Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 3, 1877, p. 3

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"V- *j T=:_ U H band* V , , WWrtOalsd " liW record iT l<f chiefly isV i evenly,.'-ai**-' ILOMI..'**^ IBAJSU.JJ i JflrSfltt.- ,W-1 f * * :fl MSOWSWfc, Ttak TAWUL (allows i lifter*****" OOINO CAST. Dy Rcpr**" tfsti "t*". ' j^s-don mixed - ltM-a-m. 9,10 *.m. 1.57 p.m. 7:07 p\. * 9:10 SUA llVMikC, 5:20 p.m. 10:10 p.m. i,HW ADVERTI8EMRNTS. saffian " Terror ^-John White. ~^1 Chrktis, Henderson 4t Oo. ggW a! Mr*. McNair Notice* to debU**. UCAL HATTERS. I=^=t now b**r**Je,loaf*** diMNfc 0- \' Village- Coonctl meeting ~to> Bsorrew (Friday) e veiling, is Matthew'* ihalL l L_If the |>tke of flotir continue* rising, we wGlhaVeto unhealing bjead. : uA tak* to c&L0iaAjj*5,- ?: H * lawns*!for the stone hote!7 applied fee fey Mr. McQuarrie, was not granted by the Commissioner*. Many of the young bhade tre on Bower street are dead, and" the Council should *4e that they are re placed by good-one*, without delay. An immense 'stock of Fans just arrived will tell you acme more about them next week. Hv.vns, \Vjtehm*ker, P/ost Office Store, Acton. . 'Wei. notice by posters- that'Mr. Jacob Speace ia to lecture in the Tem perance hall next Saturday evening on "Prohibition." '. Reports on "the. state of the faH wheat crop axe encouraging.. Many fanners are sorry now they did not sow. -more." Wheat was ' ia demand the other day at two dollars a bushel, bat ; now! it is down toSl.SO and 1.90. : They who .sold' hist week may regard 1 thsiaaeTves * fortunate. . ' ,. ; _' ^A good way to make4hens lay ii to hit them on the head with A"club. Amanitried this the other day,-and - the heS laid immediately. Another j excellent Tecipe for making them lay ia I ts> bake their corn: - We never saw the fall wheat sad defer look better' at this eeuou, thin it'does at present, and should the season prove a* propitious throughout aa it haa thus far, our country will be blessed with aa abundant harvest. - : TJk? large balloon sent np froth : Gael**, <in the evening of the 23d of . -April, was.found in a collapsed state .the fallowing morning on; the farm of Mr. Wb. Heed, postuiuter of Kuatch,- lSull, in Xasaagaweya. .'" A laid was made on one of Mr.-V. B- Burns* potatoe pits, some night recently, and eight or ten bushels T* Stall**. Tar*. U m understood Ui| fail that the Grd Trwkfeo|IU fed give* ilutrW | *kv atsa^aaasio oas* rtnwt 4idlk leading through the station yard and, aa earnest of their intenttona^we ware told that the' timber was already on the ground tor the purpose The adde&.eleai4g <> ot the-winter pcerted the work; beJag **e at thVttme. Now that the pring haa fairly opened, we wonld again re spectfully call the attention ot the management to the neeeaaity of having tt don* a* won a* possible. On enquiry, wo learn that the employee* hare failed to deliver anything but a few piece* of scantling*. There are no plank* to be eenc It u riot a very big job, but dt u one that pa >-e*y neeeeaary for the jaafety of paaeengers, for in going to or from the station they are almost com. pelled to walk a long distance on the ffcfiway track. '?