Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 4, 1877, p. 3

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;w^&&iaiiSU8*iltM&^ P. '/' m ' r A Splendid Assortment BaGk Combs, Back Combs, THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON OOUOTY, ONT., OCTOBER 4, 1877. of Watches, Clobks, Jewellery and Fancy Goods, Circular Combs, Circular Combs From 5c to 40c. From 3c to 25c. just | Arrived- J-ast Opened. Ladies, call and see my oeom:: biotas, Clocks, Jewellery and Spectacles Repaired and "Warranted at &E0. HYNDS' Jewellery Store. Call and CI1IB TtMS. TIMK TABLt. Trains leave Acton As follows *t OOIXO WaAT. ^KlffctKx^Mi . H 1:04 a.m. Toronto mail -, 9.10 "a. m. lHy Kxrre** Krpros* - - -. ' .&0p.iu. GWtniixod - ,J:07 p.m. OOIKO BAST. Kiiht Kipriisa - 3:38 a.m. Qalt mirwl 9:10 a.m. ..~&kj- Express 11:34 a.m. Worwnr Grail - - Loaion mitftd 10:10 p.m. LOCAL MATTERS. ION ID. e: the Country Lis Great - ..'/. fGrOOd* rhich we Price. >s,'-,;ry--y [KG; ETf before been PCO0D3 Place. JON *& a^tf&s.- \a Cefitsr [at, 2 CenttJ isure, to #* *** >r One ***". jranoe. ;7. ^ "W tandor our Usanka to those of oret patrons who responded to onr request A few weeks ago to *mf rrp' their accounts due this office. There ara yet, however, a large number who havo not paid for this year's Feek Press, *ad some whoso indebtedness 1 extend* over last' year.. We ./would be very much pleased to ee or hear from them soon. Provincial Frizes. Amongst tho list, of pxiiaS tS tlitt.' Provincial Exhibition last week, wo notice tho following as taken: by rosi-: 'dents of -tjiis vicinity : In Lincoln sheep, Mr. O. S. Smith takes 1st for aged ram, 1st for ram' lamtv. and 2d for two two lambs. Messrs \Y. H. StorSiy * Co. take first prize for gloves and mits of leather,'and first for gloves and mita or kid. Tho Aotou riow Company, garden and hop yard plow, oommendod. Croohnari Bros. Georgetown, two prUa for Knit ting machtnoa. ** E. MeGarvin's of Fhannacy. Crowson's Corners.' For tho Tree Prosi. Tho free ontortainmont Riven by th'o' Sons of Temperance at Crowson's Cor ners, last Thursday ovening, was a grand success In every way, tho hill boing orowdod to excess by ploasure- seekers, and tho entertainment all that could be desired. Mr. Kobort Laing, \V. P., occupiod tho chair, and dis charged tho duties of that position in a very ablo manner. Miss Watson, of Acton, gave several select pieces of. music,- which w'ero well received. A dialoguo entitled '* fviuifo Egen and his Servant Andy," by Messrs. Soper and "vTfaeat is considerably ,-dowrt j AuU_ wa3 woll dono aml ioudlyap: 1 !i 1 J / in price again. _ ' .,. Local itonre are in demand. A handsome premium offered for some thing sanaitional to wake us np. j~ The^ Rev. C. tVT. Clement, of Mount Bridges, will !,P.Y.) prcsch in the Baptist Chapel on Sunday next, .Oct. 7, at 11 a-m. and 6 p.m., with a -'view b{ settling with na. ' - A couple of street fights re lieved the monotony of things last Friday evening. Considerable pummel ling was d-tinc, but wo have not heard , that anybody was much hart. Xo ar- - rests were made. ; J. The Rev. R. Hobbs, will (D. T;J! preach a' sermon next Sabbath evening, in the-Methodist Church, Ac ton,- on tire "ilvils of the Licjoor Trai- iic," and tho relation of the CLristian ehnreh in tej^rd to the.same. I -^A itibscrtber wants to know wiry we IxmTe not jpnbliahed tho Village Coancil i-roceedingi lately; Our ans- titii, simply becahBe the Council have not had a meeting sincer the 18th of inn* last Enterprising Council, ain 't H-. ' V ' J. E. t McGarvln'i Hall of Pharmacy. Last Friday..night was rnado . hideous by the lririll voicss of two dia. ?pntable females one partially blind and the other a young mulatto girl, both from Gnelph-r-who paradod the etreota at unseasonable Jioura. Earlier in the evening thelyonnger of the two eadeaTored to bay a bottle of whisky