Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 3, 1877, p. 2

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yim __m \W^*' THE FREE PRESS, icTON, HALTOF COUfffc ONT., MAY -03 m 'pHE ACTON FREE TRESS PaAilisned -Ev-ary Th\ir*dy~Mormng. J. H. HACKING. Proprietor. $1 Per /Annum in Advance EASTEHN WAR NOTES. Turks Driven Buck Be fore, Kra. 18*rrUn Neutrality te fce bA- JOS M HO^CHir tOITOR TUCjXBAV MOKKiXtt, May 3,; U7JT. .1 "11*** i'S&g There is no labor or mOhey 8|x>nt which jmy bet ter.than rtim* which is judiciously exi>endod for the inv- "provnient of tho highways. The coat ol making a good ruud pay* largely f<* busin<*M ~ purpose*. London, May 1. A despatch from Uelals saya : The Turks are peraecuting the Christiana in tho village* of Ibemil* and CUlatz. Fugitive* are arriving here to ea- Wbe'n the landholder wishes to go t persecution. Coaaackfpmtrola from home, U"ik\ts him less tim* "*"" "" *"" to travel over a good road, and if 1 cpocted by BtfeJttdet r TM ktKTfcSBEXT ACTIOS rawut. Naval and Military Prepara tions in iflturlond. OPERATIONS ON THK DANUBE. i'i&M v. :mm m b has hauling to do be can accom plish abaut as much more, with - greater enssc. And when j>erson* _ wish to ride for pleasure they can fowgo the i-el of driving some disUftioa out of their way to ride Besidrs these reasons for improving tire highways, a well kuown fuc$ that pro perty always <udU more readily, and commands outti- lirictw whurw tli,t> roads are kept in good order. Good roads lending to a town or village are the very liest means of attract ing trado tio the place aud incrras- inir the amount of business d)ue. In short, there is nothing of greater importance affecting the prosjierity of a business community. The khort-sigliSt-d policy ol allowing the highways to get into a bad stirie of rejuiir. in oixlerto save a few dol lars in taxes, "is a very j>oor sort of economy. It is in fact a very great waste. The wear nnd tour of /-waggons, lmrness, and horse flesh Thofe thun counterbalance the : saving. ^ The annual fatce of cutting np the highways Wilder the statute la bor system will soon be in fall force again,'and we can only hope that the overseers-will' exercise a little more discretion in the matter than they-',usually get credit for. The art* being sent over, the riven A Bucharest correspondent now estimates the Russians iii Koutuania at 60.000. A Bpecial from Bucharest'says': The Russian advance guard has r-eucbed Busoo, on the railway he- twtmi Bucharest and Galats. The Russians continue their movements in a leisurely manner. .Russia has declared .the naviga tion of the Danube reopened, sub ject to certain local restrictions. ; Berlin, May 1.----Russia, Ht the instance of Austria, Iiur promised to rvsprct ihe neutrality of Sorvia. Tlie Turks have consequintly ulrari- doned tho plan of occupying Gla- dova. > HoSDON, May 1. It is reported that iu tho fighting before Kara tho Turks were driven back. A Vienna correspondent confirms the news that on both the 2'Jtli and 30th ot April battles Were fought before Kara with strong detweh- uients of .Russians. The result is yet unknown. THE ATTITUDE OF THE TOWERS. Loxdox, May 1. In the House of Lords this afternoon," Lord. Derby said the Government had prepared tul answer to the Hussian ciifiilar. It will be sent out to night and hiid befoie the House as soon as' possible. A Vienna correspondent tele- graj'ihs that* the British Govern ment wiUl possibly be the only one to returii a regular official answer .to.Kussia'8 representation that she/ is acting in accordance with tlie wishes of Europe. For the moment at ieast there is an end to anything , , . , . . like a concert Of European policy, great trouble w that so few of the each PoWer" being intent upon it* overseers Have stifficient pracl^cal own interest. Hecrtiitiug has been progressing so briakly lately that'pearly every r k3 <.