Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 11, 1877, p. 4

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ilil ISill VII f ~. : '.:?5 6Rii s ' #:>:-' IftH'. : " $ BiHH B8l '- I ^ E-? 13m ml H.% Ki^BSB Hes~ Rili - 1_-----^ii THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., OCTOB 1877. Tttrwr^ PALL/ 1877. ?R 11, 1877. JJsX&E 3 &Co, >A.CT03Sr. In presenting our regular half-yearly Circular to the Public we have again to return thanks to our numerous customers and the general public for the very large share or business extended to us, and in doing so we can only assure them that no effort on our part -will be spared to merit a continuance of their favors. As heretofore it will be our constant aim to advance "their interests as far as lies in our power, and at all times endeavor to show as large and complete a Stock as can possibly be found in one CStabUshmeiU. Feclilljr assured that the bountiful harvest of the past season with a rea- sonnWc [prosper o( fair avera^q priees for all kimls of farm produce, will cause a great re vival in"1 trade, we have purchased this season a larger stock than in any previous year, and having done so with a knowledge of the wants ami tastes of our customers, we feel assured we >hall not be disappointed in finding ready demand tlicrefur. As heretofore our stock comprises G-oods, Of aU kiads, Millinery and Millinery Goods of all kinds, Boots and ;S^os in immense vanet3T5 Beady-mad Clothing, Qroeenes, etc, '/ As to prices we are determined not \ to be undersold by any one either in Acton or outside. We manage our business at the least possible expense and will sell at all times at the lowest possible prices; .."We extend a cordial invitation to examine our new Stoc?:, vrhich we trust will in style, variety and good value, compare more than favorably with any house of the kind in the trade. In the fall of the year no one requires a line of credit as money is then more plentiful than at any other season of the year, besides our experience teaches us it is in all cases infinitely better to pay as you go. Our motto heretofore, has been CjL^SL ^.ISTID SMALL PEOFITS, And we are determined to adhere firmly to the principle. Wef find it impossible to enumerate all lines of Croqds in stock, but will.referto some. m,<mfcam&T "We show all the latest novelties in colors, styles, and raaj;cE. employ only experienced hands, whose constant aim will be to suit tastes and re quirement of purchasers, at lowest possible prices. >Ve charge no fancy prices for Millinery, The Ladies will plqase remember thist We show an extensive stock of ILacties' Mantles and Shawls, Also Clouds, "Wool Squares, and Furs of all kinds cheap. I Also a large stock of GEITS, YOOTHS-MD BOYS; OVERCOATS In Ulsters, Red River, Brown and Black Beavers, Men's Ready-made Suits coarse and fine,, extra value. Clothing1 riiade to, order toy experienced hands. a Shows all the new designs, fabrics and colors. In Black Lustres we, challenge all cohipetition. Ask for the 'famous Tiger Brand Black Lustres. "Win ceys; extra value.. Flannels in grey, scarlet, white, check, orange, etc. See our line of Factory Check Flannel at 25c per yard. M - ** BOOTS and SHOES Q -From the heavy Stoga to the