at on* of our hotels but was refused, whercipon she poured forth a to'rrent of abnie, and was turned out doors. Shortly afterwards she was abusing the old woman supposed to be her mother. Two'of our respectable citizens endea vored to hare her arrested, when she threatened to knock their brains but with a black bottle, brandishing it ' iurioualy at them as thoy ran pell-mell np street. The parties are well kpown in G.uelph, being frequent habitue* of the police colls and county jaih J. E. McGarvin'* Hall Of Pharnlac'jr. The Acton Plow Company is insolvent the estate being now in the hands, of the official assignee. Mis management from the very beginning, and a. lack, of confidence on the part of\j town the several members of the company, has finally resulted in the general break up of a business which ought to have been a splsndid success. Started a little more than two years ago under favorable rireomatanoes with ample capital, and the patent-right for an Implement which should have command ed almost' unlimited ' sale, the whole business and splendid prospects ;hav been frittered away for the want of ers will doubtless low heavjly by the transaction, bnt it is thought' that the estate will be able to pay all liabili ties to outside creditors in full, or siearly to. rssifrrfiUnnil fewrrTi " It is intended during ths winter SBGsihs to deliver a eourse of Lectures ( ia the above-named church. The first of the series williba delivered on Mon day evening, oth'Oct., ty theRev.^aa. I>avies. Subject *VThe Two Black Crows," Doori open at 7 o'clock ; Lec- -ture to oommence at 7J. Admissien Jp cents each. Eev, Mr, Hobbs has (.con sented to act as chairman. plauded. Rcritation by Mr. .A,.'Laing, entitled " SoOriety Snooks," waa well received. Mr. Steven Soper, in his' imitation of " Dutchman*' with Dutch song, brought down the house and was encored again and again. Dialogue en titled "Getting a rkutosrapir." -by Misses Lvtvsou and Vi'ordon 'and Messrs. Fortnis and Worden, did nut receive that attention it desorved as good order was nut maintained durinir its cnaot- ment ; it was done," however, in a mas terly maimer. Also a Jialo^no by Misaos McDonald and Auld and McBarjs. Auld and ^Murray, brought down the house. Miss Crewaon and Mr. Irish man, with- or^an and violin,- were en cored. Indeed, we believe the immense crowd would have stayed till morning to listen to them,, especially as "Mr. Soper gavo a Dutch song now and then, interapered with recitations by Miss JiIcGortuan and by Messrs. Wilds, Auld, Laing and others. However the committee brought the proceedings to a close at a late hour by singing the clos ing ode, and all went homo seemingly well pleased with tho evening's enjoy ment. Com. Timely 'WtAK.Ni.No. Acoording to ibi iieaeoa, a furmor, not many .miles from Stratford, wus n victim of. a oontomptiblo trick, played upon him by tho agent of iv London nianufaotiirfir^" About] two yoara ago he wsia -perauadod to buy a roftpingUnachiuo for 81tT0. "llo was _to paty, and' did pay, tho hiilf within ft' year from tho timo of tho 'purchasej and wna to'get two yonre raoro for' tho-balance, 80, with interest for tho third your. Tho note matured a few woeks since, s\nil a collector (not the man who took the order and tho note) turn ed up in duo course for the .money. Instead,- however, of the farmer having to pay $80 and 5:G0 (one year's interest}, as ho expected to do, ho was informed that hia note boro iutorost from the day oh which, it was givon, and Buro onoug'h it did. Ho had therefore to pay' $17G.G0 as bargained for. The. farmer is positive the agent rend the noto beforo he signed it, and thut it was only to boar ono year's intoreat. Poojilo who can't read bud writing should got a friend to decipher their notes for them boforo thoy ' append -their autograph with the ngorrts of foreign factories, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.