Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 19, 1877, p. 3

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'"'.^' ^H**. // --; >Ily invitt a* M <& ' J [Stock Goads to-day* & CO. NG rta do an >;< and Afp** 33-Sm [ "Grand Tia> rI>nrBaiiis,J*j dim ,J "y <: EBB THE eKVfll!TltrSK TlSt TABU ' Trains l*vq Aclou as followsr . . ':,-.-' I tlOlSO VF-ST, Xightik^ppoM - - Toronto mill jHy Express - . - Kr^ress ? .-i7*ltmid i;oim; k\st, .Xisht Kinross - - -tfaltmued --v. -f 1:04 a, m y.lO.vm. l.o7 p.m, VJup.m.H TUT p.m.. \Vrttcrn mail. L,%adon mixed 3-.1S a.m. '.l:ia.ra. 11:34' ruin. o :20 p.m. 10:10 p. tn. NEW- ADVERTISEMENTS. Spring Stock-FyftT* MeXah. Attct*o Sale of House and Ixvt; MwonicSotioo Walker Lod^c. tiirl Wanted >'cw Goods-i-Christie, Henderson Jk Co. fatatc of. Hr*. McKair.--Notice to Debtor*, j ________ ' . LOCAL MM7EM. i Halton. County Spring Show- it Milton tsf^nwrrr^v Friday, 20th. Butter and Eggs have taken a taSiblo. The-iormcr command* twe'u- tT.turo cent* andthe latter tea......___.- Gent's Fkn^.. shitting^ < 1.2 J? eta per yard at the East End. whistle at Speight's '^hop may againfbe heard, as of yoro, at Eforning noon and nighty ..We popo it *ill keep good time. Rev. Mr. Lee, Incumbent of .$(.'Alhaa's church, haiTVo severe an nt- tck orerysipelas in the face, last 8al>- hsth evening that he vu. unable to .complete the church service.- We learn ! that he still suffers considerably from the ffec$J orf-thfTliaealc. r^hionsbh* Tweed Suits, Bade'to order for i?l- at the. East Knd Clothing Store, Acton. The notice in last week's Frkk Press appears to hsve had the desired effect in securing the resi<trat.iuii of the l,t account book's, belonging to the insolvent estate of Mrs. McKair: The t.ioks \rere:left in theiaasttrace's;, stable cva. Thursday night, Where the\tf were (osml the following mortmn;. Parties ^indebted. U* the . estate are referred to the assigcee'i notice in our advertising xoiwnna. ._ ~ ' - 7-'": boasts of five Lfxlges of secret $jeieties. They com prise the following llrders, according to seniority r ^>us of. /Te'mjieraiice,. Five - Masuns, (5 rangers, Knights | Fire in IS'assnjrnwcya. (On Toeadny evening M last week; a lad in the employ of (Mr. IjlFiottjt lot} 18, s*coml wncossion of Nttssif- gn-yn, M-cnt out to,the rotables to 8l>() il- tuo <l<Jors were socurclj- fuslcnetl. While there-ho thought he would h>ok for soino eggs in k J neat he ktidw of. For thistpiu'po.4j^litidtt inatoh, mid ii^citlcm.t\llk- set tiro to Uio stiiiw. The ihiimjs did hot '{spread very fust, init tho ln^ cbuld not ex+inxuish them. Ho thprt-fore left the bank mid' \\iovi,t into tho house, in his fright "rndi saying anything about tho fire to Air. Elliott.; In a few momenta the lad commenced crying, and on l>eing askl what was tho mister said ho,had drop[>ed a match in tho 'raw aiuijhad sot tho barn on ttrov Mr] 511io|i'trrnt once rwshpd ojltsulf and mw time the wholo building was in .flames.- Tho fire Jiiid ad- yanced so -rapidly that '\ it was .impossible" to save anything.; Bo- sides 8ee*l grain, feed, hay, etci, burnetl,'there wdro four horses and Jen. Jiead of., cattle. v Loas about Kp Insurance. ; FREE^PRESS, ACTON, HALTOK COUNT]?, ONT., KS^Xh 19, 1877. 30 CASKS - GOODS THAT WONDERFyLMyiAr]. Wb; hav re opened up- recent extensivo purchasei, and are prepared to ahorr a Magnificent STOCK OB imW 1 GOODS. We Invite Iuspcctiou from every tmly. ; !! <jt- i i*s:z' A. O. BUCHAM, Hpriac.. - Carry the, news to gentle. Annie. Spring haa come ! Kthcreal mildness, however, is'a: little behind time. Hut Spring haj come, . sure..