Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 31, 1877, p. 5

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, ,-a Hl:~-dl ;; "ti 1 BR'-JI %i a^Kt'- .a ri9 ^E3 r^ "^ B BBBs?--'- .B K - * 9 Bfe-f B V-^S p3" f --r:-*S pt-^1 'v "'"tH P^Wi wl it,,.' S j'jflM & ^-tH "^8 ?'- "^ fS W^:-""'y "Ma HK^?{,^r";^ \ -! "ffl Hit1- i t ^1 BF -1 B^^^: -' KsT"^ * B&^-,r;-. 1 I'T'^fi Bfej;;!.;. -|f fij'J P&'i-- ' 1 - ^-'a IfS^--i rVX^i |p-*l &&CJI ] -v^BI -imJ fete .!? 'v^Bj rain-rJj !-~!V9 HP& :i$ . &jH Sr^a7:4 BE^Si km ' m ^*i>%a ':- :* fcS Bjfc*V -, -ti " 'X*^-*rM :&m M0:'. m MW& I 'itjt-JM art &J ;i-Ss lb >^-*>^H K" -yvm MjR-' ifel --fffi-sf I Jill iff fep t-fi8s I i^ ! -te L: IB $ ll / .- HI 1 KTf - z x.1 | JWllY. ! y^r You'r* grtng| le lesxo the homestead,' * John,-S You're twenty-;onc to*ri*y, And the old. nuui will be gorry, John, --r6eo you ru awny. -. You've laboreil lt aiul early, Tolin, And denies the best you OouM ; I ain't gum' to stop vou.Joliu Yet wtaethingof your feelings, John, I s'po^c 1 ought to know, TUwsb Many *>u>y lm paasiklavay -"^Tws* forty yeroag*>-^ . Whon hupo wm baW^ within mo, Joho, AudlitqhJI lay i*forc. Thai I, with strong anjl incaaurwl Stroke, .r "Cut loose " and puliod-'from .slioro: The yesrt, toey come and go, ' i ,^Ea-* yawv tiiy c<Tie'rui<t'eo -^ . A>d fven hvki ainl tresses brown jUr<VVr wbiw **i.rhOii ynOw,! , . , lljr life has kiio^hits^orriArs;' Jo)ii>, * Its trials and troubles soi* } ^ Yet Qod witW lmt4fcJiWieiluif Jolin, " i Hvj-iboy, Bnt one thing-let me tell you, John, Befbr* j-t>n jfiak'e yoiir start, There'* more in lleing- hwiest, Jolui, Twice a!er than bejiij; smart. Though rogues may seem to flourish, ; ilohu, ., ' .. Andaterlin^TArortli to Xail, Oh ! ket-n in view tlio goin\ aud tnio: TvtliSrxa the end,j>revail. Doa't think tobnwch' of money, John, And dig 'arid delve and uTah, And rake aud scrape, in every shape To hoard up all you eah! Though '.fouls"niay count their riches, In shilling, pounds and pence. The best of wealth is youth and health. And good,- soutnii, tMuiaiti scitse..- B<Tgentle t^thl ro(*, ^o>4 / i ; A# povtrtv ne- or jest,^- =- - " For many al'rave and noble' heart Beat* 'neath a" rigged vest : And the Saviour of tiie world, my lioy. Whose blood for us was shed. With all His grace had not a place/' Wherein to l.-iy his head. And don't bo mean and stingy, JoTidj fiut lay a littk'.by Of what you earu'; yon soon will learn How fast Jtwili multiply. So when old foolile aire ouniis on, Yoo'll have a g^Kxlly store Of Wealth t& furnish ill your noctli^- And may beBomethiujj more. .- i There's horter outs to fortune, ;John, W see them every day ; Bat those who save theirself-respect, C'liinb up the good old way, - " All is sot gold that glitters," ^Tohn, And makes the vulgar stare, j And those w-e deem the. richest,'John,- Have oft the l<jast to st>are. Don't me<Wle^f^^^^; liei^hiMiL ' :JohnJ *4ili_ :r'r. :- - '"' Their sorrows and their cares, YorTU'rind enough to do,' my boy. To mind youir own arTairs. r The world is full of idle tongues Von jtfao't afford to shirk ; Therirr3o*>pf people)rody, John, To;<L ^*a|fedirty wottC ' You win a