Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 5, 1877, p. 2

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THE FR^EE PRESS, ACTON, HALTOK COUNTY, ONT., JULY 5, 1877. 'HUE ACTON FBEE PBE8H Pabhskod K\ ory Thursd-.y Morning. J. H. HACKING, Proprietor. Bl.Per Annum in Advano* 4O0 H.MAONIM4 SOI TOO Tiouoir Jlo&xuttv. Jour S. 18??. Wo understand 'the unoui speeches of the Premier, which are nil connected one with the other, will probably be republished in pamphlet fonn. "' Hun. Meter*. Mackenzie and (luntington met with warm re- oepUon at Ooderioh yesterday, aa well a* at the various station* tn routs on the Grand Trunk. Great preparation* for the Kinnettlcs ptenic are in progress at Fergus. Trains will be run at half fares from the- country around Kmcarduie and Southampton, aad a large influx of visitors is expect ed* Among the speakers will be lion. Messrs. Mackenx'e, Cart- wrif ht, Huntington, and'-Milis, be sides a number of members of Ryjiament, and others. Crop repirts from the "Woatern S'atec a"ro more encouraging. A reliable Chicago aiitbority^givea the following observations on the out look at the end of last week : "Tills past week has been one of great anxiety to the farmers of Illinois. The wet weather was con tinued so long that the cultivation of the corn has been retarded. The ground, however, is clean and cum keeps growing and farmers are hopeful. The spring wheat and oats are yet nil right. Harvest has commenced in all the winter wheat distnets. Tho latest Englrab. news is im portant. The London coirespon dent of the Scotsman telegraphs: ' It is understood that the -wise" counsels of the Marquis of Salis buryvEarl of Carnarvon, Mr. Cross, and others, hare at last triumphed over the party of action, and that the Saltan bs now little chance of material aid from England." The Mediterranean fleet has gone to Besika Bay. It ia stated that it wus ordered there after a warm dis cussion in the Cabinet, whether Britain should not at the same time aead a land force of 20,000 men. A Berlin special asserts that a gen eral understanding with regard to certain erentuaUties Baa been late ly arrived at between the Austrian Mid English Government*. As matters appear at present to. Montreal, there is likely to be a brush on t& Twelfth between tie Orangemen and members of the Irak Catholic Union. This Irish \ Union is a Society which has * sprung into existence since 1 he 12th of July last, and already numbers thirteen lodges in different quarters of to* city, with a membership on the whole of from 2,500 to 3,000. It is said that the Society was con stituted fur the purpose of pre- "VenUDg the Orangemen walking in procession, and rumor has it that they have yeeA drilling secretly. The Orangemen; on the Other hsnd, are said to be more determined than ever to walk, if for no other reason than to dare their being .. molested. Tho result of the whole is that a great deal of iinoaainaes is experienced. War Kates. The Russian* have now gained a firm foothold in Bulgaria. Their position at Sistova once secured, they have penetrated into the in terior of the country, met and defeated she Turks at Senasta, and at Nikup, ten miles further south ; and than, elated ty their aay vic tory, puahed forwaxti and captured Tirnova, One detach taont at tempted to cross the River Jantra at Bala, but were repulsed with considerable loss. The scene of their attempt must; however, before many (lays, witness a grtat battle, as the Turks are entrenched on the eastern bank of the river. In view of the capture of Tirnova it is evident that the Russians are nuking foe the Shipka pass ol /the Balking, the road to which leads through Kabrova. Attempts are being uwda to raise a native force on the south side of tha Darin be, and all able-bodied Bulgarians are summoned to present themselves at the Russian camps for enrolment. Au attempt, was made