Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 27, 1877, p. 3

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>& fiiyHus3jiSia aiesss nsaraxaoe iAiwuHWHsaaa THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., SEPTEMBER 27, 1877. K^MftU. fo,.; I^ntk a nd* fv7 "PwokdA^; f-^ree'ahaft,^",-' A; Splendid Assortment ;Back Combs, Back Combs, :f From 5c to 40c. of etches, Clooks> Jewellery and: Fancy i Goods, just Arrived., Circular Combs, Circular Combs, Ladles, call and see my :, From 8c to 25c. 3 ': ' Opened. ^atcHes, Clocks, Jewellery and .Spectacles Repaired and Warranted at GOB. HYWDS' Jewellery. Ste .Call and see mel, *A\'l> THINK T1MV. T.U1LK Triua leave Acton as follows : 0.01'NO WllsT. ">*ight Kxptwst - ' : - -^Toronto mad. - lHy*E*l,ro*!8 - Express - 6lt mixed ' ' - iHVtNT. K.VST. 1:0-* a. m. <I.10 a.m. 1.57 p.m. 5.S0p.m. TU'T p.m. Xigat Express Gait mixed " . DJ Express \Cstrn ntsil Loaiiin Mixed 3-.3S a.m. . <J:10 a-m. 11:34 a.m. 5:201UU. 10:10 y.n LOCAL MATTERS. School Matters in ^tjtoma. "NYo copy tho following tVout' a reeout number, of tho A^oiiu i'AvjTv;-:' .- FATTY, ,'.. J- IE* '/ y [ ION u day Court rj |ieh >ve_ fric, >efSre beea -f. GOODS Place. }JX.Ss'QDJ- lljrt of Sept*****; Cents r 2 Gentftij, to-**!***1* l for'Fifty\&f^\. ICC" * " J for their p GuplpK Antral Exhibition i epenK.-ou Tuesday. i^assagiweyti township agri cultural exhibition, at Brookville to- morrow. -~ srill preach in Jthc Baptist Chapel, next Sunday, at 11 a,m. ami 6 p.m. Something to Read. Read the large Advertisement across- tlie" top of ,the third page of this paper. "SVo leira with rrgret that Mr. G. "ST. Scott-has decided to remove to Brampton, very shortly. Services at the Congregational Church will hereafter commence at half-past six, instead of 6ix, Sunday evenin^s. The Acfon Plow Company have been awarded a hronzo medal and Bip'.onia at the Intercolonial Exhibition held at Sydney, Australia plow. - Aceoi'STS. James .Matthews. will render his quarterly accounts the first'-w-eck hi October, "terested will please he. prepared to pay tic SKno when prescritd. j ' Mr. G..W., chairman of Sab-committee on Model Schools was . to have beeo i:-M:Itoh on Tuesday, to eoater'on the subject of Model Schools.- AVe presume he was there. s - The grand jury last week re ported th there were only three prisoners counued in tho county . jail/ and the Herald is constrainiSl to-lament the fact that they are all from George town. Mr. I>. Mttlonor'h.ia nn npph -> tree ^raft which, has created snnw littlw s<'.i=!ratii-ti' rather r.n'isual be havior. The graft'has been oil alx>;:t -^d-xa-yizrs. This sprimt it produced All [i Apple, and now it is -V-in in bloom. -Astonishing'! "m'i piece* beonti- .; fal f!"riro.l UroL=3 Good.--, for 12ic, worth -' Co piece* rich heavy !>ros (Joods l.V. w.Tth aiic heavy wit^ ^Yinccy -- 8. in. igj. l.'i. wonh i".0 per Cent more. The_Msmin.>th. Hrasr is th spot for !hc bar_-aiiij. -SI.jLr.ol), A? l'Ei:.s6>r ! - fo. Yoiirg Gitpb, ivho wr.3 com mitted to jail a few weeks ago by Arch. Campbell,- Ksq_, to stand trial on the chsrge of rape- upon a little daughter .< ? Mr. l!c.!-rrt Storey, of Xassagiwey.-, guilty, at the late -Mjiro?, and tenti-nced to'five yearB im< ^nrioDracuflD tho penitentiary. Wo tniet our readers will fo:- . pvc \:3 fcr occr.pying fio much space- : this weeL with thx report i>i the K. of :' P. demonstration. There has been-no - cilicr^lneal occurrcnec- during the p.