Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 21, 1877, p. 4

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;-;.-r m:------EM! nr *; lit r:<m i^Si^H [^L ^^Kf ; ,;^^Hm ^^^B'i '** ^^^^B^^^^l L't^9^^| ^^^^^B|^HTr ^L^^K - 1 -!^^^H v^K^HI .-J_UJ' .'. !- ' / JflEi'PRfiE!'ERESSl AClW, HAtTO^1 CtiTJftT^, 1-^^^^,11^^?. iOM, oi mi. roi.Mitv. Away from the r*.ir ami tlio rnttU>, This dust niul the <lin uf tliotown, Where to Jive is to l't-ravl and to" Kit tin/ 'Till tho strong treads tliurSve.ik mm" down ! o i A'}' to the Ivnnio green hills" "" .Where thu unshine. sleeps on the ;, . > .And tlie brt;v)f tko oreenwvod thrills jTo jtfct byinujof tl^irJ op y apriy.' Away from th<i smoke ami the smother, The vsil of Uu.' dun and tlie brown. The push fljjj Uio plash juuVthtjjvoth'or, The wear and the wnato eif tlio town! Away vliero"the'sky shines: elear, ",_And the li^ht lirce: tvar/ilvrjt 'ntwill, And the dark j)ittt>->vooil inula Dear To tho li.uht illumed bixvh eu the hill. A-*"*?" from tho whirling nml wheeling," Aud ittauiiuu .ilxjve aud bvlnw, Where the' 'lielvrt- h;is ini leisure for feeling And the thought has hoiprtet' to grow. Awy v, hero the clear brook purls, : Aud thehyaeiiith droops in the shade. And t&.iivij&iti of tho 1'tiru uueurU It* 'grace fn the depth of the gl.ide. Away to the ootUgc ki sweetly ; EabowereJ 'jieath the fringu of tho wood, Wbcru tho wife of my bosom shall meet ino " AYit^ thonahU ovi kinilly und-gikid: More dasc than tho wealth of the world, Vond; mother with luirnic* three. And the plump-oriacd Kobe tlmt4haa curled?;-.; -"^ ' = Ita lips sweetly"pouting for inc. Thon!awayfrord tho roar and the rattle ! The dust and the din of tlio town. Wbe*e to live is U> brawl and. to kittle, >T31tIieifrbog treads'tho Treak man *,,/ down. Away 'Whjfjre tho green twig* uo-i Ia/ragfantrbrtath of the May, Ana" thfl sweet growth "'sproads on ihe 'sod, i - And the blithe birds sing on tho spray. Uto.IMr\ttic Rentleiftrijftjha^ spot fh \ tltts melon. Nov,-, you can take it homo for your jmiiut, or "throw it away.- How Much wiser is ho about tho3o lobsters ITcaught yes- | tcrdsy ? Sold them for tho aumu price 1 did the frwdi oiu>8. ' Ho would tiovor Imvo lookoil at tbo nitdon tintil lie Imd gpiio awy.", ' " Bon, I Mrovdd not till n lio, or act- ono citlior, for Iwjioo Avhnt I have oarnud this tuokiing, Ilo- sides, I uhnll be.bctter( oft" in tlio end, for I shall -\mv$ gained a customer, and you havo;lost oue," J-\ KJ) Every other Store Eclipsed by Eggs as rtn Article of Diet. There u no article of food more wholesome and nutritious than that upplied'-by - eggs. There is a dif ference in their tLiror and quality -owing to tlie difference in the diet of-the birds p yut tlmre are no eggaj ol winged creaturea which aro uufit for nourishing the bunmu body. Their chemical composition is near ly the tame, for the white and yolk s\re edmosl invariubly present ; and tfce*e conxist, iu the (irit phtce, of slbumen and water. Egg* require for digestion as much time as mut ton that is from three to four hours. They aro the most readily, digested when > boiled until the white becomes i .partinlly consoli dated. An. ordinary hen's ogg weighs from one and u half to two ounces ; a dusk's egg from two to three ounces;r.tbfe*gg of aea-gul! and t|i^ Itarkey from thceo to four otmcdg; astd tho'egg >c a goose froui four to silt ounoas." The solid matter and the oil in a duck's egg exceeds thosa in a hon'g egg by *bout one-fourth, ) According to Dr. Edward Smith, in bis treatise an " Foods," an egg weighing .an ounce- an4- three-quarters consists . ^t J20;^tfcs ^ cat&n; and 18f grains *6f' hitrbgeri, or :JB.25"^KJr" cent, of carbon and two per cent, of uitrogea, A writer in the Scientific Tarrft'er estimates that the value or one |K5und of eggs as. fpex} : for snsteui- ing the active-forces of the body, is" to the value ;of one': j>ound of lean beef as 1,5*8 to s8 90. As a flesh producer one pound of eggs is about equal to one pound of beef. A hen may be calculated to con sume one bushel of corn yearly, and to lay twejve dozen or eighteen .pouuHb of eggs. This' is equivalent, to saying that three and 6ne-lentlK poBnda ofjcoirii <r?IIl produce, when I IJei to yipBj' telle pound of egga. i A" pddna of Y>6vk, on the -'contrary," requires about five and one-third pounds of corn for its production, when eggs are twenty-fonr cents a dozen and pork ten cents a-pound, we hav,o -a bushel of corn fed to producing.2.83 worth of eggs apd 1.05 of-..pork. fudging from these facts,' eggs must. be economical in their pro duction and in their eating, -and especially fitted for the lubofing man in' replacing meat. Magical Journal. . < ----------^-----m i . |-----r ^ The Young Merchants.; Two country lads camo at' an early hour fo a market U)Vnr and unhanging their little stands; sat down to "wailf.- fo customers. ,One was furnished with fruits and vege tables of tho boy's own cultivation, and the ether "was supplied with lobsters and fish. The market hours passed along, and each little merchant say jyith pleasure his stores steadijy decreasing, and equivalent in silver shining in his little money cup. The last "melon lay on Harry's.4stand, .when a gentlemau .C4uje 'by, and placing his hand uj>on ft, said, " what* u line Uielon..! \yhat oik for it, tiiy.'boyfl" "The melon is the last I have sir ; and though it looks very fair, _bere is an unsound spot in it,"* p*i the boy,"turning it oyer. ^'Sj theeo.ia," said tho mai I tlfbk I will not take it. " Bat," ji| added, looking into the boy's ne o\jen' countenance, " is it Very business like to poiut out the de fects'of your fruits to-customersT' ." It is bettor than being dis honest, si cj". said the boy, modestly. *.' You are right, little fellow j always remember that principle, und you yill find favor with Ood and man also. I shall remember your little stand in "future. Are those lobsters fresh V he continued, "turning to Ben Wilson's stand.- fresh this morning. I- ^aughithe'uj myself," :wajs the yeply, aucf a purchase being made the gentleman weut uway, " llarry, w'hac a fool you were' Pineapple m'mtauro fushionablo. The high French twist isivery stylish for ladies. Coroneta of cornl art/ fashionable for brunettes. \ ~ . Dark blue catubrics aro trimmed with Clovia hico, .. .'. Little girls wear tho hair " bang- od" on tho forelioad. ..! rFlowor of pale color* will bo tusinly used on ammnor ImU, When Burns sighed for tlio pow er to Bee-oursolves.RS others seo us, he was probably Just anxious to see houfliLi now' coat set in tho bauk. One of the gratifying result* of [the hard times aeema to-be that n man can wear a uhirt for; two days without being aocusod of being a praminent lecturer or a (terson with *; tendency ,to BpiritualiBth. Fish bite upon very littlo provo cation now, and that hulustrious class of citizens who can sit wink ing and blinking at a patch of water eleven hours a day are happy. It takes patience and lots of fish to niako a fisherman, A. Puris sculptor was rooontly called upon to carve a bust of a young girl, and favored his model with that long, calm scrutiny pecu liar to artists aud physicians. The girl satuntlly reddens. ' Pray do not be Rnnoyed," says" the