Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 24, 1877, p. 2

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i -j' in '- mm 1; . i! f 'V '3* M i f 7 ' > '*' .< THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY T H$ Pablishcd Uyery. Thursday. MommR. ar NoleSi 81 H. H.VChlL-C. Pro-prictor.' Por Annum iu Advance w> * Sowemivo jrigigniiicnt^bklyot Ukon pltwif-W "riid'4't(>4il*if p$ of the 'tl*pnttliM-.-ts,*<ifcv<St8il to'Stir- mistis nml rumors regarding, the neutral Powers. From Paris cotn.cs i report that Knglaud is toiw given in and Scissor Selects. ', attend tho Butortiuri- (g^O I |Xtt# ,l*0ij t OSS oontu.lling tho Sue:-, dual. . '.; - ' .'[ . .Kouinuiiia, lias asserted her inde- JOS'H..H*OK(N^ EDITOR -r T:it'Ksi>,vY JilojrNiso. May ---------.'Jjil:^,... iu, us:: "' . The IJilrax I'orxrv Ki-ir.n- . ings. Ad tJJm: -meeting of the Counter C-iuiicrl lut week, the cou- tmct-for "ilip buildim; of the pro posed :tow jjtyl'utul ,|LViHty {ollieys WHSi.ot given out. for the. reason , that tone of the tenders itjceiTed wyre as low iui $15,flW. the fsti- maied cost uf jthe work ; tho lowest bulk tender being 17,400. A -cemrnjittco: has bw>n appointed to fuiih^r consider tlu in.a tar, and to .gut such clian^s made irt the y\*na as will reduce the cost-of,the. build-1 : iugs to something near the esti mate of the architect. 0n tho 10th May, MrAMiddle- inore pro[>u-dleaving Liverpool with ithout thirty boys and girls for Wshotn he is anxious to find Chi is- tijiu homes in'Canada. The chil- djvn vary in age from thf"3 or four to fourt<-en. Tito yonngor sro for adoption, the older will work.for \tjagv-i. Anyonerocommemled fliy thtTelergwnan whojiiiny wish eiiil dreu should wjrijeUjGiithrie Home, L mdoii.-'O.itarijri.Miyd state the par Jieulafs of theirs wants and give the details of tht-ir homes. pi-lidr-neo, and uYuhiml wiir against Tii+key.;i , Her military iptirniiona,' wi)\ bo routined to defence. ..^ Tho Alliens Cabinet has demanded from tine Polio Inn amelioratioti *of the condition of the (livek province:!of. Turkey. iKgypt-, on tire contrary, has sent t>,000 soldiers, co by titm eon <jif the Khedive, to Con stantinople.) * 'liie^iirat for committing horrible ntre*ili\<r on tUirietians has again seized tJlie Turk* in Bulgaria. The outrages coinuiittutl at Tui;tukai, a small Bulgarian to>yn, aro, equal in brutality! to tliosa debtiled by Schuylor. Turkish inenof-wHrm-e - bombarding nnd burnijng undefend ed and- peaceful villages along tht- Bhick Sa. ! "; :_. Accoiiuta ifiom Turkish _ head quarters givq a direct, denial - to the victory claiin^d by tho Rus.sBins at Artlalian. Tho Turks .; maintain that tho troops of tho Ozatv^vere were beaten laud driven from the towu. ' ;; f . , The London Times Viennn .cor- Jrespondent, (li.scussing^ report that> jEhghiiid is dude'nvoriiig to ihtlnee It is believed . ik L)iidoh -that Jtusji.i ami England LhyC* ngrx^il "ni'wn I'OCdlizilig thi War ; a!.-iO upon the qtltistiou of the navigation the Sot 7. C:u:tl. } Tije. Euijjfror of Russia Jin J C-^ai-ewitz start fur PloiestB^ on June 1st. . Prince GorUcliakotT, miHtury operations." .Count lAdlrrburg, and the Minis- ~U-rof Warjiccoiups'ny then). ; Count Schjuv.i!otr_wi'l ivturn to London iiuujt-<3iattflv: after the Kmperor's departure. Rusmh to fix a limit to her military opt^iatiotis,' s:iys : "It is nut thought possible that Count Schou- valotl" ui-iy induce the Russian Gov ernment to give such1 assurance about its ultitnUe designs as. may s^-rve to allay, as niudli as jiosstble, .ujl ilpprofiiJisiolifc recMfJing them of+tbat have arisen in Knglaud, but it i^ very much doubted'Ifikt the way. of (ioing this will be an attempt to fix the lina of deinajcation t-j the The active work of the war con tinuus to Be pfrformed in Asia Minoi. -The Russians ha\*c captur- eil Ardahan, and endeavor to make it appi-ar il vi-iy inlpottaut victory. A decree is pubfi|-Tird- in the \ The attack upon Knrs has been re- Russian officialjnit'naj uidiriug the rnewed, and the Turks claim that fonuatien of tvo niorf diviior:s u) ' the Russians met with a repulse. Cossacks-of tha lion' to reinforce [ The attemjrt to -ci-gariiz.; an t'- the oiH:ri'tiugriny, rectiqn. among the natives in the -_^_ | - - I jk-icinity of Siichnm Kaleh is likely The Mcpc;c3":^I Questiiiu U'jssnnu to. be n failure. The .Circassians ing some im^cirtafnetf in the United ' are favorabli to it, but they nsnnot Salts. 