Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 14, 1877, p. 2

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J ------------------------------------------------ I I 'IS THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON CC mBE ACTON FREE PRESS - Published Every Thursday Morning, J. H. HACKING, Proprietor. 91 Per Annum in Advance ^ctanF^oifms L jvs H HACKINQ EDITOR TsUksr>v\ MiiiiMsit, Jl\i 14, 1S7T, A motion for the abolition ot T-jpital punishment ..s dcti ited iu Uie British House of Common* Tuusil.n on u \oti- of loo to 50. Tho Premier \iill address bis count UueiiU at Foivat on the 26th ILLat. He will atiso deliver dtlrei ^ a on the 2$th at "Kingston, and o* the 2ml of July at Nuwiuarket. - Pert Conservatives at* to have thfir picnic on Friday, 15th inst., wh n Sir John A , Dr. Tupper, Mr. T N Gibbe, Mr. Ualton MiCarthy an 1 others are adveitised to Be pre sent and deliver addresses. --It was riunorvd the other day that application*-A\as to Ixt made 11 the Count-, Council to submit lJiinkui Act b) law foi this county At-the un-otiiv of the Council thin veek, no such application. naa Uiaui-. Hon Mr. 131uk-e n is hist wock 6om m'as President of the Couu- cii, Hou Air Lrifluiume as Minister of J notice, and Hon Mr. Cauchon us Minister of Inland Revenue. Tlieo changes have been made, duflbtle*s, m cuiim quern e of Tklr. B'tiftf's physical'inability to Con tinue to perform1 the arduous duties of tLe effic of Minister of Justice. Reports from over the lines Ely that tFie icnowned Indian war rior, ' Sitting Hull," w ho has given the -Cnitvd iSt-itt s &o much trouble, i* now in C inadian tei ntorv. If he intends honoring the North west *>y making it his jieimauent re^idenc*, it is to be hoped he will remain " sitting " as much us possi ble, and not^step around quite u8 lhely as he di^l among the Yankees. The failure of Henry Parker, proiiMon merchant in Montreal, has seriously implicated a number of firms and Grangers fn the east ern townships. Converse, Eithurp <fc Co.,. of Runston, are interested to the extent of about $30,000, and have b<"Pin put into insolvency. Parker had b.en operating dn limit ed capital, and had been implicity "trusted by eastern towhship-dealers find fiirniers. Hi my of whom -aiil be ruined by Lis transactions. The wnr has not be*>n active for some days past, except with the Montenegrins. With them there has-been some severe fighting, and apparently a good deal of daughter on both sides. Both sides claim the advantage, and per- Tbc End not Far Off. It need til no ptophctio eyo to- foresee that <n Iiutover other results might ooiiio of this war, Tin key must go the wall. Tho inteinal condition of tho country, socially, morally urwl tiiianciaUy, has long been Bocb h to wnmint the con clusion that tho "sick ninn " could not long survive. Tho infatuation winch has fnlkn on tho Pol to, Htul which led the Tulka, single handed, to enter upon "*itr with Russia, maj be teg-mled us the presage of ihe integration of tho empire which is already tottering to its fall. The Sultan ia looktd upon as n weak i ulor, in fact, a nonentity. He has found it necewory to dissolve Par liament and send the doputies to tlion- homes after passing laws that will never ho carried oat. The Turk is genuine fanatic, ready to fight for hii religbn and to com mit the most horrible atrocities in iu support; but he has not one atom of patriotism in hia cctaBtitu- tion. We car,, therefore, easily be lieve, as reported by a Constanti nople corresjiondent, that there ik bnbeiy and corruption everywhere, that contrnctsi~for army stores are a~naided by means of biiboi_v of the 'officials having the matter in charge. In a few weeks or months as funis Turkey is concerned, the war will be at on end. Her exchequer is exhausted, her