Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 9, 1877, p. 2

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iSSsF 111 t y ... Tl?Li l&v rftg. f , * """SK i THE F^IEE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., ^UGUST 9, 1877 IpIIK Al'TO.N t'UEE IMtESS riMis!.cl Hverv Ihurvlnv, Morinnjr, J. II. H V-CKING, Piopnoter. SI Per Annum in Advance The Russian Disaster. The affair at PWna has been a solo blow to the Russians. Their defeat hats been t>o decided and iHr- nstroua thut tho entire advance lu European Tin key has been para lyzed, mid there ia imminent danger 5X fH f* 1~i -IV / i'VO'l?1,ftOO 'hut 'I'1' entire campaign mnr have tfrhlllUV l-l.>l>X\lhbb to , . llVmm|, Ovc.coniidehce JOS H HACKING EOltOR' in then \t length led the Russians to neglect the ordinary piviuutioui ohsrived by nn mm) in the Geid, uiul t!< > fell Mi-uini to (hir own w mt of caution, lien. K> udener advanced five Nnvpi Vw tuw.tid.] the vvastum passes of the Itulkaus, leaving Plevna, ii strong military pos' u to bis right, unoccupied. When ho thought to lepair hia blunder, the Blimll force he sent against the place fo mil it already occupied by the Titi ks. KeinftMce ments under Piinco Schaekoakoy were forwarded and the town was carried by assault. Tlie over-con- tnient Russians, satisfied that the Turks were beaten, laid aside their arms and accoutrements and set to work to make themselves comfort able in their new quarters, but in the dusk of the evening the Turks in full force renewed the battle, took tho unsuspecting Russians by surprise- nnd routed them with terrible slaughter. Tho ontiie Russian right was panic stricken by the blow. Almost simuttatic- touily attacks were nmdc upon the centre, near Tirnovti, and on the divisions south of the Balkans at Jeni Sagbra, the Turk* being suc cessful in both instances. Gen. GUoiuka is reported to have with drawn to the passes of the Balkans, winch he luteuds to hold, but if the di virions at Plevna and Tirnov a aie forced b.ick to Sistova by the victories of Osniah Pusha and Me- j hemet Ali, Ghouika'a little army in the Bdkans "vx 111 be in a bad fix, completely hemmed in, nnd CMt ofl from the possibility of escipe. The campaign m Bul'mrm an pears to have been a counterpait of the one in Aimenia. Headlong rushes of Luge bodies of troops, I sweeping the nnpiepared Turks be- is reported to be fav orable, and Mr. | f" them. * Incautious advances j with long lines of communication. to be kept open, ending in a col- nn Tiu kmu\ Moumxu, Al'ii. 8, IbT". Canada Pacific ltnihvny. Mr. Saudfoid Fleming's repot t cm suiveys and preliminury opeiu- tious on the C.nadian Pacific Rail way, vp to January, 1877, has just been published. It is com prised in a I*rgfr well-bound volume of over 400 pages, from the govern ment printing office in Ottawa. Several large ln.aps and diagrams accompany tho book, giving * dis tinct outline of the proposed route of the railway from Thundir Bay to British Columbia. The nt port of the sniveys comprises brief sketches of tho varioua sections trtvermi, and, although the details are somewhat dry, aie quite inter esting. , The character of tho conn-1 try is shown in all its varied aspects from one end of the loute to the other, briefly detailing the local advantages and recourses. Alto gether the rpoit is an exceedingly valuable cue, blowing that un immense nuiCiu.t of labor and tncney have already been expended in the preliminary work. What it will cost to construct the whole line must be an amount so vast .that we can hardly conceive it potsible to be a judicious under taking for onr Dominion. The maps show the projiosed woik to bo of tremendous magnitude. The character of the couatiy however, Pen nnd. Scissor Selects. yheehun bus boon committed for trial for the ruurdot -of Uuckctt in Montreal. Tliero wore 150 tendors for tho Wellund Canal enlargement works. ClniH. H. Biggnr, of Kloui, challenges any man in Canada to run and jump a match for wuger from yWOtoflOa. T. P. Whito's woolen mills, Whituvnle, Out., wero burned on JjFnday morning. Lobs 835,000; 1 iiibiiranco $14,000. OnnStrutford editor says that tho other " smells most inodorous- ly for want of the application of a littlo fioup und water." A musical jubilee is announc ed to bo held in Beiliu, Out., on the 28th and 291h itibts., when $400 will be offered