on Monday to cross ut Maretin, eight miles below Rti&tcbuk on the south bank, but was repulsed, but a body of two thousand .Roumanians were more successful at Oetate, where they succeeded in effecting a pas sage. Ou the Tower Danube and in the DobrUdscha activity still pre vails on both sides. ' In Asia Minor the Turks, accord ing to their own accounts, have been generally successful. The siege of Kars'is reported to be all but raised, and a portion of the Russian forces in the southern dis tract of Armenia "has peer, driven from it* poautiod at I^aupikilLiasa. There is once more some talk of peace negotiations the report in this instance, originating at Berlin, where the Russian ambassador has bad* lengthy Interview with Prince Biainark, and an attache bos been sent to Bucharest with despatches for Oortscbakoff and the Czar. she Prairie Province. WHAT A RBBlDhM 11*8 TO BAY AuOUT IT 1118 ADVICE TO IUHIG1UNTS. A native who has recently " emi grated" to Manitoba, the Prairie Province, sends us a letter contain ing considerable information of in terest to intending immigrants. In regard to fiiYoiing, he says that he hat not been in the country long to see theto in maturity, but from their present appearance he is satis fied-that they will surpass in yield anything that can he raised in this garedn Provino* of Ontario. .The fertility of the land is beyond do/uht, and oowht re ha* he ae?n auuh ex cellent land. The whole Province u covered with a rich black soil varying in depth from a few inches to several feet. Geologists hold the opinion that in a not very re mote age the prairie section of country wiia COVERED (WITH lAKSjor WatEB, and these having disappeared have left land of exceeding richness. He states, on good authority, that on a farm located a few miles from the citv of Winnipeg, from which he writes, that twenty crops of wheat havu been taken in succes sion, the yield last year being twenty bmihels to the acre. During this time nothing in the shape of f jrtilixers have been "put on, not being required. The aver age return of crops last year was as follows .' Wheat, 35 bushels per sere. Onta, 7* bushels per acre. Barley, 50 bushels per acre. The average price of wheat is $1 per bjshelL and oats 90 cents. He has seen lime of the former weigh 68 pounds to the bushel. The country is well adapted for stock raising, hay and pisture lands be ing unlimited in extent. The most of tl e best horses here are import ed from Ontario, the native stock being poor. GOOD HORSES ARE WORTH from $r00 to $250 each; oxen, from SI00 to $150 a pair; cows, from 825 to $40 each Oxen are generally driven singly, in carts, and often one man will have charge of from half a dozen to a dozen, driving the first, the others being attached to a rig-in front of them. The harness is made of raw-hide, and the style is nothing to boast of. In tendering advice he sayr, " Let me say to those of your readers who may intend to come to Man itoba, not to be misled by any false statement about the country, made oy those baring selfish motives to serve, for it will not be all sun shine. A man most make up his mind to go to work. By that I mean that he should be prepared to settle down on some land, for it is very difficult to get GOOD PATWO EXPLOTMEKT here. A Person with $400 or $500 need not be afraid to venture if he strikes out boldly he can not fail to succeed. He aays that there are no free grant lands with in an hundred mile* of Winnipeg, and that just beyond ia of rather poor quality in comparison to the rrsU Howes rr, further on, some fifty or sixty miles from Pitlt-stine, the land is excellent again. That in the neighborhood of Emerson is the best he had seen, but the lar gest portion is in Indian and Men- nonite Reserve, the rest being mostly settled upon. Owing to the nattering of the country by correspondents of newspapers he says that there has been