-it . Week demanding our attention, fo that ] wb cannot fairly 3 charged with hftv- i-iag tro^Iuctcd matters of mons-'geiiernl local interest. 'I , .' -A vrrv- inrgo arid enjoyable p'.ehic v.-ashlld hait Satlirdaj- afternoon, .hy^thc pupils-and friends of Bannock-; .barn school^ in Mr. Milltr'a grove, a ^y^-t distance from the aehc-ol. houte, ji^l aJdreHDs wtre .dcliVcrtd by Mr, Little Co.'inVr Inspector, ;Mr llacdon- i3d,t teacher^ Mr. Arch, Campbell, Mr. f Jihsi'^.trren.-Iters, M_otsre. Cftmcfon inai^Lbs, aadothcra. The day Web iint, -and tf.e '^e eathering ^med to " J*Ir. Kobert Tittle/tlie feting School Inspector for Algomap'nuulo- his miiiiutl visit of inspoctioh and exiuiliuutiou t-i this District during tho present month. " To thoso un-" acqvmintcd with the extent of t-or- ritory cT)fered under tho nmo" of Algonm, tho great distance between settlements, and the "very primitive" tneuUB of comiuunioa'tlou existing between thorn, this unnounoeuiont will contain but an ordinary am ount of intere3t, ,but when it is known, that to perform tho duties allotted/to hiin, Mr. Little lias travelled over a tliQiisand miles, hundreds of which huvo been on foot, and ue many more in open boats, by night and by day, through storm, and through' sunshine,- and under circumstances -most trying to, n .physically strong - man, wo claim soirrcthing more than an ordinary share of attention to tho oj)e.-ations of this valuable ellicer in the execution of his duty. \\fe have' repeatedly directed- attention to the indefatigable efforts put forth by Mr. Little :u behalf of tho edu cational intereiit-s of our increasing population, and huvo never failed in bestowing a lurge amount of praise upon him for his continued exertions, and on tho present oc casion we feel that'he has entitled himself to tho gratitude of every man in'tho District. Mr. -Little u-.ade the journey from tho Bruce ... ... Mines to this place in a small bout, All rtarties nipi. . . , ' , , , . .^Arriving here-about two o clock in the morning,' which prevented his calling at tho settlement in 11c- Donuld township as he otherwise intended ^doing. The continued exposure to the heavy ra-ins which have fallen in the past week, and to-the heavy night, dews peculiar to this country, togother with the fatiguing, long walks and conse quent overheating, brought on a, a-jyere attack of illness,; which necessitated the Inspector's laying oyer for a Bhort time at Mu-ntto-; waning, and he arrives here, Bii(Fer-; Ting from a .severe attack of bruncHl- tii-; the result of his freiiueut wct.- tings auii exposure. He reports a great increase 6f pupils at the various schools in the District, and a corresponding activity and earnestness on tho part of the Trustees in every pluce visited. Through his efforts,- im proper persons havo been "removed from the position of leacher, and ^'thc-ir places filled by men aeleuted j" witb great care by himself. The returns to the Department of LMu- Mtion, havo"' in ueveral instances been prepared by himself, and p'.nna for school hcises been drafted, with tho earth for d" chair-, Hllil a log 113 orgnniso now aeclions in different parts of tho district. Tho TlmmWr Bay Svilinr! nlso niakea reforeiico to 'Mr. Little's I visit to that diHtvict. After giv ing somo Rtatistical f infoi hiatiou respecting