Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 18, 1877, p. 2

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.<=*** > - *v* . >-A-^JsSi *K r*{wfa iiss^ .% > 4B ! I * Ef j" JIl j* ta 1 Jf\F3F&. 7& ~ - ^v^! :>iSSt: ^^S<iJj|S hmocm THE FREE PRESS, iCTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., OCT imii UYttX VUEK I'KEtiB Mi'iiv'iiK*. I I u'.d^h.-d Km-vv Th^r-..'-.; 0. H. U.VrTUNO. IV. 51 Per Aim inn in Advance AofauFm^F.roas -OS H 'U:K!^d tslTCR 1'ilVKMiAV MllSMN. Oi Id. 1*77. r-ls _T1. -. Tho war in the Kast cohtinuc.-i to oxcito . ejoitsidorahlo interest, though tho various reports nn> so ]t 'ljrtliv mid so contradictory thiit it isUlitin-ult'to keep it reliable ro iMuU'f tl:o tvfllU. TIlO latest, re ports ar that a groat battle has been fought /on the Aladja Dagh, which appears to have been very i. disastrous to .tho Turks. Tho Kus-- aians elaini that they were success- |f\il in almost annihilating Mnkhtar iPash-a's army, having captured the ri^ht wing .and chauing1-; tho- ro- maindr_far on the road to Kara. Muk!tUr,wuiIeiijn.>iUinghis defoat, claims, however, that his losses do not exceed S00 men, and attributes LtrrvMSO to tlio ^strength of tho Kussian reinforcements, supported by thof'200 gunt w!/ieh the- eriny wore able to-bring into action. Operations aro entirely suspend- -ed in the Sbipka Pass, where tho snow lies over threo feet deep on the ground. Along tlio Danube, . tci >, the wetlier has seriously in terfiled with operations/the coun ty ?*twecn Giurgevo and Simnit- 2i is impassable, and a correspon dent draws ^ gloomy aspect of the s^ato of .-ltlairs in that qutirter. In Smmitsi half of the inhabitants ar.d a largo portion of tho troops are prostrated with Danube fever, tvj:hus or dvsenterv. '-.= -.'i-ft?.'- It is stated by Mr. Anderson, .geheial superintendent of the Ham ihon and Xorth Western Railway, that freight trains will shortly be run as far north as jLluiksville, but no passenger trains north of George town until tbie, road is completed' , to B.irrie. . On the portion of lhei line'already opened a good- freight traffic is announced. liibrralistii or VUar <>iitlsut. Tho Toivitt > Tt:]&i)"tm, in reply ing to a question, submits-.. U:u fob- lowing us its siotiuition of tho dis- auction between Liberalism mid I CleHr.Ui'iiisin : "Tho distinguish ing ehanicieri.stsc ol" fit-sir CJ ii t is ru is its ib-sputUm, and. of LilieraliMn its progiessivciu'.ss. - Clear Giitimn will g) to any extreme or resort to any Kiibterfugo in order to uphold itself; Libeittlixm p.ntM the iutbrost ot* the country and ,-tlio welt'uro of tho peoplu above iiud before all things, t'lear t?iitiBm ileinuiulB l'roin its followera implicit obodi- elico,. the siieriheo of individual in- dcpeiidcnce, mid tho giving iij/ of tho political conscience to the keep ing of the. p61iticul'mastur< Liber alism only asks iho support of its followers when support can be given., conseicntioiuly, guarantors every follower his politic:il indo- pcudence, ttud-asauroa him. of. tho fullest political freedom. Clear Grkism looks upon every follower as* u slave; .Liberalism recognizes him as a friend. Clear:Grif.ibin is jealous of every thing wlculated to weaken its power or. \indertniue tho despotism of its leaders ; Liber alism is happiest has loos: ened the fetters of lury. who nmiy not havo enjoyed tho widest politi cal Ifcenso compatiblo. with. the safely of our institutions.. -Clear Gritism, to make use of-an.instance, took Mr. Cauchou into tho Cabinot and kept him there untij forced by public opinion to throw hirh over- boiud j Liberalism nominated his succe8Kor and. choso a rcspcctablo' man. The career of the IIon..Gecrge Brown furnishes a living example of Clear Giitism, ao'a that of the- Hon.. Mr. lilake, a living example of Liberalism. There is as wide a' diflerenco between Clear Gritism and Liberalism as there is between Clear Gritism mid Toryism,and it ia- a cause fDrjhai.kfulncwstliatun :bi race bttween Libi ralistn and" Clear Gritism, Liberalism, as we have IU9I-C than once pointed out, keeps well to' tho front. It will bo a happy day for Canada when.Hue power of; Clear Grit despotism to wield the unhallowed and debasing influence it has wielded so long in the press and , in tho party shall haTe been taken away from it, and Liberalism enabled: to hold it at defiance. sriRITUAUM'M EWONKW. mnv sifAN'ci:s wi'Hft titVKN. New Yoik ,Skji of 8ei.l. *i " i^' .