Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 31, 1877, p. 2

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/ THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTok COUNTY, ONT., MAY 31, 1877. m& .J<5 N HACKING EDITOR TiuMist'A'vi-JVIoRNiNo. May ill, 1877. A"liopviYil s|>eet of business nf- fairs seems to exist iu every quar ter Ht the liivBeliLTnnc Shjvild this continue to bo ike chbp for the next, few months we sdmll nil. then be j able Jo renlixe th:it we.have Come tiijMiigb" the ordtuil of ".bard timt-is" and r\s on the high i-omi"! to a pros-. ,- perou*future. Tho (?/<>,V\ weekly commercial review says tlwt trade shows bri^litpnini*-signs, and, alto gether, the week Jms worn 11 mors ch.^erful ixxpj-ct. ^Tiie |irosj>cts of U.w eviuiug Iv.uvvst. nr* exception- aMy good, the weather bein>j most favn-.ibiy tor the growing crops, which are well on iWsouieLdistricts, coiimleiing it is yet May, as the spring" was one of the finest ever known for seeding. Gloom or de- upoudeiH'V there is none in mercan- .' tilt- circles- And this lmppior bt*to of things is otii_y. attributed iu "part 'to the belief tl}"*t the harvest will be a'good one.: Meiclmiits are do init.a fairly, Siflisfnctoiv business as . mattoVs !irj, nor they Miiding on what Jlu-y-liopc llimos will Ik-. There wii* n .lull Inst werk, but tlmt is juts>t ;. cjuftitjtt-NS for several davs Ut a tilllb may yet-be expected;, blloulv ms u. temporary rest in, the general advatieeisient. There rs not the slightest dou'Lt that trade shows today in iu> principle brandies tbe comiiiii on-rush'of the full titln. . The the '#$"-.-* nimots -re.sjiectmg earl* dissolution of ' tJie present j>:u-jiiiineii'b are .undoM>btedly with out foundation. Tiie North Ameri can. Ac^j provides that the House of Cbiiiinoiis slitill .continue for five "yj< ai'-s troin thejdays of the return ot'the writs for-choosing tho House nnd no longer. The writs in the general ejection of lS74'wer re- turiwble in the last week in Junu- my, therefore jj&e prestjiit Parlia ment will be. dissolved by lapse of time in-the.last week o, January, 167 " ' ' ' tiuntic. Repeated changes of totich- ers isan evil that should be guard ed Hginst. The children at ufre- quently changejl from' otto system to HtiotluTr, and much of their timo necessarily wasted. Such a system, as ii rule, never ciin produce good sctiqlais; if any of tho.pupils ac quire a good education the)* do bo in spite of their disad vantages. A wise policy would hold out inducements to good teachers to re- main in the profession. " ' War Holt's. . The latest despatches aro rather favorable to the Russian cause. The English fleet lying in Plymouth Sound hn.i been ordered, presumably to Gibraltar, ion rather Bhort notice. Affaire in Constantinople are ap parently approaching a crisis.' A' conspiracy ugaiust the Snltun has l>een discovered, a number of load- iug men have been banished, the foreign resident* aro afraid of uu outbreak,^the Sottas still call for the attention of tho Administration, and the promised Egyptian contin gent is withheld for some unknown i-eason.' 1*ortrigneis are to bo ad mitted into the Turkish sorvic*, and a number of Englishmen are. tak; ingjtdvauUgo.ot tho opening. The. treasuries of the Shrine at jMeee.-i~ which contain two huudretl million jimbtri-s, liavts bneu ]duocd at the" disposal of the Sultan. HegArdiiig the &u&&iiiri |ositioii there are few derogatory re|KH'U. The line in Asia Minor ia ad vane lug, while tlmt of the Turks shows a disposition to fall back ; the Czar is to Like nominal command of the Russian nnd Roumanian arfuius; the latter of which is reported to be in good condition ; the j>oopie of Servia mid Koumauiu are showing increased sympathy with the jUus- sians. iThe Servians seom determined fo g.Ato war with the Turks-. . Warning to Shopkeepers. Iu tho new Act to amend the Weigbta and Measures Act, clause 27 provides -that ' ever}- trader^ manu.acturer, carrier,'public weigh er, Ay., who slmll after the time It is iiighly improbable that bap]>oii:jted for the first; iusj>ection there will lie nuy ueceshity for call-1 use any: weight or ineasure or iitg tin extni session of the Hwise, and- therefore the last session "vill be held -at the usual time next year. Tbe Ho*tse