5terery JEvarts notilifd tha Alt-xic-un Go-vernuient that if tllty dill not put down the thieves who were coiiLiuunlly tuikifig raids over the bohj^r, into the'! United States, he wq'ulj lje c impel led .to follow tltem illtO'MeJtiwfi territory. Now an A.u-ir;caa corvette has left 2few Gi leans far Veni Ciiiz, with important orders, understood to be desjtitcbes to Dbiz, reljitivo J to the il-.xiiiu boundary- ni.-.ttpr. Tup Famine in India l.os made a , million of people- dependent on the 1 Gavernnjent forrelieftl Seven bun , dred thousand of thesi are 'erby.lof- ed on relief -works, anjl th^ others are -relieved gratuitously. The question of how India, with its teaming ]>opnlation, is to he secur ed against famines must \ become a more important one. y" Ca^ollf^ : the Fortunes of-a Partisan of "S!," ia i h-.te work prfblish- ed by Btlfonl Eros., of Toronto. The sut-hor'is John K=t-^n Cooke. It in a tale the scsiae o: which is i.-icatctl in the induce the other tribes to join them.. Another naval exn^ditioa has left Canstnutrnople for Suchum. Kaleh. A Dutonni report charges the Rus sians with burning the villages in tbe vicinity of-- Tchurckson: and massact-inc the .inhabitants. The pzir has. taken up his resi dence jit Bucharest, with the inten tion, it: is said, of remaining there until the war is over. Tho cruss- ng oj the Danube, according to t I ^b'on't fil ti xtoiv.V%i tho Drill Shud '.this evening.-, A grand gathering of Grangers ia to tako placo tit Norwich on tho 2nd'of June. -.... Goderioh -has -.mommi- popu U tiou of .r),00:t, or G hiss than St. Miiryk; Woodstock has .r),2'J8 of a popula-! tion. i . Qutmtitics of tools Imvo of jjito been tnalicuiusly destroyetl nloug the Hamilton and North-western Irne.- . - - Mr. Gladslono threatens to re- lAiw his attack on the Governments Eastern policy at Birmingham; this woek. , : r A fnriatio never cotnprehanda but one; phaao^of-a aubji-ot; with him there is no possibility of a quiet controversy. A four-year old son of Mr. Joseph Wlieolor, of Hungorford, was choked to death-while eating a carrot tho other dayi i . Walkcrtous population is now 2583, an increase of 500 from 187(3. Its total asseJiamontu is 550,000, an iuereuso of over' $100,000. Tho "red'ribbon" begins to wavo over-a considerable part of Ontario, giving evidence of a strong and growing temperance sentiment. The state of the Po|ie's_heaUh IB again such as to cause incroasol disquietude. Ho bus no particular ailment, but is ex trembly feeble.Li On Monday ntgh^ some partfi'5 supposed to bo animated by jealousy cut the throats of four horses, own ed by tWcf stago driven of Lucan, near Xiondon. '" , This kiml of weather loads to tho horrifying suspicion that Ven- nor has entered into a conspiracy with tho manufacturers of soda water and ice cream. ,: i. Counterfeit 4 Dominion Bank bills are still largely in circtilation. It. has been found necessary a second -time to warn the public against their acceptance, . ' A long cscajwd niurdorer, who died in Nebraska last week, loft this confession on the stand by his l>edsidn :- " A murderor never-for gets the face of his victim." From the Brst^f April of the present' year 'to tho 11th of-. May, tfe lumber exp3it3,from thJ United States a'oiilireo tiiuojt larger than for tho similar piriod of last year. The tonnship'of Woodhouse has voted $20,000 towards tho exten sion of the Hamilton and North western Railway from Jarvis to Port Dover, a distance of seTcn miles. Mr. Scott, the Government Architect, was in Gnelplt on Thurs day and inspected the Governme.nt one authority, is to be made in his rBuilding3. It is thought probable that tho post office building will be made higher that at first intended. presence about' the first week in J-ine.^ At present the rivet- is so swollen from freshets'that it is al most impossible to bridge it with pontoons. The Russian forces along the river: are variously stb matetkat from 250,000 to 500,000! men. -It is said that great iHtScul- ty is experienced "ic provisidhtng snch a host. The Turks confine their operations to strengthening the garrisons along the river; They are said fb have 200,000 men north of the Balkans, ready to oppose the Old DamiBi.jn;.^ Virginia, is called, and i passage of the Danube. ' tl?^Tit,h ",I,.,ve ?~twfr- Pf hero is) The- Kuc3iari press claim that or the dasiuug kmd, aud his cinl;u -r> are told with * facile p<. tbe will doubtless &coaie pop-alar. ' I-free navigationH of the Eosphorus t ! and Dardanellsl as England -is J. he Apple Crop. . . -/_ .