tho schools, it Bays : " Tho foregoing statistics arguo the progress of Education in tho Dis trict, and we-bolievo not tho least to aid thu onward movement is Mr. Little-, tho 'energetic Inspector of Algoum." I HORRIBLE CRIME IN WESTON. "< A Druukeu Husband Murders Ills Wife. - SAD LKSSON OF IXTEMPERANCE. Early Vin Saturday morning an outrageousniurder was committed in the village of Weston. Tho tragedy, winch ia the iminediato conscjuenco of whiskey, was most brutal, and even ifor a -man brutal ized by strong drink a most unnat ural one to perpetiate. Tho family of John Willianis has for tho past year or two been in a most unhap py condition through the, drunken- NEW :advektisi$ments. BEATTY 2&L ORaAN : fherolsnomiinufacturorofrinnoK rind Organs in this or any other country who has received as many unsolicited indorsements as lijis Mr. Boatty. From orery Stnto arid Ter- r-itory comes the sami verdict. "They aro tho host in tho world." Illustrated Advertiser; (Cataloguo Edition) free. Address DANIEL, 1". BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey. ( BRICK DWELLINGS FOR sai.i:. : Tlie two dwelliugs, built 'of brick, sjtuatcd on Main street, near tho Do minion Hotel, nro offdred for B.1I0, on reastuinhle tcniis. "Tho lot consists of thiyc-fjftliH of an' acre, with good gar den. The buildiue; is now, and well finished, adapted for two families." A good stable and driving shed on the premises. Apply to the owner. JOHN KENNEDY. acton, AJ1Z. 1\ 1877. 7-3tll H=S- THAT WONDERFUL f =5>U ' TRADE MARK THE GOLDEN MAN. PHOTOUlUrilKRS should for. ward mo their address if they wish to obtain a Piano or Organ in exchange for Photographing. Ad dress DANIEL F. BEATTY, Wash- uess of tho father,whoso violence'ington, New Jersey. table and much 01 U was directed chiefly against his wife, a. respoctiible and inoffuiisivo woman. On tYiday night Wil liams went to bed aftor having s]>ont the night in a drunkin carouse with Chapman and Stones, two men who had brought half a gaMon of whiskey to hia house. The> three became drunk, and Wil liams retired to bed witlrhis wife, and tho other two men went to it hay-loft adjourning and fell asleepj During the night Maggie Williams; 10 yeais old, was awakened bC screams, and on arising saw her father dragging her mothor along tho floor. 8he saw him stai^ip and even jump on her head with both feet. fcUdnu falso heard'the screams and had got half way into the house whendio turned back saying tlint " it v.ih nothing." For thi ho is now held in prison, charged as an accessory to tho crimoT Having completed his pUrpoi-e Williams met Chapman and Stone, and said very coolly that ho tjnd done it; that ho had. killed his woman. An inquest was held on Saturday atternoon. After the evidence had been-taken, .Willianis- waa asked if ho had anything to say. He replied that he was inno cent, and that ho knew nothing in the world about it. A verdict wbb returned against him of wilfully murdering Annie Williams,- liiii wife, . .. Fnll Shows. Frovincir.l--at London, Sept. Ct-2S. (iuelph Central- at Guelph, Oct. 2, 3, 4, 5. Hamilton Central at Hamilton, Oct. 2, 3. 