Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 10, 1877, p. 3

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--. -r- a % THE BREE f,^.,,,.,-^.^. *t^*/>l*->_>.*l-. -Ttsias * cento was*. r PayKiprs* >- ' ** ' JBtgM ).? OOISO KXST. XiAt Express v OJtaixM Vests** "U" - lt04a.RU 9.10 a.m. 1.57 p. u 5.20 p.m. '.7:07 p.m. 3:58 a. m. 9:10 a.m. 11.-54 R.m. 5:20 p. 'm. 10jl0p.ra. IfflW i ADVERTISEMENTS. KtwaliBinery--A. *Q. Bneham.- Iwolvent Sale McXair Real Estate, j^eul St. Alban's Church Parsonage, ijasimatioh of Teachers Co. Halton. Township of Es- e,nesing. " ________'._________" 10C/M MATTERS. Gaflowav Bros. U*. ant!! -\< I BTnSSJ I lorsesi :,ilSU'*J*-j ^"f j "' ' .-VBjt apf-4,: -' i :'. bare reduced -|fc priceif bres>d to 13 cents a loaf. ";_Son local: gate [hinges will need npaisng~if this Sunday evening '""t-*'a>&igU>g:en|tiie.gate" is continued. ,| People who thought European i war wenfe ^s Ibsttar times 4akelt all 4 back when- they are buying tie family . ~-stock (jfiftottranAtneat. .. i Acton is again clad in its vor- bal bloom, and stand* out pre-eminent- ly'as onc-of tho handsomest villages in """fne Province. '\ The Milton. Cltmnpion is. now pajhlished^y Messr**.Panton & Riion. P'partnership between Messrs. Wol- & PautonHras ""dissolved a few osreeks ago. ; '.; ?Ehe. Acton, Division Sons of Jesppetance r* jbrrBjpiijj to have a public entertainment on the 1st af July, particulars of which will be aunoupced hereafter. - .. .: An' exchange sensibly remarks: " Always deal witih those who invite vos. to their places of 'business through !'-toecolumns <oi their home newspaper} ..:doc*,-o impolite as to go -where you r are not invited?'-*-' . .,_ Rernembef tire Social to be * -, add at >Mr, Donald Cameron's, on Wed. aesday evening next. The proceeds viUTiansflitid'by' the~Ladies'Aid So- ,^tj.p the. church to seduction of the debt "upon Uieir parsonage, -,------:---- " l, !------ , -|itco> Blttbday la Attorn Bade Toss's Cabta. -ri.'Tks popularity of Mrs. IHarriet (Beecher Stowe's book s: so universal 1 that nearly everybody is familiar with tie thrilling- narrative o, slave life which she faithfully portrays. Shortly After the fifrts^jpearinc* of the bcjok_ !jd) principal characters and scenes wire ibaisUtited,- end for a number of years ** Uncle Tom's 'Cabin " has been regard i. est as SJB cf-thc best-and tnoal effective -Vpnotal dramas ever -brought out. The ' 'taijin rl)irartrTiitTrii at the. Southern .. slave system as it UoorUhed prior-to " the great American rebellion arc fpleri didly enacted, while: the sympathy and .hlteraaf * of all classes of people are elicited' in a remarkable degree. When properly represented, the various char- astsxiia th* draa eWorn fail to Pv<; ml pWsuia to an aadiiiccc We are -jl*a*ed to be able to annoonce-tp our readers that the managing ctmimittees of the Acton Social Club and Knights of .Pyihias have fortunately, been. able to *etoe At serrioes of sdveial ^diea and gentlemen of well-known dramatic tal ent to undertake the representation of 'the-Jecding characters in this drama, far tfcir entertainment,' oh the evening 't tte'Queen's Birthday; Proper " PRESS, ACT0F, HALT0N COUNTY 