Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 28, 1877, p. 2

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Tr* i m ;E - ' ? * -rfi I JS THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., JUNE J1IIK ACTON FREE PRESS P I'^ishoJ K\ ery Thunulaj Morning. 61 J H. HACK ISO, Proprietor. Per Annum \n Advance " JO* H HVJKINQ tOlTO* Tki'movY MohMV-a. Jvse 28, 1ST". -? =- J* Hon Mi. Caitwright will BjvHk with the Premier at New market on tbe 2d of July. Hon. A. Miickyniie, Premier -f the Dominion, is to spc*k in Cliuum on the 5ih of July. s It has boon suggested ffiat ni'Xt Suuday beiug Dominion Day collections be taken up in all the churches in behalf of the St. John sutTvA-ers. Xow that Dominion Day is apprOMCh-ing. the press is culling attention to tlie desirability of tak ing precautions against the use ,or abustnof tire jtrackers. The Governor-General received a cable message from the Queen on Saturday, expressing the great sor row with -wbiib she ha* heard of tb* terrible calamity that has be fallen the city of St. John, and Her M ijesty sympathy for< the suf ferers. She. telegraplied for full in format ion. ^Captain Symea cf " Manitoba," estimittu that 3,000 emigrants bare gone into M.mito'i>.i the present sc ison. It is anticipated that the Imputation of that section will be increased by at least 6,000 before 'the Biaspn closes. The United States authorities are doing every tt ing possible to facilitate emigru tion to and trad*) with the Nuith- wtfcili Province. They uow |>er uut gram to come down in sacks sowed with aire, without the expense of bonding, sealing, eic., wLich makes an unjiorlant saving 11 deakra of at least four Cents a busheL The Maedonnell heresy case, ibout which soimuch has been said daring tlie past two ye^trs, finally disposed of by the Pie&l.y- tman Assembly, at Halifax, last week. After a number of resolu tions-had -been submitted, a cotn- littee was appointed to investigate the whole "matter, and to present a report with the view of settlement. This committee reported that they have ascertained from Mr- 3Iac- donnell, through a sub-committee, 'hat in iiitimating, in his last etatSueut to the General As sembly, bis adherence to the C mftsuuon of Faith, he intend ed to be understood as say ing, "L -consider myself as under subscription to the_ Confession of faith, m accortbrtice with my ordi nation vows, aadj therefore adhere to the teachings $f the Church, ns contained therein, on the doctrine of the eternity o_f the endless dura tion- of the punishment of the rnJced, notwithstanding the doubts or difficulties which perplex mv mind." The committee therefore unanim ously recommend that this state ment be accepted as satisfactory, and that further proceedings be ' dropped. The reading was receiv ed with applause lu which the whole assembly joined. Tbe report was adopted unanim ously by & standing rote. The appLx-lae thrat followed the reading f the committee's report, the earnestness with which a psalm was then sung, and the tearful faces that were seen in every pew while the venerable Mr. Segdwick engaged; in'prater, and the beaming countenance and vigorous hand shaking at the close of the meeting, all told how d.jep was tbe feebug, and how great the joy over the happy termination of this vexed question. In some of the townships of Lanark the farmers have adopted the western plan of disposing oi the grasshopper crop, by means of a long strip of sheet-iron or boards, two or three feet fhigh, and from twelve to twenty feet in length, placed at a proper angle from the ground, well daubed with coabtar, ami diawn by horses through the fields Irequented by grasshoppers. When distuibed many of the '" hoppers " jump directly against the machine and ate held fast by the coal-tar. When well covered with the insects, the board is set on hre, and the grasshoppers burn ed off. Another application of coal tar is then made, with like results. In this way, hosts of hop pers ar destroyed in a shot t time, and the result will undoubtedly be to keep down to a material extent tiie troubles