Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 10, 1877, p. 4

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m tm i ::?m V ? >" v :-5^g"W*^-".^l^*^g.^^ ^ ,' the - 'Mm ipftfesa, - iifflM; aitfoy 'iffifaffi; ' ofc .1 i - CLD. What makes tho dog's noao always r_cour . TH try to tell yon, curls of gold, Ifyou will good and ipiiot bo, And-come aud stand by in.-uuwa'a knoo: WeU, jeara, and vearf, aud -.years ago fHaw many I doa't rosily know v Titers esme-a rain on sea and shore ; I It* like was occur aoon before Or sines. It fell unceasing down, Till ail Uwr world bog&n to drown. But just, before it 'gaii to i>our, An oL|, old man Built him an ark, that he might save . His Um'lf from wairy grave ; r And in it alaa he designed J To shelter Jtw of every kind Of beast. Wall, .dear, whenit waadone, ; And heavy clouds obscured the sun, The Noah, folk* ta it quickly ran, ; And, then; the animals begaii , To gravely march alonR iu pairs t The leopards, tigers, vulvas, and hoars, The deer, the hippopotamuses, The rabbits, squirrels, .elkst walruses, The camels, goats, oats, and donkeys, i ..- The tall giraffes, the beavers,- monkeys, 'The rata, the Mg rhinocerosei^ The dromedaries, and the horsjja, The sheep, and mice, tho k&agaruos. Hyenas, elephants, koodoos, : " Aixd hundred* mow 'twould take all '- i^*y- My dear, so many names to say < 'And at the very, very end Of the procession, by his Iricnil And master,, faithful dog was si!eu. ", The imdong^iina he'd hslpiux boon To drive thVcrowd <if ere.itures in ; And bow, with loud, exultant hark, , He K^ily aprsJ'K aboard tho Ark. AJaa ! so crowded ww the spaco ft*mW w*t in it find a place: So, patient^- he turned atxiuf Stood-half way in an 1. half way out. And thosa AKtremely heavy show'rs Ptansanded throughout nine huudrcd And more ; and; darKng,;at their close, Most frozen" was his honest nose; And never could it lose again i The dampnasa of that dreadful rain ;. And \hat is what, my curla-.tif gold, Mado all the doggies noses~oetlu ! *? ewttbcr Eaton, Beware I Wo lmvo always regarded cu- oumbera as " poor vittles," and have wondered at tho greedy avidity with which sorno people out them. Cold, sappy, tasteless vogtitublvB, that most bo disguised with salt, }M>ijif)or, and '.vinc-gai: to mnko tbtin |>ulut^ble: and after "till they nno iwituoi UUiritioiiB, lior wholesome} TUoy?pftU80 iin itinnonse amount of ^olic, bowol complaint, and eliolom. But, to tho other perils; which be set them, thoro ia now another ad ded, l>r, I/sidy, at & recent moot ing bf tho Aciidoniy of Soioncos, Pliiladolphiii, aniiouuoodadiacovory well fitted to stiirtlo cijoumber-eiit- crs.'. It wu to tho effect that this VefietabladOr fnjit (which is it t) is liable to be infested with tupo-worra. iTho Dr. oxliibitcd n spociiucu of u toi>o-wurm taken fi-oui tho insido of a large imcumbor. It' hud, nil the clmruoteristicsof n tmo tJipe- *on, but belonged ap[>aVetlUy: to an unknown speoios. " Tlio ovaries, " contniriiog round yellow eggn, ai-p " confined to the jantorior extremity "of tlie '80gmuul.7V That's/' the scientific account of tho pecularity which distingnTslies this kind.of tnpe-worui. Perhaps tho pecularity arises from its luiving dwelt in the cold hejn-t of h cueutubor, instcitd of tho wuriu stomacli of u Imuiuu Uo- ing. Vtryi likely theso " yellow eggs" ljutchod.iasiilo aiiun, woman or child, develop soinowlmt "xliffer- oiuIt than they^aro apt to do inside it cucituiber. At any, rate, it is not calculated to sharpen tho appetite for (Jueuuiber, when tho possibility is realized of eating along with it the fpigments ud eggs of tnpe- worra. frf- 3" 1877, MIEOD, . i r\ Vi x ci-M.