Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 7, 1877, p. 2

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. THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTOjST COUNTY, ONT., JUl^E 7, 1877; FJpBE ACTOX FBEE P&ESfe .PaUiikoJ l*\ry- Thursday Moruio. 1 J. H. HACKING, Cropnctor. $1 Per; Annum in Advance jos m maokikq coit&r Tbcbmjat Moesimi, JctfB. 7, I77. ".' .'I - ' ...... = The Congregational Union met ia Uuelph yesterday. The London Conference of the Mwthodist Cliurcli tleo meet t (Juelph this week. Tho eighth annual meeting of the Miillaud Counties Baptist At ROciation is to Uko place n't Erin Village on die 15tl> inat. Mr. Gro. Bhiin of Brarupton h*a received the contract for the erection of the new rhoI at Milton. IXis tender was Jl6,595. The temperance men of To ronto are confident of carrying the Dunkin Act in that citv. The Manitohans are apparent ly in * fair way of being put iu railway communication with the ontaide world. It is stated that ar rangeinente are being consummated, which, it is vipf>cted, will ensure tho' completion in Minnesota of that portion of the railway which has been known as the Ulyndon cat-off There has been no diffi culty about the Canadian end of the road. It wm graded a year or two ago, hut has never been finish ed, as this Glyndon cut-off of sixty miles would render its completion comparatively [useless, their being no direct connection with the gene ral railway system. List winter it was decided by the Government to complete the Canadian branch, 03 the MaiHtobans believe that this would lead to the construction of tLe missing link. Their expeota tions seem in a way of being ful filled. . ' -"What.nicalled "the Murphy" temperance movement ia making great progress "In several cities in Ontario. The instigator, of tho movement is said to be a reformed drunkard who saw the error of hit ways and turned his attention to t' e reformation of others. Itr is said that in St. Catharines over two thousand persons eigne 1 the Mur phy pledge, and over a thousand in the City of Hf*nilton. The move ment has extended to Toronto where there is a large field for mch work and no donbt etjnally food results wjlljbllow from the agita tion. The annual session of the Grand Lodge of the Knights of. Frthia>of Ontano, will bo field..1 fn S.inrfa, commencing on Tuesday next, 12th inst., when alnrgennm- , ber of delegates from the rarious Lodges in the province ia expected to be present. The Supreme Chan cellor of America, S. S. Davis, Esq. of New Hampshire,~lJas also signi fied his intention of visiting the session. Arrangements are being make to accord him a grand recep tion in Toronto on Saturday, with ft banqdet in'the eveaing, and pro menade concert in the Horticultural Gardens On Monday evening There- will douhtless' be a hrge gathering of Knights from various parts of the country. Mr. John i*. Secord, C. C. has been elrcted. delegate to represent the ^ Acton L xJge at Sarnia next week. Dr. John S. King, Grand Chancellor of the Knights of Pytl iaj recently lectured in the Odd Fellows Hal! Whitby, on the Knights of P_v thias Ordnr, and re- ceivsd the hearty support and at tendance of the Order of Odd Fel lows on that occasion. John H. Perry, E*q., Grand Master of the Odd Fellows of Ontario, occupied the- chair, and likewise made a happy speech oil behalf of the a. nights of Pythias a sister socie ty engaged in the same good work, and bespoke their aid and counten ance in the efTirt to establish a Lodge of the Knights of Pythias in that town. Tha==large audience was composed of the leading citi- t:nn, a large proportion of whom were_Jadiea. The Grand Cbancel- 1 >r, who is also an Odd Fellow, in acknowledging a hearty vote ef thanks accorded him, alluded to the fact, that nearly every prominent official of the Supreme and Grand Lodges of the Knights of Pythias Order were Odd Fellows, the pres ent S iprenie Chancellor being a Past Grand Master of New Hamp- shir^r There was a moat happy interchange of good feeling between members of the two Orders, such as ought to exist everywhere. Eavteslnc Township Council. 