troops! badly fed, hoiihed and officered, making a pro traded resistance an inipossibihtv. The Turks are no longer able to cenceal this state of things frem themselves, consequently, utter do spondency is taking possession of them ; and we shall not bo sur prised, if before long, an attempt should be made to bring about n, peace between the belligerent* be fore Russia has had time to at tempt should such an attempt-be m contemplation, which we much doubt to approach Conftantino- pte It i8 certain it cannot belong b#fotx Turkey will be willing enough to listen to the pacific cunnbels of the Eurojiean Powers, which exhausted all the resources of diplomacy to prevent this war. Belford's New Books. Hocks wrm Mev avd Books, by \\ illiam Mathews, L. L. D., author of " (jetting on in tho World." Toronto; Belford Bros. A \cry kiely, chatty book of 350 pages, dealing with a variety of sub jects iu an easy, pleasant strain. Dame Elbopa's Remoxstbaxce. Belford Bros , Toronto, have is sued an edition of " Dame Europa's Remonstrances and Her Ultima ttim," by the antbor of |" Dame Europa's School," in which the characters discuss in a unique man ner the -circumstances leading to the present European complication. It is a piiuphlet of 30 pages. Price 15 cents. Very interesting at the present time. tinued and the regular departments are all well filled Best Book fob Evebtbodt. The new illustrated -edition of Webster's Dictionary, containing three thousand, engravings, is tho bext book for every body that the press has produced in the present century, and Bhould bo regard ed as indispensable to the wtll-regulat New Dominion Moxthlt. A good variety of original and sel^ct- ,____r. _ d original matter will be found in baps the-results are pretty equally j the current number of this popular divided in every wjy, hut the magazine The stories are con- Wontenegrins are inferior in num bers, and perhaps in equipment, and it is likely that the forces they oppose will prove too strong for them to resist successfully, although they -rrtay be quite able to save themselves after inflicting severe loss tip->n their enemies. On the___________ Danube, the waters are reported) ed home, reading-room, library, and to be sahsiding, and the great neat P1*00 ,f business Golden Era. u rapidly sickening the Russian troops eucarajied on the low ground on. tho njrth aide Rumors.. of eroaing Lavs not been active, bat it U hardly credible that the Rus sians will delay a movement after the rirsr U -passible. There Have been rumors, however, thaU in consequence of ihe rapid success in Asia, and for fear- of European complications, Russia will not send her troops across the Danube, but wflr^rust to the former for secur ing from Turkey all she wants the independence of the provinces north of the B^dkans, a free paiaage to the Mediterranean, and the greater part of Armenia, exclusive of Erzeroirtn, instead of war in demnity, whiobyhowever much Tur Fen, and Scissor Selects. Tho voice of tho picnio orutor is hoard in the hind. Tho Toronto grocois aro now going in for hugo ttudu salci. Biirnuin took in about $4,000 during his two days' stay in To ronto. Robert McGregor, of Toronto, was fined 50 and costs for cm ly ing a. ic\ol\ci =A cheeky thief " wont through" tho house of tho Polico MugisUato of Kingston the other day. St. John, N. B., lma been chosen as tho place of mooting of tho Grand Orange I_,odga next year. Immenso forest fires are re ported on the Pacific slope, causing widespread destruction of crops, cattle, and bonietttnds, A lad of 65 and a lass of 62 years who were tnrrned tho othor day at ftarnia hud.their wedding cake stolon from their house. The new Mnsonio Hall, Guelph, was lust week thrown 0)>en for public inspection. All were highly pleased with its appearance. Potato