Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 26, 1877, p. 2

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illlp' PilWiilliiiliPiPP |; ; tf S*]i'* ts 1 *rr '"*. i|#Sijf tm I'm i - ai nm : ,$ . _ immm&mmmmmmm wmmm. 2 fa--* st. **-v*i^ Kip EPvsSty aSsfe'SS t ' - l - ' - - . '- ' - i , THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., APRIL 26, 1877^ JUIE AtroX *REE TREKS ' Pen and Scissor Select*. ' 1 IiroekviUo lies n population of 6,- SG6. ,.... :.| . ") r^ j TlVo population of Mitoholl is ?, 379. ^. j <7i w-v i Tliu London Conference of the _ . |1iuiKiral ministers, will moot in P-j'.tlirf'.cA E\sry Thursday Morning.- ; J. H.H.-VOKIW. Proprietor. SI Per Annujiri iu Adynnoe JOS M H\CKINO EDITOH TuvPusm- Mobniws, Arnir. 20, 1S77. ; War In Europe. Thf Car of Russia has isfuied'H formal declaration of war, and iul rAuly larg* numbers of his troops have entered Turkish /territory. The sound of battle will soon In? _'echoed ' throughout tho civilized v.-irth. But ihis-ia ottly tlio com mencement of a strilggls tho end of ' which no ntan can foretell* Every im'.ion will: undoubUxily feel j-the. ^ib-cta its close. Germany nnd Austria will no doffbt soon fall into Hife.anil the probability is that Eng- -dinid's strong ami will alsj be > foreod to respond to a call for as sistance. Turkey will fight well ' and bravely, but she is, weak in war material and money, and cannot long resist the onslaughts of hor i powerful antagonists. ." The Czar in his manifesto, says : " .Wishing to! essay every possible " menns of conciliation in order to " persuade the Porte,- w proposed li to tho; other Cabinets to dntw up " a special protocol comprising the " most essential, conditions of the ' Constantinople Conference, .nnd LATEST BY TELEGRAPH Declaration of War. Gm>li>h on tho first Wednesday Juno. : "". :. ' ' The monojioly of the use of tba entire water of Niagara Fall*, upon the American side of the river, with canal, etc., is to be; sold at auction May 1st. A son of councillor Qowdy, of, {jtielph playing with A revolver on TuesiWv afternoon -shot hiuinelt in the rifflit side. . The ball iius Jbeon extracted and tho liid is doing'well. After a most minuto inspection of the Suspension Bridge by com petent engineers, a satisfactory re sult has boon arrived at, and Friday afternoon tho first passenger train' *ince.tb.e 7th of March passed over it. The Markdale xjx>sitor says : On tbe!2nd inst., the wife of a re- Rpectabte farmer living' in the neighborhood of;. Flesherton gave birth toltwins, his eow had twin calves, two ewes had twin lambs, I and one of his hena laid a double yolked egg. The writ for a new election to fill| the vacancy in. the House of Com liions, created by Mr. Currier hav ing forfeited his scat, has been dispatched to Sheriff. Powell, of Ottawa.. Tho nomination'is iixeu* for-Wednesday "tho 2ud, and thq election on the 9th proximo. The Grand Trunk Railroad Com puny has contracted for 180,00(| '50,w<N> Russians TUE I'RUTII CKOS8 " to inrite the Turkish Government I tons, of coal for use during thd "to adhere toj this 'international 'present year, of which 10,000 tons ""act, which states the extreme' wil1 come from England, ^4,000, (.,--, -r ' r i j- i i from Nova Scotia, and the ifemain imiits of our ne:iceful demands. . ... n^ r -a - . ' t | IUjr 14o,000 from Pennsylvania; ' But our execution was not ful-, ohlo all(, Michigan." ':' ? : ."filled. Ths'. Porta did not defer . " .