^ PIANO OROaS' There Is no manufacturer of rmnos and Organs in this or nny other country who has received as many unsolicited indorsements asrlina'Mr. Boatty. From every Ktuto and Ter ritory comes tho eamo verdict. "They Aro tho best in the world," Illustrated Advertisor, (Catalogue Edition) Troo. Address DANIEL, b'. BEATTY, Washington, New dorsoy. W"$L DWELLINGS FOR Tho two dwellings, built of brick, situatod on Main street, near tho Do minion llHbtol, aro offerod for salo, on roasonajdu terms. The lot consists of throo-fiitha of an' aero, with good gar- The building is now, and well A tho den. fmiahod, adapted for two families, good stable and driving shod on nrnmimv .... promises Acton, Aug. 15, 1877, :\pply to tho owner. JOHN KENNEDY, TpiIOTOURAnilinS Bhould for- -*- ward mo tlioir address if thoy wish tj> obtain a Piano or Organ in exchange for LMiotogrnphing. Ad- dresBTJANIEL F. BEATTY, Wash ington, New Jersey. ANTEIr. Sens of Temperance. The following persons were, elected officers of Crowson's GornerB Division Sons of Temperance, for tho quarter commencing Oct. ;lst; on Saturday .voning last; -' Bro.H. A.Bydcr, W.P; Sister S. A..-Cripps>- >V. A. Bro. D. W. Speedie, U.S. ; Sister Addie Crewgqn, !A.R.S. Bro. .3. oper,J".S' ".-' Bro. John Crewson, Treas. v Bro. It Shyloek, Chap. ~ - Bro. iK. Forbes, Con. lister Cassie Auld, AC. Bro. Robert Carroll, 1.8. Bro, R. J. McKeown, O.S. Guclph Central Exhibition. Guelph, Tuesday Evening. The foggy weather this morning cast a dispiriting gloom over the town, and many began to prognos ticate a elim attendance at the fair. During the'aftofffoon, however; the appearance, of a good many stran gers on ho streets, and the hum of, an unusual briskness became ap parent. The neighborhood of the Exhibition grormd was thronged with fc?ama and pedestrians rushing .to and fro, delivering goods and placing them in order, A largo portion of the stock had been at tho London Exhibition, and had arriv ed on the sronda hero yesterday. Entries wero not 'completed" till this morning. Tho Secretary^ books Bhow the total number to bo almost 6,000, being nearly 400 mora than-last year. Tho highest number of entries of any previous year since 1S71 was 5,810, so that this may be already set down as the best ever hold in town, notwith standing the fact that tho Hamilton Exhibition ia being held at tho same time. .-Wednesday. Throngs of visitors;were brought in to-day by both lines of railway and by innumerable teams, and the has now assumed a really crowded aspect, notwithstanding the threatening rain. The exhibi tion grounds are now being visited by thousands of people examining the splendid specimens of Welling ton live-stock and immense quanti ties of other articles, j Tho palace is well-filled with all the various articles which go to, make up a first-clasa exhibition. '. . A basty glanee through the building tes tifies that the display is, fully up to any previous one here,l*vhile the display of agricultural and other implements appears to 4>'e far ahead of anything hitherto .attempted. Mr. James Ryder, of Aoton, shows three-seated and twoBeated Demo crat waggons, and an open buggy. One of | the .waggons deservedly bears a first prize ticket-and tho buggy a second. The Acton Plow Company has two or three plows, which will no doubt bp awarded prizes.; Fall Shows.] "lijdton at Mdton, Oct. 11, 12. - Feel at Brampton, Oct. 8, 9, 10. lisquosinjj at Georgetown, Oct. 10. Eramo3a at'Roekwood, Oct. 9. Erin at Erin .Village, Oct. 18. A Romance. A Brfintford paper tells a local romance con- concorniug one of tho wealthiest farinors in thaf. vicinity. .About thirtyfivo yenra sineo John Hurt- ley loft Yorkshire for America, de termining.fib send for his wife in a year or two. Arriving in Canada 'ho-'by ;dint- of hard work saved money-enough to eond for his wife, iphe, however, rofused