Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 10, 1877, p. 2

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Ml"; lp*!S :- -H - 8 l&i:' 1! ,. ^Jgi Ri^- "I B':i< INi ' -^ ^Sl Ps?-i-1 JJ * "~ ~ - - -sS m*~-\ -l .'-.;."S H; y ~vp :4^H , '* " "fejjj K^' 1*: -f ft":?-1 'i*"Jli Kr^-fc-" .- 3 K^"--: 3 ~^P9H siSS ej--v". i " v-'fi te^ii '^"1 In ii Bh---:1 Bfei": mi 8&1 Bpl H&-"-f M ferf.^a [r * jj L_l--"*~.a *&* I if* L* 5--J1 Aia . X. THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNfY, ONT.frMAY s 10/ 1377. J^.lK ACTON PiM..V..*d K.ery Th irsday Morning. ": J, H. HACK I (i, Proprietor. : SI por Annum in Advance- rEala.ItUoo3?vc$8 JOS M M4CKINQ EDITOR Tih'id.vy Mt)nsijsn, ALvv :40, 1677, Latest WnrftifW*. ..-Open warlike ni(}v?tui'i\ts be- twem Tin key and Bimumiiiii Imvo at length Ikimi inaugurated. Tues day niorning'thu Turks opened fire cm ~K ilufat from AVidiu, but the -return tire-of tno Roumanians was so effective that beiVi-s night the Turkish batteries were silenced. A ll-jii'.nuniiti.'ai'iiiy ciiqw has started i:i the direction of Giur.gevo, whom the K issiau--tulvtiuci! guard was ex pecli-d, .alid the Roumanian altil- lory is-on its way to Olteuitza to J"c*i!.t tiy now attempt- on tlio pan - of tho; Turks. A serious riigugn- imiit is j-xjiected dt. Ii>rila, as live Turkisfi liioiiit&rs in the ~nrh;hboi Load yjt> evidently meditating mi utuokV On Monday the IIiimviiii) iKiiuIi.-ouhd Materitr, in tho Dohrud- Pcha, fivuii' iht! opposite side, of the liver, "and thoy are Mff erecting b'iitt'.:ries> at the J>u1iuu Uioilth to -cio.-e the i-utiMiice to the i-.neiuy'h uiuiii:oi*i. FREE PRESS Inrornmtlen About Mnnlteb* I T /Trot* fJU >Vc Pnit.J ' Jiving hi continual feoeipt of lot- terti fixiiu intendingtettlero, miking nil AprtH of enquiries regarding Manitoba and the;'Northwest all of which we answer as far at ]niio- /ticublo -thJ ajipended auswors huvo been sqlvctcct for publicutlon, H8 likely to be of Vttluo to many others beijides thowo for-whom thej. tuts ma<ciiilly |mi|wrei! : Prico of O'jvuriinient -hinds is $1 j>er acre, ciitrh.- i HnH'-liVeed snip, good for. ICO acres (ijiwiter wciiou) of Doiniuton IhIkIh, i.s woiih at imRclit tVoiu $115 to: $1-5, and 'tending u\>- wardn. _ . .Uniuiprovwl hi nils, within tweWe to twtuity inih-K of WinuijH'g, hold by private putties. aVo. worth from Jg2;tOr.$4an acre. "*"' Kivcr farms on the AxsinilioinR and Rtal - rivni-s, the uiie'-*)f which is generally, six chains by four in ilea (nearly two hundred acres) are held atnll |uict\s, Hcuordiiig to location anil impi-oVeuionts. -Within a few miles of Winnipeg as high as four thdusaud dollars may bo asked, wBilo fajr away a few hundred dol- l.-ti-s will buy the same sized lot averaging idaiut $5 |>er acre, Aiiy ieraou eig,hteeu years of age is entitled'tuflfciO acres free for a homestead, ana 'o pre-empt (par- chase upon three years.' credit at pno dollar an uce) nliothtr 1G0 acres of Dominion lands. QijitrUir 8eetion (l'fil) acres) of praino land ">. If ml *.' An im^Hirtaiit engagement may shortly le oxp.-e:tn; on the Monte- l<:-u also be obtained for tree-plant- negrin 1'iouUeV, as Geii.J.Vukovitch, Uie Moateiieg'ri.n eoinmander, -is Mu^iicinn? the Tmkisli attack lit Knist>it, i js'lie re he lmlds thn'ap pro.icli to "-.Kicsics. -The-Turk s|i ioi-c^s uro couc<.iitratiiijj at i'od"- {COritz*, and the Mon.teiiogr.iu artil- ! lorj' is posted in utroli^ positions .ctuinialuliiig the,city. .' The Liver|rf>ol I'vgt states that the British- Government have 3o,- O0f> troops and 1 1,000'horses roa'y to c-uili.ti k nt any moment, -^e i>. reported that iu-tli^ event of-wsr Iiioiit.-Gen. Sir John Etntorn Sini- luops^Sv. C;. B., of tlie'M}i"yal Engin eers ", will lie appoiutctt CyruiHtiud- ^JJriu Cf.ief in the East. Theio are considerable quantities of land within the province yet o]ien for hoiuesteading, etc., but in the more ivuiote jmrts. Pel-sons with money, -would, as a rule, do better to purclnu-e htllds futlier within the half.breed reserves (many of which '.will be. in the market at once), or of other private holders in good positions, than "to go any cousideijaWe distance from settlement to gnt laud free. Intending laud jnirchasei^ should consult our advertising -columns for tho -naittva of respontnblo real estate ageiHa, with whom they should put themselves in comnmni cation, making known their i^quiro- M.