fruui the grasshopper plague. "" The, Barrio Gazette of last, week says : A gang of .some 200 II & N. W. men are at piesent employed grading the load near Wich's faim, a short distance east of AHandale. -The contractors are pushing the work vigorously for ward, and a suitable place for station grounds, etc., in Barrie, will soon lie staked out. The Oriental Struggle. RUSSIAN RhVKIlSES IN ASIA MINOR. The latest despatches from the sent of war are uioro than usually interesting, the preliminary opera tions on the .jDttnubo huTing cora- iimneed in em nest, atw a series of lui|Kiitar.t engagements being lo- poi ted from Asia Minor, "Tlio at tack and occupattun-of Mutch in by the Russians Ins be?>n followed up by a general movement along the line, notnbly between Slatmn and Alexandria, in tho nrnr of Turnip Magim'lt and Sunnitza down to the river bank. At the hitter place the Russians made another attempt to force the passage of the river, bwt were beaten back with great loss. The firing was then resumed and the town of Qinrgevo, opposite Rustchuck, was set oh fire by the shot from the Turkish batteries. The Russian bombardment ofiRtrst- couck is also said to hare l>een ex ceedingly rigorous. The Russian troops now in the Dobrudscha hare been ordered to advance as quickly an possible upon the lino of railway connecting I Tcbsrnavoda on the Dannbo with Kustondjo on the Black Sea ; and that point having been reached the right wing of th* centr* array will force a passage higher up. In Asia Minor heavy fighting has been going on m the neighborhood of the Delibaba Pass. The Rus sians, who commenced the attack, were on Wednesday and Friday last first repulsed and then driven from their entrenchments. The Tosses on both sides weie very great, but they weie especially so with the Russians. Success has also crowned the Turkish hi ma in north ern Aimenia, where the siege of Batoum has been raised, the ba- siegiug forco having been driven from tho position commanding the town. Fiom Montenegro nn extraordin ary report comes, to the effect thnt the Prince of Montenegro is miss ing, and is s-ipposed to havo been murdered by his infuriated soldiers in consequence of the recent de* feats. The- latest announcements re specting the attitude of Gteat Bri tain are to tho effect.that tho Eng lish Cahinet lins disapproved of Prince GortscbakofTs declaration of Russia's policy, and has resohed not to allow even a temporary oc cupation of Constantinople by the Russians. On the other band, it is reported in London that in the event of the Russian troops in Asia Minor capturing Erzeroum an ar mistice will be proposed with a view to negotiations for the conclusion of peace. ----------------------m- m ^ Eramosa Township Council. This Council met at the Centre Inn on tho 18th inst Present the Reeve, in the chair, and Messrs. Waters, DufSeld and Carter. On motion the Council was constituted a Court of Revision, and after some c&reful consideration the names of the following parties, being farmers' sons, were ordered to be inserted in the assessment roll, to wit : John Loree, John Osborne, James Duf- tield, Matthew Fnrries, Charles Duffield, John McPhail, Hugh Wharton, Alex. Wharton, SHchalas Forties, Jonathan Loree, John S. Loree, George C. Loree, Peter Mc- Donnld, Isaiic Fitzsimmons, John Fitzsimmons and Henry Head One application was rejected, the applicant not following the business of farming as his regular occupa tion. The name of Allan McCul- lough wm, at bis pergonal request, removed from column No. 2 to column No, G of the assessment roll- of the South Division. The assessment rolls were then confirm ed and the Court adjourned. f The; Council resumed business, Mr. Hortop being now present. The clerk was instructed to issua notices against parties lemoving Rand from that portion of the fifth line at lot No. 4, known as Harris' hill. Threo dollars were ordered to be paid to Adam Clark for tim ber used in constructing a culvert in his rood division ; and relief was granted to the fallowing indigent persons, viz, Mrs. Kavanagh and Thomas