-, , 0 n t i -:i- 7 ' ' ft - I _. 3ine T&tvi^atrtJB of the Suez Canal, said to be in danger o: beHig a vetv; " ' " to slight onn, from the .fact" that _ trees are covered with cateiptllarfi/ which feed on the leaves and blos^ soms. A good vny to get rid of theia is to shake the :'tree , ill the early morning befere if he dew* is off, and after picking the stragglers fff.i England and the Suez Canal. to wind cotton batting saturated j.ttl5tldtone is" to ' speak at Bit- ngham Bhortly, arid another Liberal agitation against the Govprmnont's: E:istern policy is likely to follow. with coil oil round- tho trunk of the tree about' three feet up from the i-OTtR. This will prevent them a^jsiao climbing the- tree. Butteh. -The of biittcr Mems to -have received : u sudden cheeky owing to the extraordinary growdh produced by the receTit raina. . Present appearances indi cate a long continuance of rich, iresb pasturage, which will materi ally increase the quantity of butter offered fot sale. The Toronto Globe ndrises country dealers to bo care ful not to pay high prices for butter, a* it seeuus to be the general ini- ]'iession. tlijjt low prices will rule during the-cou^ing sei|isoi). .' '.Wev'rcceived U lengthy "communi- critton. yesterday,' sighed by six _t7n;jnl>f-r.s erf the Methodist Ciiurch, p-'iVportiirg (o be iu defense of Rev. >.Mr. Calvert, but dealing maiuly in ' sciirriteus innaendotts and unwar ranted"" wujiaiks. After some hesita tion, we decided to piiblibh it, and bad it puj in type. But shortly -before going to pross,; the chairman of the Methodist District Board, being in Aeton, heard of the coiiteinpliited |..:iblicatjr>n, anil sent to thiU'offiCO ; to request its being withheld until ; i.y had. conversed with the parties .toncerned. -.Out of consideration, for him'ami a large n tun her of the, *ii'j'rs of the church who would have felt greatly aggrieved af its piiblicjttion, we have .cojisented to liuhl it, on'the assurance that-the g-:irJnien who eigned it hi ve e^- ' p.- w-s.l their assent that wa mid jo so. ' - " iTho Paris Temps, which has occasional commtJnicationHfrom-the Russian agency, says : ^-XDiir private information eoniirm's the fact that a note mis been communicated to the SC Petersburg Cabinet- by the English Embassy on questions con nected with Constantiuoplearid the Suez ':'-'.Canal now and hereafter. This document is couched in; con ciliatory terms. \Ve are assured that an understanding is already arrived at between Russia and England, both in substance and in Tornras regards the Suez Canal! and in substance as'regards Constanti nople. ' , It is Btiitc'ri in Paris that England has given notice to Turkey that she will oppose everything which might hamper the passage of ruerchant shijjs of mtn-of-wa'r of netitral iPowers through the Suez Canal. In cdnsprpionco of this it ruinbiu' has circulated that In'exchajigolfor the. capitalization of tho. Egyptian' tribute paid to the Porte the latter is disposed tb cede to England its right of sovereignty Aver Egypt, Any person or persons who.takes a paper regularly from a'Post Office, whether, directed in his name lor othev'a, or whether be has anb- scribed or., no'.: iu responfiiblo for payment. If t, person brdars his paper discontinued he may pay .all arrears, or the publisher, may Coin- tinsifi to s<md it uDtil paymenfiis made, and then the "whole ufnoiuit; -whether the paper is taken from thfrsoliice or not. -The Court's have .decided, that refusing to tuke-Tiews- papors ov periodicals from, the Post The daily^apers have during the past few days been giving graphic accounts of the capture at Oban, .Scotland, of the genuine Soil -Ser- I>nt, which was fully described and said to bb 101 feet in length. The story is since reported to be a hoax. Tho United States within (hp last ten years has sold $43,000,000 worth of arms and amunitions to Europe, and still the demand con tinues. Hitherto Turkey has been their best customer, but ordots upon a liberal scale are coming from Rus sia. Mr. ;R., my dear sir, did you say or did you not say,. what I said you skid, because Li. said you said you never said what I said 'you said ; now if you said you did not say what I said you said yon said, then in the name ,of stars what did you say ? There was quite an exciting time at the Brant