Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 26, 1877, p. 3

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Bel 'i.tfw i |wouia bqg i^,* Urt, tockia -* )r a^W*S.MSar tfi-aier* THE FREE PRESS, j ACTON, HALTOff COUNTY,' ONT- APRIL! k, i877. {fUDTUAK TIMB TABM5. Trains leave Acton a* follows :-p Xirht Kiprcss Toronto mail > pv Express - KrpreM ;...- - ' (Mi nixe* * ,r- G0l>(U"KA5T. Sight Express Oilt mixed -~ - 0y Express \Cetru msil Locdon mixed - 1:04 ,vm. 9.10 a.m. 1..57 p.m. S/ T :07 p. in. SiSS.vm. 9:10 a.m. .11:34 jn. 5.: 20 p.m. 10:10p.m. ft .">! ' I1 IS. ^;"- x ..>- #; ^ Cfee, Stock "St St Acikm. |pur.Gk>f>ds last crzus. :. .* -- I of $otox.n&JP*? R Drbui.--. B# L Gaefph, (?** 1577, -J: ; : ^T^ Jtbe hoe** ""SSf IT'he B*tron??LA Jlectfnfc J^ L -%est ifcSJjnMr*1" vies. ,. I 1 mm \-~:'P- l LOCAL MATTERS. - __Glorious weather.;/ i-The grass grows green. -: - __Christie, -Henderson 4-1 Go., sell cheap. - School boys have caught the "Spring fever.** . ' . . <t Son for "a good fitting boot ' A [ \ - i Planting gardena seems}to be the order of the dsy. f ^Tbe earth Las, been refreshed with RTscioui aowers. ' , : Fite dollars a cord for tanbadc at Besrdmore's tanneryy- A fine stock of boots and shoes jpft to hand at Kcnney 4 Soa'i '"' -"Advertising is . the engine which impel* the machinery of trade. ~ To-tnunm* will be a suitable day to hind in that unpaid subscription. Ingersoll has invented a social outrage in the shape of parhir concerts. Job pTintiag of all descriptions pcp<iy doae *'this office. Don't ~ forget it ------The snow-shovel has hn su perseded in this; region by ap.-ufas, hevs ?iaJ rakea. ].'- i Meeting of i baseballisia this" e-remng, at 7 JO-o'clock, mtheTempert aace HalL ; ' , rXoar is just a^ good a time as any other to lean oyer the fence and tell j*"UT tteighbor * ttai to do. " Clean jour premises" is abootJas gixxl a piece'of advice as we can gire" anybody oaw-a-davs. The planet Uranus Was occult ed br the mwn shortly aflt'r midnight Saturday. No harm doaei. __Xow tlaatr -ITUtera h:ive l>t>t-n 4icrdc4 there is not so much diificul- tv in telling a man from a wosiai -r-Spring goods are aj-rivitig in" lar^e qsantiUes, and our stores rj-e prt-- seating a fine display of seasonable dra- Pr17" "-"' -. ]< Toronto Slaughter Sule Prints. cijace Patterns, fast Colors, fof .">c ^r - yam and up, at Christie. Henderson & C'or, Acton. ... The picnic strason commencis as soon a* the. childreu ceue to take cold and "become sick from natural causes at&pme. ^ A cocxl house and lot" belong iag to the estate of t-he late Mrs. Clark, "tobesoliThy auction to-morrow (Friday) at2"o'clock- 4 The dry'gowls store of George Jeffrey in fcnelph was broken into on Vriday night and ailka and laces stolen Talnedat-jl.oOa , '-^-Cn't a ^prig fWm a IUbc bush .. and plant it in. a botde_pf water, if you want to enjoy the blossoms several weeks before they appear in the natural order. . j r eettstx. 1 We learn that the cemi-annual meet- ingof Methodist ministers in theGuelph District will be-held in_Acton about the' - 15th of May. - _ . The steeple of the new Con gregational Church i towering up high ; into the air, under Mr. Cameron's skil- - fol manipulation. It U likely to present a -rery handaome appfcarance - \ichen finiahed. ' ^ iFariners are jubilant at *he ?rop prospects, to lay nothing of "big tales." Th early spring weather has . ben exceedingly ^favorable for seeding, sad the fall wheat never looked better. Wh^at has gone up to a figure .which: ought .to 'gladden the heart of - any farmer who has it to selL We hear that a* bi&h as $1.75 has been offered sad refnsed. We have known persons toNgswt not having sold when a fair price wis offered.j The beneCpial effects of the rain are already-apparent in the rapid ferowth of<the graaa, which has shot up wards as if by magic, and in the swell ing of Uie bnds:rnpon the trees, which seem almost ready to burst into leaf. \. - Mr. D. D. Christie ipade a "big push" last week to "secure all the "bargains offered at the.great trade sales in