shining prize,1 -, The humble wTtrth of hones^ ifien Y6a never should despise, TFor each one has his.misbion, John, i Br life's unohauging plan ; r Ttoaah krrly be his station, John, He is no leas a man. ' -Be good, be true, be .noble, John, :fi Bahtecst hrtve, bn -trne, ? ' j. Ai#Sgt^MOther* si*~jov*.oaiA';';' That they shgald do to you. And place yonr trust in God, my boy, Tiioa^h fiery darts be borte3,;!jr - : iThen'yoa cAn *mile at Saibui's rage, '-- : -| Afld face, a frowning world. Good-bye | My hgaveft gatxd, and bless '."':"' Your footsteps day by day. The old house will be lonesome, John, When ydo are gone away.' 7~: The crickti soag'upofi the hearth, j Will have a sadder tone ; The oldifamiliar spots will be So lonesome when yon're gone. .-Wlmti is a Blurt A remark tiiudo by ono singer ubofit nnotlior. ^rl)Mt is n test.tUJoiugout of.thp choir , during hoi'uioii Tor rt'fi'csh- mcntii; W'liut IB a bhicc'( Two aingors IB'.eiUlytii|iie!i'nlhii: tt-JiyiTtJ't# 'ciimohtdf. l -- ' '- jVlmt is singing in time? Trying to .wo-which will beat i What >8i8j'iirpatliio ninitio t Flirt ing with th'n soprrtiio BJhgtr l-ehilid th orgtm. . Whrit is strn.-citfrcli t: G'rLmnlkiii iu tho organ during u.voluntnry. What is a'crotchet 1 A disco.!)? "-wfcioh tbs>>lieud nieor :M->.vnya' lius when thoitubei doesn't pleaso hor. .'What Is H swell I A diu-sieiil pun dit who < knowa it all,' luidjierlmps cimsijomblc iuore.L<- ^ *t-,-<,'. ^Whht u-tliw tjeriiilitop to'use in a voluntary / Tho full stop whon the theint is ekhutmttHl. ' ' ' W'-lwt-.'ia' a Bhiike ! Tortura iii- flicU'd ujiim the bellows boy, who doesn't puni(> fast enough, I Wh lis . I LsUiiVoJ-.The"J:luirch' trcasiirci'i whisliuvea asiuger's bill for Biilttry. *'!.'. Whnt is n flkt? Tho singer who allows the shave. What is ft chord ? The pilo of music which tho- violinist., saws through, .,.=i,._ . ...^--., ,^ ., What is a tie! The difficulty be tween.tho organist and tho choris ter, .when one wouldinhd!tha other won't.; I ;'. 7 ' i i i What is a' discordt The clfott taking sides in \\\o dispute. What in'harmony] Disuiissing either the leader or the organist. What is tlio tonic? The drink taken after the trouble is all sot- tl*d. McLE0D, ,'v .. '*T Ki' **f T ' wm^m K\t A ..*'w & BAST ji-ooruif-i . r- J *. ..,: Theuhd*r*Wn'*i 'In.-'tendering tbefr.InoeNi th*ni^te thefrnainepoua fttttrohs for the libera! support" with which ther have b^en farpred to tho past as members of the late firm of Piokson * Mctfab, wpuld beg leare call attention to their *^ ------------:----------------y. Two Sorts of Farmers. Why is a in an in a passion like a shirt i Because ho is ruffled. ..When; is u river liko n young lady's letter? When it is crossed. - ..Alany Vmatx who. driyeahia bsa^ or bis. graja rs;hiuielf' driveu ^ dorisi ". " -.--..