-J ," ,,~, i A man named Samuel \\ ilson " to t!! wish of Chris- /bf Point-Edward, died suddenly o ;' tian Europe, and did not adhere \ apoplexy Sunday morning. At six '." to the conclusion of the protocol, j-o'clock lie was in apparently perfect " Having, exhansted pacific efforta, i """" '-,, , , ., , ,, I and at seven o'clock he was a corpse. lv-llel by tbe haughty ' - * nuiTiing one of his children :k he was a c have beetv -venfl " we are -"'! . -.- """S-'r i Sudden deaths "ohstmacy of the Porte to proceed I numerous of late. , _ , .- - , Miss bmitli s fancy store a " our equitv and our own dignity pHncewn, was destroyed by firo od "enjoin it. ' By her refusal, Turkey Wednesday nichu The content! "places us nnder the" necessity of worn almost totally- destroyed Damage to goods, about 2,000 Insured for.Sl, 200. _ The buildingj "having resource to arms^l If the -heaviest battalio|i3 are going to^prevail in the waf between liussia and Turkey .the Czar .will'! have a comparatively easy victory. Russia's forces (on -^wper).. are as follows: '._ Kegulsrs------:..:.....854,000 Reserve./....'.........560,000 Cn*5ack*-nf the Don.. .175,000 Other irregular troops..621,000 "Total....'..2,219,900 * Tnrkey's on the other band, are less'than one third of that colossal Dumber: Regulars-............ 325,000 Irregular*.............180,000 Aaistip treops_________180,000 owned by F. Galbraith, was con; sidei-ably damaged, but covered bj I insurance. While some workmen" were dig girig a well in Gravenhurst, oi Thui sday, they discovered ^ery finn <;peciiueii8 of gold in nuggets. The indications are so encouraging thai ifr. Smalley, one of the proprietor^ j is about ;to sink a shaft. Great excitement prevails. Offers of $2,' 000 have been made for village I in the locality of the well. Resibte&ed JLettkbs. P"-. masters are now instructed by.the Department to stamp all Rgiateres letters twice on the back with their office stamp. Tbia .will prevent letters from btriog opened or tam pered with by officials, or at least ibey cannot be -without its being discovered at what office it *ai done. . - ' G.T. & G.W. R AuAvaxMiTJO^ A London Cablegram to th Globe says the Times to-day an-j nounces that it is understood Mr, Childera will become president; ol Total...--------685,000 " ^s regards naviep, the Turks are Miperior.' Tbey hiix* 128 men-of- war, of which 49 are iron-clad,; of modern pattern. >-^Russia ha; IST1 .men of-war, but only 2-6T are iron clads.- Should ^England be drawn into the contest, ahe! wotild cover the Rnicdan waters with' betf fleet, but,-as a.matter of fact, Russia is not exposed to any sefions danger, - . , from sea attacks as! the Crimean \*}}0 amalgamated Grand Trunk and] The Piret Shot Fired. - London, April 24. An official despatch baa been received by tho English Govern- mnt from St. Petersburg announc ing that Russia has declared war a'^iiins: Turkey. Iu tlm lKuiH" of l,ords Earl Derby staled that 17,000 Russian troops crossed the- froniior last uiurlit. Eixl Derby said : <f Through out tho -negotiations 1 likvu found on tho part of tho Por^b. n deep- seated conviction that, inake what concession they" might, I sooner or later war would be foVced upon them. Looking at all the circum stances with the light uf experience, I do not see that any'other course than that which we adopted would have had a moro successful result," Count Schouraloff in communi cating the Russian circular to-day, stated tb*t ft general order to cross the frontier.had been given. A Vienna telegram says the im mediate object of tho Russian ad vance into Rouniania is