Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 27, 1877, p. 4

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r7 ^^^M ^<S *>J r J^ ^ H l?.r te* -jfW ir T-' :->" :*v THE FKEB PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNT?, ONT.- SEPTEMBERS, 1877. TOLD IN V*E VERNACULAR. AS AMERICAN STOKY. *Lobelia/ said jia, 'don't vox newer Ikvvc i^othin' more to say to that youngjainn.* Vou see pa was sot in hi* ways', and when ho said n thing hi' meant' it, Lobelia had boon^goiug about (Considerable with Nathan ^Spoko,, and ju, ho hadn't .any ide;i of, JJutlmn, or of our I obelia tin owing herself away on lrini. LoW.ia w-as .our daughter; IJ *drmo whether it's a furious utuno or not. Sho was a pretty yul wns our LbeliH. .couldn't- find a pret- tierin all tho Suites. Well, vhen pa {.ivid'tliat, Lobelia eot dowji ajul began Jfvjciy. ' lie's my steady company, }>*,'i .she said. ' Plcasj> don't iisk me to give up my steady company.' ' I call him your iDisiendy com pany,': said pa. 'There won't bo his mind nch steadiness in him, if he's , ^chip. fit tiro pld block. Mind what I Miy. N.o moro fif -'is visits for jou. And mobbo vrtn.'" ."ou can bake a cako a body can on* .1 without splitting it with a hatchet, aiul can sew en a b.itton so it won't - blow otfj I'll hunt up a decent hus band for you one worth money.' Well, ufter th's of course the poor g\vl didn't lot him call on Ler. As fir us 1 know saw L.ini, and Leaxin Oriuios,' u widower, and worth his "hundred tiiousdi.J, c0-10 over, .most every evening, and p* ,m!il*^ul y that waa tho match for J.'"' j Twau't for me to intend- I though 1 petted her, and let hei know that I .stood by her, but I didn't want to" rile pa up. Pa an'4 " pleasant when he's riled. But one ' i day when she asked me for to lot her go and take her knitting and ^spend the duy with Futinio Lrown, .-I was so glad to' see -her look so chipper an3 feel Hko going out once more, that I said /yen right oil', though it was iroeiii'klny, an iron- in'-day u hffty. Well, bIio went about eleven o'clock in tho forenoon, uud about two there caiHu up most awful thun derstorm. Tho lightning it zig- iagjjed, and the thunder-it bellered, and the rain it poiircd down like cata and dogs. I was skecrod uiy- ^seSf, and knew jest how Lobelia 'fblt. -H. Arter a whilo tho storm calmed . dowaa-bit; at least if went further off and I sat looking through tho rain, out o' the front winder, when who should I 8o coming along the road hut two people a man and a gal. He was calking j>retty fast, holding up an nmberill aaiTdoing his best to keep the rain ofT her. Sho waa tugging on his arm, and every" time the lightning flashed, biding her hoad in hisicdat-Bleevo. I knew Bhe was our Eobolia, by lier bine muslin dress and her little ^.grey sacque, bt at first I could not tell who the man -finis, Minute more I Baw it was. Nathan Spoke. Yes,' md there .was pa a looking too. - * ' It's that feller,' says ho, ' Well,' says I, -' see- how its Btorming.' ' Ah," saya pa, ' Vm glad of it. I'll show Jliobolia how to disobey jne.' __ And out he ran into tho hall. I followed him, nnd what was ho (lo ins but locking tho dooT ; and after he'd done that he 11 owed "to tho kit chen door and fastened that. Ho didn't leave a place to jjet in at be fore he was done^ nofBO much as the cellar-way. 2i.nd he put all the I keys in his pocket, walked into the * parlor and sat down on the sofa and began to read the newspaper, - I was near dumbfounded- " oh, you ain't going to lock your own gal onfc in a storm-like this.' ' Hold your tongue, ma,' says he, "*" I'm roaster in- my own houso,' ' But she may be struck/ says I. 1 She may be struck, pa.' ' Women novor- heu any scien- tifica/ says hp. iDod't you hear the thunder revomberlating away over tho mountings/: If it ;strikes" anybody sotrtko^f Parker's Pint I'm . a goose.' .' But she'll be ekcered to death,' say a T. ;~. ' .Just what I -want is to slceer Jier/ says pa. ' I'll slfeer. her out of sparking with Nathan SJpoko.' And just then comes .' bang ! bang ! bang J' a^ he door, and uiy ]ioor I/ibelia's voice cornea through the keyhole : . ' Oh, ma, lemroo in ! Oh, ma, lenime in ! The lightning seems as if it was u tiyin' to strike mo. And it will too. Tvonumo in, and leftime hido my head in the piller. Oh, louuno hide my head in a, pHler.' ' -" 'Your pa- has taken the key out, Lobelia/ says 1, ' and he won't give it to me.' ' 01H oh ! Kays Lobelia. ' Oil ^ ohj.tlftar ! Is he luad at me loi coming home with Nathan V ' Yes, dear, says I, Just then eatue a crash" and a shriek. ' That one most struck mo,' says Lobelia. 'Oh! oh"! Pa, dear, let jne in-to hido my liead somewhere. ,' I wm so skeered I'd have come home with any sort of feller. Oh ! , oh ! I didn't care liowr horrid he -was so't he had an umbrella. Lem-: i 'me jn, pa.!' --j^ut he wouldn't. I'.fold him I'd liWe'lngli BlHkca;" but all ho: said: was ' Well, they ^re easy cured with, a bucket of colli water,' And 1 kni;w ho was equal to doing it, though I hud .my now poplin on. * ' Artor tho storm is done I'll let Lobelia in/'says he. ' Not u inito sooner. I'll euro lior of sparking with Nathan Spoke.1 Well, 1 sot down by the door and cried and listened, and cried and listened. After a while I didn't hour anything more, and in an hour or t\?o the storm was over ; I nit pa never budged Until milking- tinifl wns- i)ouio. Tllen ho took down his hat, ivnd tJitxjwcd. mo the key of tlio front .door, and wont out the back way hiiusulf. I Vualied out, mvd I looked up and 1 loohed ilowu; and 1 .eiuhln't Jind Lobelia. Alter a whilo pa began to look, too; but t.hero .was no sign of her. Sho wasn't in tho burn ; b!io wjisn't in the woodshed ; sho wasn't ivnywhoiv. ' -You'vo killed my p^or gal,' says I, . ^ ' L|ead folks is to bo foued, thoy don't vanish like smoke.' But ho was as whito aR a ghost when he said'it, and after going down collar and up attic, aiul over xO u'^isjhbor Jones's, ho put on his co;it O1* ^ Sot wy bonnet, and we harnessed u^'h^ horso and wagon, ami rode down i.;'-o Uio village. Every where wo'askt-.d J hoy shook their heads. She hadn't 1>ia;'1 1:rt'i she hadn't been thor%j and' we almost frightened out of our seusus, wheii at last, what'should- wo see but Niwthan Spoko himself, coming out of tho hotel with two plates oLdfnner in his hand, and a tiu kettle of coQeo on his arm. ' -flsllu ]'. says p.r. ' lii 'lo " su-vs ho' ' Where's r14' J^^'6^8 P- Hiding ho/he.J/ ^va *-^on. ' Whero '?" saj's pu, ' Up in my room/ says JiS..*"1"^ ' I've been keeping bachelor's hall" at Widow t!unter's over tho way. Sho's been up there hiding her head.' T. ' IIdw durst j-ou take her there V says ]>a. ' You bhall be punished for tliis. .Here, whero is she 1 Fetch her. down.' ' Can't bo did/, says Nathan. ' See these plates, dqn'l ye I One of 'em is for mo ; oiio for.uiy wife. I married Lobelia over at; Parson Orey'a j.uijt as that bijjgeati clup of thunder] eauie tho ono that sound ed like' a thousand o' brick, and struck somewhere, sartin sure.' , *-ijurried-!' &iys pa. '^tarried !' says^ I. ' Yea,' skid Nathau. .' It's all your doing. Sho begged to come in ..And hide -her head,' and you ! wouldn't let her. Then sho says to me, ' Let mo hide my head somewhere ! Ob, let rno hide my head somewhere !' ' Lobelia/ says I, ' there's ow> plflco that's, my bosom. Just como to parson Grey'awith me, and he'll give you a riglit to hide it there for over.' Sho says: ' Oh, anything, so I can hido my head.' i So wo went to tho parson's.. There's the certificate. I brought 'her over hero afterwards, nnd sho did hep head us much as sh liked. 