TorontoJor has firm. ' We are pri vately informed, however, that he did nof quite succeed in getting th'e whole of the $85,000 worth of goods. Ha got a big pile though. ., Guelp jubileed- Monday to its heart's content. All the small boys and girls were- regaled with oranges and things, and the. larger folks j with speeches, street parades, lots of guzzle, and base balL A brilliant illumination in the evening wonnd up the pleasant ries. Big crowd. Fine day. , War Declared ! the first shot- fired ! Christie, Henderson t-Co., of "Acton, having taken advantage-of the ": "immense slaughter sales in Toronto dur- > ing the past week, are enabled to offer the cheapest lot of seasonable dry goods ever brought into Aston all new, . j'resn azii^ comprising this season's impor- * tstions. lit is-rarely such opportuiuftea - y^.andino one vinitii)g their store ^ - this week.will fail to-realize the very : BTj^t ad vantages, they have gained and which they are prepared "to give their cntj?mers the benetit; of. We would spedislly recommend all those in need of good, reliable apd cheap goods to give them an early call. To regular" cus- tomers-'they sell 10 lbs beautiful sugar A good suit of clothes tnado to orderat tho East Knd Clothing Store. _Fvrg & McNab. > Birthday. The Committee, who havo in ciar^o tho arrangcmonV for tho colobratiou and entertainment on Queen's Birthday, will bo able to announce particulars in a fw dayfc It is expected tliat t^l>c loail. ing features of tho evening will bo a grand promonado concert in tho Drill Shed, under the joint auspices of the Acton Social Club, Brass Band, and the Knights of Pythias. Tho cheapest 'boots and shoes in town to be found at Keuuey & Son's. " Cash and small profits" make 75 cts equal to $1.00 if you invest your Woy at. the right place. You canhavd a practical illustration of tho fact free; of charge by calling on Cbristio Henderson and Co., Acton. Their stock of millinery thjig season is very choice and will be sold cheap. Ten pounds good Bugar for $1 at .the-Glasgow House, Acton, where you also get tho famous 50c tea sold only by Chrittis, Henderson * Co. | A splendid melton coat for $5 at East End Clothing Storo. ' _________j_F\tk A;MlNtap. On he rij. As tho season advances, the cry of ifan dubs grows fainter, and tho game of marbles ceases to have the same attrac- 'tion tb&t it used o have j?ho Acton youth now practices tho "round arm," "curve," &c, in anticipation of his first game of base balL . 30 CASES NEW SMM GOODS m THAT WONDERFUL Wo" have opened up recent extensive purchases, and are prepared to show a Mugnifioenti STOCK OF NEW GOODS. Wo Invite Inspection front every Lady. A. O. BUCHAM, Fashionable West nd Dress, Millinery and Mamie Establishment, duelph, April I. 1S77. ' Birds axp Bucs.-^We saw n tree trying to bud and blu&som one day last week- and it put Us in mind of tho bird who thought spring arrived, simply because we were favored, with a few w.irm days. The first bird of spring attempted to ; sing, Bt.t ere^ie had uttered a'note, He ull from a limb, a dead bird was him, ; Kir the music had fro? his throat. Hone Bill*. Parties 'wishing Route -Bills printed -neatly and expeditiously.should try the Frrc I'rrnjs oifice." ! -r The. Prinfcrj M!fh,llii'/ii/_ia th'e title of a very neatly printed and well edited monthly," .printed at SL John, X. H. It is full ofj usaful infor- matiou to printers, and ii wll worthy of the support of those eiigaged in tho printing business in Canada. Price $1 per annuni to apprentices 50 cents. Question In Accounts. : ille-ru- is jx pu.zj:!-' that has Ixjen lianded t,o u= to submit to our readers for eluci- da"trv">n. It appears to l^e"Very simple, but were t"ld a great many ]>eople get' things mixed in trying to unravel it : A person was appointed agent to sell a.curtain class of go'nis. Uu assuming thli otiice lie received cash......$ 3'J. 17 Value o: goods at same time:. .. f7.->l Cash, received from sales....... 102.97 Amount paid for:fresh goods. .. o'J.Sl Amouut of Agent's Salary. .-.I. . 