Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 28, 1877, p. 4

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& ^--- nasta9g)ct:,T?,".""?.g5 n ..": I t- \KT-" m ^1 *m w m '.ifi?'.-' ia IE- 31 Eff, n. THE FllEE PRESS/ ACTON, HALTON ^tftJNTy, JUNE' 28, J1877. The Fntc of the Lpst Sinn*/ In all the discussion which bus ^qucfatty,- iii view ofthunjlioqry i(5); fh'c'tast tiHiiT trtTt I'c "tttftlciithit. Ouv. nun itself may eoiuo to Hit end in two ways. First, up Mr. Proctor 1ms ;ve"ry recently graphi cally described, being but u vuri- able star, it. may suddenly 'blunt) up, variety, oven in scientific argument; I nJ S out s othur nuns uro known v *id ** 1ia;\;* hftT> so\AMobv;dirti <o have'dons. ; Jji tliis.aaso, the in- ^uUtibTi-drto w^&lior AvbiYii or aii j tens heat of tho colossal coiillugra- anthropoid apo was our primal nn- .'tipu would destroy everything on eeaUnv Ithnt: \ro are -now inijx'llcd agitated \]\A world 6\ePtho Mosaic and. geue*r\)gical accounts of 4ho creation, no question'has been more argued than that of tho ordination of tho race. There is nothing like the earth, utid perbapa vaporize the oarth itee'.f. Should this event oo our (Oy the last miin will It: hunted tip. * " Or tho sun may cool down. The glacial zones "would thus enlarge, tho raeo will bn crowded nearer and hearer 'ta the oqiiattnyvbyi the1 en- croachiug glaciers coming from tho i^oles.1 > Tae sihall .R|iace will no longer support the life upon it, and ^to^ho pjMsuuitl-tiii-aiuuiLiun -in theU^-iUu-iitrtn/tfla ftw-exisu.-ui.-o -i-J- - -i--^A.^^ii-:r - -i-pnly the fittest"will of course sur- *o tatir to the, diametrically oppos- ;~-it"<Hitt 'of'creatfon," and ronsiidor -"Dot'tho beginning of the first but the end of the last man. Specu lation a8 to future events espcci- ully if several billion or ,so years . dWbtiitvis uot \uirtifcnl^-H* (>t>tit- able; but if a jKM-sonar.orii;ijiator of the rope ia"to| be iafie hn: -object of the present theory, simihir theor- - islug qp-to^lit: {>erci*iit ttiilminat-ion r of*fe***nr cvrfctmly jnsfns use ful, both"hypotheses-being equal in ttfthe Speculative nature ot their s--TbnM8;,Jand"'it beirig'certain that we cannot know anything more delin- it about the subject of tho tLaii tboUt tltttioftliu oVbo*.; _ 1. M. Alphonse de Oaudollo points out that the terrestrial surface it coii8tautl|p<^itomfciliiii^ nn^ Wat plevatedTregions ai-e being lowered by the incessant action of water j iceliTid air. Besides, "earthy mat . IS^*^-1 0L&V.uJ^ftw.^ia ha-.t lrig carried into tho saa, which is i thua fillipg UP consequently in , e^jfraf ontiniv the brfeatnt .coaij|jfn- . TlOttof tha BuiJ*'ijl cl^unge. ( Cfcu- *:tirionts -vrill'bo dlvidedlnto'islands, and these will be gradually su'b-- - merged. The human race will Ae driven by the encroaching' -waters from island to, island. Finally the buu will rise on a vast waste of sea, dotted perksps by far separated islets which onco were mountain ' poska. One by ono these will be Bukmet^ed until finally but oue is left; K.uucbainjuuga, the loftiest Butumit oftbe Himalayas, perhaps ; or, more! tightly, some new coral j-eef, which an insect tc-day is labor ing, down iii the dt-jitbe, to build. up. Hero will {>ei-ish the last man, nxid tbe body of the last relic of our T&ce will be washed away by the waves of the mighty flood. Therefore (1) //' a mun clues not ttarce to.i/*#\'i*?W( jufo$itftp<bi ]. droicned, fj ^ "C.,:.;' -. .': -inother theory is that of the periodicity of deluge, proposed by ^-Adbeiuar, wbich depends on tho fact of the unequal length of the Be*sofes~4B. the t-tro, hemispheres. anfSfid onf^sranter last with post (iFEE mom Tlio subscriber lmviiiR a'gniu gone into tho grocery biminess, would in- Uinato that Jio hua-ahvays a' lull lino of goodri usually kept in.