a great influx of men this season without any capital, and this has bad the effect of making WAGES LOW AMD BQABD HIQH. Farm hands get from $15 to $20 per month and board; servant girls from $10 to $15, while the highest paid to any sort of trades man is not over^S per day, with out board. Misquitoea are the plague of the people's lives, and at times it is necessary to wear a net over the bead. They come about the middle of May and buzz around until the latter part of September, and the size of them is in keeping with the number. An exchange wants to know if people should drink water during warm weather. Certainly. There is nothing that quenches thirst like water; it goes to the spot. Whis key goes to the spot all the same, but after a little there isn't any spot. Two men named Pierce and Bellinger, wbo went out in a sail boat on the Niagara River on Mon day, got into the rapid*. They jumped out and endeavored to swim for the land, but were swept over the Falls. The third man, who re mained on the boat, was rescued. For some time past Messrs. Tjtler Sz. Rose,London grocers, have missed sides of bacon and bams from their stores. Suspicion at length fell upon a prominent Gran ger, who lives not far from there, and frequently visits the city. On Saturday last he came as usual, and being watched, was seen to carry off" a ham by the back way. Messrs. Tytler and Rose followed, and soon had him in custody. He begged and pleaded piteously to be let off", pointing at the disgrace that would fall upon him if his actions became known. He offered to pay for all he had ever taken, and gave his note, endorsed by a neighbor, for the amount and was allowed to go. Pen andtHrlsitor Select*. Tho Dunkin Aot for tho County of Brunt bus boon rub- tikiuod. The Caugbnawega Indians and the Shamrocks of Montreal are to play lacrosse in Toronto shortly. Six thousand signatures have been received in Toronto against the passage of the Dunkin; Act. Two men belonging to the American side wore swept over Niagara Falls on Sunday evening. The Orange Societies of Mon treal have applied to tho Mayor for protection during their procession on the twelfth. The dwellers in tents at St. John suffered cruelly during the recent rains, their quarters being completely swamped. Eighty five thousand seven hundred and fifty pounds of wool were received in Guelph during June, and 19,500 pounds of firkin butter. The ceremony of laying the Corner Stone of the new Catholic Chuich in Guelph will be perform ed to-day by the Rev. Dr. Conroy, the papal delegate. Dam ago to the crops by the recent storms is reported from the line of the Canada Soulhorn, and damage to property and loss of life in Northern and Central Ohio and Indiana. ----Over three thousand immi grants have arrived in Manitoba since tho opening of navigation, and nearly two hundred of that number, have returned to the climes whence they came. A cow belonging to Mr. J. E Oliver, of Ethel, in the township of Gray, while drinking water out of a tub with about six inches of water in it, caught her horns in the tub, and she was smothered. John O'Neill, better known as " Missouri Jack," was arrested at Iugersoll on Saturday with a quantity of dry-goods, boots and shoes, ready-made clothing, smoked hams, and other goods in his pos session. The gold-find at Gravenburst has given an impetus to well-dig ging. Some who never thought of digging a well for themselves a year ago have recently been con vinced that every citizen should have a well of his own, and not use his neighbor's pump. A Baden blacksmith, named Hughes, has eloped with Mrs. Bloiuki, a neighbor's -wife. Hughes had been married 16 years. He was particularly noted as a strictly church going man. It is reported he took part of the pastor's salary with him, having collected it some time previous to his departure. A dispatch from Milton says that on Monday, while