Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 11, 1877, p. 2

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vfm THE >: Sun/Bra ii :Vfi;i :->fBtJtlU Si cK""*i"?-' BBS's.*.*" i : ^"l^ik? 3-R: 5 l; I i Willi KTOM'UKK IMIE88 r-i'.)lifV.oi\ Kvcry Thursday -Morning. J.." I. HACKIXO, Propriotor. S'l Per Annum iu Adynijco &x$i on Wt ee "if v oes JOS- M M.VJKINO EPITOIl Tnn;>wv MokSiSii, OiT. II, 1S77. -lion. Mr... Oauolion has : been r.pnointod Lie.ijt. Covuiior of Man- * T.ieut.General T^iinl his rom- T'lot-a iiis miSMrn to the lUaeUfeet 1 ::.:i:;;?. having ooni^d.etcd a treaty, thr Urius of which are more favor- <C!o to the Dominion, tfian" tho treaties of last ver.rl Reports from rfie Indian famine districts staiP that .tho Mtuation is more favorable >", however, were very fairly repre M \Jiiis, Bombay, My-sore, and.; ' . Bunn:h ; but there is ho igiprove- \ mtuit in tho Punjauh, Rajpootana, "" I ml ore, nnd the North wost and ESQOESINtJ FAIL SHOW. Kalii in tho morning, - vain- lit noon, and occasional nliowcrs dur ing the afternoon, hall a decidedly 'dampening cllyot tipon the success of the. exhibition in Georgetown yesterday. The. morning sliowors no doubt prevented ninny from entering their articles, nnd" tho Inter showers kept uwiiy many poo pi? wlfo would otherwise huvo it- tendod. The fulling ail' in Urn usu al number of nrticlos exhibited in thr-'bhll wns- parttcuidrly- notico- able. Pulmps this may also in some respect bo attiibntcil to tho fact that the larger" exhibition in Brampton was being h*>lcL>nt the same time. . In domestic* nnd dairy produce the display was re markably moagro ; grain and roots, FREE PRESS, AGTOtf, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., OCTOBER 11, 1877. central Province*. It is remarked-;-that. JjPT the liifsi-.lijis of-tho Montreal'Grand J.::y; which recently returned." no I::::'" in the Tisc!.e:t nnd KKiott : s'-.o.itlti^ c;tse, tlirtecn, all French i C-iu.i Jians, wevo nnablo to- sign iV.rir nnrios pn receiving their pay. All the English speaking jurors on t'ho i>^nt-l couiti write.. '.- The C'i:u:dii Gnzrtic publishes n i!e*j:aieh f'om Earl Carnjkrvpn, :.::r.>."-i:ncilig the conclusion jot" an t-xtiadition ttx'a'v with iJelgiiim, xi'liiL'li C;iuie into foroo on the 27th' of Ai:.iust, and; u list of the ex:;a.';\ibie offuuH'S under its ] i'ovi^ioris. ^ In view of the ltp failure of justice in ^1 on trial tlio press of ^ Toronto 1ms been; occjipied with the question of the ulnjlition of Grand Juries, excipt in political cuir.-.- TLe UL.Jjt! nppro^ves of. the lOVM thrown out by Chief Justice Harrison. Tho Td-.yrum and ether journals also pronounce in fa'.'vr ui vhe incditkiUion. of a sys- ti-r.i - which entails unnecessury labor j'li the courts of justice with out :o':i;K.'i:siuing. advantages. Mr.-'T^urier was on Tuesday as ^lhiister of Inland Eovriiue. -The writ for the Diuin- - i!-,L-:id and Artbabaska election has been iis::ed, the nomination being t^e.I for the iOtii icst. ::nd the gloaworth Ono poi!:i:g for the il7i: 1. / cot apjiear to hnye been the lnsig- liititsin; affair TTar Xotes. ^lespnt indicationsr go to show that Ri.stia will continue active cj*ratio;:s in Bulgaria during the fail. Heavy tu asses of troops are beinj 'si.-::i to tlio front, and' the pan-.ileU ;H.-foro iPlevna have tteen c^;i!'.!;ft;ced under the supervision 0) Todltbeh. The insurrection in Daghestan, a district of Tnins-C-iucasia, does hnye bet that it was at lirst . Eiipposiid to be. Breaking.out iu central portionn of the provtjice it gra.dr.Hlly spread south, and eTen t!:e ueteat of the insurgents on tho 1'$\ and 24*h of September was not st'.nicient to quell it The in surgents have since then sustained ft second reverse, but bands of them jire =:i!l scattered throughout the Country. f S-rvia "seems to have finally de- ; T Ci!