to protect tho railway biidgo at Barboschi, whero the firs'; collision is expected. If tlie Tuika snecoed in destroyiiiK tho bridge, tho Russians would have a difficulty in procuring sup plies. A Constantinople despatch states that Snfve Pasha j will go through tho form of addressing a noto to tho signatory Powers protesting { against the rupture by Russia as a j breach of .the Treaty of Paris. It is reported that a few shots liaro been exchanged tetwee.n an advanco guard of Russian and the Turkish armies in AaLi. St. Peteu8BI-ro, April 24. Prince GortschakofTs circular des- ]>atchcoramunicatcd to the Powers yesterday, states that in seeking to ] l-obtaih by".arms what Europe vain ly endeavored to secure by peaceful means, Russia believes she lurthers European-interests. VienxX;'April 24. The Rwssian advance guard, which commenced crossing the Pruth at sunrise to day, numbers 50,000, half cavalry, half infantry. Thny are taking the direction of Qalate. Five other divisions,, with forty cannon, are Kubei. They will ad- vance so as to reach the Danube at Ismail, Kilia, and Vilof ; The companies of sappers who halve al ready passed through Bucharest are: going to Giurgevo to throw tip AVTOK IMaKKgTM. Mour ... : ... .. |4 OOtoflOO OW Fall Wlioat,, .. 1 fi5 to 1 70 Now Fall Wli'aat 1 60 to ] (ir> Spring Wheat1, (Wftsgow ,. I-GO to 1 fifl Rod Chaff Whoat .. 1 30 to 1,40 Borloy* ... .. 0 00 to 0 00 OaU ..... . . 0 47 to 0 50 Poa* ....... 0 HB to 0 71! roUtous, pur 1)BC .. 0 110 to 0 Wl Drian apples pcr~f . . 0 Off to I) $7 'Uuttor ... .;..i J 0 20 to 0 23 Kgg.:' .... .: 6 10 toO 00 ' ' ' i Err' Cocoa.-^iKATarui, ad Colt- ronriso. "Ry a 'thorough knowledge of. tho natural, laws which govern the oporatioua of (ligcntinn nnd nutrition, and by a'careful application of tho line proixjrtieH of M-oll eulccteH oocoiv, Mr. Kpps linn pnividud our hruakfast tables witli a (iolic:iteIy |lavorcii bovcrago wliieh ni.iy mivo itn many heavy doctors' hills. It i'h liv tlm jitdirioiiK usuof siich artiule..i of diet that a eoiutitution may begradtially built iip'iiutil atroiiganmigh to rosiat every teu<loncy to ilidcufle. Hiindreilh tif iuihtlc uinlmliftH arc floating around lid really lo attack wherever there in a weak point. Wo may escape NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I Absolution of Viirtnernhli*. 'f*lio pftrtnsrsliip heretofore cxinting between tho iiiKiersigncd, doing 'busi ness at> clothiers, umler the titylo of DicUeon & McNnh, Iijih heen dissolved hy uuitunl consent, Adnm l)ir.ksou"ru- tujiig ou account of Jailing lienlth. ADAM DICKSON. PKTKK McNAB. In connection with the above, the undersigned would an^iormc* that thy have entered into partnership to carry on tho hiisiuuss of thol lato firm under the stylo of Fife & MoNab, All liabili ties of tho late firm will bo dinolwrgsd by us, and wc will collect all outatand- jug accounts. - JOSEPH FYFE. - PETER McNAB. A;Otoh, Arrll 10. Ib77. | BARGAINS ! O YEARLIKC 8H0RTH0RN many a fatal shaft by kcoping ourselves well fortified with puro blooil and a pro-. porly nniin'sheil fralno." Civil Srrviee' ?Jlf. FOR 8ALE. (Jnxrtlt. Sold only in paekots labeled "James Errs k Co., Homoeopathic Chemist, 48, Thrcadneodle Street, and 170, Piccadilly,.London." Don't Spend a Dollar until You hare tried tills. Wood's Impreved Ilnlr Restorative 1* unlike any other, nuct has no equal. Tholmprovcd has new vcectablo tonic. properties; rsforesgrey linlr toaslosfy natural color; restores fitdcd, dry, harsh and falling hair; rpstoro*, drcsnes, bIvch