- Wo have all the indications thd organ grsiuler | chained to a monkey the green sprouts of the flowers the tramp *he swelling buds of the trees tho cheerfiH and, merry chirp of' the robins. There-la not the shadow of a doubt of tire arrival of gentle Spring, for the April showers have now put in on apjwarancc. i c Fashionable West ISnu Dreaa, Millinery ana Mantfe Katabilshnient. Cjaolph, April I. 1S7T. -- : - .. \. ' PIBST Direct Importatioxis llmpprtant to OUR M ILlilERY DEPARTMENT. tl^e Pub- and Odd Fellows. .All of them arc said tif be in; a douifishjug conditnin. An aiile-bivlieil man - w ho i-< not xjnembvr, oraboat'to become a member, of either, oaeof the Orders, is now duMcalt to . tipd. ' : OblMaar}-. Mr. James '(lordon, whose remaii.s were buried in Acton, reociitly.i was one of the pioneer settlers in this vicini ty, anil for nearly thirty -years was oiie of the most esteemed residents of Ks- >iuesing. He removed to the township of Kiidoss, county of Bruce, some tif. teen years ago; where ho died after n few weeks' illuess, ou'"the eveniiig of the l&tli ult., in tbe t^th yeixr of hia age. -\lr.'litlrttuu for tuany years elder in the Presbyterian Church iii this, vil lage, aud he held the office of ruljng Hder-iu the church at Ijngaide at the time of his lamented death. From an obituary in the- l.uckuow Stntiurl We Pvthi'aa-t copy flic following remarks : ".JJa-wa* m :R- .- The stone hotel, corjner of Main ! aai Mill street, has !>een occapied the ' part feW weeks by .Mr. ilc'Juarrie, rc- : ceatly of Rnekweod, who,is waiting the decision of the License,%Commis.sioners \"rr>ectiii^-the gran tingof a hotel license. ; iTfas hnnse has undergone a thorough : renovating and is neitt'y- furnished. 'If : the conroiisaionerj" see Jit toegrant the ';i:ei4e.|-we hare *: > duubt St -will be : ktptiSi resjvjclaMe and orderly mam : cer. ~ ' , - v Xlwleaarx JTertlcs-- ' The aminal meeting'.nl tho Acton branch orMethodis: Mi*s:\nSry Socie- -; ty, held;in'the Methmlist. Church on Wethiesday Vi'ensig of last week; -waa : Well attended. Interesting addresses | were delivered by Kevs. Messrs; Keei'er .of ticelph, and Lever"of: Krin, and by Jr.' John. Speigiit, who acted . chair man. ;Bev. Mr. Calvert read the'an- nnal'repfirt, frnm \ we'learn that the subscriptions and collections amoanted to something over oiie imu- dredd'jlkws ailvancc ' oa former years. a great lover of Cascadn, whichdie WneVr in its infant and struggling state of over 40 years ago. He had his owii share of the trials and privations of the early settlers, hat recognizing in its then | waste brit fertile Jands and htalthful climate a happy asylum and H laud of promise to the indastrioas and o|ipres.s- ed of the old couutries, and he bad the good fortune to iivo to see the laud of his adoption develope am! expand into tSie present iuagiiiriceiit dimensions of the , iK>miuiou. ili.* liuieraL notwith standing the- rather early .hour and stormy weather, w:u; largely attended th the raihray wt:ttion at I.uckm>w, wh:nec his remains w ere conveye I by train to the place of intcrment.irtAcUm, where lie was buried-lxMiile'-liif/Wife- who predeceased' him 'nearly 20 years. He leaves four whh iand a_ surviving sistrr, Mrs. McKenziei in this cnuntrj-, to moiiru liis loss. iiis younger and ndy surviving bmtlier is the respected minister of Free Irnke St. Congregation, j (Glasgow, Scotland. >He was one of the now few survivors of a markeiltyjie V>f 4he Presbyterian Chlirch,: linking as they do the present with tho past ind," whitse place w-hen they all -disappear can n.ever/ be idled up a^ain. His well- known Mini will Jie.greatly missed at uie auuucU gatherings of the' surround ing eoiiLrTL-^atioris, fetlt lie will !