8*RWAttT*owy, 18 th May. The Council met at 10 o'clock; tho Reeve in tho chair. Monitors nit present. Minutes of last meet ing read and continued. Tho Treasurer was authorized to . pay to Mr. D. C. Robertson the sum of 15 for tho relief ef Gilbert Sinclar, ho being in indigent cir- : cunistance*. Moved by Mr. Lindsay, second ed by Mr. Fruiter, that on nccount of the present high piicua of pio visions tho sum of $1 per monlh additional be grunted to Mrs. Wal lace for tho maintenuuoti of each of the indigent persons under her charge. Canted. *< On motion of Mr. Warren, sec. by Mr. Frater, tho Council weul into Committee of the whole, on the By-law to regulate tho S at- ute labour and for other purposes therein, Mr. Clay in the chair. The Council resumed. Oh motion of Mr. Shortreed, seconded by Mr. Warren, the sum of $10 was granted to improve the road on ihe 3rd lino, lot 10, and $10 for the purpose of stumping the deviated road on lot 13, 3rd concession. Moved by Mr. Wat<- ren, seconded by Mr. Shortreed, that a committee consisting of Messrs. Lindsay, Frater, Shortreed and Murray be appointed to get |>ecifications of the bridge to be' built over the creek, 3rd line, lot 12, and advertise for tenders. Carried. Moved by Mr. Lindsay, MOndeJ by Mr. SLorlreeJ, that Mr. Win. Moors be appointed Path- master in the place of Thos. G. Herald ; also, that John Michie be appointed Pathmaster in the road divi<uon in which he resides. Car ded. Moved by Mr. Lindsay, sec onded by Mr. Warren, that the sum of 313.25 be paid to Andrew Kennedy for building of culvert on cross road between 15 and 16 in the 4th Concession. Carried. Moved by Mr. Frazer, seconded by Mr., Lindsay, that the sum of $60 be granted to improve the road and hill on lot 27, 8th line. Carried. Moved by Mr. Shortreed seconded by Mr. Warren, that the sum of ?2d be grant* 1 for the purpose of repairing the culvert on the cross road between 15 innd 1C, opposite Mr. Ephraim Moore's land, and to repair the road on said crlors road on tho 5th Concession near *Spey-- side, and that Messrs. D. Stewart and Peter Sayers be appointed Commissioners to expend the same. Carrjed. Moved by Mr. Lindsay, seconded by Mr. Warren, that the sum of 310 be paid to Ephraim Moore for hauling stone for calvert. Carried. Moved by Mr. Warren, seconded by Mr. Shortreed, that the sum of $30 be paid out of tho township funds tp grade the road on lots 8 ana 9, second line. .Car ried. Moved by Mr. Lindsay, sec onded by Mr. Warren, that Mr. H. R. Lawson, Pathmaster, be autho rized to expend a sum not exceed ing $30 in stumping and otherwise improving the roads in bis division. Carried- Moved by Mr. Short reed, seconded by Mr, Frazer, that Cbaa. Scott and Thomas Chigbolm : be appointed Commissioners for the building of* culvert opposite lot 1, 5th line. Carried. Moved by Mr. Lindsay, seconded by Mr. Warren, that the sum of $80 be granted on tbe cross road between lots- 15 and 16 in the 1th concession, mad that Messrs Ephraim Moore, John Robertson and John' Michie be Commissioners to expend the same. Carried. Moved by Mr. War ren, seconded by Mr. Lindsay, that the by law to regulate the statute labor be read the second and third times and passed. Carried. Moved by Mr. Frazer, seconded By Mr. Shot treed, that the Treasurer be authorized to pay Mr. Edward Bai ley $37.60 for printing 300 copies of the audited accounts of this township. Carried. Moved by Mr. Warren,seconded, by Mr. Lind say, that the clerk be instructed to notify the H. and N. W. R. R. Co. of tbe bad state of the several cros- a'ngs in this township, especially the crossings between lots 10 and 11, 3rd concession the crossings between 15 and 16, 7th conoession, the approaches in