'I've just been out for soma dinner, I'll got two more plates if you'll stay and dine with us with me and' my wifo. You see, sir, you looked your daughter out, and I wouldn't have, lieen half a man not ta holpjier find a place to hido. her. head in not to find the best I- knew.' ' Hold your tongue/ says pa. 'Bat we went upstairs and saw Lobelia: She was lying on a sofa, with a piller on^her head, but tsbe, took' it off when wo came in. .' Oh, ma and pa/ sho said, ' den't be:angry. I had to hido-my head somewhere, and you wouldn't open thodoor.' . . . You seo she had right on her side, and sho was married, and it oouldc't be helped, and even pa has got over it now, though it took o long time first ; but ho'don'tpride himself on managing folks as - ho did before the thunderstorm, when lie wouldn't let Lobelia hi3o her, head in a piller, and she hid it in a husband's heart .instead. RyiMENSE PILES AN1> WAGGON^ No%w Jj the tiino to lottvo yourlonler At J Ryder's Paotory . . ' y ' fr ! Stylish Ilugcy or Seryiccnblc Wawcon, I tiiu making upj large stock for the present acaSou, from the l>o8t material. Call iiihl &'c our.IItiii(h')nw Huijtjic* % Now in rv good time to .tteourv tmrgaln.i. Strict attention given to ; Horse-Shooing Ss GeneralElock- Bmixiilng, ' | JAMKS ItYUKC. A.;ten, Feb. 2C. 1S77. DANIEL f.BEATTY'S BBATTY g!S' SWSfc ANH lUMtlUilT. andnu^TTY'SCKt.K- IUIaTKI) yuUDKN' 'JONOIJKU l'Alt- I.OK ottUA.N arc tlipKwcotcJl lopo.l moKt jperfoct fiiHtiujncniv evi-r l>efV->re niimiif.ieluredln ihihorany utlu r coiiii- ca lo e^pinl llieiu i^stdliiCounU "lid torm-ever be- -, Riv"n' Kck bottom jvuilo |<rlai<H, now re... m,r. Tlu,,Li r u.. nidi' n s>\.. "' , .flilier J-|(U>.[ or brnteU liMlnilu. " ,i.vwlie'rc,!.n .OrKan'boxed and Bu I'l'i , ii.,,.,,.',,. IIvd or ilflcrn dnvs' u-st .trl'"- "r WJi. foiHli'd. umi frofttit elinrsi-.. r- l--,,," OK NfiW Fall and Winter DRY }#01>$. Biggest Retail Stock in Canada BOUGHT THE GOODS CHEAP, CREAT BABCAINS Will Tae.Gijefi. ItESlRMBliU OUU ORDERED CLOTHING AW) "I ways if In iny way ur.Baii.^fartoi/- '^ w:irr:mto<l ft*r hlx Vt'iirK uh Ktrlrlly ,..'>l- claEK. KXTK.MmiUNAHY IdliKKAi, I>l>-L,oUNTs*alviin toOliunilirB. KoIhk lpt- Lwlgrii, Hull*. .Minister". Ti'dfhirK.j o^., In outer to Imvi. tlu';u iniro-Jai'eit at'oi ce where I bave uu rtjciilt. 'J'|ioiisaiul!J 11 .' in use. New IMnstruVtl AiK-erll^pr (t'arn- Ioruo E<lltlon) wltti llbl rf icstlinoiiliUi>, tuivr n-iulj*. f.rnt Iree. Kliilillf-ht'l I In is.ii. .\e.tircs. DANIEL F- BEATTY, WiuhlDKloii.'Nuiv Jnrtfi. i SUBSCRIBE MILLINERY DEPARTMENTS, / ; Superior to nnytlMUff,in tlic-Countyt THE U&imO%%> HOUSE Noted for Cheap Goods. W.STEWART* CO Ilavs commenced opening their New Importatioijis And In * few days will show" the finest Btook of v FIRST CLASS GOOD3 submit tod for tnspeotion in Quelph. Special efforts have been made to j ; show the newest Dress Good*,- - Spring"Jacket*. Mantles, Conlumcs, . - - Kid Olovet, Tlosifry, - .. - Lucas; - Iaico Curtain, Sheetings, and' Jlfourninff Goods. I)UR COTTONS wopo all Contracted for. before the recent udvaaca., Customer* ml] hare, the benefit, ' _ Gents' Department. In Cloths and Tweeda, - . - j Dress Shirts, .1" ^ Ties, Collars, etc., Stook of Felt Hats, Are pnrliouj^rlj? inviting in styles and price. WM. S^EW AST PO. , Guelph, March 