will iio doubt be dis- Bolved soon after.the adjournuient so tiiat the general election will Cuiiio on in the Fall. kTLis Methodist Ch u i-ch of .Cana da. Lave a case of beiesv to' -deal " 1 . ~ i with as well- us the Presbyterian Church. A of the -: mm :i||| ^ AI^LboJist'CL^ircb' KiK^j^n iuVesti- gatingcertuiu charges ot_pilso teBeh- ing made against *h ^tev. James Koy, a minister of fclfeJ'e'hureh in Montreal. Last week the comniit- t-tr r^J^orted that they -Koqliie char ges proved resiiectini; the ecripUires ^s a rule of Bajith, Trinity, the In-7 c iruation and Atonenieut. In cgi^j elusion the committer say "_-e 'therefore regret to be oWigj^l to ' coudeTniD the'teachtiigs [iromulgatr " ed by Mr. Roy ip liis pamphlet "as racionalbftic, and.-in sorue re- .'" specta absolutely Unitarian, and ' in nearly! every respect Socinian 'Lin Itlietr-ftendencies. We regret ' thiSt waifind in these teachings " not "only a departure from ' the " Btandiirds of faith of tbe Metlio- l " dist Church of Canada, but also : -"-" in . decided antagonism to tire " orthodox riews of nil evangelical ; " ChmcLes, and m.ich as we_regret .." to be thug obliged to condemn " the views of a biotlier whose "character and ability we highly " eisteem, wre atili fevi bound byour "obligations to truth und\to tbe ."Church, to render the aforesaid "judgment." Mr. Roy Las been "suspended frpm his charge. A few days afterwards a meeting of Mr. R.oy'_congregHlion was held for the pjirpose of organizing a new, church. A document was read adopting the Congregational form of government. The terms of ad mission iuto the Church are : A .simple requirement' that applicant ; desired to flee from the -#vrath to* come, atid felt a desire to work out the conviction of a new faith. It was moved and yarned that the name of the" new church Joe the "Wejjley:- Oongrejjational Church. After tbe principles of the new church had been' read afid signed; . by 04 persons, mi iiivitf-.tion was extended to Rev. Mr. ;Roy to be come pastor of ,tbe newly formed church,'- after which the meeting adjourned until PriduyJ weighing;; machine which has not been' duly ins|>ecte<l and stamped accordingj. to this Act, or which iiiAy be fouiid light, dsficient, or otherwise iunjiiRt, shall be guilty of an. offence against this Act, and (shall bu conviction incur a jienalty !of hot more than fifty or less than five dollars for each such offence; anil every; such -unstamped, light, (deficient or unjust' weight, weigh ing machine, or measure so found in his possession, shall, on being discovered by the Depirty 'Inspec- Iuj.nring Our Schools. People sometimes wonder' wby good teachers can seldom be iu- drijed to remain long-in one place. "We nSeci not be astoniabed .(wlien we notice tho gpneral tpn8eney iintoug^ trustees to lower salaries rather thm raise them. 'Young and inexperienced men often get as giod: positions and salurieK as those who have been engnged for years at teichi'ng. v As a' natural sequence a good teacher's highest ambition is .to quit the profession tw soon uspossi- 7,ble. He thinks by adopting some other profession, orgoing iii._busi- est lie may possibly increase his veai-ly earaingB; but he knows he cmnoi havo an increase iu siilnry if fi^ teach for twenty years. The j ter results" iie-.peniicioiis in the ex-' ^u tor, be forfeited and forthwith seired and broken by him, without suit or other authority than this Act..' "With regard to the above it is only necessary to add that the "expiration of the tirne appointed under- this" "Act" tftkes place on the 30th June;next. Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes is of tbe opinion that the present u rather a good time to live in. In his address to tbe Boston Micros copical Society, delivered a short time since,| he said : " To men of iny generation this modem world, which most of-you take as a blat ter of course, it being the only con dition'of things of which you had experience] is a source of wonder, a bu qding niirucla. Science and art have in our time bo changed the aspect, of ejveryday life ;that one of a certain age might well believe himself oil another planet or in another stage of existence./- The" wand of Prometheus is in our match-boxes; tbe rock of iZoreb gushes forj.h its streams io our