25.00 Value of poivH on hind.,. .... 31.37 I);d he owe his employer at settle, raerjt, or did jhis eraployc-r owe him, and how much ? ,' ' LU The undersigped bftgj leave to inform the people of Acton nnd sur rounding neighborhood tln-t helms procufod a ningnificent jHSAKSE' And is prepared to attend nnd con duct Funerals on.the shortest notice and most moderate terms. Qa-tkctx, Coifi/i.", Burial Jlu'itr, And all kinds of. Funeral Furnish- , inj;s kept in stock, and supplied i on the shortest notice. Hat Bands and io'vessupplied when required. JOHS Sl'KIGHT. Acton, Feb. 10, 1S77. , OTEAM Carnage & Wagon : Slita, Stroot, - jActoa. Q.LEXLAWSON MILLS. Having thoroughly repaired our Mill, nnd put_in a new Middlings Purifier, we are now prepared to give a bet ter yield of flour than formerly, \Atlr quality quite as good. GRISTING AND CHOPPING promptly attended to. :The patronage of tlie public re- fpoctrully solicited. Thejhigbest price always paid for any quahiity ol wheat. A quifntity of seed barley for sale. 1 G. <t E. TOLTUNi Acton, April 10, 1S77. ' 41-3H /^k>TARIO SADiDLEBY, ACTOIT. Died from Disease, Exposure , and Cold. , Weston, April 21. -Yesterday.morning an old man named J^unes McCann was found MICHAEL SPEICIIIT, General Blacksmith, Carriage and | Wagon-maker. I j Beti \HOr*e-Shoers in the County j i ' - -q. Perfect satisfaction cuarantecd or no [ price charged. ' FIRST ARRIVALS Direct Importations Important to the| Bub- lic---Grreat Sensation among the!Ladies. - 187,320 YARDS OF RIBBONk Bought by Mr. David Uogp, ip London, England,'at half ylue, now offer ing exactly at half-price, a,t our store, Guelph. 4 yards beautiful silk ribbon for 1ft cents, 3 yards beautiful Bilk riobpn for i '.' 10 cents. Come and see. , ! Crompton's Adjustable Corset is only $1 per Pain ' '"' " ' '!' 'Sfl These are tho best goods in tho market. Ladies see then; before purchase i ing elsewhere. r. 1 Ladies'- Now Dress Goods, ^^ Ladies'Now Black Silks, " Ladies' Now Plain nnd Brocaded Colored Silks, Ladies' New Mantle and Jacket Clotb very OTJK MILliINBRY DRPAR^MBNT; SHOW GOODS. Ladies' and Misses new Ha s in all kinds white, bron, black, navy bice, cardinal. Also novcltiss'in new shapes and styles, only to had lie : " at our store. Neir .Flowers, new feathers, new Ribbons, ; ! new Silk Ties. -.' ' "^ ' x i ' * j ' " -' ' U n ' ".!" Our House Furnishing Pep artment embraces everything that can be rea-| sonably looked fo r. Call and< examine this> Department, ' ReadyWMe Clothing. Extraordihary value Is oDsred in Men's Suits, Boys' Suits, Men'a Coats, Men'sTrousers, Boys' of Tweed, Men Coats, Boys' Pante. We ofier a good suit s jtze, for.87 coat, vest and pants. beautiful goods. kisfr 18V7. SPRING. MGLEQD, ANDERSON 1877. &C0., or $1.00, lying on_ tho roadside in a dying condition. Ke was carried by some meb. into an old house where be died about. two o'clock in the afternoon. Deceased had been ini Guelph, hospiUl for about five months where ho had been treated (or 1 drojisy. He had conie! from Guelph by the Grand Trunk Rail way to take the Toronto, Grey <fc Bruce train for Orangnville, where be said bo had friends.- It bus been found out sihce_his death that his wife resides in Alton.; Coroner Watson held an inquest on his body last" evening. The jury re turned a verdict^that the deceased, McCaun.-came to his.death .through disease hastened'by expos- ^ure and cold. . Johjc Chinaman on hjs Muscle. A. fight occurred at Toronto last week twtween Ah Sing and Sam Ling, two recently arrived cdeBtials.. There are five Chinese laundries in; Toronto, and it appears they are trying to cut each other's throats by cutting down prices j so Ah Sing visited Sain Ling and. protested against .any; further reduction in rates. A quarrel ensued, and Ling snatched up a knife and tried to stab Sing ; but the latter caught the knife by tho blade, nearly severing his fingers, a,nd assaulted Ling, slightly cutting him. Both were arrested, and arraigned before the Police Magistrate. After vain iefforts to get at the merits of the jcase, they were