- first class ( MAS. vive. Finally, the earth" covered with the vast" ico sheet, man with his Wonderful, adaptation to surrounding circumstances,, will prohubly subsist for a certain peri od, but ju ths find Uiu coiiatuntly increasing nohlnews will assort it self, and .thus eventually (7) 'the lasttolan 5fii11 l/;i'./{ lit'n to death. It" haB 'i-uqii 'asserted lhat the C\>olh)g of the oarth will load to the production of imuienso fissures in its .crust; similar, to those already" visible in tho moon. Tho surface of tho earth would thus lto_"render-- ed -extreniely unatiible, while tht> dwellers t!bo)reon ufety would be compelled- to take rofiigo in cavcF. It is possible that tho troglodylic remnant of tho race might meet its fate in some cataclysm or oruptioii, and thus it is!.* assumablo that (8) the last man irill It crushed iti Some Or supjxjsing that the people ad apted themselves to their surround ings and managed -to live on tho surface, untif tho' time that the earth becomes so oraeked and bro ken that, as predicted, it falls apart^ flying fragment* into spaco.- Ppiisibly port may exist., largo enough to preserve its atmosphere. It may'bither-be a satellite of the first large body within whose sphere of attraction it may come; or it' may fall into.-another world. In |snchcifto^S) /A ta&t man 'trill, he foiled ity the crash 6/ orbs. But if he as. not, and no One 'can tell to what extremes* of resistance the race.may develop, ho will becomo an inhabitant, of a new world. Evolution does not necessarily im ply progress, and possibly tho race It^jagys. --iSrCtie "Southern! way- have retrograded until |the hemispheres they last 1S6 days. \ human being possesses the nature These 7 days or 168 honr of dif-|OI'.a. plant louse; such being the HOICKS . Fittest English'tireakrusil Congho ' !Souc^H}iiir, 1t>olong, FI<JWory Orango PekOc. GUEKNS^ Moyune tinnpon<lerR, .Silver l.i-at| Huii'iiowilers, jloyiine Youni; Hysons ij) -nt* ' ' ' - jlinpi'tials, i' _x__ ference increase each year the cold .( ueas of the pole. During 10,509 5 jS t;trw;' ice scdnmtilatics at'one j>ole and mslts at another,rthereby /'.") dituJaciitg the earth's cenitro o]f ftAiirB^j;^. N6rKcVtinjie,'Iit jis r^ason" ,3!^^^fViS'rive'wncn; after the nlaxv lnuni of elevation of teru|>eri.ttire on ode side, a catastrophtf Anlthap* ,pen, which will biTng^ back'the' centre of gravity to the centred figiu, and causa -an-. immetEo deluge. The inventor of this theo ry fiuls to consider the probability of the ceotro-of gravity returning as gradually 'as it" was- displaced - bqt~ with this defect, the hyjwthesis from another point of view goes on to show that (2) the last man icill' certainly Ik droinicd. Every few years or so fwe have a comet scare ; and when thaflaming - j^ j^ iheCsWy, there arol [ B%yons periods ^'Jtiii fret:| Pes'?6veT the cGancea of our earth coming in contact with jt. It j, of course, not without the limits of. possibility that bucTT a collision abould occur." Ifjit.djld, <mr globe would plunge into an atmosphere of gas, which, mingling with the ait-say. those who predict this mode 'o( fleath-tw -odr'planet/would ,'prb-. duce an explosion which would de- stroy every living being, isuch ben ing the case, tbe person capable of breathing deleterious gas longest^ would survivethe rest,; and there fore (3) if thai last mqn.