4, r. at OftingcTillo, Sept, 2G, Ladies1 and gentlemen to learn Tele graph Operating for olliccs opening in the'Doipuiion. Stamp for answer. Address jSIasackii, Box 955, Toronto. GREAT ATTRACTION. silk department: Especial attention is requested (o our Silk Department. We offer Iba finest asESortmeht of Black Silks, to bo found inithe Dominion. All New, EVesh and Pashidhable Staple and" We unhesitatingly say Uia"t wo oller'a saving of 20 per cent foo.Ur . pntroris in Colored and Fancy Dre^s*Silks. . -' . ' Fancy Dry GoOdS, Millinery, Mantles, <1 ^tiding Slks we have very attractive styles and colors* i Shawls, Dress Goods, etc. Our stock of Ladies' Jacket Clojths,, Ulster Cloths and Trimmings fo?. same, is well Worthy of attention Indeed-our stock of all classes of - goods this season is remnrk|blB for excellence of" quality And ., ' tve take tile lead this season, as bsual, having the the finest assortment Of Ladies' DreBS Goods in. town, nlso of Ladies Quilted Lustre'Skirts, Filled Felt Skirts, and the Trincess Walking skirts beautiful goods. - JOHM HOGG tfe SOX ; T ' . . - " TlelspeclfuUy arnounce to the public +hat the greatest care has been exei1-.- 11 Bales'of which aro Bed Brackets or the best kind, wonderfully cheap ^iei1 > th selection of their immense and vaiied stock, pvery article ia . warranted as represented, "The goods are oil fresh and direct from the anu goou. mannfacturers, - i DIRECT FR-OM TUB' MANUPACTURKRS, Carpets of tho newest designs and coiorK; Reautiful- Brussels' nnd Tapestry Carpels. - JOHN -Sept. 8, I87T. HOGG & SON, Alma Block, Upper, Wyndham Street, .f-A-XjIL, t"W":e}:ei:ds- GRACE'S CELEBRATED ALVE, A Sure nrllof for Ihc Sufferer. VIlM'AllFT, BY * SETH W.FOWLE& SON&, SO ir.URlSOX-AVEXDE, BOSTON, 3IASS. UR'.CE'd CELK11UATKU HALVE, Is a Vpgp'tnlilo I'reiiaratloa, In'vontodln tho I7Ui enntmy hv Dr. Wil li tm Cir^ce, siuraeon lit Kliii; Jjiiuoh' jinny., 'l'hroiiKh Iir nirency lie *ureil ltiniisniidHof tlie most serious sores and \votindrt Ll't hiimed tho skill of the most onilniiil physicians of his dny, and was r<'j;.iriletl t>y all who knew lilm as a putv le b-.-nefaetor. rmci: -'< cksts a nox. Christie, The .notoruju* Harry Wkite- sidetionghttoferpetr.^te^ joke npon Thas. faiesogi 3>y ito * DOT P^Ir ' ai hoots and JitackmeJ^if Lis /ect whlly jElsepiig oa'&e ehifi of a *&i ncar Ceorgeto-yn." Hacry wis jiccu'sed of -tho theft,' .ad ,arraied fc"M>. btac i of -raagiatrates. He admittiSi taking the arUeies, -but ,p!eade<! that -ii -^ rinerely in joke. He was. fcowoyor, seat -' to Milton for trial, -fast the ^udgo dis missed kiou JSoba qf Teniperance- The-following persoas were electerij .officers of Acton DiTision Sons of Tem- : perance for the .enjuing cjuarter, on / Tuesday evening lasti ~ Bro. BobertjWarren, W.P. Sister Angosta Xjcilin, W.A. Uro. H. V. Me^rO-&: Sister Hattio Speight, A.R.S. Bro. Benj. Nicklin, Trea. Bro. James Warren, F.iJ. . 1 Bro. It. B. Cook, Chap. Bro. Frod. IJ. Ross, Coa- Sister Slaggie I^awsonj-A^C . ; Bro. M. Kenny, -LS,': / - Bro. Fred Smyth, O.S. ' ^ Another supply .of iEloctric Oil and'of Kennedy's and-Pierce's Medical I>i6Covery at MoGarvin'a Hall of Phar- Jaacy. I*at the BiEBER.