vigor to the hulr; restores hair to prema turely bnltl honrls; removes d i-nclruiT, hu mor*, scaly ernptlons; removes Irrltn Hon, ltohliiK and fcaly dryness. No nrtlcle pro<Iurcs *uch wootlerful effect* Try It. cullfor Wood's Improved Hnlr UosUratlVp, and don't bo put off wUh any other article. Kold by a I drtige'Sts o this placB an<1 dealers everywhere. Trade sut>riltf>il at man-ifncturers' pries by C. A. Cook a Co , tlhlcaco, skilo Agents for the United State? anil Canadas.nnJ by Lyman ilaas <* Co., Toronto. BIBTBft. In Acton, on-the 2nd inst., the wife of Mr. W. R. Wilson^ of a son. Itf Acton, on the Mth inst., tho wife of Mr. C. Sydney Smith, of a son. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "Royal BKAttfORDf got by im|>ortd Royal Oxford Gwynno217S6 (3539G), dam imported Lady Barnes. " IJkllb Duke" cot by 3rd Dtike of Springwood [3087], dam Aloggie Belle, byTJonstonce Dpke [1144] 7753. " Acton PKlNCE"-j-red and whitii j got by Zephyr [42C0J, dam Princess Louise, by John A. [1C87]. , / For prico and particulars apply to C. S.I SMITH, Acton. ' Acton, April'3, 1877. : 40-lm 1877. 1877. war showed. England could prob- a'tdy. place 100,000 men in tbe field, but if she made a draft from the 3Iahomedan population of India, w'lrich will doubtless sympathize - with 4beir Turkish cc-religioniats, -she cnultl raisa a fore practically' countless. '! Great Western . Boards. It has' been agreed that .the receipts of the two railroads shall be pooled, the Grand.Trunk receiving 65 per cent; and the Western 35 Belford's New Books. - \ A copy of each of the following named new books has just been received from tf.e pubfishiSg house of. .Messrs. Belford Bros. Toronto : .' The Starlisc ; a Scotch story, by the late .Norman McLeod, D. D. - A "handsomely printed and ..well-bonnd.j volume oi 392 pages. An interesting l>ook in that well-kflown author's best etyle-. / O'i-eas io . OcEiX. -Sahfield Fleming's expeJirion through Canada in 1872. Bj Hav. G. iL Grap't, of Halifax, X. S. 3SH>pfpat;e3. Handsomely illus trated with numerous fine engravings; con tuiuiug also a map of Canada |je- -twee'h Lake Superior *nd the Pacific Ocean."'. l- , Eli Pekki!<s (at large); His sayings and doings, with multiform illustra- ' tions" by LJncle Couaider. 248 pages. ----------^^----------- Mensceatios. We have received from the publishers, Messri. Lov'ell & Co.", Montreal, a copy of the u<jw;e<ii- tion '^jf .Saugster's.simple exereisea in Mensuratiou, a bock which has attained a high position in our public schools. Thin is the fifth edition, and is free froin all error* that;have lje'-ii discovered in f'-K-uier e'litioiiii, ic having bt;en carefully revised ly the" author. f come of 5,O0O. a f-triick hy the devotion crossing-sweeper to his r A terrible casualty befel a'stigari .n^ party near.Sberbrook, Que., a day or two ago. Tbey were land ing from a boat when a man, m -getting out, pushed the boat on, and one of the girls fell into the water. In trying to save ber,/the rest upset the boat, and the result "was the loss of three lives/-two sisters named . Earquhart /and a young girl, named McDonald. -- A short time ago a lady/residing at Clifton, England, having an ih- af a young defences against Turkish raiders. 