- ^Tr. Eidout's {arty of tVe l - -Canada PiiciSc Railway Stirrer, arrived til Collingwood on Friduv I from French River, aflet a most snccessful snniiuer's wotk between -the French and Wihanapitapae Hirers. Tho party aire-all we3J rxl report the teeaS)0n;to have been a -.ret disagreeable one in that s^- tion. iit% -~ This pleasant jtaragraph we take from the New York World : " The business men of N'e-w Yrri scent to look upon tho busih-ss prcsp<*ct3 of the country with liopu- f.dness if not with complete sati3 faction. The Wo^iiL this morning publishes another b,tch of.inter views'with leading merchants in all branched"? trade, and their opin ions are worthy of careful study. The resuft^of a comparison of their views is decidedly cheerful Th<\T a^rf-e in df*clarfng tiliat a groat im- ])iovemeut in: truda has ah-bady ukon. plac'e, and that in tha Soitth ; au-J West there, is a re-awak?ning of enterprise. Tbo eeonomies tnd nr,i:cial eiperiense of the past {uar }-eara have put society on a good, sound basis." -_ The Great Boat Kace. The great boat iroe between Wallace. Ross; - champion of the Maritime Provinces, and Edward Haulan, the victor in the Centen nial champion, came off'on Toronto ^ay on Monday afternoon. About 25,000 people were present. The betting in the morning was lively, the St. John men, rather than not have their money placed, laying. 100 to 75^_on Ross. .Alto gether in Toronto there could; nat, have been less than $30,000'change ed hands on the event. Ross bad slightly the lead at the start, but? in n few minutea Hanlan was con siderably Ahead, and at the turning point of 2^ rnilos he was leading the return Uanlan's lead continued to increase, until at tho Market Elevator he was fully thirty, lengths ahead, and h*d Ross hopelessly beaten. From this to tho finish Haitian put in jome =good wort, and rowed past an easy winner by between li)0 and 20') yards. The time announced by the'tiine keeper was 38.00, but ho ^aid it was not official, as he bad not received any signal when Ilan- lau'fi boat crossed the winning line. 3 '- The Esqnesing Prize List. In our hiitry to obtaia the Prize List of the. >-qnesing Show, in time for last week's issue some por tions of it trere una.voida.bly omit- . e<b The following will supjtly the otnissions, for wkich we are indebt ed to'.he Herald: ' ' HOESES t^OAPSTEBS. Piir carriage horses E. W. T)veraux, 2d R.. A. Reid. ";Siogle . cariiage horse (in harnes)^-John Mcintosh, . 2d Richard Graham. * Hack horsejjin karnes) Mason, 2.1 Wm. McOullough, 3d G.- ic. A. Lawson. Saddle horses W. W. ftoe, 2U B. IdaBou, 3d J. T. Tiiomp- kon. - POULTBT. ?air Bmlimas C. S. Smith, 2d D. 'Hill. Pair chickens R. Ford, 2d C S. Smith. Pair Spanish G. <fe A. Lawson, 2d C P. Preatnn. Pnir Spanish -chickens J. & T< Huston, 2d C. E. Pieston. Pai'- Plymouth Rock C. S. Smith- P-.iirEnidc n ge>se T. & J. Huston. fair common geeiw K Garvin, 2d T. A J. HuHton. Pair Turkeys . -H."R'jsk, 2d John -Nickell. Pair R.ow.4!i ducks H.T.'Huston. P.-iir Aylesbury, ducks T. B^ll, 2.1 '. & J. Hubttin. Pair common ducks Esra J3essey, 2d C, Swackham- mw. '-. S FINE..ABTS. Miss Ciaike, 2d Miss Lindsay, 3d Miss "Freeman. ?-f'Pencil drawing-f-Misn LinVsity, ai'L, Snyder. Crayon ^drawing Miss ,L,:ndstv. [Six photographs Chas. 'W. Hill; Acton, 2d W. H. JCahrs, G^orgeto%vn. T-.tble boqttet R. .Young, 21 Miss Fret-man, Hand bomj'iet D. CfOSR, 2d It. Yonii". G.oenhouse [plants \V. W. Roe. Specimen of jiennianship by p~ixpjjs ..of public schooi-jC. O. Murray. T ;U*th gives some additional particu lars of tho Uial of 1'lisn, the spirit- ualikt, at Philuidelphiu. It r.ays : Jamea A. Hliss and bis wife gave seances at 1,0-7 -Ggtlen street, for about a yojir, charging an admis- aiot, fed of 1. They aro on trial for cottHpiracy for tint purpose of swindling. To tuako tho deception : practicable, ltliss nml a confederate, Mrs. Ogdon Harrison, corstructetl; in tho.cellar a room in which the pera'onatora of spirits might hide and .don the requisite costumes. From that apartment a Htairway tuitl u cleverly hidden trap .loot- nuuhlod them to enter tho cabinet in the parlor in the main story, and iu which Bliss was securely tied as a medium. The principal witness for the prosecution was Harrison, tho con federate, and his account of the swindle was exceedingly interest ing. According to his testimony; tbo plan was matured about a year ago. Bliss had previously