-*.-T=v; v ?' . experience: in-" the science of road njaking. Tliey are changed too jOften. Two or three reilly good ^:meutpaid toauperintend_the work "" for the whole township, would be ranch more apt tq; have it done properly' than twenty or thirty who have bad no ex]>erieuoe. It is not so much the fault of the men who are appointed, for they no donbt do the best they kuow how ; but the great fault * li** in the system. J However, as the work ig to be done in this way, it is well that it should be dune as earlyr in tbe season as possible. If it be deferred 'till Lot weather, the road, bed invariably grinds into dust and 'remains in that condition ep long as the weath er continues . dry," and in rainy weather it is wotked into mud and slusij, frsqusntijr remaining so for a wbole-year. -If the woik is done before the middle of June the road . invariably taeeames -bard, and the ~ objections above alluded to are ob viated.- il Uaor -. Licenses far Halton C*Hnty. ; At a. meeting of the License ComtnLrtioners; beld at Burlington on the 19tL ult., the/oliowing'per-, sons were licensed lo sell liquors : Nassaga weya Hen ry S tingle. E*queing Eitas Gfark, Silver G'reek-^Thpmas lianiish,Jiirorval ; iliiry Willohgh- by, Norvjil - D.Clark, Stewarttowu; John Brain, brewer, (wholesale.) * Trafj)gar J. Ste|i()enson,Drani- quin ; G.J. Biker,'Postville ; T. jilarlowe, Bronte Station; J. E. "Burger, Palermo. Nelson EL. B. Smith, Nelson Village ; Join Biintih, St. Anu's; John Nesbitf,- Lowville. Acton Ti H. Canipbell, Robert Agnew, j .. ;- Georgetown-^ H. Speers, Thos. _Cliirke, B. Thoinj)Sf)n, R. Bennet. . 3iiltd^ .JTohn Wallace, Samuel Cook, 1). Dwar. f : Oakville^ John Anderson, JShn -Williams, Arthur Goring, D. (Jli- plmnt, C. \V. Pt-arce j[sliop). '" Burlington^? Jno. Culliane, P. T. Evans, Martha De.Carmo, -John WraJ^_ - .; Tlie following applicants for Li censes were rffused^viz : ": John Mc-Q'iume, Actqn; Ann E 1 wards, G;*)rgeto_wn.; Alexander Juhnsbm/GleiHwilliaJiis; T. Garviu, J"."C. Marshall, Satmiel Armstrong, . jind Jolin Alexander, Esqnesitig; M. Triller, Bronta; J. G. Heiter itnd J." Young, Oakville ; J. Partop, Butiington', Alex. Niclii, Cummins . vilie; J. McDiide, Lowville : Adam H.illiday, Haltonville; J. Kidney, Ctuipbellville. regiment in the service is lull. Seven ^twelve-ton naval guns have been shipped to Portsmouth, andt 400 tons of amunition and arms are being shipped for Malts, The despatch boat Salami's has been ordered to leave for the Medi terranean on Friday to take super numeraries, and act as an extra despatch vessel to the Mediterran ean squadron. The corvette Spar- tan has taken a quantity of small arms for the tower of Malta. The ffecla is now embarking-with shot, shell and barrack stores, for Malta. The Cadiz will shortly embark 300 tons of land service guns and iron shields for fortifications at Gib raltar. - - ' A Berlin correspondent states that Germany insists that the Rus sians now in turkey be allowed to remain there. Having undertaken their protection, Germany considers herself entitled to 'make this de mand. % Pabis, May 1. 'The Chambers re-assembled to-day. The Due Defiazes stated that the policy of France in the Russo-Turkisb war would be of absolute neutrality, scrupulously abstaining from inter ference. Pea and Scissor Selects. ( I The Dominion -PurHauioflft was prorogued on Saturday. Toronto's ABsessnient- tbie year is 19J mills join the dollar. The Dunkin act went into oper ation in the county of Fi-ontenao on TnesdayJ Mr. James A. Miller, barrister, has been nomiimtml to opposo Capt. Noma in L|ticblu. It is sUted that agents of tho French Government are purchasing horsei in Now York for light cav alry service. An effort is being made to induce the Hamilton it Northwestern Rail way to extend their line of railway to Port