Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 31, 1877, p. 3

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4. >?. THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COtaTY,- OFT., MAY 31, 1^7^ *\ rt"l n nr"JV;i nn 4:Vr>G ! tl|,mc- Keiuated changes uf touch- rtVVJUU.* f ^'V*| i-^'V^.'ew iBn evil that tlioukl be gimid- ied again.Ht, The children ntuft-e- 'qiu'titly changed from one ttyatonv sat M HACKING EDITOR lm TmnsnA Mormn.,. May 3l'i l*T7."-]-l rtm,t,,,,r. ' ,.1 imich of their =timo tn-cesaarily wanted. Such a Nystem, ruin, ticvwr can produce :&;i ? &[ ---A hopeful HN|HCt oillliaiueS-H llf- fairs seems to exit.t in 'every qimr- tor st the p>-eent tiling Sluvild tin's continue to Ire the cnnefbr the next few month* we shall all then lie, : able-'to ivalize that we Imvo coum iiiiv-i'ugb the ordjiml of " Lurd times" nud n\v (m theJHighro>id to a pros-. pcYous futut'v. ;Tho Olo-vt weekly commercial review says that trade sliows" iuiglitening signs, and, alto gether, tlie week has .worn n mors .cheerful aspect. The |ii-u.snctJi of t'.ie coining -harvest tiro exception- 'ally good, the weather being most favorably tor the .growing crops, ; xytudt nre. well fri in some districts, considfiing it is yefc May, as tho pprjjig ; wks one of ttio titiest ever knifwtv for seeding. Gloom or. do- hpojifJetiey'tlieiv is hone iu mercan tile; eiivle-s., And this happier state of things is on.y attributed in jwrt to tiit- Ix-lift' tlmt the Imrvcaf will lie a gtniil one. MrvcimiUs hvp do ihii a fairly satisfactory buMiies,s as * mutters are, nor- ure tiirv iniding Kcholai * ; if any of tho pupil* ac quire a good, education they do so in spite of their disadvantages. A -wiso policy Would hold out inducements to good teacher* to re main iu the profession. War Notes. . The latest 'despatches aro nithor favorable to the RuRsinn cause. The English fleet lying in Fly mouth Sound hn.i been ordered, presumably to Gibraltar, on .rather short notice. AtTairH in Constat)tiuople are ap parently approaching crisis. A conspiracy ugainst the Sultan has been discovered, a number of load ing meii have been banished, the foreign resident* aro afraid of nu outbreak, the Suftas still call for the attention of tho Administration, and ihe promised Egyptian contjiu- gent is withheld for some unknown I reason. Fon-igiieiu are to bo ad- mitfrd.into thtr'Turkiah snrvioa, and 'a number- -of K(ili.-sFimeii nro tnk- iivg advantage oljiho opening. The trSisnries'of thc'Shiine hl Meiy.i, \yl(ich contain two hundred uiiljion on what >( lit V hope thine,*-will he. ! pji&ti-es, have linen pl.ieid .lit .the I? --Ill i,^ Jky\^:'^ ; There was a lull last week, tint that is past ;.quieUie>s for several davs disposal of the: Sultan. Regarding the Russian position ;lt'a'.tinie inay vet by expectetl, hu\ there aro few, derogatory^ report*, .ojily'a.-* a temporary rest in. th? I The lint? in Asia Minor u aclvanc generaljadvancjuieut. Tliereis. not j ing, while thtf thtf Turks shows ^it'.idijtih'est.difuLt that trade shows disposition to fall !>uck ; the l;Z*r to-day in its ]-inci]>l(!' bi-ancbes tbe j is to tiika nominal coimuaud of s'tlie coining on-rush of the full tid. ' Russian and Hounianiau armies, M$ !- viit-r p -: mm % ^ <\-^mk it The liimpis resj>ectuig the eatly-"dissolution of the" present pailiTinieiH at. out foundation!'; The North Ameri can Ai!t piT>vides that tbe'House of (.'" shall continue for five }. ais-.iiojn the days of the return ot the writs for choosing the House mitt" n'&: loiiytr. The writs in the general Teleciion of 1S74 were re- "turnabl^ in tlie last week iu Jann- viuy, thiiivforo the jnvsent Parlia- rsient "Wi!l_ ti'e ilissolveil W'lapse of 'tinie in the.last week of January-, 167i'.' It is highly improbable that liitrre- will be auv ncce.-^itv for call ing u cxfnt se-5aiion of the House, and ll.erelore the last session "vill be held at- the iisiial time next year.' The House will no doubt bs dis solved soqn aftpr.the-.ndjoiirliicent so tiiut the general election will como on. in tlse Full. the latter Of which? is re|wrted to bo in good condition ; the jieople of Set via and Rouuiauia'are showing I , . , . . . , increased sympathy with the Rus ;l-:Undoiibtedlr with- ' - / i ... Klaus. The Servians sooni determined lo go to' war with the Turks. 