0^T., Actam 4>aastetl. The rcjfuhu meeting of the Council was %o have been hald last FrWy even ing, but owing o the absene* ef ae jt two of the members, it was resolved to adjourn till Tuesday evening. No busi. ncss was done other than the reading and passing of the minutes of previous meeting. Council mot Tuesday evening, at the usual hour all tho members present. Air. Christie, chairman of the str*et nd- lido walk committee, presented tjheir first report, recommending the following "for approval: i That Elgin street, between Church, and-Mill streets, be graded j also Fred- crick street, between-Church and Mill street*; Wilbor, between Mill and Bower streets; part of Agnes bctwoen Elgin and .Frederick streets ; part of "'-"- - betWocu Church and Agnes Willow streets.{ . Thattht- water course be opened on eaat Sido of Mill street, oppesito R. LitUu's ; also on the side road, the Mr. ! fc ^ 1877, ^NDlRFUIferIVrA^ DRY G-00DS, &E0CEHIES, Boots and Shoes and "ott' ef' neceessary parapha- . Baharfcsr- first-elac* exhibition will be tsuuSKd for the occasion. Although tie whole wrll necessarily entail a heavy rgeae, the ed&anittee^. feel confident t&htttbtia wifl ht iv-iy.appreci- i'*^by&*ifijiis of Jictoh aid vicin ity. Hsviog sees the foil represeu^ tiaa'af the drama, azKLhaving a personal rysintas^qr, wtthJ*apj of *iie neople wh&kave been ' p~gf*A. we can speak r of abe mcnU both, of the i and of the ability of the lead- atires.- We are at liberty te'meation_the 'names of Mr. and Mr*. ABao Haiford and their little daughter Hie, of Toronto, .the iattet of wbom ntost effectively renders the beautiful -aa4 saintly caaracter of Mrs Stowe's ^Erav"; la\ eoarKtetion with this exhi- .sys^iVji-ths s^rpose of the eooxmit- fie'tSJ ahw'procure tie ssrrices of seve- lalsin ' I in sliils of wdl- JtnavTLjln)tjr,to-J*Mi*t in tha *nter- ,ti>eat. iThey: fSr determined, ito spare, no reasonable! pains or expeus>! in "T^'rg this one of the very best ever gnder^kflayrsy W<jti . , . - >TO-i ii*"^* *'-* i anil other amuse- botwwn lots 27 and 28, opposite Mr. C. ^. Smith's lot; and further, that plank culverts bc; put in on both sides of the road on Church street, opposite Mr. E. Moore's, to prevent the earth from being washed away by freshets ) that a culvert be put in .on Elgin street where it is intersected by Agnes street > that a ditch-on the hill on Main street, opposito Mr. M. Speights shop, be ex- tended 15 or 20 feet; that a crossing bo made on Mill street along the rail; way track, to connect with sidewalk from the station; that a culvert be made across'Mill street where it is in tersected by Elgin street; that a cross ing ! mndeou Elgiu^street, whore it is intersected by Miil street j __A sidewalk .oii'Church street from Joiwrto Klgiu street,-(four feet in width) with the necessary crossings on John ami Church streets, to new Congrcga^ tional Church.; ^ There'are sltia soma minor repairs on sidewalks, tc," which rwpiire oonsidera- tion. _ 1 '. It is also desirable that a sidewalk (four feet in wiilth)!bo built on the west side of Main street,!between Mill -street and the |Pre*byterian Church, and;that at least the one half vf said sidewalk be completed this.seasom It is also desirable that Mill street be graveled,; fruru Main street to the sta- tion, commeucitigat the corner of Mill and Main streets, and continue as far as the means will allow this season. Your committee would recommend that the sum of three hundred and forty dollars be placed at the disposal of the committee for the above improvements. Moved by D. D. 