^il tjpt'ii wr, an nrmngemeut having been effected with Kiissia ; btit no active lueasnre further than : the rpaichlng o,f troops to the fron- Mer"vriil be undertaken until the middlo of November. Tie Porte, t in the inoaatime, has demanded an exjdanation. Tne Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs haa informed the British Minister at Athens that Greec^ l-egnrda the threatening language of.the .Porta aa sufficient ground for completing her military pre- . partitions 'with all possible des patch. i ' Sir Joan Macdoaaia's World* ly Cloods- , It is almost impossible for a newspaper which respects truth more than party to refer to -any in cident of the tierce^ partisan war fare coutinually going on around it vrtiiotit inadvertantly treading on a Liberal corn or u Conservative bunion. When this occurs, the "exclamation made use ^>f by the old nicio't'n v/hose puppy'a ' tail got un der the wheel of a costermonger's c<:: . is sure to be beard: "Oh, bo.v stupid '."' Itns of.course im- to jilease both sides to ii";)iic-i!e the fox and the goose. \1 i': wliat appears so. excessively tt.M.iil to one is generally consider- oii a.s a very clever thing by tho o'.I'kt, anil that is some consolation. The old maiden may rage:; the cos: tei-'.iiouger only smiles.' At the ri.-.k of incurring displcasuii- of some sue": nervously disposed - critic, it wiil be necessary to observe that .the iitaternent by John Macdonald at ; Conservative fete to the effect that he was still a jjoor man not withstanding his long' political'cu re? r, has-not. been allowed to ;'go unchidleriged by his Opponents. It 'is duiiiod he is^a; poor.mant; on the contrary, he is said tiie owner of 4<iVei'al real properties of great vi'.liil', bttaid^eii being in rebeipt of th :-yiterest op a *ind yf 100,000T subtiCribed for himself and his heirs by political friends. The interest "on this fmul altjuo is pfjual to the salary of ajiulgo, so that as a mat- . ter of fact Sir ^John Macdonald is not pjoiw -Aloitlreul Slit/: Bented, nnd of good quality. Iu hops. ono of Esquesing'a great stsples thoro was but a solitary iimp'.e. There was a good, display of fruit, nnd several very hand: some specimens of flowers and greetihoiiso plants; The" samples of ladies' work woro very fine, but few in number. A few good specie mens of drawings and paintings were shown, though most of them were of nn ordiuary champter- ' not neruly cqunl to' lust year's show. Mr. C. 'W. ipil, of Acton, bowed n number of excellent photographs, for which ho was tlo- sevvoilly awni'iU'il a first prize; his competitor was Mr. AV. H. Kahrs, of Georgetown. The dry goods uiL'i'cluiitfi made attractive displays of millinery, and two Georgetown stove dealers showed several hand some stoves. Messrs. McKinlay Bros , marble dealers, had a hand some tombstone of fine Italian marble, showing exceedingly skill ful workmanship and tastoful de signs. Messrs. Crawford BroB., of Georgetown, had three good panel doors. Mr. Lawrence Hose had fine samples of ' corn meal and buckwheat flour. And beaido them stood tho medals. and diplomas awarded toJiim at' the Paris Ex-; position in' IS^C", and at the Cen tennial Exhibition last year. * The society hi ay be congratulat- <-d on the substantial improvements recently mads oja their.gronnds, by the erection of a high board fence entirely, surrounding the enclosure. There was a good show of horses, the various classes being well re presented, and amongst them some ..splendid animals. Competition was keen in the general purpose classes, and the Judges hod considerable difficulty in awarding the prizes. In catt3e, the number of entries was not very large, and the Judges soon completed their work. Thero were a good many sheep and pigs, most of them of superior breed. .Mr. C. S. Smith and Mr. W. Wal- dio, both of Acton, were the prin cipal prize takers in sheep. Farm implements were not very nunierouB.' Mr. Ryder, of Acton, hud two buggies and two democrats, and carried off three first prizes. PRIZE LIST. DRAUGHT HOUSES. Heavy draught horses William Leslie, 2d S. Mason; 3d M. Mc- Pherson. I ... Two-year-old gelding or filly A. Cook, 2d Wm. Howden. . One-ycar-oW gelding or filly ^R. Cleiives. :~ Spring colt J. CI Brown, 2d J. Sproat. Brood mare J. C. Brown. . GENEUAL PURPOSE HORSES. Pair general purpose horses Rutledge, 2d John Sproat, 3d Wm. Wilson. . . Brood mare John Hardy, 2d Wm. Curry, 3d John Sproat. Two year-old entire colt Fyfe Somerville. 