bugs should be bandied with gloves. Recently a farmer out West was poisoned by handling the pest, and his recovery is now considered doubtful. The ninn who has got more money than ho wants is nch , the nyin who wants more money than he has got is poor. N. Y. Sun. Most of us are poor. In the Castleton case, the jury fijund that the death of Alberta Wade was caused by "an abortion procured by the man Smith, assist ed by Welton and Mallory. The Bruce County Council has passed the Dunkm by-law by 22 yeas and 7 nays. The by-law will be submitted omo time in July, and most probably passed. In Georgetown on the 3d July a by-law will be voted on to raise the sum of soren thousand dollars for the purpose of purchasing the market square and erecting a new town ball. A child sixteen months old, son of Mr. D. McMullen, near Harrington, fell into a pail of water on the 30lh ult., and when dis covered a few minutes after life was instinct. The London Conference of the Methodist Church will meet next year in St. Tbomaa. The cordiali ty of the invitation from that town is said to have overshadowed any- 'thing London or Stratford could do. key mi^ht promise, she could aevir pay. In Asia Minor all the indi cations are in favor of the Russians. The Turks steadily retire before their onwird march, which is un failing if blow, and the only stuo- b ,rn resistance is at a few points, such as Kara and B itouru. Erzer oum, the great objective point of the Ii'isei ins, will ptobablv soon fjtll, and there will be a chanc for serious effo!ts_to bung about a pacification. The Turkishfprospecte in Asia Minor appear tjo b" improving. The Russians hawe withdrawh from OUi to Henek, vj-ith the object of .prosecuting the siege of Kara, and Mukhtar P.ish% now holds, the road from Oiti to Dehbaba, forty-eight unles to thfr bouth-west of Erze roum. A battle is imminent in the % alley of the Araxes, winch will piobably decide the chances of ani eaily conclusion of peace. After fifty fire hours' htrd fight ing the Tuiks have succeeded in g lining an important success in .Afontenegro. The long disputed position at Krustaz, the key to the Unga Pass and tp Nicsics, has been c=trei-d, ai>*l the Montenegrins have withdrawn theirf headquarters from the vicinity of the last-named place to the'r old position at Ostiok. The loss on both sides in this en ga<jemjnt is renorted to have been >e.y guat. , MasDEBKE CirraaKD. In the winter of 1874 Joseph Dain, Reeve of Yorkville, was shot by a man who was attempting to burglarize his prentices. Mr. Dain died last New Year's Day from the effects of the wound. The principal assas sin escaped, but his accomplice, John Leavitt, was tried in Toronto in 1876, and sentenced to impris onment for life. The real murder er, Frank Becker, has now been captured at Indianapolis, where ho is held, pending the arrival of ex tradition papeis, after which he will be handed over to the Ontario Attorney-General for trial. Mr. Mowat had offured a large reward for the capture'of Becker. Fourteen towns have been destroyed and six hundred lives lost by an earthquake in Peru and Bolivia. The damage to shipping along the coast was very gieat, and property of all kinds to the value of twenty million dollars was des troy ed. Hon. James Skead, of Ottawa, has shipped 15 car loads of lumber, five of which were for Australia Messrs. T. W. Currier & Co., also shipped a lot of sashes and doors at the same time. The shipments go by way of Boston. The freight on the lumber amounts to about $105 per car load, or $11 per 1,000 feet. Quite a trade has sprung up be tween Ottawa and Australia since the Centennial Exhibition. Within the last two or three months, says the Birmingham Pott, upwards of 2,000 worth of boots and shoes have been imported from Canada-and the United States