sculptor,' reassuringly t " it is not you I am looking att but only your figure." " Oh, heavens, savo my wifo '." shouted a man whoso wifo had fallen overboard in the lIu.dSon Ri+er recently. Tjiey succoedtd in rescviing her. And her husband tenderly embraced her, saying, "My dear, if you had been drowned wiiiii should I have done t I ain't going to let you carry the pocket-book again." " O, cut it short, cut it short !" exclaimed tho victim of a Fulton st:r"eet barber, who, whilo shaving him, beguiling the passing moments with an uninterrupted flow of wearisome conversation, fAU f right, sir," ho replied; *' soiho like a close shave, And some dolTt;" and as be resumed the thread of his discoursG, 'the Tietim groaned in despair. Which is fl^ho Who sells doing a, In, he question of greater; importance to purchaH^r? hns the longest experience? or the best goods at the) lowest figures | n MtfB This it ejWlualiyj nusworcd by the ncktiowledt'od faot llml The Lion Is 1^-1 iiiji>%% ureu o> Vlio ui;Kuuniuu(;uu luub iiul& X lio i. |rger buflinoss than nny Bloi-o in Western Canada, and^ larger than uny two stores in tiuolph, wich- out exception, put togethor. This being so, wo treat, an inRinu&tionR in other advcrlisomente irilli contornpt. 'Jho undersigned in Ubderlng their sincere thanks to their nameroua patrons for the liberal'support with which they have been favored in the prut as members of tho late ilrm of Dickson Jt MoNab, would beg leave to' call atUuitib|ito their ..',.: r'r'..'~\ f:'r'.'~r BJEmJ^STOr STQGK, Which this year is larger and bettor assorted than ever, comprising a large j assortment of TWEEDS-T-Scdtch,; English and Domestic Manufacture. ' The patterns are tlii oholoestin the market. Onr stock in HATS AND GENT3' FURNISHINGS j Is well ouorted andi at low prices. Cottons, Prints, and Staple Dry Goods At prloej that cannot fail to satisfy veryboJy. Wo rsapeotfully invito nn Inapeolion pf our goods. SECORD BROS., ,AOTON,: RB4D Prints THESE PRICES: 5 cents a yard. No other store has them. Beautiful IStriped Lawns, favorite dress for isummer, 10 cents a yard. ^lid Gloves 25 cents a pair. Thousands of pieces of Dress Goods un equalled for elegance and variety, at | the lowest figures. , All sizes in Crompton's Corsets at 874 c*3 We have succeeded in breaking down the monopoly of this article. Leton;,4l>rll IT, 1*7, FTPE & McNAB. T' :W:- #<! My I MSI" RECEIVED: SUBSCRIBE FO]R THE j a a? o 3sr FREE PRESS, Only $i a Tear Our Dressmaking Branch. Is already an unexampfed success, Mrs. Thompson's wondorful taste and beautiful designs command the trade. Work rushing in every day. j MILLINERY AND MANTLES. Tho ,ion as usual takes the foremost position. In fnofc we can say, without ! fear of contradiction, Firsfc. Wo aro doing by far the largest trado itTGuclph,- Second. Wo sell better goods at lower prices than other houses. J. D. WILLIAMSON & CO. Guelpb, Juno 5. JS77. ;"-,". 1877. In Advance, 1877 SPRING. WlcLE0D, ANDERSON &C0., | G-IEOIROIETOW-nsr- Take plciisure in announcing totheir customers and the j public that they have received and opened out for sale the largest, finest, and best assorted stock of DEY GOODS, M1L- UINERY aud MANTLES, CLOTHING, TWEEDS. HATS and CAPS, &c, in this sec tion of the Dominion, i i We have ransacked the markets; of the \yorld and think . tbat we can suit every one who wants to buy good Goods, cheap. | Ladies, we have all the new leading colors and styles in Plain and Fancy Dress Goods, Black Silks, Colored Silks, Poplins, Matellasses, Cashmeres, Persian and Oriental Fabrics, Grenadines, Per'caljes, &c, with trimmings