Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 31, 1877, p. 4

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-I >. . *y . ' ****"" JNSf c. < , f3^^* <v<-** fnr-TpBT^KBBB.-XOTOir,- HALTON COUNTY, OUT., MAY 31, 18TT. A ttOlTM^K TIME TABLK. 4totst leave Acton m follow* soura wxt. ^ i>iVi fc i- ^ - I * ' ithaoeltW**^ . ue band, and are ' f'aOkxndsof ' ab PIowb, t Irvft lest notice. IxamtrJeXtair ssWrt _ VOX ? : 0 ;e cow Bark^w L fit t m, ihi*1< - cbofpkP fad*rt^ always lLbirfsT*r iVa.^' i > f I wfll aaauffg M*der*jg^?j! JKL lo.^S,**?' Wagpa *i 3 iW% n?*n raai-*!***"' Uy enst r . if J TMi0,?Ml __. . t. p^Sxp**" -*' Oatt mured J- OOINO K15T. >-i|*t Kxpres* ttatt mixed Py *!, - \totcra mail btodoa rairSl - 1:04 a.m. . 10 a.m. 1.57 P.m A. 20 pm. 7rt)7 p.m. 3.38 a.m. 9 10 a.m. 11:34 a. m 10 10 p.m. NBW ADVERTISEMENTS Stray Horse Stewart McCntcheon. Thoroogh-bred Bull John A. Mann. Executors' Notice Estato of th* late .^""^ndrew Ross. LOCAL MATTERS. Village Council this evening. China tea aeU at firat cost to etaar oat stock at Secord Bros. The potato bugs, a* well as caterpillar*, are aaid to be "on the war path " in this neighborhood. Tbe growing crops look "nag- niitce&t Not a single farmer u heard to ttter a eemplaint. i _ A trip through the country at Uus season u "immense." Everything present* a lovely appearance. Post Office hours will hereafter kc from aevra a. m. to eight p. m. So saith the Postmaster. Mr. Wtu. Grant, of Erin in form* us that he has in his field a head of barley almost full-grown, already. -A Tkluable horso belonging to Mr. Mattfaaa Fisher, of Knn, dropped dead "the other jlay, a short distance from this \ lllage. hooted" the key o^ Geo. Leven s barber shop on the ijoekifes birthday. The culprit should return it without dela>. A libend-coat of good gravel is being put on Mill Street Other streets in the Tillage are also receiving a due share of attention. . The Ldtes Aid Society of St. Alton* Church, A*.ton, intend holding a'^trawberry Festiyal and Bazar on or about the 2Sth Jue. Further particu. lsn hereafter. A mammoth egg wa laid a Tbe (taeetVa Birthday. The 88th anniversary of the Birthday of onjtbtJovtd 8ovMgk wAf otlebratod in Acton U Um ovatanarV mannar.. There was a largo gathering of people from the surrounding country, and a Rood deal of interest appeared to be takon in the games and sports. Only one base ball club outaide the village entered for the $10 pnxo against the noma dub, uvtl they were beaten by large odd ths core showing the fig ures of 13 to 46 in favor of the Acton Pastimes. Shortly after one o'clock, the athletic games and sports com menced and woro continuod in animated style about four hours. About 5 o'clock, the Knights of rythiatVaasembled at their hall over tho post office, and ha\ing clothed them selves in their uniform, formed in pro- cession and marched through the prin cipal streets, beaded by the Acton Bra** Band; They attracted a very large crowd and were highly compli mented on the handsome appearance of their uniform and the general excel lence of the parade. In tho evening the grand centre of attraction was tbe dramatic entertain ment in the Drill Shed. No sooner were the doors thrown open than the audience began to assemble, and in a very short time it became evident that the seating capacity was Insufficient. A large number of chairs and other seats were immediately procured, and quickly occupied, until the large build ing was completely filled The enter- taiumtut committeo then U>gan to feel that their exertions Were likely to be fair)j rewarded, and thoy did all in their power to make every on* feel as comfortable as_ possible. The interest ing drama of " Uucle