>c'e':pe- cially misseil in his own congregation and"iieigh)>orhood. Hia death reads to tis once more the too oft-neglected les- i*ou of our own inirtality. ' 'Ari^e, de part, for this is ruit,your rest' " If yoji ________^^^^^ need a.neat,: durable -and cheap shoe, -vt . i -. ,' you can get it at. Christie, Henderson & JKerer mind the idle THifT* of ( ^Vs. - tho*e Guelph storekeepers, but ckU at the East-End andlje convinc'clthat you can get better goods for lea* money lit noma. : ' " mafuwr ?f S.MAlOfv - jp^ia' ad Fellawiklp. Atodge of thej Independent Order of I Odd Fellows was instituted in Acton last Friday'evening. -Members of the Order were Here from Gnelph, Milton, Georgetown, Hillsrrarg, Brampton aiid" other places numbering altogether shout seventy-five. The Lodge was in stituted by V. I). G. M. GUlett, of 'Miliar; aaaiafced Vy Bra" H. Toast, of Georgetown, acting as \\ii.'i Brtt. Sun- /"' ky.jM- ^^ogceat. lodge, ^ueljjh, aa' Grand Secretary; P. (i. %\Tieeler, of\| ' Geoijfetwj,r aa. MafahalL -and: P- G> Standi&h, of the same Warden. t. Thfe following are the elective officers, who were duly installed :. . 'I X. G^, Bra. Joseph hiorrro. i.'i " ~V. G., Bro* JosepaJMlan. P.;S., Bro. John"XVinlow. ; Jt.TS.r Bro. Thomas ^Ceunedjv Treas.,_Br6. Jamas Xickliri, ' The appmted ttfficei*, -who were in- italled,are as foJioVair'.- : " W., Brth Isaac -l?raaeta* - .-, " " Con,, Br<j. I)r. McGafrin. '; lh S. S..G., Brp. A. Mann. ' L. S. X. G.,Brb. Ja*. McLam. It'S. V. G., Bro.:\V. Williams. L. S..V. G., Bro. A- Winlow, B..JJU-S.PBW. Tao*. &nyth> ^L fL-fe, Sro.lGe^ Wiafaw. S-cord-Bros.' 8]>ring" stock of .Groceries, Teis, Syrups, <tc, just| received. Noir- in stock/Garden Seeds of alt kinds. : F.icre 'FOB THE PEOil.r.._ Im mense sUick of gents" ami youtlis' Heady Made, Clothing opened, at Christie-^ Henderson S Go's:, Actiin^-a complete assortment in cpiality, style an"<r <ize8., A. 1,'ood tweed suit for only 8.00. These goKUi are l^jund to sell, as they-are de cidedly cheap. See that some one else does not get the*ut intended for you. norsrBllU. Parties wishing Ronte Bills printed neatly and expeditiously, should try the; Free I'rc.u office;.... .".. . . O. <*, Bra T-iCampDeltr L G., Bro. itobert Watson. The Lodge will be known as " Actoil - Lodge, Na 204,". aad.atart8nder xtiy favorable, atupiceg, haring' a member- : ^P of about twentyl. - t *?* the.bnainesg of .instituting the f$& aad been nmahfed, "speeehea Were i delivered by DlD. G. M. Gillett, of Mdton; D; 0>. G. P. Snnley, of Guelph; _' f , -Vheeler, Or. Freeman, of Geiorge- : ~wa t %**.: Bro, Calvert, of Acton; and .others. - ' R *n*IC*Herii supper was spread in f "> Campbell's Hotel, and brought ^Jfacta fori^ie I^diefcH^OfaTiatif i Henderson & Co. this week open beauti ful lines in Seasonable Dress Goods all the leading styles and shades. These goods' will be sold "without reserve at their low cash price*. A new consign ment of the far famed Tiger Brand Black Lustre-just in; this brand is pro- nonnqed by, competent judges to l>e the best ind cheapest make of Black lJustre in the,market, ^nexaminationApeci. ally, jse^nested^- ; I -r ' .