into Birmingham for the home trade. Every part of the American boot is made by machinery, and the work being done by tho day, and not by the piece, the cost of production is veiy much less than in thii country. rNow is the summer of our dis content made glorious winter by a dnh of ice-cream. n Wednesday it was discov ered that the track of the Midland Railway between Mill brook and Peterboro bad been tampered with for the third time within a fort night. Fourteen rails were mis placed. A Mrs Sutterby died sudden ly in Hamilton on Saturday even ing. A coroner's inque*t was held. A veidict was returned to the effect that death resulted from congestion of brain, produced by intemperate habits. A number of farmers in the vicinity of Cheltenham are not sat isfied with the offers made by the H. <k N. W. Railway Company for the land which this road will occu py, and have agreed to leave it to arbitration. The Key. Dr. Rjerson, at tho request of the London Conference of the Methodist Church, has con sented to write a series of articles touching upon the chief points in the history of Canadian Methodism during the past half century. The Bill to submit the Dun- kin Act to the ratepayers of the Counties of Northumberland and Durham, excepting the towns of Cobourg and Pott Hope, was car ried to its second reading by the County Council, by a rote of ,24 to 16. Otto Leuschner, a highly re spected young Geiman, of East Saginaw, ran away with Miss Ed- sall, of that place, taking with him also $728 belonging to the Savings Bank of which he was teller. They weie captured in Owen Sound. The Wentworth County Coun cil postponed action until neact ses sion OU the pa tit ion to have the Dunkin Act Nubmitted to vote. It is understood to be the intention of the temperance people to " cany Ihe war into Afiica," if satisfactory action is not then had. A lai!y who has been expert inenting says that the, worms which infest currant bushes may be des troyed by the use of a solution of copperas one pound ^copperas dis solved in a pail of water, and ap plied with a sprinkler or brush. It has never been known to fail. News from the Niagara district is very encouraging as to the pros pects to the peach crop about Grimsby; but so much cannot be said for fruit in general. The curculio has damaged the crops of plums, and in district the yield of apples promises to be light. The County Council, in session at Kincardine, passed the Dunkin by-law by 22 yeas against 7 nays. It will be submitted some time in lttiSHlu'H UrowlU. RuBsia vouched tho months of hor nvoifl long ago, and hangot bo yond them, unless the Dunubo is also to bo icckoncd as a Russian stioam. Yet tho exoitloiiH of tho Rubbish Government to augment its milituiy forces woienevei gieat er than they have boon iu thu last six yoaiH She had nheady tho power to bring half a million of men luto tho field. But tho gutiid uico- suro of uiiiveisal conscription, sane turned by tho ukuuoof ditnuuiy liit, 1875, will add another half million tothut number of hoi1 active tioops, and another million to tho leseivo. These euormous forces can'only bo raised and maintained for aggies sive purposes. Tho territory of Russiii in iavulnoruble. Nobody hus the slightest interest in attack ing it, unless she begins by attack ing some one else. If attacked, as she was in 1812, she may rely on her climate, her extent and tho pa triotism of her population for efTec tual defeiico. Setting aside ambiti our considerations, wo should hjj that to burden it poor and tlunh populated country with tho main tenance of an enormous ui my w the most mischievous policy that can be conceived. It is a poi petmil drain on the manhood of tho Em pire. It enormously woiikens its productive powers. It leads to a frightful waste of, life. When thu Eiuperoi