'Christie, seconded bv~E. Xicklin, that the first report- of the street and sidewalk committee, as now read be adopted. Mr. Henderson, chairman of the fi nance committee, reported a* follows : -On account of Mr. Hall's removal from .the village, your committee, re- commeuil that the gt&nt of two dollars' to hid] in aid of John McFhce, for the month of May be' rescinded, ad that the sum of two dollars: for each of the months of May,-June, July and August be granted in aid of said McPhee, pay-, able to James Campbell, Esq., who u- requested to receive and disburse the same. . Moved by D. Henderson, seconded bj-C. S. Smith, that the.fonrth report Carried. The following is the second repoft of! ' the street and sidewalk coeniAHtee- i - Your committee appointed to exam-. ine into the. matter in connection with' the petition of P. S. Armstrong and others^ beg leave to report that they have examined the locality where petitioners ask a road to be opened, and tind that said road would pass through part of a lot belonging to Mr. P. S. Armstrong, for which he asks the sum of $500 "' It!would also pass through two lots belonging to Mr. Win. Ismond, who does not wish to part with said lota. Also along the north west side of -Mrs. S. Speight's lot, and Will take nearly two acres of said lot. She also refuses to part with her land. - Your committee are of opinion that if the above lands could be obtained at a fair valuation, the cost for. lands and ppening;Said road would be about fire hundred dollars.. - . t ; Moved, by .0. Henderson, seconded by C. Si Smith, that the Council go .into committee of the whole" on the sec-. 'pud report of the street, and sidewalk committee. \ JThe matter -fas discussed pro aad cdh in committee, but no definite action waa.taktrn, so it still remains open for further consideration if deemed neces sary. It was- Moved by D. D. Christie> seconded by Dr. MeGarvinj that the tommittBe;, rise, report progress, and ask leave to sit again. ~. r ~ .1 ; ." Moved by D. Henderson, seconded by C. S. Smith, that .the report of the committee of the! whole be received and conenrred in. Carried. - Moved by D. D. Christie, aeeonded bjr'E, XicVliiv.that this Couoeil do now adjourn to meet again on Thursday, the 31st day of May, at 7^30 "p.m., as a CoUrt, of Revision. Carried. AT HALF COST PRICE For One Month Only. /' Having bought the , McUair BANKRUPT Stock Will ran off the whole lot at Half Coat Price, at McNair's New Store, Acton; This ^Great Chance of! Bujong your Goods for one-third the Usual Price will last for One Month Only. [FIRST AEBIVALS Direct Importations Important to: ilhe Pub lic Great Sensation among the Ladies. 