7 ;>j-i".--r : ,TL- J- vMmr m .-ii-'i^-r M'iM t" "1 p) ti'-J-i ^Ks'-'y'-^ ' I '- bof .Cana- . tla Lave a case of Lei esy lo deal with HS~ell as the Presbyterian C'linrcii. A.- tomwittet; of the Mrthtxlist Chui-ch has'l*-e"n investi gating certain charges 6t false teacli- ing made ag7iinst 'Iih }{ev. James Roy, a minister of -tie church in Montreal. ! Lasfwej-k.tlie comniit- t.-e- rej>orte<i that tLev-find, tiie char ges pioTed ri'spectiua lllt; scriptiirta ;.s a rule of Faith, Trinity, the In- r truation and Atouenietit. , In con iluaion the poiutnitttro sa.y ." we ' therefore regret to be obliged to ' condemn the teachings prooiulgat- . " e4 by : Mr. Roy in his pninphlet -." as rationalistic, and ill some re- ' spects absolutely Unitarian, and ' iu nearly every respect Socinian "Mh their tendencies. We regi-et ' that we find in these teachings "not only a departure from the " standards of faith of the Metho- " dist'Chnrch of Canada, but also " iff decided antagonism 'tS the. " qt-thodsix Tiews of all evangelical " Churches, and much ns we regret "to be thus obliged to condemn " the ,\ iews- of u brother whose " character and "ability We highly ". esteem, we still feel bound by our " obligations to trutli and to the "Church to render thti aforesaid "judgment." Mr. Roy' has been suspended from his charge. A few days afturwardara meeting . of Mr. Roy's congregation was held ifor the purpose of organizing a new church. A document ; wits read .mlopting the Congregational form . .'of government.. Tlie terms of ad mission into the'Church are :--A fcimple retpiireijient tlmtj applicant desired to (lee from theLwrath. to ctiuje, unci felt a (iesire fco.woi'Ic out Uit cunviction of a new fniib. It was moved and. citnied 'that- the name of the new chjareh tie the Wesley Congrsgatjona'1 Chirrch. After the priiic^des . of the new church had beetle read and signed by 04 persons,-in invitation was extended to Rev; Mi. liny to be- ; come jiastor of Che newly formed church, after which the meeting . adjourned until /Friday. :-- ' WariiiiiR to SUo|)kcopers. In tho new Act to amend the Weights and Measures Act, clause 27 provides that " every trader, manufacturer, carrier, public weigh er, tc., who shall after, tbe time apjicinted for the first iti8]>ection ( use any weight or measure or iveigh'iug'machine which im* not been duly inspected and stamped according to this Act, or which m.iy lie found li^jbt, deficient, or otherwise unjust, shall be guilty of an offence against this Act, and shall 6u conviction incur a jienalty of .-not more than fifty or less than five dollars, for each such offence ; and every such unstamped, light,- deficient or Unjust weight, weigh ing machine, or measure so found in his possession, shall, on being discovered by the Deputy Inspec tor, be forfeited and forthwith seized and broken by birr, without snit or other (authority than this Act.' With uegard to the above it is onlv necessary to add tlrat tho 'rcxpirn"ticra of the time-appointed under t1iis"Act" takes place oa the 30th June next. ul a^pK^ fl-4 Dr. Oliver Wendell Holme* is of the opinion that the present is rather a good time to live in. In his address to tbe Boston Micros copical Society, delivered a short time since, he said: " To men of toy generation this modern world, which most of you take as 1 mat ter of course, it being the only con dition of things of which you had experience, is a ;SGurce-of wonder, a standing niiracla. Science and art have in our time bo changed the aspect of everyday life that one of a certain age might well believe himself on another planet or in another stage of existence. The wand - of Prometheus is in our match-boxes;'-the rock of Horeb gushes forth its streams in our dres sing-rooms ; the carpet of Arabian story-is spread in our Pullman oar; our words flash from continent to continent; pur very accents are transmitted from city to city ; the. elements of forming worlds, are analyzed in oiir laboratories ; artel, most wonderful and signidcont of all, the despotic reign of tradition has received its death-blow, when the anyel of umesthesia lifted from womanhood "the worst terrors of tlie primal malediction." I- Injuring [Our