in prizes. Tho Ingersoll by-law giving a bonus of $00,000 "to tho Ciedit Valley Railway was ' pushed on Monday by a majoiity-of 1G2. A Victoiia dispatch says : Sir Jutnes Djuglus, founder of V: I Murderous Assnult with 1 A\C. (From the London-Free Ptttt.) On Wed^nofiday night a bloody affair occurtod near Port Albert. It uppeaisj that Roilefick| M^unro and Duncan McDonald, who live near tho' village, tho latter who ir a teniuster hoiuding with tho for-' mer, wore dunking at the tarem and went home late in the evening imich tho worho of liquor,. ^rumo Murted liomu tn^i, going in Mc- nouidd's wlieon, and tho latter fol- lowed sh\nt,ly aftei, being acconi- pnniod by Frederick Hawkins, who took calo <?f McDonald and saw him safely home. Muuro was sit ting at the table eating Biipper, and he disputed with McDonald about two months' hoaul for which tho latter was owing. Both got ex cited, and Munto says that Mc Donald went outside and getting an ttxe, returned and shuck him on tho head while his back was turned, bnjt prisoner ays_ that Murro, who is a big muscular man, gpt excited and picked up a table knife, rubhed at McDonald, when the latter iteited hold of nn nxe and struck him a blow in the foie- _ head, -enttfng Uirough the skull. J i"oJ"i,",~ Hmf ""fiiat* (VttH'inor of tUe This stggered Munro and ho turn od and run into a small bedroom, shutting tho door after him. Me Donald cut1 nt tho door with the axe trving to get in, while; Munio made Iiis-oBoape through tho win dow. McDonald followed bis vic tim outsidoi where he infl'cted tbtxe more wounds one between the shoulders cutting deep into tho muscles, a long gash on the side of the left leg cutting between the knee cap Munro and and '.he joint. Mrs the family, one of thein a. bov about fourteen veais old, were the vvitnes^is of the deed I Squire Grhui held a courtiand after t-ikinjg evidmce cominitttd McDonald to jail lo await Ins tnul He was lodged in his cell on Thurs day night, and seemed veiy iudif ferent to tho seriousness or hib position. The wounded nun's de position was taken by-* the tnagib trate. "" , Fleming scye, " there can be longer any doubt respecting the salubrity of the climate and the ex tent of the natural resources of the territory." [He further says : " a large area of fertile land is to be found south of the hue of railway, on the eastern flank of the Rocky Sibtrntsifts, extending to the fron tier on yhe 49th parallel, while to the north, in the same relative posi tions, vast plains of rare feitility and salubrious climate, present themselves far occupation by the husbandmen." It ia estimated that there are between Lake'Superior _and the Rocky Mountains no- less than one hnndied and sixty million acres of land available for" fanning or grazing purposes, of which one- half may be considered cultivable. It may be mentioned by way of comparison that the total acreage under crop in Outwio is less than 3Ton million acrei. Tims it would appear by comparison that these immense plains of Canada iv promise of an important future. The entire length of the proposed road from Fort William to Buirard Inlet Si TritfeBt Columbia, is near ly 2000 miles, and by Jar the greater portion of it through an unbroken wilderness. lapse by a defeat at a vital point. Russian generalhbip, so far, has been exceedingly faulty, and unless they profit by tljife sore experience* of the campaign in Europe and Asia, they may waste their enormous strength in men aod material in futile efforts to reach the goal of their ambition. A second advance has been coninipnced in Armenia, and fighting has been renewed around Kara. Immense efforts are also being made to retrieve the disasters and blunders in Bulgaria. Reinforcements are being hurried forward and if uumberscan achieve a victory the Russians are deter mined to gain one. Heavy fight ing may be looked for when the new troops reach the front and the old ones recover from the demorali zation of their recent defeats. Terrible Disaster. TUB SIMCOE POOU HOtSK AND SEVEN- Ti-EN PERSONS UUKNED. 