50,000 Russians are said to be marching from Tartar-Buruir in tbe direction of GalaU, as well as the 50,000 who are crossing the river at Kerrea, Goltschi, Loowa, and VnghennL Beblis, April 24. It is stated that the Porte has asked Senria- to prevent the Russians crossing the Danube and entering Set via. . Gortchakoff -has sent a .note to the Turkish Charge d' Affiures at St Petersburg requesting him to inform his Government that from to-day Russia considers herself in a. state of war and dissolves diploma tic relations. He ' also offers to provide the members of .the Otto man embassy with passport*, and says Ottoman subjects residing in Russia are at liberty to leave the country unmolested. Those pie- ferring to remain may consider, themselves assured of the full pro tection of the laws. The Turkish Charge d'Affaires has written to Gortchalcoff talcing leve. Stealing a March on the Hotel Keepers. Napanee, April 24. In riew of the action of the hotel keepers in closing their houses, a few of the leading temperance men yesterday rented for three years one of the' 'largest, and Mr, Potter, a thorough temperance man, at once entered into possession, and will run the place on' (strictly temperance princi ples. It is now said that the liquor other "that' 8e"ers intend to keep open .bsuses , The subscriber will PAT $5 PER COED For all well saved Hemlock Bark Delivered at Acton Tannery, before Dec. 1st, 1877, and after Dec. 1st, $4.50 per cord. G. L. BEARDMORE. Actoo, April E^ 1S77. - 43-3m JJ- OTICE. The Public are hereby notified not to purchase or in any way negotiate a cer tain Promissory note drawn at twelve months' from 28th April, 187b', - for $182, or thereabouts, and purporting to he made by myself and Graham McDon. aid in favor Of John Mann, Senior, as the same was obtained by misrepresen- tation and intimidation. donald Mcdonald. Eaqneaing, April 25, 1877. It TN90LVENT ACT OF 1875. BE MRS.1 MARY McNAIR. Notice to Debtors. The account books belonging to the above named estate, having been ob tained by the assignee,- all parties in- dobted to the estate are hereby notified to make payment forthwith, otherwise the accounts will be put in court for collection. "" t W. ALLAN, Assignee. Acton, April IS, 1ST7. 4^-it XTOl'SE AND LOT In the - Thriving- Villae of Acton, r TO DE SOLD BY PIBLIC At CTIOS. HORSE pBILLS Parties requiring Rout Rills this" sca- Bon should send their orders to tho Free Press Office,! Where they.can have them executed in a workninnlike inlmiier and at : ' reason able rates. STILL AHEAD ACTON TIN AND 8T0VE DEPOT. WILSON t JOHNSON 'uts to ttltct from. Beg to think their numerous friends and customers for the kind patron age hitherto extended to thorn, and wish to inform them thak they havo now on,hand a large stock of Plain, Pressed and Japanned Ware, which they are selling cheaper than ever. ""_" _. -KlVKTBOIftUINXl A SPEIIAtTl'. Call and see us before purchasing elsewhere, as our prices cannot be heat in the county". Being practical workmen, most of our stock of Tinware is made up'by ourselves, and we feel satisfied that we cannot be undersold. f^ltenpslcins, Cotton Ii"H, Old Coj>- jivr and Jinxss talcrn in exdinuijc for Got/tit.! . Repairing and Jobbing promptly attended to. . j " " WILSON &j JOHNSON. - Acton, April 3, 1877. j 4U-3ra j T^XECliTOKS' jNOTICE. . J The undersigned lxccutcirs of the I estate of the late Mrs. Aim Clark here by give public notice to all: parties hav- I ing claims against the estau: to hand hi the same, properly vouclrud; by the : fourth day of May next, j The Kxecu- , tors will not be responsible for any j clainuj against tho eatatc after' that 'date. I '".,." ~"' j. . JOHN WARIt'EX, '; EJILAJIGING ROUT.-KKXNKUV, i .1 E-.-ecutors of the estate of fhc-late- Mrs. In all its branches, in the best style of Ann Clark.' /' the art, done on the shortest notice and I Acton, April 3. 