Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 4, 1877, p. 4

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!*fe '___JU_ XS.B1 FREE PRESS, ACTON, IIAL1W OOUNTY, ONT., OCTOBER 4, 1877. A M4.BO x\. Now do ram mil come nt li *r An'tle loni; <trvif tnjiie i* p i<t I An' de prut-* nm coiif n fa t lu h vh ,\w r- An' do mourn ^loij 11 u An de. i>iipli\ ^iiw Mi li j.lur 1 l> l\ OUI y fVuu Oil. darkle* n m.l ills u nun, \ou w* ii i lnl loo,. I .pU__ rurilni) jjl.>iu*)ii ih nii'i uu l> tioobk all tie ilaOh, Jo cnbk'cr il-vi , Ai' flc *)uohIii mih: unl pla>, An'\lem tatirs j.r>w aw.iv - Out <te *.>', But do < Iniv kit U n tun tfpmi^iii'. An" Jo dclnl x seed am briu^m \\ Ol V &Ilel VI O Uow, dsr5ie, him* j our burn, >l.i iiKiaUiimsiH turn \\ ill tall \.iii in il i' i >ni W.d ,k p\i., i ; For ilo r eeeU nm a li i inn , An Jem M*> poi*-* am & Wonmiu , TviliUU UOW Oh, de nm crow cull do nm, For Je white folki mvkI ami jja'ii, But do dvkioo work tu p lu Mo iuil < ii . for do coffee w*.eil -em suiilm , An' dat *N*tt mi ht-Oii m.i &iiliu For ilo hoe Tank do I.or', Mo' lust, - For le porchm eon> am I Kit, Au iK t!rkir.s hah . mo rot In ilc ulinm r , But uat luoMuii ^Kiv> It ir, An. dat j>uli \ *-. w.ii iii' higher Kl> r\ h. i r. Vrnclical Jokt'po Ihe {-"iracucd j>ktr tank-- he tweeu tho incessant jniubtu aud tho ariecdotu man, am n.j hnn>m nuisancer Yl.eoeh ie IK-ek cjoui Vtnad (ho thieo m L.a econti c { self, and it was the i.itJ\ uf the cortbinitiou wjiii'h "sa\od him fiom being sccal'v lvnchud, hud ho excelled in einfy 0:11 Lo would hate be-en "out1 to a Lt 1 Unify, but exctlhug m^ll thioo ho \\a-> a nuisauos of eir'cli luiginiuJa that the fualuouablo woihi hid fur 11 while to jitu uji bkIi ftiid atTect to tula iro t'ie hr-Liint bo-o Such a ooajbiDation 13 exceji'ioml , the -tsleotA &r old uniuv dc-tlt out more sparing!}, each hoio hiding bis specialty, and, foi tlio tone we re in conLut with h 11, by con centmtioa cf A^rco, i> 111^ abiu to o\en>liudovi nuvaaoees of uithtr ot the reiuaimtig tyi^es. Tuo j-racti cal jolior is, whilo active, tho nio^t objcctionmble of all three, ho ib imsuipectetl, t-akes a mephistojilicl inn drligiit jn our discomfort, will Btiek nt MiUiJely flin tiling in the wa> of mfiictiug psm for his own gratification, and will aggiurate ' the puin he Las '\vautonl\ caused I by Eonao rascallv njfurenca to the fua it htia iiim Practi I c*l joking 13 nn 0 itrage agamat J which neither benevolence, humil ' ity, patience, nor po*itf3n is a pro I toction , it- is an ou'nge vhich rarelr dravrs upon the jK.rpetr.Vor j of fimt, laa\e on their stalks, beat any nior senoni ppnrtlty than the 1 tne white of three tggB to a Btifl contempt ind hatred of the victim, I fro'h, lay the fnut in tho beaUn v.hich to the foimei ^idy give ad ' r-'g vtith tho stalks upward, drain ditional zest to Ins >s'e jwiiormanoe. i tuein and beat tho part that drips A little incident in Brooklyn sin; oil ngriin, select them out ono by