dres sing-rooms' ; the carpet of Arabian story is spread in our Pullman car; our words] flash from continent to continent;; our very accents are transmitted.from city to city ; tbe elements J of forming worlds are analyzed in our laboratories ; ano!, most wonderful and signitieunt ~of all, the dij-Kpotic reign of tradition has receivjed its death-blow, when the angel |of aiifEsthesia' lifted from wpman-h(>od the worst terrors of the primdl malediction." A Dying JUau's Address. At Sandwich, on Tuesday, tbe 22d instt, Austin Humphrey suf fered the extreme penalty of the law for the murder of F. Appel. a few months ago in Windsor. Ho confessed bis guilt, arid or. the fatal scaffold,inads the following address: " 1 ani: now on the scaffold to pay -)tha last pe/ialty of .the law, and I (bless God that be has seen fit to pardon me and to sins away. I feel that my sentence is, just, and I want to warn you .alU uiy dear friends, never, never t^ touch the intoxicating cup. It was ull: through" liquor I came here; Oh ! my friends, as you value your lives, leave that cup alone; never? touch, taste, nor handle. It baa; done more barm tban all other* things put together, and has been the iuiri .of thousands, as it has been of me. May God have mero-y upon me and give me grace I" It will be remembered that at tile time Humphrey committed the deed he was under the influence of strong Are not the warn ings plentiful and featfiil of the terrible doings of intoxicating U' ; Pen airil Scissor Selects. Ffcrty-two buililinga were de stroyed by tho WAlfcerton flro-of Monday. ' - A drunkon- Frenchman fejl down a hotel sUtra, in. Hitmilton, on Friday last, and was kilfed. ?" - The Governor of Utah has p- plied to WttMmigtGii for tixwps in viow of tlnv MoV'mon; t,xoiteinont. - Official news ha>t Leon reoeived at Winnipeg that the garrison will not la> maintained after August. Oit Friday, Elizabeth Furman was drowned in a well on the promises occupied by hor mother on Main street, Humilton. -The Almonte Furniture Com pany havo suspended operations, forfeiting their claim to the 910,- 000 bonus from tho village. ' The GovernorOenernl's visit to' Manitoba and the North West will probably take place in the first week in August. Ovor forty places of business atf Walkorton were destroyed by firo on Monday, the loss entailed reaching a hundred' thousand dol lars. At a: mooting of tho temper- aneo people of Toronto, n report in favor of-the submission of the Dun- kin Act to the ratepayers was adopted. - The Pacific Mail steamship Vitij of Stiji Frum itco is a total ljias. having struck a sunken rock off the Mexican coast. The passengers aud crew were saved. The Licensed Victuallers of Wellington jam taking active iuea>- ures to prevent the subniission of the Duukin Act by the council cif that" county. A debating society has decided that " loyo" is more powerful than " money." This is probably true, but ham and eggs cost thirty cents a plate, ho matter how much you love them. "Five. Boston, confectioners have been indicted for. adulterating candy with chromat^ of lead and other injurous substances." We don't suppose jthoy will be candied enough to udmit the 'offence. A Trade Union case has been decided in Montreal, in which the memoc-a ot a stonecutters' associa tion were mulcted inj500 damages and costs for iniiptritijr against a non-uuion fellow-workman. The Toronto Telegram comes out squarely for an immediate ab andonment of the Canada Pacific. Railway. It must bo admitted that our contemporary makes out a strong argument for its view. P. T. Barnum, the veteran showman, is again on his rounds with fresh additions to hia mena gerie and circus. He is at present showing atMontreal, on bis progress westward, and is billed fpr.tbe 8th and 9th of Jane in Torouto. There is now serious talk at Washington of the formation of a third party, to be composed of the more moderate members of the old -parties who would be willing to take a new departure. 