Burton $5 each, and John Howson $10., Tho Council on motion then ad journed to meet again at the Centre Inn, on Monday, the 6th day of August, 1877, when School Tius- teeu' applications will be received. J. A. Davidsov. T'p Clerk., 8T0RY OF THE TERRIBLE F|RE| Lad ****** th, M'aikot Square and hud obtained a strong hold on the many lino bmldinge- thereon IN 8T. JOHN. SEVERAL 1>EAD BODIES DISCOVERED. Assistance for tho Suffering People. PROMl'T RKSrOXBKS TO for nr.Lr. THE CALL St. John, N. B. Juno 21. Yes terday waa the most caalmitoua day aver known in tho annuls of St. John. Nothing could have burst nioio suddenly on the unsuspecting citizens then tho fire whioh destroy ed so many valuable lives, and property by tho millions worth, laid an arrest on many and varied forms of industry, and spread, not only desolation, but terror and con sternation all around. Tlie public buildings, palacos of commerce, temples of religion, hanks, palatial residences, newspaper and telegraph offices, school houses, and almost everything of which the citizens of St. John felt proud were all in a few hours laid in ruins, and the loss of our hotels, churches, school houses, banks, ntc, was made n thousand times more painful by tbe lamentable destruction of life ac companying it. The fire Was discovered in tho bnildingowned by Mr. Fairweather, on the south of York Point Slip, next to Mr. McLaughlin's boiler shop, ahd to tho latter building the flames had Bpread hsfore the faio- men hnd nrrlred. Tlie engines ar rived ami did their best to stop the flumes, but all efforts were in vain. Nothing could bo done. Tho flames then spread to the various build ings on Hare's wharf, which wore also quickly consumed, and before the hre could be checked broko out with a roar into Smith Street, cni ry ing everything before it; from' there the flames spread into Drury Lnne and Mill street, fol lowing that into Dock street, taking both sides. Ere this, however, tho area of the London House and adjacent buildings had been attack ed, when it wns Been that the lire would inevitably sweep also cither Dock or Mill Streets. Aid come from Portland m the shape of the town engine | and firemen. The tinder bases on fire, aided by tho wind, proved a combination too much for the gallant workers, and almost in despair they saw the -flames advance upon them, not slowly, but with rapidity that ap palled the stoutest hearts. The Carleton engine was in ferry-boat, and lent its aid in tho fire. One engine had been stationed at the corner of Mill and]Union streets, while the men, with branches, were down Union street opposite Diury j commission Lane. The buildings were n mass of flame at the end of Smyth street and Drury Lane, and while the "bravo workers were vainly en deavoring to have the fire end there, a momentary gale took the flames across Union street to the opposite masses, and then they receded, but their touch had been fatal, and- in lees than five minutes they wore doomed to destruction. Both sides of the street were soon burning, and the men were obliged to drop their branch pqies and run up the street, after which they dragged the hose after them. Another lot of men were working at the foot of Union street, and by placing boards in front of their faces monaged to battle with the flames until their clothing became singed. Proceed ing along Smyth street, in a south situated. In the other part of the city the conflagration was stopped about North stroot, having- uxtonded as far up Union as Messrs. J. & T. RobinBon. Tho Bank of British North America was saved. The Polioo Office and station opposite were burned. A great quantity of the goods saved foil into the hands ofahieVes, who bung around like vultures, eager to avail themsulveu of any apportunity that uiiorded, to cany off what they could lay their hands on. Tho ballast whaif was cover ed most of tho night with thousands of pooplo, anxious to escape by water ; so were tho railway tracks and ground around tho track be tween the balhut wharf and Court ney Bay. The Post Office in Carle ton was used laat