1S77. ' -}0-4t at reasonable rates. ( , - .-------------------------1 .41so a splepdid stock of Mouldings rg"H) FAK.flEKS. I and Picture frames kept on baiid and'- J_ I made to order! ) Now is tlie time to iriiprove-.your A call is solicited and yon will he stock. The. lirst prize bull.Siit WiLr convinced that this isjthe place to get mam Temi'i-k thf. '1'hii:i>, (S.S), got by photographs. I j Sir William Temple [i!29fi], dam Diana Yours respectfully; I by Red Prince [<>0-2], will serve cows' on C. \V. HILL, the premises of the undersigned durii BAST ElSTD . ... Tho undorstened in tendering their sincero thanks tolhair n,"^' - " ?f!r! l!T.1:e 118uU.I',p?rt "ilh whi<* lher_have been fsvo" past as tnomllers) ol tho'iato Urm of Dickson'.t McNab,"wo'uld"'h? * ^ to call attention to their '- w* 1< 3ifi Which this yejtrjs larger and better assorted'.thof'n ever, assortment'of n" ' . TWEEDJS Scotch, ^ngli^h j and- Manufacture^' f*P*to|HHi'-. 1. --ir' olu- stockup HATS AND- ;&E^T3, FTJSKKfflrjj^ Is well assorted and at low prices, '>' >' 'IColons,' PjrinU, and Staple Dry Goods- /,/. At prices that Inspection of 6 VgS? to 8"tiS,/ "" We respectfullyia^ Actbn, April i 1877.' FYPE & Xte$&$; EUMY, cut Ti A number.vf tplendid (j Bills printed while you wait. HURRAH! HURRAH! ion th;e BEST PIfOTOGKAPHS - in the County, at . : Tho Ontario j Photograph Gallery For .linanfy oj' Fininh and lirilliuii- cij ill Ton", th^y connfjt be tulrp(in&rd.~ T COPYING & ^cton, Dec. 5. 1870. SPEYSIDE , ^. Shingly, Stave HEADING- 2CXLLS. Any parties wanting! Shingles would do well to give us a call. : "\\ e will al ways hare on hand a good supply of No. 1 and No. 2 Shingles. \ ' Best quality No. 1 Shingles $ 1.60 per square. No. 2, 70 cants per square; P. i H. SAYERS. Speyside, Dc. 13, 1876. 24-6m $999 Can't be made by every agent ev- ry month In the business we furnish, but those wllllut; to work can eavUy earn a dozen dollars a day rigihl In their own locoUtits. Have o room to ex| lain here, f Business r'easunt anU honorable. Wo mi a, and boys aa>l glr<a do as well as men. We will furnUh [you a complete ' mat free. The business peys Better than anything else. Wfe will bear eij. i ense ol vtartlne you. jPartlca'arsrree, Writ" and see. Farmers and mechanics; their sons and daughters, and all classes in no< (1 of pnylne work at home, should write t> as and learn about the work at once. Now 1 t^e time. Don't:delays Address Tkue it Co , AusuBla, Maine. Fitnueis' kouh wlio are entitled ;to- be put upon the aKseKsment rolLs. according to the'Act.of the late tes- sion, ought to losejno time in see ing that the Assessors have done fheir duty in this respect. If they have not already* requested their names to be put upon' the roll they horrtd do so immediately without fail arid save any Fiirthtir trouble, and thus entitle themselves to yot>- at next ejeotion, which may take place" all-probability, will ,___ a______ -......_ _____ t-ike place now Jjjhe.did not by any mean? like, the ,~ . - . .-j_ - b'eing'uia'de: she proposed to;him, pliiced him in the hands of a tutor for] a covfple of months, and when he liad been in tellect unlly veneered aiid polished, married him at Wel|(s - Cathedral. Tie experiment was npt a sypcess, and the lady is now Isuing for a divorce. ] Suit Postponed.-ij-Tlie famous " Big Push" libel su'it-^the Queen vs. Wilkinson -cable jup for hearing at the Cobourg- usHiies last week. A formidable array f legal tulent appeared pu each aide. On appli cation of defendant's counsel tho case,was iwstponed until next as-", on the ground that a material witness, Hon. 