'The new body woujd be known aa the ') National fUnion" party. Oscar'II. of Sweden has asked in marriage for Lis son the hand of tbe Princess Charlotte, eldest daughter of the Prince Imperial of Germany, but as it has already been promised to the Duke of ilein- intjen tbe alliance with the royal family of Sweden cannot take place. P. T. Barnum has taken hold of the Charlie Ross matter, and will find him if any body can.' With tbe consent of tbe father, he has offered a reward of $10,000 for the recovery of the boy; and "no questions asked." The condition is that if recovered Barnum will have Charlie as an addition to his show. - It is estimated that at least 300,000 pilgrims will visit Rome during the jubilee of the fiftieth year of the episcopate of the Pope. It is supposed that each-of those pilgrims will give to the Pope at least 10, making a total of $3,000,- 000.-, Add to this the amount that will be sent by the churches, and the sum may reach $20,000,000. -^-A great number of .'Russian ladies in St. Petersburg have pledg ed themselves mutually, neither to wear silk nor satin nor costly orna- niencK, nor to give balls, nor to indulge in other luxuries during the present Avar, but to -devote the money which they would otherwise have Epent upon such objects to the nursing of the sick and wound ed of their country. ^Some of our exchanges are wrestling with the old, old problem' that baa puzzlad tho heads of the steady-minded and virtuous for ages. They ask, " How is it that there is a class of-young and old men in almost every town in tbe country, who toil not, neither do they suw.'wood, and yet drink more beer and wear better clothes than those who work six days in the week?" ," The sports of Cornwall on the -24th; were nmri'ed by the occur- rencH of a fearful accident, which resulted from the competition in Hammer throwing. A girl aged thirteen years, named Ellen Kavan-j agh, (was struck on the head and instantly killed by a hammer thrown by R. R. McLennan, the nharariion of the world. No blame dan be attached to' Mr, McLennan, as tho- hanimor- landed within tha ring. ;: : Nussngawcya Council. The: Council mot at the calt of thfc Reeve ou Monday, tho 28th insL : Members till present, the Reove in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and con firmed;. Mr. Norrisn moved, seconded by Mr. McFhuil, that $10 bo granted to Samuel Crawford, a poor and in digent person. Carried. ; Mr. Norrish moyed^seconded by Mr. Menzies, that the Reeve issue his order ou the Treasurer in favor Of tho following claimants for sheep killed by dogs, said claims being duly certified, viz: 3 to.James Murks for three Bhoop;8r0 to George Mack for two sheep'; i?24 to Samuel Cairns for twelve sheep ; 4 to Daniel Wingrovo for one sheep. Ca rried. Walter Liting presented n claim, for the improvement of a hill and cleaning out ditches uoar the Grand River, on the 2d line. Claim re fused. Mr. Norrish fnovod, seconded by Mr. MenzieR, that the account of McCalliun Bros, of 4 for eight bottles of bniiniy for O. Gardiner!,' prescribed by Dra. Robertson <t Bennett, be paid, anJ that the bal ance of sard account, be referred back to Said firm for a more detail ed statement. And a further sum of$lJ20 be paid to Geo. Andrews for meat furnished to the said O. Caitlinell during bis sickness: Ou motion duly seconded, tho for aid to certain poor niul indigent persons was rend the sec ond and third time aud passed, the grants per month being as follows : John Moore 89, Ann'Allcouk 82 and Mrs..Brain'-$3. Mr. Norrish movrtl, seconded by Mr. Hutcheon, that thu following sums be paid to the persons named, viz: $9.07-to A.'Stiuglu'for (t cof fin and other expenses attending Ciimiti Kelly's funeral, and '$l'.:25 for meals to tramps; $7 to "f.1 J. Day for blank assessments and 82.- t52 for Municipal Election blanks. Carried^ Mr. Hutcheoh -moved, seconded by Mr. McPliail, that the Council do now adjoiirn, and organizers u Court of Revision and appfcal. Carried. Council adjourned, and having taken and subscribed to the oath required by the Act, met as a Court of Revision, Mr. Muuzies in the chair. There were three appellants, viz: George Brown, Jolm Kean, and William Joyci', .r)00 was reduced on Mr. Joyce's Asseosment, and the other caseii were laid over.for fur ther consideration. Tho Assess ment Roll was partly examined, aud on motion the Court adjourned to meet again ou Saturday the i'tli day of June next for tho pfirpofo of cloai ng said Court and for the. tran&uctiou of other To^vnsbip busi ness, * Jons K.