- y -^-Facts for the Gents. The eastom made Cheviot shirts offered by Christie, Hendifrson 4 Co. this week aro really the nicest articles of the kind in the market. | Their new stock of white I^eia1. ShnH? comprises ail tho .aises,, f and are reall^veiy cheap^ - " ^<,) Cpme to the Post Office Stored Acton, lor bargains in Groceries, Crock ery, Glassware,' Wall Papers, Paper Wmd<|w Blinds,: Stationery, Fancy Goods^etc Geo. Yeme.s-. Felt Hats in-all colors, sizes, and qualities. A large lcv to select from at Christie, Hendersob <fe Co.'a. Felta are decidedly cheap] this season. At least C, H. .i Oo.'s stock are extra value,. . } ; ' P "feting oi the Esqnestng itownahip *** ITbe held on Friday 27th int. ^*w*rtown, to appoint Fathniasters, The undersigned begs leave to inform the people of Acton and sur rounding neighborhood that ho has piiocurod a . magnificent HK.A.KSE, And is prepared to attend find tsdri*'- duct Funerals on the shortest notice and most moderate terms. Ctuket*, CttjRiit, Burial Jlul**, Arid all kinds of Fune'ral Furnish ings kepi in stock, and supplied on the shortest notice. - fiatBandsnnd loves supplied, when. ie<piired. JOHX SPKKMIT. ' QTEAM Carriage & Wagon Slain. Stroot, - Aeton. QWTARIO SADDLERY, _A.0TO3ST. Tho subscriber takes this opportunity of thanking his numertms customers for for the very liberal patronage given him tho past year, and would state that it is hjs^natto ta do-jal f Square and Honest Business as' hi'nDtofnrev'ind hopes to retain tho samo lilivrnl , appreciation from tho putney -;/i.^;;. All ordors eiitrustoJ to my caro will o ATTENnr.D to -nrrn ntonPT>En. At Ticme -hut (food Workmen arc . Employed, Parties can rely on gutting n oyk1 arti. cle aiid aa cheap as goxnl work can be done for. ' Bepairine Douc with Neatness COLLARS A, SPEOIALTT. It. CREECH. Acton, Feb. 14, 1877. lie ^-Great Sensa,tion amoDg- the Ladies. 1S7/320 YA^TDS OF RIBBONS Bought by Mr. Darid Hogg, injLondon, England, at half vslue, now offer ing exactly at-half-price, at our store, Guolph.' ;4 yards beautiful ' ' silk ribbon for l(>Acentfl, 3 yard* beautilul silk ribbon for 101 cents. C6me and see. . ; Crempton's AdJnstaMe Corset Is only SI per Pair, ;' These are the best goods In the market. Ladies see them before purchas-. r'... .." ' '. ^-- ' * f . r ,.-.--; " i ' .: Iiadie#^or Dress Goods,r '.' :*"-" j ,- : y" "' iiidi&' Now Blaok Silks,!- ' - --PV ' ',' ""'., , -7 -'-:, Ladies' New Plain and Brocaded Colored Silks, j Ladies', New Mantle and Jacket Cloths, .-..<:.- mow coops. Ladios' and JUssesnett Hatpin all kinds , cardinal. Also noyplties in new shapes and styles, only to^had be" at our store. New Flowers, new feathers, new Ribbods. - new Silk Ties. * .,. J.' - . Vnr House Furnishing Department embraces eyefytbing ttet K^b* ~r&' aonabU lrt-il fe*4 Call and ermine toUDepartment^ ^ ' eonably looked for. (Ladies/ New Mantles very beautiful goojjftv March 8,-1877 -' - - ;Al. ma 187'7. McLE0D, SPRINC. 187VJ <Sr-EO^a-ja?o'\srDST: .j^'A Tokiepleasure inainounciuglo their ciistoiners andPlhe public i\mt ~ii"iey ttaves received and e the_ l^fgeifg. finest, and be*t assorted Istoc^ of CRY G06l|Sy !M1L- WEEPS. HATS and CAPS, &c, in and MICHAEL SPEIUHT, licueral" Black.^iuith, "Carriago - -' " -'Wagon-maker. li<-tt -HitTia-Shficfe tu iTt'ft. County |. Perfect satTsfactiori eiiArarifccd !nr no prjee chargeil. Flrsl-l'lnin'Tloirs and Collnrd'sl^atrnt . Iron !nr.rron> nlnnys on band. .