Tom's Cabin" was enacted in a manner almost equal!) as good -nis if the whole of the perform- era were professional artists; it certainly was apprtM^aWd by the audicuce fully as WclL The commit too were some what disappointed in not being able to procure some of the scenery in time for the performance, but otherwise tho whole was conducted very satisfactorily. To Messrs Halford and Banks, of To ronto, arc due the credit of extempor izing scenery to secure the properf ef fect, and remarkably ell it was dfne. Ihe EC--ne in which Eliza is seen to cross the n\er upon floating cakes of rj effective, and especially Tuesday and Wednesday, the 3d and 4lb no thetrnaaea to the HsadaW the 1st Jfu July, oommenolnt each day at 9 a.m. S. Candidates aradanltalr.oiai to aend their nan 3 %* Intermediate Ksamtnatlnn will edtn t*r~ be held on Monday, Tuesda: day. July. --------ay, Tuesday, Wednts- Thursday and rrtday.the 8t'.-13th ."The Examination o CanUldatem for rHiuetst* T^aeuers* OertUlcais* will comtneeea en 'I uesday. tht> lutn of July at l.w for OecoQd-elass, on Monday, tbe 9ih July, at 3 p-m.; and tor Ttilid- o ass. ou Moudvy, tho Itili a p.m. 6 All candidates ftir rlrst-clusCurlltl- eales will be examined In the Normal Softool* atjrorooio anu Ottawa, and *e- ennd and Tnird^slass oahdidiiUe In the HURRAH! HURRAH 1 < TOR TBI BEST PHOTOGRAPHS n v . - ' - in ehe County, at Tli Ontario (HOlwr For Beauty of Finish and Brillian- cy (n Tom, thty daanot bt lurpautd. COPYING & ENLARGING THAT WONDERFUL, *v&< TEADE MARK THE GOLDEN MAN. f AN. ..._ __ .......____,T wutuiv,**. ,H lm In iri*1 brsnche*, in tbe best style of Town Hall.*S'iEn"" " " j ^e art( jona oa ^8 j^ortegt jjoyo, m^ 6 CandlilHlesfor Flrsi.elivmsCertificates at reasonable rates. I mui menUou In the. noUoe .oi.t to the .,4Uo , ,piendid stock of Moulding* and Picture framos kept on hand and made to order. A call is solicited and you will be convinced that this is the place to get photographs. Your* respectfully, C. W. HILL, ^cton, Dee. 6, 1876. ice was ver Inspector by Ifce 1st Juueatwhlcnisor- m*l Soliool ttiey intend to picsinitbem selven lorexnmluutloM. 7. The candidate* for the Intermediate and for ReconuVelaKs Certificate* wilt be esamlnrd on the same papers and at the some hours In the tollowlug subjocla, vli.: KuKllrh Literature; KntUsh Grammar and *t> mologj : Uecg-rapny; DlcUllyn;. ArUbmeUc; History j Aieorn; Book- Jeeplnjr; satural Phlosipuj; nuclld; Enallsh Composition, and < bemtstry. Butmlthonh the paparswlll be-tht.sarae, the ^swmJard required lor beoond-clas* OrtincuU> will be hlMher than for the Jntetmrdlnte, and pu|er* Will bebrovid- i-d for tne luldltloiml .uhjecis t >t Seeond- clnss Certificates, viz: Boumv nnd Ph}l- oloxv; Music; JmIujuIIod and School Law; Drawing. cu Candidates for Second elass Certl- cates may subtltue tne K&*luti L.lter- tare ptper or the Intermediate Kxurolua- tlou for the paper on Botany aud Physi ology. Those who choose toexerclse this option must notify tli< Inspector before the 1st June, when making luelrappll- tlns, i | 9. Candidates for the Intermediate Bxumlaatlon who are also candidates Inr Teaebera' efc-end elasa Certlneate* will be ex imlni'd In the same plsoe Willi tho other caudldulcs lor tecond-cuus Ccriin- CttlC/*. 