9eIfr<T* Sew Books. Better Times Coming:. The Buffalo Commercial gives a report of an interview with 3Ir. Vanderhilt, in which he shows why the Central Railway was forced to reduce w^ges. Its business has de clined from eighty trains a day to thirty, a filling-off that lias told heavily on the finances of the com pany, as w<ll as upon the wa -es cf the men. But he is firmly con vinced that there are bettor times coniing. He bases his hopes for a revival of business on the immense crops now being harvested at the West, lirge quantities of which are al ready seeking transportation to market. The Washington Agri cultural Department estimates that the crop of winter wheat just bar- Tested is the largest ever cut in tl)e Simcoe, Aug. 5. -Last evening, about 11 o':lock, a fire broke out in the pooi louse on the Industrial Farm of tie County of Norfolk, about one mile from thia tow n. The building was built of wood, [and being-vory dry was quickly ie- duced to ashes. Nothing was done to saTe the furniture. AU effoits were directed to save tLe inmates. Notwithstanding the exertions of what few persona there were pre*- ent seventeen human beings weie burned to d :ath, and four men bad ly burned, "who will probably re cover. The following is a list of the names of those dead and the town- J ships to which thoy belong : Jane McBride, Windham ; Sarah Green, Windham ; Sarah Sinclair, Middle- ton ; William Honck. Walsing- ham ; James Corbett, Wopdhoimo; Charles Covner, Windham ; John Brand, Walsinghnm , Joa Noult, Waliingham ; George Hunt, Mid- dleton ; CJancey Packer,! Wood- house ; Amon Desbro, Townsend; Elizabeth Bailey, Charlotteville; Ellen Chattin^ton Olmrlottoville ; Benjamin Sothwick, Simcoe , Dol ley Pettit, Windham , Hugh Batey, Townsend ; Matron Brailoy, Char lotteville. The probahle loss on building is $1,800; insured for $L,200 and $8')0 on contents. The cause of fire is yet unknown. Colony, died suddenly hist night. The liabiliti-s of J>\b. Mnbbie & Co., wholeaalo grocers, Guelph, aie $L'52,000, and linnets !?2i?,000. I The fiim compiotnised at 50 cunts on the dollar. Polling'on tho Dunkin By law opened in Toionto on Monday, nnd will continue about five weeks. There i3 only ono polling booth for the entire city. Tho farmer* of South-west Missouri have a prodigious crop of peaches on their h mds, and do not know what to do with them. No suiEeitnt market ib available. A loaf of bieau is a-ua to con tain more nutriment than a hairol of whiskey, and yet thete are huu duals of men who would piofer the whiskey to fifty loaves of bread. At every wedding thero always nrc two huppy men the proom and the bride's father. The former ia glad becaiiBO he guts her, and the latter because: he gets rid of her. It is- now stated that the Orangemen of tho west are pledg ing themselves to accept the gaunt let thrown down by tho Trur Wit- net* and will march ih Montreal on the next 12th, 20,000 siroug. BP. The following new books bare bttfH tueaivoi tram, tha enterpris ing publishing house of Messrs. Belford Bros, within the past few j United States. It is also stated that the spring wheat is looking excel lent and gives every promise of an abundant yield. But this is not the only encouraging indication to which Mr. Vanderhilt might have alluded. The heaviest quantity of wheat ever exported from the Uni ted Sutee in one year was 90,000,- OoO bushels. But good authority places "the amount which Great Britain will need from America this season at 100,000,000 bushels. Tlie agricultural teports from the South are encouraging, as regards CQtton. It is believed that the piehent crop will reach 4,500,000, which is neaily as large a crop as was ever grown. Should the&e estimates come ahy- wheie near the maik, the railways and vebsels will have their hands full to take care of the freight which will press upon them. Had it not been for the strike, which days, all of which are got their usual attractive style. OTHER PEOPLES CHILDREN. By he nthor of " Helen's Babies." To ronto : Belford Brothers. 