Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 28, 1877, p. 3

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W.%?&i$M%$ 2S#ni "-. < -' :i \-&<? 1 rf$x J-U.I awtl wore LE - 6*U* [ritl-KK. TIMK TABLK. Trains leaks Acton a follows: OOlNO .west. Toronto mail 5 1:04 a.m. 9. PV Eipross ' - 1.57 p.m. Kiprs Gut mixed . , .V^OpivJ. 7:07 'jV. ni. CO ISO K AST. Nijht Express - - 3:38Tv.m. fjjt mixed - ' ~ 9:10.vm. P^-Kxpre*s - -- ll:34.vm. tt!r*tcrn mail - - A:lh)p.m. LjnJorn -" V- " 10:10 p. in. - r THE FREE PRESS, AOTOix, HALTOtf COUNTY, ONT., ^JXJNE '.-5!8,- 1877. JJBW ADVERTISEMENTS- Bouquets Tcrey Socord* Chipmunks J.-P. Scvord. Jftwfoundland Hog Uost^-J. P. Alls*. Cheap'Goods J. 1. Williamson & (_V. LOCAL MATTER8. lJl dpkstor^ mesre. INS! ia HEAD iTDTEBEFOT. s "The'jjnext train at which this iUtion >t4ps is Rockwood," called out a confusedlarakeMnkn the other night, and be could not soo what the passen gers bd~to laugh at. .] . The Dedication "of the new gongregational jChurch,j Acton, will take place on the 21t and22d of July, by .tho Rev. Dr. Ives.-of Auburn, X.Y. Further particulars next week. ; It is understood that ill the - pUces ot business in this villages'will be closed during the whole of ne't't Mon day. The post office will he open only from S.30 to 9.30 a.rn. aid 4.30 to 6 p.m. -^The editor pf the' Free Press 11 pleased to actnowlcdg the present of two basket* of luscious Strawberries -from the ground of Mr. J. Henry Smith.! Thoy aro1 the largest we have aufn. He ha* a large quantity of the same kind for sale.' ' An hotel, license has been granted by the comrnissiorivrs-to Mr. John Maney, for tta> stone h\-iel on the corner of Mill'and Main street in this village formerly known as the Hoyal Exchange. \Ve havo no- doubt the house will be kept in a respectable and orderly maimer. We, direct special attention, to the advertisement of j Grand Clearing Salc'ot fry ttoods at The Lion,-Guelph. Messrs. J. 1). Wjlii&rhsoh &! Co. have the'reputation of selling cheaper than ^ any other st-ire -in the. Province, anil tbii time they seem to have beaten all fonnr efforts. . The Rockwood people ate like. lj-tnhav^a lively time on Pommimi tVJv" Thm will W various Karnes and .ralcmn promise novcir to drink anothor J*>t>; the child's drtVm, and hnr doath; tlto various grades | in tho downward wad to ruin and dtspair, arid finally trie "happy transformation of tho reform- od drunkard's home are all bo vividly portrayed as to oxcito the livliest sym- .pat-hies of the nudiouco and to .teach such a lesson that every one might profit by. Wo anticipate a Urgo' Midi, ence. Tho name drama will also bo performed in Uockwood on Monday next, ' Be-OtM-nlns anrt Soiree. _| Tho moml>cra of the Baptist Church horio aro noitltcr vory numerous nor very wealthy, and they have conse quently not been in a position to sup-- port a regular pastor for somo time past. - Tho pulpit, however, has been pretty regularly supplied by the volnn- tary services of ministers from neigh boring localities, and thus tho bo.dy hai been kept well togother. With-com- mendablo liberality, they" recently un dertook ' to expend a- considerable, monoy in puttiug their chapel in a much more comfortable condition of repair, and give it j a more attraotive appear ance l>oth inside and outside. Tho old benches have been taken out.and re placed by comfortable- seats of modern style, the piilpit remoddlcd,. and the whole iuside neatly painted and decora ted. The" old weather boards have been removed, and the outside plastered and blocked. With new doora and sundry- other improvements, the chapel now presents an entirely rejuvenated and really neat appearance. On Sunday last tho re-opening services held both morning and evening,' by Rev. Mr. Stobo, of Urampton, were attended by large congregations, who listened with deep interest to the instructive and clo- queut sermon's. S0IHKE. ." ' On Monday evening, a soiree was held in the Drill Shed, under the aus pices of the Baptist denomination. It Was largely attended, and