty pieces than for somo poor man to Hla kiokod. lie kicked for all ha *u worth, and uttering a wail or agony ho limped to the; fence and leaned against it and swore liko a pirate. The into- rlor of that " lost" loaf of broad was a handsome cobblestone, put there for just such on emorgoneyj Germany litis hard times .too. Canada is probably bettor off than most countries. " O. T. HILL, f Mill Street, ACTON, t. "'.' PPAVKR l& SECURD BROS. ^CToasr. He "Hotioued and Hollered." -;.. A. farmer came tearing into the I^i5tJ HJ1 V Chicago, and.deman.d-" ;yi tCsjeJB tie chief of police. WhM ' X ushSrea into that individual's presT ence, the man, who seemed to have' -lxn rolled in the mud,- exclaimed : - * I want you to como out heco on-OMicbigaa Avenue and arrest/a; i Taitroad.' " '._"..._ n' i l - :* Gently, now/ replied the chief; r has* any railroad been abusing you t r j 41 should think so. Lopfc at my condition, and then come but to. the crossing and gaze* on the re mains of my new one-horse wagon/ * Were you run into V asked ;.- the chief. . ., 01 course I wis.} You don't think I'd be fool enough to run intoVlooomotive, do you F . . 1 'How was itF '_ C '-Well^sir, I was coming into -town about; an hone agoi driring - one of the best one horse wagons in the, state.' . - 4 Was there a horse attached.? I 4 Yea, sir, there wasr and thejre were two barrels of cider in die wagon. Just as 'I was coming Jto the crossing I saw a . locomotijve- nKding down for me, head, up and mouth opened. My durned old horse stood there and danced and pawed ind scjap^d, and I couldfiTi" get him ^ioidge afoot.' ':-" ,' Did tWr' traa' jstop *ftrasked thel. chief. '>-'"Stopl No, sir, she didn't. I ' saw that there would be a-terrible t catMtrophe uolesa "something waB %: do^e, a^cKJL BtoodTup iq the wagon and saoooned aad-hollared and uio -' tdoneJfor the"hgine to back'water. Bat <be didn't She ploughed right along 6a if I was nobody, and when ahe struck the wagon things turned, - dark. They found me over the fence, tangled up with liaops and ataTea and spokes, and there wasn't a "piece left of that wagon bigger - than asking-bolt; The horse ihn .away, and hasn't been found yet' fyTtXL, the 'fellers around there laogbed arid grinned and took on as if it was the biggest joke they ' ^eter bearti of; and when I demaLnd- ed damages thev: jaujjhea loader than ever. There I was a complete wreck^ and thero they were yelling like ingnaa. - Doesn't this case come under'some law or other f The \iief looked over several pages ofithe city directory, and ad- ' viaed tha farmer to go to the rail^' ' road officials and state his case. . * I'd rutbjer git but a search war rant or something and put the law right on .'em * replied the^man, * for I c^n pjave by three different-men that Li-bollered and motioned and " hollered'enough to fitop sisteen. teans:, ' I - i His liud-CDvered back was last seen dodging dowri Jefferson "".- Arenue. -- ' Opocoyies,' l Osoikwry, Bpofta 8c Slxoaa, "" Nalla, ai&si, Putty, ttsaeoAOU, Faints. Turpsatiao, I - Coal Oil, Salt, etc., ! -411 of which wi]l be sold low for cash. BOOTS and SHOES J ~ ! Selling 6fF at cost. W ffiii ! dUSt RECEIVED, FOR THIS Prepare GET i for the Wet Weaker! f& t-n fel PAIR OF NEW BOOTS. CRAINE 8c SON nava now in stock a ipjendid aaBortment x>f: i .....^il:iflMi:" : Suitable ftatke Spring Season. All. Sizes and Style? from the very best makers. PRICES AS LOW .'AS, THp LOWEST. Speoial Attention Given to Ordered "Work. * HYISIDS^ /tclxja^k&r aid .'