Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 26, 1877, p. 4

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iff I. : rmM TlE iiREE PRESS, ACTON, IIALTON (JJOUNTY, { ONT., AfPRIL ISftJ 18IW. of 1877 to the Bub- J? tunity of cordially .In presenting our Spring pircular he, wie again embrace the oppo thanking our many patrons! and the public generally for the very liberal share of their trade Recorded to us, Last Fall we . purphase_d- an, unusually large stock of Goods, which we regularly supplemented during the seaosn so as to be able" at- all time's as far as tr.. ..:: possible to show^a hgrr Suitable for the; wants of pur customers, for which not withstanding the cry of "Hard Times," we are h^ppy to say;-we found-a ready market. - Qrir j^reat aim this, season;- as,Uereioforef^vil 1 l>e to stnttyj , bur customers, and endeavor^to carefully the tasjtcs and wants of [26, 1877.; W. STEWART* CO i I - , ! Have commenced opening their JiSTew Spring ! Importations And in a few days witi sho .. .' tho EsHilDit a Stock so^varie&'and eesajil^t that tho re^iiisites - of all- our'.ficie&ds may fee ^supplied without Ttoir : feeing ofeiifed to incu^ tM spens of ' to./1-^Tirefias' &ods and payiag f^ney r'-;' ~ ; pnes ttofor, Wfe extend a cordial invitation to examine our new rin tidm Which for \ style, variety, 'quality d,nd good yajue will compare more than favorably with| jany establishment of the kind in the country. All of whiph we are determined to place before the public at the very] Lowest Cash Prices. OUR MOTTO HAS BEEN "CASH AND SMALL PROFITS," and we intend to adhere firmly to it. For varidus reasons we can sell goods lower tlian others in the trader Ample capital enables us to buy in the bes't markets and at the lowest prices. We do not dependj entirely on our Dry Goods business, but engage in outside operations, yield ing us a fair profit. We don't annoy :cm*r customers wi^h old, musty goods, grown gray with age^ but handle only New and Fresh Stocks that will sell readily. I -To euuniemte our 'various lines would be ..superfluous. We maj7 however, refer to some. IN BOOTS1 AND SJHOBS We qarry the largest and best assorted stock in Ontario, all.-"bought direct from the manufacturers, and will be! sold at about the usual wholesale prices. OUR STOCK &F mfLLINERY AND MILLINERY C Is rich, rare and choice; all new and fresh. Having se cured the services of an additional milliner of long ex perience in high-toned establishment^, we can confidently commend our work to the most fastidious. We charge no fancy prices; for millinery. The ladies will please re member this, v IIST X) jr tp ss GQpDS We show a large variety. Our styles are Unsurpassed, embracing greatvariety of design, and include the. most in/proved fabrics and colorings for tnex&eason; all'-at attractive prices. -.'.,- j . m *We handle the best and most improved makes. We Show full lines at our Populai) Low Cash Prides. , As an addition to our former lines we have this season - odded a lar^e-and select lassofrtnifent of : ] &oate' &&4 Youths9 /Ea&yMa&e Clothing,, Made up under the direction of first-class workmen, and pf excellent material. Full Sufis ; from $8,00 up. ; , ^_ Our Teas are now so well known it "to advert to lliero only to assure our customers that we have ,lt .^ ,u uw VCiu. t t B?re!sh Groceries constantly on hand. Highest price U in cash paid for any qnaniily-of Fresh Eggs, or taken hi. exc-hange for goods. ; J We cordially invite an exaniiii-ition of our goods and pricejs. Q-Ur'terms are Caslior pi'OtlllCC. H?: .' 'i ..'. ,"' ' ' CHRISTIeI H Acton, April 11, 1877. ^ ' is scarcely requisite just recehed another fresh eon- jwns and cities at 75' to 8|0 cents. s. Our terms are cash or produce. NDERSON & Cb. i j FIRST GLASS GOODS submitted for inapeotion in Guelpii.^ Kpeoial eilbrts have been rnido lb [ ' show ttio na\yost ' '2)res**;Gooda, } Spring Jaclceta. I Mantles, ' Costumes, ! Kid Gloves, ! Homt'.ry, j Laces, f\ ' Tmco Curtain*, i . Sheetings,! and Mourning Goods. j OUif COTTONS ware all cpntractod for befope the bocent advance. Customers will {have the benotlt. 3EC0RD BROS . y\} AOTQ1T ^mi W >#/'#:Mi U i-i'Y. - !ln"Cl Rents' Department. lothsa jnd Tweeds, Pre^s Shirts, Ties, Collars, et<L Stoolc of >el(t Hate, lAro particularly inviting in land price, I ' \ WM. STETTABT Uuelph, IMarchG, J 877. styles & CO. UST RECEIViil^ -FOR THE v. S^^IisTG!^ TIR. Bought Low, and Will be Sold at Prices never Heard of-Befee.- rant^ Spu-i; Barreis<^j .V- '/,.:/',;;,';: Of Trhite and Refined Sugars, Syrups, Molas- ses, Fine^ar, Oat Meal. Corn Mea', New Car , Prunes, Coal Oil, Boiled Oil, Eaw Oil, jt's of Tiii pen^ine, ^arijish, Japans, etc. < : I DECIDED BARGAINS IN GROCERIES, CROC ' .- . Glassware and r i AT THJ3 Post Offlor Store, Actpn. The Subscriber, ."r' - -- "'- - - ' ' 'I GEORGE YEM N .:'i'.. :l vVJrT Of Prunes, Soda, Eed Lead, iWhitcl Jmi^ Coloj-sofall kinds, etc. ' : CaseM Boxes,; daddies; 1 Backis Of fifscuits, Coqfectiqnerj, SpiqesH, '; ..-Caiir ed Fruit, Fish, etc.,; Tobacco*,: 0^^t Kaisins, Cheese, Soaps, "" ,4^Balwf-: Crysi als, Pickles, Jams, Jellies, Mato!le8retc.1 Chests, daddies arid BbxelK - Of ^roun^. Hyson; Gunpowder; Jap^'a?^ Black Tens ranging in price; ftora^lO'fififlte upwards. The-best value in the comity;!-:.-' Acton, iliJch 14,.l^f7V SECORB GET Is now prepared to offer a choice selection of Groceries, Crockery, ...-!. Glassware, Wall Papers, Paper Window Blinjds, ;&c. At prices that cannot fail to ploa&e even those who rail-at the Hard Tim NO SPECIAL PRICES ARE QUOTED, As a trial of his goods, he is convinced, will be i : advertisement. found to be the best A call is sblicii&U'. February 7, 187G. CEO. YEMEN Post Office Store, Acton z!,-r*M Prepajre for tlie Wet Wei OF NEW|iii GR|AI;MET f',n^ fl i now in stock -a. splendid aasortnient of;' All Sizes PRICES Special A'oton, Marcji 13,1*77. ' > rz. Siiitable for ttie Spring Season^ .-jf- and Styles from the! very l):eRt AS LOW AS THE rs. Attention Q-iven to 0rde^i Repairing Promptly Attended to. :^I)RAI^^OT^ ~rM * ! w Bod Wl t*E giilJ r ^ Sal thl BJ

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