Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 3, 1877, p. 4

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mm T& FREE RE&& icTOISr, HALTON COUNTY- JDNT., MAYf V 1877. MUSIC BOOKS John Anderson > Bookseller, Guelph. T 8WKKT LOVE IS l>i;.Vl>. Sweet love is ilcavl: Where uliall we bury him ? In fc'.grocuilHHl, ." With no stone at hi a/head," ...; Ko tears imr prayer to worry . . him. \ca, if we keep f f ; SiJcricc, norHifwi' ,' O'er the grn'voj where IhVi grouiuV worms riot. j- ;-. \,':', By his t<>mb let us part. "*' But hush I'his is wnking ! ,~Jla hMlt^'iticwlMttUj-tV ,' - AadL-bu; *>*>k^olil %*tt with yjo.woo^fjit&ut i* aching. Feign we no more " -rr -; ' Swoot Love li;es breathless. AH we forswore' -- lit. . . BurrowsY PianoTQrto Primer. Jo^sBo'sMusiail Cntccbiam. Bertlni's New Method for the "Piano. : .-. .t ' ~ I Clarke's New Method for tho Piano. IHI Mir if.- 4-yI .j?,v K[-t- ~ \-K--X Mt"~ B^. :^M fei-- /^ ^3& Kv' VpjBj mi KfVy.3 Fr^ll ' - 29 IpV T': K^-:-r'4 '"SI KpAfi^J - "f^^fil |S|'-j=:-"; t3s3 P3^ -:- %m ta '<Z>3a HSr s_ -*J"'^'jB '"- ';% Kj-;- ; >;>SSM ^^y-31 r, "^SSsM Kf/^'. ---"** HP*' - ;--?l Bpfe1 BBN^?-.'- I e.Vr3J ^^JWaMtW^fVwi>4**y Mi- -se -; I It. 1 law. of kind^OSOSI^s ' brings blessings to him who richly obayryjjs it. JThe geati.^.woj^, the plMfu",^i^^h^c^^3er^t actP-; these arVtne J^leVa^oX wuunds ui hearts that are sore and tiro minis ter of peace inplaces of strife. But even the k^$vO<|ntiq)& of tjy -; beat friend -may be construed, intio ; Litta^eWlry a eprfit !thit hvftself sour and full oi malevolence. - . Help Kicu Othsr. A father was his two ohUdFeti. Tbe wind was blowing over a fine fieloYof rip* &mi and making the .beauuful 'golnen ears war* like waves of the sea. gTBinr*- - "My child," said the father, " see how flexible the sulks arc They bead before the wind and raise again wbenibe Wind has p*wcd over (hem; See,* too, now tbey help to support each others A single stalk would 'be soon bent lo the ground, but o _ ether help tok<*CiS^0.Ufc-1pP Ifwajceep w when the troubles of life come on us like a stormy wind, we shall keep each, other up, when one 'trying to standalone would fall." ' . ._=-----j ~l flsaman or woman who haslnoth- ing to do is most miserable. It is bard to be.over-worked, biitto have do employment is supreme wretch. ednesa. ! Do somefhing. _Work will A. pe#m of lii stanzas entitled, from ,; Fannie,"^ " Where has our SflOW icort'e %' is,. jfeeiTed, >nd r&- pectftHIy^ kiirflrtnly.aeclined:." We doa't kbow where your beautiful awew has.gone,'i>4 -we don't care. We haven't it. ,' , Htfw much better it is to stujy goods, boeksr, tbaa?t6 -^omposa bad Howe* rift** without a Master. Richardson's New Modern School. Silver Wreath (Vocal). l'08|4ifrroatMu8ioilook8. . ! A &g Discount on nil ^ 1877. MIEOD, ANDERSON mm MUSIC BOOKS AT r ANDERSON'S , CHEAP BOOKSTORE OntllrE%A wrtli of S.i't, GUGr.PH. Ah.uJ. uiLt nti peoea oat mr ^oiq,,, j^i i.ftf#W, miest, oimT best assoited stock of DRY--iGOODS,'M1L- \TWEEI^S,; HATSvan<l .C^^^c^ j^ tbi^sQc- tion of the Doinioioa; i'- ' > ^ =i i AVc have ransacked the miirkcts of the world and think that we can [sirit' evcry-'One J who wants to bnv gootl Goods.i'ciheai). '"' " Ladies, jwe. have, all flu^newlcpihiiig colors and styled iii r*l*liiiiV and Paney Dress Goods^ Slack Silks, Colored Silks, Poplins, Matellasses, . Gasluneres, . l'ersiau . aud .. O* ienlal -Jb^abrics, -rr-sr njr]-" a'< .".