JRowan on Lake Erie. - 1 Minnie Warren, the diminutive sister-in-law of Tom Thumb, who exhibited in Canada last year, died a few days ago. Bel ford Bros, have Beourod from the English publishers the right to- reprint the Fortnightly Review on this continent. . Mr. Alfivd Reeves, a Toronto drover, has chartered tiyo vessels to convey cattle to England during the present season. The Guelph assessment roll for 1877. which huB just been complet ed, shows a imputation of 9,077, uu increase.of GG0 during the past year. The assessed valuo of pro perty is 2,913,820, an increase of 5423,330 over last year. A despatch from Montreal gives tho jiarticulars of a terrible tire which took plnc on Sunday morn ing in (hat city. Sad to relate, nine firemen lost their lives in their endeavor to rescue two others, while many more were fatally or terribly injured. The Midland Riilway engine- house, station-house^ and store house at Petetboro, with all the freight in storo, four oars, u hotel, and three private dwellings were destroyed by fire early on Saturday morning. The! loss is estimated "ut $35,000. ' i ' Proceedings have been instituted against Rev. J,Roy, |wstor of Slier-" brocke street Methodist church, To ronto, on several charges of false j doctrine, based upon u pamphlet he has recently published,' on the re lation of Methodism to modern thought The trial of Dr. Lucas on a charge of abortion on one Matilda Willis, who died at Stratford last November, took place before Mr. Justice Gait at that town, on Fri day. Thete was not a particle of evidence to convict, and Dr. Lucas was hohorably acquit ted. SUBBIED. In NasMgawsya, a\ the 27th ult., by the RbvH. -ft. MePhonon, M. A., Mr. JohnlBouamy, to Mist Mary Fer ris, all of iKassagawuya. ; DIED. j Near Acton, this (Thursday) morn ing, Eliza Hsu as, wifo of Mr. Thomas Dnvidson, agod 4S years. At his residence, nosrCrewion'i Cor ners, on Wednesdny, 2d May, of con- aumption, Andtow Hobs, aged 44 year*. Fiinornl on Friday at half past olio o'clock. ACTUM MAKKKTH. ", .. $a oo to oo o Flonr Old Fall .Wheat.. Now'Fall Wheat Spring Wheat, Olnsgow lied Chaff Wheat Itarley ... Oata ...... Peas ... Potatoca, per bag Dried apples por lb Butter...... Eggs. ... . 1 85 to 1 00 1 SO to 1 Hf> 1 70 to 1 75 1 40 to 1 CO 0 OO.toO 00 0 47 to 0 CO 0 G8 toO 72 1 20 to 0 00 0 OG to 0 07 0 20toO 22 0 10 to 0 00 Errs' Cocoa. UaATKrui, and Com- roKTlxo. "By a-thorough knowledge NEW ADVER/IISE'MENTS. 3, 1877. DiHaolutlon of Partncrsliip Tho partnorahip hcjetoffiro exiatui( between tho. undersigned, doing btisi noai aa clothiers, under tiro style o Dickson & MeN.ab, hak bet[n dissolved by mutual coiiKOnt, A (lam Dicksdn ro tiring'on account of falling health. APAM DICKSON - PETER McNAB. In connection witn thoj olwvo, the imdorsigncd would anhouiioo that they hnvo entered into partnership to carry oil tho buaineas of tlio llato firm under tho stvle of Fifo & McNab. j ^411 liabili ties of the late firm will bri diechnrgod by us, and we will collect iill ontatand ilia accounts. a j . JOSEPH FYKE. PETER McNAB, Aeton, April 10. IbTT.| STILL AHEAD That Nptabl^ I Thoroiigli-bkd I5c^ > YEARLING snoaxsoBN sttlvls roa sals "RorAL Bkaufohh - rosn ; got by mportod lloynl Oxford Gwynne 2179C of tho natnral laws which govern the ' {sr>39C>), dam imported Lady Barnes, operations of digestion aud nutrition, f 'f Bkllb Ddkk" rod j got by 3rd and by a careful application of tho tine Duke of Springwood [3087], dmn Maggie properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Belle, by Constance Duke [1144] 77C3. , Epps has provided our hreakfust tables ; " Actos Phince" jred and white j[ got hy Zephyr [42C0J, dam Priucess Louise, hy John A. [1087]. For price and particulars apply to C. S. I5M1TH,, Acton. Acton. April 3, 1B77J ! - 40-lm _pps has provided our breakfast tables with a uolicatcly llavorcd