gests that it is possible to reach | "uo und-dip them into a cup of eTen this social pebt \err diretily, fi"olj ]>owdered sugar; co\er a and to ha^e some Lom]>,}n3ation for ' P-in with u shoot of lino paper, the wrongs suffered ut his hands , plaeo the fiuit inside of it, and sot i*ms of ThoiislU (.itutitudciti tho tno^t dignified ix'tuin you cm lu\is.h 011 youi builoluetoiN Tiue^i'ul nmII 1wa)8 uiciilcato model alum without dimuiibhiiig u con-puiiuuh mtie[iidity, l'rudoiy ib often tho mantle rlio&uii to ooueril tnuuiph,uit Mco Whoio Kiwuid lomoiuo pie\ails, theii) will always lo a correspond uijj ubsutdit) m ulkcting guuuiau Mitue, Oui natural disposition to evil is \idunt 111 this . that mco Hacks out its own path and Btiuidu 111 need of no uibtuutot , \shilo it its ipiues not only example, but dis upline tu inUiato us ill \}ituo. Deceit has tiio effect of impo>or ishuig, aa well oa emiching mou r tho piodigat becomes poor by pro tending to be nehoi than ho ically in, while seeming poveity is tho ^c lJ ui.ikiu^ of a miser Talents, without the accoinpnm uient of religion, uro but tuttil pioseuts, they not only add stiongth to tho \ices of tho nidi \iduul, but what is woit.0, they undei them ihoio conspicuous to the woild. Tho f uilts of a fool mo eonepulod fiom himself while tfioy moovidont to the wo'ld, on tho other hand, l.e f.iul'i. ol tho wise man aro well known to lumselt, while tho) aro iunskt.ll o\er and invisible to tho * orld (Jiwhty is to a man what beauty is to a woman It cieats au in st tntatieous luipioiaiom in his bo half, while the opposite quality exutts as quick a jinjudfico ujniiiat huii It is t\ leil oinament, tho most beautit'ul dicss that a woman can wear, uud orth 111010 as a means of winning fasor thin tho tiiicst clotheo and jeelse\cr worn. .^---------------- OKI Maids. Many of tho satirical aspersions cast upon tld maids tell moro to then cudit than is generally unag 1 icd Is a 'woman remaikably neat in her petson, " bho will cei- taiitly dio an old maid " Ib she trugvl in her expenses, exact in her domestic concerns, " she is cut out foi an old maid." And if hc ia kind and humane to tho animals about her, nothing can Ba\e her fiom tho appellation of " old maid." In short w o ha\ o alw ays found that neat lies1", modesty, economy and humanity, ara tho ne\er failing chanctenstics of " an old maid." IMS&EEUSE PILES AM) WAGGONS. Now is tho tuna to lca\o your order At J. Ryder's Faotory for _, Stylisb Bacuy or Scrvlconblo Wnmtoii. I nm making up a largo bUkU for tho 1,1 ison, from tlio bint material. Call tuiil St t mtr Hanthomt litoji/tu* Now Is a good tnuy to suumu bnrgaina. Strn t attention rimii to Zorco-sboolnff & OoaoralBXaoK- smlthinflr. Alton. I'tb L'6, JAMKS HYDKIt 1877. DANIEL F. BEATTY'S PIANOS & OaGANS To frjstallzc Frait. Tick out the finest o'f any kind A number of young men disperm-d asocial gathering lr. a church 1burning peppei on a s'o\e in the basement, tLo iurnts iiciug ,ii,d driring