226 pages. Thia " veracious account of the man agement of Helen's Babits, by a lady, \ who knew just how the children of other people *hould be trained, also a . statement of the exact measure of the success obtained," i a charming sequel 'to tho former work by the same clei er- tmthor. >lrs. Barton's failure to ap preciate tho nature of her self-imposed task IB set forth w ith a decree of hum our and common benfce that must im press the reader, and the book will be very welcome to a very large class of readers, to whom it may be cordially commended. TjHK FfPJPTURE CIXB OF VAL- I if LEI* IlEsT, ok Sketches of Evei.v 1 loom's .Nek.hlors. ' 1 his is a very readable book of 1S8 pzgrzs, by the clever author of " The I'arton Experiment" and other popular wo^ks. It is mildly satirical m its tone, and the strong and weak points of the \Anons characters are amusingly por trajed. The club is represented" as 1 has paralyzed buainefes for a time, diseasing BiWieal questions, and the I t|JP coimtry would certainly h*ve difficulty of settling lisiiuted points is , i ^ r n i xt -wellbrongbtout. | had n. magnlSccnt fall trade. Nor THE AMERICAN SENATOR. By AjTTHOVY TUOLLOPE, *---,! A nicfly printed, well-bound library do we think that the strikers' folly will pi event a general revival. Kind Niitnie has been so-lavish of book of 420 payeii by a mell-known l,or g00(J fffts that tho wheels of trade wall be foic*,d in motion, al though the brakes have been fiimly set by thousands of Rtroni; arms. The lebtomtion of peace and order will soon be followed by moio coui- ir.eicinl activity than hrs been wit nessed foi at least three years. nutKor. HOW TO .STUDY. Hists to Std bests i>- Colleges a*l> Hk.ii Sc hools. - By Joiix feeni'LTis, ,D.L>. Ph. I). A neat littlo hand-book of 118 pige3, giving valuable hints and observations on the best methods of acquiring an education. EVERG REEK LEAVES. By Toonr. Toronto: Belford Brothers 384 pages. These " notes from my travel book" arc the record of a tour in Great Britain, daring which most of the places Of ~~j7w><l)Brji and ant.qu.irxan interest ncro via ted. The author irites pleasantly, and the descriptions are supplemented by mnch information of an historical ch-.racter, which .adds to the interest of ts.e vqluuie. . The Governor General and party in rived at Winnipeg at trti o'clock Monday morning, and was received at the landing by the Lien- ten uit-Oovernor, the Mayor^ and other officials, who escoited him to the City Hall, where an address was presented on behalf of the cor poration. The Trouble Caused by n Jslufrlc Cherry. There it lay on the sidowulk nt Iiy>Wurd Maiket, u rediipo innoj cunt looking cherry, whero it hud been aceidontnlly dropped by Homo ono. Presently along' camo a short but stout woman, with a basket of vegetabks on one arm and a laiyc umbiella in tho hand of the other. It so happened that tho woman stepped npon thnt innocent cliorry, and tho next instant nho was clutching at nothing to save her-i Bolf fiom falling. But Bhe went down, neaily crushing a dog to| death in doing so, w)iile her toma toes and cucumbers were scattered around. If this hud been the end of it, all would have been well, but it wns not, Hr umbrella lind, progged a thin man in the stomach and caused him to double up aa though be had been taksn suddenly with the cholera, while the parcel of eggs he held in his hand had diopped to the sidewalk ami lay in ono conglomerated mass. In the meantime tho dog thut war nearly sat upon by the woman had itishod off howling knocking a newsboy down and causing u fat nuui to fall over a baby carriage, besides stalling three teams of horses to run away. Ono of the rigs hud three spokos of a vyhoel broken, and whon tho owner spoke,! his i emai ku weae not what they should have been. The dog which caused the iutter mischief was set upon by a couple of otheis before1 it had got aciosu.the squure, and an " uttraction" was tho lesult, the" maiket eonstablo having to dis- porbe the crowd by reading tho Riot Act, a couple of tho spectators desiring to imitate tho dogs and have u tight. While the old lady vi ho had suddenly sat down was engaged in picking hersplf nnd vegetables up, the man with the colic wiia waltzing around on ono foot and mm muring something madly about St. Louis or some other duoi, wanting to know " who was agoin' to pay for them ar eggs 1" It was a lot of trouble for one little iosy cherry to create. | Ottawa Free Pre*s. Fire in Ayliner^ A firo 'broke out in Aylmer eai ly Wednesday morning in Guiidry*s drug stork), south sido Talbot stieot, in tho ho|irt of tho business portion of tho town, spreading rapidly both ways. Up to 2 o'clock it had burnod seven buildings the Com mercial Jjlotel, A. Murray's stoie, Hambidgu's bakery and confection- 'ory Btoio, Cfbndry liros.' drng Htoro, Dominion Tulegrflph Oflieos, White's I gents' furnishing store, Wright'*] bakery, and JrTartliing' dry goods store. Stuart's block; was saved, but damaged to a con siderable (extent. ,i niBTHH. G-oox>At4*. In Acton, on the 5th ifmt., tho wife of Mr. James Uoodall, of --. a daughter. DIED. ^ iJonoiSH.