- ,i , . - . " i j [ ments fully, and. in almost every Afghanistan-at Constantinople de--.___ .___z.'_ u.. i..:._.i ' "~-~ liiea having concluded an alliance with the Sultan against JBussia^ .- Thf LstiiloH Posf saya : We ro ^ivenVto underst.ind that, with h rr^Siew to the possilile eventualities' Th :the His!-, the Government has irpsolvvd to fit^ont foraea, with'the ' fitmoRt expedition, the whole class cf smalt turret Hiiqis, of whieh the -Hecnte and Glufotl are ftypes. These ves&ela; thi>ugb armor-plated, are Of enmparatively light draught. They -carry four powerful girns each. ' \ " - - -. 111 War in Enrojie means harder tiroes for the poor man and-me- I ;cbanie, -when. we consider the ex- f'cessive a'tfvrmce, within a week:, on ! breadstnffii flour, grain, etc.. On r the'other hand, war iu Europe will' create a market for onr industries . and^thereby iifereaBe business and "thn demand for labor. Perhaps the gain will balance- the loss. _ The .European steamers whicb New Ymk.ou Saturday^ took ; out 2,&MK),00e flan of la-cf, 10fF,000i , iiiiahels of corn, $400,000 in t^iecie, and large quantities of grain and ptbducei I BRivrFoub CiTT. The prepara- i fioBS which are-Heing made for the . celHlinition of^SIay 31st in Bi-ant- fo-1, when thaft'own lecomes a city, are fprog're.s.iinif rapidly, so' that thereycau be littlu doubt of its great snecwsa. . " . caaethey can bo suited. The question " What is the best locality in which to settle i" is one Umt almost every person in'the country would answer differently. It is a noticable, but very recom mendatory' feature bT the country tliat; every man thick/v Le is settled in the very best place. . Homesteaders are required to re side' upon their homesteads for three years. f. Starting from Ontario for Mani toba there in a choice of routes as between tbe lakes rut Duluth and rail via 6t. 'Paul. The former is slightly the cheaper, bat the laiter more expeditious. In every case immigrants slionld get through tickets, which can lie obtained at almost every railway station in Ontario and Quebec. Scoopd-clans rates will likely be from 920 to $30 ; first-class from 845 to $50. Each passenger is entitled, to 100 pounds baggage. It will not pay for settlers to bring heavy articles, such as stovea and agricultural implements. Many of tho latter, in nse in tJio eastern Provinces, are not adapted to this country. The Dominion Government do not a&aist people to migrate- from one Province to another. Parson BrbwnloW, the groat bo- cession-hater,' of Kuaxville, Tenn., died on,Sunday afternoon. He was .^Bged 72.;. During the course of his] usual eventful, life he was a Methodist preacheV, then exlitor of the Knox- viile Whi'j, then Goveradr of Ten- aessee, theii JJ. S, Senator. -Ho wns noted for his strong powers of controversy, a-iid thelslrouy. Ian-i j^uage in whicli he clothed his ideas. -------------^-V-.c*------- ------ The Napanee Beaver sayB-: According to announcement 'the Dunkin Act by-law came into effect on Thursday last, and there was a great thirst through all the town. The hotels were all kept open, but the bars, instead of displaying th glittering array ' of jioison flasks, : euphenisticaliy labelled "sherry," " cognac,1"/" port," etc., showed . a- few vacant, spiritless, despondent decanters, apexed with lemons, resembling in ttieir yellow, forlorn aspect of sourness and in the vain desire to be squeezed, an old maid' with a refractory'liver. EXAMISATIOX OF Teachkr3. Tuo I As a genuine novelty tlie-soul.des- _ ' ~ troying lemonade and the exhilarating pop were the otfly driuks offered to victims of the social drought just inangurated. From pure force of habit habitual concealers of ardenfc spirita would nieauder to a bar and call for a drink, and the cpaotu-salts giiniace with which they worried down ttieir .lemonade was a study for Gustave Dore. The Dunkin Act lias had no efi'ect for. good or evil so far, except upon the public sale of drinks. All the h ytels are open as usual, and, apart from their bai-8, Keem to bo doing the usual amount of business." examination for iFirnt ami Second CJus-public school teachers' C'ortifi- catc^i is. appointed for Monday^-.Ju/y Of-li; the former beginning at nine' o'clock in the Hiorning,': atid the titter at half past one.o'cloek in the afternoon. Tjie, Globe states that iu the to vised instructions, about to be ifened to'Public "School In- FlVectoi-s, the exitiiiiuation "f third cl-ws uertifi^cates 'wilt ha fix'id; for the.