'Two yetir-old gelding or filly J. Early, 2d Wm. Thompson. ;One-year-old gelding or Ally; E. Garvin, 2d Wm. Leslie. . -Spring colt Robi.' Stewart, 2d Jas. Eariy. ItOADSTEES. [In thia class, we were unable to ob tain the prizes awarded for carriage and hack horses, in time for this week's paper.] - Brood mare M. Howspn, 2d E. W.VDeverau'x, 3d R. Anthony. Two-year-old gelding or filly Chas. McDougall,'2d J. S. Fruser.. One-year-old gelding or filly- J. Cunningham, 2d Wm. Fisher. Spring colt M. HowBon, 2d E. W. Deveraux. Two yw>r old mill J.{Miller. _ Ono y<jar old bull- Jas.' Em ly/ 2d J.'C. Brown. Bull railf Wl Wriggluawoijh, 2d W. Wilson. Bull any ugo J. Early. j . OU.A.UK oattt;k. Cow giving milk W. Wrigglea- woi-th, ?d J. S. Bt-Bsoy', 'M W|in. Maltby. ' ' |. Throe j ear old cow W. Wtjig- gleawortb 2d J nn Brown. ! Twoyinrold heifer W. Wi'ig- 2d J. C. Drown, year old hoifor Punl. Kennedy,i 2d Wm. Mnltby. . Hoifor calf J. Miller, td J. S. Beasoy. Yoke working oxen Join. Sproat, -2d John Hardy. Pr thr>p year old steers in yoke. M. McPherson. Fat beast P, S. Armstrong, 2d Jas. Eurly. LEICESTER SHKEP. Ram C. S. Smith. Shearling vain 0. S. Smith. 2 ewes-1 Wm. Waldio. 2 shearling ewes C. S. Smith, 2d Wm. Waldie. 2 owe lnnibs C. S. Smith. SOUTH DOWNS. Shearling ram 8! Mason. Wilson, llaui S. Mason lamb Wm. W. Wilson, 2d 2d S. Mai 2 shearling ewes S. Mason, 2d Wm. Wilson. 2 e-vo limibH W. Wilson, 2d S. Mason. Fat sheep, any breed W. Wil son, 2d Ejias McDougal. Kani of any age or breed, C. j S. Smith. j iloxo WOOLFtP. I Ram 0. S. Smith, 2d A. Stark. Shearling ram Win. Wilson Run liiinb Wm. Wilson, Jas. Early. Two eivos Win. Wilson, 2d Elias McDougal. Two shearling ewes C S. Smifch 2d Jas. Brown.' Two ewo lambs Win. Wilson, 2d Jas. Early.- PIGS----LARGE BREED. Boar under one year It. For-d Sow E. Oirviu. Sow under one year R: Ford. SMALL BREED. Boar R. Ford, 2d A. Noilson Boar under ono year G. <k A. Lawson, 2d E. Garvin. ' Sow R. Ford, 2d A Neilsori. Sow under ono year R. Ford, 2d Paul Kennedy. FOtfLTRT. | [Prize list next week. , GRAIN, ETC. Deihl wheat D. Cross, 2d Jas. Harrison^ 3d J. Barber. Seneca wheat Jas Marshall, 2d A. WilBon, 3d J S Leslie. Troad well wheat C. Swacfchoni- mer, 2d J Harrison, 3d Jos Barber. Other Tariety winter wheat Jas Marshall, 2d J Barber, 3d A Neihon. ! Spring iwheat Jos Browjirid jo, 2d J Harrison, 3d G W |joyce. Small peas W A Wilson, 2d J Harrison.; White oats J Harrison, 2d A Neilson. ' Barley Job Brownridgo, |2d Robt Stiriatt. R00T8, VF.0ETADLE8 AND FRL'ITSl Two boishels of potatoes R. A. Reed. | , Two busboU early potatoes Ir. McCullongh, 2d John Miller. BusJiel Icarrots R Snyder, 2d G. <fc A. Lawson. Bushel field carrots E. Sny der, 2d Al Neilson. Six Swede turnips J-Wm. Wil- die, 2d Alex. Kennedy. ". Six other turnips-j-C. Swack- hammer, 2d Win. Waldie. Dozen beets S. Nixon, 2d W. J. Robinson. ) Dozen onions Dr. McCul- lough, 2d W. J. Robinson. Six mangold wurtzef R. Ford, 2d Lewis. StulL | Six heads cbbage Lenis Hart- well. :.'.;. Six heads celery [Geo. Wng- glsworth, 2d W. W. Roe. f Six cauliflowers Lewis Hart- well. ! Two pumpkins Lewis Hart- well, 2d do. Dozen tomatoes Lewis Hart- well, 3d EL Snyder. Collection of apples W. Bes- eey, 2d A. Cook, 3d Wm. Frazir. Dozen fall apples D. Cross, 2d Ab. Neilson. Dozen winter apples C, Swaci- haminer, 2d Wm. Frazer. Black grapes Ab.. Neilson, 2,d Win. Bessey. " "* White grapes, Wm. pessey.' Dozen pears Jas. fShaw, 2d lilann i I 1 - Upper^lontVor D: Cross, Solo leather D Cross.. Fluid flannel -A Noilson, r'AUUtAOES AND lMn.nJIlSNTB. Two-1ioi;bo carriage Jas. Ryder, Acton, 2d:GfO V Kennedy. . 0]x>n buggy Jas Ryder, 2d Geo "V Kennedy. Market wagon, Jus Ryder, 2 0-V Kennedy. Iron plough Acton Plow Co. Othor plough A Grievo. Harrow cultivator A Oriovo. - Iron harrow--Win Tost. Gang plough A Grievo, 2d Acton Plow Co. _ LADIES' DEl'ARTMnNT. i Patchwork quilt Misu Mc Clelland, 2d J T Elliott. Fancv quilt S Mason, 23 Miss McClelfand. Fancy wool work on canvas 1st und 2d Miss Nollio Burbnr. 