^sTEnanooK, T'p Clerk. Non^Ortliodox. The Rev. J. Roy, Methodist min ister, of Montreal, baa been expel* led fiom the Methodist connexion for what has been regarded aa non- orthodox. This case in somewhat similar to that of the Rev.-J. Mac- donald, of Toronto, who was ar raigned before the Presbytery fpr expressing even a thought that " final restitution" would l>e the ha]>py lot of sinners sometime in the remote future. Prof. Swing, another Presbyterian minister, of Chicago, and a Very eminent man, was bIbo similarly dealt with for holding and expressing opinions at variance with accepted doctrine. Cases -of this nature occasionally spring up in a land, of enlighten ment, and where civil and religious liberty is under no restraint, and all such promulgators of a new? faith, - or rather of a freedom of thought, find sympathizers among the masses. We frequently find nien of independent character and active temperament who refuse to be bound by the opinions and doc trines which good men of Old thought perfect, cle*r and absolute, yet at-the same time no man has a moral remain in cdnrlection with any christian church' whose principles of' faith and,: essential doctrines he does not regard as cor rect or true. It would "be better indeed if mere dogmatism did not so much aSBert itself, for in nearly every case christian ministers and people caA find sufficient to agree .upon to employ all the time and talent at their disposal ; and would it not he wiser to cherish their ac cepted virtues and principles than to spend the energies in magnifying tho points of difference and dis agreement, while infidelity, skepti ci8in and error take- advantage of the circumstances, Bpread and take root under the very, shadow of the cross itself? ! A Modec Speech. Tho corres pondent of ah Jnglisb journal cites tho following us a model speech ftir dinners attended by a bishop :or two. Ho says he heard it niade himself a yoar far two..ago : "My Lord Bishop of Gloucester nnd Bris tol, and you, my Lord Bishop of Bath nnd Wells, and you, my Lord Bishop of Sudor and Man I have much pleasure in' supporting tho resolution which you, my Lord Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol proposed, and you, my Lord Bishop of Bith and Wolls; seconded. My' lords, I had the honor, a year or two ago; of breakfasting with my friend the Lord Bishop of Gibraltar, and, my lords, |I asked hirt Lord ship, in tho confidence of private friendship, whut.jho thought of this socieiy. And what, my Lord Bis liop of Gloucester and Bristol, and you, my Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells, and you, my Lord Bishop ofSirlorand Man, do you think his Lordship's answer was? Ho said, my lords, * I think it a very good society.' And so, my lords, .do I." And he sat down. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T IIK EXCHANGE U<TEL, AOTON. Having fitted up tho large fttono hotel on tho cornor of'Mill and Main streets, iu suporior stylo, and bad tbe house thoroughly renuvntod, papered. and painted throughout, tho subscriber is now prepared'to accommodate travel lers and thu general public in first-class i style. Tho abuse is handsomely and comfortably furnished. Having, bad considorocfe experieuoe in the hotel business, tho public can rely on secur ing such accommodations as is becom ing to a first-class house. Tho stabling is largo and wctl-fitlcd np ; ajoo anjple shed-room.' Tlie patronage of' the pub lic is respectfully solicited. - JOHN MANEY. Acton, Mny 2, 1877. / AN "he Sarn>u Itefoi m Associa tion* WHS re-organized on Friday, and aftur the regular business was transacted it was agreed "to invito the Dominion Premier and repre sentative for the county, Hon. Alex. Mackenzie, to address' u mass meeting in the riding sluirtly. X>I STRAYED. T A white Saffolk Sow, shout one year old, strayed trom the premises of the subscriber,-about the (itli hist., and ws , seen in Acton that 'day. Animal in^ja fair size, in good condition, nil whitj. Information that would lend to its :&- | rc(|vcry. would bo thankfully received i by the undersigned; Word might Zo loft with Mr. Itubt. 'Agnew, Dominion Hotel, Acton. MICHAEL KALKY, Tt No. 21, 2d con. Esqnesing. May 15, 1877. 