. Je^ej^ PPST OFFICE -^.o^oisr i-j. wo'jk is ill glv^ag i TP*1**tov clies^ Clocks aiid Jewe^epyT Aoton, March 13, 1877. Bopalring Promptly Attended to. , . CRAnSTE & SON. Also agent for the RUBBER PAINT COMPANY Q'f Cleveland, Ohio. Cash for Hides. * .dcton, July 18, 1S76, S^HIliTG- TEADB Bought Low, and'will be $999 Cant be mode by every agcnl every month In tho business we tarnish, bat tboso willlne to wors can easily earn a dozen.dollars a duy.rleht In their own localities. Have no room to explain here, 'Business pleasant and honorable. Wo men, ami bo>-s and girls do as well its men. We will furnish you a complete Outfit free. The lislnes wy oetter .than anything" else. We will bear. ex. perute ol tarUnc you. Particulars free. Write and sea* Farmers and ineetianlcs. their sous and daughters, and all classes In nerd of pay log'work at home, should write n as and learn about the work at once. .Now Is t>>e time. Don't delay. AU IroR Thug A Co., Aususla, Maine. SUBSCFwIBE 0RR Sold at Prices never Heard1 of Before. FOR THE ACTOIT Barrels -. ' i ' Of WInte and Refinrd SugarR, Syrups, Molas ses, Vinegar, Oat Meal, Corn Meal, New Cur rants, Prunes^ Coal Oil, Boiled Oil, Haw Oil, Spirits of Turpentine, Yaruisli, Japans, etc. Ke^s - !' . j I': - " Of Prunes, Soda, RetlLend, White Lead. Colors ofj all kinds, etc. Cases, Boxes, Caddies i" and Sacks 8" Fashions 1b Spring Sliks. Importations of spring Bilks will! - b smaller than thay have been for :- years. "Very small check- and Very fine . hair stripes win be-.chosen for snm- . jn^r .silks." \. ' self-colored gros grains baVe the soft cashmere finish, with detni lustre, and medium .reps neither yery heavy, like poptfti, nor too small, as In tafleta.- The colors of the silks that pre dominate are bluei brown, dark aioelj and smoke' shades. Of brown bades, saai brawn will remain in fiiror. v . -'.-'.- : The 'same soft odshmere finish saen on colored silks iis liked for black gro3 grains, and the medium grain is also chosen. The smallest anaure"figures will ;be probably the firstichbice- for the silks that are used as parts of cos. tuiaas. in. combination with gros .. jprain. :_;.-.;. .-' _..',.. """.... ? The-Vo^ryleidiiesilks inifcrocaded. 'or darrrasfcilesigrts ar/ largely import-; ed irj very: liglit qualities^ scarcely heavier than .the plaid Lo^isine&s so " long in vogue. .. 1 . . Bvcnuig'" silks are brocaded; in all' the designs just] noted, and are ac companied by gros grains ;oI similar hade*. FREE PRESS, Only $1 a Year In Advance. ai'jmry I What He Kicked.. -! ^T^ Detroit-<<FreaPfesfe' iagprts the following : He was a young man, ariotbe looked like a student like one oftha students in attendance at Harvard , college, --Moreover,,. his prompt'Sction, asbe Ba-w^^a, lofl:f--of bread on the crosswalk up w3od,ward 1 aveaue, went to 'show that he: was fond of football, and therefore a I student at Harvard. He reasoned that the loaf had fallen from "a : baker's sleigh, and further reasoned T, SPEYSIDU SMngle, I Stave ASD HEADING MILLS. Any parties wanting Shinglos would do well to-give "us a call. We will al ways [have ion hand a 'good Supply of No, ! and No. 2 Shincles, n Best quality. No. 1 Shiflgles $1.70 per square. jNo. 2, 70 cents per square, I P. *:H. SAYERS. Speyide,J)ec, 13, 1876, 2f6n> hi - ( Chests, Of Biscuits, Confectionery, Spices, Starch, Canned .Raisins, Crystals, Fruit, Fish, etc., Tobaccos, Cigars; Cheese, Soaps, Candles, Washing Pickles, Jams, Jellies, Alatches, etc, laddies and Boxes Of j Young H^son, Gunpowder, Japan and Black Teas, ranging in price from 10 cents upwards The best value in the county. Acton, March U, 187%1 SB00RD BROS. ACTOH ! PLANING MILLS Pomp, Sash, Door and Blind Factory. THOMAS EBBAGE, Uanufacturer of Window Sash, . Venetian Blinds ; Mouldings, And other Biiildjb^g Requisites Also Maker 'ol zuraoTES anonoir pttmps " ' : r~~: ' i Lumber Planed and Dressed to orde in the best manner. JSy* :A11 work guarantee*? * Acton, Jan.,1876* j ! VICK'S FLOTVEK and VEG- ETABI.E G.IRUEV ' - Js the most beautiful work of the kind In the world. It contains nearly 160 page*, hundreds of flae Illustrations, and six chr< mo plates of flowois, benubllnlly dni-Kimnd colored from nature. Price 60 cent* In paper!cbvers,$l.O01nelegantclotb Printed in German and EDelUh. Vlck's Floral Guide,Quarterly, 25 cents a vear. 6 vick'8 Cfttalogue-3WllIUBtratlons, only 1! cents. , . ^ Address James Vick, Boohester, N.Y, YICKS FLOWER and VEG- ETABLE SEEPS, Are planted by a million peopleln Amer ica. _ . see VlcS'sCataloiroe. 