hovcrage which may save ub many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judiuioiiu uueof such articlos of'diet that a constitution tuny bo gradually built up until Btrnngciiniign to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of sui>tlo maladies are floating around us rea^y to attnek u-Lurever tliero is n weak jtoint. We may escape many a'fatal shnft hy keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a pro- perly nourished frame.:1 Civil Service Ocf.rttc. Sold only in'pockuts labeled "Jamks Errs & Co., Hoimenpathic Chcmiflt, 43, TlireadncciUc Street, and 170, Piccadilly, Tjondnn." A Restorer of Intrinsic Worfli aud One thnt Pleases All. Wood's Improved llnlr RrKtornttvc Is unlike uny ntlwr, anil lntttnociitiuL Tho Improved has new vepcta^ile ton'c pnit>ortlt!K,' rtdorej-urey liulr Inu uloic-y' i natural color; r More* Tided, dry, harsh ikkI f illlNjr hair; re.storeJ, drf sses. trl^jes vigor to UieJv-dr; resi'ires hair lo prt-ma turely hald heitds; remnvex'd 'iidrun", liu- raon, scaly eruplloni-; r< ftinvi s lrrltii tton, ltchlntf rtndjfCaly drynrs*. No nrtlcle prrxltireM "tlcli wonderfol eftocis Try It, call for Wood's I'mimived Unlr KostonuTfvp, and clon't be-put pir'wllli any otnrrarlicle. Hold by al drupij.plK n this plncc and d?nlt'rs everywhere. Trndesuppliednt mnn-'fnclttrerti'pilc'f hy c. a.Cook a Co , Chicago, Sole A {rents for Ui United States nud Cntiadni-, and by I.yMAS Hros, a Co., Toronto. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, HORSE Bl^LLS Parties req son s' liring Iloutcj HilIra this r('rIH - houfu send thcir|ardeS-s to tihe Free Press Where they can have them executed in o workmanlike uiatlnor jand at reasonable rates.j - I A nit/iil'tr of fj'knrfiU Vui tu)pelcct from; Bills printed while ypii vtalt. HURRAH! hNrAH! ] . VOI! THE -j / : BEST PHOTOGrIaPDS ii ' i. in the County, at I | Tio Ontario PiotoErrapli Gallery ACTON TIN AND STOVE DEPOT, VSTII^SON 5c j 40HNSCl)N Beg to think their numerous friends and customers for the kind piitron-; age hitherto extended to them, and wish to inform them that they have now on band a largo stock of Plain, Pressed aud Japanned Ware, J: which they are selling cheaper than ever. ; : KAVKTROIUniVU .1 oPEt'IALTl.: Call nnd see us before purchfiin/i elBeivhere, as our prices cannot be beat in the citinty.. Being practical Workmen, mo'iit of our stock of Tinware is made tr'j by ouiselvei, nnd we feel Batisfied that, we cannot be undercpld. S/ifipnIiinn, C/>ftoii"It(tgg, Old (fop-; ]>er and Bran* t'.iJu'n iit-cjcehdnyii ' I for ' Guuils. ' ' I.-. Repairing and Jobbing! promptly attended to. \ : WILSON & JUQNSUN. Actonc April 3, 3877. 40-3m Tlie Kmg ' -AND 4., CENTENNIAL PRIZE ft n if Canadian Turf will make the Season of 1877, * toQami"-*' Mosnyiv, 30tli April, wili leave bis own stable, in the Town of Miltee ' ll proceed to l>lndsav's Inn. Hornbv. [or noon: then> "Wallacfe______:., ------ -. ..,. -.. , .. Titesbat, the Oeorgevc wi , return tc route, re ting the sjoason. 1st Prize and let Prize to Lindsay's Inn, Hornby, [or noon; thence to ire liote/l," oirjer night/L ' ---: 1st May, will proceed to Beamish*s -Ho'te^'iRorralc"HSssIaa'iL' wn." nnd remain overnight- r' p" , ^y;?." Wbdhebdat, the 2d May, will proceed !to Acton, and remain .ever tdriiaV1': TnoasDAY, the 3d May, will proceed to j Stlngle's Hotel, noon ; thence to CumpbellvMJ* und remain over nigbA,, FniDAVr the 4-th May, will proceed to;Lowville, for noonj thence "'. and remain-OTer nigh;.'.'. ' 'i ' ' .'- ?