-^SIrl Gteorge Lavens wishes tc-state-to those of his eustomers who have Dot paid for their fhavtrtor the past several months that n" they don't ante-up immediately he ?iH find a. way to make them do . it. Hereafter Jtie will trust no one except iis regular monthly customers. ible in scliool matters is ttuc<.:tb! to Ins influenco ainl exertions. The -following items will give a gl;od idea of schopl matters thiougli- ont this part of Algomn.Mr. Little leaves hero for Thunder Ray -1 <)0 miles distant, by the' first steamer. Jiv has our best -wishes for a iiiifo' aud jilcasant; journey, and a MiceesRful terininiitiun lo hia annual visit to Algoiim, Total number of school sections in"'the Algoiua District, twenty jiva. Of these there are 'fourteen in Manitonlin Island iarid nine on the north shores of Lakes, Huron,and Superior. .. In Manitoulin Ifaland there nro two in Howland, fouV,..'in_ Assigi nack, two in TehkumTniih^ ixino in Saiidfidld, ono inr Gordon, -two in Carnarvon, a union between Tehk- ummah and:Sandnelil^nd onotber union between Hillings and". Allan. Schoolu were in operation iri eleven of rfhese sections diiring the last half-year, l^ow school houses > aro nearly completed in section 4 Ajj- siginack, and at Madge Bay. -" In the two sections formed by Mr. Little last year in Carnarvon, schools have been built and opened. I,-v only ono section in Manitoulin i'j, a school: house not built. - A n.^w scliool house is m course of ^reo'tioti in No 2 St. Joseph's, and onf ' i* nearly completed .at Thessalon'ltiv.T.",In all there aro twenty-three hchcol house's in tho twenty-five aecticns. ; The daily average attendance of pupils for last half-year '30.58 a creditable increase over tLat of the corresponding half of 187G. The largest averago attendance1 daily vras at.tlie Landing, viz., one hundred^ and fgurteen. The Sault next, fifty-three ; Gore Bay, forty- Jvo; Killaraey, thirty-five; Bruce Mines, thirty-two; No. 1 Assigi- . nack, twenty:nine> The value of property in the district assessed last year for school purposes amounted to near S500,- 000. . The iotal receipts fcy the Trus tees from all sources nine thousand, three hundred and sixty three dol lars, and the total, expenditure to eight-thousand, three"hundred and sixty-two dollars. Mr; Little has taken steps' to ^ 'N'aSBngftV.'eyjl at iJrimkvil'nr'Een. oy. '^" Eratnosa -at KocUwood, OS.- ^ Erin at ICrin Village, Oct.. 18. -" Milton, Oct. 11, 12. ; -.-.* Brampton, Out. , 9, 10. Ksrp.ics-in^ at 'ir^etown, Oct. 10. ' i'lorSe r*ny r.^ You Co. Mr. J. -\V. .Mann winhes to announco to hia r.iistntm.TB that on 7>nd nfter' the. 1st of October, he intends to adhere strictly to the ready-pay:system of do ing business. He alto I earnestly re- que3t3 all thot^o "who are indebted to him to call and settle up their accounts immediately. A splendid Checked English Tweed Suit-made to order lor $12 at Fyfe & McNab's. ] " Where did you get that nobby, suit J how well it .'fits." "Clot it at McLepd, Anderson & Co.'n, there is the place for variety, stylo and cheap ness." " I guess I'll go thero too." "r*-'Xott bet, you had hotter go." ": Christie, .Henderson <fe Co. now announco to their many' friends that -their Millinory Show"-Room this week -will ho fully stocked with all tho latest shades, colorsnand designs of the season. They cliarfcq' lio fancy prices for millinery. Ladies, remember this.' " I say Mrs. Brown, where are you going to get your Millinery this eeaon ?" "McLeod, Anderson & Co.'a, Georgetown. I was -thoro tho other day,'saw tho prettiest Hats and Bon- necIT ever saw. I bought a Bonnet, Mantle and Shawl.' They, were beau-; tiful and cheap, Onr fall stock of Boots "nnd Shoes comprises full lines of tho best makes.