-is not suf- /oea/ej "fcj? conietari/i.tfdfr he .icill be. blown up." It is believed by many astroncn ruera that there is a retarding nie- . diutn in space, baseft on the fact that Eacke's comet, in thirty-three years, loses a thousandth" part of its velocity. If the- ether resists our earth's motion in its orbit, then the centrifugal, foroe will be con stantly lessened', while the action of gravity _will remain constant; eo that the earth will describe a spiral . path, always approaching the sun. The effect of this would be to con - vert the tropics into a desert, which would" gradually expand towards the "polea, from about which the ice and snow would quickly be melted. Finally tihe intense heat would turn the globje into one barren waste; but then the human race would 4ojk aujeau-have -diflapgeared. ,'T-he ia'-auch eveutpoint to .'ft* S8^posflt6n '" that (i)'tfif'ldsi min will be sunstruck. Theie,are. certain classes of rocks "--VliichOilra cdnstatrilyi becoaihigfhy-; drated, and are thus .occluding ^im- tnensa amotinta > ;of - wa'tor?' : TEd theory has been broached that, in ..course of ticue, the eeos will thus be dried up; and water being absent, _ ojtra|iapplMsro jrijl disappear,'the * earth" 'hedohung a waste similar'to the moon. .But before then, the , atmoephere'.-w*d3 probably become " quite too rare for human existence. As the air pressure decreases, as.M. Be^fc -has^-ahawn, ^he privation, of oxfgaa pwdutee8-*He deleteriooB-ef- fuciM experienced Chiefly by ceron- ^UtS and mountain climbers., Con- case, this single inhabitant will' spontaneously produce posterity of Etotb. exea. A- now raoe- of- men will begin to continue an infinitum. Hence (10) there' icill be net last man.' , ' : : ' " SUBSCFwIEE FOR THE AGTOIT FREE PRESS, $1 a Yeai^ CANNSD GOODS. Ciilirnriitii'Saliniiii, 1'i'TIIiuhI l.obstorB, I--i-.-n.-li Hiir<lb'K, rovOiOyBti-r.-, l-'ri-Kli .Miu-Kl'IcI. ' BAST S3ND OcroA Zams an& Bacon, cvnd Euttor. Ohoosa Our tain nie Jill ki'll^cted (tupcrioi (IrawiiJK ijuuiitii g Eurnott*o Esttaetn 8s BosoaeoD- Tin- l-'liieil H.mi.Is Mii'iiarartureil, iys or their .special over-5 lbs discount on purclmses Our stock compri-e.-t fhe best grades .- M* 6l Old Government Java, Lagouyra, ilaracaibo, and Kio. lloasttd and ground, dally, on tho premiers,- thus retaining r ull- tho natural ai-oma ami itivcr of the berry. -| 0000AS A1TD OHOO'OLATES. laylor's Cocon nnd t7lu>coIato. Ji-jvp's Uonlu-oiiathiu Cucon, . Menipr's Chocolates. " S17GAHX lvofincd, in Loaves, Cut Loal, Dry Crushed,, (ijaftuhiled, Kxtra.iiround; Kxtra C, English iieliued-- all-grJidcs, T": ' Pemenu-ja, 'Polrto itico. Eoapii cf ail lrindfli Fielzlos aad Causeo. C'ivissi> A I!liioltui-irn, Mixed l'loklcii, l.'lnnvrho\v, l'U-t;ii)ill, ^lu^)lt-t>l)lll l'nt.--lt|', .lo'm Unit S:illf-o, 1,i'ji A I't-rrin'.. rt'iiivln.-slc-1'nlili'eSuueo,. Tomiitu Oaioiip. KiiyoiiU- <Id., do, Yiirltslilro Itollnli, Krciich Mustard, FARINACEOUS GOODS. ; ('iirflllnii lili-i- Arraean Hire, i-curl Snt>i, ]tl '1 uplnn i'eiiri liui'ley, Corn Mini, Oalnieal. v. 