-j-Iu Eramosa, oh the lutinst , Mary.j daughter of Mr. Thomas Ifoifgmi, (fdnncrly of NasBagawe- ya) aged about 20 years. Deceased had been picking raspber ries a few^doys before, when sho* drank frooly orwmp water, causing a species of cholera tnorjbut, from which che died. I OUR FALL STOCK L. OF 1 Is now Arriving, j And will soon he Cohnplete fur tire -3. ACTON M1BKETS. .. 43 SO to 3 Flour ..., Kail^now.. Spring Wheat, new Barley ... Oats ..... PeaB ... Butter . E^gs..... Apples, early, per bag CALL AND SEE QUR NEW STYLES. 1 10 to 1 15 1 10 to i 15 o co to o m 0 47 to 0 .10 0 7/5 to 0 80 0,1.3 tbO 16 0 10 to 0 00 1 00 to 1 25 pecial Attention Given to Ordered Vtfk. Repairing Promptly Attended tov Acton, August 7, Ie7T. CRAIHE k Ufa.- T NEW -ADVERTISEMENTS. Epps' Cocoa. s-tJiiATEFfL avb Com- ' ~^~ FOnTlvo "By a I thorough knowledge "TTTAXTEP. of the natpral lavys which govern the v _ operations of digestion and nutrition,1 .J-adies and gentlemen to learn Tele- and by ajearefnl application of the fine graI'l Operating for offices opening in , Tmu*8ZYA*-**maK* propertfcslbf welftelected cocoa, Mr. the"Dominion. "Stamp for answer V-.....1---1--'-'-' - v-reakfast tables , Address Ma^agfr, I Box 95->, loronro Tbe "True Witness" Again. The following are some extracts from a late article in the True Wit neat: " But our hands are now upon the plough and we care not from whom the opposition may come, or by whom faction may be introduced. We shall go on with the work we have undertaken. Defence, and if need be defiance, to our foes curb the fury of youi Chiniquies, of your Brays, and of your McVicars, if you want peace in Montreal; cease insulting our nuns and our priests in the thoi-- oughfare. Head the letter we pub' lished fiom Sir Francis Hincks, . ,.. , himself a Protestant, and let any-, organizing his Wife, when posses ono say if ho is surprised wo brand Bed of pecuhar wh,ms to wlnch sht the Orange j~~oigunization ns. the It is stated by the Liitowtl linnnrr thut some person in that neighbor) ood has " one of tho best bread horses in the Piov nice " In our youth we used to have some good bread horses, but they were gingei bread. The Grand Priotv of Masonry of Canada met in the Masonic Hall, London, on Tuesday, and tho Grand chapter of Koynl Atch Masons in the same place on Wed nesday, and at the close of the lat ter the Grand Council of Royul und Selcc* Masters will meet. Mr. A'anderbilt, Piesident of the N V -CWr.1 P_ It. , has order ed that 8100,000 be distributed among the employees of tho road on account of their loyalty to tho company, and he promises nn in crease ot pay as soon as tho busi ness of the road justifies it. The camp meeting at the Thousand Island Park has closed, and will now he followed by a monster temperance camp meet ing the first of the kind held in the country. Francis Murphy, the great temperance apostle, is expect ed to take part in the proceedings. Another divrrco case is to come before the Senate next ses sion. Hugh Hunter, of Egromont, County of Grey, gives notice of an application for a divorce from Catharine Hunter, formerly Cath arine McPhio. his wife, on the ground} that said Catharine Hunter is living in adultery with one Tait in the city ot Toronto. Patrick Welch, of Newington, an old man, was lodged in the Cornwall gaol last week on a charge of murdering his Tvife. From a gentleman residing in the vicinity of tho occurience, we learn that Welch was in the habit of " re- pecu was addicted. On Wednesday last she took ono of these fieuks and her " lord und muster" gave her n dose of black strap, shortly nfter which she walked across an ad- T',J journing field, fell dawn and died. Whether her death was caused by her husband's cinelty, or tho heat of the sun, will be for a jury to determine. most mischievous that ever existed to perpetuate feud and endanger the peace of a community. In this province Orangeism is illegal; it is mischievous; it is insulting, then we are to live in pjaoe theie must be a change ; the law must be enforced at all cost, Orangeism must be denied the right to promenade our thoroughfares as such. We repeat, it is the mo3t infamous con spiracy ever designed