%'wei'-lt'.bi;^iniiin!{ the 15'ltof July; Tits u6tice already publish- trtl that candidat*iS for third claas c^rtifiiaTtefij will be examined on t^e 10th is thtffefoje incorrect, the date been changed.' CandidafeS iire^rrquire'd to send their names to _riie' 1 uK|iectot' by the: 1st of June, ./file admission- examination for Col legiate liiHtifii'Mw and High Schools wiJl-Ae held"jotf Tuesday and Wed- fiorftlay,. the 3l:t*ud i4tb July. Tiiejfcitermwliate Exumihntion will h^ held on -TiiBsd.-iy, Wednesday, Thursday,and Friday,tfael0th-13th " ^ulyt Oun-^idatef' for admiKsion are req-iired to send -their n>tuies to -tlie-Ji<.rtd M:terbyfthe 1st June. Itia-intended to alljjw second chuis candidate* ^ari option between the EnjjlisU literature .'"prescribed for the-jjiiterinediaje' ttnd^the botany iind j physiology pre^ribed for the "'Teaeharti'- BXiitiuniition. v'An- oj- portuuity- will- IwrgfrerV toan lu'ter- ,_H<liTite'-Cudid>( to |>HKH:also the ee*md or tli* third chM exunina' , tiu'n as well us the Interuiodiate. : A Stratford paper says : It-may be, of interest to many of Mr. Red- ford's creditors to know that last w'e'o'k the Sheriff stated under oath that Mr. Kedford's estate will probably pay a dividend of between ten and fifteen cents on the dollar. A mm nftined Woods drove a bridal party from Windsor to Essex Centra last week. When there he drank a glass of sansaparilln, and soon after became faint. Ho bow- ever drove,the party back, but.was scarcely; sensible, and . when he reiichetl the stable tumbled out of the, box into the arms of a man who was. standing there. He was taken home and him been luKensible ever since,>nd it,.ia;lnow ixnjiossible to tell whether he will live ov die. >*n and Scissor Nelectrt. Tio I^chine Canal ts now open for aavigatiou. Thoarray worm has appeared in Now Brunswick. Hush fires nro raging in tho mountain district to tho north of Ottawa. " Typhoid fever carried away three peinuns in one day rcoently at the Orilliii Asylum. _X<argo shipmenta of horses aro taking place from Westoin Ontario to England, every woek. A writ of attachment has been issued against John Taylor it Co., sale Hiauufucturers, Toronto. . The orop proapeets in the Pro vince oi Quebec are ruportod hh being exceedingly favowjile. A large number of thieves and refugees from the States are at present harboring in Windsor. Jeremiah Buckley, who resides in Hamilton, is 100 years old, and is in possession of all his faculties. The declino in the traffic earn ings of the Grand Trunk Railway for the last half year was X130,- 000. ' A train of twenty one car londa of tea and silk from Yokohama for Now. Yoik, passed over the Air Liuo on Priday. The Bussians have removed thoir headquarters to Galalr. A strong force of Russians are between 'Ezefoiun and Kuisvi It is "stated that the Pope's next Allocution^ which will he published next June, will be levelled princi pally against the Czar of iitissia. The Ilrlttili Nnvnl Flot't. HOW AND 'WHKRII THK IKON CLAD . AND OTUKH MKN OP-WAIt- AUK DtSTItlUUTKD. NEW ADVEUTIBKMENT& UOCIAL. A'iSocial in rail of the-St. Alban'fc- Church rawonnga Fund, will ho given 1 at tho residence oi Mr. Donald Came- Aooornihg to tho lalnst Admiral-iron, on Woilnusdiy ovotiing, tho 10th ity i-etnrns Great Britain has 17 uint., oimnieiicing at 7 o'clock. Tho men-of-war in;. the Medi,er,,neanA^^^f^*' .jt besides Hinallor veaselH ; hut oflj____'-----'.