4(i 3t TNSOLVIjNT ACT OF 1875. i.' IN THU MATTER OF Marjir McNair, INSOLVENT. bargainsI D RESSHAKIXG. IAUUIKI). tn fJcorgctow'n, on the 23d hist., by the Itev. Mr, Lynch. Mr. Albert Smith t<> .Mia Ahneda Cook, both of Krin. At the reSidenru of therrrfde's father. Acton, by the; Ifev. Mr, Stolid, Baptist iniiiidtcr of ltraiiqitoif, Mr. David Gallo way, tn Miss Fanny Walters, 'dnughtcr of Mr. George Walters, all of Acton. Kill). Oil'tho 18th. Inst., at Kvurto'n, Ann, the bib,veil wife of Mr. Jloimld Hen- dersou, ageil ii? jvcara, a native of Wick, (.'nitluu-rs, Scotland.; MISSES MANX respectfully an- noiincie to the ladies of Acton and vicrrii- ity that they have commenced business | as Dressmakers in the house recently built by Mr. Edward Matthews, ncsr Nicklin's bakery. The patronage' el tbe public is respectfulfy solicited. Dressmaking in the 1>est manner am] most fashionable styles. MISSKS M.'& M. S. MANX. Acton, March 21, 1877. 38.3m XTILLAGE OE AC'XOX. The sitting of the "^- ^ Al'TOX JIAUKtTS. Fhair ... .....$3 75 to 4 00 Kail Wheat ... .. I .10 to 1 5 Spring Wheat. Glasgow .. 1 .M) to I .rur> lted Chaff Wheat . . 1 '-10 to 1 7)0 Barley ... . . 0 (iO to 0 00 Oats ,......0 47 to 0 .TO Peas .'......0 7.ri to 0 SO Potatoes, per bag .. 1 OQ to 0 00 Dried apples per lb ... 0 Oti-tn 0 07 Uatter....... 0 16 to 0 l(i KgS"....... 0 10 toO 00 Errs/ Cocoa. (Jhatkki-i. Com- FOKTlSi;. "Hy a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations -of digestion and nutrition, ami by.a careful application of the line properties' of -well selected cocoa, Mr. Kpp.t has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may he gradually built up until strongeuongh to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there1 is a weak i>oint. . We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ours_cHes well fortified with ]mre blood"ami a pro perly" nourished frame/' Civil Srrvice Oavttt._ Sobi only in packets labeled-,- "Jamks Kits & Co;, Homrrnpathic Chemist, 4S, Threa<lnceiTUT~Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." COURT OF REVI&lW Kor fhe Village of Acton, will be held At Matthews' Hall.i , Thursday, 31st of May, 1877,- - At 7:30 o'clock p.m."- Appellants and others will plc'Me'l take niiticc. The roll can be examined at my oliice. ^ : 'JOHN ROSS,. Clerk. ' Acton, May 10, 1877. 46^3t r'i ri w- A Restorer or Intrinsic Worth and One that Pleases All. ITood's Improved Hn'lr Brstoratire Is unllko any other, nnd hiis no equal. The Improved has new vegetable tonic properties; relores prey hair tnaglosxy natural color: r store* faded, dry, b'arsti ana fining hair; restore", dresses, fives vlijor U> the hal'r; restoies hair to prema turely bald heads; removes d >ndruir, hu mor*, fbaly eniptlon*; removes irriia tlon, itchin*; and ^caly dryiiess. No article proilures neh wonderful effects Tri- It, call for Wobu'a improved flnir Restorative, nnd don't be put on* with any otiierarllclo. Sold by n 1 drugg.sls In this place and dealer*, everywhere. Trade supplied at man rnclnrert' prices by C. a.Cook * Co .Chicago,Solo Agents for the United and Canada*, and by Lyman Bnos, a Co., Toronto. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. To the Working -las; We nre now rrepar-'Oto far'dsti ail clashes with c-.u-. Ktiii t omplo> roent nt Tin'mfi the wl-,ole of l lie i>me, or (or lliclr Fn're rh-,m' n-,.-. Htislni'-s new, ligtitanil proflt'bl. . i'er- t.ii.s <f I'l'ih' r s-X easily earn irom,-50| cents to 5-^ Pf r vniny, *ivl a j'l-opitrt oii- a' ho m by devoting t-t-lr whole tim? to Mie h filnc-p. Jloys nnd jjlr!senrii nearly as mneh ms men. That ab who *fe this rolic* may S"nd tl.'elr a idre , :>i'.d V-st f-e htiKleess we mitke this "nran-lleleil fl r: Tistieh as nre not Wellsulslled we %* ill send one dollar to pity r>r the tr ii-Me. of writing F'oll partlenlarf,- *-ain pb s Jor:li -everil d'tdar* 'o commelirc w ork on, und a c py of Ib.ine *ini r lr sidepone of toe lar^. st hmU b-'^t TJ'u-Uintod J.