an abundant" supply of excellent provisions was I fur nished. After all had been satisfied, attention was called to the platfonh by the performance of a beautiful piece of music by the Acton brass band. Rev. Mr. Stolo, of Brampton, having been called to the chair, opened the proceed ings with a few appropriate remarks, and was followed with" an excellent chorus by the choir. Klder R. B. Cook, having been called on, Rave some inter esting' reminisences of the early history of the church in. this place and of the FANS I FANS! FANS! STILL (NJTH^AME STAND The only placo in Actoa wboro you can bring joar Watches, Clock and JowoUvy To be Repaired. The largest and best seleoted stock of BATCHES, CL0CZS AND JEWELERY, Some Nice Black Jewelery. Black, Btuej Pink, Wtiite, Brown all- colors. AH Kinds of Watches, SQT Call and seo me. Clocks, Jewelery ltepalrcd. and Spectacles THAT WON i DERFUL MAN. TKADE MABK-LTHE GOLDEN MAN, Our Spring and Summer Stqck mii^linbey depabtmbm^ Is now fully In and opened np. T GEORGE HYNBS, Watchmaker and Jeweller, : Post OfEco Store, Acton. FANS! FANS! FANS! artiseinents"'for which ?100 are_offcred | old building which had just been over- in prizes,-a Pic-nic, under the-auspices of the Good Templar? ; & dramatic .per- . forrcancc of Ten Nights in a Bar-rCK?m, and a srcial Hrtp at night. The Acton Brass Band has been engaged for the day. On .Monday evening next the S-^ns of Temperance will have a Straw:- berry Festival and a lecture ,by the eloquent temperance advocate Rev. \\B. Affleck.;:'in the Drill Shed. The subject of the lecture is announced to Ve "Popular Masic and Melodies,f' and will . doubtless" \>o interesting. The services of Mr. Thomas Jones and Miss llutx Jones, of Toronto,, who are said U> be excellent musicians, are engaged fr the occasion, also the Acton Brass Haatd And a number of local amateurs. -i If you want a good at John Jfaaey'a. CJga r, call Strawberry FeKtral ladBour. vTh^ Ladies' Aid Society in connection witk St. Albaa'a Ckoreh. in this village^ iateai k-lding a Strawlwrry Festival and Bazar in the Drill -Shed this (Thurs day) evening. The proceed* are for the benefit of tie Parsonage fund. It should be well patronized, as we have' no dahtitril! ' (83), e*"m dasnPxs** Cii*r>g* Ofr; 1. M' -' ' '- - -' CatT alias. We have had the pleascre of perusing an adraaee nyy of tfca Histurical Atlas "f the _Cmmty of Harton, which has been prepared under the management of Mr. /. HL Pope, and pablisbed by Messrs. Walker &. MHes, of Toronto. Tka aoope of^.th* workia to present history of the County both historically : and-yictoriaHy, sad H answers its pur pose well.. There are several large maps of sections of the County which are highly valuable, while accompany ing tbata are historical sketches of the places of .note and interest-. Portraits, of some of the old residentcrs and patri archs of the Connty adornjrJi^ page3 of the Atlaa, while sket ches of their,-lives aid to the interest of these portraits. Numerous sketches of the principal hotels, factories, private houses, etc., with letter press, note* thereon, add "Bother charm to the work. Taking tho book as a whole it is elegantly got up, and the subscribers' may justly feel -proud of their book, while those who did not respond to the agents -when , ** ? were around will now- regret that. they did not pnt their names down as subscribers. We learn from Mr. Pope that he will be ready to deliver the . work to subscribers about the 15th of -July. 'i^fc . ~*-M -.. Tea Menu la a Bar-room- Taia thrilling drama from T. S. Arthur's well-known story of the same Se, is annonncetf to be performed'in thel)rill Shed, Aetoh"7nekt Wedneaday ereaing, by a number of professional "fanutists from the Royal Opera Honse, - Toronto. The; leading parts will be, l*fen by Mscarr JBalford and Banks and "?le Ollie, who gave such unbounded satisfaction toa crowdid andience here '- \fewweekMgo in the play of Uncle Tom's Cabin.