-------------------i---------------- tlieso, two iron-clada, the Hercules ' T*^"unicllnllty of Efiqitcslnsr. mid Triumph, nro uow ou thei way home. The Hercules, with Vice-admiral Sir James Drummond on board, has been relieved by &w Aluxandia, boaring tho flag'of. Ad miral Hornby, who now holds', the MeiUtorranoaii command. The lat ter has with him eight other iron olads, namely ; the Monarch, Hot spur, PalhiH, liostiaroh, Rupert, Sultan, HwiftKiirt) and Devastation. The last-mentioned is the most heavily armed ami armored turret- vessel iu tho whole of the Mediter ranean waters, while the Alexandra', on tho other band, atand unrivalled as a broad side ifon-chul. Thn British Channel Squadron, which has been cruising oil' the Spanish const and has now been ordered hotntvconsintn of bnt four iron-clads,niuui'ly : Minotuur, biat- ing the |flaR of Vice-Adiniial Soy- Moiir, tljo Black Prince, ,tho Du- fence, anltl tbe Resistance'. On the China station there is just now a nunioroiiH British jfovee, but most of tho ajiipa ;are bnt gun-vessels, the Audacious, v/ith Admiral Rydes, on board, being tho only iron-cladi of the lleet. There ar'e bosideii bi'x corvettes and sloops, niue gun vessels nud several biuall gun-baats. The Detached Squad ron for Particular Service, under Adiniral Lambert, is composed of four or live frigates and several COURT F REVISION. Huron have taken laud at Emerson, Manitoba, and will engnpo largely in flax growing.and manufacture. The Bishop of Toronto on Sut- day confirmed in St. James Cathe dral, over two hundred persons, converts of the Rev. Mr. Rainsford. Since Novembea 1866 there have l>eon 36 murders committed by Chinaman in San Francisco, and not a single execution until last week. The roan Joly, arrested in St. John, N- B.. for forgery, was at one time a teachrr in Richmond Hill Grammar School. So says the York Herald. GravenburRt will have fifteen saw mills and shingl* mills running this seasoni. which amongst them will make a better turn-out than the; scold mine, we fancy. Water was let into tbe Lachine Canal on Saturday night, and on Mondny navigation commenced, and all craft wintering in dry docks have arrived in port at Montreal. The Government will shortly add fifty membjers to the Manitoba Mounted Police. They will prob ably, leave Ottawa early in June after undergoing the proper ins|>cc- tioo. The fast freight train on the Air. Line on Saturday, reached tbe Bridge from Detroit, over 225 mile*, in eight bourn and fifty-five minutes actual running time. That is very rapid for a freight train of twenty, ope cars. A despatch' from London] says that John Lee & Sons, Blanket manufacturers at Earl Sheatonand Ossett have failed. Their liabilities 'are 555,000. Three or fouri hun dred operatives are thrown out of employment. I The prize of $100 offered by the American Berkshire Association for the- best essay upon the diseases and management of swine, has been awarded to A. R. Coleman, Jarvia, Out., Graduate of the Octario .Veterinary College, Toronto, j The village of Weston: seems bound to furnish tbe coautry' with a tut! chapter of sanguinary crimes; On Tuesday night Thoa. Eagle stalv bed n young man named Cruiok- shark, wbo he thought threw jsome stones at one of-his horses. ' The wound is not. dangerous. Eugle bos been arrested. A telegram from Orangeville Btates ' that the' illicit distillery, which waB[Beized in Malancthon on Tuesday morning by Collector Mcr Lean and ' officers Powell! and Nicholls, of Guelph, was a ivery large one, in full working order, with a splendid plant, owned by Wm. McDonald. The whole of the plant was destroyed, with the exception of the engine and boiler, which will be removed. Notice in hereby given-tlint-tlio first. nittiugH of the Coii^t of .Iluvisiun for tho Muuioipality of tho -Township of En- (liiosing, foi- tho yoiir')ri77, will boheld at Clark's Inn, in jtho Villnx" f Ktcw- nrttowii, on Saturday, the :2hth (lay of May instant, at toil o'clock iu tho foro- uiion, - ." i J. MUMKAY, Clerk of Hnid'Municipality, EKqiiesing, May 7, 1877. 4.r,.3t Two parties from the county of dispatch vessels. The -North America and West India station, commanded by Vice- Admiral Sir Cooper Key, in the Bolleroplion, consists of half a dozen corvetts.and sloops, and th<! Pacific station, under Rour-Admiral Do Horsey, 1ms a similar number of vessels upon it. In the East Indies there are lo frigates, corvet tes, and gun-veasols under the com mand of Sir 11. Miicdoiiuld, in the! Undaunted, and in Australia the; Commodore has five corvettes and other vessels under his orders. At the Caj>e of Good Hope and West Coast of Africa tliere- ure a- dozen vessels to look after British inter ests, under tho com tumid of com modore