187,320 YARDS OfI^BRCJNS Bought by Mr. Darld Hogg, In Condon, England,*t! half Tlie, now offer ing exactly at half-price, at our silk ' " " 10 cents. store, ;Oue|ph. J 4. yards beautiful ribbon for 1" cents, 3 yards beautiful silk ribbon for " ' (Come and see. ! -i" ' - OTJK MILLC^ErV DEPARTMy^T: H: rempton'H AdJoHtable f orset Is only 91 per Pair. These are the best goods in the market. Ladies see them before purchase ing elsewhere, ' ' Lndies' Now Dress Goods, Ladies' New Black Silks, Ladies' New Plain and Brocaded Colored Silks, Ladies' New Mantle and Jacket Cloths, Ladies' New Mantles -rery beautiful goods, Men's Trousers, Boys1 ! of Tweed, Heri SHOW goods,: X: navy blue, cardinal., Also novrlt es in new shapes and- styles, only to bad be at our store. Ne i Flowers/ new feathers,r new Ribbons, new Silk Ties. " Ouri House Turnisbing l^iartmeniembraces everything that can be VwV" sonably looked fi r. Call and examine this Daj)arlment. -made Clothiiig; Extraordinary yalue is olTered in Men's 8uit, Boys' Sujts, Men's Coats," Marc] ITilX HURKY IN AT ONCE. The Slaughter will i commence to-day, O. Thursday, 12th April. Acton, April 11, 1877. J. D, WILLIAMSON & CO. menfa o'unngrtliiB diry. fcsj: :i^9?l . CasBBiUaaesUarr Sapcr. pn the ^xe_of MrvZolman Hall's de- PsJ^sre fieinSAwei, a- nnmberof his fHpS? aaseeibMatl the: Dominion ' .Hotel to honor him with a compliment ary supper, as a token of the universal esteem" in" wlaeVSeiSfield in this his astive place. - As we jnentioned last ^sp!Mr."JHall is removing; to Jipce- Md*^0o take, the 'osana^eaafenJLof, ami .***"satin'tle newitannerj' beingerect- =:.there' by Mr. Beardmore. He has .resided in Acton nearly all his life, having-fox a number of yaza had the >.S>~*J*2sl management of one of our . pst extensive manufacturing estab- UthmeutJL The. party comprised a . *gsrsanber of our .moat prominent ; "I^*fss'M'sioiiasl-fiiim-wiaotleethelioU: >?W: Mr, Wi K. Storey, who acted as > *Mtman, Dr. UflOarvln. Beove, Uesaea. fi^SrW0*"*.D- .Christft,J5. Hen- iSSW^ * P~P* CstiBmi^i, Asa ^ 'Horace' Biu, M.' gpeiBjht, Edw. , ^*kSx*t O. Kennedy, Jos. Allan, Chas^ - isron,- Richard Hamilton, Robert '.fltefW* * 1 "cellent f^Ks^ereJi^ii^^^rteiu^fc ,T,er>stothe bigh esteem In which -|e honoredeuest was held, all of which Z !If he*rU,y echoed byUprehu. iMr- " ^tLr^nopde<' In a. neat and feeling TjWttjraxniJjr thanking his friends **^sisptbn^aVthnk paltf him. i-; T Use Working Class. We are now prepared to furnish all classes with cou- stai.t employment at home, thn whole of the time, or lor then* spare moments. Business new, light and profitable.. Per. - -- - -[jr sot.s <X ellhrr wx easll; SO cents to 15 per <-venl ng, and a proportion - >Ung t.ielr. whole tlirii u Boys and girls earn uearly earn from a pro bole llirij tr> al sum by devoting t.ielr the business. Boysandgi----------------.- as roueh as men. That all who sec Ihl- notice may snd their aildress, anil teitt the business we make this unparalleled .Or: To sueh as are not wellantlaned we will send one dollar to pny'orthe trouble of writing Pull particulars, samples a orth evernl dollars lo commenre work on, and a copy of Home and Kir. side, one of the largest and best Illustrated. r-Ubll- cations, till sent free by mall. Reader, If yna want rerman^nt, profitable work, address Qkobox 8Ti.NSo.f4Co., Cortland. Maine. ; r ' " A good suit of clothe, made to order at the East End Clethinr Store. .Fytxo: McNab. ^The cheapest boots and shoes jn town to lie found at Kennoy A,Son's. .