to introduce strife where all should he harmony and good wi|b" The same paper j Industua] farm of the County of An awful calamity was that which occurred at Simcoe on Satur day night, in tbe burning of tbe poorhouse on the grounds of the renewed its 'attack on the volun- teeis, and calls for an investigation about the singing of party songs. It wants also to pee the volunteer regi ments mixed with Catholics, It also attacks tho constitution, of the Montieal fire brigade, and alleges that a proportion of 33 Piotestunts to 26 Catholics is not fair in a Catholic coraiiiHinity like Montreal. The total amount to be paid by Insuiance | Companies for losses by the St. John fiie is 6,730,000. The English | companies p ly $2,- j 822,000; Canadian, 1,469,000; ] American, $4il5,000. Norfolk. Tho building itself was of little account, but in the flames which consumed it perished no less than seventeen persons, while four i otheis vrere so budly injured that there is little prospects of their re covery. The particulars thus fur received are very nieogro, but we should say from what has been telegraphed thut the poor house was a wooden fltt-uctuie such as would bin n up in a fuw minutea, and that there were no appliances upon the grounds with which to cheek the flames or afford the unfortunate inmates a chance of escape fiom an awful death. Ingenious Swlndlinc- Considerable excitement has been cause! in Hamilton recently by the an est and piosecution of Mr. W. Hope, a partner in the firm of Hurd, Roberts and Hopef for alleged embezzlement dining the time he was book keeper for Hurd and Itobc-t ts. The way by which he plocetded, an charged in his pieient p u tnei3, is so ingenious that it bhould be generally under stood, in older-that other firms may not Ijo similuily victimized. The Spectator gives tho following particulars: The firm kept a day book, a c ish book und a ledger. From lb nal urd of their business dealing in uiaible and granite there would us a rule bo moie items to enter on the credit side of tho cash book than on the debt side ; that is, thoy would mtke p lyments in small sums and take receipts in larger ones. The debt column was on one pag and the credit column on tho opposito pujjfl. When the credit column was full, the amounts of both would be added up and carried forwanl. The common de vice of drawing a line in red ink acrosa the blank space below the entries on the debt page was not adhered to. Tbe prosecutors assert that Mr. Hope received money in registered letters from debtors which he did not enter at the time and under date of its actual receipt; thut he added up the, columns and carried the umounta (forward, und afterwards inserted the entries on the blank lines that happened to be loft in any part of the cash book. The result would be that the column, so amended would not add, but in the meantime it had been passed! for several days or weekst and un less a man happened to go back and revise the additions a defalca tion could not be detected. Ofj course all amounts would he regu Jarly posted to the ledger, Rnd the accounts properly closed. Had the books been kept by double entry, such a trick would be detected when a balance was struck." | Epp-i has provided our b -with' a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many hf.avy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious uset>f such articles of ^liet that a constitution may begraduallv built lip until strongenough to resist every iomlency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready'to attack wherever there is a weak paint. We may'escape many a fatal shaft hy keeping ourselv cs well fortified wrth pure blood and a pro perly nourished frame." Gtnl Sercicc Gavttf, fold only in packets labeled "James Kith & " FLLI RY'S MEADOW LARK AUXLN ICTOKIOIS. Grand Mowing Match held nndrr the j auspices of the East Huron Farmers' ' and Mechanics' Association at Brussels, Out., on the 10th July, 1877, 14 ma chines were in competition, and FLEURY& MEADOW LARK was awarded the highest number of Cn-i Honyeopathic points of merit. It showed only 159 Chemist, 4*?, Threadneedle Stnget, and .pounds draft; the lightest of any ma- 170, Piccadilly, London." ^ > dune tested. * ' -------------- j The pirzes were as follows : 1st prize, For the Oil! UIMl Young;. Let Fleury's Meadow Lark, 2d, Elliott's I Meadow Lark; 3d, Coleman & CV.'s Paragon. ~ . Judges. Messrs. James Strachan, properties; natural color; r Mores tidctl, <lr\, ha-sli , indfiUlnc hnlr; restore* , tlr< f-eh (;i\e*j vlifor to the h ilr; reximeslmlr to prema- ' all nse it., Wood's Improved Hair BentornllTe 4h ii'iltlte any other, nnd has no equal. James"Johnston, and D. --.McLaughlin, TlioIm.rt-o^cilliaMicw vegetable tonic of Grey Township. -----......