-J- ;! !! J I. ft t: liie Oriental Business. from Ae Detroit JVre iVrw A good citizen of Croghan street reading the other day of a good 'pfitleSnan -who always about with a; smile on bia fiaoe. Wheu the Persian was asked why he always looked so happy wbeo other men looked sad, ,he re plied " I amile because it amy-iie 8un- Khiae to Fomi poor soul sufroimded ~~1%'*i&ia-'t!aj'iRtew He Persian, andLjtbeOfoghair street man said brtfehaiigedif he couldn't out- jtmila . a Persian or anybody else walking around on: two legs. He at once begtca to smil* at his wife. .BsbAttQod HXitt svfew minutee, and thea'bbseTVed: "~ " '-' ' '? Wbat'a tha.matter, William- got the colic again f . 'I smiiis becaoae I want to carry annsbino to yoar darkened bouI," he replied. She wanted him" to understand ; that fifteen minutes at the wood 'pito-wonld help her TSapre- than all the grins h^ od^fdgffnln a straight | week, and when he went into the ' some annanine at wMfollowed him | torn thai pot dinner' three qjoarterB of an hoar behind ' hajiB. HfrireTCT, ono can't get tbe bang of Oriental tmrinesB in a day,! ||^^"J*in tried'it agjn^ on Hie; street-car aa he came down townj yeaterday...- Opposite , hiin sat an! old woman with a basket, and he. nndertoblt Jo, smile tba:*ha"dow| from'her;i(ert. .-She watched, him I for two br'dhifle tninutefl, growing' BHid aft the time, and presently she] JM*5*^: :-. " Dol you think you know me, tht yeia/are'grinning across thei aisle like a-cfrcua baboon i" " I smile, madam, becauso catrte" <f- he stammered, forget ting what the -Persian said, "I smile because--------." m The uhaeraigTied beg leave to; |inferm the people of Aoton and sur- roundinc neighborhood tuat be haa prooarod a magnificent flEARXE And is prepared to attend and con duct Funerals on the short-eat notice and .most moderate terms. ! CasltU, Cofflni, Burial] Jiobtt, And all kinds of Funeral~Furniah. inj;s kepiio stoakj andinpplied on the shortest notice. fiat Bands and lores supplied when required. ' . tm., Tkc pl^nsuro. in announcing to their custpnicrs and the public ihat lliey have received and opened out for sale the targe^r, finest, and best assorted stock of DKY GOODS, M1L- LVN^EBY and MANTLES, CLOTHING, TWEEDS. HATS and CAPS, &c, in this sec tion of tlic Dominion. We have ransacked the markets . of .-the . world and think that we con sujt every one who wants to buy jjoiid Goods, cheap. Ladies, we Imve alfj the new leadin<r colors, aud styles in Plain and Fancy Dress Goods, Black Silks, Colored Silks, Poplins, Matellnsses,' Cashmeres, Persian nud Oriental Fabrics, .Grenttdqiea, Percales, &c>, with trimmings and Buttons 'to uiateh;/ Prints au immense variety. Cur MiUihei^y and'Mantle Department has been entirely reorganized and improved, it is well worth your trouble to call and see our magnificent stock of Stylish MitUnery. ORDERED CLOTHING. We 'have the latest styles andpatterns direct from the mills. Gents, if you want a really,superb fitting suit at a moderate price; call and see our stock of Tweeds, Coatings, &c, we cannot fail to suit yu-*' J " Hats arid Caps, Gents T^urnislungs, &c, a splendid stock, very cheap. Our Staple Department has had our very