night for tho re ception and transmission of mails, The evening mails were made up and sent oil' from there on time. The following newhpaper odious, with their plant and stock, wero completely swept away : Tho Ft ce man, the Evening Gloltc, tho Daily Telegraph, the Daily Nxac$, the Watchman, and the lleltgious In telligence. The. Globe, Telegraph. Netcs, Intelligence and Watthman had job offices. Messrs. Chnbb & Co. lost their large job office, book- bindry, etc. Messrs. Macinillan lost their job office, building, etc. Mr. Knonolr lost his job office. LIST OF THE DF.AD. Tbe following persons aro report ed to have lost their lives in the tiro : Benjamin William, Gormain street. Ilaiold Gilbert, near Victoria Hotel. Wm McNeil, of Juntos Adams ii (V establishment. Gariett Colter, of James S. Noyes' establishment. Tlie mother of ex-Mayor Roid, and his two aunts. Two men, whoso names ore un known, are reported run over and kilkd. Hugh McGivern, of Strait Shore. The body of an unknown man was found on Pnncii Wiilmm btreet at four o'clock this morning. Many persons are reported mis- Bing, but we~do not care to men tion names, hopiog that they will jet turn up all riulit There wore many persons hurt. Accidents were quite common, and we regret to say in particular among the brave firemen. Not a leading establishment has escaped. All the principal dry goods stores, and tho leading gro ceries. All the ship brokers and merchants. All in Tho last of what was so long known as Table Rock, at Niagara, has now broken off and fallen into tho river. The mass weighed near ly sixty tons, and,,up to 1876, over 4,000 names of visitors had been carved upon it. Tho part which has fallon composed only half of the original rock, tho rest having fallen before. On Saturday, Jan. 1, 1829, a surface of the rock, sup posed to bo tho siz) of half an acre, forming the bed of Maidon Walk, biokn loose, Hnd was precipitated into the immense chasm below. The crash was heard for a distance of fivo miles, unn the effeols in the iinmodiute neighboihood resembled the shock of an earthquake. The water running under tho bank is supposed to have1 caused the last fall, and tho shock when tho roek struck tho water was distinctly felt threo miles from the fall. Several of tho troos which stood on tho rock are now sjjen standing in t tho river os elect as when in position their original places on the rock. Where tho rock shelved off from tholmnk, at a distance of twenty feet from the top, can be seen tho root of a tree estimated to bu two feoi in diameter. It at tracts considerable attention. 1&77. 28, 1877. 1877- Tho tnbscnb iipwill FAT $5 FER G0XUD For all woll i&vcd Hemlock Delivwrod at Acton Doc. lit, 1877, aud 94.00 per cord. G. L. Aclon, April >. 1377. __________________a. BEARDMOKE 18-3m SPETS^DE Shingle, HEADING- Bark 3; Tannei ifter before ec. lit. ); Stave MILLS. A Canadian who went to Manitoba warns emigrants against sharpers between Duluth and that Province. Brampton Methodist Church refuse to abide, by the action of the Stationing Committee, and trouble is exacted, A young ludy named Minnie Cliuse was drowned Inst week while bathing in tho River Speed nt Guelph. Twenty-three thonsnnd dollars wore stolen from tho Grand Trunk office in Jacques Cartier square, Montreal, on Saturdny during the absence of the paymaster. A rich discovery in gold_ is re ported to have been modo in Mar E. B. Eddy's lumberyard at Hull, near tho Chatidiere, caught fire on Saturday evening. Several million feetof lumber were destroy ed. The piles mado a tremendous blaze, illuminating tho city and surrounding country. Fortunately ,8> there was no wind Mowing and the firemen wero able to localize tho flames. Mr. William Mover, an old nnd respected farmer, a resident of Berlin, was on Saturday killed on the street by_a kick on the head from a horse he was driving. His skull was smashed in, and death fwas almost instantaneous. wholesale liquors, flour, provisions, conl, salt, lumber, tea aud West India goods are utterly wiped out. Forty odd blocks, or nearly two hundred acres