both discharged, the magistrate being unable to make anything out of their statements. Important discoveries of mineral wealth are being made in different parts of Canada. A dispatch last week.announced the discovery" of gold in the Muskoka DistHct, and a report from Napanee sfiys coal has bean discovered in the Town; ship of Richmond, ten miles from that town. The specihiSns.are pro- nouDced equal to the best Lacka wanna, in which case the import ance : of the 'discovery cannot be over-estimated.. There (ire also indications cj petroleum in the same neighborhood. Judging from newspaper reports, the district. around Oitawia abounds in "mineral wealth. The latest discovery is that of silver on Mr. Wright's pro perty, which is said1 to be richer than that at Silver Island, Lake Superior. _ . ' . A by-law granting3.a bonus of '$15,000 for the encouragement of local manufacturers !ivas carried nt i Mitchell en Tuesday by 39r'to 158. Flml-t'ln riom and C'ollnrd's Patrol Iran Harrows nlwajs on Uand. A ^oad stock of Carriages and Wagons. Repairing promptly and properly at tended to. Actpir, J.uit 18, 1876 A CTOX LI VERY & SALE STABLE J, P. ALLAN Takes pleasure In-announoinjt to the nubile generally that no U rreparcd to < rurnlsh First-class Honei asl Oorrlagee j At Reasonable Rates. "Hlls Rigs and Horses nre the best thai can b" hail, and he is determined not Ic be surpassed by nny City htable. Acton July lse.I875. j - Tlio subscriber t;\l:cs tin? opportunity f thanking his numerous customers for / for the very liberal'patronage given him ; the past.year, and would^state tiiat it is -, his motto to do a ] Square arid Honest Business as heretofore, and hopes to retain the same liberal appreciation from the public. All ordcra entrusted to" my care will e ATTEM>ED TO -WITH PROMPTNESS. As none hut Good Wurkmcn are I EmiAuycd, Parties can nely on gotting a good arti cle anil as cheap, as good work can be done for. Repairing Done with Neatness ' COLLARS A SPECIALTY. R. CREECH. Acton, Feb. 14, 1877. LIST OF MUSIC BOOKS Sold wholesale and retail by John Anderson Bookseller, Ghielph. Burrowss' Pianoforte Primer. Jousse's Musical Catechism. Bertini's New Method for the Piano. Clarke's New Method Fpr the Piano. Hunton's Piano Forte School, Howe's JPiauo without a "Master.. Richardson's New Modem School, Gitzo's Parlor Organ. Silver Wreath (Vocal). 109; different MusicBooks. ' " A Big Discount on all MUSIC BOOKS AT r - 1 . " II To.kc pleasure in annoimci'ns lOtlieijT customers anil the public that they have received and opened,out for sale the largest,, finest, and best assorted: stock of DRY GOODS, MIL LINERY mul MANTLES, CLOTHING, TWEEDS. HATSi and CAPS, &c..'in this sec tion of the Dominion. | We have ransacked the markets of the world and think ..that", we can suit everyone >yho wanis to buy rr o4 Goods, cheap. 1 Ladies, we have all the new leading colors and styles in Plain and Fancy Dress Goefds, Black Silks, Colored Silks, Poplins, MatellWes,, Cashmeres, Persian aiid Oriental Fabrics,' Grenadine;?,' Percales,_&c.r with trimmings and Buttons tojniatch.!;- Prints an immense variety. Cur Miljinery and Mantle Department m*s been entirely reorganized and improved, it is wjellJLworth your trouble to call aiid see our magnificent stock of Stylish Mil'inery. [ ORDERED CLOTHlNG.-rWe lhave the latest styles ami patterns direct from the mills. Gents, if you. want a really superb fitting suit at a moderate price, &&\\ and see oiir stock of Tweeds, Coatings, &c, we cannot fail to suit you. .] i '." j J-' Hats and |Caps, Gents Furnishings, <55c, a splendid stock, very cheap. Our Staple Department has had our very b$st attention, having bought our Cotttons, - Tickings, Shirtings, iVc, last December when Cotton Goods were so very Iowj we can offer and are selling goods less than w^can buy theni to-day. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Hugs) Lace Curtainjs &c, and House Furnishing . Goods of i-all kinds. Housekeepers you should call and see our splendid stock of Carpets, etc. March 8, 1877 JOHN HOGG & SON, Alnia Block, Upper Wyndham Street* Guelph. SPRING HAS COME AND WITS IT Immense Quantities of IVenc Goods r. ^O^^S TIHIE j-JT<D15T. Our new purchases are coming^forward from the Old Cpuntry by every steamer.' Already we have '""_ THE LARGrJE^T Boots aud'i.iShoes. We are this season ing very cheap and keep a very fine assortment on baud, We propose td sell everybody who has any money sell- to' lay out this spring, tlijo very best of Goods at the very lowes; bottom prices. | . I We would return our thanks for the very large and ir creasing patronage hitherto so liberally bestowed upon us, and we are pre pared to sell Good 3 cheaper than ever for Caeh onjy. M<:L0D, A2TDEES0N & Co., April.. 8, 1877. MAMMOTH HOUSE, GEORGETOWN [WAGGONS: Now is the time to leave your ord<:r At J. Ryder's Factory I for a Stylish Buggy or Serviceable j Waggon; am making up a large stock for Iho present season, from the best material. Oatl and SeS our Handsome Buggies Now is ft good timo to _ sectne bargains. Strict attention given to 3orso-Shooing 8s General BlaoTs- smitalng. JAMES RYDER. .Acton, Feb. 26, 1877L CHEAP BOOKSTORE On tho East sideof Wyndham Street, GUELPH. ' pASII FO|l TVnEAT. Any quantity of good merchantable wheat wanted at the tho Acton steam mills, for which the highest market prico will be paid in cash. B. & E. NTCKLIN. ^cton, Fob. 7, 1877. 32-tf TOB PRINTING of all kinds neatly and promptly executed at tho FREE PRESS; OFFICE, GEpRGl=nHYNDS, ^TatoliEaaker and Jeweller, POST 6FF1CE STORE, -? ' . . f;' My work is all givi Watches^ lASSORTED vAND CHEAPEST STOCK OF pntJQQQ^ West of Toronto. . i This is no empty brag, but sober truth Our I aim has been, and al?'ays will be, to keep up the reputation that .- The Lion is the Cheapest Store in Ontario. .... - ; ' Am h Instance we may mention ~i 1 Crompton's Celebrated Adjustable Corsgt^ We have just >ecefed aw therloV which we are selliqg at S74 cejjti:/ this ".- we guarantee to be the genuine article, and'exactly, thesame as that for which others are charging One, .Dellar.~r L'_'.;: 'J ? Our whole stock is equally cheap. Come and inipect ,*? f - Our Dress Goods, Our SilkSj plain .and Fancy, Our C( ttonsj &ati Prints, i. ;:. Our Clothitjg, - "."-"' -'-{... j Our MlHlnerj, ete will Bnd our prices fully 20 per cent lower than any other house. And in every branch you 3"Ask for onr New Yorl lish: the new colors. l ! 4-r : Do not forget the , ork 18J cent .Dress Goods; rerr'sty- SPfeCI^ti NOTIGE.. , r We hare the bestDressnjaker fn Canada, and our are lower than any Other House. ". .:.. i t " ^ ' EEMEMlBEE OUJbt iCAB^ETS, \ : -We have a larger stock Cf :',: -. Brussels CarjpettS, Tapestry Carpets, Wool Carpets, than all- the other j ' Stores in Guelph put together, .... - ... Hard'Tlmes aye never felt by, those who deal at The tion."' \ :'-' \ . Guelph, April 3, 1877. J. p/^I^LIAMSOlT JS5GO, ng satisfaction, and you will find this Is bring yourj " . Qlockis and" Jewellery To get Repaired. the place to THE FINEST SELECTION OF JEWELLEEY,; THE LATEST1 -STYLES IN JEWELLERY, " . AND THE 13EST] ST&CK Of WATCHES AND CLICKS,. ; I i ! - I Will alwayB le seen at Nextths Post Office, JIIH Street. j February 7, 1870. GEORGE HYl^DS' Jewell ery Store, Acton C, T. HlLL, If 111 Street, ACTON, /. 1. .... i M DEALER IN r Grooatlfifli >..' Oroclseryi. . Boots Ss ShooSr TTall PaBer .J_, .Window BlindJs, WsUSj 4lass, ^ruttyi J "- Lins4 01, . JJWata, ijarpoatiiie . ; Ooaaoi.i'saltUto., .. . 'i / AW of which will be Bold BOOTS and Selling off at c< t, Also agent for the RUBBER PAINT. dOMPANY Of Cleveland, ( hio, Cash for Hides. Xcton, July 18, 1876. low for cash, 3HOES CTON A piaANiNa; MrrjiLs LJ--. AN-ir Pun|p, Sash, Door and Blind Factory* r THOMAS EBBAOE, . ,: Manufacturer of , ' ^Tindp'W Sash,. . ' -:vDoottL;; - wAA'iy< - Mouldings, And other Building Hequlsftcs >.! .^ Alsc ttbsdrrsso Maker of" iiwstfljjj'. T.J1TS Lumbar P.lahSd and Dressed fo orde ' in the best manner. ' ."'.-. All work guarantee*1 Acton. Jan.,lT6.

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