a young man named James Marlatt, son of Mr. Geo. Marlatt, of Trafalgar, was un loading hay with a horse and hay fork, the right trace broke, and either the whittle tree struck him or the horse kicked him over the region of the heart and killed him instantly. In Georgetown, on Tuesday, a by law to raise tho sum of $7,000 for the purpose of purchasing the plot of ground known as the Mar ket Square, and erecting a Town Hall was voted on and carried by a majority of 20. The plot is, it is understood,- to cost $1,600. The balance will be expended in the erection of the hall. At a late meeting of the Brus sels Village Council the following resolution was passed : "Aloved by Dr^ Graham, seconded by P. Thompson, that a by law be sub mitted for the purpose of raising $25,000, payable in twenty years; $10,000 for erecting the Waterous system of water works, and $15,000 for securing or establishing manu factories in this village. - Chicago's grand butterfly ball is pronounced by the local papers a stupendous success. There were in it about 150 children 100 lit tle girls and 50 little boys the oldest of whom was probably about 12, and the younger had arrived at the mature age of 4 years, witbsut any score. These were all dressed up as nearly as possible in the latest fashion of the butterfly court, each cherub being provided with a superb pair of wings. It has been discovered in Guelph that the stinking lime which has been used by the gas works for purifying gas, will keep potato * bugs from potato vines. Mix the lime with water to the consistency of milk, and Sprinkle it on the vines with a broom or brush, and the bugs will retire in disgust. As the lime costs noth ing for the gas works are glad to get rid of it-L-and as it has no poisonous properties, the discovery is a good one, and the people ought to know it Some havo the idea that, let ratepayers petition as they may for the submission ef the Dnnkin Act to a popular vote, it still remains with the Council of the munici- pality to say whether this shall be done or not. This is a mistake. The Council may if it chooses sub mit the Dunkin Act to the vote of the electors without being asked to do so, but so soon at the legally specified number of ratepayers peti tion, the Council has to do it, Globe. 4 Flve.yeitr Old Child Burned to a Cinder. A henrfronding nogidtmt occur rod iti London ou~Monduy attoi noon, which resulted in tho death of a little fivo-yoar-bld child of Mr. Burgess Howny, whorresides on tho corner of Dundas and Muitland streets. It seems that two of the children were loft aslepp up-ntuiia while the mother, locking all "the doors, wont out for n few minutes to visit a neighbor. On returning shjrtly aftorwaids tho Iioubb was found to be full of smoke, and on inspection little Edith was dis oovered in the kitchon burnt in u frightful manner, ber feet, wbioh were oovered by her shoes, bding the only portion of her body not reduced to a cinder. The screams of Mrs. Ho way soon brought Di, Edwards to the scene,-who did all in bis power to relievo the suffer ings of the child. After an hour and a half of intense sufiuring, however, the victim died. It is supjiosed that the child had on awakening, secured some matches from a shelf in the bedroom and set herself on fire, and this is borne out by tho finding of half-burnt matches on the floor. The ball- way and stairs are badly burned in several places, showing that the child had hunied down to tho ground floor a1; once to secure as sistance. The sad bereavement has cost a gloom over tho neighbor hood, as the little girl was a great favorite in tho vicinity. London Adierltser. rrfK ROYAL EXCHANGE JL . "worKi,, >/ AOTON. This woll- known houso Iim rooently undorgono a thorough renovating and ropairuig, is now furnished with now and modorn furniture of tho boat des cription, snd is pronarod to provido Ant-class aooominodatlon