'J'ho urldorsignod in tendering their slnoere thanks to tholr namerOus pntrons for the liberal support with which they Imvo been' favored in tho past as members of thojato IInn of Dickson & McNJtb, Would beg loavo to call nttontibh to tlicir ! J" * s^iiiisrG- stooe:, Which this year is larger and better assorted than ever, comprising a large assortment of Dornestic -;!!';; - DESSERT. FRTJ:iS run-anls, ViOom-iu orani;L'-J, .M. H^iniL l.^inons, I'liu-upploH, Tunl?- l>un-K, IJ -rdt-uux Walnuts, l'llboilt, Aluionit.-i. Ainhor, Chening, Etaadard TOBACCOES- Smcjking,; Cig.v-s. FBTrrrs- -CSIBD. Yalencia Itaisitjs, Layer lt:iitin?, Loose Muscatel, tftltanrus, Seedless, "Vostizst'CiirraiiiU. I . Jfla'ck Patras |io. in avses f elected Do. do. in bbls., Elemo Kij-'f, French prunes, Tnnis l>ates. These goodif aro/the. liiiest ex- ported. ' |'":-" f OANiTED FjaUITS AND VSOB- . TAiLES.' Peaches, FenrsL Cherries, Pineapples, Strawberries, Succotash, I(ireep Peas, "", r ' Obra. Btiaiis, 'jTomntoos. Besides manjj bisot:it,3 S5 CONFECTIONERY. An'lHvirxit, Win*', <odii,_Ali<'rn(*tliy. (.'roam, ldiuon, Hutirr, Hostou, Or .t I in in, iysi*r **rn els (-r, Ni-w Y'M; tiiiutT iiuih, CiiU'll^ unU ^Wt'^tiiK'iitsnr.'iI.l kiTuls. t'lUC-NC, lIlllttT, K^'^h, Ilojts, -CEOOSEIIT. China S. ts, Whltt'Stout-S,tg,. Fini 1 Si*.ne S^ l^, I'lmmbpr SotH, T u *'Lit4', ikwlri. Jt-llib^, s l*lu!tors*i Itukorw, AuiluiuU Ui^ til other kin J a. Mill I'hijk, (Jrriuu u roc Us. Hiuicr t'mcp, Jn^-, I-towrr Vo'a, Ac, GLASS-WARE. TuniMop', (ii)HlclK, I,:iini>", Lamp .|asn<-s. Ulus-I*la"t<>s, liluKS atn, l'-rull Jars, Ac , Ac. Acton, June, Insurance Apent, In Advance. 1877. Wall PapcrG aad "WindoT?- BUads In treat variety elicap. ' MISCELLANEOUS. Tut)-, rat'1-. UriMHiis. Wii^liboji.'slii n*hrst \c.r Ito|>*H, Wirt- a.ul \Vj>.^Ll-h UasUtUi, , Pia-.uil Mu.iiPiii* s Dyi- KuilU. Slatliinory, wcli'Hi: Hi,.:Hs, l'lirx-K, Walli-ls S.-Ikmt! lines, S^t-pmclr.,. Viol In,*, . Vial in Strli cH.TIrlar I'iiios. Kim.^y CiiwKlh, Combs, Ao. Rpneless Codfish, Herrings, Oysters In can and bulk -in season. Other articles in season, not hero montioned. IJy*'Cheap for ICash or Trade. ' JAJV1ES MATTHEWS. 1877. Conveyancer, Cpm. in Q. B., Issuer of Marriage Licenses, &c. SPRING. 1877. McLE0D, ANDERSON i &C0, G-EORGETOWN. I i . ' Take pleasure in'iiiiuoiuiciu^ to their customers and the public that they have received and opened out for sale the largest, finest, and best assorted stock of DRY GOODS/MIL LINERY and MANTLES, CLOTHING-, TWEEDS, HATS and CAPS. &c.; in ihis sec tion lof tile Dominion. We have ransacked (he markets of the world aihl ihink that we can suit every one who wanLs to buy fjooil Goods, cheap. Ladies, we have all the new leading colors and styles, in Plain and Fancy Dress Goods, Black Silvs, Colored Silks, Poplins, Matellasses, Cashmeres, Persian and Oriental Fabrics. Grenadines, Percales, &c, with trimmings and Buttons to match. Prints an immense variety. Our Millinery and Mantle Department has been entirely reorganized and ihnproyed, it is well worth your trouble to call and see our magnificent stock of Stylish Miljlinery. r ORDERED- CLOTHING, W"e have the latest styles and patterns direct from the mills. Gents, if! you want a really superb fitting suit at| a moderate price, call and see our stock of Tweeds, Coatings, &c, we cannot fail to suit you. Hats and Caps, Gents Furnishings, &c, a splendid stock, very cheap. -Our Staple Department has had our very best attontion, having bought our Cotttons, Tickings, Shirtings, kc, last Decetfibdr when Cotton Goods were so very low, we can offer and are'selling goods less than we can buy them to-day. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Kugs. Lace Curtains &c., and House Furnishing Goods of all kinds. ^Housekeepers, you should call and seo our splendid stock of Carpets, etc. Boots and Shoes. -We are this season sell ing very chedp.and^ keep a very fine assortment on hand. We propose to isell everybody who bus ,any money to lay out this spririg, the. very best of Goods ;at the very lowest bottom prices. We would return our thanks for the very large and increasing patronage hitherto so liberally bestowed upon us, and we are pre pared to sell Goods cheaper than ever for Cash only. TWEEDS ' English and Manufacture: ; The patterns aro tho choicest in tho market. Our atock in HATS AND a&tfT' FTTniTISHXNGS 1 is well assorted and at low prices. Cottons, Prints^ and Staple Dry Goods At prices that osrrnot-fail to 8at'tfy veryboJjr. We respectfully inrite nn Inspection of our goods, '. I ' ",' FYFE & McNAB. Aotoi), April IT, 187. SECORD BROS -^oa?o2sr w". :M%m JUST ' j H f ^ FOB THE W.STEWART ICO Have commenced opening their New Spring' Importations And in a few days! will show the . finest stock of' FIRST CLASS GOODS Bubmitted for inispect'pniin Guelpb. Special efforts have bean made to show the ueitest Drag Goods, Spring Jackets. Mantles, . Ot>stu7iies, JCid Ghees, Jlv.vie.ri/, , I^aces, . Lace Curtains, '- . Sheetings, and Mourning Goods. OUR COTTONS . :- were all contracted for before the recent advance. Customers will have the benefit. '^ ' Gouts' Department/ In Cloths ahdJTweeds, Dress ShirtB, . ; Ties. Collars, eto., . Stock of Felt Hats, Aro particularly inviting in styles and price, -'. ' ; WM.fcTEWAPT & CO, " Guelpb, March 0, 1677. ! i : S^^IITG!- TEA 'A Bought-Low, nnd will be rf- J, Prices never Heard ofi Barrels % THE FRBB; iPRE3 PRINTING HOUSE Of Whjjte and Refined Sugars, Syrilps, Molas- I " "' w" '"[..." "i :r" seis, -Vinegar, Oat Heal, Corn Meal1, ]jteiij Cfir: rants, Prunes;" Coal Oil, Boiled Oil,; SaW $, ispirris of Tu.pentine, \arnish; Japan*; wtc.". Keg*s ' Of Prunes; Soda, Red Load, White Colors of jail kinds, etc. Ga^es, Bp|ses, Caddies Sacks! Of. Biscuits, Confeclionery, Spices, Canned Fruit, Fish, etc., Tobaccos, Raisins, jCheese, Soaps, Candles, Wt Crystfils, Pickles,'Jams, Jellies, Matcfae^Jetc. Chests, Caddies- and Bj ' Of Young Hyson, Gunpo\vderf Black Teas, ranging in price from IQseS'8 upwards^ The best value in the couoty. Acton, March 14; 1877. SECOBD Prepare fe the Dry W[eam/^ ~j To Merchants and other Busin4ss Men in Aetdn; as well as throughqut the County, the Free Press is invaluable Advertising Medium. y April, 8, 1877, McL^OD, DEHS01T & Co., , MAMMOTH HOUSE, GEORGETOWN ] BOOK an Our Unrivalled Facilities for Exeouting all kinds ot AND JOB.. .PRINTING Enable ue to turn out work equal; to pnything done; in the cities. | GET A PAIR OF NEW CRAINE & Have now in stock ajlsplendid. auortmillt of Suitable |br the Summer Seasons iLll/'gizes. and Styles from the very best '...-.'. - PBlGES AS LOW AS *HE it. Special Attention Given to If . Repairing Promptly Attended to. Aoton, March 13,- Io77. . .... '*., ^oor c$py :? &

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