*- Poto blood 8talHorM.W l^rroc>,' owned by Mr. John. White ia to travel in th> aeetion daring the Mason. Stock raiser* and other* interested, are referred to the large advertisement in the J*ree iVeaa, compriaim; a codv of fja4^teM^ytA^77' ^tttr T 3E FREE PRESS, ACTON 1 GOODS, aEOCEEIBS Boots and Shoes AT Itlie t*rtUu ftreW the, fol owing i*. from the Guelph Herald: '-.Mr. John Davidson, D.D.O. C, of Guelph, visited the new Knight* of Pythias' Lodge at Acton the other evening for the purpose of inspecting it. He found, the member* well up in the work; a hall 16x21 feet secured and. furnished in a handsome manner; that out of the 24 members, 15 wore the uniforms of their ofBcos ; aud that the lodge was in: a very prosperous state.' The Acton brethren intend to have: a parade oa the 24th of May, when abont .^Otrethrca fronTTorauto arCe'xtieotcil to be present and-aasia't. - On 'Thursday evening a new ledge having 3D mSffitiers Was started in Toronto. The prospects of instituting a strong lodge iu Uuelph are good." CosBpaaleB aa\d Tesrhrr. . We have received the number of this periodical for the current month. Its ^contents axe selected with care, and are :of especial interest both to trustee and teachers. A copy will be mailed free to any teacher-or trustee Who may apply for it.' Address ".Companion Publish ing Company," 527 Richmond street, London, Ont. HALF COST PRICE For One Montli Only. D. WILLIAMSON: & to,, Baving bought the McHair BAHEP.TJPT Stock Will run off tho whole lot at Half Coat Price, at ' M4Nair& New Store, Acton. ! potV>ej were unlawfully therefoSt; Twas an: early r framed Ch3i extracted 'fore job of liraakfast, and Pit-S-o mining. Mr. Richard Hamilton, ex- Councillor of this village, haa secured the contract for building and equipping ; Mr. Beatdmore's new tannery at Brace- Itiige. JHe witt-probably be abeens all - l .-^i vf:rf*vftff-vi,>. \.v *&& CarriagB The Urge hall over the post " effiee has been partitioned off, and a portion of it leased by tike Knights of Pyti^irho have ka4 it neatly barpetv *d and tarnished. The other portion wB be seed for Coutteil, Court, and other public meetings. - ^ ". rt-^Two fine turkeyn belonging to Mr. Lsied. bagga-man at the siation, w*nmy1io*M^gohhled.ap by ao*M . aaknown individnal one day last week They woe in the vicinity of the station - a short ths**iiiJi*tp"their-Aiaa|>peer- anee, but his eyes have no t^ been glad- deaed by a ai^bt of them since. They am probably "abaorbed" by " **in guiiriwnii-* / rr-J/tf.. J[L Hnnt, ocur popojar - atitirei ijister, started yesterday for a pUaimro <tris to Ifexhwd ; A nnanber. ' of- friend* and well-wishers assembled at the station to bid him God-epeed and wish hia a-hearty good-bye till his re tina. He expect* to be absent about t*.aamtjss. Be'emls treaPortland by one of the Teasels of the AUan line. _ Gastronomic.V-^ The greatest pastConouiic feat of the Beason was performexi l-y a ypnng man on Tiies- <Jay evening, in a Milton grocery. He swallowed 24 eggs in succession, only stopping long iaoongh (o i*ks breath occasionally. He had some difficulty in getting down the lust two _or three. Strange to nay, the wager wus only the price v'Sf the eggn. : The merchants waited anxi ously; till next morning, and,whefl they found that the young man was' still .alive and vigorous, Thtyun- mediately raised the price of eg^ .25 per cent. To prevent mistinder- Ktanding we should state that the young man did not swallow the shells. rCli.ampion. -^A pood suit of clothes made to; orjer at the East "EDd Clothing Store. : Tiri & MlXab. -^-The cheapestrljMt^-ahd shoes jn town to be found at Kenney t