1 Embroidery on muslin Miss ^McClelland, 2d Miss McK.iy. Embroidery on cotton Miss McClelhtnil, 2d Mrs Dr. McCul- lough. | ^ .:.. Ornamehtal needlework Miss McClelland, 2d R A Reed. Crotchet work lBt 2d Mrs Mc Kay. . < Braiding4-S Mason, 2d R A Reed. I I Tatting Mrs McKay. Point luce 'D Cross. 1j\co woi k Mrs Jas Barber, 2d Miss McC lelkiml. Pair wpDle.n socks A Neilson. Pair woolen mits Mrs John Millerj 2d S Nixon. Sofa' cushion E W Doveraux, 2d Ii A Iteed. FINE ARTS. Photograplis Chas. W. Hill, Acton, 2d W. 11. Kahrs, George town. : THE JVAU IN TIIE EAST. One of the I'lovnn Assntilts. Pcnlcil drawing -L. S Collection \V. W. Roe. ny der. gi'itt'iihoiiso pi.tuts- i. ' CATTLE -THOROUGH-SEED. Cow, giving milk Jas. Early, 2d W. Wriggleswortb, 3d Jos. Barber. .. Three year ol<L__c'ow John C. Brown, 2d Dr. MtCullougb, 3d Paul Kertnedv. ". Two year old heifer Win.'Wil* *on, 2dl John; Miller, 3d J. :S. Bessey. : Ono.yearold heifer Jos. Barber, 3d Paul'KenuGdv. II.;ifer calf Jas. Early,-2d John Miller. > Bull Wm. Wilson. Neilson Sample bottled fruit D,' Cross. Bottle mixed pickles 1>. Cross. Sample [ homo made ^ine, ;D. Cross, 2d" A, Neilson," ' i Hop yeust bread, home-made4 Wm. Bessey,^i Henry Cole, j Ten pounds honey in comb- Paul Kennedy, C. Thayer. Bale hops D. Cross. " DAIRY PRODUCE. Home-made cheese J. Millerj Fresh butter D. Cross, 2d P,|$, Armstrong^ 2d R. Cleaves, 4th !r, Nickell. Firkin butter A. Cook, 2d I, Neilson, 3d Ezra Bessey, 4th John Nickell. i' ' DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. Team harness J F Taylor. Carriage harness-^1 J^t T Hew son, 2d<J E Taylor. / Single harness J & T Hewsoti 2d J F Taylor. \Fliis tcrriblo storm of battlo ton- tinuod with iut coasing for nearly ' two hours. , The Hussian guns woro pouring tboir firo into tlio redoubt, land the llunsian infantry into the; (j J trenches, | whllo the attacking coluuniB were advancing cautioawly under cover of tho smoke and fogr nnd standing corn to get a position n's near as possible bemre' making the final rush. At about 5 o'clock tho smokti lifted again, curried away by a gust of wind. At this momtnt 1 saw before the redoubt, down near Plevna, a mass of Ktissinn soldiers rise up in a field of Indian corn-, and push' forward with n Bliout.. 'f+ie Turkish firo just then seemed to have been dominated, nearly silenod by the torrible storm of shot and shell poured in-by the Russians. The memont seemed favorablefor the asa\ult. Either tho Turks were abandoning these rodoubts or they were- lying behin--| tb* parapet awaiting the attack, Which was it?, we nekerl. The question wm won answered. 'J he Russian shot had scarcely died away when there flash, ed along th parapet of the redoubt a stream of fire- that swayed back- Ward like a current of electricity, while the saooke rose over the re. doubt in one heavy white mass. One continuous crash filled the air with bullets, from which, to the spectator looking on, it did-not seem possib.'o for even a rabbit to escape. Into this storm of bullets plunged the Kusslaus with a shout as though ofj'iy, and thn disappeared into a Utile hollow, and for tbe moment wero lost to view. Then they emerg ed again, dissappenrai in the low ground at the foot ,oi tlio glnri3, rushing onnard as though the" bul- K-tswero but paper pellets, but, alasl ^adly dinunislied iu nrunbtr. Would it be p.ossiblo for tUom to reach the parapet? Was it possible for flesh and blood to break that circle of lire ? To mo it seemed utterly out of the question'. Hid but one bullet in ton livd its billot, not ono of -these gallant fellows would return through that corn field. -,.