Schools. People sometimes 1 wonder : why- good teachers -[can seldom be in duced to remain long in ono? place. We need not lie astonished -when -s i na notice tho general tpndenej among trustees to lower salaries father thni raise them. Young ujwl inexjxTJenced men often get :1s good positions and salaries us <hose who have been engaged for years at teaching. jj. As a natural sequence a good teacher's '-highest ambition is to quit the profession as soon uspqssi- ; Die. He thinks by adopting some other profession, or going in busi ness, he may possibly increase his vearly earnings; but lie knows fct "ii'iiinot have an increase in salary if ije teacli for twenty years. The resit Its" sre .pernicious in -the ex- A DyiiwtJHau's Address. Af^Sandwich, on Tuesday, the 22d instl, Austin Huiniihrey sjif- fered'wte extreme penalty;.of the law for the murder of F. Appel a few months ago in Windsor. > Ho confessed his guilt,1 and on the fatal scaffold mads the following address: " 1 aui now on the scaffold to pay the last penalty of the law, and I bless God that he has sewn fit to pardon me and to wash my sins' awa}*. ,1 feel that riiy sentence is just, and :I want to warn you sill. niy dear friends, never," never to touch the intoxicating cup. It wasall through liquor I came here. Oh ! my friends, as you value your Iives,"leave that cup alone; never touch, taste, nor handle. It has done more harm than all other things ;put together, and hnR been the ltiin of thousands, as ^t bus been of me. May God have mercy" upon- me and give me grace !" It will be remembered that at the iime liiim-ijhrey committed the deed he was under the influence of strong drink. Are not tho warn ings plentiful :and fearfiil of the I terrible doings, of intoxicating li- ' lUOIf. ' " ; Pen mid Hclssor Sclocta. Forty-two buildings were dc strnyed by tho Walkerton firo of Monday. } A "drunken Frenchman fell down a hotel staii-s, in Hamilton, on Friday hkst, and was killed. The Governor of Utah has ap plied to Wnsliiiigtoii for trobjw in view of the Mormon ixcitojULL Oflicial news luis beoit received at Winnipeg that tho garrison will not be maintained after August. On Friday, Elisabeth Furnmn w'ur drowned, in 11 wtll on the jinmiinesoccupied by lior mother on Main street, Hamilton, The Almonte Furniture Com pany havb suspended' o|>erations, forfeiting their claim to tlie $10,- 000 bonus from tho village. The GovernorGeneral's visit to Manitoba and the North West will probably take place - in tba first week in AugiiHl. rOvor forty ph\c*ff of business at. Walkerton wero destroyed by firo on Monday, the loss entailed reaohing a hu.tidretl' thousand dol lars; ;,., At a jnooting of tho temper- neo |>eople of Toixjnto, n rej>ort ii fnvor of the ubmisioti of the. Dun- kin Act to tho ratepayers whb adop:i'il. Tho Pacific Mail ttenmship City .< >/ Am Friincinco \6 a total 1ms, hayHjg struck a sunken rock off the .Mexican coast. The passongers aud crew- wore saved. The Licensed Victuallers of Wellington am taking active meai- irea to prevent tho submission of the Duiikin Act by the council of thut county. A debating society has decided that " love" is more powerful than " money." This is probably true, but ham and cggsccost thirty cents a plate, no matter how much you love them. " Five -Boston confectioners have been indicted for adulterating candy with, chromato of lead and other injurous substances." We don't suppose they will bo candied enough to admit the offence. ! ' A Tnule Union case has been decided in Montreal, in -which the members 0! a "stoinxiitefre' associa tion were mulcted in 500 damages and costs for inspiring against non-union fellow-workman. The Toronto Tclegraifi comes out sqjuarely for an immediate ab andonment of the Canada Pacific- Railway. It must lie udtuittel that our contemporary makes out 1 stro'ug argument for its view. P. T. Barnnm, tlie yeterni showman, is again, on his round 1 with fresh addition's to his. menu- gerie and circus. He is at present showing at Montreal, on bis progress westward, and is billed for tbe 8t 1 and 9th of June in Toronto. There is now serious talk t Washington of the formation of a third patty, to be composed .of thjO more moderate members .of the old imrties who would b* willing to take