to tho public Tho present proprietor bos received a liconso, and ho will koop tho bar woll suppliod with tho very host of liquors and cigars, Tho stabling is Isrge And well-fitted up ; also ample ahod-ropm. Tho patrousgo of tho public it respect, i.lly solicited. JOHN MANEY. Acton, Juno 20, 1877* Disowned. Intelligence has been received that Mr. Jus. Hulk ness, of Liltowel, jeweller, and say of Mr. Wm. Harkness of Erin Township, was drowned m the Red River about fifteen miles from Pembina. He was returning from a business trip, and fell off tho boat into the river. Mr. Harkness of London, bis brother, left immediate ly for the scene of his brother's dis appearance. A telegram dated Winning 26tb Juno says : The body has been found. On hrs per son were twenty-seven gold and silver ^wutches besides money. Hacking In Acton, on the 2d inst, tho wife of Mr. J. H. Hacking, of a ton. AhTIIVkS. In Esquesing, on the 1st mst , the wife of Mr. Jos Arthurs, of a daughter. BIED. Millar. In Esqueaing, near Hornby, on the 27th June, after two dn>* illness, Mr. Roht. Millar, m the 81 st j car of his ago. The deceased had beeu a resident in tho township of Esquesing upiiardu of forty years, formerly in the neighbor hood of Acton, and was well known and respected. For a number of >ears he has been confined almost entirely to the house with rheumatism, but not a pain ful sufferer from it, and in the enjoy ment of good health untd the Monday before his death. ACTOX HABKETS. .. _ .. $3 75 to 4 50 Flour _ Fall Wheat Spring Wheat, Glasgow Bed Chaff Wheat Barley....... Oats . . Peas Potatoes, per bag Dried apples per lb Butter . . 1 50 to 1 55 1 50 to 1 55 1 40 to I 50 0 CO to 0 00 0 47 to 0 50 0 75 to 0 80 1 00 toO 00 0 00 to 0 07 0 15 too 15 0 12 to 0 00 Epfs' Cocoa Obatbtcl and Com- fobtiso. "By a thorough knowledge of the natnral laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until ttrongenough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a pro perly nourished frame." Civif Service Gazette. Sold only in packets labeled "Jambs Efts Co., Homoeopathic Chemist, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." For the Old and Young;. Let all use ft. Woo4' Isapreved Hair Kestoratlve Is unlike any olber, and has no equal. The Improved has new-vegetable toD<c properties; retores grey nalr to a glossy natural color; restores faded, dry, ba*sb und falling hair; restoro, dresses, gives vigor to the hnir; restores hair to prema turely bald heads; removes d uidrtuT, hu mor*, scaly eruptions; temoves lrrlta tlon, itching and coaly dryness, No article produces uch wonderful eflects Try It, call for Wood's Improved Hair Kestoratlve, and don't be put oft" with any other artlole. Sold by a 1 druggists In this place and dealers everywhere Trade supplied at manufacturers' pries by C.a.Cook A Co , Chicago,Sole Agents for the United-States and Canadas.and by LrxAX Baos, * Co., Toronto. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -^rANTED. Ladies and gentlemen to learn Tele graph Operating for offices opening in the Dominion. Stamp for answer. Address Mahaokr, Box 955, Toronto. TC~OTICE to TRESPASSERS. All parties are hereby warned against picking berries or otherwise trespassing on the south-east quarter of lot 28, 1st con. Esquesing, or they will hold them selves liable to prosecution according to law. DAN. LIVINGSTONE. Esquesing, July 4. 1677. 1-iH YOUNG NEWFOUNDLAND DOC LOST. Strayed or stolen from my Livery Stable about the 24th inst., a early Black Newfoundland Dog, about one year old. His tail is pretty long and heavy. The finder will be liberally re warded by returning him to J. P. ALLAN. Acton, June 27, 1877. 52-6 CONSUMPTION CURED. ciah. raMS (ran utin pne- jtewatskli ludi bruiSut , T-T7 CM Zonal* of * VifiUbU aj tbt IM fptttfr ua pcramMst cnr of Consumption, Atthm*, JtronettitU, Cmtarrh, tit > Fofitln mtf Rialcal Curt ft>r Hirrmu Ds- blUtr snd all Mbtoui CoKpla'nU, t!