- Craine & Son. A suit of the heaviest Cana dian Cheeked Fnlled'Cloth in the mar ket for 11, at Fyfe '&. McNah's. It is -always better, to buy your Boots ami Shoes from a regular dealer, rvhero you can have a choice of a large and carefully selected variety. The best place in town is at Craine & Son's. dNo mnn engaged in business in this pountry makes moro fair and ifenerous offers to those unacquainted with hirri than does Daniel F. Beatty, Esq., of Washington, N. J., and cer tainly no man keeps them better. Every instrument he sells, piano or organ, is fully warranted for six years, and, while ho Bells.for cash, and thus gives- the advantage of flic lowest prices, yet jqo itranger is asked to advance ono dollar oat of his own control, until ho has seen and tested the 'instrument. Seo his advertisement in this paper, and if you intend buying an instrument write to him end examine his method of dping-bueinosa. CIt.M'L'H 1'ELCUK '.TLB S.IXYI! CUIUv-4 vi.Kf.ii worxn*, rittizr.N i.imiih, rai.t khi-.I'M,;. sokk niii-TAsr, S'KK I.U'S. KltYSU-KI. \S, ]tlMl- woHMs,cAi.i,esj:s, sr.o.ii n,;rtn 11IAI1T.11 HANI'-;, iiimiv.s; c/v>-i-r:i!s, tri/ ~P, S.-AI.H-, / souks, i:i.f-p;.!S, W(.L-.M>Sf ' S, 1T..-TEI1S, WRSS, STIK.-, 1'II.K* An-'K^S, V-l!K.l-KI.r.S, Hl'MnNH, SI'HMNR, Iliill,-., eirK-, eir-rH wii:ti^>U'S WMITH,. HI.ISTK'ln, TA.V i'!..i:4, eoKNs, sciiivy, itch; i.NOirowfo M.uti, nktti.k .iiakii, ML'S'IL'ITii cr.KA ItlTKS, Sl'IDlIU KTCNCJH, And all cut:inetius iIIhcvipr ami rrtirnlons generally. For r-iIo ity nil drufrcl*-ts, BToccrn, nnd I ,'!-"iiiufystorestliron^iioiii tlie I/nl- tno cwi;'" nn-! ^r'tlsU I'rovlmes. 1'rJoo !).> m:ill.30ccuU;i j BEATTY'S nAN0& PARLOR ORGAN i.v.'lUVt'J.J'.MIrmi............IMMI.ui uam'jt-ws IXSTRl'tTOR. Contniningtheclenn ntsormosro, with eacy ainl progressive exerclkes to perf ect tire lilnyer In the nrt of hini-lo ;i-lther piano or orLai.) to which In added over *4xty Waltze's, I'olltas, Alurches, Galops, operatic MeiodleH. niincos, cic, by Dan iel F. iicatty. Washington, Now Jersey, one of ihc b-Ht works o: Us kind ever In troduced, iiikI sfiould ho Initio hands of every-iiiano iindonran jilnj-er. Sent lKi^t- pidd tolmy purl oi tlio Untied Mates or Caniula for only fifty cents- tlio prleo h'ivln(j lieen reduced to intrfHhicu II' everywhere. Ad<lrpFS DAN1KI, F. t'KATl'Y," Washlliglcn, No^7 .Tcrsry. . Grreat Inducements at the EAST [ENB CLOTH IUO STORE. Tho proprtctprs of the EAfn"ESD-.eLQTIlf8G'ffroKE Would again tender their sincere thanks to; their numerous patrons in and around the Village of Acton for their past liberal Support, and in connection would beg leave to inform them that by buying early and for cash,;tliey ure better prepared than ever I to exhibit * A Stock Varied and Complete in all its V Brandies. ' OTJS^liECLOTiHIS Are of the newest designs in, the market, and at prices to suit hard times. All we ask i3 a thorough Inspection and comparison of our goods with those of any house west of Toronto. .