a new departure; The new body would ,.be k,nown as the " National IJnion" party. Oscar II. of 3weden has asknd in marriage for Lis Bon the hand of tho Princess Charlotte, eldeit daughter of the Prince Imperial of Germany, but als ' it has "already been promised to the Duke of Meiji- ingen the alliance with the royal family of Sweden cannot take place. P. T. Barnum has taken hold of the Charlie Ross matter, and will find him if any body caL With the consent of the father, be has offered a reward of $10,000 for the recovery of tbe boy, and " tio questions asked." The condition is that if recovered Barnum will have Charlie as an addition to his lllOW. . I Il is estimated that at least 300,000 pilgrims will visit Rome during the jubilee of the fiftieth year of the episcopate of the Pope. It is supposed that each of those pilgrims will give to the Pope, at least $10, making a total of $3,000,- 000. Add to this the amount that will bo sent by tho churches, and tho sum may reach $20,000,000. A great number of Russian ladies in St. Puternbuighave pledg ed themselves mutually neither to wear silk nor satin nor costls orna ments, nor ]to give balls, nor to indulge in other luxuries during the present war, but to devote the money which they would otherwise have Hpent upon 'such objects to tho nursip. of the sick and wound ed of their country; Somo of our exchanges are wrestling with the old, old problem that has puZzlad the heads of the steady-minded and virtuous for ages. They ask, " How is, it that there-is a class of young and old men in almost every town in the oountry, who toil not, neither (do they saw wood, and yet drink more beer and wear better clothes than those who work six days ia the week?" . '! . Tho sports of Cornwall on the 24th were- marred by the occurj- rencM of a fearful accident, which resulted from tbe competition in hammer throwing. A' girl aged thirteen years, named Ellen Kavan- agh, was struck on tbe head and instantly killed by a hammer! thrown by R. R. McLennan, the; champion of the world. No blame can' be attached to- Mr. McLennan, as the- hammer landed .within the ring. Nnsaagawcyn Council. The Council met at the call of the Reeve oil Monday, tho 28th > inst. Members all present, the Reeve in tlio. chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and con firmed. i Mr. Narrish moved, soconded by Mr. MoPbuil, that $10 bo grunted to Waunifl Crawford, 11 poor und in digent person. UHniwI, Mr. Norrish moved, seconded by Mr. Meuzics, that the Reeve issue his order on the Treasurer in favor of the following claimants for sheep killed by dogs, said claims being duly certified; viz : $3j to James Murks for three sheijp; 810 to Georgo Black for two sheep ; $24 to Samuel Cairns for twelve slWp ; 8-1 to Daniel Wiugrovo for one sheep. Carried. - Walter Laing presented u claim for the improvement of a hill and cleaning out ditches uoar the Grand River, on tlie 2d lino. Claim re fused. Mr. Norrish moved, seconded by Mr. Munzies, that I'm account of McCallum Bros, of $4 for eight bottles of brandy for O. Cardinell, prescribed by Drs. Robertson it Bennett, bo paid, and that tho bal ance of auid account be referred buck to Biiid firm for a mote detail ed statement; And 11 further Hum of 1.20 bo paid to Geo.' Andrews for meat furnished to the said O. Cardinell during his sickness. O11 motion duly seconded, tho By-law for aid to certain poor and indigent persons was rciul the sec ond and third time and pasied, the grants per mouth being as follows: John Moore $0, Ann Allcock - $2 and Mrs. Brain $3. Mr. Noriish moved, seconded by Mr. Hutchoou, that tho following sums bo paid tb tho persons named; viz: $9.07 to A. Stiugle-for a cof fin and other expenses' attending Cumin Kelly's funeral, and $1.25 for meals to trumps ; $7 to T. J. Day for blank assessments and $2.