JSTicholaS onco expressed his tmipriso nt the mfuuority of the men m his army to the sfumon of his fleet in point of dibciphno and condition, Count \Voion/.ow 10 plied that what thuiumy wnnted *as "mote food and less dull" Hundieds of thousands of human beings have boon sadriticed m the last fifty >ears to tho stupid pude of exhibiting to tho world tho shows and pageants of ft gieut mili tary establishment. What lendpis this state of things still mote lu inentable and extraordinary is that the Russians are not a warlike or combative, people. Even in their drinking bouts they do not fight. They ute entirely ignorant ot all that goes on abroad and en tirely indifferent to glory. Nor can any conceivable benefit accrue to the people of Russia by threaten ing and molesting their neighbors, or by the acquisition of teiritory, of which they havo already moie than enough. If their countty were attacked they would defend it with undaunted coinage, but as u race of men there is no people in the world less disposed to shuigh- ter their neighbors. Military ser- lice is with them tho result of ab- Bok'te, blind, unqiiejtioning obedi ence. They submit to it us the} Submit to a law of nature, because they ate docile and brave. Yet surely military sen ice, as it is un derstood in Russia, is tho most de testable form of slavery; for n peaceful peasant is converted by it, without the least will of his own, into a bloodhound, a d^troyer or a victim. And this burden is now hung with redoubled weig.M .upon the back of every peasant in the Empire. The whole community is crushed) by it Military service \i the primary obligttion of life, and must affect every other relation of society. Edinburgh Reviews Klour ,,. Fall Whont Spring Wheat, 'lliwgow Hid Chad Wlulat Hirley OlltK 1'init . . Potatoes, poring Dried applm per lb Batter .. 9HB OTTY, ONT., JUNE U, 1877. KKh MVItKUH. ., $3 7.") to 4 Hers' Cmoi roitiiso " I5.of Uk ii itiiral opi I itlOIIS of I niiil by a e lufi piopi rfus of w Ijiips h n pro\ ii lth n a ninth mny him ImIIm It in by m 1 fiO to 1 T> 1 CO to l|C5 1 40 to 1 60 0 00 to 0 00 0 17 to 0 r,o 0 7fi to 0 80 1 00 to 0 00 0 DO to 0 07 0 15 to (I 10 0 10 toO 00 NEW ADVEIlTIHJiM-ENTH. (JliAIIM'ITL AMI C'OM- u thorough luioululgi lawn wluili go\( in tin ig, htmil and iiitliitioii, I ijipliciifiiui of tin line (II Hihi ted i ik on, Mr, 1 ll OUI llll lllf 1st t lllllH hid ily Dawned In virago us many lunvy doctors' he judicious use of such articles of diet that tv constitution may bognidually bin to resist cv cry Hundreds of mil around ui real there is a weak well foi titled Hi perly nourished t up until strong* nmigh tendency to dlNeAKe. tie maladies are floating y to attack wherever loiut. "Wo may CHcapo many a fatal sir ft by keeping ourselves h pure Wood and a pro- ttTEERS Strayed or Stolen. $5 REWARD. Missing from tho farm of tho sub scriber, on Saturday night, 0th June, two Steers one i o dark red, with white MiotH on his flank and on his tail, unnll minis ttirnod inwards, three years old, Tho othti is largii, light red, with a good doulof white spots, and very largo utialght hoiim, also 3 y< ars old Any pMHon giving such luforinn- l >n a^ Will lead to their ricoicry will bo entitled to a reward af iivo dollars. JOHN' WA7SOX, Lot .'SO, flth con Jwjiii sing. w%h NOW . ......10 gl frame " Cm! Sen ice i gtyle Tho h Offelle. Sold oIy m packets labeled comfortably " Jamks I>i> R, Co , Homo;op\thio ronmdcraclo Chemist, l/>, rriij-cidiicidlc Street, and 170, Piccadilly, 'vmdoii." Hundreds ol" Thousands ore .