Son's. . " Cash and small' profits " .make 73 cts.equal to $1.00 if yon invert your money at the right place. Yon can have a practical ilmstration of the fact free ot change by calling on Christie Henderson anil Co., Acton. Their stock of millinery this season is very choice and wiS be sejld cheap. Ten pounds good sugar for fl at the Glasgow House, Acton, where y#* also get the faasou* 60c tea sold only by Christie,' Henderson k Co. . A splendid saeltoo coat for $5 at East End Clothing Store. JPvv*;* This Great Chance of Buying your Goods f<j>r pne-third the Usual Price-will last for One Month Only. The Slaughter will Thui'sday, 12th April. HTJEKY IN AT ONCE. THAT 'WONDERFUL MAN ARBIYiAIiS Direct Importations Important to the Pub- lic Great Sensation among the Ladies. 187,320 YARDS OF RIBBONS ! OtTK MILLI^fiRY DEPARTMEITl?; mpw GOODS. Bought by Mr. Davjd Hogg, in1/jndon, England, at half irelue. now dfttr- ta^Uy*t half-price, at lour store, Guelph. 4 yards beaotirul Onr House Fnrnwitag|T>6p^tnleiit etahnw^ everything that Bm b* "ilul - ... w_ . ....-.,. silk ribbon for 1 cent*. 3 yards beautlf 10 beats. Com* and i Isilk ribbon for CraiiK*,' AtljMtaMe nei f mnlr 91 per fair. these are the best goods in the market. Ladies see them before purchas ing elsewhere. Ladies' New'Dress Good*, i Ladies* New Black Silks, Ladies'New Plain Ladies' New and Brocaded Colored Silks, Mantle and Jacket Cloths, Ladles' New Mantles very beauiful goods. ktSVSI Ladies' s^d Mlses new Hafa in ;11 kinds wbiW, brown, bhwk, navy Mm, cardinal; Also ooveltie t in new shapes amf style*, only to had be ' Fldwers,new.feathers, new Bibbons, VI- new Silk Tie*. -, . j '!-" at our store, ftew aonablj lookad 6f, Call aad: examine Ibis Deyartaaent. Extraordinary is ofleiedHn Men's SulU, Boys'8n^ 3fo^*s Cei&. Men's Tronsera, Bojrs* C tf, Boys' i Pant*. We' ofier a good* 's^t,;,; " ' ' ^ i. v. JOHN .' Alma MarcTi d,18t7J- .1 HOGG Block, XTpper Wyndham Str*^,.Gln*i. & SON, ^m^Bmim CLOTHING The undersigned in tendering their sincere thanks to their j patrons.fpr the liberal support with which they nave been' fkvor--,^ __. i past as. members.b/ the late^ arm.of Dickson A McJ^ab, wouid ^ ieaxsp to call attention to their -j ' -^ . ...,'5r^.i, .} la Jr*- i"4 - rfftH-r; Christie, Heiitlersoii commence to-day,. Aetoi, April :11, 1S77. J. D, WILLIAMSON & CO. 30 tee BUI*. Parties v neatly and ex free Preu office. McNu. B31s printed ily.phouldtry the , Mr. rZolmaxi. TTnl 1, the gepial aj^'e^ejBt/^siosagrr.of gesaJuatofe's tannery, ia abont to remove -to Brace- bridge to superintend the construction" of the hsw-iannerx now being, built for proDaDry:WaT*4re^ext week; sv' hew manager halving-been engaged to take his place. We learn thatjir. Hall wiH -g^u cheap. *be fit ahot fired!' Christie,"Henderson'Jc Co.;'of Acton, having taken advantage of the ;^~, ahvaghtoraale* in Toronto dur ing the past week, are enabled to offer the cheapest lot of seasonable dry good* ever, bvoaght 4Mo Acton i all new, fresh and comprising this season's impor- tetioB*. Itiis rarely sack opportumtie* occur, and no one' visiting their store this week will fail to realise the very great advantage* they have gained and which they are prepared to give their customer* the benefit of.. We would specially recommend all those in need of good, reliable and chssp'sg>o4 to give few*. fa.f*&SHr??rV$$&>9*r tomers they selT 10 lbs bosntrfnl-sngsx ^ '-^obfrmtthgbfatldeasTr^flofffl promptly done at this office. Don't forget it ' - ' I " V-Txy-a&^ney * SoTfJr'^ good Christie, Henderson h Co., NEW SMIM GOODS We have opened np recent extensive purchases, and are prepared to show a Magnificent .' . . \\ - ; ] STCi)CK OF NEW GOODS. :T: :;:v =; We Invite Inspection from every Lady^ CHEAPEST OF Having during the piuit week, taken advantage of Xh Immense Slaug: at Tbrontfc are enabled to offei the Which this year is larger and better assorted than ever, comprising a laeje i '] assortment of" - r.i TWEED^ScotchJ ^English :. Doi^estiic Manufacture. * .>' ' -r The patterns are tbdchoicest in the market. Our stock jn... HATS AND GENT5' FTJENISHIHa! -...-.- : la well assorted and at low price*.". '. V'/'V-"- . Cotton*, Prints, and Staple. J3^^]S9od$:^B We resp*ttBlly^iit At prices that cannot fail to satisfy every bo iy. Inspection of our goods. . i.. Acton, April 17,18? . f- LOT SEASONABLE Ouelpb rashlenable West Bed april (. 1S77. A. O. BUCHAM, alsrU, Millinery'and Hintte Establishment. have a. share in. the JBraee' BioC 'ffii'SsJaj JHauds regretting Ms Uejmvoio t) ju. eiiU^ wisfctsfai e'fullest prosperity in hi* new venture. -^We are : extremely sorry > that. owSduty as a recorder of local evemsv forces us to give publicity 4o the: fac^ . *$at ens of our yooag merchantir-hss M fit to fpke sn^en flight, to/-part* ummown, rather" than face a meeting of his creditors. Mr. GeOfge Yemen has heaiin bnBiness piily;a lew months, -and was oj^entry' in a fair Way f(jr - doing well. One"or- two of hia creditors, however, became unreasonably presist- ent in demanding immediate settlement of .their accounts, and he seems to have been uiudilB-tq withstand the pressure. Thyoofish reiort' of running away Irom * little difficnlty can only pe excused on the score of his youth and inesperi-' ' * "isi- hesioeaa.! Had ,be- mej^ his ^* W pd frankly expbriiftd hhf.dif: i ^?<"ty, he! would doubtless have :been ! Iemeh'tly dealt With, and thus have ; avoided the tarnish which will cover his f^efcrirt-jtonojahie Trepetotion. .The. fTOiees is! at present1 in the hand* of the creditors. We feel oiry for George, and rincerely hope that he will shortly *ee-his way clear to come back agaii. .V^-Afine stock of boota and shoes JWt to hand at Kenney k Son's. ^^Tpros^ofllanwbter^Sele prints, ckoice pa*tjBrnfc fss* t^lora^or^oojW jESzflaod up, at- (3(risej<H*ndlg3rfu 4 "(Jo's,Acton. . . ~,' -J------------e*-------T-'-'-: -jlfalton Spring Show. - Owing to the heavy rain of the previous day, several horses, which would otherwise nave been;ekhiWt- d at ,tb<r abof/;. w$r prevented from going, consequently the show was not large. The following is a li*feof;th'e-ptJieex-t;':V.r- . ' j Dbapoht, Im posted. ' 1st J. Forsylthe, Rob Roy ; 2d J, & Wv TVatso4 Old Hard Fortune, DEAUCttis,. CAKAPIAS, j ; :/ 1st Geo. Story,' Dusty Miller; recommended, J. & W. Watson, y-pnjng.Hard .Eortune. . _ ,V ^ f .-.- /' "'- l ROACSTEBS. "':->-!'.' - 1st R. Lewis, Hamhletonian; 12d A^ Mason, Chesnut George ; 3d ij. P.' Walker, Wandering Willie. Blood HorsiEs, " 1st John White, Terror; 2d Charles4 Poster; Sharpcafccher. Blood Colt, Special. ! John White, recommended. TAKIO s^v^^ The um ersigned begs leave to inform the people of Acton arid sur rounding v eigbborhood' that he has procured i magnificent HEAKSE And is pre] lared to attend and con duct Fiinei lis on the shortest notice andmost r loderate terms. Biirial Robes, And all k nds of Funeral Furnish ings kep 'in acock,'and supplied on t he shortest notice. Hat Bands and loves supplied when requir sd. . JOHN SPEIGHT. Acton,!