- 02 for Municipal Electib:)'blanks. Carried. Mr. Hutcbeon moved, seconded by Mr. McPhail, that tho Council do now adjourn, .and organize, ua a Court of Revision and appeal. Carried. Council adjourned, and having taken and subscribed to the outh required by the Act, met-as a Court of Revision, Mr. Mouzies in tho chair. There were three appellants, Viz: Georgo Brown, John Kean, and William Joyce. $500 was reduced. on Mr. Joyce's A'sseosment, and the other cases wero laid over for fur ther consideration. The Assess ment Roll was partly examined, and on motion the Court adjourned to meet again ou Saturday the <jth day of June next for the purpose of closi ng said Court mid for the. transaction of other Township busi ness. Jons Eastebbkook, T'p Clerk. Kon>Ortliodox. :TUe Rer. J. Roy, ^fethodist min ister, of Mo&trenl, has been expel led fiom the Methodist connexion for what baa been non- orthodox. This case in somewhat similar to that of the Rev. J. Mac- donald, of Toronto, who: was ar raigned before the Presbytery fpr expressing even a thought that " final restitution" -would be the happy lot of sinners sometime in tbe remote future.- Prof. Swing, another Presbyterian minister, of Chicago, and a very eminent man, was also similarly dealt with for Lolding and expressing opinions at variance with accepted doctrine. Cases of this nature occasionally spring up in a land of enlighten ment, and where civil and religious liberty is under no restraint, and all such promulgators of a "new faith, or rafher of a freedom of thought, find sympathizers among tbe masses. Wo frequently find men of independent character and active temperament who" refuse to be hound by the opinions and doc trines which good men-of old thought perfect, clear and absolute, yet at the same time no man has a moral right to remain in connection with any christian church whose principles of faith and essential doctrines he does not regard as cor rect or true. It would be better indeed if mere dogmatism did not so much assert itself, for in nearly every case christian ministers and people can find sufficient to agree upon to employ all the time and talent at their disposal ; and would it not bo wiser to cherish their ac cepted virtues and principles than to spend the energies in magnifying the points of difference and dis agreement, while infidelity, skepti cism and error take advantage of the circumstances, spread and take root, under .the very Bhadow of the cross itself? A MODKC HpKEt'H. Tho cormh. pondont of an English jotirnul cites the following!as a model speech for dinners attended by a bishop-or two. Ho says bo hoard'it made himself a year or two ago :,. " My Lord Bishop of Gloucester and Bris tol, aud you, my Lord "Bishop of Bath and Wells, and you, my Lord Bishop of Sudor nnd Mnn--*I' have much pleasure in supporting the resolution which you,, my Laid Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol proposed, and you, my Lord Bishop 'of'Biith atid VVolls, seconded.'". My lords, I had tho honor, u year or two ago, of breakfiisting with my friend the Lord Bishop of Gibraltar, and, my lords, I asked his Lord, ship, in. tho coniidouco of private friendship, what he thought of this socieiy. And what, my'Lord' Bis hop of Gloucester ami Bristol, and you,'my Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells, and you, my Lord Bishop of S >dor and Man, do you think his l>ord*litp'a answer wast Ho said, my lords, ' I think it a very good society.' And so, my lords, do I." And ho satdown. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. rTIIIK EXCHANGE IIOTKI,, '! ACTON. I Having fitted up tho lnrge stone hotel on tho corner of Mill and Main streets, | iu superior style, and had. tho hotinc , thoroughly ; roiiovatud, papered nnd I painted throughout, tho subscriber is now prej>arecl. to liccomraodnte . travel ler* and the general public in first-class sty In. The Tloiise is handsomely /v comfortably furnished. Having /mil considorncle experience in the hotel business, the public can rely on secur ing such accommodations ns .is becom ing to a first-clans house. Tho stabling; is largo and woll-fittcd up ; also ample sliud-rnoni. The patrwinjro of the pub lic is respectfully solicited. ., JOHN MANCT. Acton, Mny 22, 1^77. TN'BOJLVENT ACT OF INI THE MATTER Mary McNair, j^N;iNSOLVI5NQ men Tlie SariiMt Refoun Associa tion was re:organized oh, Friday, and after thti regular business was tliniHautod it was a<<tL-ud tu invito the Dominion Premier and repre-. st'iiutive for, tlie county, Hon. Ali'X. Mackenzie, to address a mass meeting in the riding shortly. MtltltlKD. In Georgetown, ou the 23d hist., by the Kev. Mr. Lynch, Mr. Albert Smith to Miss Almuda t'ook, both of Krin. At the residence of the bride's father, Acton, by the I'.ev. Mr. Su,bci, Baptist lililiiNter (if Brampton, Mr. David Ciallo- way, tu Mi.