-- ,\ ,. . A. ppstiige staniji over tho eye brow .la Considered, aeeording to Stanley, full-dress t Ujiji. ;;" ^ajafat ias bMl^orjoujiied by the Tdrk& j :?M:irrowilit nuy fall next, and ttfeif farewell to peas. | An old sailor bonRtirigly jsnid, "I began the world with nothing, and have: held my own ever since." A book question of the day- Whether Southeastern Europe will be bound in Russia or in Turkey. A handsome girl at a picnic can sit in the, shadow of a hair-pin and feel all right, while it takes a paper ua big as a EUturdiiy- Cfiobe tQ shade a homely girl. " " All the young men-who attoad 5cburoTi on UieJaideWal^ inir^nt, bf the edifice,'practice time in common 'meet her. They- meet her as she >olls oiit b' ^ :. 'J, .- - Some years ago, an eccentrio jngiishman left his daughters Ly^ Vill their weight in one pound bank nots. The eldest received $256,- 000, the youngest- 28.0,720. The new style of spring bonnet looks like a gorgeous insect clasp ing tha crown of a woman's head with its claws, and trying to crawl forward and take a frout seat. Tnkc plonsurelii iiiiiiouncin^ jo their eusloiiiqrs rviicl the j|>iit)lie that thfcy have rtcOived iiiul; i; opened out; for sale - ttie largest, ifiiiest, ;and best assoitett stbtk of DRY GdODS, M1L- ' tVYEEDS. flATS and CArS,&c.Jin Uiisscc-' tioh of the Doinmioh^ '-..'!" We have - ransacked'- ilie markets - of' the world and J .link that we can. Kuit. .every one who wanus to buy j^ood Goods, cheap! Ladies, we have all the new leading colors and styles in Plain and Fancy -IXress Goods^ Black Silks, Colored Silks/Pojdiiis, |vfatellasses, Cashmeres, Persian and 'Oriental Fabrics, Grenadines, Percales, &c, with trimmings and Buttons to match. Prints an immense variety. Our Millinery! and Mantle Department has ; been entirely reorganized and improved, it is well worth' your trouble Jo call land see our magnificent stock of Stylish Mil'iru>ry. ORDERED CLOTHI^ We, have the latest styles and patterns direct from the mills. Gents, if you want a really superb fitting suit at a moderate price, call and see Our Stock of Tweeds, Coatings, &C, we cannot fail to suit you. - ' i ." Hats and.Caps, .GenIs Furnishings, <fec, a splendid stodK,;vjriry^cheai>. Our Staple "Department has hnd our very; best'attention, having bought our Cotttons, Tickings, Shirtings, ifec.,.last December when Cotton Goods were ho I'ery low, wo can ofFer.and aro selling goods less than we can buy th nn to-day. ; Carpets, Oil Cloths, Rugs. Lace Curtains &c, and Houso Furnishuig Goods q{ all kinds. Housekeepers yoir . should call and see our splendid stock of Carpets; etc. Boots and fShoes. We are this season sell- ' ing very cheap and keep a very fine assortment on hand. We propose to sell evL'rybo<ly who has nny money to lay OUt this Spring, tllO Vory test of Goods at ^the very lowest bottom prices. ""."' ' ' _ WTe would return our thanks for^tho vp,rj large and increasing pjtronago hitherto so liberally bestowed upon us, (and wo are pre pared to sell Goods cheaper than ever for Cash only. McLfiOD, ANDERSON & Co., ApriL 8. 1877. ' ' jlAMMOTH HOUSE, GEORGETOWN Which thu year.i-,)ftrgw iwtf better asuorted than wer, owapriiipg a large assortment of TWEEDS Scotch, English and Domestic j Manufacture. . r Tbo=pntterns are the choicest in the market. Our stock in HATS ANfi ;ff6lTT3, I^TJBNISHINCrS. Ir well'assorted and -at low prices. ..-!'. . Cottons, Prints, and Staple Dry Goods A priori Vivk cannot toll to satisfy ereryboJjr. Wa jespeiotfully inrJJcr an Inspection of our goods, - I SIECORD BROS,. s>-t& Aeton.AprJJ J7, 187. FYPE & McNAB. 