- ^".'L>! ^^ make 15 cts equal to $1.00 if you invest your money at the right place. Yon can. have,a, practical illustration of the fact free of charge by calling onChristje Henderson ai^d Co., Acton. Their stock of millinery -this season is .xery choice ifnd wiH be sold cheap. ,-^lfBn pounds good sugar for $1 at the Glasgow House, Acton, where, you also get the famous 50c tea gold only by Christie; Henderson k Co. - A|. splendid melton coat for $5. at East End Clothing_Store. ;'ji Fvra <t McNab. , Job printing of all deecriptions promptly done- at this office. I>on't Jorgekit Try Kennejr <fc Son for good fitting boot. ' ':'..':. -; 1. j sell cheap, ' V-Tor4^uibtb DAY SHOWS THE LARGEST STOCK OF WALL PAPER Eyer shown in Guelph, all New and Choice ' and prices lower than ever. , ip^--;',..... ' Children's Carri ages ;',...- Toibe sold off cheap, at Day's NewlBdQlsstore Nearly opposite the old stand jBuelph, April 21,1877. NOW THEM! KTTFNTION! Having during ihejpasi week, tnkeu advantage of The Immenso Iwaaxiglitor a,i Tb3?cm%i I , | ' ... -. r " are enabled to offer tlie Robert Fisher _'- Has everything thst yon want in Tinware, Stoves, and Kitchen Furnishings, all to bo sold cheaper than ever. Cx)'s, Actorx. -Advertising is the engine thai propels the machinery of trade. UNDERTAKING. The "undersigned begs leave to inform the people of Acton and vicinity that he l will furnish all Requisites In Undertaking on short notice and reasonable terms as can be had ;, (:'.!.] Hearse Supplied when Desired. Also that he will ~! Fit up Stores & Offloes inflbet style. haw Cases, aUek Cases and Desks -made to order. OF choice Patterns, fast Colors, for oo'per C\ TJ?0eWWf^,^? K^:4/i?^J:>ft"", yard and up, at Christie, Henderson ft i'r,'/i ~ mt~r^'.f * . hn no WiUow street, near Mam st. An imniense'stock just arrived Brias Ze-fctles, ;";-':'! ,?-: Porcelain-Lined KTe6tIes, Lanterns, ' Smoothing Irons, i Milk Palls, ' Japanned Ware, "Pressed Tinware, CGOKINGK BOX j AND ' -PAELOE STOVES, STOVE PIPES, &c, &c. . /. _ , j BAVETROUGHINa, jolrting: jad Bpina|r Preeoptly %* ' Li I^tlsWdi<ut.00S j SEASONABLE i Ever ^rodj^ht into Acton. 'i ' \ .- AH. new, fresh j and comprising this; Sjjriiije^s ... , portations. ..... k .' Instance ibe foUowi^f: 3127 jarda of American firints at 5c, worth 9c. 2113 yards of American Printo at 8ir, worth 106; I 1000 yarda of English Prints at 10c. worUj 15c. 100 dozen Canada Straw Hate at 5b. -" ","'. 40 dozen Sunshades, 10c np. . . | ' ' f 60 dozen Kid Gloves, very choice, worth $1.25, for 80<j. Dress Goods from 10c up. r-' ' Parasols at all pricts. bUR MiyLINERY }< 4*8/1877 Coats, Boys' Pants., We offer a good suit ' ,. ::JOHN HOCC & SON, Aliia Block, TJpper Wyndham Street, Guelpli; T: \-, Mill 8tret, ACljON, ."[!'. DEALER IN Crrbcerlea, " ' " j olraekierjr; ! Boots *'to*)i,; Wdl ftiiptr, . - XsUpMdQO, T*h?oatie. CoU oa int, etc, i ll lif whieh will be sold lo^for cash, BQOTS and JsfeO^S "".'; I L Selh^pg off at cost " j RUBBBBaPAlNT COMPANY $* Cleveland, - Ohtc Cash far HMes. Ad on, [July 18, lo^it;' $i- CTOK PLANINGr AKI> MILLS Pump, Sasli; Boor andrJ|]lalj Factory. :L-'i :'. j'.