-.s Fanny Walters, daughter of Mr. (George Walters, nil of Acton. IHID. On the 8th irrst., nt Ki-erton, Ann, the hcl'.vcd wife of Mr. Dotinld Hen- dersou, aged li;"' years, a native of Wick, Cnitluiers, SeotlamL jpiCi STKAYE. A white Suffolk Sow, about one year old, straycd from tho premises of the sutiscribcr, about the Gth inst., and was bcou in Acton that day. Anittml is it fair size, in tft>n<\ conditioxi, nil -irhitc. Iiiformntioti that would lead to its re- rwcovory would bo thankfully received by tile undersigned. Word might; bo loft with Mr. iiubt. Agnew, Dominion Hotel, Acton. MICHAEL KA'IJKY, - Lot No.- 21, 2d con.. Ksquv'sing.- '-': May 15, 1877.________ 4U 3t JJKKSSM \KI\(i. MISSES MANX .rei,poctfu>Iy an- noitiiue to the ladies of Acton and Vicin ity that they have commenced - business as DrexHinakers in the house recently built by Mr. Edwanl .Matthews," near XicklinSi bakery. .The patronage of the publip is respectfully:., solicited.. Dressni.-ikui^ in the best maimer and nioit fashionable styles. MISSES M. fz M. X. MAXX. Acton. March 21, 1877. 38.3m Y ILLACE OF AC'fO.V. AfTO.V JIltfUKTS. F1ur ........^3 7o to 4 00 Kail Wheat .. ,. 1 ."o to 1 So Spring Wheat. Glasgow ., 1 .00 to 1 ,r>.~> lied t'Ji.ilf Wheat .. j 1 -10 to 1 /SO Itarley ... ... 0 CO toi) (K) Oats. ... ' ..- .. 0 -17 to 0 r,0 I*eas ' ... .. .. 0 75 tii 0 SO Potatoes, perbng ... 1 00 to O 00 Dried apples per lb .' . ;' 0 OG to 0 07 Butter .i.....0 16toO ^(^, I'-tit!. !.......0 lOtoO oo Kri's' Cocoa. i. axii Com- foitTiNiii. "By a thorough knov.lcdge of the in.itnral laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, ami by a careful application of th'e tine properties' of well selected cocoa, Mr. Kpp.i has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately lla The Bitting of the avored lxiverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the j.udiciuus'usc of sudh articles of diet that a constitution mny hcgraibially built upAintil strongenongh to resist' every tendency to disease. Huudrods of subtle Hial.idi^s are floating aroundi us ready to attack wherever there is a weak ]>oint.: We may escape many n! fatal shaft, by keeping ourseUcs well fortified'with pure lilood and a pro perly nourished frame."j Ci'riV Srrricc Oa-.rttr. Sold only in packets labeled "James Kits & Co., Hnmrenpathie Chemist, 4S,.TlircailncciUc Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London.f' A Restorer of Intrinsic Worth mid j One thnt Picnscs All. Wood's Improved Ilnlr nrstoratlre In m.Iiko any otlipr, nncl has nociiual. The Improved hn new vogetable tonic properties; roiorcf grey natr tnuglosFy natural color; r stores faded, dry, harsh and filling Imlr; restores dn sscs, ivo vli;t>r U> Iht Jiilr; resioies hair to pretnn- turely bald heads; removes d .ndrutr, hu- mon-, fiiily enipti^iih;- rc-movos lrrlta tlon, Itching and f-ealy dryness. No article produeos nieli wonderful ertccts Try It, call for Wood's Improved Hnlr Kestonitlve, nnd don't, be put ofTwIth niiy otinjrartlelo. sy>! n'ldrugg.sts In tills place nnd dealers everywhere. Trade supplied at man- foci tirrrt'prlcxs by O. a.Cook a i.'o , Chicago,Nolo.Agent*, fortljp United States and Onnndus, and by LYMA>f ttnos, a Co., Toronto. COURT OF HE-VISION" Kor the Village of Acton, will he held At- Matthews' Hall, Thursd&y, 31st of May, 1877, At 7:30p'clock p.m. Appellants ntid others will pleiv: take notice. The roll can be-exainined at-ioy otlice. JOHX IIOSS, Clerk. Acton, May 1G, 1877. 4G-3t To Ihr Worklns i'la**. We:-fvre now' rrera*"1^ *o fnrnlKii ull c1as*cs vsith c-'u- Ktju t employment at h<^i*, the whole r.f the t'rtto, or f<ir. their -sr;ire mi m n*^. Hitslin-.-is new, light :inti-firroflfbl . i'er- koi.s f '"iihr hx r-u^Iij.* rurn -Toni 50 1 Cf nts to 55 per * Vfiiinj.', mxxl a piop**rt'oi>- 11* Hiiirt "by tlevollnrr f rl-r whole tim lo Xho'ti slnc-H. JJys nut! jiir's earn nearly as m'nrh ms mtir'n. That nl: who >re this j folic* may S'-nd""tt:fIr n I'Irc imI test t'e htislipss wo mitkt' this tiniar: I.eled ' O ri Tt.Ktich apro not --nrgl. M'ltiMled we will KPniffine <lo1l:ir to pity f'T f lie tr >i-hle of vrrlii 1*1; Full partlf nt*r*-T Kirn ph r vor.! -evoril (!'tlars irt^oinmcnre work 011, unt( u d ipj'of H'in^!iiri ^ Ir sile. ohc of tho lar^*, st himI b---t Tl'u.