infant's shoe all bought direct from the makers. No middle man's profit. Siock extra large and well selected.. Fjve per cent off all purchases of five pairs at any one time. ! ; FRESH TEAS AND GENERAL, GROCERIES y Regularly to hand " Our Famous 50c TEA is used nipre extensively than any other Tea in the market. Sold in 5 lb. lots at 45c, -'jr.y it and be convinced, i.' W.STEWART* CO Hare oominanced opening'thtir New Importations And in a few days rill how the finest atoelc of FIRST CLASS GOODS ubtnittod for impootion in Guelph. Special efforts have been made to sbpir ibe neweit Dreti Goods, Spring Jackets. Mantles, CiHtunm, Kid'Gloves, * J ; Hosiery, > ' 7 " Laces, Laos Curtains, Sheetings, and Mounting Goods. OUR COTTOtfS were all eootraotod for before tha reoent udvaooa. Customers mil Lava the benefit, .Gents' Department. In Cloths and Twaedi, Dress Shirts, Tfog, Collare, at*., Stook of Felt Haie, Ate. particularly inviting an styles and price. - - ", ~" WM. STEWART t CO, 0elphf March 6, J877, I - SUfeORISSS IA>K OKGAN are the ?.2ffl*SE: n nib the sweeteMTiLnUb ;mol Perfect instruWeSr^L'^SS'- try. The wol them.. Bestd _ _____V' Joro glVfb.'f Ho^nohc^ now ready to^Jofebert7^47^J, trado in generul. An offer ?K^ Organ) hoxcaaniahtpptb Ave or flftoen day'et,trUjL'S53* 1 W, ^_Mit cfa^fflj^v unwju lor six yean m """*'"" ways If pa \ny wly I Warranted for six .FOJR^THB ACTOISTi 1 - ' ' yeorflftoendaii.'teit,: ill In order to tiave them Jnf " *' where I hove no B^ent*. . sss:. ^^Ai%>aSa^^ l Washington, ^ll^^.-Bg^fjf^, Oan't]be>Mrte=^> agont enS^WH tneb<t9(rj4i toLSbafiTl * * .. work cSn^Sii dozen dollars b day ritbtftfi localities. Haver^cSSJ>,5^2S|.r men.and boys und-elrii!a^Sfcy' ;- men. w will toZi&?ZjT..-1 imtit free. -The h^inI?-*'fWih than aDylhlQK el*C W"( * pono of sUrtln* yoaJ/L_ write and ae. Farm*riSi their son* and daughters. &11H\n.^zr^ In need of pacing workif?lS53*?: FREE PRESS, Only $l! a Tear In A-dvance. THE FREE PRUSS w PRINTING HOUSE write t^-us aJdl learn abontSL_- once, fcow I the tlmi>S55 * : rjnAltE JfOTICB, AT THE ICTOk 4^. H^ PLANING- MIIJ^' Will ^>t found a giaotifjar - :. SEASONED LTJJMp|iat u Comprising incb, 1J and 2 inck dressed and bndressed, ill ^ood stojsk. Sash, : . ; Doors, MouIdUifrg '"^V" . f '. Batten*, Stt.t -.. - ManaiactareduanuL r'"' '; -rV-W- THt|S. JEBB1GB, Rn, Acton. Aug- 31. ESTf. AGT03ST The eabBCriber having sgsiq gone into the)^ grocery' bdsiiSesifwsisMnr timate that ha has always a full line of goods usually kept w .fint# ', grocery liouBea, fresh, and of) tee best quality, such as ..--' s ;; TEAS. Gents' Felt Hats, Cloth Caps foi* Men and Boys, and a fine assortment of Fine Fur Caps, Grey and White Blanketsr Grain Bags, Cotton Warps, in fact almost everything found at any time in a general store. ~ We most cordially request a continuance of patronage from those who have hitherto favored us, and a trial from all who have not had our Goods, feeling assured that Goods and Prices will be entirely satisfactory. We pay Cash for good Dairy Butter, or take in ex- change for Goods. Our terms are cash or produce. t CHRISTIE, HENDERSON & CO. Acton, October, 1877. \ t. - 0 0 To Mercjti^nts and other Busjness I Men in Acton, as .j well as throughput! the