both cases being not properly graded to allow loaded teams to pass; also quantities of ties being placed on the road allow ance preventing the overseers of THE CASTLETON MURDER. Akortioulsts Afraln at Work. ~3 INQUKST AKD 1'OST MORTKW HXAM- 1NATI0N. Arrest of tho Supposed Mur derers. AvAkssioax Book Abboad___Web- fter'i 'dictionary is now considered throughout the cor.tinent ot Europe, not only tbe authority par excellence in English lexicography, but si the characteristic American book. It is better kn.rwn and-more widely cir- cul ited than- any other. I have met with it at the imperial Library in of tbe British highways from performing their duties, and to request that the necessary repaii-s be at once made, and obstructions removed. Car ried. ' The Council then adjourned till Friday; 22d June. . We trust the Esquesing Coun cil are satisfied that it is not always wisdom to have their printing done by apparently the lowest tenderer. A short while ago, the van cms printing offices in the county -vrero asked to tender for tbe printing of the Treasurer's accounts in pamphlet form, at so much per page. Wo don't know what figure the other offices pat in, bat we do know that if ours had been accepted the whole pam phlet would have cost them about $18 or $20 at the most. It may surprise the taxpayers of the township to learn that the Council have paid Mr. Bailey, of the Oakville Bxpreta $37 60 for the job This is accounted for by tho Piiru. the Library Museum, the Atbenasun and-other j,ondon Clubs, and numerous .other printer stretching out the number ef places. J bare beard:. o( it fiom pages to an inordinate, extraordinary, Turkey, India. China.' and er*n I and entirely unnecessary length. We J.rpan. 111everywhere deservedly i uotlce tUat tne County Council pamph- applfttldedi tor the elegance of it j Ietl8 treated in the same ndiculous and type, tbedltmCtneSJ>ritS impres- unworlimanlilib manner, by tho same s:on, tbe beauty of the" engravings. ( party. jfo wonder he could afford to arrl tbe amount of information ( underbid all other printers who have ^TO'ton**! wi&iio >ts cover*. Paris % conscience, and who have some little C#r m Boston P6=t. / respect for decency. Coliioknt:, Ont., Juno I. A feaiful ciime was committed in tho little vitiligo of CasUutou u few duys since. It is difficult to learn at this point all'the details of the tragedy, but bo fur as can bo gathered from the rumors iifloat here to night it is in iinuiy resjiools tho countoipart of the Jennnio Gil mour case in Toronto, though its ghustliness nppenre even to exceod that of the .Davis case. Bnefly told, the particulars seem to bo iib follows: Tho victim, Miss Albeita Wade, wuh o diuightor of John Wado, of Brighton township, and was engaged us a school tencher in tbe neigh hot hood of Castleton. The last that was seen of her alive was on Fiiday evening of Inst week, when she was noticed driving with a young man named Malloiy, tho son] of a farmer in the neigh bor- hodd. About ono o'clock that night young Mallory returned homo alone, arid informed his father that he wanted money, as he had got into a scrape which, would obligo him to leave fhfe countiy; thut hu had seduced a young lady ! and on his father advising him to mnrry her, he stated that he could not, us she had gone. After securing what money ho could, ho drovo to Col borne, where he bought n second class ticket for Detroit. By some means the news thut Miss Wude was mining did not rem h lu.s ftth er's hoiiie until lust Sunday. A 'search was instituted, bat not nntil Thursday morning lsHt wus her body discovered. IUwas found in a lonely dell, in u low swniupy place in the woods, about a quaiter of a mile from Military's farm, und about three miles north of Castle ton. She had been thrown into a hole apparently scraped out wuh a hoe, and when found had all her clothes ' on except her"-drawers, I which were drawn tightly around