best attention, having bought our Cottton*, Tickings, Shirtings, &c, last" December when Cotton Goods wefo so.'yprj.low, we-can offer and are selling goodg loss than wo can hny them to-day. Carpots, Oil Clotlis!, Hugs. Lace Curtains &c, and House Furnishing Goods of all kinds. Houaekeepera you 'should cull and. see our splendid stock of Carpets, etc. Boots and Shoes. We are1 this season sell ing .very cheap and keep a very fine assortment on Jiand We propose to'iell everybody who haa CLOTHING The underalgrtftd In tenderlnff ., . , "iberal atippcrt with whioh lb jy hare their sincere patronB for the 1 " . .......... poat aa members or tho lato Hrm of Diokso^i & M}oNab, would beg leave to call attention to their S^^XiSTO Whioh this year Is larger and better assorted ~ assortment oi in the SE CORD B u than ever, comprising a large TWEEDS^Scbtch, Bnglis^. ajrjjCt DomestiC| ' } Manufacture., ' " The patterns are the choicest in the market. ' Oar stock in SATS AND GENT3' FTJENISHINaS Cotto ns, Prtnts, and Staple Drq Goods . | ' . ' . r . i . - At prices that oannot fail to satisfy everybody. We respectfully invite an Inspection of.our goods. : " " Acton, April 17. 1ST . PYPE & McNAB. -!l ' ?Srf %3 !.! m.M^tyMMi :^ii dUST RECEIVER any money to lay a?try best of Goods at .the very lowest bottom- r! i "Yon1 are grinning because I've got sore eyes!" she shonied. ~) I " No, aiadain, I aijiile that ,1-t*-' thatl-^ *' I'll not stand it!" she^exclaitn- #s^ ^Ip&'iBbe': hammered' him with the basket until he escaped off the platform. " JSowgrin over that, will yon !" fp*ejiiied after him as she shook e oasTtet in the air. " ThTRpraian wiio -went around roiling was a fool, and I'm his first oooafo ]" growled the man, snd he qait Bmiling and" picked a fight with a harness-maker. ) Another fatal accident, due to carelessness'in leaving, loaded >fire- im|in:the> reach'of ebildreD, occur red at SeatonjYillage^qn Saturday. !.A bpyjiiJikofllifrB.'--|tobert8, seven' yeara^O^ age, Iwas playing iwith a re^oTTOr^withthis slgwf," 5ged nine Tears.' They weve-alternately put- tingjthe, pistol ^a -each- others months'. TTnfortunately, when the volver, and when'it "Was in his sister's mouth, : it went off, and lodged a bulldt in,the brain of tbo; poor child, who expired'instantly.' . ' : . -Jtr^ .W; H. Yanderbiit and others interested in, or connected ' xjjtb.tba Canada. Southern, inspect ed that railway last weefc^ "Jho itlaae made wn probable the fastest ever made-in this country. The ran from Port Erie to St, Thomas . cm ^hnndred and twenty miles wM^nade fri two hours arid thirty- nineljptinntes, but the time occupied -by seven stops is to be taken-into . aocount.j, Prom St. Thomas to Xmherstburg . hundred and ten mile* in two hours and three minntes, but a atop of eleven min- ntea at Charing Gross made the run of one hundred and ten miles in. one handred-and twelve n?inptes, On^lMt'trip^ one -mile - was ran in 8fty4ye oe^nds, :- -"> ' Acton, Feb, JOHN SPEIGHT. 10.1877. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE AGTOIT *t.,' FREE Only $1 a Tear ,. -y,, In Advance. p*opoae *gt 'this; pring,4 prices. We woiild .return onr thanks for the very large and increasing patronage hithorto so liberally bestowed upon us, and wo are pro pared to sell Goods cheaper than ever for Cash only. W.STEWART SCO Have commenced opening their New Spring' 1 .- i. And in a.few days will; ajiow finest stock off V the April. 