>. Satukday, tha'Sth May, will proceed; to Pnlernpo,, for noon 'j. Uieaeete (&]," - ville..over night, and remain th^re iintil>Monday mnmin, % M6oay, the ttb May] will proceed to Postrille, for_aoda ; ( -,qmn, and remain over night. Titesoxt;; the 8th May, will return lo his "own stable at Milton 'and %t& BramiptOn, Wednesday, the 9th May, and coatirina'it^Jj/l Lurnl ng every ninth Hay, health and *eathe neffflittliiat^t a. . '-. -. ~ ^n* Prizes the Present Season^ Diplnma at JParis ; 1st Prize at Milton, orer SI__ at Brampton,! over War Cry, Ilereller, and, tjyderi on Con nLa TEft'VfS. For the. Seasbp,'S15,[ending Ist July ^ Thorongh-lwea' ?25^; and mak-eo"not proving with foal will be entitled to Um tama* of charge the C. SCOlT, Read the foil >winp testimonials from tb.e-Carradian Centennial GotBiaMiasi 7 ind United .States Cehteiitiiai Commission, 1S3&; "i-^^^rl '. Intcrnaticmu An""itbaobdisaby Game or Base Ball. St. Louis, Mo., May 1. One of the most extraordinary games of baseball on record was pUyed here this evening between the St. Louis " Browns" and the Syracuse " Stars." Fifteen innings, were played without bcoring a run on either side. The game was re markable throughout for its heavy batting, splendid fielding, and the unusual brilliancy of individual players. It ceased only by reason of darkness:- Vexnob Again. May will, on the whole, be more like a June month, just as April up to the 17th was more like May. Altogether the spring has been even more ad vanced than I predicted last No vember, and the " early dust in the j roads" baa marked. Russia Good for a Lobs War* St. Petersburg, April 30, The neWHjiaper statements that Russia has concluded a new loan are incorrect. , Russia is prepared with means to prosecute the war throughout the present year and pay the interest on her sinking fuijd debt, the long negotiatione preced ing the war having givei^ ample tmio for preparations in these re- Bpectt. i'y H. <k N, W. R. The first of the new engines arrived at Milton last week. The .Company has paid our county the compliment of nam ing it the "Hajtori." It drew a train of flat cafB, loaded with tele graph poles, which were being dis tributed along the line by .a gang of Frenchmen. Mr. T. F, Robinson, contractor of the section of the H. <fc N. W. R., south of Cookstewn, expects to have the" five miles graded by the middle of June: - | .' " !..>'..- The brewers recently held a meet ing in Toronto^.anil..with charming disinterestedness recommended the Government to increase the duty on whiskey instead of increasing" the malt tax. . They seem to have overlooked the fact that-even with the present duty on spirits the temptation to illicit distilling is so great that no less than 20 stills *v'ere discovered and seized during the pa>t year, and others are turn ing np all overvthe country. An increased duty Would simply oper ate as an incentive to further viola tions of' the law, and there'are jJenty of people quite ready to run a',great risk when the profits are so eiormonsl Ai a matter of choice most people would prefer to; see cheap beer rather than cheap whis key, bnt the exigencies of the JK0LV EXT ACT OF. 1875. Mary McNair, an Insolvent. All persons indebted to the al>ove es tate are hereby notiticd for thclist time to call upon the assignee and pay, as no accounts can be sent to^' their places of abode, but, after this week, will be put into Court for collection. The clerk is now making up all accounts, and will be ready for parties indebted. W.ALLAN, Assignee. Acton, May % ls77. 4l-lt T>UBLIj SCHOOL r~ TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS. In accordance with the Statute, and tho General Regulations, the Annual Examination of Candidates for Public School Teachers' Firtl, Second and Third Class Certi6catea, for tho year 1877, wUl tie held (D.V.) in tho Town Hall, Milton, Commencing on Monday, the 9th of July, 187*^, at 9 a. m., for First Classfand at 1:30 p. m. for Second Class. Tuesday, the lOtii of July,' at 9 a.m. for Third Class. Forms of, the notice to he previously given by the candidates can be obtained on application to the County Inspector. . k ...i~-t.. v__rj t It is indispensable that, candidates