10 The Department cannot undertake to provide exsraluatlou puper for cands- uaies n r the First or Second-class or for the Intermediate Kximitation who e names are not reported In due time 11. it W expected that u here an lnter> mediate Examination la bill g ht-ld the lllgU Kchool Board will UUmlKS the school, under section 19 of the Aet of 1S77; and, so Inr u.h the Minister cau luitlioilxf the siime. tuch Public Kchouls 111 the towns oi Milton unit Uakvlllr, any of vbuM ieacherH nre candldwtes for IlrKtoi hecontl rlasa certlfleuU'S xxitty be closed alter rriuay, therein Jalv. on op- 2>llc&tiou bfltse maile to th^ I>e|4irimotiL W. All Candidates nre required to transmit a certificate of moral cnaraeler signed b> a eleniyinan since tbe 1st May cuneut, and Ihoeo for First and second class t>Tlltlcjito the testimonials if supefss^^l services nquired by tbe Regulations U LITTLE. P.8 Inspector, Co. llalton. Moy I8.1S77 ' C. T. HILL, Mill Street. ACTON, Our Spring and. Summer Stock millinery department Is now fully in and epened np. W tare now on *>xhibiUrtn * full stock of all tbs noroftiof in Milliaof r. Oar stylos In ladles' and cbitdren's Trimmed Hats cannot fail to command ttoB of tb* ladies of town and country, and in addition we make BCTT0M FEZCES HOE* 01TL7 ASZED. HaspTOlaltytoontdownjpjioM in tbta department to a rery fine thing, thereby enabling ladies rety low figure. QNTABIO SADT3LBRY, ACTON". I - The subscriber takes this opportunity of thanking his numerous customer* for for the very liberal patronage given hun the post year, and would state that it is his motto to do~a Square and Honest Business as heretofore, and hopes to retain the same liberal appreciation from the public. All orders entrusted to my care will be ATTKS1K1 TA WITH PfiOMOTVliMH. ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF SILKS. An attractive stock of Black Silks ill prioss, all qualities, and at prices that are below anything In tbe trale. We bare an immense variety of Colored Dress Silks in plain and brocaded, and our prices are amasingly cheap. Beautiful Brocaded Silks at 00 cents per yard. Fancy Dress Goods Department. In this Department we show tbe most attractive goods in the-town. Indeed our variety of styles, colors, fabrics and prices, cannot fail to meet the approbation of all. , MATiTLES AND JACKETS. We show some of tbe prettiest good* in this line to be found, and it will be to the advantage of every lady Requiring tbe newest styles in material and make to pay us a visit. Our stock of Mantles and Jaokets consists of Black Silk, plain Black Cloth, Black Mattalasse Cloth. Cashmere Cloth. Tbe above are all this season's importations, and really beautiful goods. have an elegant trimmed hat or bonnet at a -200 dozen Best Colored Kid Gloves, two Buttons, r at 50 centk per pair, just half price. TOB REQUEST AN EARLY CALL. When we feel oonBdenl our patrans. tuff. We may nlentiou that we do not offer old stuff or bankrupt Our Goods that the utmost satisfaction will bo given to are all New and Sound. few days a;c by a hen belonging to Mr. 1 ^as the beautiful tableau in which Eva Hiiforth Nirackhairiner, of Esquesing. W* are infurrnol that the egg measured seven inches in circumference. The tbaiikb of the editor_and ^rjtatcrt are hereby tendered to Mrs. Secunl for a handsome bo^uet of rlowers and a bug* armful of fresh vegetable?. >evsp3peT' people can alwaja appre ciate praaeuta of this nature. , W*ool. Wojl 5H.000 Poiivns I 1 \VaST0 Highest market pricfe \u eaih for clean nierebtttteble \\ cj<\lj ill 1* paid hy Jo.iii Langan, Ci .T sj* sta- ti.iu, Gi-i-rgetoun Or McLetxL. An jJerson i. Co , (eorj;etown. We would suggrst to the vil lage Cuuncil that an appropnatinn be ms/fe to pay somebody to rin^ the aev ' Congregational ^church bell at stated hoars rery dayj. We presume arrange- raen^i c^nld be made with the trustees of the church to permit of this being dona. It would certainly be quite a booo/tothe village. Tjbo'lady who thought tho- angtrV; va in the closing tableau but Tburadaykreiung was represented by a wax ngejre, is respectfully informed that the beautiful