-------loreJgrV-j n.ilr toaglo^r Aurora Agricultural- Works, July lKtb, lJrtT. f. TlfiVKY, Proprietor, tun iv b ii<i lie ids removes d n Irtirr, lui-1 W>r. Hoi street, Agent, Kookwood, mor, <-ca'y eropnons uniovit. lirlta' _ tlon, Itr'img and Kcalj <31 > tx e-*f. No irUrle prodm cf-' urli c onrerful etTects Try It, cill for W<|o.'. Improved Hair, Kcitorulvo, and dnn't be 1 ut on" Willi an/otnei article. Bold by a 1 drugg sis in this place and de ilers everywhere. Trade luppllod at rt.m'faclureri-'prle r h\ C A Cxik .* i 'o , Chicago, "-ole AgonlF tirtlip Cnli-crt Rlatfs mid Cnn;i(lil\nil(J t>> l.t>i v-f Sisnrs, . , f|*o., Toronto. gRACE^S QELE33ATED $ALVE, l Snrc Rrllrf for ttir SnOVrrr. ACTON.- This well-knowa kocsa ku rtetstlr undergone a thorough rewnatiiTiiJ repairing, is now furniiled a ~ and modern furniture of the h5" Jm. cnption, .and is prep^ed to jJa, nrsf-class sccommodabm to tk* a*l&- The~pTesent proprietor h nejrtd . license, and he will iwptitSWTfl supplied with the -rery-Wt of Bmr, and ogars. TWstaLHag k Wnd Well-fitted 'np ; also ample riefnwu The patronage of jtie pubfe a retwefc. Bliy sohcrtwi. ', .-___ JOHS MAXEf Acton, June 26, 18TZ- , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. rfllILOR'G.| JOHN Mc ARTHUR, tailor, has ri-lurnetl from New|\trk citv v here he 111 I attended ll 0 School uf Instruction in the act of cutting garments, "nnd is now better pr ]>iretl thin ever, to give the best of sa l faction to his customers, lit u-iinr m a position to warrant a jierfect fit, and to make up garments in the very lati -.t American Btylcs. The continued patronage of the commuhity respectfully] solicited. JOHN McARTHUR. Acton, Aug. 8. IS77.,. 6-3m riitrAnFD ijy SETH W. FOWLE St SONS, til llAltRm*; AVE.NUE, . n'lSTO.V, 3IA=S. OF PART- DISSOLUTION , NEttHUIP. , The partnership heretofore existing hetween tl|e undersigned under*-the stylo of Galloway | Bros, bakers and j GRvCU'm CELiKBR^TPD SALVE, Js a Vegetab'e Prepar-itioi, invented In the 17th c-nuiiy bj Dr. WII- i II im, Surgeon in Kin4 James* nrmv. Through lis agency he ' ured thousands or lhae most at-nons sore-r and wotiiKlf that baffled the skill or the most rmin.nt pliv-ilri ms of liia d*,&tid was reg irded by all who knew him is a pub He benefactor. PKICE 2 CENTS A BOX. UK ACES CELF.BBtTED hALTE CUBES FL.E.1II WOUNDS, FROZEN' LIMBS, SALT BIICTJM, CHILBLAIN'S hOKE BREAST, - r a J_ It. ii' e * ^ I S*RE LIPS ERYSIl'ELAfe, B1NG- confectionetjs, in the village of Acton, worms,CALLrsES,sCALO head ----.1- -.--J l-.J- -----l-.-J i------ , i CII^TISD HAHBH, S1RBS, STISOS, -WENP, ' ACCESS, has this davj beejn dissolved" by mutual consent. All accounts due to tne firm are to be paid to Robert T, Galloway ho assumes aU liabilities of the firm. DAVID GALLOWAY. ROBERT T. GALLOWAY. J. H. HackJisg, Witness. Acton, Jiily 31, 1877. nntfi, srALDJ, VXOU.NDS, FKSTEnS, TILBS srMoss, HUE', W A KTS, ITIlPLLs, CLCE'IS, till SOLES. STIE-)^ ritEcKLrs, BOILS, WHITLOWS TAN sarnvT, SPRAJINS, CUTS' BLISTERS, C'iRNS, ITCH, INGROWJ-* O NAILS, NETTLE RASH, [ --------- j MffaQ.UITO Cj.I> KLEA BITES, isPIDEB. . j In reference to tho above I would' " stings, beg to intimate to the public that I And a1' ntnneons diseases and eruptions intend to carry on the baking business^ J K For sale by all druggists, grocers, and nt all count"-}- stores throughout tho Uni ted States and British Provinces. Price bj mall 30 cents. Killed by Violence.^.! Lewiston, N. Y., Auq. 6. The body of Elias M. Bromley was found in tho Ningark River at Lewiston on Saturday, about nine o'clock a. m., August 4th. Coro ner Geo. A. Franklin, of the Falls, summoned a jury- who, having viewed the body of Mr. E. M. Biomley and listined to the testi mony of various witnesses, found the following veidict: " That the suid Elias M Bromley came to his death on Wednesday afternoon, August 1st At tlA Whirlpool, in the township oftCfifton, Ontario, hy violence at the hands of Chris topher M. Hunagan, by blows on the head with a stone or other hard ' sharp instiumcnt, breaking his Bkull and producing injuries suffi cient to have caused death in a short time, nnd thnt he was thon pushed or thrown into the river and drowned." carry on the baking Dusines ns heretoforfe m the same place, and hope that bi strict attention to busi ness, and keeping at all times a first- class article, to continue to merit a full share of public patronage.!