\*r atr ial tioreartlj ittud |t voadtrM orritlt. fo*tn tm lEoaatadi M cam, (kali 11 hK iau to buMll kon to hi< inStrlnc ftllovf Atto- aMI trr ikit aaotin aa4 a cauclaMleut dnlrt l oy CIIAiOt lo all wBsdtalrt II, till. nclM^ jrllfc WnUrtSoai lor anfaTtsian taeotttlU- >r Wilis SM bj nfurn &./ adaranliif with Maaaa, BWalSf tab aaptr Ua. C STCVaVS. VJjr. BozM,aBOcaTiu*,Ovr. k A EBSTEU'S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY For the School Room. 3000 Engravings; 1840 rages Quarto. A NEW FEATURE- To the 8000 Illustrations heretofore In Welmtcr's Unabridged wo nave added four pag* s of rOLOKED IXI.rSTalATIO'iR, engraved exprtssly lor this work at large oxi enFe. Noarlr every Stale Superintendent of Public Instruction In the Union, or cor responding officer, where i-ueh an one exist.", has recomm'-nded Webster's Llc- tlorary In the strongest terms Among th<>m are lhoso of Kuneni, Northern, Middle, Sortbern aud Wssteru States, Twenty-eight ln-oll STATE PCstlHA&Ea. State of New York bos llaood ---------ri The ?ubilc IOjOO copies tn as many of Her Bohonlt. Tho State of Wisconsin, about 5000, nearly very School. The Slate of New Jersey, 1,500 nearly every School The Stale of Michigan, made piovlslon for nil herSchoUs Tho Stute of Maisachuketta bassupplled her Schools. n<-urly a{l The blato of Iowa has supplied ber Schools The Sinto of Connecticut has mad pro vision for h< r Schools Oter 3000 SchcolB In Indiana were sup p!i. d .Inrlngthe } ear loTi, and many each \ ear Fiiie*1. In oth( r **tj.t-p miny c-plna hnv been pur hiu-oJ fur Kilii|i!vlni! School.! of till. . oown! ipb and towns What belt r Investment ein be made lor Schools? >ror tnne teentv- ttmeft m many arp sold of Webster's Dictionaries, as of ai.y th- r eries In this country At least four-flfihs of all the School Bonks published In Ihls country own Wohst^rns their atan'tard, and of the re- mnindor, few ocknowltdge an stand ird>. PublMied b} C. at C MERKIABI. 49 Sprli guYld, Mass BARGAINS ! STILL AHEAD ACTON TIN AND 8T0VE DEPOT. WILSON & JOHNSON Beg to thank tboir numerous friends and customers for the kind patron age hitherto axtended to them, and wish to inform them that they have now on hand a large stock of PIain( Pressed and Japanned Ware, which tboy aro selling cheaper than ever. EAVETROCGMXG A SrECIALTT. Call and see us bofore purchasing elsewhere, as our prices cannot be boat in the county. Being practical workman, most of our stock of Tinware is made up by ourselves, and we feel satisfied that we cannot be undersold. SJiecpskins, Cotton Mags, Old Cop per and Brass tahen in exchange for Goods. Repairing and Jobbing promptly attended to. WILSON & JOHNSON. Acton, April 3, 1877. 40-3m SPEY8IDE Shingle, Stave AVD HEADING- MILLS. Any parties wanting Shingles would do welt-to give us a call. We will al ways have on hand a good supply of No. 1 and No. 2 Shingles. Best quflbty Xo. 1 Shingles $1.60 per square. No. 2, 70 ovitts per square.: P. <trH. 8AYERS. Speysido, Dsc. 13, 1876. 24-6ra that] tl*/ The MAMMOTH beg to announce j have commenced their 1 Anziual Summer Clearing Sal$ And in order to reduce their immense stock bafore Stock-Tak ' GEEAT BARGAINS WILL BE GIVM Jim Public will hate choice- out of one Of tirer fines t ftoeks ev# T 'eH. The stock is even now orer $50,000, and as we neversrib anything but what is bonafide, yoa may depend epos fettle CHEAPEST GOODS YOtT AND WAGGONS. Now is tho tune to leavo your order At J". Ryder's Factory for a Stylish Buggy or Serviceable Waacon. 