County Conncil Satur day about moving the county build ings from Brantford to Paris, the latter.having offered a bonus if new buildings were put up there. Brantford and: the county are at loggerheads about their finances. Mr Alex. MtColInm, of George town, has lately purchased a mag nificent fruit farm of thirty-five acres, near' Lock port. New York. The enterprise is said to be a good one, ufcd wo have no .doubt but what Mr. McCollmn will find the fruit venture a renuiniirativo busi ness. ' t ' t The torpedoes used by Turkey consist of largq iron cases, cylin drical in shape, filled with some 1,000 pounds of largo grain pow- dor, and so-'arranged as to float within thirty-five feet of the-surface of the water. They are intended to he. fitfed by electricity from the shore, . Ofovor five millions of passen gers carried by Canadian railroads during last year, not one was killed by any accidont by which the com pany could bo; held responsible. This says something pn behalf of official, carafnlrieasJ and it also speakr vplumes in] favor, of steel- rails. ' The Whitehall MeviAW say's that the-Turks have now 200,000 excel lent troops north of the Balkan, against 100,000 in 1853.; 80,000 in A i rcenia,against 40,000 in 1853; 25,000 iripn on the Montenegrin frontier, 17,000 in Herzegovania and Bosnia\ 13,000 in Albania,, and flbout 30,000 south of the 'Balkan, making a total of about 305/000 men, exclusive of the X The disoitssion as to tho wisdom pf corpoiitl'-jpuniHhment in New Vot'k JBuhli.o Schools has been again rtivived. N"iii6 out of ton teachers are in favor of such punishment, practical school oflicorfl aro divided as to thii; wisdom of using tho birch, while tho outside public aro hostile or indifferent. Dr. David Livingstone, a nephew and nnniemtkn of the celebrated ex plorer, is liying in San Francisco. The only other near relatives of tho Qxjdoror aro a brother John, whose liomo is at Listowel, Ontario; a son Oswald, who is practising medicine in Trinidad, - \V. I.; an unnmrried daughter,. Anna Mary, who is finishing her education iu Germany, and a married daughter, Mi's. Bruce, who lives in England, A thief expiated his crime the other day in nn unUHiially tragic and terribly sudden way.. Ho had piratically aeized and Htolen a boat load of gootls, and being hotly pur sued fled' to an island iu the St. .Lawrence, ami when he saw no way of cscapo from the approaching 'officers lie plunged into tho rivur and was drowned. Tho wages ot his last sin were literal death in this poor fello.v's caso. Harry Cogwin"is n rich banker in Jolict, III. Dr. J. R. Casey is u prosperous physician in tho same place, and brother of a former lieu tenant-governor of Illinois, Mrs. Case}- is an. active and ostensibly pious member of a church. A: few days ijgo Cogwin and Caxoy went to an unoccupied room, and soon pistol shots-wero'heurd. Casey was found wounded seriously, and a bulhrt-mark in the: wall over Cog- wiu's head showed that ho lmd narrowly cscaptd. Tho belief is that they fought a duel, but they refuse to make any explanation. The following is given as a probable reason for tho encounter : On.tjio previous Sunday Mrs, Casey went to church aa ucual, and in her ab sence her husband searched the drawers of her bureau. . Ho found alo'terto her from Cogwin, ami a reply that sho had written but bad not yet posted. On Tuesday. afternoon, 15th instant, ns : Jl.r. Wm'. Laird, of iE^qnesing, was driving out of Mr. Clark's stable with a team of young and spirited horses, they.'begun to act ugly, and ho being an old man was utterly, unable to control thuui. They bolted'from the doorway into the street, one of tho wherls patch ing the edgo .of tho stable, which throw the-old man from the wagon, with terrible force. He received a horrible gash under the right eve, almost scooping it out entirely, and* a spoke of the broken wheel enter ed his thigh,'inflicting a Very ugly. wound. Ho was carried into tile Bonnet House, and Dr. Starr calif d rin, who dressed the wounds and did everything in his power fur the benefit of.the sufferer. Mr. Laild was cohypyed home on Wedncsday- morning,' when he was in u very low condition! It is expected ho will recover if iriflamation.does not set in. Geor'jetvicn Herald: "Seizciie or as Illicit Still is Eki.v, Ujion information, in , ONT., MAY 24,.., 187:7.