-. - ; ' ; !. : ..' : : .--ll \ilthii--Z Sr.Tr ' THOMAS EBBAQB, Stanuractnrer .of!"-'/ ., ;-.-::-^ ^v-'V.f.--..rt "'j..iw !DoorSjr-!i';"' /;; ~^.~ .Tene^^Mfair AndotherBnildlriestesiadiitn .!.:::.,.:.; Also JMakerof ....f?; it0 te tXPBOl^SS "StrOTSC^sT. " "~^~a!J"' ~ 1 Linmbf Planed stasl Dreseed ti Prim .-'.. v', <n- the be*4 msvnaer. yv>*i iSrr All wprk,gaa^yi5j^ I Acton, aanw,18JS. /::i i,.;':i&ri "'Hstr AND 8pW wb^<le a^jes^ait ^^ Jonn Anderson '. j .-J. -'.'.' >:'. .->: 1 t-.'*-$$&i*i \ B^kswlleiViCruel^il'^'f K,a/-ij,', . Bnrrowe^' Hajip^r^^rimiNE,;..-,hrtr. WAG0O1|TS. Now .is the time to leave your order At J. Ryder's Factory; .'. Stylish Buggy or Serviceable ' lam making up a large stock for^tho present season, from the best ma trash {Jail aiul See our Handsome Busjyias a good time to Becuro Kow is, bargains." . ' j: Strict attention "Jrivei .!b^" iSeraei-SltQOing & SniortlSlaofc- smitMng, Aeton, Feb. 26, JAMES 1877. OF Jonsse'S Musical :tiaiecHstr^":;'n] Clarke's Mew Method for tsWxSsis* Howe's PUo wWbxmlfa Itssrfwr^" B^ja*dspri> ^ew;Mo|tefB Schcs^i, Gilxa's Parlor Organ; tJ Siiyer \Vrotb c^ocal^"vnA . 1W different Music Boo^K A Big Discount biisdJir-*1? MUSIC BOOKS AT -'<. J*?* KYDEIt. Is now complete with al I the novelties, j )Jt,tjbecsear' *'- 8hop on Willow street, near P. M. McCANN. ^cton/March 20, 1876. \ 39.6m KOBERT FlSHEBi Acton, April 8,1877,: 404m M QKTARIO Thesulfsaribof takes this opportunity of thanking his numerous customers for for the very liberal patronage given him the past year, and would atabe that it is his motto to do' a Square and Honest BUBJiness ' ~'l ." "' ' > ' > 'J as h< retofore, and hopes to retain the same liberal appreciation frtom the public" . '.' "} ' All ts^raentrnstedio my Cire will ATTESbEft tO Wlirrt Tst MrTSESS, As tone fait CrovdlWorhften Call Early indSecttre . ' .-. ';., .1:1, CASH ANP SMALL PROFITS. TERMS CHRISTIE, -AS)tOB, A^ijl^^f 7*. SJ'S^i' \' Parties can rely on getting a cle and as cheap as, good w ork can be donei.fort 7..' < .'ii.. .'x ' ~ Repairing Doueffitli) reatneai 00X.LAAS A;'BPa0lJ4XTT. ' Aojon, Feb, 14^ 19JU trre CME*|> B00K3T*' :.' ::i.>"..;: .1- siuhais fln. the! Ea^ti side.of Wyndjjsm Stajs**, otri&pa'M::':;--. '": H i-.ii;-. A.i , ^ mmm - S ^5 Iff.-!" -sil-f.' .7; Vs-^vfJ good arti- Jr'c^e^c.h., Ifiia Streot, nicsAEL srt'ifiaW,';";:;' Geherni 3hckemith, Carriage astd .;,. WagonrnnUcer,lf..- V-'.,/;,^, 'Bit ffoive-Moersin the Perfect, satisfaction .guaranteed .. price charged.' ' Ftsst-Cbus : <*,..o? r^llafM-afttrsrt Ire* Harrowsjalwsvye-saSilHaSsVFJC' A j^Bto^^'GaWs^'syd?^ ' %P?'*MJg promntly and ' teidlto!p^'" 'J 'J ' ft 'rj Lctoh^ Jaiity iHfI i ti->iir!TVLii. Sit'i OltrtVast-f nd;prpmptlyeaecTiKWW*' I -U;i:i.;i' .i. -3i;o - .'jsv1dtlftl/i.i ;..'i'-ii...VJi:'.,r| i.-V/l HOj- I'-'!'.:-."^-V OOJ^ tVitr,Zt>il:!iiv.L i .^gi^^^Sp4flKpfCsS|'; Mritf.j 'i\iexsi'jb ri I'biu.C&'tbBifi- ' Aue^-aiH nvi at 1 i:->Vll--.V.rli?r :*-a t'Sa ' *-.M ^;Uia V!fH *1l5 OT y.? # --:vll Aj/-

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