the assemblage ulmos' fian tic. The joke, so far, was ar great 8HCOCE8 for the jokers , biit the re talllKUon cami' in the bhajie of the fjternati\c to those funn\ folks of either going into the ilo^k or p>i}- ing S100 to the funds of the chinch, which happens to be rather more netodv than Tina modo of dealing seems to bo ona susceptible ofiwido and varn.J application, and if applied systematically would doubtless tend to restrain the ten tlency strong in i>eoplo of small intellect and s*Cullor hearts to make marry at theA'itpsnsa of othei-s ~* A Fair Price. - The following from the Mo/ietm 1/ Times is in season jubt now, and tee hope it will -sus&ist our farmers to oorao to tbe; doti'i unuation to Belt while tbe the price 18 a fun* one, instead of waiting for nn advance - -which may or may not tuko place "jXe see it Mated that a number of wheat grovJers in tho vicinity of Chatham have formed a combina tion to hold their grain till the price offeredr by tho local buyers uses to a pointjfthieh pleases their fancy j and that the ibuyen, not -unnaturally, refuse to advance Wo are not told what the price is m either catso, and are unable to judge what gnevance, if any, the boilers ha\e , but we teat it is the tumul store with ibem, and a very fooliBh oik. The fin moi t.ikf-B upou himself to deoi lo what his wheat *IuJit'd~\>f worth to tho dea'ei, and Rtnbboinly holds out for that figure He gets sprrjo fancy jtbout wai prices, and ib mured ]>y an idea, bnt ho often ey-I.i by Inking, ^ix months ufcei atuf>, 11 half less than ha iu piciipusiy oiieied. It is ne\or safe to rcfuso a fan puce ThOUoandu liate been lost to nidi \ idimli* antl jiiillious to tho couu try, by just such policy " Female Soriel). l'o> young man, nothing is so important na a spnit of devotion (next to his Cieator^ to some ami able woman, \ihosti mmae may occupy hiH heait, and gi.aiditfiom tlie temptatioi.s th it infest on all bides A man oii^|it to choose his nife as Mis Pnoirose di4 ht-i eil tuujg gown, for iru*l+tmB thut Will ' Weal well " it in an 01 ea that is cocJing, when the icoing 011 the fruit becoxiiefc Ann pi'o tlium on a tliah and bet tLvm in a cool place (-o forth .nhliato with l*oil anil Pa-sto, iVocI i.m to every Nation, 1 riiat mtn arc w it. that advertise I Iu thu present gi-ueratiou Repot ts from the Southern States say tbat the cotton ciop is luxun I ant hut is iu some danger from the wbrui Tho Geiman -Government is connecting the principal cities of the Empire by underground tele graph wires The Mitchell Adrocaic is re sponsible for the following . A certain clergyman in this town (Mitchell) lately prayed for the success of the Russian army owif Turkey A few Sundays later another clergjman in the same pill pit prayed that Tuikey might con quer Kusbia. ' fwas evei eo I'o owe is human, to pay up divine. Ucin buy first-class Piatios wid Or.OA>s cheaper of DAN IEL F BlitrrV, "Wnslnng. to 1, New Jersey, than any othei nianut ictiirei in the Unitod States V\ by 1 Because ho selU only lor cult, t ikes no psksnnd has no book accounts Eveiy niBtru- inent id fuljj" wirnntcd forfcixyears as strictly fust class, and me sent on fiom 5 to 15 dajs' test trial, money refumlrrl and freight paid both wayn by him if th'y nio usatis- fictory tend for lllustiatcd An- vijiiTi^KR (Oitilogue Edition) nnd 1 etui t^tunonnils fiom bis pitionf, ' orno of whom jou may know. Ad- flies.