and Buttons to match. Prints an immense variety^ j Our MiHinery and Mantle Department has bjeen entirely re organized and improved, it is well worth your: trouble to call and see our magnificent stock of Stylish MiHinery. rl . OBDERED CLOTHING, We have the latest styles and patterns direct from the mills. Gents, if you want a rjeally superb fitting suit at a moderate price, call and see our stock of Tweeds, Coatings, &c, we cannot fail to suit you. i . Hats and Caps, Gents Furnishings, &c, a splendid stock,(very cheap. Our Staple Department has had our very best attention, having bought our GotttonHp Tickings, Shirtings, __ &c, last December when Cotton Goods, yery low, we cun offer and are selling goods less than wo can'buy them to-day/ Carpets, 0J1 Cloths, Hugs, Lace Curtains &c., and .House. Furnishing Goods of all kinds. TTousekeepers you should call andsoeoursplendid stock of Carpets, etc. . Boots and Shoes. -e are this season sell ing very cheap and keep a very fine assortment on hand., > Wo propose:to sell everybody who lias any money to lay out this spring, tho very hest of Goods afc the very lowest bottom prices. ' ! i We would return our thanks for tho very large and increasing patronage hitherto so liberally bestowed upon us, and wo are pre pared to sell Goods cheaper than over for Cash only. MoLsSOD, ANDERSON & Co., ' ApriL 8, 1877. MAMMOTH HOUSE/GEORGETOWN ! z*z W.STEWART *C0 iiarft oommencod opening fbdlr C^~~ " IjTew Spring" j Importalplons -.-'"' . And in a few days will; show the finest stock of . ,.." FIRST CLASS GOODS subniiltfid for inspection in Guelpb. Special, efforts hare been made to show the newest Pre** Goods, Spring 'JUclcett, . - Mantles, Costumes,' A'i'tf Glove*, .' iiotiery, fyice Gurlaink, Sheetings, and ' ^{ourning. Goods, OUR COTTONS were all contracted for before tha, recent advance', . Custorners will' have tbe benefit. ; - ' ' Gents' Department, In Cloths and Tweeds, j Drees Shirts, j Ties, Collars, etc., j Stock of Felt HaUL Are particularly inviting in Btyles and pee. WM. STEWARt k CO, luelpb, March fl, 1877. FQTR THE ~i - i. I- Sfep^BTGr-' UiTlJsJDim Bought Low, and wiH bo Sold at Prices, never Hea^d of Befcffc Barrels i i Of w ses, V| rants. lite and Refined Sugars, Syrups, Molas- inegar, Oat Mealv Com Meal, Ne>|Jur; Prunes, Coal; Oil^oile^ Qil, Basv'Oli; A; | Spirits of Tuipenthje, "V arnrsii. Japans, ell Of Prunes, Soda, Colors of all kinds, etc. I, Red Lead, Wliite "'$>&% Cases, Bodies : Caddies i th|3 free press ;7 PRINTING HOUSE. ;- ' Sacks/ j-. ; * ' Of Bj^cuits, CtJiifectionery, Spices, Canned Fruit, Fish, etc.,? Tobaccos, Gi&u$ Raisins, - Cheese, Soapsr jGaiidles, WasTiwg Crystals, Pickles, Jams, Jellies. Matchpi^,' : -j Z Chesty Caddies: and Boxes R, Of "y/ptjtng Hyson, Gunpowder, Jap?tnf^ Black| Teas, ranging in price from 10_p8w upwards. * The best.value in.the county>| ; Acton, March14, 1877. Prepare for the GET !A PAIR OF NEW GRAIN E To Merchants and pther Business Men in Acton,/as well as* throughout^ the County, the Free Press te an - inyaluahle Advertising' Medium. OuV Wnriyallod Facilities for. Executing.all kinds ol . ..y.i' . -~i BOOK || AfLD JOB / PRINTINa Enable ub^ to turn out work equal to shy thing done in the cities. Hare now in stook a iplenQid aMortmtnt of SECOND BBOS. Wet Weaiil^ & :M Suitable (for the All Sizes and Styles fro[n the very best mafcew. as the Lowest PBIOES AS LOW Speoial A&eation Gi7n W Ordered ^o* i, b!& Acton, Ikiarcli 13,1*77. r^OA oD/^y SHOES Sprjn^ Seasoja. ^ Repairing Pronnitly Attended to. iaAiNE/*:^ ;

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