picture was tbe real flesh aad blood of little OUie Halfordl sxrrroonded by pasteboard clouds. It was well (bate, wasn't it ? We may also ,_ *ay that Hhxa's iceburg* were formed with a few artistic strokes of tbe paint brush on a pine board and a packing-box, set on four wheels. Tbe fine bell for the new con- SregsbonaJ. charcb^aarriTcd from TYoy lut week, and has been placed in posi tion u the church tower. The ball weighs over400 pounds and cost about lfcU It ha* a fine, clear tone, of the very besjb metal, and u highly finished : in fact is in every way greatly aupenoi to the one procured a few weeks aeo from Markham and returned. We certainly cannot help admiring tbe pluck and bberality of the few persons wbooonjUtut*the church membership -jn. this village. The new building now tearing, completion a ill be one of the handsomest and most costly church edi- fioesin'the cosmty. If will probably be formally opined about the .first of ^sly. v - > _________ ttUaatteai r she Bev. C K. JVee. Bev. C. Russell Lee, incumbent of St Alban's Church, Acton, was ordain ed to the priesthood last Sunday morn ing is 'St George's Chnrch, Gne ph, by the Lard Bishop of Niagara ai d Bev. Canon Dixon, of Guelph. The beauti ful chnrch of St. George's was attended by very large number, in addition to - the regnlar eongvegatios, to witness *he impressive services of the ordina tion. At the conclusion of the singing and prayers,-file Lord Bishop ascended the pulpit and debvered an earnest and eloquent address, choosing the 13th, 14th end 16th verses of tbe 5th chapter of Xetus* as the subject of his remarks. ' Xhe Bishop dwelt very fully on the doctrine of the apostobc succession, showing that even Dr. Gumming, of tie Church of Scotland, and many ether eminent divines outside the Chnreh of England had expressed their belief ih Jt. The bitter portion of his fddr'ess-'was particularly addressed-to the two deacons (Eev. Mr. Lee and .r?T- Mr, Osborne of Beverly) who were *bo*t*> be ordained priests. He spoke of their duties aa ministers, and that tbey should feel themselves to be God's *ngers set apart by Him to preach etwas of the gospel Their work -ould be such that at the euel ol their Jf^iey-through life it could be said, n ell done thou Rood and faithful 52?*?*. enter into tbe joy of thy Lord." ine solemnization of the ordination eerernony was then gone through with. Ice Crenm to be bad fresh and ood,istC. W. HUl's. appears to Uncle Tom as a bright angel in the clouds in both cases exciting exelamatious of surprise and wonder at their fidelity to nature The various characters in the plsy were well sus tained throughout. Littlo Ollie Hol- furd represented "Gentle Era " in a wonderfully art'-st.c -uoafiucr, rendering the- character to true to the beautiful conception of Mrs. Stowe that one could easily fane) syeing the original Eva in her Southern "home. Mr. Wni. Smj th s representation of " ht Clair" " 1 was really, excellent, nlueh l>cttor, m fact, than e have seen it done by pro fessional oc'.ors, and be may be fairly congratulated on tbe suocesi-of thu his drat attempt at anything of the kind. Mr A. 'Moore in the importiant charac ter of " Uncle Tom " also did veryVell, especially Trhen it is considered that he had had only two or three day s for pre paration. Mr I. Francis as "Marks," Mr. Bobert Craine as "Haley," Mr.' Chaa. Dean aa "Lokez," and Mr. H. P. Moore aa " George Shelby," all acquit ted themselves ^r*rT *w**ll indeed, re ceiving round* of applause. Tbe minor characters were well represented by Messrs, P. Kelly, A. Matthews, Chas. Dean, and other*. Of the professional ladie* and gentlemen, viz., Mr. and Mrs. Allan Halford, Mr. and Mrs