6,; 1877. Aug. 2S, 1877. HcLEOD, ANDERSON & Co., - i- JIAJIMOTU HOUSE. GKOBOKTOWN. FOR THE Vcan buy first-class Punos1 . and Groans cheaper of DAN IEL F. BEAUTY, Washing ton, New Jersey, than" qny, other manufacturer in the United States. Why ? Because he sells only for cash, takes no risks and has no book accounts. Every instru- 1 ment is fully warranted for six years as strictly iirst class, and aro sent: on from 5, to 15 days' test trial, money ' reiiiiidfd; and freight paid both, ways by him if thcy*are usatis- factory. _Send for Illustrated Au> VEiiTisna .-, (Catalogue Edition) and read testimonials from his patrons, BoraB of whom, you; may know. Ad- dress- DAKIKL.K.BEATTY, WnsU- ington, J^ew Jersey. ' ". $999 (,';in?t be nia<lc by every atscnt_ every month fli the.buslnciis we furiiUh, but tliofio willing .to worK can pn>ily cani'a .loTien dollar** a tiny riglit tu their owl? localltu u, Have ho room to exclnln Here. Unslne.'-s plen.sunt nod .nqnoT'rble. Wo men. and boys and jjii 'P Uo an/wtJl as men. We will fornffh you a complete Oulflt free. The lii.ElneH pcys better than anything els<>. Wn will bmr ex ren*o-oi Mi.'irtlnir you. I'nrtJeu'arsfree, write ui-d ,S(.e. Fnrmel'tj anrinechimlc8, their foiiF anil ilaii^hters, and all classes in neetl of paying work at home. choiiM write t > uh nnd,learn about Wie work at once. Novf |s -tho time.' Don't delay AdJreKS Tuuij <t Co , Aiisusla, Maine. QUJUUDL TEACHERS: You can 5 easily increase' your .salary hy devoting ;a very Email portion of your leisure time to my-infierest. I do not epepect you to canvass for tad Jieattj/'a Pianos aiid you see lit to; bijt uire of you is boih itable. FulLpar- dress DANIEL P. igton, New Jeraqy. "IKIiii m^L^.h,- iSSI POST OFFICE STOfiE .A.qronsr- Tho subscriber having again pono into the grocery business, would in timate that ho has always a full lino of goods usually kept in first class grocery houses, fresli,~ and of the best quality, such aa ACTonsr. FREE PRESS. & Year: In Advance. TEAS. Blacks Finest English Breakfast Conguo, Souchong, Oolong, J;ipwfery .Orange Pekoo, Greeks Moyuno Uunpowders, Silver Leaf (Gunpowders, Jloyune Young Hysons Uncolored Japans, Imperials, Twankaya Our teas are all selected for their superior drawing qualities Special discount on .purchases over 5 lbs. COFFEES. Our stock comprises the best grades ,ol Old Government Java, Lagunyra, Alaracaibo, and .Rio. Roasted and ground, daily, on-the premises, tljus retaining all the natural aroma and flaver of' the berry. 00C0AS AND CHOCOLATES. Taylor's Cocoa and Chocolate, Bpp's HomoDOpathio Cocoa, M^nier's Chocolates.- - siraARP. Refined, ,in Loaves, Cut Loaf, Dry Crushed, Granulated, l^xtift Ground, Extra.C, English i{efined all gradeu, Demerara, Porto Kico. Amoer, Honey and Syrups. Standard TQBACCQSS. Chewing, Smoking, Cigars. FBT7ITS-DIUED. Valencia ltaisins, Layer [iaisins, Loose Muscatel, t Sultanas, Seedless, Vostizza Currants, lilackTatras do. in cases soleoted Do. do. in bbls., Eleme Figs, - .French Prunes, Tunis Dates. These goods lire the finest ex ported. . - OANNEn. ffRTJITS AND VESE- _TABLES. Peaches, ,-Pears, Cherries, ineapples, Strawberries, Succotash, Green Peas, Corn.- Beans, Tomatoes. CAiTNED GOODS. California Salmon, Portlnnil lxbslera, Kronrb Wanllnes, Cove Oysteiv, I Fresh'MackcrcL- Curoa Hams "and Bacon, Caocso and Butter. Burnett's' Extra'cta fife Eseoncoa- Tho Finest Goods Manufactured. Soaps cf all binds. Fic&lcs and Saucos. Crosse A Illnckwell's, Mixed-Pickles, Chowelioiv, l'U'calllli' Min-hroom Catsup, John Bull Sauce, I^ea & Perrln'u tVorcliestershlroSauce, Tomato 1 Favorite do-, do., YorkshireJtelish, Frencli Mustard, FAHHTAOEOXrS GOOSS. ' .Carolina ltloc. Arrncan Rice, Pearl Sngo.