>%j* irfVsa ^.OTOnST, 03STT, riQUUvu .at wQU Jly work is all giving aotisfaeUon, and you will find this i tbe place to ; bring your rl'.^ C jWatchesi IdiociesJ antf Jewellery I. . ' To get lepalred. TH1E3 LATEST STYLE8 I^JWELLEKT," *" J .^ J A.ND THE BEST STOCK OP. WATCHES AND CXOCKS, l; ,-_. P "'Will always'Be ieen 1 GEORGE HYND3* "i Jewjelltiy Stot, Actoi i>ifi.ii ^ SECORD BRO$^ _. .... iSf-i/V/I'M^ '."<V ^y b. i . *--, :-: - "..i' : :. : -,v. .-:-.(IT I -. !: VI / ! * '. 'J -^ t: ! '/ F. ' ^.'- ': i: fnw* 7T IiSfe-! m& M; - ' V K.'-fsjWi-. - ' - -NMjs'-t.i. # '-' j. S.I l.Ii ;)- :.' '.!'!! >'* A" JUSI^ February 7, 1876. i n ! u itiiik.' s^iitl to live to be two hundred Never help __ ___ take care Of her'bab'yln the absetice of Lor husband. ' ^l&SJHifei FM^nly. punctual at ojPa^B*^P#dlj#, (n<t that was " Try not 4P.ask your wife to jfasb a baodkercBef with a pretty widow's ----- AND .Sow ^s tho timo to leavo yoiir onler At J. Eyder's Factory for a /' Stylisb Baggy or Serviceable iW'asBon, I am making up a large stock for the ptvsent eeasoii, froni tlte best:rntcrial. Cull tiiul Set our ffiindfome "Diigyiet . Sow is A good - ;timo to scciiro bargains. " > '-~ Strtct atteutiop given to i JAMES itYDER. Acton, Feb. 26, 1877. > . T ' is/'Chuir.- :Bb.are of tjjl rte-'Ji '^U^ss^ssfl lnl Kp^^^ss^B |i ss^saV' * ."^3| IB- -3-;jiB gfeaMssl 9L *- ft^ sHL -: L^v^M Ht - -"^^B H- '" i-1 ^he American ado. by photograph. Tub is gettmg tbo ante before -the horee. It j easieP'fe ^mvT'ihhr^U^ proof safe thjin to get a fashionable education in a boaritiBg*sdjpok y I j Mr. Moody say3 if you dinnot be a ligbthpase be a candler :But,^r.. Moody, a candle is wick-ed. -'- In olden times dogs were valuably employed as turn-spits; but let_a_ doRtiirn Spitz now and his doom is sealed. * I.t is sai^fia^tftiri^rrrrg'Bfj'lo'of the common hand organ has only one stop.i It begins in the-morning !OT iLfcthe^otherQay-p who had ao-many diseases, he didn't know which to die of, and so, still uadecided, he lives yet. ~ WKich is' the oddest' fellow, the StrBSCEIBE -__i .vou'the; j&.ci?o2<r lv- t m quesliuu, oVtheon* who answerst The -one who asks, because he is the querist. Jt^i^^^^k^of economy' in tneseTiara times to Bee ft man sifting four quarts of agbeg with a ten-oent cigar in his mouth: " Madam, did you eyer lift a dog by the tail V- ".Why, no, you cruel tbujivyou.", "Ididn-'t khow,.be- cause I just saw you carry your lit tle child across: a <gtstces: by ono arm. A dog's tail is a good deal stronger than tbe ligaments. of a baby's S^MUsleSL r*,**}*y> -,- . - - - -> -.' '3l.',:- < i'^ "'- il'- .'