-. While waiting tosi e them enierge from this little hollow my excite ment was so gro'at, my hand trembl ed so, that 1 could not hold the field glass to my eyes, and tor the mo ment was obliged to trust my naked vision. They were evidently very near the redoubt. A rush might do it. Victory was almost within their grasp, but they required a fresh ac cession ol strength; a rush of new men frem behind; another wave coming forward with new impetus to carry the first up over the glacis ; a second wave, ani perhaps a third, e ich bringing new impulsion, new stiength.. I looked fur this wave of reserves. I looked to see if rein- Tin! gold discovery at Washiig'o is cauiing excitement. I ' ' 1 Tlio Gitr.lph Luiiilier Company, of Piiiry Sound, will get out ton millions of stock-this winter. Tlio Assistant-Treasurer of tlio Grand Trunk Railway at Montreal is reported, to be a defaulter to'u cons.iderablo amount. Tho fourteenth. Convention of the Sabbafh School'Association for Ontario find Quebec opened at Guelph on Tuesday. Boys smoking cigars and pipes on their way- to school may be a] sign of progressive education, bu^ forcements were coming up if the is far from being manly. general was doing anything to help J the .gallant fellows, struggling there time and made to pay tho Toronto: volunteers sent down to suppress* tho Grand Trunk disturbances lost winter. The railroad managers and freight agents who have been ; in session in New York, have dticioVd for the present to make no change in rates. ; Mr. J. B. Cook (nrstwhile of the Toronto Tiiajruiih), who has been killed and re killed times without number by the newspapers, is ulive yet. Some 500 Canadians are among the victims of the Savings Banks fraud at Chicago, nnd thoir ap proximate loss is estimated at $150,000. W. Gale, the Cardiff pedestrian; who began a walk in London, Eng land, of 1,500 miles in 1,000 hours, on Sunday, August the 26th, suc cessfully finished the- feat ? Mr. W. A. Moffat,.of Win- throp, Ont., has dug from one hill of potatoes in his garden the extra ordinary number of 168 full grown potatoes. A. Tyermnn, of 8th con. Hullet, has dug 112 from one hill. Chief Joseph, of Oka, and another Indian have each been' sentenced to a fine of $25 and costs for unlawfully cutting wood on^the property of the Seminary of Mon treal. The case will be appealed. People who buy tickets in the Royal Dominion gift enterprise, or any other lottery, must wxpect to lose the'r money. ' These lottery concerns are managed by swindlers, almost without exception. Later reports from the Indian famine district state that there was a considerable rainfall on. the 6tb inst, which will have the effect of saving, in all probability, tho fall crops in Behar,;tho Punjaub, Raj- pootana, and the North-west Pro vinces. - Mr. .Murdoch McKenzie, champion chequer player of the county of Wellington, beat Mr. John Leslie, champion of the coun ty of'Halton, at Guelph on Friday four games out of. eight, with three draw games, Mr. -Leslie winning one. . j On Friday night last the watch and jewellry store of Mr. Ben. Bowman, of Waterloo, Ont., was entered by burglars, and goods wbrth from one hundred to one hundred and Beventy-fiyo dollars stolen. The entrance was effected through ^a hack window of the shop. Mr. Wm. Staples^- of Milbrook, has recently sold his celebrated trotting horse, Barlow, to Air. C.P. Reade, of Toionta, for the hand some sum of sixteen hundred dol lars. At bis last race in Toronto Barloio made the fastest time-ever made in Canada by a Canadian horse, making his mile in 2:28 over a slow track. againat that circle ol fire. I looked in vain. ily heart sank within me, for I saw that ail this bravery, all this loss of life, would be useless. While these poor fellows were madly fighting t-ir lives away by hundreds in a desperate struggle, when the victory was trembling in the balance, not a man was sent to help them They were left to die overwhelmed, broken, vanquished j it was sublime and was pitiful. ] see a few of them strugg e up the glaciB ono by one. They are not followed, and here they come again, a confused- mass of human beings rushing madly back across the corn-field, loss than half of those who went forward. When this disorderly remnant was seen flying back, broken, destroyed, two more battUions were sent back to pick them up, and carry them back to the" i assault, i Two more battallions 1 They might as well havo bnt a corporal; and two morq^jnen. Two more regiments was what was required, and they should have been