- T. S." ArtWVi story is ' * well.known that a dramatic repre sentation <of it is'almost sure to attract : * Urge airdience, and wrjeel sure the company will receive the hearty support of our temperance peoplej^The effect s'g scenes where little Mary Morgan, roliie HaIford):u in search of ber'drnn- " ^fathej >nd pUad. , pileoasly for r^*"*? "ten to his desdiate house ; 7*UU1 ^w.; the dronkrard's home ; "tUe Mary's advice to her father j his hauled. Some nineteen years ago the frame was moved here from Ballinafad, and it has done good duty ever since, though they had often been ashamed of its hhabhy-looking exterior. They could now no longer have that reproach oil their place of worship, and he hoped the church would amply reap the bene- lit of the improvements. The chairman here stated that the money expended in repairs were alxmt $2.">0-; but-be sides this many of the members oi the church had freely given a gTCat deal of their ti'rne, so that if all 'weru.calcui ated the actual cost would not bo much .short of $400, Subscriptions and! col-: lections to* the amount of $1.55 had been received from various parties, leaving alniut S1"0 yet to provide for. Rev. Mr. McGregor, of Georgetown, gave an interesting address on religions shams, remarking that the show and'tinsol of the present day was a religion of senti ment, not ofpiety ; and related numer ous instances of the ovil effects of. this giving way to too much display. Rev. Dr. Davidson, of Guclph, falici- tated and congratulated the Baptists of Acton upon the hanilsome improvements they had made on their chapel. He al luded to- the beautiful appearance of the village, iU evidently substantial progress, and to the fine .new churches aud excellent newspaper, as certain in dications of prosperity. He then stated that before proceeding further he was anxious to see that the small balance stiii required to pay for tho repairs =pn. the chapel wag provided for. ile liid just learned from the door-keeper that nearly $40 had been taken in that even ing, so .that a little over 60 was all be should ask for. It would be dis creditable to Actonjif this small sum was hot promptly raised.1 With^-some further remarks a snbscriptioB_paper was started, and the required amount was soon subscribed, with ailittle ovor, thuB at once relieving tfte members from-any turdea of debt j DeBtisIrr- S. It.Peer, Dentist, will visit Acton on the first Thursday of each month. Offioe-at Agnew's HoteL. -^ The,bfist value in the market -is Christie, Henderson &. Co.'sffamous 50c tod. Sold in 5 lb. lota at 45c. The congregation of tho Metho dist - Church- of Canada in New-, market has purchased a lot on .Dlainnstreet, upon which they pro pose building thie Bummer & beauti ful churcli, costing about $7000. The Veby Latest. Christie* Henderson & Co. are daily by express, adding to their Millinery Show Room. Everything new and nice. You cap elwiys rely on getting the very latest. All, these early sprirjg morn' ings ! What is more delightful than ta spring airly from bed at five o'clock in the morning and take a stroll, breathingthe fragrance-laden air, listening to the chirping of the birds among the trees 1 What, in deed, unless it i^ tb lie snugly abed and wonder what fools are prancing about in the damp at such an hour. The undersigned begs leave to inform the people of Acton and sur rounding neighborhood tnnt tin has procured a magnificent HEaKSE And is prepared to attend and con duct Funerals on the shortest notice and most moderate terms. Ca*ietA, Coffin*, Burial Robrt, And all kinds of Funeral Furnish ings kept in stock, and supplied on the shortest notice. Hat Bands and loves supplied when required. Acton, Feb. JOHX SPRIG H-T. 10, 1S77. - LIST OF MUSIC BOOKS Sold" wholesale and retail by John Anderson Bookseller, Guelph. Burrow**' Pianoforte Primer. Joubbo's Musical Catechism. Bertini'a New Method for the Piano. Clarke's New Method for the Piano. Hunton's Piano Forte School, Howe's Pino without a Master. Richardson's New Modern School. - Gitie's Parlor Organ. Silver Wreath (Vocal). 