to leave tho Old .Country, and after Eome years Mr. Hartley married ng.iin, living with wife .No. 12 for'. twenty-eevuu years, until Uo died. During all these' yearn, however, he had regu larly remitted his first wife sufliei- ent'money'to keep her. Intelli gence in some manner reached Englnud of the death of tho second wife, and one day last week the husband was surprised by tho ap pearance, aftor thirty-five years of separation, of his first love. The mooting was a vory affecting one, and the two have now determined to share each other's sorrows and cares through the remaindor of their life. - " w Ladies and'gentlemen to learn Tele graph Operating for .otlicc.i opening in the Dominion. Stamp for answer. - Address M, I'osji'-'W, Toronto, QRACE'3 QELEBRATED SAWE, A Sure Belief for tiie'Suffercr. THAT WdNDERFUL MAN. see me. TUApK liARK THE GOLDEN:MAN. GREAT ATTRACTION. silk department .f, All New, Fresh and Fashionable Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Mllihery, Mantles, Shawls, Dress Goodsr etc. Especial attention is requested to Our Silk Department. We 60er the ~ finest usssortment of Bifick Silks to bo found in (he Dominion. We unhesitatingly say that wo offer a saving-of 20 per cent to our patrons in Colored and Fancy Dress Silks. Also in Evening and Wedding Silks we hare very attractive styles and Our stock of Ladles* Jacket Cloths, Ulster Cloths and Trimmings for same, is well worthy or attention. Indeed our stock of all classes of goods, this season is remarkable for excellence ol (juality and cheapness of price; Wo tako^the lead thisseasanj ns usual, having the the finest assortment ot Ladies Dress Goods m town, also of Ladies Quiltod Lustre Skirts, Filled ielt fakirts, and ;the Trincess WalkiDgSkirts beautiful goods.' 'tTo:i3rj- h.C3C3-c^- e*3 son; -.- ' t . Keppoclfully. announce to tho public *bat the greatest care has been eker- 11 Bales of which aro Bod Blankets of the beet kind, wonderfully cheap Claed ,n tho Election of their immense and varied stock. Every article is d good - - warranted as represented. The goods are all Jresh and. direct from.t! 321 OASES JLHSTTi B^Aa.ILES DIRECT FROMCTHE MANUFACTURERS. and good. Carpets of tho Tapestry Carpets, manufacturers. the newest designs and colors, Reautiful Druesela and JOHN HOGG & SON, Sept. 8, 1817. . Alma Block, Upper WyndhanvStreet, uebp. FALL TWEEDS. rRtfAKEI) liT SETH W. FOWLE& SONS, BG HAnniSON AVKSUE, BOSTON, >rAK3. Sreat Inducements at the EAST END -; J. E. jfharmacy. McOarvin'a Hull of J. J$. McGar-vin.'B JLTall of Pharmacy. I Accounts. James Mattliewa will render .His quarterly accounts the first week jri October. All [parties in terested will please be prepared to pay the same when presented. Get your posters, circulars, billheads, letter heads, etc.. nt the Fkee Priss office, You will be satiB- fjed with their cheapness and nuality. J. E. 1'harniacy.. McGarviu's Hull of " One firm in Kirigatbn"'has shipped 115,000 bushels.of grain during the past month. . Nearly five hundred Mormon immigrants from Great Britain, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden arrived at Now York on Saturday. " Whero did you get that nobby Buit? how .woll it fits;" "Got it at McLeod, Anderson & Co.'s, there is tho place for variety, stylo and cheap ness." " I guess I'll go thero too." " i'ou bet, you had hotter go." Mr. Stewart, of tho Benmijlor Gordons, informs ua that he will this year have about 400 bnsbela of tomatoes ofL. a little more than an aero of ground, Sydney Smith is on insolvent new3 dealer of Toronto. He de clined to give his creditors any in formation rolativo to ossots, arid during tho examination tho follow ing letter signed S. S., was road : " We all piny oiir parts the best we can, and J..have played mine to suit myself and no ono else. Gen tlemen, you may all go to--------" " I Bay Mrs. Brown, whore aro