4 ^.dTOJNT" -' J-s. JAQOJ.t i*.'ft' WW-A m^m dLlST received! FOR THE That fanner not successful who . #* ! >} end of aiong lifeis sa tfaougl) j2*e Jiid"lir*diUi .vain, ^f iiis-crbpB *re'*lhr9fBij3<jki, his ajovei alvstyB poor, Mnd his horses weak, he is unsuccessful.; The farmer whose notes are protested at maturity, and whose oradit ^ia~. Opt .'good, in not ' auooessful. The fa-pnier who is" al ways ready to give his note in pay ment land run bills at the store, is iiotrsucceagfal, The farmer whoju? always asking some one. to endprsef for biui, and is always endorsing': for/'otheru, will not be successful. Th'eJarmer who- is not ready tj> pay bis taxes when .due, or to meet bis obligations, and'^ive a helping hand' to - otherr,i"^c*r!Suecessfa{|-:- The" farmer wboae fences are always out of repair, whose farm is full 'of foul seeds, and whose cattle are lousy, is not successful. The farmer whase harness, waggon or machine breaks down just when he ia in a hurry, is not successful. Thp far mer who prefers dunghill, stock to imjiroved breeds, is not successful. The farmer who cannot give his sons and daughters .a good educa tion *vill not be successful. -T That farmer isobar every Jons, knows the successful farrher. VVhea you Aeet him on the street he is driving a good team,. If you inset him in the store, his credit is good. If you sell htm a.cow, he does; not offer yoa a second-uate note wjth inferior endorsements ;" he giyeg His horses are valu able and well-kept; his early lambs J^re>'J*rgA jjfn<| fcririg a good" price. HfoifafcjfctYtle aro! very fit, and , bis' icifch cows_are well bred. His fans is clean and well tilled, and liia business fa sue^> that it pays him to keep it so. He can afford to use good. IooIb fttid.take care of them. Hui children are well edu . cated^and do not look with disdain' on the occupation of their father.- fl^s^j^j*-^*^8 ijQ fW f. - hSirjpmg0ie nelffimrs." Wfien iie' - has .acquired a competancy, and baa quitted actiseilibof; you vin&y find hinj"perhaps a director or president of Bfjme agricultural aocie^y, enjoy ing ^^ragde^ee^of hiaTn^ighbors nnd; %ai|fi*j,iijy^f^^%'^.^*^-*'*** rvr~Kc>^t SPRING HAS GOME. AND-Willi IT Immense Quantities of Wew Goods FOB THE 3LI03ST, Some one, who ought to have Jcnown- better, has invented a self- bin/toning; gloya for "ladies. Ho n>go*3! about in fear of his life from enraged young men, whom he h=jj9 ^deprived of one- of thoir best chances. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ACTON" How to destroy, flios "Enconr- ftge spiders. drily $i a YWe ,v :i. if ,t, ',,',\J In Advance. ', Our new purchases aro coming forward from tho Ok .- steamer. Already we havo THE LARGEST, BEST STOCK Country by every ASSORTED AND CHEAPEST OF DRY West fof Toronto. GOODS This is,no empty brag, but sober truth '-which nobody can deny." Our aim has been,"and always will bo, to keep up the reputation that Tk@ Lion is the Cheapest Store in Ontario. Ab an instance wo may mention - Oroiripton's Celebrated AdjustabJ<j Corset, We have just received another lot which we are selling at 87 cents. This we guarantee to be the g nuine article, and exactly the same as that for which othere are charging One ollai. Our whole stock is equally cheap. Come and inspect Our Dress Goods, Our-Silks, plain and Fancy, Ou-r Cottons, Our Prints, - - Our Clothing, . " ;' Our Carpets,| ; ,' '.