109 different Music Books. A Big Discount on all MUSIC BOOKS ANDERSON'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE On the East sido of Wyndham Street, GUELPH. <r.w -JZ3S3' ACTOX . !,. .-[ .: LI VERY & SALE STABLE J. P. ALLAN Takc pleasure In announcing to tho pnhllogcuerntiy that do Is prepared to famish First-oiass Sorsoa and Oarrlaarop At Rcnsonablo HntOB. His BlgKatid Horsesnre trie best that can b)nnl,nncl be Is determined not lo bo snrpnuse'l by nny City rJtnble. Acton July ll,IH75. BCTT0M PRICES ARE 01TLY ASKED. ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF SILKS. An attractive stock of Black Sllksall prices, all qualities, and at prices that arn below anything in 11 e trade. We have an immense variety of Colored Dress Silks in plain and brocaded, and our prices are amazingly cheap. Beautiful Brocaded Silks at 60 cents per yard. Fancy Dress Goods Department. In this Department we shoir the most attractive goods in the town. Indeed our variety of styles, colors, fabrics and prices, cannot fail to meet the approbation of all MANTLES AND We hare now on exhibition a fall stock of all the noveftie* in Millinery, Our styles in ladies' and children's Trimmed Hau cannot Ml to conunead the admiration of the ladles of town and country, and in addition wVtaakf it a specialty to cut down prices in- this department to a very fin* thine, thereby enabling ladies to have an elegant trimmed bat or bonnet at a> Tery low figure. ! and mako to pay us a visit Black Silk, plain Black Cloth, 200 dozen Best Colored Kid Gloves, two Button*, at 50 ceuta per pair, just half price, . W REQUEST AN EARLT CALL. When we feel confldent that the ntraost satisfaction will be Kfr#Q -*W our patrons w-;--------------:-_. Stuff. : " wuhusbv insiino nimoat satisfaction will pe Kiv#Q M We may mention that We do not "offer old staff or baafcrapl JACKETS. Our Qdods are all New and Sound; We show some of the prettiest goods In this line to be; found, and It Will be to the advantage of every ludy requiring the newest styles in material . !_-. 0u|r BtooIc of Mantles and Jackets consists of Black Mattalasse Cloth, Cashmere Cloth. The above are all this season's i xtportations, and really, beautiful goods. "^ Those ' Wonierful tEIOBS A ROUSING SALE. TREMENDOUS BARGAINS. A^TON PtANING x MILLS AND DAY SHOWS THE LARGEST STOCK OF Ever shown in Guelph, all Ele w and O hoice and prices lower than over. Children^ Carriages / . To be sold off cheap, at: - Day's New Bookstore Nearly opposite the old stand. : Ouelph, April 21,1877. . . I Flour ACTO K1H AKKETS. .. $3 75 to 4 50 Pump, 8ai!, Door and Blind Factor}-. THOMAS EBBAGE, Manufacturer of t Windo-w Sash, Doors, Venetian Blinds Mouldings, And other Building Requisites Also Maker of IMPROVED SUCTION Great Slaughter at THE GOLDEN LIO GTJBLPH, ' L -.. . I r The First Store in Upper Canada. May 22, 1877 JOHN HOCC & 80N, Alma Block, Opper Wyndnam iStreet, GnelplrJ \% BARGMSS. On Saturday, the 23d [of June, We commenced oiir Grand Annual Clearing Sale of all classes of bummer Goods, to make room for immense Fall Importations from Great Britain, to purchase which our Mr.j Williamson sails from Quebec by the Allan Steamer of the 7tb July. WE HAVE! DECIDED ON MAKING THIS The Great Sale of the Season.; So that for the next six weeks our prices will be such as will more tban . gratify every buyer. The sale will embrace all classes Of the choicest Summer goods, including! Millinery, Mantles, Fancy Goods, every kind, Shirtings, Tweeds, etc. In Tact our entire Summer StockT~~We can only quote a few particulars:: Beautiful Colored Dress Silks for 50 cents, worth $1. Choice Silk Mantles fur $1.25, worth $5. Cashmere Mantles for 75 cents, worth $3. All styles of summer Costumes at half-price, a handsome one for f 1.50. Parasols tit merely nominal figures | a full-sited t-arafloLfbr 37Jc, All 12ic Prints reduced to 10c. Summer Tweeds, a wonderful bargain. , I r' . Keadymade Clothing at prices next to nothing. - . Muslins and Grenadines at 5o a yard. T ie. _____ is the plaice at which to spend your money. Fall Wheat ... .. 