\'ow Kail j E'.sfnff It. - VVooiI' I.npro <il Ilnlr ttistornllvr Is iiiilllco mo finer, ji ml h m noiijii il The Improved Iiiih n< u n u< taWo tonic properties ; r. Iori"-Krc} linlr toaijloS'-j natiuitl color; r Nlorcs ruled, ilrv, tin Mi a nj fill 1 in: Ii ilr; rv-tori .tin1- <>- lvc-> v1k> rt > (he h ilr, j-rsiort slinlr lo jircmn- rcmoM s u ,n4run, Mil ium I 1 l lilnv. k lrrlln ICIllv (Il.viKif. J>"o tich viomlerful eftVots oo IV Improved Hnlr lo I't bo | ut ofT with Kohl hi a 1 'Irui;;; sti- d-Mler-, everywhere m m >farl uierh'prlcns Chicago, v0lc v.(;eiith tes ami C'.imidat-.and Co , Toronto tori l> b ii 1 he ids, mors mil} ornp lion, ltehlnR ami arMrli piodtices To It, rill foi W .Kc-tonllvi, and an . olhei irllele In llil-, place an 1 rr.uleMippll, i| at hj C a Cook a Co for the Unlied Sin b\ L.1 MAN LllIOS, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A Kospectafctlo Servant Girl In a farm lionsc I at this office, or ton P. O. ear Miltrn Apply address Box 93, Mil- T HOROVGII The thorough "Columiics," out bald C'auipbi II, hams, $4 , grades SI each JOHN A Ksquesing, Maj EXECUTOR^' NOTICE (REDITOl . 'ihe creditors of -BRED BILL. red Durham Bull of the herd of Archi- Esq , Nassagaweja, with pure rcgiatjcrcd pedigree, will sirve cow a for t le season on Ixit 23, 4th ton of ilsqiusing. Terms Dur- and common cow*, MANX, Proprietor. 23, 1677. & 48 3t TO VsDiaw Ros Hte of rpUE EXCHA*E HOIEL, ACTON, >* Having flttld Up ihe large stone hotel on tho corner of Mill and Main streets, m superior style, and had tho house thoroughly renovated, paperc-d and painted throughout, tiro subscriber is now prcpand to accommodate travel- lcrs and tho genoral public in first-class louse is handsomely and furnished. Having had experience in the hotel lniMiicfes, tho public can rely on scour- nig huch accommodations an is bciom to a first-claHs hou,e Only aJ Few Days More i nig is largo and well fitted Mip ; also ample. Tho stabling ... ,. ,,l^... ,.jy ; also ample, shcd-iooin Tho pitreuisge of the pub lic is respectfully solicited JOHN MAXEY. Acton, May 22, 1877.? AUCTION SALE OF THE BAXANCE OF WAGGOiNrS. I Mrs. McHairs Bankrupt Stock EVERY EVENING / vNovr ib the time to leave j our order At J. Ryder's Factory for a I Stylish Bu'srery or Serviceable T Waggon. I am making -up a large stock for the fresent beason, from the best material. Call and See our Hund^jnu liugyiai Xow is a good time to secure bargains. Strict attention given to Sorsc-Sboeingr & General BlaoS- '"cmithing'. Until the balance o^the Stock is disposed (j - - 1 Remember the place. The new brick store opposite Agsiew's hotel. G0tILD2N& & SS2TR?, Auctioaeew. Acton, June the Township of \;nvi e^a, in the County of Hnltou who died on or al May. A D 1S77, : clamis against )n\s notihed to ^^nd vrilht, of tho Villi|, thi Count) of H tho KMiutore an i.U'l dcciased, on )e iman, decease 1. nit the second da) of nd all others having tbtati are here1,) to <>eorc'e S Corni ce of Georgetown, in lton, the Solicitor of 1 Executrix of Ihe ir before tho Tweii ptions, tlnj full par mi, a statement of the nature of the Prirses, Donations arles. and Sal- July and moat probably passed. ; "gXECUTORS' NOTICE. All parties having claims against the estate of the late AsnBEW Itoss, of the township of Nassagaweya, are required to file the same with vouchers attached, with Daniel Kribs, of the Town of Guelph, on or before the first day of July next, and all parties indebted to the said estate are requested to pay the same by that date. By Order op the Executors. Guetph, May 21,1877. 