Sullivan, but none of them are very [powerful. Corvettes, gun- vessels, and gun-boats are moro useful than heavy ironchida or big frigates to protect trade upon the African coast. Besides the insiguificent Channel Squadron, there are many ships at Portsmouth and in tbe Urst rcaerve available for the protection of the coast already commtnaioned 'and ready to proceed to sea, butT they are not attached to any t-ja-cial command ; and tl ere are again others, like the Tomeraire, the Dreadnought, and the inflexible, which require but a few'months to fit for active service. Three times within the . last month has the Mono Mills mail been stolen. No less than sixteen registered letters have been extract ed from, the mail bug, and no trace of them lias yet been found. The post office authorities, however, are on the lookout, and they expect to have their hands on tho right man in ft very short'time. It is the Chicago Journal that so impertinently asks why tlio cor ner loafers are. so anxious-ubout the latest news from the seat of war. T51JBLIC! SCHOOL TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS. In accordance wjitji tlio Statute, nnil tho (icuural Ucgii!fl;ti<m, thu Annual Kxaminatioii of CAiuUtlatcH fox Public School Teiicluini' j Firit, Srconif and T/iiril Classj Certificated, for tlio vcar 1877, will ho held (O.V.) ill the Town Hall, Milton, Commencing on ; Monday, the 9 th of Jiily, 1877, at 9 a. in., for First Class, and at. 1:30 p. lii. for Second Class. Monday, the! 16th of July, at'.> a.m. for Third (flaw. Forms of hu notice to be! previously given liy the candidates can bo obtained Oil application to the Conjutv Inspector. dt is indispensable that candidates should notify the County Inspector not I.ATEH TUAS tiik 1st OKJJu|sKof their intention to present thenlselyes for ex- aiuiuntioii, such notice to ho'-accompau- itil hv n certificatc;of moral character siguca by a clergyman since tl-e Ut of May current. Candidates for First and Second Class Certificates arb reiiuested to transmit alo< the tostimonialH-of suc cessful service rtx]uired by the Regula tion!: ' ! R. LITTLE,. P. S. Inspector, Co. Ualton. Acton, 2.1 May, 1S77. BARGAINS STILL A AT TUB ACTON TIN AND STOVE DEPOT. WILSON 4: ^ " -' JOHNSON Beg to their numerous fri'ends and customers fur tbe kind patron age hitherto extended to them, and wish ta inform -them that lihey. have now on hand a large stock of Plain, Pressed and Japanned Ware, which they are selling cheaper than | ever. " i ' - K.tVKrRoi:uiii\<; a pi<74Ltt. us before purchasing our [prices cannot U TNSOLVEXT ACT OF 1875. IN THE MATTER OF ' - I i - - i Mary McNair, AN INSOLVENT. DIED. In Acton, on 3d iust. Janet McDoimli, ! wife of Mr. George Smith, aged about 22 years. (Ouly two mouths since she wa a blooming bride.) _H At TON HAUKETS. Flour ... '..'. '-.. Old Fall Wheat. .s i. New Foil Wheat j. Spring Wheat. Glasgow , Red Chaff Wheat ' ., Barley ... i .. Oats ... Peas . ..i. Potatoes^ perbag- "Dried apples per lb Butter ...: 1. ' Eggs. .'.-' .. $5 00 to 00 0 1 80 to 1 90 J-75 to 1 80 . 1.70 to 1.75 1 40 to 1 50 0 00 to 0 00 0 47 to 0 50 0 68 to 0 72 1 20 to O 00 0 06 to 007 0 20 to 0 22 0 10'to 0 00 Fire In Elora. Epps' Cocoa. (iRATEFtri. and Com- POKTiffo. "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern'the operations of digestion and nutrition, aud by a careful application of the tine Sroperties:'of well selected cocoa, Mr. Ippg has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately Havored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution jnay bogradually built upnntil strongenough fcd resist -.every tendency to disease. Hundredspf subtle maladies are floating around us reody to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape NOT1CK is hereby given that by virtue of tho fowem vested in me a Af signee of the above nfftned Insol vent, and pursuant to the. i^iroetions of the Creditors of the said Insol vent, approved by the Judge .