1 50 to 1 55 Spring Wheat, Glasgow .. 1 50 to 1 55 Bed Chaff Wheat s '.. 1 40 to I 50 Barley ... .. ' .. 0 60 to 0 Op Oats ... .. ; .. 0 47 to0 50 Peas ___ . . f' . . 0 75 to O 80 Potatoes, per bag : .. 1 00 to 0 00 Dried apples per lb .. 0 06 to 0 07 .Butter ... ... .. 0 15 to 0 15 Eggs. ., .. .. 0 12to0 00 To -tue TVorfclnR Clnss. We are \ now prepared to furnish all classes with cou- staijt employment at home, tho whole of the time, or lor their spare moments. Business now, light and profitable. Per sons cf either spx easily earn from 60 cents \x> $5 per evening, end 4 prpportlon- al Fum by uevotlng tnelr wlfole time to the bnslneeft. Boys and eIris earn nearly as much as men. Thai all who.seo this notic* may send their address, and tost the business we-make this unparalleled oftor! TosUchasare not wellfiatlsflod we will send anejlollar to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, samples worth t>everal dollars lo commence work on, and a copy of Homeand KIreside. one "of the largest and best Illustrated Publi cations, all sent free by mall. Reader, if yon want permanent, profitable work, address G-ohob Stinson <fc Co., Portland. Maine, ' 4ASH FOR WHEAT. . Any quantity,of good merchantable wheat wanted at the. the Adton ateam mills, for Which the highest market price will be paid in .cash, j B. & E. NICKLIN. .jlcton, Feb. 7, 1877- j 32-tf " Lumbtr Finned and Dressed to orde in the best manner. SSf All work gnarantepd Acton, Jan.,18*6". rpo BREEDERS. - . The thoroughbred Durham Bull "Zephyr,',' will serve cows oil the farm of the subscriber, near the Grand Trunk station, Acton. Terms Durhams, ?8( Grades, $2. Pedigree--Zephyr [4260] bred by F. W. Stone, Guelph, .got br Imported Sheriff (29964), dam Sanspa- riel/lOlh. , C. S. SMITH. Acton, Feb. 14, 1877. 33-tf QLENLAW&ON MILLS. Having tnofbughly repaired our Mill, and put in a new Middlings Puriflsr, we are. now.prepared to give a bet ter yield of flour than formerly, with quality quite as good. GRISTING ANP CHOPPING promptly attended to.- The patronage of the public re spectfully solicited. The highest price always paid for any quantity of wheat. A quantity of seed barley for sale. G. & E. TOIiTON. Acton, April 10, J877. 41-3_ S7_a,sTsz_ra else on xsb samb .soals. Townspeople and country people rally to the Grand ibale at your 3tore-rTho Golden _ion do not buy a Cent's worth elsewhere till yola have seen our bargains, a glance at which will co_ince you that the Won Own Coxae Early to the Sale; We are Crowded . Daily. . I ' J. D. WILLIAMSON & CO1 Ouelpb, Suae 2f>. 1877. SBNI> Zflc. to a. P. ROW- _ * CO. Mew York,for Pamphlet of 100 paife, containing lints of 3000newspapers,and nxttmatflsshowirjgcoslof advertising. t THE FASHIONABLE WEST END : Twiii'rai! goods. i '. '- i / White 'Piques,-; r White LavfcsV "White Marseilles, - : White _?rillia_its,:; White Mulls, White Books, .; ; l White Centsanial Striped v - and Checks, White 5"v7iss Embroideries, In great variety at the Fashionable West Endj. * A. O. BUCHAM, Fashionable VVest End Dress, Millinery and Ma_tle Establishment Quelph, June 12, 1877, '. . -1 ,' | X Co. Haying during the past week, taken advaotage nf Tie Immenso Skughtor Salos ' ':|- 'at- Tp_?o_it^; S%^^:;:v' I are enabled to offer the . CHEAPEISt LOT OF SEASONABLE GOODS Ever Brought into Actocu- All new, fresh, and comprising this Spring's Im 1 j -. -,. portations. . _ ; ce tlae folldwing 3127 jarttBoi'American Prints at^^5c,,wortn 9c.- r' _i- 2113 yards of/ American Prints at 8c, worth 10c. 1000 yards of English Prints at 10c. worth loo. ' 100 dofien Canada Straw Hats at 5c/ - ! 40 dosen: Sunshades, 10c upi ^ "60 doBen '.Slid Gloves^ very choice, worth $}.2S; for 80& Dress Goods from 10c up. j Parasols at all prices. 1 I MILLINERY ROOM Is now complete with all the noveltiei of the sea son, j[rt our popular low cash prices. ^ ." Cal 1 Hariy &nd SSecupd Bargains. TI2, HENDBRS02T & CO. w Aotdfa, April 20^ 18ft . -

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