-1 good stock of Carriages and Wagons. Repairing promptly .-vnd properly at tended to. . Acton. July 18, 187R - LIVERY & SALE STABLE j J. P. ALL AX , Take* pleasure; In announcing tn the public generally tliHt I'e Is prepared to furnish ' .1. First-class Horses and Carriages At Reasonable Hates. His Rigs and Horses nre the best that can bp hart, and lie Is: determined, not to be surpassed hy any City Kmhlo. Acton July 1st, IS75. , I)<iy's Bookstore has been removed across the street to tho store recently occupied by Mr.'^e^- Jeflreyf.'nearly: opi. posite tfie old'stand. ' i_ Greater Bargains than ever at Day's. "~. . Guelph,'ifarch',lS77. this sec- I -' of the LIST OF ASD flow is tho'tlhne to leave your order - ': > At?, 3. Ryder's Paotpry ' ' Stylisb Bneffy or Serviceable ,.,,,,.Waggon.;-.^. f MUSIC BOOKS - . fJold wholesale ajid1 ret*U>by John Anderson I anV making up a large s'tbcklpr thi' present season, from the best material. Gall anil See otif Handsome Buggxti - , , , . , , . ,, i , , Now is a 'gsod tinuo. to .seenro profits .and quick returns is the motto I K.r .__ -< fjtiui t> *y,. .-. ._.j Bargains. ; Strict attention given to . Sorso-Shoolngr & GoaoralBlaok- Please remember that sfnall .' . - ] 'J J. . Gio. YiiiExt A milk company lias been fpnr|: ed at Milton, which expeevts-to ship' largely t the cities'. Bookseller, Guelph. i ' s Burrowes' Pianoforte Frimer. .Totisse's Musical batechism. Bertini's New Method for the Piano. - ' ' i ' . 1 Clarke'* New Method for, tho Piano. ' i-"~: Huh ton's Piafab J&fynjBa&ocilS^ ^J.; Howe's Piano withpnt a Master. Richardson's New Modern School. Gitze's Parior Organ. Silver Wreath (Vocal). 109 different,MusioB^oks. . , A Big Discount on all MUSIC BOOKS ANDERSON'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE On the Fast side of Wyndham Street, tionr/tptf the DorniHion. -> .We, have ransacked the itwrkets World ahdi think that vve can^ suit j eWry'one ' uh<r> {my^good^^ Goods, cheap, jj . - Ladies,1 \ve have all 'the' new le'adiii'g'. colors niid styles in Plain and Fancy Dress/ Goods, Black Silks, Colored Silks, Poplins, Matelljasses, Cashiiiercs, Persian and Oriental Fabrics, Grenadines, Percales, &c., with trimm ittgs %iht(l Buttons to niatch1^ .Prints an inimens*variety. Our Millinery jjand Mantle Departnent h^s been entirely reorganized and impioved, it is well worth your- trouble' to call and see bur magnificent stock of Stylish Millinery. - ORDERED CLpTHING.^We have the latest styles.and patterns direct from the mills. ; Geiats, if you. want a really ^uperb fitting suit ' at a moderatel price, call and seeL our stock of Tweeds, Coatings, &c, we cannot fail to siiit you.-;";-. -1 -,' .:': Hats and Caps, Gents Furnishings, <bc, a splendid stock, very cheap. Our Staple Department Jias had our veny best attention, having .bought our Cdtttons, Tickings, SI irtings, . ' &c, last December when-Cotton Goods were so very low, we can offer and are Belling goods less than we can buy them to-daj. ' Carpots, Oil Cloths, Rugs, Lace Curtains &c, .! and House Furnishing Goods _6f all kinds. Housekeepers yon should call find see our Bplendid-stock of Carpets, etc: Boots and fchoesj We- are' this season sell ing very cheap and keep a very fino assortment on hand,/ We propose to sell everybody who has any money to lay out this spring, the, vary best of Goods at the very lowest bottom prices. "' \ .