8. jum.; McL^OD, A1TDERS0N & Co., *~* p^ tr.. ti- . JjlAMMOTfl HOUSF, q^ORGETOWN .WLJU^H '---- " SPRINQ HAS GOME. .. Ixnmense Quantities of New floods DFOIi THE IjIOZN-. Our now ' purchases ore coming- forward 'from tho Old (Jountry by every steamer. Already we have \ t r.. __ . I-. :\~ A CTON LIVERY & SALE STABLE J. T. ALLAN Takes pleasure In announcing to the pu^Uc generally that be Is .prepared to furnish Fi?ft^5^B Boysw, a4 Oarrtafife At Reasonable Bates. , '-'. " r His Klg'sana Horiiesnre the best that can be had,and.tiolii determined not to b surpagBedby any City HlAblp. \. Aoton July 1st. f875. ! BEST ASSORTED AND CHEAPEST StaCK OF DRY GOODS West of Toronta i [ This is no empty brag, but sober troth "which nobody.can deny." Our aim has been, and always will be, to keep up the reputation that The' Lion is tho ' Chdapsst Stors in Ontario. As an instance weniay mention : Cromptoii's Celebrated Adjustable Corset, We have just received another lot which we are selling at 87J cents. This we guarantee to bo the geruine article, and exactly the.same aa tnat " ** for which others are charging One ollar, , Otir whole stock is equally cheap. Come and inspect - -- , Our Dress Goods, -.--,; Our Silks, plain and Taney, Qu~r Cottons', I ' Our Prints, .' I , . Our Clothing, . Our Carpets, Our Millinery, etc' And in every' branoh'you will find our prices fully 20 per cent lower than1 . y . , any.o^herhouse.' i^Atii ff*r our IVew York 124 cent' DrcsH 4;oods; %-crj siy- lish j tbe new colons. .- - SPECIAL NOTICE. Do noi fbrgoi' the ' . -,, < Jjvm& Efranebu We have the best Pressmaker in Canada, and our charges are lower than' any other House. j REMEMBER OTJR CARPETS. Viz:..{ We have a larger stock of Brwsels Garpets; Tapestry Carpets, Wool Carpets, \tfian all the other. Stores in Guelph put together. I i , Hard Times*re never felt^yUiow.whoralaala^.Th^^n. > - J. D. WtLLIAKfSC3iN & Coi ; iSuelplj, April 3, 1877. . j l,.. j FIRST CLASS GOODS !.'-.' 1 : v submitted for inspection in Quelph. [ Special efiforU have been made to show the newest ! '-" ' Drets Gmods, . |. . J; ;. ,i ":' Spring Jackets.. '-.- Mantles, j Costumes, - I Kid Gloves, ( : Lace Curtains, .!" Sheetings, and | Mourning Goods. OUR COTTONS were all contracted for before thW recent advance,- Customers will have the benefit. SIPtellSTG- WJci JOE THE m 14 ^'MW*i: Boughtriow, and will be Sold at Prices kever Heard Barrels Lil4 - *cJ aril V Vol ".' Ol* v '-4V-.. ten Of ^rVljite and Refined Sugars, Syrups, MoUu- Vinegar, Oat Meal, Corn: Mea^^Sg* rantls; jPrunes, Cpaf Oil, Boiled Oily RaJM, Spii ha of Tut pentine, v araish, Japan*, Gents' Department In Cloths and Tweeds, 1 ; -'. ' Dress Shirts, ' j Ties, Collars, etc., | Stock of Felt Hats, Are particularly inviting in sty I : and price. Wlf. STEWART Oqelph, March 0, 1877, * CO I Of Prunes,| Soda,:;Red Lead, )Wh\te Colcrs of all kindf*, etc. Cases Caddies '.r.i 4-1, i-f-.,^,: 3-ii. =-/ --^>. -- =y--v..^>. . Bp|xesj L Sack Of-biscuits, IConfectipnery, Spices, Canned Fruit, Fish, etc^ Ti>lmccb8*X$$ Raisins, Cheese, Soaps, dandles, wMfljfc Crys als, Pickfes, Jams, Jellies, IV]atehes,etfi thj Giestji3, Caddies and Boxes Of Toung Hyson, | Gunpowder,- Japan Blaci Teas ranging in price frpni ^0 upwards. Thje best value in the;cbu1ntt^ |^, '.' :,.'. : :*.$,:s~:vi)a ' >.: ^ ! >st*8^ '.' % ' -^. SLJ l a. S. Iiil %l' . Va -1 . to!

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