t -,? P\UculnrhJ :BeJl \ should notify tho County Inspector not I still hold to my views. LAtEB thas the 1st of Jcnk of their respecting a cool and wet midsum- intention to present themselves for ex- nier, but now have pleasure in aininatinn, such notice to be occompau- ---------- ied by a certificate of moral Character signed by a clergyman since the 1st of Moy current. Candidates for First and Second Class Certificates are requested i to transmit also the testimonials of stic- j cessful service required by tho Regula tions. R, LITTLE, - P. S. Inppector, Co. Halton. Acton, 2d May, 1877.. adding tbat the autumn of 1877 will again open fine, witb a well marked Indian summer. I. 4D; O. . F. The new Odd Fellows' Hall at Streetsville will be dedicated f on Thursday, 24th of May, by-the Most Worthy Grand Master, J. H. Perry, Esq., of Whitby. A grand concert is to be given in the evening. The Dunkin Act in Lennox. ;- Napasek, May 1. The Dunkin Act went into foice in tl.e county to-day. Contrary to their agree ment, the hotel-keepers ate Btill keeping their houses and yards open. The temperance hotel, in augurated by tho advocates of pro hibition, is now open, and has the largest share of public patronage in the county. ? Elopement. Peoplo on the Lake Shore are excited' iover the elopemrmt of a fraudulent iuinifiter of the Baptist Church, Rpv. Cbas.' Hamilton, who, after holding "a successful revival at Rondeau, turns out to be a double dyed scoundrel. He started one day last week to go to Conference, but instead aban doned his wife and child for the company of a prepossessing widow named Mrs. Hennah Newcomb. Before he started he; collected a large su,m of money, and the woman also took with her a large sum. The ehurch members have met and expelled both the culprits. Work on the Stratford Kail" .. -> way. Listowel, April 30. Work was commenced here to-day on the line of railway running north from Stratford. Large gangs of men are now employed in grading, getting out ties, timber, etc. Thei'wprk will be pushed vigorously and the For B-'/iittij of'Fi)iinfi Uiid.BriJ/itin ci/ in T\iw, thrij caiiwjt be '*iirjj<i*tH. COPYING & In all its branches, in the! best sty "PXECBTOKS' NOTICE. The undersigned Executors ofl the estate of tlie late Mni. Ami Clark here by give-public notice to all parties hav ing claims against'the estate to haral in the same, pro]>erly 'vouched/ by the fourth day of May next. , Tlie Execu tors will nut be responsible- for any t-ixtt a i-r>^-r-ry* ' claims against the estate alter tbait JiiJV)LiA.KfjINu-; jnte , L ' JOHN WARREX, f . ., u . . .--",c |) I!OUT. KENNEDY, the art, done on the shortest notice and r. ..,,. e ., , . t ., , , ,i . n _. I .1 Lxceutors of the estate of the late Mm. at reasonable rate*.. | \ ,Vl| nark. ensuing season. Oroom's feeB 50 cents. Chaurpion Groom. ; J OHN per 'Exhibition, -PHplADELPHIA. Canndian Commission, otca, April Jf, 1877. Ot Mr. J. White, Aha a fipleudid stock jof- MonliliiiLS and Picture frames kept on|h'aiitI.and made to order. . I A call is s<jlici6ed and you* will-lie convinced that this is tlie place to get photographs. 1 i ; i Yours respectfully, th W. HILL Retell, Dec, a. 187fi. Acton, April 3. 1877. 40-4i $999 e xuniini), IllillC 1< Sly earn k tht-lrokr.D Can't be rnado by every nuent ev. ry [month In the business we ftirlilHl, but thona w wora ejin ea; dozen dollars a day rlshtMn ......,_..._ localities. Hnvenoroom toexii hdnnereJ. Business plensant and hoiiorfitile.! Wo| men. and bojs nnd gM Uo us uell n* men, WJe will furnish yi a complete uulOt free. Tho hi.gtnesl prys ot-tter ban anylhlnc else. We will bear exj 'of i-Utrtlue you. Pijirtlcu nrs fj eel . ... and see. FarmersaneVmeci.aMesJ their vons aud daUKhters, snd alt chiKuol In ne<d ofpiiylrtr work nt home shoul I write t > us and learn about' the work, at rp FARMERS. Now is, the time, to improve, your stock.