*- ."We woiiy return our thanks for the very large and increasing patronage hitherto so liberally bestowed upon us, arid w& lire pre pared to sell Goods cheaper than'ever for Cash only, SPRING i-i Jia4e- Olpthing, Extraordlnary'Talu* isiofferfed Jrr Men's Snitai^Boys':SttitsfJMnVCrf*r Men's Trousers, Boys' Coats, Boys' Pant*, i Wp ofier a good sui t of Twod, !* coat,-|ret-aiwl^>aiti. ' -..cS iBlock, TJppar' Wyndham -SfMf;|g|^^r ci mmz trtr. ^': AN^WtlH IT :e Quantities of TATew lioods ' *' Our new purchases aro~coipip forward from the Oldikmntry by every " felELAl^T/ "' :":> S'^-'f : BfiST ASSORTED - gV/,*. ij'iiia is bo empty brag,; bat i obef Jiath ^^wfiich nobody "n t(ebr.'?3(J> : '" aim has bean, and alwa/s will be, to keep up the reputation that j. The Lion is tn^ Cheapest Store ia Oo^ario. .As an Croiitpton's pe ^Distance we may mention < & '<& ebrated Adjustable Corset^/ V7e haTejoat-receiredanother lot which we are selling at 87 i enrts. Ttila" I we guarantee to bo the ginnine article, and-exactly the sarxre aa Vtakt ^ ., for which others arecharging Orio JDoIlM1." - '-?*-*-^t Oar Whole stoick is equally cheap.; Conift and-inspeei -; V '. "y. ApriU8. 1*7*7. McLSOD, ANDERSON 5c Co., j - MAMMOTH HOUSE, GJSOrjttlETOWN dl.i.jXtex G?rr^LPH'v'i ? I - . 4 . JAMES'RYDER, j Apton; Feb. 26,' 1877. JOB PRINTING of all kinds neatly and promptly executed nt the FREE PRESS OFFICE, Nextthp Past Office, Mill Street. GEQB6E WYMDS, "Watchmaker and Jeweller, POST OFFICE STORE, My ^ork is all giving satisfactlony rind yon will find this is the place to '" '- i T "VSfs^hesV Glo cfcs ' arid Jewellery : 'i:-: &)HE FINEST SELECTION OF JEWELLERY, ' j THE fiATEST)STYLES"Jj^l'^W^CEllY^.'^1-"' ^ ' 0 '" AND THE ^EST STOCK: OF WATCHESAND CLOCKS, Will February 7,.1876. [always ;be"iee.n'_at '.-~j '\,'] ...}.," > GEORGE HYN^DS'; ..,.; Onir Dress Goods,; Our Silks, plain at d Fancy, Our CottcnS,' -"-.- Our'Prinfa,- Our Clothing,- - Our Carpets, .r ., " : J. ,! Our ililUnery}! ietc* And in iBVery branch you will find our prices fully 20 per, cent Idwir than 1 any other bouse. #*"Ask foir onr New "liork Iish: the new colors. Do REMEMBSR We Brussels Carpets, Tapestry Stores Hard Times are never felt Guelph. April 3, 1877W C^;T;;';iHjliL, MUI Street, ACTOX, DEALER IN 8*ooerlM> _- :-|- Qrockewf,.- seote & Shoos, ; _ -: wafLfnm, ;;!' ]. Vindo-w Blinds, Nails, Glasi, Putjty, - v stasia ioui . Paiittai- Tkrpkntlao.4 fioal QUJSit,etc, ..--. : /111 of which, will bo sold low f- ir cash, BOOTS and SHQBS Selling off at cost.' Also "agent;for tha ' '*' '.{1. -; . ' EUBBBR PAI&r-G<](M?ANY Of Cleveland, Ohio. Cofr Tor Hides. icton, -July J'8,1876. j 1?84 ccfit Dress Goods % rerr' sir- '-' ..' SlfEqlAL NOTICE. not forget the' j ' DreSsiiE[a3ang: Branch- We have the beat Dressmaker in Canada, and oar Charges are lowe* jhaa -..- "J ' any other House, 0FR CARPETS. haTe a larger stock of j ..... ^.' Carpets, Woot Carpets, than ah't^iWier' tnGuelphputtogtfheV.; " ; '-'.'-.'.'l^li.'i py those who deal at The lion: . ;~i; < D. LIAlMSON WxM ......."" -iiiyiti rooRTSLWr pfcANiNa: W->- ' AND i ^ Pnuip. Sftsh. Door and Jillnd Faetor>. EBBAGE, '. Window Saslv- ; ^ ' ,'w -il>" > . Doors^; v >}'-. And ot^er BniMliliKefif^dl^s ...., I,,. ucp&ovas avotsnir mot: Lumber Planed and Dreisetftoordw'-; Iii th^ best manner* '. " All workguiTantefri Acton, Jan.4876.

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