you going to get your Millinery this peason?" "McLeod, Anderson & Co.'b, Georgetown, I was thero tho other day, saw tho prettiest Hats and Bon nets I over saw. I bought'a Bonnet, Mantle and ShawL. , They woro beau tiful and cheap, On Tuesday forenoon Richard. Marsh was leading a bull belong ing to Mr. Alfred Dennis to Aurora fair, and when about a quarter of a niile from Mr, Donnis' gate, and only about fifteen minutes after ho. had left, ho was discovered on tho road leading to Yonge streot gorod to death. An inquest waa held before Coroner Bentley, and a ver dict returned accordingly. Tho deceased had taken the same .beast to three different fairs beforo, and undertook the trvek on this occasion at his own suggestion. Astonishing! 50 pieces beauti ful stripod Dress Goods, for 12^0, worth 30c ; G5 pieces rich heavy Dress Goods 15c, worth 37c ; heavy wide Wincey S, 10, .12$, 1G, worth GO per cent more. The Mammoth House is tho spot for tho bargains. Co. No man engaged in business in this country makes more fair and .-generous oilers to those unacquainted with him than docs Daniel F. Beatty, sq.,~of Washington, N. J., and cer tainly no man keeps them bettor. Every instrument he sells, piano or organ, is~fully warranted for Bix years, and, while ho sells for cash, and thus gives the advantago of the lowest prices, yet-no stranger is asked to advanco ono dollar out of his own control, .until ho lias seen and tested the instrument. See his advertisement in this paper, and if you intend buying an instrument write to him and oxamino his method of doing business. UrtjVC'E'S CELKBItATKD SALVE, la a Vegetabto .Preparation, lnvontrd In tho 17th centuty by Br. Wll- Jtam Crritop,- rtm-geou In King James' nrmy.j Through its agency Iio mire.l thousands of ttio most uerious uores nm! wounds that baftled ttio skill of the most eminent physicians of Ills dny, mid was roR'inlcd by all who know iiim i. a pub ic ben.efac.tor. '} PBICK 2rl CESTS A noi. GO ACE'S CEIXBIitTEn SALVE . I; CUBES vr.ESir. woiixds, vkozk.v i.imus, rai.t niiKiTM, rniLnr,AiNs, wran iiiikast, soitic ura. j'.itTsiPKi.AB, m.N-u- "SyoitMS, CAT.L.ITRES, SO^I.D )1KaS uiiaiTki) hands, S'lllCS, UI.CEI1M, s, W.KSS, ST I KS, Ani'ESH, VKKCJCr.V^, SPRAINS, HuIL", CUTS WI1ITIX1W3 n,IjI.STCRS, TAX cmins, sei'nvv, ITCII.rlNOTIOWiNO ."CAILH.'NKTTI.E HASU, MU8QUITO A5D KLKA U1TK.S, firinKB !i .SUNOS, And all cutaneous dlseas^H and pmnilona H Bonemlly^. ^ For Bale by nil drneel'tn, grocers, and at all country stores thmnhuut the TTnl- tedRtatns and British Provlncos; Prloo by mall 30 cents. i r W'AlilH. WOUNies, FfSTSll-S 1'ir.KS-; BITNI/XNS, lilTE^^ WAKTH, i'ii!riii:> Tho proprietors of .tho EA.^r END CLOTniNG STOKE would again tender their sincero thanks to their numerous patrons in and around the Village ot" Acton for their past liberal support, and in connection would beg leave to inform them ' i that by buying early and for cash,;they are better prepared than ever to exhibit A Stock Variod, and Complete in all its Branches. "~ otjb 'cloths Aro of the newest designs in the market, and at.prices to suit hard times. All we ask is a thorough inspection and comparison'of our goods with those of any house vresi ot Toronto. - T . ersoii. o. BEATTY'S :l PIANO & PARLOR ORGAN 1NSTR17CTOB. Conta tnlng thoelemrnUofmoslo, with easy and progressive xorcinen to porfect the rilnycr in tho nrt Of munlo (elthor piano or orpai.) to which ! added over nlxtyi Waltzes, 1'oltras, Marches, Gniojis, X)-eriitlo MclotUpK. l>iinceB, elc,,-by llan- lel V\ Beatty, Washington, Now Jersey, one artho best works ol its kind ever In trodu ;ed, nnd sliould l>o In tho -hands of every piano and organ player, tfent post paid (fi.nny pari ol tlio United fetates or Canada for" only fifty cents t'no rrico bav|% been rednceil to Introdtico It over} whero. Addroes IJANiEL tHI5A1TY, Waahlngton, New .Terspy. "OITSINESS