-':?!' I Henderson & Co. 1-- FRESH ARRIVES. FYFE & McN-AB. ActoniSort. -I.ISTT. R FALL STOK OF Is now Airriving-, And will complete for tl ic gVSINESS PKOrfiKTY FOB SlA.':ti:E3. The undersigned offers for salo that desirable proporty situated on Alain street, now occupied by Mr, Chas. Cameron as a store and dwelling. The property first class conditionoand with a good cellar. Terms liberal. For further particulars apply to . MESSRS. \V. .DAKLIXO k CO. Montreal. Or, W.H. STOTtFAr. Acton. Acton, Aug. 22d, 1877." CZJCC I Any person who will mnko rslCC Mid forward me a rist OI tlie names of reliable persons of their ac- qualntnnee who wish to procurern in strument, either Hlano or Organ, I will use my host endeavors to sell them one, and for, every Piano I succeed In selhnu to tlielr list- within one year, 1 wtll credit thorn, with $10, and for every Organ $6, to bo applied on:payment of ellhor a flnno or Orpin; and when It amounts to a sum sulllcleut to pay for an Instrument selected at toe lowest wholesale price, I will Immediately ship the Instrument, free, or after any amount Is credited the balance may bo i aid me nnti,I will theD ship them tlio instrument. Tlaey need not be known in the matter, and will be doing their friends a real ser vice, ris-1 shall makn npcclnl offers to taeto, solllni,'a superior instrauient for from one-half to lyro-IIitrtls what is ordinarily asked by aisenis. Please send me a lis! at'onco andofier yon have made inquiry you can ndl to It. Address DAN I feL, ! '. BEATTSf, Washington, New Jersey; *' il III i ^^^^mi^^^^^r^m Ci E0SE LET|1KS,- , Barbor aiid Hairdresser, adjoining Secord Bros.': StorcJ Mill Street; Acton. Hair switches and combings prepared to-oidef. - IF_A X,iILj TBADB. GALL AND SEE OUR NEW STYLES, Special Attention Given to Ordered "Work. Repairing Promptly Attended to. CRAINB &;SOS. Acton, August 7, "877. Ml^jNTHOODD HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. We have recently published a now edi tion or Dr. ('ulverneil's t'clcbrateil Ei- say on the rudical and permanent cure (without an dlulticjof Kervons Debility, Menlal'and riiyslcal Incapacity, Impedi ments to Marriage, etc., resulting fiom excesses. . ' Price, in asnoled envelorC, only 0 conts or two postage stamps. ,- Tbo celebrated author. In this ndmlr THE ROYAL HOTKL.^. EXCHANGE ACTON. ble Essay clearly demonstrates, from -hlrty years' successful practice," thai, alarming consequences may be radically cured without the dnngerous use or Inter- iinlJmeUIciiio or the apv-lication of the knife; pointing out a mode or cure at once simple, corlnlu liiid elleel-ual. by menns of which overy miflerer, no matter what his condition may ue, may cure u.lm*elf cheanly, prlvateiv and radically. Tills Lecture should he in'tlio hands of overy youth and every man in the hand. TUB Cl'lYER-WEl.^ 3*\Ii <'0.', 41 Anil ttt,, Now-Yoilc. PostOfilJo Box laSoT My This well-known house, has recently undergono;a thorough renovating and repairing, js now furnished with hew and modern fprniture of the best des cription, and is prepared to provide first-class accommodation to the public. The present proprietor has received a iieensOi alid he will keep* the bar well supplied with the very best of liquors and cigars. The Btabling is largo and well-fitted up; also ample Bhed-room. Tho patronage of the public is respectf ully sohcited. > JOHN MANE-iT. Acton, Juno 2G, 1877. In all the latest English, Anier- ican and Canadian styles,; suitable^ for the early "I'all Trade. h to select &oxxL A superior Felt in style, qtiali- .ty and finish for only $1. an They show the very lastest at I * close cut prices. - A new consignment of that ~ l \ ' :~ .' ' FAMOUS 50 CENT TEA just to hand. 10 LBS S^GAR FOR ONE DOLLAR. ' ' ^ -.VJ:.V,-,. . - '^-'i - - - CH^I^I, HENDERSON Sc CO, J Actop, Aug. IJ

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