-.'- O' And in every branch you will find our prices fully 20 per " ; aiiy other house. r Millinery, etc cent lower than >s"Ask for onr Bfew YorK :1J cent Press Goods; Very sty lish : the .new colors. . SPECIAL NOTICE. Do not forget the . '. "* i ' ' ' Dre^smalpng Pran<bii., We have the best Dressmaker in Canada, and our charges are lower than' any other House. . REMEMBER |0UK CARPEfS We have" a larger stook. Of ' Brussels Carpets, Tapestry Carpets, Wool i.Carpeh. tfym aft tfie OtllBV -f' Jjltores in Grueljph jrut together. ffardi'Times ariB never feft by. those who deal at The Jtiion. Gaelph, April 3, 1877. J. P. WILLIAMSC)N! & OO. W. STEWART * CO Have commenced opening their y New Spring Importations And in a few days will show the finest stock of ' FIRST CLASS C00D3 submitted for inspection in Guelph. Special efforts have been made to how the newest DrCS* QdOlh, ~ Spring Jackets. Mantles,: Costumes, ". Kid Gloves, , Hosiery, Laces, - Lace Curtains, Sheetiriffs, and Mourning Goodt. OUR COTTON^ were all contracted for before the recent advance. Customers^ will have the benefit, "'.-' Gents' Department. In Cloths and Tweeds, : " ' Drs>si Shirts, Ties, Collars, etc., i f Stock of Felt Hats, Are particularly inviting in stylcto and price. . WM, STBWART & CO. Guclpb, March 6,1877. .,.; V '^srtyK' '~ltr--# :;i",'-? f't'^t --{ifjtf'v- ^^-. " i 1TM-&i3& -Bought Low, and will be Sold at Prices nerer Heard of Barrels Of i *i Wliite and Refined Sugars, Synips, ifbttri- refr ses, Vinegar, Oat Meal, Corn Meal, Nei*(l rants/Prunes, CoaiOil^ Boiled OH, J& ' ' Spirits of Tuipentii.eK "V arnish, Japang.letC; ' " ". -vl^i -'.:."^* or 'runes, >d7, Ret! Colors of.all kinds, ctcA. Case Lead, mum r- m** OS S, Boxes, Slacks Biscuits, iSonfectronerj; Spices,;.-^jSl' Canned Fruit, Pish] '.etc.] Tobaccos, Raiiins, Cheese, Soaps, Candles,' W Cry Jtais, Pickles, Jairis, Jellies, 31 atcti^l .'-ir. THE FR-BEj PRESS >.-n i -.' RINTINC HOUSE. Of Bla ok .'Teas, ranging in price Wm WS up s, Caddies and: Bcddiiitt -'" &*X:f*" Young 5yspn, |<riin|)owder, JhjJJto^j ards. The Acton, MircL IC, 1877J bestfivalue in tbc;COiltfg|^^;T SEC0ED Prepf ire for Met^etWeaifi GET JIPWB 01^ NtW BOflll Tpj,Merchants and other Business Men in I Actonj as well as througfjiout the , County, thQr Free Press is an invaluable Advertising Medium* Onr Unrivalled Facilities for Exeonting all kinds of ; B0OK AND JOB PIN Enable us to turn put work ejual to anything done in the cities. ' -;^--'?^ r'-^^^v^iiaa^i5SiiJ.i^'^^ s^s^a^c^ansixgjss j Have now in stpek a splendid assortment of BO^TS AN SH y tHe Spring Season. Suitable fo All Sizes and Styles from- the very best i PRICED AS; LOW AS THE Special Attention Given to Ordered ] Promptly Attended-*. " CK Acton, Mtrcli 13i .ioTff." i r i i

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