her head and neck. A co\enng of loose eaith, leates, Irtish, etc , was thrown over the body to the depth of a few inches, the top being care fully smoothed over with moss and leaves to make the gravel look as natural as possible. The body had been taken to the woods in a buggy or waggon, the ground where the horse Imti stood neur by having been pawed. Tbe presence of a freshly broken bough was the means of indicating the whereabout of the body. An inquest and a post mortem examination havo been held the former by Messrs. Gould and Fyfe, acting as coroners, and the latter by Dr. Willoughby, assisted by Drs. Thorburn, Deans, Douglns and Richardson. From the evidence it would appear that the girl was about four months advanced in pregnancy, and it is generally sup posed that young Mallory was her seducer. When it was found that she was eneiente she was induced to visit an old man named Smith, who bears the reputation of being one of the detestable medical special ists who are reaorted to in sucb cases. He had apparently tried mechanical appliances several times, but had fuiled. One of his attempts appears to have been made a week ago list Tuesday, as a Mrs. Millar stated in evidence that Smith bad told her that he hud then inude the attempt and had failed, but was bound to accomplish it yet. She stated also that an attempt had been made for the following Friday evening that on which Mir^ Wade was noticed driving with Mallory. It further appears from the evid ence thnt on Friday evening, after her drive with Mallory, a man named Wei ton, an intimate friend and a near relative of Mallory, was noticed driving in the direction of Grafton with a young lady. Though the latter has not been positively identified as Miss Wade, the evidence of Beveral witnesses as to her dress, etc., goes to show almost conclusively that it was b'he. Tbe pair were traced to a hotel in Grafton. Here thpre is a break in the chain of evidence, but there are good hopes-that on the resump tion of the inquest |on Tuesday to which date it was adjourned to day the missing links will be Bup plied. The two were noticed at a hotel in Grafton atl eight o'clock on Friday evening, The same evening about nine Mallory was seen in Castleton, and it was about one o'clock tbe next morning when he awoke his father and told him that he had got into a sarape. The result of tbe post mortem examination has not yet transpired, but tho general theory is that re peated attempts to procure an abor tion having failed, the yoang woman was induced to go to the woods and was there deliberately murdered, there being, it is said, several marks of violence in tbe head, face and neck. < Smith Welton and his brother, the last named being, it is suppos ed, an accessory, have been.arrest ed, and are now in custody, and newswas received to-day that young Mallory was alno apprehended while stopping with some relatives in Smith's Creek, Michigan. He is in the hands of the United States authorities, and as soon as the usual official steps have been'taken he will be brought over. It is ex pected that ho will 'oo hero in time for the continuation of tho inquest on Tuesday. It is ultnost nmidtasH to say that tho ovont has created tho greatest oxoitemuut all ovoi this part of tho oountiy. Since | the discovory of tho body bundled* have flocked to tho suunu of the mauler. Miss Wndo wns ii young lady of considurublo oduoation and gouoinl intelligence. She wna noted in tho neighborhood for hor beauty and engaging manners, and her family tiro highly renpeotublo. Siio was nine toon years of age, and litis taught school only since tho 1st ot January Inst. - Tho above dctuils tuo necussai ily mniigio alid detach ml, but their goncral loliability mny bo depended on. ! Destructive Flro iu Orunarc- VillC. Orasoeville, June 2. A fiio which foi sometime tbicatenod the destruction of the pnucipal busi ness purt of the town, bioko out