*>f the County Court of the County of Hal- ton, shortening the time for publish ing tbe advertisement, I shall offer for sale by Public. Auction, .on tiie! premises, in the Village of ACTUM, on WEDNESDAYi, the MX I'll dav of JUNE next, at[TWEI/VK o'clock noon, all the estate, right,] title ami interest of tho {Insolvent, and of myself as Assignee, in and to the following parcels pf hind : Parcel Wo. 1. Consisting of Village lot number nine in block number two, in the village ;Of Acton, afore said. Upon this- parcel {has been erected a largo and commodious brick duelling house and store. The building is new. well finished throughout, and has never been oc cupied. . Parcel No. 2. Consisling of the iWesterly part ol Village lot. number leighteen, in blpck number three, in the village of Acton, aforesaid. On this, parcel is a frame dwelling-house and store and stable! Parcel No. 1 will be sold subject to a mortgage to the Hamilton Pro videnf and Loan: isociety, for one thousand two hundred dollars, and interest Irom 1st December. 187G. Parcel No. 2 will be sold subject to a mortgage, particulars of which will be given at time of sale. ^i. Terms and conditions made known at the time of sale1. ;'~ W.'ALLAN, Assignee. Acton.-ilay 2,1$7J. " 45rlt Call; and see elsewhere, as Icatiin the Cw.unty Being practical workmen1, most of our stock of Tinware is tni|de up by ourselves, and wo feel satisfied tha wo cannot be uwlercold That Hhfepelilna,- Cotton J{'(;/,i; fJld G'oji- - jicr an.d liri\#>t tnhfu in(i.rchuitijt :/(\r O.onili. Jobbing! 'promptly Repairing and attended to. tvn^oN & JrunN.soN Acton, April 3, 1877. 4D-3ui TAissoliitlon of Partiicrship. Th^c jpartrieriihip heretofore existing between the undersigned, doing -busi ness ! as cTlithiers, under the!'style, of Dickson & McJtab, has liee'n-dissolved by niutiiol conwnt, At^am Dickson re tiring Oil account of failing liollth: !. ADAM DICK SOX. ;| . - | PKTKK MbNAB. ; In" connection with tho i.aliovc, the Undersigned would announce that they nave lenttred into partnership: to carry on the business jof the late tirin under the style of Fife & McNrtb; i ^11 lialHli- ties ojf the late (inn will, he discharged by us, and wc -will collect all outstand ing accounts. j JOSEPH FYFE. ' PETKR McJTAB. Acton, April 10. Jh77. Can't be mn<io (by e.veiy jiKgiit pv rv iponth in thH biwtnetffiwe furiii^li,- Imt tlttise jurllllKu' te ,worK can ea>ily darn a dozen dollars n day - rliihi- 'ti tin ir ou n loc-illti. s. Huve-lio ro rn to eict lain here. fcu>lncts'i-IenKjini (tt>u-:<hoiiorMbli-.' Wo tl.^'l bn\H lin'Tpt'?* (JO'lllf tll tlK mi- . i Wo will JTnrnb-li '-.y.-n ^l eompU-U- 'unit, fri-e. Tbe hi sine,,* pj.ys oitlei than anylliii>* else. We vlnlb nr ex. Mume 01 Mnrlimr you.- Piirllci ars'fiee. Writ.- ni.d see. Fiirm.-ranI mt-cr.anlvs. their *ous a. U.'IiiuKhb'rs, anil nl jrjass'e $999 In netdof Dioir.c work ut liomi- stimil . wrltet>>i unii I-nrn about thr|-Wf.rk: at on<eP; Now In toe Ad Jr. fi TaUK &. CO , tlmi-. IJoil't -fit-lay. AUuusIn, Jkuln-e., * 1877. 1877. B-A,3Eiis:- The brush fiictory,;prihoipally \ many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves owntkl by Mr. Robert Dolby, was burned down~Monday morning last. The fire broke out about five O'clock, and the building was soon all in a blaze. The engine and firemen were 800D on tho-spot, but tiopgb was close to tha river' they wei'e unable to play on the. flame, well fortified with pure blood and a pro perly nourished frame." -Civil Service Qaxetit. Sold only in packets labeled "James -Errs & Co., Homceopatbio Chemist, 48, Threodneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London.'!; The subscriber will.-; PAY $5 PER COED For all Well saved Hemlock Bark , Delivered at Acton Tannery, before Dec. 1st, 1877, and after Dec. 1st, S4.50 per cord. G. L. BEARDMORE. Acton, AprHiS, 1x77. 43-3ni rI^O FARMERS. Now is the timp to improve yon'r stock. Tho first prize bull, Sir Wii- uaji Temjie the tTiiTRn, (83), got by Sir Vt'illiam Tempk [2296], dam Diana by Red Prince [G02jj -will serve cows on the premises of. the [undersigned "during the season. Terms. Thorotigh-brea cowb $4.00; Grade [cows 81,50. JOEL LESLIE, Lot No. 5, 1st con. Erin. April 4, 1877. 40-3ra - A Restorer of lutrlnslc Wortb . and One thai Pleases All. , . , -.,-. . :. v, : .