'Mr, Cartvtrright, could not now be obtained. ^: A'LL;;'roR Lovk. The.following is. from tlio Clinton _New Era, in reference to a company of gypsies who have arrived in thnt vicinity : Oue of?the womeri ,i,s, the daughter of a respectable Loqdon,citizen, but she ran "away, .from borne to marry the man of her choice, and as he follows-this..wandering life, it be came necessary for her to do s0 likewise, although she stated that business."- for a time. The travelling public will, therefore; be oSered larger and'eheaper accommodation in con sequence of the passage of the Dun- kin Act, Lighting Fires with Coal OIL TWO WOMEN BURNED AND A HOUSE .. DESTBOYED BY IT. ILaSt Friday morning a Mrsr Kidd of the village of Aylmer, was put ting coal oil on the fire from a five- gallon can, wbetrit exploded setting tho house on fire, also the clothing of Mrs. Kidd and another woman named' Hellifeer, severely burning both of-them. - The hotibe was con sumed. Mrs. Kidd died the same evening, and the other woman: is not" expected to live. -----------------------m 9 m-------------- -------- The Mo.voteal Witness,----The Daily Witness (is" soon lo be Enlarg ed to an eight-page paper. A tine press hasi been shipped from New York to (he Witness. Office which will print 16,000 papers per hour. The Witness is one of the most prosperous papers in the Dominion, and with its improvements, will no doubt obtain a much larger circula tion', Tbo Executors of the estate of ihe late Mrs, Ann Clark will offer at Pub lic Auction, - On Friday, April STtli, That desirable property on the corner of Church and John streets, consisting of one Village Lot and good Fraine' Dwelling HouBe, beautifully Bituated near the business, part of the village. Such a property will: but rarely be offered to the public. For.terms and .particulars apply to Christie & Hender son', or to-the Executors. KOBT. KENNEDY, ) p- JOHN W'AKREN, { Bxecutre- Wm. Hkmstreet, Auctioneer." Acton, April 17, J877. " 40-2t DAY SHOWS- THE LARGEST STOCK OF V WALL PAPER Eyer shown in Guelph, all lVev and Choice and prices lower than ever. t - . 1 21 Oliiiaren's Carriages To he sold off cheap, at Day's New Bookstore Nearly opposite the old stand. Guelph, April 21,1677. the seaxon. Terms. Tli6r<ugh-bred cows 4.00; Grade cows $1.56. JOEL LKSLIE,. "" Lot No. 5, 1st con. JCrin. April 4 1877. -ft)-3i.n^ NOW TH ftTTFNTION! F1 Jie y, 1> m&, &RQCEEBJS, ^Bcots and Sho^s ^;; per andl eye S3C A T f~-3 ed--.' l di*J pr One Montn"Only* WM^M^mom :&-^<r bought the Mc^afe B&imWUST Stools tot at'5 w. fill run off the whole lot at Half Cost Price, at c ; - . -"" J " ' V': -."." McNair's 3STew : Store, M$& ^18 Acton Flow Co. Are manufacturing the celebrated ; STEFHZHSQN PLOWS, The 'Boss' Gang Plo^ They keep'a full stock on hand, and are prepared to do all Itinda-of Repairing on Plows, and also alBO kinds.of Lathe. Work and Iron Planing on-the shortest notice. Please call and examine our plows before purchasing elsewhere. - AGEITTS FOR Sharp's^ Self-Durnpinis and Stubble Bake. Acton, Feb. 13, 1876. Hay Robert.