PA01'lbTV FOB SALE. The nnderslgnod offers -for salo that desirable property sitnated on Main street., now occupied by Mr. Clias. Camarcn as a store and dwelling. Tho property is in first class condition and with | a good collar. Terms liberal. For further particulars apply to 1 MESSRS. W. PAELING & CO. | Montreal. <6t, -W.II. STOREY, Acton.. Acton, Aug. 22d, 1877. Aeton,Sopt. 4,1877. PYPE & McNAB. FRESH ARRIVALS, OUR FALL STOO OF Is now Arriving, And will'soon .be-complete for the ," GALL AND SEE OUR NEW STYLES- FREE ! Speoi^L Attention C^ivea to Ordered "Work. T " Itcpaiiiny: Promptly Attended to. In all; the latest English, Amer ican and Canadian styles, Suitable for the early- Fall Trade. 1 - . ;"::i'- Over SO .Styles io select tsa#L A: superior Felt in style, quali ty and finish: for only $1. They show the very lastest at close cut prices. Any person who will mnko __________ nnd forward mo a list ol the names of rellablo persons of their ac- quai'ntnnct* who wish to.procure an In strument, either 1'limo orOrfmn, I will use my best endeavors to sell tuera one, nndjfer every J'iaud I succeed In selhiii; to tlioir list Within one year, 1 will credit them with $11), and for every Orcmi $5, (u lid applied on jiiyment of cllhor a i'lnrj^ or Orjran; nnd whcivjt nmonuts to a sum stiinclont,to pay n-rnn liiRtri:rn*--nt KoleeleUat tie'lowest vtholesiik' price, I v,Ul Immrtilately ship inn lnsirumpm, free, or after any amount is ererflted the baluiico may bo. laid inn In Wish nnd I wllVthen ship them the !n.stiilment. TLoy; need not bo known In the mnttor, and will bo doinj; their friends a real ser- vic>, as- I shall make spcrliil ofrcrs to tncfn, Kolllng a superior Instrument for from! one-ltnlr to tvro-lltlrl what Is ord|unrlly pslted by rtgents. 1'Ieiiso sond mca\lsi at oiico nnda/ier you bnvu m:Ie (niiillry you can ndil to it. Address IJAjN.lEL F.-nEATTY, Washington, Ne^v Jireoy. ; '.J^i EOUGE IJEVENS, j Barber n.nd HairdreBser, adjoining ' Secord i Bros." Store, Mill IStrobX, Acton. Hair switches and coiubijigs prepared to order. Acton, August;7, 1877. CRAIKB & SOW. m:ath:ood; = HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. Wo have rneont'y published*! ni>w edl- vion of Or. CtJlvcrVFell's CeU-ftraltd E- 'ay on tho nulleu! and permanent euro (without mrdlelne) of Nervous l>ebll!tv, 'Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impedi ments to ilarrlagp, etc., resuHiiii; fiom , excesses. 1'rlcc, In asonlfirI:piivelorc, only 0 coals or two postugo stamps. Tho eclehrnlcd author, in this admlr- nble Essay clearly dcinonsi.raics, from thirty years' successful practice, alarming conseminnces may bo rndlpally cured without the dnneoroiis n.Hoorintor- nal incdlclno or 1,'lie iiprllciillou of Hie knife: pointing out a modo ol euro at onoo simple, eorljiin nnrj etleetuul. by moans of which ovcri- matter what his condition mny be, may euro hinuolf ehcanly,- brlvntervand radl^filly. This l.ccturo should be In the hands of every yoijtli andovory !mau In tho4iund. TIIK CVLYEIIWEIA IIF.OK AI^PO., M .inn Bt,, Now ?foiK. rostOllke iloxJSSC. 4-ly TUB KOYAL HOTEL. EXCHANGE ACTON. This well-known houso has recently uudergoiie a thorqng-h rciuivatinj; jand repairing, is now furnished with new and modern furnituro of tho best "des cription, and is prepared to proyido first-class accommodation to the public. The present proprietor has received a license, and he will keep the bar well supplied with tho very best of liqpxirs anil cigars. .The stabling is largo |arid well-iittcd up ; also ample ehed?room. Tho patronage of the public is respoct- ully solicited, ' ' .JOHN MA-NEY. Ac^on, June 26, 1877. ' * i -HF'-r-, * - - SKit-y PS I mi ml w A new G^nsignment of that FASVIOlis 50 CENT TEA just to hand. 10 LBS SUGAR FORjONE DOLLAR. Acton, Aug. 15, iS77- al \C- tk&l M&&0$P-

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