-,,-- ITooiI's -Improved Unlr Krxtoratlve Had a wjpd prevailed at tne^timje-all f ii uultlce any other, and. has no equal. Thelraprovefffiagnew vegetable tonic propBrtles; rot ores grey nalr to a n lossy natnral color; restore* faded, dry, harsh and falling hair; reHtore, dresses, gives vigor to the hair; restores hair to prema turely bald hends; removesdindruff,hu mor*, foaly eruptlonp; removes lrrltn tlon, Itching anA feaiy dryness.' No article produces Mich wonderful eRects Try It, calf for Wood's Improved Hnlr ttcstoratlve, and do^ti, be put on" with any otiierarticle. Hold Dy al druggistii in t hlft place nhfl deil*rw everywhere. TradoKUPpllPU at miiB-fncllirers'priera by O. a.Ooik * Co,Chicago,Sole Agents for the United Htntps an<r Canndasand by Lvjf ANilaos, A Co., Toronto, * the !ioiipfl" on.'tiie aide would, buvd gone. Bain's Hot*), directly bpjio- site, had a good'scorcliing but was saved. Tit* stuff in: the factory being of a combustible nature burn ed with great fury. -'The fire origin ated in the front 'j>rtr Of the building away from the engine, and its origin is at present a myj;tery. The Ipss is estjiniftted at aboiit$10,- 000; amount of',insurance/ un known. About, thirty hands are !,thrown out of employment. : mo BREEDERS. . The thorouchbred Durham Ball "Zephyr," will serve cows ou tho farm of the subscriber, nenrthe Grand Trunk station, Acton. Terms Durharus, 98 j: Grades, $2. Pedigree-r-Zepljyr [42G01 bred by: F. W. Stotoe, Gnelph.'got bj Imported Sheriff (20964), dani Sonspa- rief lOtlf. 1 ; I C. S. SMITH. Actori, Feb. 14, 1B77: s ! 33-tf Thb Acton P% m Are niftiiufacturin^ tho celcl >rated j ' ' STEPHEHS2N PLOWS, TOs'Boss' Gang Plcw1 They keep a full stock on hand j prepared to do all kinds Repairing on P and arej pf ows, I n x|xxpHIOKABLE WEST END mitiiNEtiY I' . ' This Department, which is always' as-1 fftrYfct|r one h this so.iftor^ under the able-management of Mi*s Johntoi,. ' ly increasing, and orders are coming in fasti During tha^fiast our Bbow [rooms hire been largely palrorjijeU-r-ittJactoft^V exce>s. Uur superior Mill'nery, great variety of atjje? liwt prices never failing to please and give satisfaction^ Brert' make fTa point to visit our tihoip Rooms this season bifbra htrriT" - cap show one-oi the finest stocks to be found in eHhe* townfJS^tkJ1* Cntario. ": +^<w*"jr)h ;: - ; <" ft We have just opened Direct ^iprn IJew^iB '-'- -. y^y^h Two eases'of American Htraw Goodt, latest Neijrj York and Stylesfor tbe month of May.. One case Misses 'Hats, also American styles, 100 xiozen common Straw Hats, at IOsHSs Ladi'es^ corneidl ect to the .Fashionable' West .End! for Millinarv^* stock in the trade to select from. - ' ~ " ^^^'< -a.-a- ': ' ' vv. j FasWMnnbre West Knd Drew,:MJl/rDeJ7 and' Giidph, liny . 1S77. , '-i Notable Thorough-br^d ANP ^.'.^f."^ CEBMTEWW1AL PRIZE TAuCgl TERROR." \?m T if. v-..'i mi e. ->" ' The Kliig of Gitiadiao TurfwHl mnketb^Seaaca* o/ JffJJ, Monday, .[3X)th April, will leave his own stoHe, ra tbt'Toirn of J^li* proceed to tjinds-iy's inn, Hornby, for jaooi i ibeaca' t* liaaa * Wallace's fiotel," over nigbw ' . 1.:^*n Tuesday.] the lBt May,'will proceed to* Bean>*fa/' Hpf&l, 9ornf Ueofgieiow^i and remain over night. . ;. Wednesday, the 2d May, will proceed to Acton, and ycafcnr far . Thursday, the 3d May, will proceed jto Stingle's JHaUnoon j thence to Campbellville and remain,OTT*%MU FitiDAY, tlib 4th Mayi, will proceed to Lowville, for noon; and remain over.riight. ^atuhdat, the 5th May, will proceed to Palermo, for noon j ______ ville, si-er night, and remain there until M^oilay moirjiln^l-_._ Mo>day, tbeTtb^ay, will proceed to Postrilla, for noo; tB^ fe'ftfit- quin, and. remain over night. .' "'^ ~^' ,'i*;. . .,:.-: ' ' .Vfi& I Tuesday, tbe 8th Slay, will return to hU own sUbla at.lCUtob,a4jn returi to Brampton, Wednesday, tbe 9th May, and ooaUno* ia^iis route", returning every ninth day, health and aeather perswtttifl^f ing tbe season. '- 4: XZ Prizes the Present Season. . r'i^ 1st Prize a ad Diploma at Paris ; 1st Prise. At Miltoo. Ovar'Sfewpattdair: : let Prie at Brampton, over War Cry, Reveller, and" ttydar-afittr^- TfifiMS.j-r^r the ^Season. 8I5,:endiaif Ut July _ ?25-, and mares not proving with foal will be entitled to taw of'charge the ensuing season. Groop'a fees 50 C-*nt* ft C. .SeO'IT, Chatrpion Groom. JOHN .^- Read ibe fpllowing testimbniijls front the Canadian Ontenni*! and Uni ted State* Gen tennhil CommUrsion, 187S r Intermit irhtiil Exhibition, 1876. P^ TT.ADELPfTTA. Cnnat! iaii , Commission, Othnra, April J, 1877. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers to soil his farm, being lot No. 2(5, 4t|i con. of Esquasing, comprising" 100 acres, ; about 00: acres cleared And nnder. cultivation. <4ood^ frame barn' and she|d on the premises. For particulars apply to the owner, on lot 13, 8th con':, EsqUesing. Post Office. ' " j [PETER MILLER. : Esqucsing, April jsth 1877. i 41-m and also also kinds of Lathe Work [and Iron Plqnimj on the shortest notice. Please call and examine our plows before:purchasing elsewhere. '. | AGENTS FOR '- Sharp's Self-Dumping Hay ; and Stubble Rake Acton, Feb. 13, 1S76. .-: T^KESSaiAKIKG. ."'/'.- MIS33ES M.VNN respectfully 'an- nouiied to the ladies of Acton ami vicin ity- that they haye commenced husinessas Dressmakers ]in the house receutly- built by Mr. Edward Matthewjs, near Nicklin'8 bakery. The patronage /of the public is respectfully solicited. Dressnirtking in the best manner, and most fashioiiiiblo styles. L ! ! .:. MISSES M. & M. S.' MANN. : Actcin, March 21, 1877. |38j-3m ' ;Q.LESiLAW!SON "H ~'- Mills Having thoroughly repaired I Mill, and put iri a new Middlings Furiner, we ore) now prepared lo give a bet ter yield of flour than formerly, with quality quite as good. ' -" ' 1 . GRISTING AND CHOPPING j promptly attended to.] The patronage of the pubiio re spectfully solicited. _ ' \.The highest price always piid for any quantity of wheat. A Quantity of seed barley for sale. G. & E: TdLTON. ; Acton,April' 10, 187.7: 41.3-n our Mr. J.^Wttife, " .-" I have "_mHcli pleasure, in address ing you tllis. day, by post, f/ie-JIfdal and Certificate so \justly mextrded intnvatTonal ^Aib^^% . PTTTT. A Tygf .PTTEAl/ ; The United StaUnl Commission has examined or the judges, and accjUe4.{h| lowing reaaooa, nt datnaAv award in confornrir/ Stuee^t^^s Report on i'AwiilJ^v;- Prodnrt Brown &ors "BtflC" Nameuaod address oiF J. WRITE,-' .jOstAUoy. for your- splendid .display, at the Inteniatio tal Exhibition of 1876% Alicnc mejo offer-yoi^ my most sinr cere congratulations,'for the great snecessi ycni have obtained, and 'ta again^for your kind as sistance, it. placing Canada lii the proud- position she .occupied Philadelph ia, with the most advanc ed Nation^ of the World. "The undersigned, having ed-tbe product herein.. ' respectfully recommends to ibe United States.' Coram ission Award^fir' ing reasohs, - ' ported Haritaoa. 15i haW^JNg: - tap yew* -otd^ 3U wa *"!|*2 ^_. Canada but we harej norkoriwlj* . running, which wa *Jue|f '~&**>-'. there. He baa ba ia *J* sometime.' Ha>is,M<e4aVMi9 . made,, muscular -he*^;Ajtapf!!( succeed as a aire.; -; . j. w. wnjjGB, Sgnatureortha Tours.truly,: : ' ' , . JOS. PERRAVLT. ; Secretary11< tHe Caoiwllaii Commission. ^EITSIDE HEAEINa MI Approval of the/iSfy&i JOHN R. VILAY, BA'SOt.7" &. P. BBOWR.* . A true copy of 'tb*) FBANCIS A.Wi - Chief of the: Borasac ! Given bv autrioritjr:o|.lfcd ._ States OenVnnial-eoBsmiis^^g;, A. T.'t^Bo^-T9fcaoib^fl|fcj(^^ J. L. Caxpbbxl. . bcret4> nQRE8MAKlNG. I k M^Si BARBER taKes pleasure in anneandine to the pubiio generally that ishe has -started dressmaking in the ihouBS of Mr. Jnhn Kennedy, in.] Mam (street, <ind would respeotfully .solicit the patronage of the ladies of -<4cton aiirl vicinity." < i ..' ActoujApilH0,1877. ;4^ lm : Any parti is .wantinjg; SKingles -woultl dp well-to gi veus a oall.- "WeT-wiH al- ways hav'. :n haml !al good, supply of" No, .1 andN 5. 2 Shingles. Best quality No. 1 Shingles $1.60 per square. 5 To. 2, 70 cents per square. P. i H. SAYERS. SpeySide, pec. 13, 1876. ' 24-6m CiASH F R WHEAT. V/<-;iv J v- _ . r " Aby quaa Sty of good merchantable wheat wante 1 -at the the Acton steam' mills, for' -w hicSf -the highest - - market price will hi paijl in cash. - - .; '-' 1= -' ;- B. i'lL-NieifcLiK/ ^cton,Fev7, 1877. i . 92-tf HURRAH f irWlMlil 'iis.^.; BEST - --' r - , ' Tip Ontario Ifcr Beauty cy ia Tone, GOPYINCr ii&tei # .'[ convinced llat"tto"il' photograpbsi - -. In all ita bn u>H*> ;*** the art, dons .4Iso a* spJBMJidffc^w' and Pierre h ' *" * "" made to ordf. A caa"is hsasaii-fcsj*..!"**' i lolieitea -mbS.; h nd r- *1 "l *&. J <q*tfcl&^ X' .:I<eM3*- !%i*'.!/^:

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