south of King street, have not six buildings remaining. The valuables of the Bank of Mon treal and the Bank of Nova Scotia were removed to tho vault and safe of the Bauk of New Bruncwict. It is not known how the latter stood the tests. There is no regu-I - . - -------------- lar postal headquarters in the city ^IZ^^if Pure J,'10^ " P~- " * ' perly nourished frame.' C7ri7 Service proper. ~ ------ Every street, square and alley is Errs' Coco*. URATErrx A-.D Com forting. "By a thorough knowledge of the natural law a which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the hne properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Kpps has pro\ ided our breakfast tables with a delicately lla\ored be\erage which may s.i>e us many heavy doctors' hills It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet thit a constitution may begraduallj ljilt up until strongenough to resist cxery tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves filled with furniture, and thousands of people nre without either food or shelter. The Intercolonial Com pany's steamer New York sheltered^ and fed one thousand ]>ersons last night, and the vessels in the stream have large numliers of people on erly direction, tho fire soon reached i hoard. Thousands had to ut away The, death is announced of Robert Dale Owen, the son of the English social reformer, Robert libe-tv^now to keep both the watoh Owen, in bis 74th year. _ and thA money, Charles Gregory has come to time, like a man. He lives in To- lonto, where there are many curi ous people. He laid siege to the heart of a fair young lady and won it. Having won it he was not con tent, but wished her watch and money also, so he obtained them, on \rhat pietences we do not know, but the maiden averred jn the Po lice Court that they were false ones. So tbe Bench ordered Charles to" be arrested, and sent to prison. The offence was a bailable one, not even the fact that it was committed against bis Bweetheart making any difference in the eye of the law. So the prisoner procured bail, and used his freedom to interview the young lady. She was soft-hearted and forgiving, as a woman should be, and mairied Charles off-hand, to the gieat disgust of her parents, who are probably sensible people, and therefore not so much in lave wjth Charles as their daughter. The latter will, no doubt, be at Nelson street, and then extended to Robert? on'a place ; then it ex tended io Robertsons wharf, and then up the south wharf. As it gained Nelson street, on tbe south, it there met flames coming up that street, and the combination mado a terrific heat that could not be borne, allied with the strong wind from the northeast. It did not take long for the entire wharf to b in a blaze. Not an engine was to be bad, and everything was going down before unrelenting fire. A building on Charlotte Btreet had hardly become a prey to the flames, when others on either side followed suit. In half an hour all but the German street side of tho square was in'ashes. To say that the fire raged fiercely here would but too faintly describe the terrible manner in which it kept on. The engine was taken down Duke street/ but it seemed as if the fire did not wish to part company, and kept up a rapid pursuit, i It also spread along the western part of Mill street, crossing over to the opposite side and darting with, lightning like rapidity upon 'Messrs. Rankin 4 Son's biscuit manufactory; then following onward towards North street. From the south wharf the flames entered in towards the street and extended to Peters' wharf in a remarkably short space of time) carrying everything before -them. Then they proceeded to Water street, and from there Boon made their way to the southern part of tbe Market Square, making a jump up to Prince William, street. At this street'a wooden house on Can terbury street took the flames,' and Church street buildings were soon imperiled. Then the flames advan ced to Princess and King streets,] and on German street, in front of Trinity Church,! began to take the fire very rapidly. The Academy of Music