* "- \ A^xpeHenced lady observes that a good way to pick out ahtisband is to see bow patiently the man w.iits; for dinner whjai, jt-is,behind timp.l Her husband-remarks that good! way to pick out a wife is to seo" whether the woman has dinner ready in time. -^ fg rb^i^twhq. ha(n.'t: inventeiff . a eongh'moaiciqo'of Eis own is aoam indolent - nun , who would _rther whittle. a strode - tbao wait on customers. ._ i A country girl wrote to her lover: f Mow George, don't you fale to be at, th#. jiDgiog, school to-night." Oeoirge "WTOt*back that: " in the bright lexicon of youth Wfebster's Unabridge4 there's no suih word ~tC10 'J5 >>'-' A Teutoojol^^r^ sioin5>a couple of y6ung men going along in a very inebriated eoodiUoa, said they were {oing home by the "Grand Drunk ioe,'! and he thought; there would be "some exblosions" when they T0Mti)4 tbe;r deatinatioo. been eniire4y reorganized and improved, it is well worth your trouble to call and see our .j. magnificent stock of Stylish Millinery. ! ORDERED CLOTHING. We have the latest styles and patterns direct from the mills. Gents, if you want a really superb fitting suit at aiflioderate price, call and see our stock of Tweeds/Coatings, &c, we cannot fail to suit Hats hnd'Caps, Gents 'Furi|is1irrigs, dfce., n splendid stoclt, very cheap. Our Staple Department has . had our very . best attention, having bought our Coitions, Tickings, Shirtings, Jtc, last December'when Cotton Goods wore bo very low, wo cuu offer and aro soling goods loss than wo thorn toi-day. Carpois.lQil Cloths, Kligs. Lace Curtains &c., and House Furiifsbing Goods of all kinds. Housekeepers you should call and see ourgplendul stock of Carpota, otou . j. xJoots and tShoes.- We are this season sell ing very cbdap at^d keep a very fino assortment on hand. ! W*'"pirbpo8e to'sell evei-yliody who has any money to lay . out this spring, the **ry host of Goods at the very lowest bottom prices^-'-' | J '.We would return onr thanks -for tho very ^arge and increasing i _patronage.hitherto so liberally bestowed upon ua, and wo are pre pared to sell Goods cheaper than ever for Gush only. MblsfiOlV A2TDEE6SCJN & C6.i Apra.r8. 1*77. - j . .:[ > .MAMMOTfl HOUSE, GJ^>RGETqw.N SPBINpj N^S^COME . , ..'. AND WITH' IT ! Immense Quai^Uticsiof Ne-w Goods !FOB TIBCEI X.I03ST. Only$l a Year 14 Advance. LIVERY & SALE ST ABLE j. v. a.iAj\h i TaKrt pleaHuro In announcing to tbjs pubnc generally that tie Is preparett to furnish Firat-elasB Sorsos and Oarrlaees ^it B^ospnable Bate*. His Rigs and Horses ore tbo best that can bo hod, and he is determined hot to be surpassed by any Olty Hluble. Acton July 1st, 1875. Dur^new purchases! arc corning forward from tho Old Country by every - ' steamer. Already we havo ' " #IM4i^^j&Efe^i- fti/ucf.- p^'. ;iT" I^EST ASSORTED STOCK OF DRY GOODS West'of #OT pto. vs\^ rr for The',iaWL*fl jThis is no empty broj;i hut sober truth '"wbioh nobody cap deny," Our aim has been, ar d always will bo/ to keep up the reputation that tHo' Choajjost Store in Ontaiio. Ab an instanoo wo may mention 1 Cronipton'ii;Celebrated Atljustable Corset, ' We have jqst recoiveU another lot wbioh we:s)rs'seHing:at;-'$7.cenU.. This we guarantee to bi the genuine fti'ticlo, Qn'd exactly'the same as that for" w iiQh others are charging One >jolh>r. Our.whole i itock is equally cheap. Come and inspect Our Dreaa Goodsr ' Our Silks, p am and Fancy, , Our Cottons^ ' , Our Prints, Our Clothing, Our Carpets, Our Millinery, etc And ip every branch >ou will find our