sent at the moment when that mass of men rose up in the corn-field, and went on with a cheer. The new troopB world; have reached," the glacis Justus the assault begun to waver, would have carried the hesi tating mass onward, and all would have gone into the redoubt together. Instead of this. Gen. Krilofl'sent two battalions, and that when it was too late. The poor fellows went over the hill singing gaily, and disap peared in the fog and smoke. I could have cried for pity, for I knew that most of them went uselessly to simple slaughter, it was impossible for tbesa fresh battalions to renew the assault with the slightest chance of success. These two battalions, like the rest were doomed to almost certain destruction. IU11THH. j VValiue. Near Acton, on tho 27th ult., the wif of Mr. Win. Waldie, of n daughter. McGiiEoon. In Nassngawoyn, on tlio 1st inst., tlio wife of Mr. Duncan 'McGregor, of a Bon, i . Wallace MAt:i>osALi>.-j-On tho 10th hint., at the residence of the bride's father, by tho Rev. D. If. Cameron, Mr. Robert Wollaco, of Ksqiiesing", to Margory, daughter of Graham Macdonald, Ksq., of Nossngawcya. DIED. CoorKii. In Erin, on tho 4th inst,, Mr, Isaac Cooper, aged about GOjyears.^ ACTON MAUUttT&t- Flotir ... Fall Wheat, now Spring Wheat, now .. Sproutod-Spring Wheat Barloy ... .... Oats ... Poaa ... ... -.. Butter ... .. Eggs. .. Potatae*^ j>er bag ... Apples,' early, per bag .. S3 00 to 3 00 1 110 to 1 12 0 :70to 1 05 0 1r, to 1 00 0 40 to 0 C5 0 30 to 0 35 0 60 to 6 Go 0-jp-tt?0 18 0J0 toO 00 0 75 to 0 00 0 50tO 0 75 :n-:ejw gooidsI AT THE FASHIONABLE WEST t|||L 6 cases New Press-tGodofff in plaid and fancy aaatrial fashiooaMV i_' season. : ; "* ** " Cashmeres, in'black. seal, navy and myrtle. Full janflo of Black Lustre*. - 1 , f 1 case Colored Lustres, in ft'r tlae new shades, JSJ-pents Vmi* "^ Errs' Cocoa. Gratetpl amd Com- roRTiKo. "By a thorough, knowledge of the natnral-lws which govern the operations of digestion uid nutritaon, and by a careful application of thcifine projierties of well selected "cocoa, Mr, Epjis has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which mfty save us many heavy doctors' hilts. It is by the ju(licit)OB nicof such articles of diet that'a constitution .may hegradnally built up until sfrongeiiough to resist every tcndeiicyjto disease. Hundreds of sul;tlc maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is n weak jxiint. We may escape many a fatal shaft by. keeping onrselves well fortified with pure blood ami a pro perly nonrished frame." Civil Srrv Onzrlte. Sold only in packets labeled ".Tamks Ei-i>s' & Co., Homa-opatlL- Chemiut, -IS, Threailnc-edle Ktrec-t, and 170, Piccadilly, London:" NEVT ADVERTISEMENTS T.' .ISIMI^ESS' SIE>.-~If yf>u "ant Hlllh'.-adr. SbiliTiicntF, \.< I tor liea is, KnveloneK. Merenntlle Tilnt liiK, of anV kin'1, iloi;io in bnsliu FB-sty son-i yonr otxIoih to ihn;.KRKF 'Pur ofHec, SatlKfaciion guaranlecl.- X>AY UP- i All parties indebtod to tho under signed are hereby notified tlwt "all ap- counts must be paid on or before Satur day next. 1 I ROBT. T. ALLOWA|i'. IS JO.6 CO'y, AT.TJE>'TIX t The members of Ko. 6 .Company,. 20th Battalion, are hereby notified to ossijmble at the-Urill Shed on Saturday, the. 13th October,"at 7 r. M., whin every man who has put in the annual drill will be paiiL Every maft- must retnrn bis uniform to the annorj' before ho will receive his pay. There will be target practice at 1 p.m., when all the men;who have not put in their target practice yet.jnust be present. ,By order, JOHN SHAW, Capt., : Com. No. 6 Co. t> KILL SHED. REMEMBER. TO-NIGHT The only opportunity you will have of Seeing the 'NEW ORLEANS MlMTsTRELS. Admission 25 cents; Reserved seats 50 cents. D WELLING HOUSE to LET. A comfortable Dwelling, specially adapted for winter comfort. Apply at J. E. McGarvtn's Hall of Pharmacy. ; H 01SE TO LET. That new House on Chur"ch_street, facing tho Rossin House. Apply to P. KELLY. Acton, Oct. 3, 1877, 14-3t The harvest in Manitoba has turned out satisfactory. The area of land under cultivation has been one-third more than last