- rido's moth- HinillH. : In Acton, on tho ^Ut.itiiit., tho wife of Mr, .IftiiieK Ryder';' of a iolih. In Acton;- on tIiio"7tlrviiift,', tho "wife of Mr, Arch. Campbell, of MAitimin. At tho rosidunco of tho 1 er, (Hi tlio 17thinut., by tlip Kov. 1), 1J-. Cainvron, Mr< John . MpHnrdy, of Onclpb, to Miss CAlharino! McGregor, daughter of tho lato Duuakl McGregor, of Kaiinnguweyn: ItlEU.'! ' . i "/ .. At Kflcn'MJll)), oil thtj;21st inst., Mnrgnret Cliiupbere, nilipj ;of the late Rtcjilicn nmnngc, nged 81! years.' Mr. Kum.'Hto has lii.-<iii n reuideit^of tliat ^oc- titai for about forty ysara. -. ' y.r* .. $'&;-2r> to 4 CO Flour ... Old Ml Wheat New Fall Whcajt Spring Wheat, <:Uasgow Hcd Oliaif Wheat IWloy ... Oats Pcaa Potatoes, per bag -Dried applca pur lb Hatter ... Fgga. . .. NEW ADVERTISKiJPIENTS. rpHB EXCnATiGE AOTON. IOTEL, Having fitted up tho largo eton? hotel on tho corner of Mill and Main strooU, in fuiporibr ritylo, and ha I the Iiohho thoroughly renovated, pipored and painted throughout, tbo i ubacriber' is no'vr propared to aicommc date travel- lent and tlio general public in first-clas* stylo. Tho houflo is hanilt:omcly and comfortably furnished, -i Saving had considoraclo oxporienco ,in tho hQt*l buoincM, tlio., public caii ri Iy. oa ccjir- ing such ftccomnio'dations ]8 i becom ing to a first-clans house' The irtnbhng is largo and well-fitted up ; also amj>le. shed-room. The patronage SO to 1 00 j *'c '" reoPectfll"y eolicitod, 70 to t 7/5 " JOHI>' TNaaiwrEaiSlACTfOr ist^i ?:.. IN TH^ MATTER OF McNair, --j AN IrjlSpLVIflNT. 6i) to l ir> \ 40 to r 50 0 00 to 0 00 () 47 to 0 60 OGStoC T2 \ 20 to 0- 00 o oo to a.of o io to a 17 0 10 toO oo of tbo pab- MANfcY. Ews1 Cocoa.I -Uhateviti. akd Com- foutisuJ " By* thorough knowledge (if tho hutural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a oarufiijl applicatior'r'rf tho line nropurtios of wpll selected cocoa, Mr. Kpps has provided oar breakfast tables with a delicately flavored leverage which may save us many heavy, doctors*' billa. It is by the judicioua-iifte of such' al'ticles of diet that a constitution may bcgradiially built up until sthmgeuongli to resist cvoryj tendency to. disease. Htiiidred.i oj Btihtle inalndieH arc floating around us ready to attach' wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pare bloo<l andapro- perly nourished frame." flinV Service (')awtte. Sold ojily in packets labeled "James J>ra % Co.;. HAmrtopathic Cliemist, 4X, TlireaJneodlc Street, and 1~0, Piccadilly, il/mdon." i: A. Restorer uf Intrinsic JVorth '. ami One that Please-* AH. iWol' Imprqvcfl If.ttr Brstoratlvr is unllKc aty other, ami lias no equal. Tlio Inlprov'eJ has new Vpct-fetble ton>e nr-VuJertleif; reloretgrey imtr toaytosny natural col or j'rijstore^/iiUed, ilry,"brsh un-lftlUrn; Imlr; restore-, dr-bscs, Kivos vlK.r to Hit hair; restores hnlr to prema turely ball ho;uI>;; removes d in.JrtitT, Du- rnor>, soaly eruiitlous; tmov<. lrrlta tlon, ltclilng and tcnly dryhcfs. No article produces Mich tronderful efttcts T-ry It, call for Wool's Improved Hair Kc.storatlve, anil cloii,'t be put ofT.whh ariyotuerarticle.- Sold by a 1 drugg.sts In tills pluco-and dealers every where- TraUo puipiilled nt mairfacrurers'prie's by C. A. C')"K Jk t'o , Chtcivgo^r;oIe Agcntf Tor tho L'nlted: Sliitcs and Catindai-.and ibf Lyjus dRfis; a Co., Toronto, jpitt STRAYED. A white SafTolk So*y, aboit one year old, strayed from the] prcn ises of tho subscribrF about ;the 6tli im t., and -was seen in Ac ton that day. .Animal is a fair sire, in gpoil comStion, all -whito. Information that, would leal to its re- rocovory Would be thankfully received by tho undersigned. I Worcl might be left with Mr. Robt. Agnew, Dominion Hotel, Acton. - MICHAELiKALEY,. ' Lot No. 21, 2d con. iisquesmg. May 15, 1877. . 46 8t BARGAtNgj D KESSMAKI9TC. NOTICE is- I ereby given thatby, virtue of the powers vested in maaa Aiflgnee of.th8. ajiove, I.npjr vent, and puriuant to the direotiojis of the Creditor* of: the aia ilbsol- vent, approve! by the Judg ofihe County Court 3f the Countyof Hal- ton. shortenlMhe liine for publish-' ing tbe advert senientt 1 shall offer" for sale by Public! Auction, on the' premises, in t) e .Village of ACTOSi on WJBDNE8DA.T,! the SIXT day- of JUNE next, at TWEIiVE ^cldck noon, alt tbe estate, right, title anuV interest of ttY* insolvent, aT of myself as Assigned) in and to the following parcels of land . . Parcel Ho. ii Consisting of Village lot number nine in block numb*r two, in the village lot Acton, afore-' said, Upon1 tni- parcel has been erected a Vlarke and commodious buick dwelling bouse and store. Tine building i pew,i well ? finished throughout, and has never been oc eupied. '; . |. ' M - t4 MISSES .MANN. rcHp'cctfuIIy- &n nomicc to the ladies of'Actonjuid vicin ity that they have combicnced business -as Dressmakers .in the hotiRt recently built by Mr. Edward |Matthi!Wg, ncor Nieklin's bakery., The patr>nago- of the public is TOpcctfulIy solicited. Dressmaking in'the best maiucr and most fashioiiableltjtyles. , MISSES M. ft M. S.lMANN. Acton, March 21, 1877. 