-. Fisher Has everything that you want in Tinvare, ; Stoves, and Sitc3ieii Furnishings, all to be sold cheaper than ever. This ? c at Chance of Bl^yll|lg yonr Grocwb for /onjerthird the; Usual Price will last w for One Month Only. HURKY IN" Ai OKCE. - iaughter will jsommence Lto^flayi Thur^dasr; 12th. April: " . .,"7*T,> : J. D, 1f72LI*lAMSOKr^ClO. The1 S Actqri, Apnt An immense Btocli i- L%_cd 1 T^RESSMAKING MBS. BARBER takes pleasure in announcing to the public generally that j she has . started dressmaking in the house of Mr. John Kennedy, on Main street, and would respectfully Bolicii the patronage of the ladies . of ^4ctoii and vicinity. \ * Aoton,April 10,1877. [', 41.1m TjlARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers to sell,his farm, being lot No. 26, 4th con. of Esquasing, comprising 100 acres, about 90 acres cleared and under cultivation. Good frame barn and shed on the premises. For particulars apply to the owner, on " . 'ngPc "- PETER MILLER. aPI lot 13, 8th con., Eaquesing Post Office. PEM Esquesing, April 6th 1877. 41^in Brass Kettles, Porcelain Liined Kettles, Lanterns, Smoothing Irons, Milk Pails, Japanned Ware, r Pressec Tinware. COOKING BOX AND PARLOR STOVES, . Hearse . Alsol ST0TE PIPES, &c., &c. EAVETROTJOilNG-, JolslDing aaajHopainag Pi'omptlT Attoadod t6. " Acton, April 3,1877. ROBEhVT FISHER. J0-3m 11, 1877. TAI j The undorsigned "begs leave to inform j the people of Atlton arid vicinity that lie. will furnish all Requisites on short notice in Undertaking find reasonable terms as cin be had lied when- Desired. that he will Pit up Stores, & Offices . . " - * in tl e best style.- " Suow Cases, I ooK Cases and .Desks ma le io order. FUJiyiT.UEE. R&PAlJt'ED. Shop on WillosV street, near iMain st. P. M. XIcpAXN". ^Ictori. Marc4 20( 1876; ", 39-6m PAJNTf^iQ a The undersigned-is prepared tp.dO^S '!)'.'. kindsjof- .- ;";* House fe'aihting-^ KaisooaniO? aid "Paper Hanging.. in the very best manner, and on W?*- abtesrais. ' '{ Residence corner of jphjt^Adff1*' streets, Acton. . p . -. - ' ':<-. - " ; Wf. H." Wi ^"cton, Feb.. 14^'1877. . I mo llREEOERS. The' thoroughbred Burhani ", . " Zephyr," jvill serve cows on tf^fTi-'. of the subscriber, near"tbe..Grand^^ station, 2vtom Terms^DarhaM.^'- ; Grades, 5E^ 'Pedigret'-Zeiihyr W*H '-.-. :bred by 5^?T. Stone, Guelph, PJ^ Imported SheriiT (2996*1, dam S*f - -:-.! inn, ~. _ "**. > - - "rJ..^ ,Bsfl-.; 1. f To the Worklnc Class. "We are now prepared to furnish all classes with cou- stant employmq ' ' . . nt at home, the whole of the time, .or lor rhelr spare moments. Boalness new, 1' ' - soiis cf either cents to go per o] Ifeht and prolltivblp.-" Fer- fex'enslly earn irom 50 ^renlnp, and a proportion al sum by devoting tneir whole tlifrt to ..... ifoys and girls earn nearly si). That all who see this notice may-senid their address, and test the business wq make this unparalleled oft"r: To such as nre not well satislietl we will send one dollar to pay for the troalile of writing Full pnrUcukirs, Fumples.] north several dollare'io corhmertce work' on, and a copy cjf Honio and Kin side, one - ' d best Illustrated l'ubll- free by mall. Header, If of the largesVadi cations, all sent you want pernjianent, proiltahle worl- address Gi"6nc4 Elaine. STi.ssbx<tCo., Portjandi riel 10th^ Actoni'Feb. 14",-1S77; C.S. smitb. SSeWon--. "pfcRESSJIAKING. -MISSES " MANN res: no-unco to tins ladies ofA**---^^ itv that they Iwfr commeDd, W as" the honse ****' built bv Mr. 'Edward Matthews, ?* Kieklin's bakery. The. &*$&& the pubiisr is ' respectiufly .^'^ DressmakijiR in the best maon ** most fashionable.styles. ^ ^J0f. MISSES M."& M.S Acton, March 21;,1877-: KOWKLl-*jS: KJ New York:, for Parophlet^I^S coniafning llsW of ^e 2K$SS, oitluia-esshowtngeostofadt^ -. SEKD '.',iei New Ydrk --^

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