J. H. Banks and Mr. B. H. Baird, we would simply say that they were excel lent in their several parts, and that they each and all threw their whole energy and talents into the performance with tbe fall determination to make it a success in every particular. They took great pains in instructing the local amateurs, and we feel sure that their valuable service* were duly appreciated by all concerned. The Acton t Brass Band rendered very efficient service in tbe orcbeotra. Tbe entertainment was one of the mosC successful ev?4r held in Acton, and the committees may be con- gratulated. The dance after the close of the performance! under the auspices of the Acton Social Club, was also a success. Ai nont hut Good Workmen Employed, are Parties can rely on gutting a good arti cle and as cheap as good work can be done fur. Repairing Done with Neatness COLLARS A SPECIALTY. DEALER IN ' OrocMioi, Orookary, Boots as Saooa, "Wail Paper, "Window SUtt&i, i ITaila, aiass, Patty. Llnsea Oil, Paints, Turpsntlno Cool 0U, Salt, otc, .411 of which will be sold low for cosh^ BOOTS and SHOES Selling off at cost. Also agent for the BOBBER PAINT COMPANY Of Cleveland, Ohio. Cauls for Hides. ^cton, July 18, 1876. , Acton, Feb. 14, R. 1877. CREECH. Illastraied atlas We are pleased to inform our numer ous readers and the pubbo generally that the long looked-for Illustrated Atlas-for the County of Halton is ap proaching completion, and will be issued some time in the month of June. The artists, mappers, writers and canvassers have all got through their labors, and the whole work is now in the bands of the publishers, and from, the care and .expense that sbA-enterpnsinK proprie tors have gone to, we may expect to re ceive one of the most complete works in existence. There are not, however, enough subscribers to reduce the price from twelve dollars, tbe regular price, to eight dollars, and we hope that be fore the delivery sufficient names will be sent in to complete the number Tbefe will positively none be sold ex cept to actual subscribers, so that par ties wishing the Atlas should sunrl-their names l immediately to J. H. Pope, Georgetown. The proprietors are arui 'ous to furnish the work to their sub scribers at the reduced price providing there are one thousand subscribers for the county. . UJ The undersigned begs leave to inform the people of Acton ami sue rounding neighborhood that be has procured a magnificent HEARSE And is prepared to attend and con duct Funerals on tbe shortest notice and most moderate terms. CatleU, Coffins, Burial Robtf, l And all kinds of Funeral Furnish. ings kept in stock, and supplied on the shortest notice. Hat Bands and loves supplied when required. JOHN SPEIGHT. Acton, Fob 10, 1877. Ice Cream by the quaft ,or otherwise, at C. W. Hdi's. Oranges and Lemons, fresh, large and choice, just received at .Secord Bros. pemUstry. 8. L. Peer, Dentist, will visit Acton on tbe first Thursday of each month. Office at Agnew'sf Hotel. ACTON LIVERY & SALE STABLE < J. P. ALLAN Takes pleasure In announcing to the public generally that ne la prepared to r furnish Tirst-elus SCowcb aad Carriages r . AtBeaseoible Bates. -Hts*l)rsBndHc**UaTetne best that can be bail, and be 1* determiner! not to be surpasse*! by any City (Stable. Acton July 1st, 1876, , Lumber Planed and Dressed to orde "in the best mariner. All work guarantee** Acton, Jan.,1876. FT1 * BREEDERS. The thoroughbred Durham Bull " Zephyr," will serve cows on the farm of tbe subscriber, near the Grand Trunk station, Acton. Terms Grades, $2. Tedigree--Zephyr [4260] by F. W. Stone, Guelph, got bj bred Im rie! rted 8benff (29964X, ipoi .1 10th. AI, dim Sanspa- C. & SMITH. Acton, Feb. 14, 1877. [ 33-tf LIST OP MUSIC BOOKS Sold wholesale and retail by John AnAelrson T Bookseller, Guelph. , Burrowes' Pianoforte Primer, ' .Tousse's Musical Catechism. Bertini's New Method for the Piano. Clarle'a New Method for the Piano. Hun ton's Piano Porte School. Howe's Fiano without a Master. Richardson's New Modern School. Gitse's Parlor Organ. aiTer Wreath (Yocal). 