-<ti nW-d f*bli- .c.'itlnnx, t\t yf-nt (too-by m:tlt. Headed if viiii .want r*,rman'-n,t, proflt-ii1*> wr^k. addr'^^Oif.oiir.K StinSox&Uc^," CScNrthmd, Mnlne. , , SPEYSIDE SHiiigl; Stave i: Avir i: ... EEADINQ ; 2ZLLS. 1875. OF 'j i hereby glvonj that by ir.tue ojFthe powers veftetj in me as Afsigne e of* the above.named Insol vent, and pursuant to the directions of the C!reditors of the said Insol vent, ajiproyeil by the Judge of tho County Court of the County oT flal- to.n. shortening the time for publish ing the advertisement, 1 shall offer for Hftlo by Public Auction, on the premisf s, in the Village ol' ACTON, on WEDNESDAY, the S/JCTH, day of JUNiinext, at .TVVJBLVJE. o'clock noon, nil the estate, right, titlA and interest of the jniolvent, and of myself as Assignee.'in aiitl' to the folloiyir g parcels of land : Parcel Wo. 1. ponsisiing'of Village lotnutrber nine in block number! two, in the village of Acton, afore said. Upon tbis parcel . has been erected a large and'commodious brick duelling houseand store. The buildm; is new, well finisked throughout, and has never been oc cupied. ' - "" ParCtlWo. 2. Consisting of the westerly part ol Village lot number eight** 3. in bloclc uornber.three, in the villiige of Acton. aforesaid. On this pafcel is a frame dwelling-house and 8to*e and stable. Parcel Xo.J-will he sold subject; to a mortgage to tbe Hainilton Pro 1 vident and Loan bocrftty, Terr one thousard tivo hundred dollars, and. interest troth 1st December. 1816. j Parcel No;-2 wilt be- sold subject, to a mortgage, particulars of which j will be /iven at time of sale. T_-'j Term*and conditions made knottp.' at the time of sale. W. ALTiAN^ AssigneteL Acton, Stay 42. 1TT7. 4Vlt STUTL AHRJi nt NOW THEN! ATTFNT10M! ACTON TIN AND STOVE WILSON JOHN Be to thank tBriMmaiipjgj and customers fof tL lav age hitherto extendsd to W wish to lnforiB,tbia-y|St2** now on hand a large4teJ Plain, Pressed aad J Ware, which they are telGng erer, tiVETnb: tnixc a Call and see as. before', elsewhere, as our priest beat in the eoufity. ' -^. ~J Being praetieal workm !^ff. pur stock of Tinware is tnads't* ourselves, and we feel ttta^l we cannot be andersokL"'-: ~- . ' --^? Sfieejiiikiru, Cotton Bagt.OltjjL \ yier and Bmsn tahrnii{ ' ; . for- Good*. Repairing and Jobbfee attendedao. Robert Fisher- Has everything that yon want in NEW ADVERTISEMENTS-. Tin^re^ . Any parties wanting Shincles would': do well to give ns a call. We will al-. ways have en hand a good supply-of. No. 1 and No. 2 Shi>gics. - ; quality Xo. ] iShingles $1.60 per; inre., No. 2,.70 cents per square, i P. <- H. SAVERS. Speysidc, Dec. 13, 1876... 24-fim Best squ gTRAY HOUSE. Cfeme on the premiaea of tho subscri ber about the 24th of May, an aged brown Horse. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take him away. STEWART McCUTCHEON, Lot No. 9, 3d con. Erin." Erin, May 29, 1877. '48-2t- rpnOROl'GH-BRED BULL. The thorongh-brcd Durham Bull "Colus^ijus," out of the herd of Archi bald Campbell,; Esq.., Nassagaweya, with pure registered pedigree, will acrve ctiwB for Mio season on .Lot 28, 4th couL of Esq'ucBing. ' Diir- hamsr $4; grades and common cows, $1 daeh. JOHN A. MANN, Proprietor. Esquesiug, May 28, lis77. 48-3t Bogus Bills. Bogus four d )1- lar billB on the Dominion Bank are in extensive circulation, sharpen? having pultned them off on farmers hr large numbers. They are the old form of " fours," in which the. vignette represents a farmyard with horses, pigs, etc., in the foreground. On the left of. the bills is a picture of Prince Arthur. The engraving is dark and coarse. The signature " W. H. Howland " on the left is .written in the original, but in the bogus bill it is engraved. The lath work surrounding tho figure 4 on the right side is poorly executed and the numbering is badly done. Today is inauguration day of the city of Brantford. E XECITORS' NOTICE. All parties having clihris against the estate of the late Andrew- Ross, of the township of Nassagaweya, aro required to filo thh same with vouchers attached, with Daniel Kribs, of the Town of Giielph, on or before the first day of July next, and all parties indebted to the said jestate are requested to pay the same by Ithat date. BY OilDEK OF TILE EXECUTORS. Gtielph, May 21,1877. 