48 3t i^Voia the Scaforth Expositor. Subscriptions aie oftm set on foot and purses raised and present ed to pastors with a gieat show and palaver. In fact, at certain seasons of the year when this prac tice seems to be epidemic, it is al most impossible to scan the columns of any paper in which the eye will not alight on a paragraph describ ing in glowing terms the particulars of the presentation of an addiess and purse containing a handsome sum of money as a mark of appre ciation, etc. jThis ia the meanest, and most degrading mode of all of paying a minister. If a minister lb sufficiently remunerated for his services there is no need of present ing him with a purse, and the very act is a plain acknowledgement on the pait of the congiegation that he is not sufficiently remunerated, and that they know it. If, there- foie, instead of piesenting him with a purse they added the~ amount of the purse to his annual salary, would it not be far better? It would bo giving hiin what they themselves acknowledged him just ly and honestly entitled to, and it would not make him feel that he was under any obligation to them for giving him his just dues. This, is an abominable pi actice, which should be abandoned by lespectable congregations. If ministeis do not receive sufficient salary, give it to them as a salary, and not as dona tion. It "Amounts to the Btinie stvte pi'Kciiasks thing in the end, m dollars nnd Tho S'ate or New "iork has cents, and does not injure the re- .4(;noJ)1c^plt8 ln aa many r-hor cijn'ent's feelings by making it ap pear that he is receiving as a favor what he is rightfully entitled to. tilth da) of July ijest, their iiainis. ad- drttses and descr tienl-ro of their their accounts', an scrurit) (if ail) ) "held b) them Tl: biid executors and executrix will im- mcdiatcl) after the last mentioned da) proceed to distribute the astets o the i,aid Andrew Rots amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall have re ceived i">otico as aforesaid. This notice being givem under the provisions of the Statute 29 Vic , cap 28, sec 27, the said executors and executrix will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed, to any p.rson of wluwe cl-im notice shall not haie been receiv ed a3 aforesaid at the *imo of such dis tribution HEN'KY L ROSS, ( P\UI. KOS-S, ) .MARY ROSS. Fxoeuinx Georgetown, June 2, 1877. *9-2t Executors Acton. Fob. 2R, JAMES RYDER 1877. 5, 1877. m 1877. 1877- The subscriber will PAY $5 2E^ G0ED Tor all well saved Hemlock Bark Delivered ot Acton Tannery, before Dec. fst, 1S77, and after Dec. 1st, 4.50 per^ord. G L. BEARDMORE Aclon, April 25 lsT7. 43-Stn The Acton Plow Co. Are manufacturing! tho celebrated STHPHEISSO^ "-PL6WS: fin; ^TIOM ! iRobert Fisher Has everything that you want in AND -VTTEBSTEK'S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY "^Elor the School Room. r 3000 lusravlnc* ; IMO Pages Quarto. a new feature- to the 3000 Illustrations heretofore In Webster's Unabridged we lia\ o added four pag*.s of lOLOUCD ILLISTRiTIOVS, engraved expressly foi tuib work at largo csi em-o. " Noirlv every State Pupe-lntendent ol Public Instruction In tile Union, or cor responding officer, vTlieio --lien an one existv, has recommended Webster's Dlc- iloi at) Jnche btroiij.est terms. Among th m are lliose or Kastern, Northern, Middle, Southern and Western Blatep, Twenty-eight in all. j laced Pubilo BIKTUg. Millar. On Monday, the 11th inst., near Acton, the wife of Mr. John Millar, of a son. HAKBIED. Lowky At the residence of the bride's father, Guelph, on- the 12th inst., by the Rev. T. T>. Pearson, of the London Conference, assistel by tho Rev. Thos. Lowry. Mr. J, W. Lowry, to Mies A. Morrison, all of Guelph. DIED. Cumminqs. Near Acton, on the 8th inBt, Rebecca, daughter of Mr. John Cunimings, aged about 30 yours. Tho State of Wisconsin, nT>out 5000, nearly every School. The Stnto of New Jersey, 1,500 nearly every Hchool Tho State of Michigan, made piovision for nil horSchous Thn Stiteoi Massachusetts hassupplleel her Schools. nearly all The State of Iowa has supplied her 8chool The State of Connecticut has mneft> pro vision foi her Schools Over 8000 Schools ln Indiana were sup plud during the) ear 1872, and many each year sloco. In other States many1 copies have