was also destroyed. The two storesjwere occupied, and tbe Knights of Pytbias had a ball in the front npsta rs, Then the fire : ^J/ from the low'er part of tbe city by boats. LATER. A few of the bodies of those kil led by the fire are being removed. The ruins are being levelled to the ground and in some instances re building -Las commenced. Very few safes came out uninjured, jewel- lry and precious stones which were in safes are found burned to a cin der. The authorities are giving on ployraent to all who ask it, at $1 per day. The 97th regiment which has been in chnrge of the burned district are being withdrawn and the militia are taking charge. Tbero is a movement on foot to erect temporary dwellings for the destitute. There is much suffering and though much has been done in the way of help by other cities, much yet must be done. The in surance companies are beginning to count up their losses and the figure is placed at about seven millions. Among others the Royal Canadian loses some $400,000. The total loss is now variously estimated at fioin fifteen to twenty millions. OFFERS OF AID FROM ABROAD. Hundreds of generous offers have poured in from everywhere since Sunday-; but it has been impossible to obtain the list they are so great. It only goes to show that in the hour of need stricken St. John will meet with the sympathy and assist ance, that is necessary to place her people on their feet again. Oa-slle. Sold only in packets labeled "JtMEs Kppg & Co, Hommopathie Chemist, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, Londonr" Hundreds of Thousands are Jfow Daily Using It. Wood's Improved Ilnlr Bentoratlre Is nnliko any other, nud has no equal. The Improved has new vegetable tooJe propertlei; rolores grey iialr toagloiiny natural color; restores farted, dry, harsh undfilllng hair; restored, dresses,glvei vigor to thebsir; restores hair to prema turely bald heads; removes dandruff, hu mor., fcaly eruptions; remorcs lrrlta tion, Itching and ecaly dryness. No article produces ach wonderful efreets Try It, call for Wood's Improved Hair Restorative, and don't be put ofT with any otherartlcle. Sold by n I druggists In this place and dealers everywhere. Trade supplied at manofacturers'prlcs byO.A Cook a Co .Chicago,Sole Agent! for the United States and Canadas.snd by Ltman Baos. a Co.,Toronto. Any parties wanting Rhinelos would do wolllto givo ns a call. We will al ways have en hand a I good supply of No. 1 and No. 2 Shingles. Bcsij quality No. 1 Shingles $1.60 per square. / No. 2, 70 cents per square. 1 P. 4 H. SAY^HS. Speyside, Dec. 13, 1876. 24-l?m WAGGONS. Now is the tiroo to Icaro your order At J. Ryder's for a Stylish Bueer or Serviceable WaggwU. 1 am making up a larj e stock for the rn.-ent .eason, from th\. best material Call and See our Hun Now is bargains. Strict attention dsome Baggie* a good time to secure Riven to HorM-siiooiiig,"& & mexal BlacK- smithln ;. JA|MES KYUKK. Acton, Feb. 2G, 1877 Q*TARIO SADDLERY, The subscriber takes t lis opportunity of thanking his numerous customers for for the very liberal patronage given him tho past year, and woulc state that it is his motto to do a Factory f#m NOW BARGAINS I s Only & Few Days More i - AUCTION SALE OF THE BALANCE OF L * r Mrs. MclTair's Bankrupt Stock ! i, ! EVERY EVENINQ- Until the balance of the Stock is disposed g . i . i Remember the place The new brick stow opposite Agnew's. hotel. hj OS Acton, GOTTLDING- & SSHS,?, Auctioneers. June 5, 1877. NOW THEN! ATTENTION I 4 Square and Honeut Business as heretofore, and hopei to retain the same liberal appreciation from tbe public. I All orders entrusted to ny care will be ATTE>DED TO WITO As none but Good Workmen Employed, PROMPT* EM. aro NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. QHIPMUNKS. Wanted a few Chipmunks or Striped Squirrels, olive and uninjured. ______________________J. P. SECORD. J^OKJUETS FOR PALE. Any quantity of beautiful Hand Bouquets, at moderate prices. PERCY SECORD. YOUNG NEWFOUNDLAND DO LOST. Strayed or stolen from my Livery Stable about the 24th I inst., a curly