prioes fully 20 per cent lower, than any-other house. . ., -. jo*Ask for onr NJcw York 124 cent Drc9 Goods | Tery sty* lish: the new colors. FECIAL PtfOTICK Do not forget the " " " " l" ':"[':i\ ~: ' " ~: ":';"'"' ' " '" Dressniaking' Branch. We have the best Dressmaker in Canada, and our charges are lower than any Other House. REMEMBER 0R CARPETS. We have a larger stock ;of W.STEWART SCO ' '. Have commenced opening their New Spring Importations And in a few days will show the finest stock of FIRST CLASS GOODS submitted for inspection in Gnelpb. tipeoial efforU have, been made to show tbo newest Dress Gtods, j ! -. Spring Jackets, j Mantles, I ' !' i Costumes, i ' j KidGloves,j ' Hosiery, Laees,' Jjuct Curtains, fUnetlings, and $fo\ trn ing Goods. OUR COTION&i were all contracted: for ,befqra' the recent advance,'1 Ciistomere will have the. benefit. I ' G-snts' Dopaxtment. In Clotbs and Tweeds, l . Ores* Shirks, ^T Ties, Collars, 6to., Sfook of Felt Hats, Are particularly iuvit ng in styles and price. . . "' * WMT. STE^ A hT irho. Quelph, March 6, 1 a' '-"I.^H^I'r-;.. I Sold' Barrels at Prices never Heard of jffnriv: , to om " : *. -> ff. BARGAINS i FRIES, CR Post Office Store, Aotoio. - "' .': i P The Subscriber, .' '_ Of "VTbite and Refined Sugars, Bet, Yine^ari Oat Meal, Corn iteal.p^vr ran ts, Prunes, Goal Oil, Boiled :-iJ*'i.;-. , Oilf Spirits of Tuj)entine7 "\ arntsh, ^jmB^^;! Of prunes, Soda, Red Lead, Colors-of all kinds, etcP v, X,. :. \-\. r. -..'_;r.:jijt:/ a.-.& ! -.-/ I T^J_' . . _. -j'Sr-.-jli tf^l White i, i w w -.' i. '.J- -:v'.,.iMPbllo?t k3 <>. viil-rir.-A c-iU. -\ : . atsmt '-' ;' V-if -ejfr*! rfT-^' 7r - x ^Bjscuit^p <jpjifectionezyf &$ie^ MSmb Van M&'Wtmtf Fishp e4c.v Tobaccos^^wJgf" iih8^,JDheese, Soaps; Candle*, $amj$;|; -j .;v .;* .-.- jm: : -tj -=' a .1 'Aeton,f @tom &ft.h ^sttidisp.ari(Jp :Bo^^ pppfjOf; Too>|o '> pric^ frdh^l^ ' "-. tipv artls. - The best value inp*li^kraoty^4 ... . felJHW! 1.1 Uql ' Jftf and at| Ue , Fol ton freH*Pl87r. iw1..i.....;,jCi.,...l, sSc^ofee e i.> eel ifMiiflrjEir CRAINE & Is now! prepared to ofler a choice selaotion of Groceries, Crockery^ ^ i- i ' Glass war ep "Wall Papers, v ' \'v.\. Paper PWiridow Blinds, &c; At prioes that cannot faif to pleaae even those who rail at the Hard Times NO SPECIAL ERICES ARE QTJOTEB, Brussels Carpets, TapUtry Carpets, Wool IJarpets. than all the otheA As a trial of bis goods, he is conTinced, wilt be found to be the beet S\ores in Guelph put together!,. _ 3 ... advertisement, Hsrd Times are never [felt by those who <iealta|.The Xion^ A call is V4> f f<-. tru,l*^a j . t-_' t7.|. i V Guelph, April 3, 1877 J. D. WILLIAMSON "&! OOP February 7, solicited. 1877. ~#"jm'^^^-Jfe5itc35g: CEO. YEMEN P ,' Post Offio Store, Abton . i:.5 *** s itf- '-: Have how In stock a splendid assortment of ^}\m& I m Suitable for the Spring Seafiolg,.,-f::t/r;3:t.. All Sizes and-Styles from thevery besri^ P.; ji %. ;r'.ti ^^stf i -.. = ----jr.- PRICES AS UOW AS THE Speoia] Attention Given to Ordered Kepalrlntr ProjmptlV Attended to.. -;-i ?:- >" :#fp^^ -Lp*^t*3^^p AotonPSBfroh 13, le77. 's '; ; -' ' ., Sfgy E-. ..*zi

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