year, and the yield haa been good, especially so of wheat. The .averago return of the lattjer per acre; is about 30 bushels, Bome localities reporting as high as 35 and upwards, others falling to between 20 and 25. The total wheat yield of the Province is placod at 60|0,000 to 700,000 bushels, giving a surplus over re quirements of bushelp. A small barley-only was samples boiug at least 300,000 quantity of raised, the average first-class. Oats have been grown far in excess of the local demand. Potatoes aro fully equal-to Itho requirements. " Upon the whole," says the Mani toba Free Presi, " the produpt of " tho year may be fairly considered " an. excellent one. " A couple were married in Georgia by a JiiBtice of the Pence. Unto the man he said : '" Sir, will you havo the beloved woman you hold by tho right hand", in' the name of the State of Georgia, Cobb County, and the new Constitution, whether it ho adopted or not, (o be your lawful wedded wife?" And to the woman' he said : " Macbim, will you take this man to be your lawful husband under tho Constitu tion of the State of Georgia, no matter who is President ?" . /^ARBOTS FOB SALE. The subscriber has a great quantity of fine table carrots, of a largo variety, for sale by the pound or by the bushel. P. S. ARMSTRONG. CONSUMPTION GURU. .i A12E rjrrsrciA", ntiml fn>m irtrnT"*- IM11 JUioni7 tie formal* of m VcMAblt BlBlj for lh peedy ond pcnnaiunt cur. of - Consumption, Ailhma, HronclittU, Catarrh, ?&.*,'.','?1iroan'l,Lunir Affections; lo ?MUlTe and Epdld Core fcr Norvona D- PUlty aod til Itirroui Coniplajnlj. after hT. ttwjIhoroDrhly twled Iti wonderful 'curliTe Bo>jeri In thouiandi ol cain, feeli It hli duty lb' ;a*t.Itiknownito hrB^MfOerine ifcllowi... -Artu- Ii'.l1"^?ui>1'u " wjio aeslre it, inii ttc wlln lull Olrtclloni for preparing aliv iui!mI <-f.'k Known ,o nit nioenne ifcltowi. Artu Jd bj thll rrtotlTe and a comciecUoua dnlrc'lo fS;*T?r.*i?5S! ""WninK. he will lend FKKE iluT: .. .fcu, miTOiuiLi iut preparing any luccAutul- iT-.k* f*7- Srnl .by F""7" mailer aadrCiln^ With stamp, naming'tail napex. ] | i)E. a STEVENS, I " DAP. Bol BO, BEi>elrviLI.E, O^T. I W- 20 doen new Black Straw Ilais, latest styles; for- 6sfc^i_ ' season. ' Uf CO.dozen dbtt Kid QloTea, in blaick and oolowd;- /' !' < 2 cases Mantles, Eogflsb and Qsraian, correct ilylL" i'.,' - "S I boxes Ribbons, in all th'efjdesirable and searee jk>dL Por-sioek is Wet! np in every degartmenl. aml^taditni whn"trtkiiii. _ goods clieap should come t*tKer^Biona*le#ttXai;- ^ We areialready gelling a large quantity of early, fell-goods.. I: '- A. O. BUCHAIW/ Fashionable West End Drese. Millinery and 3<a^X|W*j(aMa- Guelph, Sept. 10, 1S77; -. /... : .-...-"' ______________________________________ , - BEATT^^R Bea tty' Pianos 'grand, pqaare Dl AMOC ""<' upright, are r^ I A IV -X W pronounced try the in tmit itimmtm^. prcg and the people AND as tne most beautiful and 3*eet- linn est toned Pianos cv^r'ma'nufactnr- OETCAMS. fe'%. USrff.1 nd a-.*a'^' ii ill jai-^^3""*-^' prpoonnci-fi ttie WASHIHGTON, "est in.ttia world. NEW if^tRSEY. Kfaliy's cclnbmt^d it'oliii-n. ToiiKtied Parlor Organ." 4ny manut.ictnTer challenged to equal tr.em. They, possess power, depth, brll lancy and sympalhetic delicacy, exfiU.sitely ljoautlfully-snlo efTesls, and me on'y htop acilnii ovt-r Invented lli'at car.not be di- "arranjced by uve. The bellows eap.ielty Ik so'ir real that bnt-ilttl (iron Is reinlr- ed witn the feer. to Fiippl5 nli the air necc-^srtry Best made and eirirant ensirK in the market. ">aII solid \f<l nrnnmonis.. Kvery Instrtwnent fnny * ar- ranted for sis years' a strictly nrst c!nsF, nnd Pent on from 5- to 1-5 days' t< st ;rla'. Addr<-s l)t\Ii:i, F. ItEATTT, -rVaBhlng- ton.-Ifew ihragy. O. T, HILL, Kill Street, ACTOX, i>EALEjR I-N - OrscfcerTr BMtS Ss Sb.OVS'r Well Paper, "Wlalow Bliai'sT- Wails. Slat8, &igjr'rs' Iaii.sel OH^ Paints, Turpoatinc Coal OU/Sait.afcs., 411 of which -will ba sold low for cash BOOTS and fife'OES- Seiliug off at cost. Also agent for tte .' . '_ . . BTJBBEB PAXNT COMPANY Of eieveland, Ohio. ....": Casb for llides. , ^Icton, July 18, 1876\ '. MUSIC BOOKS Sold wholesale and r*Ua;*y John AndersonBookseller,; Gaelsik- Burrowes' Pianoforte Primr. " .Tdusse's-Musical Catechism. * f ' Bertini's Hew Method-fat IS* ftaw' ', Clarke's Sew Method fbt: th Faab.. Hunton's" Piai,o Fotta Scijoo].! * -". Howe's Pia6 without a Uaster. IJichardeon's New Moid ens Seiool;r ~ Gitze's Parloi'OfgsrE. 