38-3m j\/jrtiiiicipnlify of Esqi icsine. COURT OF REVISION. Nr>tice is Hereby giv-en that the first sittings of the Court of iKevurior for the Municijjality of the Township if E- (juesiiig/ for the year 1877, will iie Field at Clark^s Inn, in tlte Village o: Stcw- j arttown, nn Saturday, tlie Suthlday of May imtint, at tcii o'clock iu tie fore noon, -' i J. MURMAVV Clerk of said Munici palify. Esrjuesing, May 7, 1877. 45.3t ?.RW ADVERTISEMENTS. / J^EAPIXC HACHIVE Democrat a MO A Wagon for Sale. ' Tho advertiser Kirby Oimbintd ne^.rl^' new, al^o Wagon, ply at th:.i ofiiov Acton, .May lo; 1S77 nffors. for sale n Reaping Machine, good scco;nl-hand For particulars ap-" 46-3t Tho-sitting of the COURT OF HEArISl0N For the Village of Acton, will Ixj held At Matthews' Hall, ox Thursday, 31st of May,.lfe77 At 7:30 o'clock p.m. Appellants and others will please take notice. .The roll can be examined at my office. JOHN" ROSS, C Actons-May 1C.1S77. . -SG-i MlRSl'HiKKR TIO.NS, 1SJ7. tXAMJNA- " l. The Admif-lon Fxrmlnallpn to tho Onkvlllo 11 ik1> jb'o! ><.ill le: on Tii'-I:iyintid Wediiz-sduy, the 31 and 4ib July, oi.iiimrrclnff f noh das at D a.m. ^. Cat'dltlatt b fori'dmbsif-n aro requir ed to >end their names to the HtaJ Mas ter ty the iHt June. i i . 3 Thc'InternKrlinto Kxanilnallon will bo bold on Monday, TnoNlavAVcdnes- dny, Thursday aid IridayJih. Dti-isth Ju'y ' I: ' " i I. The Kximliintton. of CahdUbites for regard to .'an illicit.distillery, recei'v- SITJ:1.:?!'."^ T' "^,"tr.*.'...S^r,?5?L'*-s,l .^i1 ed by Mr. Inspector Rsjuiain, Mr. Collector McLean, accompanied by olbcers Powell and Nichols," left Ouelph on Friday morning for Erin. Tho officers succeeded in seizing the; who e apparatusconnect- Ofiice,- or removing amU leaving| them uncalled for, is prima facie j smaller garrisons and tbe Mttstcba- evidence of intentional fraud. i fif), or general levy. . . '"' ed with tlie-illicit distillery. Fatal Case of Poisokisg. A sad case of poisoning occurred at Woodstock; last week. A little daughter of Mr. J. Sutherland, aged five years, land a son of Mr. John Barney, of about the same age, when at play found what appeared to them to be "green cheese," They immediately ate it, and were short ly after taken sick, the little girl dying in a few hours. The "green cheese" was found to bo a mixture of arsenic and tallow, prepared, by a former tenant for the purpose of killing rats. To SuBscniBSRs. No paper will be discontinued unless all arrears aro paid. Some people make a practice of allowing a month or so to elapse after their subscription has expired, and then send.notice to the publisher to discontinue their paper, but rarely, if ever, enclose with the ordei^ payment for the over time. Wo wish to be under stood in saying that we will not pay-any uttention to an. order for stopping a paper, until all arrears are paid. i Welland has been visited by one Martella Wando, or as some Call him, the man] with the iron jaw. His feats of strength were really marvellous, one of which was lift ing a coal oil;.(barrel filled with water to the chime with his teeth, and a man, weighing 150 pounds, sitting'on tliej end, and himself holding out a pail of water in each hand. fHe also took a .table by one corjner in his teeth and; raised it up to a level with his powerful jaws. This modern Samson isc of Welsh decent, and is only nineteen years :of age. A man's temper is most valuable to himself, and he should keep it. 