ut six o'clock yestcidny evening in a workshop in tho reui of Measis. Bcsvvick ifc Thompson's fui-uitmie store on Uioadway, and spread wish alurunug rapidity to the waggon shop of Mr. W. CiuickfihankB, at the stables and sheds of the Anion can Hotel mid to tho Episcopil Methodist Chinch, nM of which woio iu lets than two hours reduced to ushus. Tlio Amouuin Hotel was on firo several times, and had to Le destroved to chock tho flames, Tho Piiniittve Methodist Church was also badly by tiieaud water. The fire bngido vvoikcd well, jet but for a favoiable change in tho dliection of tho wind tho tire would no doubt h ive desttovtd the prineipnl pail of tho town The total loss is about $12,000 Tho piincipul feuuViera are Missis Ht.s- Vi ick it Thomson, W. Ci uiukhhunks, J. Luidie), W. J. Mouihon, and tho Kpn>copiil and Piiiuitivc Meth odist congieg.itions. Tho los-iis of the lattti thiee aie paituilly covei- odjby lnsunuco. The piopmty of the other sufleioia wjis uniiismed. K-------------....------------ Iniavd Hijvkmjk Seizike On tlio moimng of Fudiiv, the lstmst , Collector McLein, of Guelph, ac cmipanied by officers Nichols and Powell, seized an illicit fctill on lot 3j0, 5th con., Township of Ltin It was found near or on the boundary luie between tho funis of Jiinns Bell and Edwaid Doeilng. Time wJas a copper still and boiler com bined, a tin doubler, tin'vvoun and worm box, und the usu il plant found in such places A small quantity of spit its was found, and one Hush in pi ocean of fumeiittt, tion. It had been very lecoutly vvoiked, as tho wattr in boiler vvu-> warm, and the fare under it not quite extinguished. No person was found ou tho pietuisus at th time of seizure, but tho plant H said to be owned and was milked by Donald Bell and Wm. Dueling. ------------- u, ------------- Tho Pope is again in an ex tremely debilitated condition. John Lothrop Motley was buried on Monday in Ivensal Green Cemetery, London. Kits' Cocoa, I'ltitiisu " liy of..... 'I -UitATitri'ii ani> Com- ., .. thorough Kno-wlcukje tho natural lawn which govern the onvtmiiH tif digestion and nutrition, in id by a careful implication of tho lino piojiul tioa of well selected cocoa, Mr. idipH linn provided our breakfast tables with a dolicately flavored bovcrogo wjnth may Biivo us many heavy doctors' lulls. It is by tho judicious usu of such articles of diet that a constitution may lie gi initially built up until sti oiigcnoiigh to resist every tendency to disease. H iiidrciln of subtle maladies are floating around us roady to attack wllorover thino is a weak point. We may escape inrtiy a fatal shaft by kooiimg ourselves well fortified with piiroblootfandapio* porly nourished framo " Cliit Service (lavtte, Siiltl only in packets labolcd-j- Jamks IjIts & Co , Horareopathlo Cliumist, 48, Tliroadiicudlc Street, and 170, 1'iceadilly, Lpndnn," - are NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, Hundred* of Thousands Now Dally Vslng It. Wood's Improved llnlr Brntorallr'e Is titillko uny otbnr, untl linn noetiua). rtio Improved tins now vegetable tonie properties; naorc grey luttr tnngloH*} naturiil color; r< stores fudcil, Ory, ba-nli nmlfililnj tnllr; rtstorof, drpsscs, glvos vlijor f> tht Inilr; restores hair to prema- turolj 1 IiomiIh; removes d indrutr, bu- mori*, t-ca'j ornplloiih; xemovrs lrrita lion, llchliiB nml fcal> dr>ncss- No iirllclo prodiirts meli wonderful oflocts Try It, oill for WooJ's Improved Hair KcswWtlve, and don't bo put ofTwIlh aiijl ottin urllole. hold by n I drugg sis In this place and do tiers overjwl/cre. rmdiistinpiif d nl iiiini 'fncliirers'prloP l>> V A f'o ik .