<5 DANILL F. BliA'iiy, fVush- uigton, Ncv/ Jersey. 99 I in I he mido bj c^ orj il < I "Xlj inonlll In ill I iwlin ^-i wn furiilub, II It IllOnO Wllllllj! to wmk uni ecuilj pnrn a lo/ 11 doll iri n (lv il(.nt, mi U11 r own lo 11 ! lint in n m l.ic\| lulli In if, I iiMini *< ' -hunt iihJ lioiioriiOJe Wo in^ji -I I till- llil ult'r. Jo us u < II us mo 1 \l o \ii! f'l| 11 |j 5 < u 1 ponipli K culm fr.'i i no hi sun ss n \h lit tin t'jau no till it. '.. \t < uill li-ur ei. 1 oiiho ot flartiut- >'>ii 1'iiiiii 11 iimliie. W nti it 'm< I 1111111 .-, duel Mipei m Irs, htlimi1- i I (! infill' 1-, alnl nil (lUHKi; in (loft' >niK noflc a lionif slioiil 1 wrm * oh am! I*-arn it>out tin work at onre **.tw In t* o ili/iA. ix>n*t .leln^ ^111,, \uutihin,yalno. UUHO )!. TK\CHErtS. You can 3 eaiily liioiea'-.o your calaiy by dtHOMi g m vciy Finall poi tion of youi leisine time to n.y intciest. I Jo not expect jou to c-itiva 3 I01 nfi ceifl.itted Uenttj s l^itnos nntl '), guio urjlc-- jou eeo fit to, but Ihe hfivjce 1 lectin ol you is boih pleasant and piohtibla ! u\l par- ticuUi-fiee Aildrets DAMCL 1", J5LA11Y, Washington, New Jersey. BE ATT Y Si^SJQ: UIU.N 1> ________ S'MJAlth <mi I'iMiiuiiT,nmisi.^rrys11 i.i-- nillTH) ti'H-DhN 'UlMiUI 1) I'Alt- l.t ut tUUJAN are the swept( st toneil nnd most |x.ilo>t liLHtiumnilh our infoio ininnruclurcii In tins ornnj otiit r coun try, llio world Is elialhiificil lo equal them. Ikstill-eounti unit term- e\ or be fore Rlvin. lloclc bottom jwiilo prleoH, nou roitlj to Joobi rw, n^intR, nnil llio tnuteln Rom nil. An oirer. 'Xlioso relo- tmvtrsl liHtnini'iiih i'IUht i'lano or Oigaui hoxetl nnd Hlilpj-Hid an\ whore, on lUeortmoendajB'unt trl il. Mtmej ro- fuuiliil nnj frclulik ehurvef pnlil botti w 11} s If In n> wno unnatisAirXor\. Full) narruntcit for ij\ Mure ns strloil} llmt- olars KXTltAOKUlNAltl MlihltAl. DJ'-l'Ot'NTM kWpii to Oluiroh. n "^chooli., Ixxlgi s. Hulls, Ministers, 11 nrln rs, 01*,, In tiithr loiiiiM Hum UilnvJuu 1 at 01100 wliero 1 lm\o ilrt ni,oiitR, rhousniltts now III irse. Now lllusli.nul AiUerllf-crtCn n- loltuo IMHIiui) u Itli list if trulliuonlulH, now rtnil>, nut lice 1 .lulill-rml In v> A.i.lrei DANIEL F. BCATTY, WuHhluttton, New Ji raij. Jt OF NJ5W Fall ana Winter i*m\ CJOODIi. Biggest Retail Stock in Canada BOUGHT THE GOODS CHEAP, CREAT BARGAINS Will to Given. REMEMBER OUIt ORDERED CLOTHING AND SUBSCRIBE MILLINERY DEPARTMENTS J. Superior to anything in the County. i THE MAMMOTH HOUSE *t Noted for Cheap Goocls. Mcleod, andeeson & co. Aug 2S. 3B77. MiMMOril UOUSE. QiiOBOKTOWK FOR THK .a. c,t o nsr, FREE PRESS, Only $1 a Year In Advance.