5ilrer Wreatbi (Vocal). 108 different"Mcsie Bife'.' A-1 '\gi)iscOnntonall;"" ! MUSIC BOOKS ' : AT' - :.\ -' CHEAP BtJbKlT- On tLe Eapf giSe nt WyiiaSiaa Sbt- } KNOW By rexdlng tmi fiwctidOf the ineitlauMetntthcorr twined in the knt mcfics hocH ever faurf, tntiUca- THYSELFsr^lv^; traits of EihTjted Vitality, Pren.-o*"* D*^S Nervons and Physics! Debility, am? **H215 ooncomitont ills and untold miseries w thereftom, nd containB mora thn 60 orifc-i P*JJ ftcriptions, any one of wbieii'is worth the p.T*c* " the nook. .Tni*book-wa-wfittenby then>o. ^ tcniiTe and probably the most BkuTolpnur^tioDu' in America, to whom was awarded a gold and jew tiled medal by the Kational Medical AasocUUoa A Pamphlet, illustrated with the -very aae 8teel EnrraTiDgs a mar- UFA I Tel of art and beanry HI'AL: aent rniB to all. Bend cma . for It at once. Address < ' ^JL . PEABODY MEDlCAia iim#-a,.BJii raSTITOTE.'No. aSul-THVSI-l f BeaSt^Boatna,tIaaB.,, fi 111 VJabF AXD ,' ' ""?: : Sow i t& * > 1*T*: yWi*r At J. Ryiex's FaictOTy HE OXTAJtIO Seem Styilsa. Uvssss TStAifciiilto I a nulosg j* s hcFgf preier i-^t ttvmth* rpAi?iKiNG. JOHN McARTHUR, tailor, has returned from New York city where be has attended the School of Instruction in the act of cutting garments,,: and is now better prepared than ever, to give tho best of satisfaction to his customers. He is now in a position i to warrant a perfect fit, and to make up garments in the very latest American styles, The continued jiatronnge of the commuhity respectfully solicited. . JOHN McARTHUR. Acton, Aug. 8,1857. 0r8m . SCHOOL TEACHERS ;-Tou can easily inorease your salary by devoting a very small portion of your leisure time to my interest. I do not axpeot you to canvass for roy celebrated Beatty's Pianos and Organs unless you sea fit to; but the service 1 require of you is ooth pleasant and profitable. Full par- ' ticulars free. Address .DANIEL bl.BBATTY, Washington, New Jorse'y. T SADDLERY, Is the place to get the best Harness Jor the least money. Owinf?! toi'Hard Times, Prices -have beela Reduced. 1 ' ' ' .".' ' All Orders left with me\ mil receive - J ' - - careful afUnttoa. - COLLARS A SPECIALTY As all farrxiers tnorr their borseB cannot work with soreiecks, throw off Qje old collars and get a new pair that will give entire satisfaction- The place to_get theni is at the ... ONTARIO SADDLERY Another lot of those famous Almerican Wtiips Just receiyed and will be sold cheap for: cash. . - v Repairing Done,Neatly, CTuaply, and on the Shortest Notice. Call and See <mr Now Is a gpoi bargains. * i {.- : Striok Hone-a&o.lwr * ffwdrt-*11**^ latthiatr. - ' - ja^DBJlTi**' Acton. Feb.iJ6.1877. ' _[___, -UVBBAH! WDjnUMt~ On "and after the 1st of SeptetM' BULK:will be sold at the fcBoW* rates": ; _- "". " " " ^':' Per Qiiart/4 GentS| ; ' Per Pint, aOw^i New Imperiai Measstte, *o |S 1* ..... timer,., . y.;'i: 25 Quart'TicktsfoOntP^i So- Pint Ticket* for Fifty &** ^ ; In advanbe, -" Y. S. ~ACtonfAug. SS, 1S77, n. creech:. Acton, Aug. -21, 1877. 11 SIGN PAINTERS ^YrVi- tlonofthe hHd Provinces to answer this advertisement.. Address SAVIEIF. BEATTY, Washington, .Now Jecsey. ",# ~-. * con buy flrstoIasr _ and Organs cBeaperMii -1EL F. BEATTY, ** . ^r tcK,,New Jersey..^S other manufacturer ,n ^V^^ii. States: Why ? Because J*/^ only for cash, takes-no W-.. no book accounts. EMy; " J mentis fully warranted fonaPJ as" strictly Brst class, and U9 w on from. 5 to 15 days'.tjlt 3' money r'efondfd and f^'S"!?^. both ways by him if "f VJ5Tao ! factory. Send for l"^*f Jod; VESTisEE (Catalogpe ^1^^, read testimonials from h1*-^*^, some of whom you mrayjLnwJr/all, dress DASIKL.-F. BEATTY, * , ington, New JerSey. ' v-i i i

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