% i'o , Clilcngo.Kole Agents fur I lid l/nliid Suites and ('anndas,and U}' IjV mav tinns, a Co., Toronto. rpiIE EXCHANGE HOTEL, AdTON- Having fitted up tho'largostonehotcl ou tlto corner of Mill and Main streets, in superior stylo, and| had tho Iioubb thoroughly renovated, papered and painted throughout, tho subscriber is now prepared to accommodate travel lers and tho gonoral public in first-class stylo. Tho liouso as handsomely and comfortably furnished, _ Having had considoracfo experience in the hotel business, tho public, can rely on scciir. ing such accommodations as is becom ing to a first-clasB house, The stabling is largo and well-fitted up ; also ample shed-room. Tho patronage of tho pub lic is respectfully solicited. JOHN MANEY. Acton, May 22, 1877. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, AlTTKNTIOX. Nt) fi Company of tho !20tl> Kegiment of Mirks, will commence their animal drill on Monday evening, tliOj 11th June, A meeting of all tho Members of the couipinj will be held in the Drill Shed, and ill othcr'joung men who may be willing to join the coinpmy Let all vounp men know this,fact that no mem-, her of a \oliititccr conipin} ia liable tq pi> the annual poll tn\ of two dollars. JOlINT S V\V, Capt 20th Hiflci, s TIMY HORSE. tamo on the picmises of the suliscn- ber about the 24th of May, an aged brown Hone '1 ho owner's requested to prove pioprt}, piy charges and tab* In in iwnv s i uw ai:t Arcc utchkox, l^ot No, (, 3 1 con Er n. l>in, May 20, li>77. 48-2t JIOROIGH-BKED BILL. T The thorough bred Durham Bull "Con mi l s," out of the herd of Archi bald Campbell, Iji><i , Xa-ssagake\a, with pure registered pedigree, will i-tive cows for the season on Ij'it 28, tih ton of I>(picsmg. Terms Dur ham?), S-t, grade and common cpw<f, >1 each JOHX A M \XX, Proprietor Evqueaing, May 2S, lt>77> 48 3t TO EXLCITORS' -\OTICE tmniToi.s. Ihe Tcdittir^j of A.snri-w Ito'vS late of the rlo^nship of Nas^a^rw<.\*a, m the Count> of Jiilton, j ctimaii, deceased, who died on or al out the seeoud daj of JIaj, A D 1S77, ami all o'hera having cl .nils -iijniiibt Ins estate art) herc'*> no'ihcd to seiul to Gti^je S Oood- illje, dl the VilIiQC nf Ceorgejtown, in the C otintj of Halton, the .Solicitor of tho K\ccutors raid 1-I\ccutn\: of tlie tud deeca cd, on or before the Twen tieth da^ of Jnlj, next, their names, ad dresses and dc caption", the full par ticulars of their claims, a statement of tlicir accounts, and the nature of the fjccuut} (if airy) held by them The said executors and executrix will im- mediatelj after the last mentioned day proceed to distribute the as-cts of the biul Andrew Koss amongst the part es x , . . eiititb d tlicro6o, having re'ard only to llH.h thsy shaI1 haxe ro. eeiveil not'ee as aforesaid. This notice being gt\ eu under the provisions of the MTtute. 29 Vic, cap 28. see 27, the siid p.editors and executrix will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed, to any person of who^e claim notice shall not have been receiv ed as aforesaid at the time of snch dis tribution liEXP.Y L. ROSS, 1'AVL KOSS, MARY ROSS, E-ecutnx. Georgetown, June 2, 1877. 49-2t L ~ i AXD WAG43-ONS. Xow is tho timo to leavo your order J. Ryder's Factory for a Stylish Buggy or Serviceable Waggon. I am making up a large stock for the present season, from the best material. Call and See our Handsome-ISuyjies Now is n good time to secure bargains. ; Strict attention giv en to SorEC-Bhoolng & General 31acfc- smltlilnp. JAMES RYDER Acton, Fob. 2C, 1877. Can't be made by i-veri ngenl ev ry month In the btnlncss we fiirnlsll, but these willluc to work cim easily earn a dozen dollars a du> rluht iu their own localities. Have no room toexi 1 ilnhere. Kus!nevs pit nsiint and honornble. Wo imn.and liojs am gi"s do as well as me". Wo will furnish ju a complcte utitnt free. The hi slness pi'js Orttcr than anj thing else. We will b"ar pj- tartlne J on Pnrticu arsfiee. VS rlt* aid see. Farmers and liifci an I' s. their conssnd <hnti,htfrs, und ail closes In ne>d of paying work -it Home klioul i write t ns n J 1 .irn iibout the work ut onrc. Now Is the urn Don't dela}, Ad !r< ss Tutli A Co , \ucusln, Slnrne NOW .1 FOR BABGAIflffgi uo Only a Few Days