100 different Music Books. A Rig Discount on all MUSIC BOOKS AT ANDERSON'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE On th* Cast side of Wyndham Street, GUELPH. i' ACTOJi PLANING MILLS ANI> Pomp, Sash, Door and Blind Factory. THOMAS EBBAQE, Manufacturer of Windo-w- Sash, Doors, Venetian Blinds Mouldings, And other Building Reauisites I Aieo Maker of XUP&OVBS BTJCTION PUMPS AT IT AGAIN. The subscriber having bought the stock of Goods from the creditorsiof George Yemen, ot the Post Office Store, Acton, on very favorable terms, would now announce to bis old customers and others that he is again ready and willing to serve them with any quantity of Britclasi Groceries, , Provisions, (^rockery, &c May 22, 1877 JOHN HOCC & SON, A mi Block, Upper Wyndham Street j Guelph. BARGAINS BARGAINS. Christie, Henderson at a considerable former prices. discount from / Trusting that by strict personal attebiiou to business, and keeping at all times a fresh and well arsorted stock of goods, to be able to jive the inmost satisfaction and secure the patronage of all bis old custo mers and many new ones. By doing buiinesi on tbe only rare and satlsfactorv basis ofstnotly cash, or trade, he will be able to offer ex- traorlinary inducements to his cus tomers. Soliciting a call and a continuance of past favors, 1 anrrespeotfully, iAMES MATTHEWS. Acton, May 16, 1877. 1 FASHIONABLE WEST END MILLINERY DEPARTMENT i I ^SEASONABLE GOODS Brer All new, fresh, This Department, which is always an attractive one, Is particularly so this season u ider the able management of Miss Johpston. Sales are rapid, ly increasing, and orders are coming in fast. During the past few days our show ro>ms hive been largely patronised in fact often crowded to excess. Our superior,Millmery, great variety or styles, and reasonable prices never failing to please and give satisfaction. JSvery lady should make it a. point to visit'our Show Rooms this season before buying. We can show onqof the ibiest stocks to be found in either town or city in Ontario. We ha^e just opened Direct from New- York, Two cases of American Straw Good", latest New York and Philadelphia Styles for the month, of May. One cue Misses Hats, also in tbe latest American stales. 100 dozen common Straw Hats, at 10c, 12}o and 20c. Ladies, com* direct t<i (he Fashionab'e West End for Millinery^ the finest stock in the {trade to Select from. & Co* Having during (he past week, taken advantage of The Immense* Slaiiglitcr Sale* at Toronto, aie enabled to offer 'the CHEAPEST LOT OF Brought into Acton. and comprising this Spring's Im portatioas. Instance the following: T I J5127 yards of A mericun Prints at 56, worth 9c. 2113 yards of A merican Prints at 8c, worth 10c 1000 yardn of English Prints at 10c. worth 15c i 100 dozen Cm ida Straw Hats at 5c. > > 40 dozen Sum hades, 10c up. , 60 doaeu Kid Gloves, very choice, worth $1.25, for 80c Dress Goods from l1 )c up. Parasols at all pricei L OUR MILLINERY RGOMf Is now complete With all the novelties of the sea son, at Call Early &nd Secure Bavaaliui. TERMS An O. BUCHAM, fashionable West End Dress, Millinery and Mantle KstabUsnment. Qoslpb, Majr 8, 1877, our popular low cash prices* CASH AND liJIAU, J>BriT*t, CEIISTIE, Se^S&SOtt fc CO, Acton, April 20, l$rr *A ^ i 'i A}

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