800 Illustrations, only 2 . cents. VIcb's Floral OUlde, quarterly,25 centso year. Vlek's Flornl and Vegetable Uardan, 60 cents, with elegant cloth covers SI. AH'my publications ore piinted tnuer- manandSnellsti. .- Address, James Vick, Rochester, N.Y. W.STEWAnTiCO Have commenced opening their New Spring* 1; Importations And in a fejw days will show the finest stock of FIRST CLASS GOODS i submitted for inspection in Guelph.. Special efforts have been maiio to show the newest Dress Goods, Spring Jackets. I Mantles, Costumes, Kid Gloves, Hosiery, i Laces, ' Laea Curtains, Bhetiings, qnd \ . ' .\ Mourning Goods. OTJR COTTONS were all contracted for before the recent advance. Customers will have the benefit. I , - - Gents' Department. In Cloths and Tweeds, Dress Shirts, Ties, Collars, etc, ~ -' ' Stock of Felt Hats, Are particularly jioviting in styles and price. '.J WM.ISTEWAKT k. CO. Guelph, March 6, 1177. To get Hepaired^ T3E FISTEJST SiELECrriO^ OF JEWELEERY, THE LAf&T STYLES IN 'JEWELLERY BEST STOCK OF WATCHES AnH CL0CK8 J^ - - Will always he seen at . ' I .r.:'-^---. Jewellery Stotr.A^, GBBAT - v- pf cerlain anticipated changes in bosloeki'and faiorW'k- reduce [their stock preparatory to such, cliange/tha^ndtriirto*^? j i have decided to offer ^cT^.i:r.- ' :ial Inducements to Cash Buysn.^ ' @COOS, FLANNELS, DRY Al large anc 1 Parties dei now is the tine to buy. *! - .ateir . Tae p. m. I XcTOJl - A 1- tre Cksnq Ktns- inceys andjotlier staple Goods '*; To be disposed of at cost price and under, varied assortment of "| 'N :iri HATS .A-IfcTID O-A-^Sk^ Jftlie latest sty Us to be rushed of at reduced rates. Also '- 'GEJJTi!;' UNDERCLOTHING AND FUR!sriSHrtr<3a;:<-; irous of supplying tbemseWes with a cbeaplimt will Bud Us* Acton, Foor ary, 7, J876.r DICK301T & HoHAB. DED BARGAlNi -i ^a TttE FREE PRE3S PRINTING HOUSE. i V"ICK'S Illustrated Priced T CATAL08IIE. ' Fifty pages 300 illustrations, with de- soriptl ons df thousands of the beat flowers and vegetables In tbo wbrldjjapd '.tbe way to erow thera'-ftll for a TwC'CtNT- postage stamp. Printed la German and Engllib. / VICE'S FlXJBAI, GtfTDE, Q,UARTMU.V; 25 cents a year" ?;> -r- .t--->-> , VlfK'S FlOWEE AS> VaOETABI-EOAE- den, j50 cents In pai'er; In elegant cloth covers, $1,00. .: Address, .Tajiks Vick, Rochester, N. V. vnOEI'S FLORAL, GTJIDEI A-beautlfnl Cinorterly Jouraal finelylllris- trated, and containing on elegant colored Flower Plats with the" first - number. Price only SR'oents for the year. ^Tho first No. for 1877 just issued in German and English. . Vlok'sSlower and Vegelablje Garden, In paper accents, with elegant cloth cover, Vlek's Catslosuo/BOO Illustrations only 2 cents. Address JA.MTO VICK, Rochdftcr, Ni Y . To Merchants rand Acton,, other BusiriessI Men in wem as throughout the' Free Press is -ah yaluable Advertising; *"*; j, Medium. Cou|aty, the : It vail, Oar Unrivalled Facilities for Executing' all kinds of mOK AIMI3 ^^ ^^^^mi^^i^i^ ww^miMt^^nawwpt^aag^^fjgffly^^gy.) jk Post Ofic Storp, Acton. ' V ^OB i^ Enable us to turn out work equal to any thing done in the cities. '1 :r.Krl': Glassware and jStCF&:i\&o&M Ajcenq AUba 1 fsltbfl BooS, wtll'i tiTGiu ifaten for prl -*UonI Wen ISBCl dfflca CmuI o1 i AT THJS .i-Vir.-i!>'.V"' The, Subscriber, 1b now prepared to offer a choice eMectioa of Grroceriie s, Crockery; ^lasswaj^ej Wall Papers, A: 'aper tMv^nnW^h to pleaie even those who raiTat thk Har|l|f II' 3fii:iSLL; t l-.'r.'r- V.:.'EC!-.: y.-iruHe!.^-^-' Wiiidow Blindi^^ NO SI'ECIAL AEE Aa A irial | q Apall iFebruarjj'.ll&ie, ^i solicited. ii'bia aoods, be SaJconYinoeo^ will be towi J*WP*sp edver CEO, .. . . ,1 .ri-rf <'sM--<:: :Poat Office ptoref , J,-, #.,v rficel atylel Tra4 . .and i y aitn ttagt , blqnl . attes l^ortl tan. OffieJ Rock ^ Ss PUm pro tile , rst.- -

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