*iil)U- caltnns 'II "-pni free hy mall. Reader, If yen wunt .rerrnin-nt, i,rofltnl.lo' Vork. addr>;> Gmuge Stinsox d; Co.,,rorthtuU. MlllfUJ. ____________| .. r speyside' Sh-ingle, St^ve .' and" - j HEADING HILLS. NOTICK is- hereby given that by virtue of the powers vested in ifae as Assignee of the above named lnsol vent, and pursuant to the directions ot the Creditors of the sakl Insol vent, ap'provcti by the Judge oftbe Courty, Uouj-t of the County.of Hal- ton, shortening the time for publish ing the advertisement, 1 shall offer for sale by Public Auction, an tbe premises, in! the Village of AC TON, on WEDNESDAY, the SIXTH day of JUNE nefct, V.TVVJEU.Vii o'clock noon, nil'the estate, right, itV ami interest of; the Jniolvent,. and of myself as Assignee, in andT'to the following parcels of land : Parcel No| 1. Consisling-of Village lot number inine in block number two, in the village of Aeton, afore said. Uponj tbis/ parcel has been erected : a large and commodious brick house and store. Tbe building is new, well finished throuuhoat, and has never been oc cupied. . Parcel No. 2; Consisting of tbe westerly part ol-Village lot number eighteen, in block number three, in tbe village cf Acton, aforesaid. On tbis parcel ia a frame dwelling-boose nnd store and stable. ' './. Parcel No. I will be sold subject; to a mortgage to tbe Hamilton Prd,-, vrdenr nndl Loan Sbcre'ty, for onetf thousand two hundred dollars, and interest lrom 1st December. I87G. j Parcel No] 2 will be sold subject j tova mortgage,' particulars of which j will be irfvepat time of sale.. ) , Terms and conditions made Known ] at the time of sale. 'V - :. VV.'.ALLAN.-Assignee. Aetou, MajJ !. 1477... 45-It STILL AltEtif Ai_nii}'.'""~"^- ACT0M TIN AMD STOVE MrfT <fi- WILSOW & j .1- ; . " t " Be* to think tnir nnnierotuWiifa and customers for the lind'ptiS: age hitherfo extendd to thwTaS wisL to inform them that t^f * now on hand a large Moek ,#?? Plain, Pressed juid JjtMiaw Wave. ' which they are elling chetpet Bo* ever^* ^ . KVTirrnoitHijjC a- natuau AT THEN! tmimi Robert Fislier i Has every :hfng that yon want in TinTT&rs Any parties wanting Shincles wonld do well to give ns a c&lb We -will nl-. ways have en riatid a good.;supply of No. 1 and No. 2 Sbinfjles. Best quality No. 1 Shingles $1.60 peri square. No. :!, 70 cents per square. 1 P. a- H. SAYERS. Speyside, Dea 13, 1'876. 24-6m s THAI' HORSE. Boou8 Bills. Bogus four dol lar bills on the Dominion Bank are in extensive circulation, sharpers having palmed them off on farmers in large numbers. They are the old form of " fours," in which the vignerJte represents a.farmyard .with horses, piffs, etc., in the foriegronnd. On the left of.the bills is a picture of Frince Arthur. The engraving ia dark and coarse. The signature " W. H. Howland " on the left is written in the original, but. in the bogus bill it is engraved. [The lath work surrounding the figure 4 on the right side is poorly Executed and the numbering is badly done. IT"! Today is inauguration day of the city of Brantford. ' Qime on the premises of- the subscri ber about the 24th of May, an aged brown Horse. JThe owner is requested to prove property, pay charges " and take him away. | STEWART McCUTCHEON, Licit No. 9, 3d con. Eriu. Erin, May 29,d877. 48-2t ----------------------------- ------------- rjlHOROUGH-BRED BULL. The tthoroughj-bred ' Durham Bnll "Columbus," oui of the herd of Archi bald Campbell,. Esq., Nossagaweya, with pure; registered pedigree, will serve cows! for the season on Lot 28, 4th con. ot Esqnesing. Terms Dur- liams, 4; grades and common cowi, $leach.. JOHN A. MANN, Proprietor. _E3oncsing, Mail- 28, 1877. 48-31 "E^XECBToris' KOTICE. ; AU parties having cliims against the estate of the late Andrew Ross, of the township of Nassagaweya, are required to file thu same with vouchers attached, with Daniel Eribs, of tho TpWn "of Guelph, on or before tbe first day of, .July next, and all parties indebted to tho said estate are requested to pay the same hy thai date. '.'_' By Obueu of the Executors. Guelph, May 21,1877. 48-3t WHiEAT LOST. About half a bag full of Wheat was lost on! Tuesday between the 4th line and Tolton's Mills. The owner's name is on the bag. Tho finder will please return it to ' g. & A. Mcdonald, ' Lot 30, 4th line Esqueaing. May 23, 1877. l REAPING UACII1NE Democrat Wasron for Sale. WAGGONS.1 ! ^^ Now is the time to leave your ordpr i v At J. Ryjder's Paptory - ..j for ' ' Stylish Buggy or Serrlceable Waatjon. I am making tip a large stock for the present season, frorr^ the best material. Callxtnd See our Handsome Buggies itfow is a jgood time to secure bargains.. . , Strict attention given to " ! "I V ' Horse-ShoeineS; GenctalBlac^-, '...' .:. \ JAMBS RYDER. Acton, Feb. 26, 1877. ali to be s ' 1 ":.." ' Stoves, and Sitckon Furnishings, dd cbeajwr tban ever. Call and see ns uefore pwehiife elsewhe, as our pricta. anntl beat in toe county. .