^ P0S1\ OFFICE STORE -------- 1 Tho subscriber having again gono into the grocery business, would in timate that ho has always a full lino of goods usually Uopt in fir^t class grocery houses, fresh, and of tho best ijuahty, such as TEAS. Bl tCKS _ Finest English Broaklast Conguo, bouchong, Uolong, J- lowery Orange Pekoe. Gkfkns Mojuno uunpowdera, biher Leaf Hunpowders, Moyuno Young Uy60ns Uncolored Japans, Imperials, Twankays Our teas are all solected for their isupciior diawing qualities SfJecial eliacouht on purchases over 5 lbs. C0JTPEB3. Our stock comprises the host grades ol Old Government Java, Lagunyro, Maracaibo, and Rio. - Hoaettd and ground, daily, on the premises, thus retaining all the natural aroma and flaver of the berry, COCOAS ACTS CHOCOLATES, laylor's Cocoa and Ohocolute, pp's Homoeopathic Cocoa, Monier's Chocolates. S17GAR3. Ucfined, in Ijoaves, Cut Loaf, Dry Crushed, Ornnulated, Extra Ground, Extra C, English Helmed nil grades, Demerol n, Porto Kico. Amber, H0B.07 and Syrups. Standard TOBAOOOEB- Chewing, Smoking, Cigars. Valencia ltaisius, Layer Raisins, Loose Muscatel, Sultanas, Seedless, Vostizza Cunants, black Patrasdo in cases solected Do. do. in bbls., Eleme Figs, Fieneh Piunes, Tunis Dates. These goods are Ihe finest ex. poi ted. OANHBD PHTJITS A1TD VEGE TABLES. Penches, Peaja. Cherries, rineapples, Strawberries, Succotash,'Green Peas, Corn, Beans, Tomatoes. Besides many other articles in season, not here mentioned, fi^-Chenp for Cash or Trade. OAmrsB aooss. CaliforniaHalmon, i'ortlanel LobBtorg, Fron. li HjinllncK, Co\e Oisterc, i'resh Mackerel. Ouxol Sams and Bacpn,, Chooao and Enttor. Bumotfo EactractB & Biaonces. TUo Finest Goods Manufactured. Seaps of an kinds. Picklcovan$ Caueos. Cropso <t IJlnekwell's, Mixed Pickles, oiiowciiiiw, i-iccaliu, Mucliroom Catsup, John Bull Haiiep, IjPII A Porrln'K ^orclieBtorahlroKnuce, Tomato I'niRiip, Favorite Un., do, \orkshlro Ilcllsh, 1-roiich-Mustard, FAanTAOEoia oopes. Cnrollnn Hico. Armcan Rico, I'onrl Snjro, Rio Tuulooa * I'eijri Uarn(y^ DE3SBET 72H7XT8 Cnrrnnts, Vaionoia tirnnneR, 1 M< ssliia Iiomonn, Pineapples, Tuol Dates, Bordeaux walnuts, Fllborte, Alnlondn. SXS0OTT3 ft OONTEOTIOITBET.: Arrowroot, Wine,Soda, Abernethy. Cream, Lrmoii, Butter, Boston, (inthnm. Oyster cracker, 1 New_yorkUini;er nuts. mnecrSimpn, Candlrn and swieeiments oratl kln4s. CUceso, Butter, Egjs, Hops, 0E00KER7. ' China Sets. White Stone Bets, KlRiiroil Stone Sets, Chamber Sols, Ti a PlntcH, Bowls JoIIIcb. Pint tors, Bnkers. And a lull line of other kinds. Mill ISxiib, Crer>m Crocks, Builer CiookK, Jug*, Flowor Pols, 4c, Soiling at^ the manufucturers'prleeB, aLASSVTABB. Turn blorvQoblets, Liiinpn, Lump Uliuwoa. QlasH Plates, GIubb Sets. Fruit Jara, 4e,4o. Vail f auors and Window Blinds In great \ arloty cheap. MI30ELLA1TEOTJS. Tubf, Palls, Biooms, washboards. Brushes,.to., Ropes. Wire and Wootlou