-Itlo Tapioca ' Pearl Ijarley, Cprfa iIeal,,Oatmqal. . DESSERT .FRUITS Currants, Valencia oranges, Jlesslna Lemons, Plneappleiii Tunfi Dates, Bordeaux Walnuts, Flibortp; Almonds. BISCUITS & 00HFE0TI01TEET. Arrowroot, Wine, Soda, Abernqthy. : .Croam, ijcinon, Butlr, Boston, ' Urulium, Oyster cracker, JMew YoricUlnser nuts. GIncer,Snap.. Candles and Sweetmeats of all kinds. Cliceso, Butter, Eg-js, Hop's, ' CE.00KER7 China Sets, Wlilto Stone Sets, Flgiiiwl Stono Setn, ChnmherSels, Tea Plates, 15o*!s, Jellies, ! Platters, Baiters. " And a fulllluo of otlier.Jdnds. Mill I'aus, Cream Crocks, Iluiler Crocks, Jugs, Flower Pots, Ac. Selling at tho manufacturers' Bribes'. GLASSWARE.: Tumblers, (.ioblcts, Lamps, Lump'Glasses. ' Glass Plates, Glass Sets, Fruit Jars, <sc , 4c. WaU Papois and 'Window' Blinds ..In great variety cheap. lilSOElZdlTEOTJS. Tubs, Talts, Brooms. NvasUboards, Brushes, *c., Hopes, Wire and Wooden Baskets, . Patont Medicines, JDye Siulin. " Stationery, chnol Books, Pursed, Wallets. School Baes, Spectacles, Violins, Violin Strings, Briar PlptB, Fan ay Goods, Combs, Ac. Boneless Codfish, Herrings, Oysters In can and bulk in season. SADDLER^ la the plage to.get the best Bri- lor the least mofle^^a' Owinur to Hard Times, Piitea have been Reduced., X' All Orders left with me uitt rtetL earejvl cdttniUni " " X-% COLLARS A SPECm^ As all farmen know lhir| cannot work with sorejieckV t _ . off the old collars and get aiM*l^.' that will give entire mtisfow"^ The place to'get taem.U at ffi ONTAEIO SiiDDLE^ Another! >t of those fiqn$a f-Axneriodn Wlii| Just received and will beold chia " _ ' l for cash.. ' -'. * Repairing J) me KeMy> CXrtofii. on the ShorUit Notice. . Acton, Aug, T IKE \g. [21, 1877. I'.-."-"-.1' j. NOTICE. r ~- .X: AT TSE ACTUS PLAMNG MU$ WHl-be found a qtaatitjoj I SEASONED LTJMBl^, Comprising iacb, 1^ aad 2 dressed and Undtawed. "Aj ^ ;- ^good iitack. ' THE FREE PRESS PRINTING HOUSE To Mergliants and ^ther Business Men in Acton., as well as throughout tlie r: ' .-.' ": County, the Free Pressis an!- iijy^uable Advertising j Medium. : Sash, Boors, , ., / "j - Batten?, &C.',' Manufactured aaiiiufllL." THUS, idMGfyJnt xclbh. Aug 21,1837. O. T, Mill Street* Ac**?, !. I- Q-roceries, :/'i Oroekery, . ~ V i Boots &SlMii -iV"' . { -"jj T .- > -. WiaGpyr BltTinn, . ; ads, Slaaa^ Ssit,.H jjnased OJl, p- : 'fjPaints,!,5kt>ettttni' ' . ;-: ' , .CoaJtt.Sstt,ite< M% al wtich yill be nold jowtoreitk ! - ' ' " " -- - BOOTS and-gapif; Selling off at AO^t- \ '_', ,\1ro agent for tb '. "r..; iRUBBBB PAINT Gm@0f Of Cleveland, Okjfl.'! :' - *h for ildei.^"'-'. ^efon, July 15, 1876. r ^ UT OF ^: -j ,-ii Bold wholesale wid*tfeS?*: . J . Bookseller, QaeU*y~ :; |. \ Burrawes' Pianoforte PriinW' - "- _- >| Jousse's Musical.CatechiiBt-i '. =j Bef tini'a New Metho4 for Clarke's Hew MetioddlHrlh**?*^; '.. Huhton's Piano Fortel Besides niany other articles in season, not here mentioned. ,J6*Cheap for Cash or Trade. J AWES MATTHEWS. . Acton, Juno, 1877. Conveyancer, Com. in Q. B., Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Insurance Agent, &c. - Our Unrivalled Facilities for Executing all kinds of BOOK AND JOB SPRINTING Enable us to turn out work .equal to anything done in the cities. Qotte'B iPia*o without LMi' RicharoWs New Uc^In.SaW'J,^ Git^e's ParW Orga. J'-"'\\ -' Silver Wreath (Vocal). : jj j ; * 100 different Music gooki. A 'Big Discoun;tori "flr MUSIC J: j' l CHtAP BOOKStO^ On the -Easteideof WynJ gtjeuh.-'- C-f 8| ;*>#*?* ,&k>$%.

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