'Industry is tho gift of tongues, and makes a nisn understood and valued in all countries and by all nations. Law is like a. sieve : you -may see.through it, but you must be considerably reduced before you get through. TT-ILLAGE OF ACTON. Parcel No. ^ Consisting of the [which they j aalling westerly part of Village lot number eighteen.1 in block number three,, .in 1- the village of AJcton, aforesaid. *>n ""' this poreol is a frame dwelling-house and store and ejtable. . "..' .. Parcel Ko. L will b sold subject to a mortgage to tbe Hamilton Pro vident- and Loan Society, for one thousand two. hundred dollars, "and interest trom jilt' December, J876: - Parcel No. 2"i rill be sold subject to a mortgage,- >articuIar9.of which will be given at time of sale, . j." ' Terms and coi idi tions made known at the timerofisilo,' ' '." ' <: W. ALLAN, A8fgnee. Acton, May 3,11577. -: <5-lt NOW ATTf \ f 1 11 & P com me i ce nn 'J u.sday;'ihi- I<th Ct \Jalv at il a. in ; foi S. roi.d-cliiMi, oil J!ot.duy. the Utli July, nt 2| p. in : and c'n>s, nn .Mon.ii'j, ifie mm July.ntip.m. 5 Al cat.di'.'aitb for Uri-t-elassGerilll- cales will be.exanitncU in lhtt normal Schools at Toronto lmd Ollnwi>>ui;d *e- coiul and Thlrd-elius caudjUuti;s in the Town Hal'. .Milton " - 0 .Cuu'diilates'for First.classCertlflcates m.isi merilon in the notice teit to the Inspector by tho 1st Juno at whlcU r.or- m it' School thej- Intend to pubt nt thtro selves tor fxnroiuullon. 7. The candidates for the Intel mediate and for Mrcond-cIa^-H -v-'ertirtcntei* witloo oamliiedon tiiepame papers and at the hours in the loilowlng subjects, viz.: Knglhh.l.lterature ; English Graramnr and Etymology; Ueography; Dictation;; lllatorj"; Algooraj BoOfc- KeepltiK; Nitlurul Phl'ost phy ; kuciIO; Knullsh Composition, and Chemistry. ilut although the papers will botbnsnmei the suui.laM required for b*cond-cIasi Cortlflcates will be hlwher than for the Intt-rmr dlate, and paierswlll be provid ed for the additional tuhjecia forSoenud- clnss Cettiflcates. vlsr Sotanynnd Physl- o!o?y ; Muiilc; .Education and. School taw; Drawing. . i 8. Candidal es for. Second cIufs Certl- cates may stibstltoe the Kngllsh Litera ture pap<r on he inlcrmedlute Examina tion for the paper on Botany and Physi ology Those who choose lo exercise this opiion must notify ihn- Inspector before theJsl June, when making their oppll- tl"ns, . . 9; Candidates for tho Intermediate Examination who are also candldntesinr Teaobers' B.eond class Certificates will bo oxamMird In the samo place with tho other candidates lor c-econd*class Certifi cates.. 10. Tho Department cannot undertake- to.provide examination pspor for caxida* dates hr the FlrstorSecoud-clasaorfor tho Interhiediuto ;Examlratlon who o names are not reported Indite time. 11. Ills t-xpected tt-nt where nu inter mediate Examination Is bell g held tho High fc-cbool- Board vrlll di^IrlIBS tho school,1 under section 10 of the Act of 1877; and, so lar as the-Minister can atithoi lze the si.xna. tnch Public Hchools In the towns or Milton, and Onkvllle, nnj- of whoso teachers are candidates for flri-to! second elusa certlflcntfs may bo closed alter Friduy, the 0th. July, on ap-i plication being made to tbe Deportment. 12. All Cnndldates ro rtquired to transmit a certificate of moral cbaraeter signed vy a ricreymnn since the 1st Stay current,- nnd ihoee -for' Flrrt ind Pecoi.d clasH CVrtl|lcalos the trstlmonlals of suecissful services required by the Regulations. ; B. LITTLE. ' ! P. S. Inspector, Co. Halton. May If, 1877._________* .'.- gft g\ f\ 0% '. Can't be made by every 11 II || If agent oVery month In ^ 1 F* * tho business wo furnish, 4JwVVbut "'oso wlilinit to fr work. can. easily earn a dozen dollars a day right-In their own localities. Have no room to explain here, business pleasant and honorable. Wo- roon, and boys and frlrts do as well as men. Wo will furnish you< a complete Outfit free. The bi.slness r>ys oetter than anything olsp. We will biar ex. nonse of.ktartlntr you. Particulars free. Write and see. Farmers and meohantas, their sotiB and daughters, and. all clauses In noed of payloe work nt homo, should* writ ti as and Team about the worfc a't once. Now, is the time* i Don't delay,^ES TnUB i Co , AuEUBla, Maine. QASII FOR WHEAT. Any quantity of good merchantable wheat wanted at the tho Acton steam mills, for which the highest market price will be paid in cash. . B, & E NICKLIN. -Icton, Feb. 7, 1877. 