__ Yours respectfully, ROBERT T. GALLOWAY. Acton, Aug. 1st, 1877. QIIAWL LOST.! Lost between Acton aud the 1st con. Nassagaweya, a FineChasmerk Shawl, belonging to Mrs. Dent. Any person finding the same will please leave it at this office or the post office at Knatch- bull. Acton, July 30, 187". - 5-4t C. T. HILL, Hill Street. ACTS. DEALEB IS Groceries, Qrocfcery, Boots & Shoes, WaiL Paper, _ \j_ WladtrvT BHndf, , ITails, Glass.-Putty, Lisped Oil, v Faints, Twptatis*. I Coal Oil, Salt, it*., ^11 of wh^th will h* sold lowlut <*a^ BOOTS and SHCIBS Selling offj at cort. Also agent for the __, RUBBER FAINT COMFAMT Of Cleveland, Oii Gash for Sides.' - Acton, July 18, 187K. S999 Cant be made %? txkrf agent ev-iy >25ft? the bnslnsti We ftntHBi but tbose iIMl worK can eaHj<* dozen dollars a day right la theSt localities. Have no room toexlalSt Business pleasant and honorbJ*. Wt men. ahd boys and gins do as WU men. We will furniRh you a eOBjW Onlfit free. The hi sine* pajl'w*** than anythlnB else. We wlllWsr l en*e 01 tanine yotr. ParOca^xfr Write aod see. Fnrmrg an J metfitsiw. their tons und daughtprK. and all l*"* in need or paying work at home^tJP~ write t v us and" learn about ttiTl>rt'" once. Now is the time. Don"ll*W' Address True 4 Co , Aueusts, MW-' s PECIAL NOTICE. 1 Parties not baring paid their bread account, are requested to do so on or before the 10th inst. and thereby save costs. Hereafter, no accounts for bread will be allowed to run more than onelweek. j B! &J3. NICKldN. Acton, Aug: 2, 1877. t Great Fire at Saginaw. W. B. Buit ifc Co's mill, salt works, shops, lumber, &c, at Saginaw, were all destroyed by fire on Fri day morning last. * The works were the laigest in the woild, nnd val ued at 9200,000. Two hundred and fifty men aie thrown out of em ployment. It is said that the Dunkin Act will bo tried in Ottawa. ROW LOST, HO OOD RESTORED. 1 - - / We have recent'y published a nrw edi tion or Dr. Culvcrwell's Celebrate* Es say on tne radical and permanent cure (without nvdieloe) of Nervous nehlllty. Mental and Phj slcal Incapacity, Intpedl- ments to Marriage, etc., resulting fiom exeesses. | Price, tn a sealed enyelore, only 6 cents or two postage stamps , 'i'he celebrated author. In this admir able Essay clearly demonstrates, from thirty years' successlrul practice, that alarming consequences may be radically cured wftliout the dangerous use ofinler- nnl tnedlclno or llie application of the Knife; pointing out rnodo or cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by moans of which, "every matter what his ennd tiou iriey oe, may cure hlm-olf cheaply, prlvaleiv mid r idlcally. This I eoture should be In the hands or every joutli and every m, in in the hand. TBK Clll tEH ELI UEDICIL CO.. 41 a!iin St,, New York. PostOfflJO UOXJ586. I 4-ly AND - WAGGONS. Now is the time to leave your order At J. Ryder's Factory for* Stylish Buggy |or Serviceable Waffeon. I am making up a large stock for the present season, from the best material. Calltind Sec our Handsome Buggies a good time to- secure Now is bargains. Strict attention jrlv en to SorsQ-siioeiii? & General BlacK- ' JAMES RYDER. Acton, Feb. 26, 1877. .*- QATARIO SADDLEBT, i The subscriber takes this opporto^ of thanking his numerous cnstoMM*l for the "very liberal patrongy*a~* the past year, and treuM ststffttK"* his motto to do a ' s: 1 ' Square and Honest m:- 1 j^i as heretofore, and hopes t r**t* ?J same liberal appreciation &<! * _ public - ' All orders entrusted to my c ATTEVBED TO TflTH r*^fWSi" 11 As none but GoodWorb* * Employe^,- , Parties can rely on getting *$**{ cle and as cheap as good work t done for. *" - RepairingDone with OOT..T ATtS Aetna. Feb, 14. 1877, SEND 2Sc. to G. P. KOV^rjiisi NoW York,forPnmph|efonWtf eonlalnlne lists of 3000M"WS1, *tIHlateBshowin^costor MW -v ih-C 1

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