Black Newfoundland Dog, about one year old. His tail i pretty long and heavy. The tinder will bo liberally re warded by returning him to J. P. ALLAN. Acton, Juno 27, 1877. S2-tf T^7" ANTED. The Methodist Conference, in session at Ottawa, has taken steps for bringing the troubles of the Oka Indians to the notice of the Dominion Government. The Meaford Monitor says an extraordinary flight of] the insect known as the devih darning needle, is reported from 'the 4th line. The1 swarm extended about 30 rods and' kept in a straight line from west to east. A EospootaTjls Servant Girl a farm house near Milton. Apply In at this office, ton P 0. or address Box 03. Mil- TIIE ROYAL EXCHANGE IIOTKL, ACTON. Parties can rely | on getti ig a good arti cle and1 as cheap as gooi work can be done for. i , Repairing Done wl th Neatness COLLARS A SPBOIALTT. ' Robert Fisher \ Hrn orerything that yon want fn Tinware, Stoves^ and Kitchen Furnishings, sil'to be sold, cheaper than ever. BARGAINS! Acton, Feb. 14, 1877. O. T. Hi CREECH. This well-known house has recently undergone a thorough renovating and repairing, is now furnished vith new and modern furniture of the best des cription, * and is prepared to provide first-class accommodation to the public. The present proprietor has received a heenso, and he will keep the bar well supplied with the very best of liquors and cigars. The stabling is large and well-fitted- up ; also ample shed-room. The patronage of the public is resnect- ully solicited. JOHN MANEY. Acton, June 26, 1877. * HILL, Mill Street, A DTON, DEALER IJJJ Groceries, Crockery, Boots & SHoes, ^Tall Taper, "Window Blinds, Nails, Glass, Putty, Ztinseed Oil, T Paints, ffurpoatlaa Cfeal 041, Salt, etc, ^411 of which will be sold, low for cash, BOOTS and SHOES Selling off at aost. Also agent for the RUBBER PAINT COMPANY Of Cleveland, Ohio. Casta for Bides. .dcton, July 18, 1876. An immenss stock just arrived Brass Kettles, Porcelain Lined Kettles, Lanterns, Smoothing Irons, Milk Pails, Japanned "Ware, -4 - Pressed Tinware, COOKING BO* AND PARLOR STOVES, STOVE PIPES, &c, fec. EAVETROUGHING-, JobMflff and ReDairlUff PromBtly" Attended to. STILL AHEAD AT TBK ACTON tlN AMD STOVE BENT. WILSON & ' JOHN SOU Be- to ibank tosh* snaimn frauds and customers for the ind pat*e- age hitherto extended to them, tsd msb to inform them that they now on basd a large stock of / Plain, Pressed an* Jayaaaet Ware, " i . which tby are felling ckwptr thai ever, EATETBOrC^nC jt BTOBT> Call and see us bk>i pnefasaf elsewhere, as onr prices easMtw beat in tbe county. - Being practical noTkmttrMBif f our stock of Tinware is madfos by ourselves, and we feel satisSed that we cannot be nndersold, ; Sheepskins, Cotton Ragt, Old Cop per and Brats taken in exekatig* for Goods. ' Repairing and Jobbing prempUf attended to. at I a. '-da Co . anl WrLSON & J0HKSD& Acton, April 3. 1877. Mm ROBERT FISHER. Actont April 3,18T7. 40-3m T\RESSMAKING. _ MISSES MANN respectfully an nounce to the ladies of Acton and vicin ity that they have commenced business as Dressmakers in the house recently budt-by Mr. Edward MatthewB, near Nicklin's bakery. The patronage of the public is respectfully -solicited. Dressmaking in the best manner and most fashionable styles. MISSES M. & M. S. MANN. Acton, March 21, 1877. 38-3m rpO FARMERS. I Now is th time to improvs JT stock. The first pnre bull. Sat ?B^ ham Temple the Thibd, (83), gj* f Sir William Temple [2296], danfKs by Red Prince. [602], will serv* cyM* the premises oT the undersigned SrJ the season. Terms. ThoroogMj'1* cows $4.00: Grade cows $1.80.__ I " < JOEL LESLUVi. Lot No, 5, lit eoa. am- April 4, 1877. 4Q**^ CJTEAM r Carriage & Wagin th Halo. Street, - AetOfl. i MICHAEL SPEIGHT* lenenJ Blacksmith, Carriage-**3 Wagon-maker. Best Horse-Shoers in the ffcwrfjf Perfect satisfaction guaranteed - price charged. First-Class Flows 4 Cellar**! *** Iron Harrows alwaji eir *** ] _ A ipiod stock of Carriages and Wagot* Repairing promptly and properry .at tended to. L Acton, Jaiy 18, 1876^

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