32-tf . To *lic M'orklnc Clasa. "We are now prepared lofurnisn nil clashes with hou- stni i employment at home, tbe whole of I lie tune, orior lbeir spare mi.mrlnis. Htislness new, light and profitable. Perr soi.s r.f "iyi<-r s. x easily earn from 50 cents to 55 per venln?,'and a proportlon- at sum by devoting tuelr. whole tiioe to tbe bnslrnB<i9- iioys and girls earn nei Tly as mnoh semen. That all who KPe 1 his .notle~ may send their nddrsHi., And l fst the business, we make this unparalleled < fl r: Toauch as are not wellsatlsfled wc will send one dollar to pay for tjie trciu 3le of wrltitig Full partlcu'lars,'>u'miles iTor:'h"*everal dollars to commenro w*.rk onvand-a copy of Hornennd fc'lri side, dne of the larvest and bei-t Il'uslrated Publl- -catlon^, t*\i i-ent free hi- tatUit.*- Bead-erl if yon want permanent, profitable woik addresN Gkoiigb STi.vsoxd:Co.,Fortlaijd Maine. ^_______f SPETSIDE Swingle, ^Stave - ' .1 AKD. HEADING MILL! Any parties wanting Shingres wonlJ do well to give ns st calk We will all ways have en hand a good supply ot No. I and No. 2 Shingles. Best quality Xo. 1 Shingles $1.60 pei Bfjuare. No. 2, 70 cents per square. \P. *V H. SAYERS. Spcyside, Dec. 13, 1876. 24-6m THENl WTMl ' V Robert* fisher . ::. .j-.. f fas cverytbii g tbt yon want'in ".' ' ' ' i Tin'W'are, Kitchen Furnishings, I all to be sold cheaper thari ever. An immense ock just arrived;. - Braes Kettle's. Porcelain Li led Kettles^ '!' Lanterns, _ Smopthii.^ig Irons, H$ilfc Piils, i Japatined Ware, iP -ossed -5Rin-ware, GOOKING BOXi ND PARLpm.ST^ES, STOYE PIJr?ES, &c, &c. at m: ACTdtt TIM AHO ITQm^fr WliJa$0N^'J'r: Beg to thank th#fr nnmr(HlrflfaA and ctntomeTs tot thn Uml jmT" age hitberto ixfendtid io VtntpZ wish to infond thern Mail tWlS. now on n ind * Urg*'*&"* Plain, Pressed and, ......f;C4li- erer, RiTETBort miim ^ Call and see us before . elsewhere,,'Iu oiif prie** heat in ihwc imtfs \7. h-i'iCx - . Being pc ic*l workiMB^Mctfer oar stock ojf -' ?inw*#i4n<Uj.w ourselve*,an Iwe;<eB}/t^irfuJiJ we cannot be oiaderioldC'V f7T SheepsJcini, Cvtton Ragt^OXi C^. 2>er and Bijwtaken mexekdm ltd it I Repairing i nd Jobbinc braanihr ' "v -'--- mmsA journal. The Mm Howl 1 irmrfrirtnrftiir tftr tnWiiMfjf STEPHEHSOH PLOWS, Tlu;y keep a jfc II stock.oo>haalv-aad^sctt . prcpai * L to do all kisd* rf-.;"~ *1 J- Repairiiig' on 5?^ and also also.kinds of" '- Lathe Work -oa the - Pleaoe calj before JOtO QW8, and: -Jrcm . PUuua? shortestarotic*^ a-y and tnaanaow/jlmn , s Wi purchitsin^ elsawhere^^ jgSsts roa, .% Sharp's ^>lf-J3^ptnj,,Hr ! and Stab\ilp . Acton.lFejb; 13, lejfe 1877: .?"--' i&'SiK The. idbscribe^ wfllv P4.Y S5 Hem! Pelirerecf at Actoa' Taiin. Dec.. 1st, i877,_iaiid aftc/;| '1 PES C0SD 1 h Fdr i 11 weU-aivd-i:-' ,^t ock Bark 34.50 per cord. .. \ g: Aoton, Aprit-S, 1877, QJLEXLAWSOJt *' BEJVRD' ill n.^.'.i.'? Hating-, "ihoroa'ghly Mill, aid pat in *wl : . ,-B AVBTBQrjaaiNCr, JoWlaj and Rejainnff Promjptly -:' ., yittaded. to. ;\ . ;itrjB35RT P3BHE)a. Aoton, AptU-3.1877^' AND - WAGGONS. Wow is. the timo to leavo your order. At J. Hyder's Factory ; for a Styllsli Buguy or Serviceable Waaron. I am making up a large stock for the present season, from the boat material. Call and See our JXandtbme Buggies .Now is a good time to secure bargains. .: Strict attention given to . ffoHe-sboeiag ft General Blaolc- smitMnflr. JAMES RYDER. Acton, Fob. 26, 1877. Di'Y SHOWS "JDHB LARG^T STOCK OF !' : .!- . we are now! prepared t* |wi3gj*5j ter'yield of Sk a than ftMM95* quality qnltb'ai good. The patronage of spectfully' solkSted.T , ..^ -Th* highest, ^;iafflM*: any qnamity oi wheat. -^.dSm- A quantity b: a*ed bmrtay W.^ ^{ .^^...... AcJ^my: April 1^18Tf. i-a -Now. is the ; ame. to TtjJ stock, The_|Sr*;pVu-J' UAM .TjOIEijt-BE "' ^r"vrnh"a"riTfenh . by feed Prince FJ wj, will -,-^j. the premises pi I &e undewJgn*a_ the seasonl '[fl eiini.-rtTO ;c6W8 $4.00 f 0w ae-ieowi fi L SEND 25o. to a. P.ROWBLL * CO. JNew York, for Pamphlet or 100 patcei alnkng lists of 8000 newspapers, and oonts ne^wspapers, sUmutesauowlrjeoostofadfertisliig Eyer shown ra Quelpb, all i J J-. . . 1 ' ' / ;;"'; JRcvsr and C^hoico and prices lower than. ever. 21 diilOxea's To be sold Day's Niew Nearly opppaitf the old stand. Ouelrb,Aprliai,ll77, Carriages off chedp, at Bookstore i till i mi -i 1 of: A .1 ' *< ApTH.t|, is; w tit No. 5, lit -** ' I' i^$ Utia. Stwtj Qeneral Blaclu mith, CBi "* , Wag<a.njilwt. --..---; ". Best~[korteSAi ten in <*f &*'? Perfeat ]/&&&&i#8gd&** j ;pHc('t5hMg*uV v -:.j. - ^ Flr.t-Cls. *Ijwi M* Celtaf*!***^.- ' ironjllarrewi alwayf *'r'.. A good iook \t C Kriag^^-^i"* ,; I. * . -"-..' ~*\ .= -.-- -.-. Repairing proa. >Uy nd fended Id. Acton,'Jslv: IS, "176 xM fefeij '. '-'-c_.fc.-.-'.';~.3irciaa.v

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