-i The first pr:zc bull, Sib Wii.- LIAM TkMJ'LE TIIK,ThI!U),(83), got' bv I Sir William Temple [2296], by Red Prince [u'02], will serve cows on the premises,of the undersigned during the season. Terms. Thorough-bred cows 4.09; Ciradc enws SI.SO. t i, JOEL LESLIE/ / ; Ix>t No. r>, 1st con. Erin. -April 4, 1^77.. - 40-3in than at j ne o Write ai once, ^ow t t^e time. Address Tkcs & Co , Aumistn, Maine Don't delay. revenue take little account of in- J road-bed* will be ready for the iron dividual likes and dislikes. ' jliy the first of August, *? 1877. | 1877. The sabscribcr "will PAY $&FEjR C0HD For all well saved Hemlock Bark Delivered :at Acton Tannery, before Dec. 1st, -1877,- and after. Dec. Ist, 84.50 per cord. '" ' G. L. BEARDMORE. Acton, April 25, 1877. 48-Sm DAY SHOWS THE LARGJEST STOCK OF WALLPAPER Eyer shown in Guelph, all New and Choice and prices lower than ever. 21 CMldrsn's Carriages; To be sold off cheap, at Day's New Bookstore Nearly bpi>osite the old stand. Ouelph, April 2J, 18T7. The Acton Plbw Co^ Are manufacturing the celebrated STEPHEHSON PLOWS, ! me 'Boss' Gang Plow They keep a full stock on 'aaiid, and are prepared to do all kinds of Repairing1 on Plows, '! and also also kinds of f Lathe Work and Iron Planiny on the shortest notice. Please call and examine oar plows before purchasing elsewhere.. ' J ' : -' AGENTS JOB ] 7 Sharp'si .^.Self-DumpihBr Hay and Stubble Acton, Feb. 13, 1876 Rake. D ESSMAKIXC;-1 MRS. BAIIBER takes pleasure in announcing to the public generally that she has started dsaasiiaking in the housi of Mr. John Kent edy, on Main street,' and would respectfully solicit the pjatronage of the lai.ies of .dcton and vicinity. Acton, April 10,:iS77. 41 lm F ARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers to sell his farm, being lot JJ6. "2o', 4th con. of Esqu&sing, comjjirising 100 acres, about 90 acres cleared and" under cultivation. Good framij barn and shed oi^ tlie premises.. " rticulars apply to the owner, on 8th con., Esquesirig Post Office. lot i;j Esijuesing, April 6th 1 877. 41-m fi LENLAWSON M I LjL S. Having thoroughly repaired our Mill, and put in a newr Middlings Purifier, we are nowi prepared Jto give a bet ter yield of flour than formerly, with quality quite as good. GRISTLNb AND CHOPPING promptly attenlded to. The patronnee of the,public re spectfully solicited. '. The highest price always paid for any quantity of wheat. A quantity of seed barley for sale. G.& B.TOLTON. Acton, Apjril 10, 1877. v 41-3u NOW THEN! ATTFNTiOH! and Certific f'jr yorir'~ Alloic me to 1S7.G. International Exlubttufy . 18f$~ . PHILADKLP^Ii. '.'I;:;.: ' The United States- C*r*~~-Li . Commission has eiarnined t^rmeii of tbeTjutlgea, and accepted tie&[- lowing reasons, and deereeli sn" awaligfn conformity tbarewJ4i j.^:j TniLADKLPBiA, Keb. 2Xf lett t. -..Report on AAvards.;[% 1 liaxre imtehitletcsurc in rttlilres^ inrj you thin day, hy pi>at,thc Slcdid ' ' *~ - U " lie ..ko jusflij'r inc.ircUjil ^enth'd difijlaif, tit .' i th, Iii ternijtionu' Exh ibiiion offer you iny ecrc cniiyraiulafiwis, for success yon of iS7G most sin- the, yruit 'iuvc obftiineif,' cuul to thank, you ajuin for your kind as sistance, in hhiciny- Canddn in the proud position site occupied .in Philadelphia, 'with the most advanc ed Nations pf the World, Product. Brown HojMflVbo?l: j Name and address orgx^iibiicai^ ;j. WIHTE; "jf \ '? \~- Canada. 1 The undersigned; havmgeMSBB. ed the product, herein i-respecU'u.Uy redon^mepds iip the Inked1 States CrategMA Commission Award, for nt'"1bU^r> jng reasons. virr;" '=- ; " Terror,'- Broin Horsl^daiafiB-1 porteiL (Maritana. 