been pnrolfasod for supplying Schools Of Cities, counties and towns What better Investment can be made lor Schools? MornHnnu twenty times ns many are Bold of Webster's Dictionaries, as or nuy ether merles ln ihis country At least four-fifths of nil the School Books published In this country own Wehstern8 their standard, and of the re mainder, fsw acknowledge an standard)'. Published by ii. Jt V. HERRI A M, 40 SprlngUeld, Mass. Tie'Boss* Gang Plow They keep a full stock on hand, and are prepared to do all kinds of, Eepairing on. Plows, and also also kinds of Lathe Work and Iron Planing on the shortest notice. Please call and examine our plowg before purchasing elsew here. AGEKTS POB Sharp's Self-Dumping and Stubble Bake. Actos, Feb 13, 1876. Hay rii^s LAWSOtf LLS. our Having thoroughly Tepaired - Mill, and put in a new ^ Middlings Purifier, we are now prepared to give a bet ter yield of flour than formerly, with quality quite as good. GRISTING AND CHOPPING promptly attended to. The patronage of ine publia re spectfully solicited:1 The highest price always paid for Jiny quantity of wheat. A quantity of seed barley for sale. 'G. <& E. TOLTON. Acton, April 10, 1877. 4L3ai SPEYSIDE Shingle, Stave AND HEADING SKILLS. Any parties wanting Shingles 'would o well to give us a call. WD will al- do well to give ways have on hand a good Supply of No. 1 and No. 2 Shingles. Best quality No. 1 Shingles 1.60 per square. No. 2, 70 cents per square. P. <fe H. SAYERS. Spoyside, Deo. 13, 1876. 34-6m TiETr-arfc, Stoves, and Sitckea Fwjaishiass, all to be sold cheap :r than eveR. An immense stock just arrived Brass Kettles, Porcelain Lined Eetjfclesj, - , Lanterng, j i i Smoothing Irons, Milk Pails, Japanned Ware, Pressed Tinware, GOOKIN^ BOX AND PARLOR STOVES, STaYE PIPES, &c, &c. . __r 1 EAVETROUGHiNG-, Jobfeiagr and Ztepadrmgr Promptly !ARGA!NS X STILL AHE^D A3T0M TiiJ. AMD STOVE DEPOT. WILSON & . JOHNSON Beg to thank their numerous frimb and customers for'tbe HndpttrOB- age hitherto extended to them, sad wish to inform them that they htw- now on hand a large stock of Plain, Pressed and Japaifflri Ware, which they are selling cheaper tti ever. EAVETKOCGHIXC A irOtUZff. Call and sea us before ptj|i*l*| "" elsewhere, as. oar price* canset V. beat m the county. \ . - ~1 Being practical workmo, t *J onr Btock-of Tinware is made Op- it ourselras, and we feel satisfied **** we cannot be undersolcL . " "S?ieepsfa'}is, Cotton Bag*,<M 0P per and Brass talm in, exchange J for Goods. Repairing and Jobbing ^reBBW attended to. WIBSON & JOHN^S. Acton, April J, 1877. W-*0 - Now is tho tftae to itoprore J** , stock. The first prize ball. SntW"' 1.IAM Tempie the Teibd, (3V g?*-B' Sir VTilliaui Temple [2298i 4mM by Red Prince [602], will Bewe cow_o the premises of the onelrsigaer * f - the season. Terms. Thortwjp-a*" cows 64.00; Grade^ows $1.50zJ- JOEL LESBE&. Lot No. 5, lstcon,B*_ April 4, 1877. ^ ^O^^ Attended to ROBERT FISHER. Acton, April 8,1877. 40-3m J-\RESSMAklNG. I MISSES MANN WSpictfully an nounce to the ladies of Acton and vicin ity that they have commenced business as Dressmakers in the house recently built "by Mr. Edward MatthewB, near Nicklln's bakery. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited Dressmaking in tho best manner and most fashionable styles. MISSES M. & M. S. MANN. Acton, Marah 21, 1877. ' 38-3m tt TEAM Oarf iage & ag)n^ Kaia Street, - __Aet. , ' MICHAEL SPEIGHT, General Blacksmith, Carria^ *^ Wagon-maker. ' ', JJest Borse-Shoers in ihe County __ Perfect satisfaction -tcoarntea or^B* . 1 price charged- _j Flr-C'ls Plows nnd Cotlard'*B**" Iron Harrows always o hm*4' A good stock of Carnages and Wagons. Repairing promptly and iprop**1/ **" tended to. _ l Acton,'Jniy IS, 1S76 '-~ -

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