--,.- BeiDg jira5rtial workmen,'jj^C^ our stock of Tinware is made rip u ourselves, and we feelaatafied iiu we cannot be undereofd.'." 7" '-- Slieejislcint, Cuttcm Ragt, Old Up- ~ per und Brim tafon in udiafe^ /or Goods. ]y )".- Repairing anil Jobbing jroroptH attended to. ' ; ..;. f ; : WILSON 4 JOflKSDJi ' - Acton, April 37 1877. 40-lm :' - The Aoton. Ho#^L --" - : " ' ^"-U -'--I.! Are.manufacturing-ili* celebritai.; STEPHEHS0H Th.& 'Boss' Gang Plor , ' They keep a full stock on'-iind,uUrt . ;. prepared to do all kind* of <' . I Repairing on PIowb,- j - ami also alio kiirfj of; ' : . - ,. " j:'-t:i.'. Laihc , Work and Iron Plmifj on the shortest notice. Please call and WxamrdlK. oar"plow before parchSuing elsewhere? ^'. i';v ACE5TS TOB Sharp's :;Self-Dumpiiw. Bbf and Stubble Bake. Acton, Feb. 13, 1S76. -i Ki) Trt ^ P Ei G >'il " Ds W< bo> n: Sti 1 ~T Th r;-- Zt A- ' f: eal Pj H fod of . "of-^ u ti{ a i -Pi 5< An immense stock'just arrived ' Brass Kettles, Porcelain./Iidned. "Settles, Lanterhs, | Smoothing; Irons, Milk Pails,. \ " . Japanned "Ware, "j Pressed Tin-ware, COOKING SOX AND PARLOR STOVES, STOVE] PIPES, &-c.,':&c. 1877. ; The snbscribcr wiU .For all well saved Hemlock Barifci Delivered ot Acton Tannery, lsfa^ Dec. 1st, 1877, luid after DeSi **> _ S4.50 per cord. G. L. BEABDM^BE. Acton, April 25. ]77. ;/, fl LENL ATTSOX 'M I LLSt h k j Can't bo made by-every II agent ev ry inoflth- In Tho Kirby advertiser Combined nearly new, also Democrat- Wagon. ply at this office. Acton, May 15, offers - for sale a Reaping Machine, a good Msepond-hand Forparticulars ap- 1877. 46-31 conn ^^ ^*l ^*M ^*Mi tlie business we furnish 4iVVW, but thosu wllllnt to ! worlc caa easily earn a dozen dollars a day rieht in their own localities. Have no room to exf lain here. Business pleasant ami honornble. Wo men. nd boys] ami gl>-'s' do as well ns men. We .will furnish you a complete Outfit free. . The bi.sines pey Di-tter tban .anything] else. We wilNbear-ex. I onso ol t-tartlne you. Partlcu nrs free. Writ*- and see. Farmers anl mecnanics, their sons and daughters, and ait clauses In need of paylng work nt home Khoul.l write t > iis and Vnrn nbout the work at once, tyow Is the time. Don't deJay, Adiress True <6 Co , Aueusla, Maine. . /^ASH FOR WnEAT. Any quantity of good merchantable wheat wanted at the the Acton steam mills, for which the highest market, price will be paid in cash.- . "\ B. & E. NICKLIN. ^cton, Fob. 7, 1877. ' . "32-tf EAVBTEOUGHINXi-, Jobbing- anl Repaying Promptly Itteaiei'io. ].; KOBEBT FISHEB. Actnn, Aprll[Sdl877. . J0-3ra DAY SHOWS THE LARGEST f STOCK OF , VlfAll PAPER ;-""|: f ".-. . Eyer ahpwn in Gueljih, all I -" Iff c to and C Hoice and prices lower than ever. Children's Carriage Having thoroughly .rep Mill, and pat in a irtw^|; Middlings Purifltt, we a re now prepared to; gilt'*[ * ter yield of flour trn forinerlJiwtB quality quite as good. - ' _ : V QRISTXNQ AND CH&P?&ft- promptly atf^rJdttJ.'.'p The patronage ot ^h*_<foMljiJf^ Bjieotfully solicited. v'j'" ' . T.he highest price always pa-ji**" any* (j^antity of wheat. * A quantity"ofaeeH barley fcfj** \ >^ g. i b. wiavs. Acton, April' 10, mi-. -' -W^L rpO FARMfiKS." j Now is the-time to "ISr,"Te^w_, stocks The first pr!!bttl3i^,%ijl. Sir William Teniple [2296^ &*[ by Red Prince [#2]^ wmsart^W .the premises of -jie^inderaig?** ' the season; -' T^ms.- ThorooglbO cows S4.00; Gn.a*<ow8$Ugt.vjf3r.v? / v JOEL April 4, 1877. -Lot No. 5,' 1st coo. Guelph, Apr! 1 21,1B77, sold off cheap, at ew Bookstbrb To lie Day's "N' i .Nearly opposite the old stand, gTEAM ._ Carriage & ^a|f '-.."' - ' . --.- i - r-fi"-- " . Haia Steeefr, - - ' i ; MICHAEL SPEICH|j? General Blacksmith, Carnage!;, WagoB'fliaker' ;;jrv Best Hdrse-Shoers infill '*?***'?.; Perfect satisfaction traanfflteed jW. price charged. ..-, - I - Firsts-Ian Tlows ,!to^fP,.^^^ . Iron Marrow* always A Woodstock of CirruiKeVaa'i.^^ "Repairing promptly and P? tended to. Acton, Jniy 18, 1876 !~: 3) <:

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