48-3t "V\7"n)BAT LOST. About; half a "bag full of Wheat was lost on Tuesilay between the 4th lino and Tolton's Mills. The owner's mime is on. tlie bag. Tho finder will please return it to g. & a. Mcdonald, Lot 30, 4th lihe EsqueainK. May 23, 1877. R EAPING MACHINE Democrat "Waflron for Bale.: Tho advertiser Kirby Combined nearly now, also Democrat- Wagon, ply at this office. Acton, May 10, ld77 offors for sale a Reaping "Machino, a good second-hand For particulars ap- 4C-3t '.' AND Now is the time to lcavo your order At J. Ryder's Paotory . for. a Stylish Buscy or Serviceable : WaBKon. I am making ,up. a large stock for the. present season, from the best material. Call und See our.lfandsome Buggien 1 . ' N6w is a good .timo to secure bargains.. - - . I Strict attention given to-. Horso-Shoolng & SonexalSlaek- . smithing. ' I JAMES RYDER. I Acton, F.eb. 2G, 1877. -'"- - i . , gfi 0\ f\ 0% Can't bo madelby every 1J 1 1 1 1 oeent v ry Baonth In ^fc 1 1 * theibustness we rurikish, JJvUU but! those wtllln^ to worn can easily earn a dozen dollars a day richt.'in tftielr own localities. Hnve no room to exi Inln here. Huslness pleasant and honoruble. Wo men, and boys ami girls do as. well ns me", We will furnlKh you a complete outfit free. Tho bi.slnoss pi>ys oetter than .anything else. We will bear ei. ! onao ol i-tnrtlne you. Pnrtlcu nrB'free. Writ,* nnd see. -^nrmers andmeci-antes, their pons and daughters, nnd nil classes In nc<d of paying, work nt home, should write t > us and lnnrn about the work at once. Now Is the time.- Don't delay. -Ad tress True & Co , Aueusln, Maine. AGE8TS n> St0T"S a.I&d." ^e^"ru Purchasing lswliere, Kitcken Purnishiaifs. all ti be sold cheaper tlian ever. An Brass Acton WILSON* jiSt .Acton, April 3,1877.^ ..ttKl Tie Acton Rowfi" I Are manufactaring tisSTEPHEH30N PLOW^ 1 T]ie Bess! They keep a full stock oa lumL, ',' prepared to do\all kinds Repairing Qn Plotf^ and also also kilrfi cf- ?! Laih> Work <indi Inn f&ibf on the ehortesi notice. C. ' "^ -Please call aud exaairlf||ar^!lI immense stock just arrived Kettles, Porcelain Laned Kettles, La uterus, Smoothing Irons, |iilk" Pails, ;' Japanned Ware, , Pressed Tinware,' COOp^G BOX AND PARLQH STOVES, STOVE PIPEsJ&c, &c. Sharp's . SeIDnmpinrtr and Sltnbbip-aakS. Acton, Fjb: 13, 187;6; S'-.-' ^S77. The subscriber sriR PAY $5 PEE Hemlock BajiS Delivered at Acton Tim^r,^ Dec. 1st, 4877, aud *ftsr: S4.50 per CoriL :-G. L.BBABM "Acton, Aprit-S. Is77. e eJavetrotjghing, Jobbing and Rojainae Praaistly! to. ROBERT FISHER. Aprfl 8,1877. . . 4-3m DAY iHOWS THE LARGEST STOOK OF /-1ASII FOR WIIEAT. Any quantity of good merchantable wheat wanted at the the' Acton steam mills, for which the highest market price will "be paid in cash. B, & E. NICKLINl Xcton, Fob. 7, 1877. : 32-tf. W/1LL PAPER l 'Eyur'Bhown in Guelph, all M^w and Choice and prices lower than ever.- Children's Carriages To be sold off cheap, at : -L- Day's New Boiokstore Nearly opposite the old stand. Guelph Sfe-gr , April.21,1877. p LE.NLAWSON M I ^Lfj! Having thoroughly ir^,^ $ Mill, and put in"*-'**^,' Middlings we are now prepared ^Hr^*JJ ter yield of flour Jtton fprBSnf/f quality quite air good. GRISTING AND CHC promptly sttefldsf ^ The patronage of t**;]r| epe'ctfully eo-^ieiied. '"-;i The highest prit..ittiwj* 1"^^ any quantity of wheat. . -.j^^jl'-'- A quantity of seed btrhf pWTC-. .-'" "'6."iBi-xffigfr* Actofa, April 10, KTT. - - j*I T& FAJSMEliS, ;^iP Kow is the time; tor i stock. The first- prize.h LIAM T>3IPLE THE THTSI*. I Sir William Templet229pi by. Red ^nnc#{6aaa;. witti**,* the prenlises of the nde the season. ' Terms.-^ ,_. cows H00; Gi^wggg ' \. LotNo.%Utej April 4, 1877. Carriage &7^ Haia Streeti .- MiciiAEiiSPjB^B^e General Blackstnitb, &?>&) Wagoa-maker- Best Horse-Shoert <:';*>*-. Perfect satisfaction 8nnr ^ -:=. price charged. m, First-Class riw,"* Iron Harrows alwajr* A i?ood stock of Carriage* ... .^ RepiHring prompUr^J#^; ^ tended to; '".'.' '-.i"" . Acton, Jtriy 18, 187*. ."; ^i

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