1 am making up a largo stock for the present season, from the best material. Call and See our Handsome Buggies Now is a good time to secure bargains Strict attention giren to * Soros-shooing: X Goerl Blade- smUaiagr, JAMES RYDER. Acton, Feb. 26, 1877. rvsiA.u\o SADDLERY, ACToir. The subscriber lal$es this opportunity of thanking his numerous customers for for the \cry liberal patronage gn tn him the past > car, and would ~statc that it ia his motto to do a Square and Honest Business as heretofore, and hopes to retaiu the same- liberal appreciation from the pubhc All orders entrusted to my caro will be ATTENDED TO WmTB FBOCTTIESB. As none lut Good Workmen aro Employed, Parties can rely on getting a good arti cle and as cheap as good work can. be dono for. fiepairine Done with Neatness 00LLA&S A SPECIALTY. R. CREECH. Acton, Feb. 14, 1877. QLENLAWSON MILLS. Having thoroughly repaired our Mill, and put in a new Middlings Purifier, we are now prepared to give a bet ter yield of flour than formerly^ with quality quite as good. QRISTINOr AND CHOPPING promptly attended to. The patronage of the public re spectfully solicited. The highest price always paid for any quantity of wheat. A quantity of seed barley for. sale, G. & E. TOLTON! Acton, April 10,1877. 41-3m C. T. HILL, Mill Street, ACTON, DEALER IN OTOCQXtSB, Crockery, Boots Ss Shoes, Wall Paper, TCnlo/w Blinds, Nails, Glass, Putty. Linage! 0U, Paints, Turpentine- Coal Oil, Salt, etc, .dll of which will bo sold low for cash, BOOTS and SHOES Selling off ot-cost. Also agent for the RUBBER PAINT COMPANY Of Cleveland, Ohio. STOCK-TAKING ;SAL sf EVER SAW As we want money, we will commsnee- Dress/Coods at 5 cents, worth 25 cent*. Prints at 4 oenttv Cottons at 5 cents. Shirtings at 10* cents, worth 20 coots. All wool Tweeds at 50e, worth $f. Cottonadea^t 20c, worth ${ Brown Denims at 12b cents, worth 20 crats. Gents' Straw Hats to be Blanghterai at a quartar and half thej, i Beautiful Colored Silks nt 55 cents, worth at whofessfc $I.0 Black Silk at 75c, worth $1 25. A Black Lustre at 25c, usual priJsow Ready made Clothing, great bargains to be given to eflept a detHafli, MILlInEBY & MANTLES AT HALF PBljCE And a large lot of LADIES HATH at 5 and 10 teats eael. CARPETS at lcT per <;ent cte ^ n t The above is an enumeration or a few articles and girefc yoa afamt Of the Great Reduction in Prices. This Will bo (bo ilO.tSeorcJUui! fhorougb Clearing Sal* we hay erer held. waug The whore stock is reduced, and whoever will be kind eixjngh to oil as with their money will bo amply repaid tor their trembler? , i am aad 00 The Sale -will begin on the Fourth of July, AdJ will continue one month from that day, i Gents don't forget our Ordered Clothing Depiart- t merit and Gents' Furnishing*. | I We turn out the Handsomest, Cheapest and Best made Salts ia tar vi j JT Dominion. Great bargains will be given in the above I>eparraTent nkewiser , Patronage Is Respectfully Solicited. | t i July 3. 1877. McLSOaD, ANDERSON & Co., ilASTMOfH HOUSE, nt'lBGCTdini NOW FOR BARGAIK Fi Only a Few Days More AUCTION SALE OF THE BALANCE OF > Cash for Hides. Aotoa, July 18, 1876. 0 S999 Can't be made by every agent every month In the business we furnish, bat those willing to worfc can easily earn a dozen .dollars a day right In their own localities. Have no room to explain here, justness pleasant and honorable. Wo men, and boys and gins do as wpll m men, We -will- ftirnlah yoa a complete Outfit free. The hinlnesi peys oetter than anythtnc else. We -will bear- ex* ponse ot startlne you. Particulars free. Write and see. Farmers and meohanlcs, tbelr sons and daughters, and all classes In need or paying worse at home, should write to as and learn about the work at once. Now Is the time. Don't delay. Address True &. Co, Augusta, Maine. 1 Mrs. McNair's Bankrupt Stock SEND 25c. to O. P. KOWELit, A CO. New York, for Pamphlet of 100 page. containing Hats of 3000 newspapers, and aKLlmatesshowIng Cost of advertising. EVERY EVENING i if.. Until the balance of the Stock is disposed o Remember the place.^The new brick stor* opposite Agnew's hotels ^ ~^ GOTJLDIITG & HE2TRT, AttCtfoftWi* Acton, June 5, 1877. ^j

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