Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 19, 1877, p. 4

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^^^^^^Ks^^^slfiS^^^^^^^f THE; FREE PRESS, ACTON,: WALTON COUNTY, ONT., APRIL 19, 1877. ?Mm I8T*. SPRING. istr. lip- ^ it m ;*i{ ft K': IP "3 18 - :4 -or m Si! HENDERSON & Co ^.oaro-isr. - .J,._____i...' ^ P WELL ASSORTED I STOCK In presenting* our Spring Circular of 1877 to the Pub-;U ;lie; we again embrade thef opportunity of cordially ^ thanking' our nrahy, patrons! and the public generally for u. >the very liberal share of their trade accorded to us. Last ^ Fall we purchased: an unusually large &tock of Goods, M) wMch; w0 regxilgcrly? supplemented during" the season so \l as to be .able at ,all times as far as possible to show a ^ suitable for the wants of our customer^, for which not- withstanding the cry of "Hard Times," we are happy to [D say .wa found a ready market. |r \F Ottt great aim this season, as heretofore, -ivill be to study carefully the tastes and wants of our customers, and endeavor to j Exhibit a Stock so varied and complete that the requisites _ of all our friends may be supplied "without their j being obliged to incur tbei expense of ; T ~ going elsewhere to purchase Goods and paying fancy; - >^- prices therefor, f We .extend a cordial invitation t6 examine our new i3igr ? i u Which for (style, variety, quality and good value will compare mpre than favorably with any establishment of the kind in the country. j All of which we &re determined to place before the public j at the very Lowest Cash Prices, m OIIR JlOTTQ HftS BEEN ttCllSH AND SMALL PROFITS," and we intend to adhere firmly to it. i?6r various reasons ^we can sell goods lower than others in the trade., Ample M capital enables us to buy in tlfe best markets and at the W lowest prices. "We do f not depend entirely on our Dry w* Goods business, but} engage in Qutside operations, yield- A ing us a fair profit. / U We don't annoy our customers with old, musty goods, w grown gray with age, but handle only New and JJ'resh To enumerate our various lines would be superfluous. We may, however, refer to some. IN BOOTS AND SHOES^ We carry the largest and best assorted stock in Ontario, all bought direct from the manufacturers, and will be sold at about the usual wholesale prices. h OUR STOCK OF MILLINERY AND MILLINERY GOODS M ricb,;rare and choice; all new -and fresh. Having se cured the .services of an additional milliner of long ex perience in high-toned establishments, we can confidently commend our work to the most fastidious. -We Charge no fancy prices for millinery.' The ladies will please re^ i&binber this. J: TJ$T JOJElJd] S ^ OOODS' tWe show at large variety. Oijir styles are unsurpassed, [erabracmg great variety of 4essi#n, and include the most improved fabrics and colorings for :the season; all at attractive prices. .,'.;. _ i 0 Wey handle the best and imost improved makes. In General Dry Goods We show full lines at our popular Low Cash Pricds As an addition to our former lines we have this season added, a large and select assortment of i ; Goits' and Youths' liead^-SiCade Clothing, _, Made up under the direction of first-class workmen, and of excellent material. Full Suits V from $8.00 up. I ^ Ottr Teas are now so well known it is scarcely requisite I n to advert to them only to assure our customers that we have just receded another fresh con- %p signinent of tiiat famous 50c Tea, sold by dealers in large towns and cities at 75 to 80 cents. ft 3?resh Groceries constantly on hand. Highest trice H in cash paid for any quantity of Fresh Eggs,or taken in exchange for goods. . '"" J We cordially invke an exatnin.ition of our goods and prices. Oiir terms are cash or produce. |sw: ( r CHRISTIE; HENDERSON & CO. Acton, April 14, lft"7. - j * " . f.STEWART? CO IIkt* commenced opening their . New Spring Importations And In a few days will sbow the . i : finest Btook of FIRST CLASS 0(1003 submitted for lnpotion in Quelph. SpioUl efforts hate bMh made to i ibow the newest ! Dre* Qoods, . -Spring JocktU. MuntUn, Coitume*, ' ". Kid GIov*t, | Horir.ry, ! -iMcet, ".. Lues Curtain*, Shuting$, $nJ i' Mourning Goods. OURjeOTTONS r*ri all contracted for before the recent adranoe. Castomera will ' two the benefit. dents'Department. . In Cloths end Tweeds, . Dress Shirts, Ties, Collars, etc., Stock of Kelt HatB, Are particularly inviting in styles and pric*. WM. STWART 4 fJO, Ouelph,Mftrch6, 1877. SECORD BROS. it..- S^ I - .PS -AOTOnST :# :-M:JB%& JUST RE0EIVED, FOR TH CE?CB^L.I)3a! Barrels i - ;< ., Bought Low, and wiH bi Sold at Prices n^ferBteard of Before. u %. DEClDEDr BARGAINS IN GROCERIES, CROCKERY. Glassware and ZElAJNTCSr GKO03DS AT THB Post Office Store, Acton. Of Wlifte ami Refinrd Sugars, Syrups, Mpkv ses, Viijegar, Oat Meal, Corn Meaj, New Our rants, Erunes,jCoal Oil, BoiU-J OiH Raw Oil, Spirits Of Turpentine, Varnish, Japans, etc. if OfyPrunes, Soda,, Re(l Lead, White Lead. Coll rs o Oases, f all kinds, etc; Boxes, Caddies; aod v Oanned Raisins, Crystals, Chests, Sacks ;0f ^Biscuits, Confectionery, Spices, Starcl7 Fruit, Fish, ete., Tohac^os, Ci^arsf Cheese, ^oaps, Candles, Washing; Pickles, Jams; Jellies, Watches, etc Caddies and Boxes 1 The Subscriber, GEORGE YEMEN Ie now prepared to oiler a eboiee selection of Of Tou tig Hyson, Gunpowder, Japan mi Black Tsas ranging in price from 10 cents The best vaiuc in the county. upwards Acton, March ! , 1877. I SECORD BROS. mst- for the "Wet Weather! Groceries, Crockery, Glassware* Wall Papers, Paper Window Blinds, &c. At prices that cannot fail to pleAse even those who rail at the Hard Tim 1TO SPECIAL PRICES AXIS QUOTED, As'a; trial of bis goods, be is convinced, will be found to be the best ' advertisement. A pall is BOliclteU. Pebruary 7, 1876. GEO. YEMEN ,s Post Office Storey Acton GET A PAIR OF NEW BOOTS. CRAINE & Hive now in stock a splendid assortment of WB MOB '-itolif: Suitable for the Spring Season. y ^ All Sizes an 1 Styles! from the y^ry besfmakeM BRICjlSl": S LO^ AS THE LOWEt^^ ! Speoial Atuoation ^rrtea to Ordered Work Rcjpairlne Promptly Attepded to., iCRAINE & 90K.. Acton, March 13, T 1877. >' u TueH - jjlfel QIxmI StreJ Aeal *-el Bool Willi lnr Pal fort aUod Dffid mi tut. I CJoal line! newl , XraJ ftttel ting I < tan.[ Rool w 'spi, ttel

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