Boskets, I'alent MedlolnfB, Djo StullR. Stationery, ehool Bo^hR, 1'urnes, Wttllots SihoolBngB, Spootaclep, Vlolliin, Ylolln Strlngg, Br larlrMpeai Fanoy Oowll, ComtB, *e. Boneless Codfish, Herrings, OystJers^n can and bulk in season. W.STEWART* CO ilT oommnced opcoia^ theif New Importations Ami. lo fev <Uya Till show th tfneai nook of FIRST CLA83 GOODS ubjwitt** for jncpeoUoq in Gualpb. Hp*cutl agofts itura bwi made to snoirtbe oavstt Prtti Ooodi, JSprlttf Jacket*. Mantlet, Coilumet, Kid Qlovet, Hdliory, Laces, Lac* Curtain*, BJuetingt, and Mourning Good*. OUR COTTONS were all eoatraeted for before tha recent advaea, Customar* wdl bare the bsaeftt, Oeats' Department. ladoihM and Tweed*, Drea* Shirta, We#, GIImi, i(| 1 Mtae* at Fait n&tt ta ftartteulBrly inriUng in stylas od price, WM. STEWART A GO, Guelpb, UnrrhA, l-STL rjIME ONTARIO SADDLERY, ACTO^ Is the place to get the best Hanxu. loi the least motoj. * Owinflr to Hard Timeai^Prfceg have ben Reduced. ~ - i All Orderi Uft with nn wtll rpeeiH , careful attention. ^ COLLARS A SPECIALTY As all fanner* know their hen*, eannot work with ore neckl thm off the old collars and gt tStwtA tbt will g,ra entire, wrtk&cjl^ The plaoe to get them kaTu^T^* ONTARIO SAftDI^tY Another lot of those fmou American Whips jiut received and willbesoWeoeao for ch. ^^ R. CREECH, Actoo, Aug. 21, I87T. "" II rjy K SOT1CE. MX THE ACTOK i PLANINri MILIS ! Will b* fonnd a. qnntiiy of SEASONED LUMBER' I Comprising inch, 1} *nd 2 iaofc, dreetod and uddre*d. JUl l goad **'-rir, - Sash, j THE FREE PBSS3 i -1 PRINTING HOUSE. T9 Mercharjfts ao^l other Business Men in P jActon, as Well as throughout' tho ,Ocmrrty, the Free Press^! AnyaluaBle Advertising s an four Unriv^ljed Facilities for Ejfluting all kinds ot BOOK AND JOB PRINTING Acton, Juno, 1877. Conveyancer, Com in Q B , Issuer (pf Insurance Agent, &c. I JAMES MATTHEWS. arriage Licensee, Enable us t# turn out work equal to anything done in tbe cities. Doors, Mouldings Batteus, &c, J4acB&tured m iaal. WlOS. EBB AGE, Tt*f- Acton. A-us. 31, 1S77. C. T. HILL, KUcll Street, ACTAjX, iXEALEft IN Okreoerlth Crockery- ,. '<: Soots ft Shoos, ] "TTtil Paaor, Winlov Blinds, 1 -, UaUs, aiass, Fnttr, LlflJCfldOU, ?4nts, Turpnttai ^oalOU.Salt,*^ All of which will be (ojd low for etlk BOOTS an<J SHOES Selling o/r/ftcflrt. ] Also agent for th_e ,-, _, RtJBBBR PAINT C^RP'AK^ Ot Clerehmd, Ohio. Cash for slide* <Un,ffiaylS, 1876. LISTPJ' MUSIC BOOKS Sold wholesale and riaU,^r | John Andei^OB Booksell^-, QaelpJj,. - I Burro^es' Pianoforte Primer. Jusse' Musical Catechism. Bertini's Naw Method for thePi**^ Clsrite's NenJ jMethod for the fl"0* Hunton's Pt$no Forte School. Ilo we's Piamo without a Master. RichardBOn's ^lew Slodern Scnool. <3itze1s Parlor Organ. c - Silver Wreath (Vocal). 109 different Music Books. A Big Discount en all MUSIC BOOKS AT ANDERSONS CHEAP BOOKSTORE On the East side of Wyndhaa^t * QTJELPH. i > i

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