1'5J' haifds .klgl!, ten old; lie was! waled- in Canada but we have no^reeVrdf tits' running, which was ehiei there. He has been in the Stt^; sometime.' He is an evenly, ieu?' mude, roufcular horse,1 aW ibwld succeed as a sire^ " V . """' f:- J. W. WF.LDQXl: A'; v*" Sgnature of the Jodp. -. Mr. Yours truly, d OS. PESRArLT, Secerfcary to tl le Canatiian Commission. Robert Fisher i; Has everything that you want in Tinware, c Stoves, and Eitchen Furnisliinccs, . - " ( : " * - - , all to be sold cheaper than ever. UNO r- Approved of the JudgeiL.^'~! JOHN B. VILAY, BASt&lWarjtf ? : r& lr. BBOWJt b 7S;v ' A truejeopy of the recaifd^' rft* FRANCIS A.4gAT,KKB,f ^*' ^ Chifofth^BarttU0fi4#fli 1 Given by authority of,n\JS^l|k States Centennial Comijiatioil . i. T. Uosbors, Directyr^jpiijgL^^ J. L. CASiraELL. J. ILM:J{**sri>. ^^ecreta^y. | J?Nil||^|;' An immense stock just arrived Brass Kettles, Porcelain Lined.Ketues, Lanterns, . . ' - ' Smoothing- Irons, Mjik Pails, Japanned Ware, Pressed Tinware, COOKING B(3X AND PARLOJR STOVES,' STOVE PIPES, &c.,;&c. The nndersi med begs leave to inform the people of' 1 .cton and Wcimty that he will furnish al Requisites in Undertaking on short Qotia and reasonable terms as I i an be had " Hearse Supplied ichen Desired. A{so that he will [ Fit up Stores & Offlces in t! le best style, I Show Cases, I took Cases ami Ocsks de to order. I PAINTI Asn FUKjSTI T THE REPAIRED. Shop on Willi w street, neaT!Mairi st. P. M..,Mc0AS"N. ' .dcton, March-20, 1876. 39-6m f 1 fork ins To Ue TV prepared to uin i stoit employijn the time, or |k Business now; 1 soi.s cr_f-ii tit-r cents to-J3 per at sum by devout theibji8iness. il as much ns me-] i o'.Ick may *s<^: the. business w otter: To such will send one or writing, worth >eve*al on, and a copy of.the largest a - cations, all Ferjt you want rem address Guorqe Maine l EAVBTROUG-HINtJ, Joosins a&a Bepainnsr Promptly : Acton, Ap; 11 3,1877, ROBKRT FISHER. J0-3m SB The undersigned '18. pjrep .'kinds'of" .....*f House Painting-, Ki and 'Paper Hangi; iii the very best manner, and a able Serins^ :'-. Residence1 corner of John streets, Action. " '- ~. i W. BL W. := ^cton, Feb. 14. 1877.' m '., iibi. ... Class. Wa. are, now Ish all elates ^WjUi cou-. nt at home, thi) whole or their spare imc.mertts. gbt and profitable.' Per- 5i-x easily earn irom 50 venlnp, anda proportioD- 'ng tneir whole tini3 tjo s and girls earn nearly That all who see this their address,Tind test mako this unparalleled * are not well satisfied we qllnr to pay for the trouble particulars, samples ars lo commence work -Jomenn-i Kirpside, one best "Ilm-drated Publl- free by mult. Reader, If anent, profitable work; STINSON& Co., Portland, 1 oys MU ~ rd 7l! hian :ncl FuU I id >Uaf y! c rMc L ar d 1YSIDB Shingle, Sfa^e HEADING MILLS. Any parties, ^ -anting Shingles would do well to "give isa-call.. We will al ways have en hand a good supply of No. 1 and Noj '. Shingles. J Best quality 'So. 1 Shingles ?1.60 per square. K6.- 2, 7f) centsper sqnnrei P. <t H. SAYERS. Speyside, "Dei, 13, 1876. 24-em ' mo BREEDEK8- -.rt Ike - thorougKbred - fiu^liaiif " Zephyr," will serve cbwai< of the subscriber, near.the Qr station, Actqn. B* Grades, 2. < Pedigree-^Zepbyr j. bred by F. W. Stone, GaeTph. jfe*Jf- Imported Sheriff (29964), JiwHO** , riel 10th. - -i- C.S.MBH-, Aeton, Feb. 14,-1877.1 U#> ! ' ^ ;---^ ^ef oil at! -J! OTEAMy; Carriage & 'Liiijl ^: ai fe : Main Street, 2 - . -te MICHAEL SPEICaW*^' Gehefal ' BJAcksmith, Carriage * ', -.. Wagon-maker.^ -_ ", Best Horse:Shoers in the ^ w. Perfect satisfaction narantee4 or | V: \ price, charged. Flrst-rtass PIowsjaiMl*nr?fS^f ! .Iron Uurrowsalwajrs oa ^"f^f it A ^ood stock, of CajTiagea apdVag*^* - Repai-ring promptly an A tended td ' Acton, Jtiiy 18, 1876 Vi . ' ' GASH FOR WHEAT., ..'- , Any quantity of good ne **?'!- wheat wanted at the the Actoa"^, mills, fot .which-the highest JW^f price will be paid iV cash^ ^^^g Jcton';Feb,7,1877. 32'tf ;" 0 and dm] -nhoif entl of 1 _t,

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