*. 10, 1677. !' ' SADDXiBfeY, u ^.OTOIST. The subscriber takes this opportunity of. thanking his numerous customers for for the very liberal patronage given him the past year, and would state that it is ^his motto a*. ...-:-. : Ever Brought into ['.' ';." " !- ' -u Ail new, fresh, and comprising > portations.j \f \v ei*...'rt %' T^RES*MAKIN. iiisSEE :'MANN respectfully an- nonnbe-to he lallies of Acton and vicin-. ity tbt ti jyihave commenced business as DressuEkers in the House recently built by fir: Edward Matthews,-near Nicklin's Jbakery. The patronage of the publie is respectfully solicited. Dressmaking j in the best nianner and most fash|onabJe Styles.: j < v* tis^ES -Mr &aM; s: mank: ActomjMarch 2i, 1877. 38-3m Square and Honest Business as heretofore, and hopes to retain the same liberal appreciation frpm the public; All orders entrnsted to my' oari Vfll e atteVded to "with rROJirmess. i' As none but Good Worlcmen are ..:..\Emplyyed,;: .,,; (>( Parties can relyjon getting a good arti cle" and as cfieap as good jrork can be done for. RepoirineDone with Neatness 0PLT.AB8 A SPEOIALTT. . Instance the fcillowing: 3127 yards of Ainefiean Printa at 6e, wforth 9c. 2113 yards of American I'rinte at 8c, wprth 10a' 1000 yards of English Prints at 10c. wojrth 16c. ' " ' ' " y 11 100 dozen Ciihada Straw ,r'_ '-. . .' .- .'I {40 dozen Sunshades, 10; up. [ 60 dozen Kid gloves, very choice, wojrth ?1.25/fbr j80o. Dress Goods from 10c up. Parasols at all prices. OUR MILLJ1NERY R. CREECH. Acton, Feb. 14, 1877. 2fic. to a. P. BOWELL 4 CO. S < Sew York,^forPainpliletprlOOpaxe contalnf ...-* -- (Wtlmat e, containing lists of 8000newspapers,ahd tessbowlngoostofadertlslnc. Is now complete wit! Hats at 5c. Acton. this Spring's Im- #ItBH PteBSS ::>7. PRIN .; '-. 'f>.,,ib4'TAMi:. rell aa^;tiiTQU|fh6^:;;,^y-,.: To Merchants and other X Acton, County, the Free Press^ is? an inval iable Advertising Medium. Our Un -ivalled i*=ijGiw^fc i^.hi1 * Eaw*-:?.aroji3 ,",> Krjax^'^jrjgteSr-' - -. Enable tts to Inrn on I all the novelties of the sea son, at our pojpular low cash prices, Call Early and. Secure TERMS CASH AND SMALL - ,-3 PROFITS. CHRISTIE, HENDERSON & CO, J OJE Clev* . :>'Cart* -.* '"nil- Business Iten^in atUl Streejt, ACTJON, / - - DEALpRrlN Groceriaa. Orocker^, Boot as Shotai fvftU;Paeif, Win&ov DliadAi ITaAUi, irlaas,! fcutty, liinisiaoil. JhSa ita/VTitpsatlae. fliaiOU, 3*11,3^, .411 dfwhioh will bi Sold 1 * .?<?*. cah, ioOT$ audi SHQ#S Selling opt at cost. . . t" [Also ^gent for t le '! ' ' BUBBBR PAI S?T iGOfJ^ANY idi i0l4>^ "-' -f- r Bidcis. 1876.: Facilities for Brecuiikf nU kiad> ol T'V.- ' Si:* '.ift .. work eqUld.toanythmgdonem Uieritfasv. _ ",- " i>'iiii***iiisf^ A'Cltffl7'-" ] *>" PLANlNGr MI aits i'.i... Pdrap, Sash, Boer o&4 m*vi "-".'" X-'i- '--.-"J- i-tO::?. THOMAS EBBA ManuTaotonir et iV^'-Vi r.z-k.. ' Venetian BUttd* t fr Mouldiag,r j*t ':^m '- r^ll - -Cpsl ^sr^ ' M M VL - Hl3 fr ' --Ji . .! ^ vM ;.iil 1 -.. .:-r-- And othergnlMlTtgJteqi rl3uvo-j..*.,. - .-, a 1 aspsovai?: Lumbar Planed and Dressed to 1r4a r ib *h0 bsHnannr; l./AistOB.JaniiisTS.;.!,.;',: 'SJ; %-,] -j!-- u -i^ I

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