Mora - 5- - --T.J AUCTION SALE OF THE BALANCE" OF Mrs. MclTair's Bankrupt Stock - yf EVERY EVENING- ??. Until the balaaco of the Stock is disposed c Remember the place. The new brick storef S999 opposite Agnew's hoteL ^ GOtTLDING & HEITP-Y, Auctioaeere. a Acton, June 5, J 877. on the not th sbore^of Lnke Supei ior and on Maniidulin Island. Ten thousand dozen e^gs weie shippttl one day tecently from Fer gus to New York. Tho by-law granting a bonus of $50,000 to tha Toronto and Ottawa Railway was -voteJ upon in Picheriug on Satin day and re suited in a majority of 156 being recorded against the measure. The Murphy temperance move ment is growing in favor in Toron to. All classes aie taking the matter up. It has been found that potato bugs will eat flowering plants. A lady yesterday killed one that was engaged in devouring a leaf of a geiamum. Mr Henry Hougb, publisher of tbe Cobourg World, and son of Mr. |James Hough, of Guelph, has fbeen elected Secretury-Tieaauier of "Victoiia University. The Presbyterian Assembly at Halifax, commencing on the 13 th of June, is being looked forward to with great interest. The town of Mount Carmel, 111., was on Monday last visited by a temble storm, during which six teen nien were killed and many fa tally injured. The mine of the buildings destroyed -caught fite, and the flames threatened to con sume the whple place. On Friday, one hundred men working on the Stratford & Huron Railway, between Stratfoid and Milverton, struck woik. They were getting $1 a day but wanted- $1.25. They have all gone back to work at tbe old rate. The con tractor, Mr. H. Conly, expacts to have five nulea of the roud ready for the frack early, this week) und the whole line completed this fall. A clergyman named Morderi committed stiicido in London at noon on Friday by shooting himself through the head with a revolver. He was found sitting in the corner of the fence on the sidewalk at the Merchants' Bank, on Richmond street, bleeding profusely from a wound in the temple. He lived but a few moments after the fatal shot was fired. He had been labor ing under aberration of mind re sulting fiom sunstroke. Executors. TJIXECI'TORS' KOTICE. All pirties having claims against tho estate of the late Ai>di:ew' Ros.s, of the township of Nassagaweya, are requ red to file the same with vouchers attached, with Daniel Knhs, of tho Town of Guelph, on or before tho first day, of July nevrt, and all parties indebted to tho said estate aro requested to pay the same by that date. B\ Onm.ii or the Eyecotors. Guelph, May 21,1877. 48-3t Tyyfcw STEK'Si UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY For the School Room. 3000 Engravings; 1840 Pages Quarlo. A NEW FEATURE. To tho SWi Illttslrations heretofore In WfibslOl's Uuablldged wo have added Tour pag sof t'OLOBEO IL118TRITIONS, engraved expressly lor this work at large o\| erne. Nenrli every Stale Superintendent ol Puoilc Instruction In the Union, or cor responding officer, wheio Mich an one exist*, lias recommmded Webster's Dle- ilot ai> lathe btromest teinis. Among th m are those of Western, Northern, Middle, Sortborn and Western States, Twenty-eight in all I STifE PlBCnASES. Tho S ate of Now 'iork has ilaoed cophs in as many of her Public .Seiio ill. The Btale of Wisconsin, about 5000, no irly'overy School 'J he StnU of New Jersey, 1,500 nearly every school The Stale of Michigan, made piovlslon foi all herrichous The Rtiteoi Massachusetts has supplied her Schools. nearly all Tho State of Iowa has supplied her Schools TheSiote of Connecticut has made pro vision for her Schools Over ,8000 Bchoolsin Indiana were sjip plU d U urlng the > ea- 172, and many eacri- jear since. In other Stated many eiplos have been pnrjhnse.1 for supplying Schools Of cities, oounlle's and towns Whaj, better investment can be made lor schools? lilorn tnao twenty times ns many are sold of Webs'er's Dictionaries, as ol auy- th<ir seiles In this country. At least four-(Whs of all tbe School Books 'published In this country own Webster as their standard, and of tho re mainder, faw acknowledge an standardy. Publujhed by - C. A C. MEBKIAH, 49 I BprlcglMd, Mass. 9-mmem- 1877. 