County, the Free Press is an ioyalual)le Adyertising ! Meriiuni I 1 0r Uyuwiiod facHities for Executing aH kw^.of BOOK Enable us to AND JOB PRINTING : ' turn out work equal to anything done .in th cities. finest English Breakfast Conguo, Soucbons, Oolong, j , Flowery Orange Petoe. ployune'liunpowders, . \ ' > SilFer"X^af Ounpowders, [ Jtloyune Youup H ysons Uncolored Japins,' ; ImperialBt Twantaya v0ur teas ate all selected foj; their HUperior.drftwinR qualities. . Special discount, on purchases \over 5 lbs. ! 5PFFEBS. XJae stock comprioes the best grades ' of ^)ld Government Java, . Laguayra, . v^ : Maracaibo, and Bio. Roasted-and ground, daily, on the premises, thus retaining all the natural afojma and flavor of the berry.. ' 0000A3 A0TII.09000LATES. Taylor's;Cocoa and.Chocolate, fipp's Homoeopathic Cocoa,' Menier's Chocolates. -' .StfGABa. 'C Refineid, in Loaves, CufcLoat,' ] - Dry Crashed,, Granulated, Extra Ground,. .Extra C., English koBned all grades, A. Demerara, Porto Sioo. Amlwr/ Sonar aal Syrups. Standard . TOBAOOOES. Chewing, Smoking, Cigars. CaHfornia Salmon,- Portlaa* UuWIH FrcsU Macfc erel. !>';*P Cored Haas .and Sae^L fSUtH ftaiButt#r%1> y ^ Burnett'b: Extracts' -art JNfhiifc; The Flnet Good-MBOlflta>*" Pictles Aad SaWet; Crosse * Blactwell'S, Mlje<J iPJi Chowcliow, fMcalill,'- " .' ' Mushroom Catsup. Jobu BuH 1.0a & PerrlnV nTorc!i^J-"~ Tomato l-alsop I?mTajrite-.U- Yorishire pellili, Krendi Carolina Klee-'Arracan Rloe, ' : '""T Jf earl Sato, Rto Taploe y. -- ^_^1' . fearlflarley-, Cftrn-HeaVarte Currants. Vfllencia.OTa*ef,, ^ _^Wrf^-V- MeBslnaLenron,innl*Wt','?TV ' Timlx Bates. Bordeau* Jfatanlfrr ^ jPllberte, Almonds. \ ,,Z.-,: ;. BKOTJITS Si OOSTOOttOK^n ArrojwTbot. Wine, BOda.'AWsroaaOM'- . Cream, Jjemon,Baiier,JB9*1Vnip Qwham. Oyster cracker,' ' .[ : New York (linger nuts.-. -.--r,-- Olngergnp.- ' , :^i}r:.. 1 .Candles and BweetmeiWofallUlM*. . ChlDBSett, WhltaStone*>ti'J'^i'- ', ^nred Stone S^vC*******^ . And a. n^tU<^o?W"*fs ^ Mill Pahs, Cream Cj . BatterCro*^ J' Splllcg at the man Gi^ssw^sa,,. &sj. ^aleacialiaisiris, Layer Raisins, ; iLo08e Muscatel, '] Sultanas, Seedless,.. -*VoBti*?a Curranta, Block Patras do. in cases selected Dp. dp. in bblsi, Eleme Figs, If rench Prunes, Tunis Dates. These goods ate tber jgiest x> ported- - L flAN^Bfi FSTTITS AND (7BJE- . TABLES.: " Peaobe?, PeJars, Cherries, . pineapples, Strawberries, .' Sucootash, (jfreen Peas, > Corn, Beans, Tomatoes. BeBidesjnany otherirtioles in season, not he:re nientioiied ' SgyCheap for Cash or Trade. . _ :^ -- J AMES MATTHEW- Aotop, Jupe, 1877* I Conveyancer, Com. in Q. B., Issuer Pf Marriage fcaceM** Insurance Agent,' &.Q. ' Tamblen, Uobleta,. ^,~ - ..^r-tt Lampf. Lamp liluMW.; ^_" : .- , GlassPlat^a,QHuSefr -1):. .^ FrnltJars, <te_.AC- -,..-=. "WaU Passes and'-Wis^a^ fi in* creat variet^cheaj^. ,'^ *-' MlSOBLliAllSPTOt : Tub?, ?ali8..Broom^h -^::"!;' i Washboar.1% Brushes,^ i Ropes, Wit* and Wooden BaslOft ; L Patent Medicines, ' ijye Siuflfe. t. i~ -' Stationery,*t^hool Books, _m Purser Wallets-SchoolBai ...... ' Spectacles,Vlolias^^w^ .yiolln Strirgs. BtrJTP Fansy o<JN ot?mB* Boneless Codfish, ;flerrin^, Oysters In cap and bulk--m r /:, -3W

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