187;7._ a.:e?,:k:. IB The suLseril>cr will ?AY $5 F&a COULD For all well saved Hemlock B^,rk Delivered ot Acton Tannery, before Dec. 1st] 1877, and after Dec 1st, 4.50 per cord. ' I G L. BEiRDMORE. Ac'on, Aprll25 1577. 43-3m The Acton Plow Co. n Are'msnufncturiDK tho celebrated STEPHENSON PLOWS, AND The 'Bojss' Gang Plci-w They keep a full stock op hand, ant prepared to do all kinds of are Repairing hi on Plo-v^s, ahd also also kinds of Lathe Work and Iron Plan oij the shortest notice. imj ' Please call and examine our plows before purchasing elsewhere. AG Birrs FOB Hky Sharp's Self-Dumpinff and Stubble Bake. , Acton, .Feb. , 1876. MIU.S. Having thoroughly repaired Mill, and put in a new Middlings Purifier, we are nor? prepared to give a bBt ter yield of flour than formerly, w quality quite as good, GRISTING AND CHOPPING promptly attended to. The patrona-ee of tne public spectfully solicited. J The highest price always paid for anyTquiin'.ity of wheat. A quantity of seed barley for sale. I G. & E. TOLTOjS. Acton, Ajpril 10, 1877. 41-3ai Mb. SPEYSIDE * Shingle, Stave I AND J HEADING MILLS. Any parti :s wanting Shingles would do well to .give us a calli We will al ways havd ta hand a good supply of No. 1 and M>Ts> Shingle?. Best quality No. 1 Shingles $1.60 per square, i No. 2, 70 cents per square. . M P~ * H. SAYERS. Spoyside, pec. 13, 1876. 24-6m \. r i NOW THEN! mmmn i fBARGAINSl Robert Fisher Has everything that yon want in Tiaware, Stoves, and Kitchen Furnishings, T_ I all to be sold cheaper than ever. _____ ' ' I An immense stock just arrived Brass Kettles, Porcelain lined Ite-ttlea, Lanterns, Smoothing Irons, Milk Pails, Japanned Ware, i Pressed Tin-ware, i COOKING BOX AND _ PARLOR STOYES, STOVE PIPES, &c, &c. STILL AHEAB AT TH* "# ACTON TIN ArtD8T0VBtC#tTi i- v*if ___ ** ^StVlLSON <& 'k*. JOKNS0R Beg to thank their namerotfr1& and customers for the kjndjajtMp age hitherto extended to the*ti* wish to inform them that they hste now on hand large Wcfo*f7/ Plain,j Pressed and i ' .Ware, which they are selling cheap**ftK 1 ever. 1 ~"' i EAVETEOTJGHING.l Jobbiag: aad Repairing Promptly . Attended to, . i / | ROBERT FISHER. Acton, iprll 8,1877. 40-3m T^RESSHAKINCr. ' MISSES MANN1 respectfully an nounce to tbe ladies of Acton anc} vicin ity that they have commenced business as Dressmakers in the house recently hnilt by Mr. Edward Matthews, near Nicklin's Ibakery. The patronage o5 the public is respectfully solicited. Dressmaking in the best manner and most fashionable styles. , MISSES M. & M. S. MANN. Acton, March. 21, 1877. 38-3m EaTETBOCGHING a Call and tee as belor* elsewhere, as onr prices b6at in the county. ' ' Being practical workmen^ nort>M our stock of Tinware ia B&4MI^tt ourselves, and we feel sataiid J*** we cannot be undersold. Sheepskins, Cotton Bagt, 0WJJ per and Brass taken in'r'~l'~ for Goods. Repairing and Jobbing.proaftfF attended to. ' ^ ^ v^ilson & joaiaffl. Acton, April 3,1877. <*>%_ mO FA&MEKS. Now is the trme to , stocks The first prize bon,Sj liam Temple the Third. (831 _, Sir William Temple [2296]^ d7 by Red IMnce J602J, will " the premises of the unde the season. Terms. cowa $4.00; Grade cows 91J& LotNo.^lst'coa.. April 4, 1877. ^^ ul ' PI fad 1 - CTEAM Carriage >.-i4- & w jt*W|g; lein Street, -i n&' General Blacksmith, m^iigH* > ( , _ Wagon-maker. * ^ , BesrHorse'-pitoers in tht G^** -Perfeci satisfaction jrarante3 * "* "C^ price charged. Flrst-CIass P^bWs md CUai*ll**w'J.| Iron Ha|rws always *. "' j A good stockfef CarrUftes and W** j_-. Repairing promptly and projsrly ^ tended to. I Acton, July 18, 1876 '2KK r- .*" 4. / J' I

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