givon seances on a small scale with his wifo as a personator of nn Indian princess ;.but because of hor foreign accent (eho is Spanish), nho was compelled to confine her talk to some kind of broken English. The Ogden street house waa hired, and, tho mechanism'for the seances put in. The opening, night in. this establishment was on;Oet. 20, 1876. Harristou tlien personated Capt. Davio, ft privateer of. tho war of 1-81.2. Mrs. Bliss represented Blue Flower, an Indian maiden, and a Persian dancing girl. Musio was usodvto-drown aay noise that tboy might make ili getting into and out of tho cabinet, the lights were kept so low that tho spectators .could not see distinctly, and the performance was financially successful. In sub sequent seances, tho number und reportery of the company were in creased. A Mrs. Evans and her daughter were engaged as, person- store.- ' " Miss Evans appeared as Billy " Ilarrisob testified, "and. usjed such expressions as " cheese it," ami. " Shino 'em up." Mr. Lloyd P. Smith;.of. tho Phila delphia library, recognized- Billy the bootblack as the spirit of tho boy he bad. known, land, who was a great favorite of ht3J %fr.. Bliss professed to bo uniler' the control of-Billy, Capt. Hndgoa, and Pat McCarthy, who spoko through him. Mrs: Evans was a princess.. Tbres spirits came out at a- time some times four rept eiented. by myself, Mrs. BUbi, Mrs. Evans, and. Miss Evans. The spectators were goner- ally kept away ten or Hwelvo feet. A a Turk I woro a black- sack over my bem], a black shawl,, and a black muslin ukirt. Mr. Blias would toll the audieneo who the spirits were. We wore informed inside what people were outside, and what spirits were wanted. Mrs. Blisa appeared as Capt.Hodgea, in black moustache and black side whiskers. Ho waa the leader and the 'great chemist of tho spirit world, and allowed only such spirits promptly umHonod Lhab Mpirits do noUlrink spiritH. As to the prodlM, tho itdiuiMMtoik wits lifty cents ftt tlio outset, but was soon'raised ton dollar. Piivate seances woro given al ."? 10 each. Thot-u was tpiarrel- lilig over tlw) luoltoy, . Bliss being nceii.Mid by thu others oi taking more tliati his share. j j Tho Telephone. Tito telephone is coming into mote common nso than is generally supposed. With it it 'conversation may be held between distant points with nearly its much distinctness as iu ordinary talk ; itiitd uftei Jl little practice the dillbrenco in v'oiceH may ho readily (li.stinguished. A7iy one can mo tho instrument, as no ltnowledgo of telegraphy is necessary, and it woi'krf simply as a speaking tube. Two furinu of lite telephone aro now miidf^-pito the " box"ami lire other the "bund" telephone. Tho:forniHT, which is the larger, tratis-nits a deeper sound, and this is almost tho only ditrerence in thj two, except that the box is fastened to tho wall, while tho. other, as it nutno deiy- liates, is used iu tho liriMti. Mi Volt l of-t. njier and l""l [ :,.,, will whit hilb artit to lien aron ther man Well ptirlv 0<i', ".Ia Ohei 170, QKlili 18, 1877. I'm' (Joi.'oa. (!i(Aii:ret- ash Com- iNil. -"By a thorough knowledge iu natural lawn which govern tlio itionii e digextlon and nutrition, ry a'<:ar<jfu:l ;i]ijilicati<iM-nf the fiuu' rtie.i uf w'ell nvlected cocon-, Mr. liar) i>i-.\'i.h--(l our lircahfn^t t.ahluH a delicately lluvnred huvtriigo Ii may nave itMinany heavy doctors' It in by tho judicium) iihu of imch of diet that a constitution may initially laiilt n]> until Htrnngcnmigh HlHt every teitdeiiey to disuasei Irethi iif Hiilitloiualadies are floating id- tts ready- to attack wherever iu n weak point. Wo may oncapo a fatal Dliaft by keeping otirKulvcit forlilieil with pure lilood midapro- iioiiriHhud frame." CirM Service tc. .Sold only in packets labeled f- .IKS Urea A. (Jo., Ifonneojjatliie list, .JS, TlireaOnceille Street, and l'iceadilly, London." j NEVV '.A-DVKR OI/t'NTKIiK "hVHI'Kit. l'lMUMlA'TM. ALL AM) NJ :\V ADVERTISEMENTS. -Arran/'umonl.i aro .bc-inij in.ido for .1 Social Bull to he held in the Drill Shed, Acton, 0V FRIDAY EV6MIMC, OCT. 25, and a .Supper ' at Caiiiphcll's Hotel. Thur'j will hu a good String I3aiid and a competent Floor Manager in attend ance. , - -Tiflxt for 'Sn/iprFit-iKl Hall $J. (ioMMi'iTKi!. J(, Watrioji, I!. Mar- bIiiiII, Isaac Nowton, J. Williams, I). .Smith.. . J. SHAW, Sec. of Committee. Acton, Oct. 1, 1877. l(i-2t A CTON-BAHEItY. rtV> HUHIIVESH' MEIV.-If you I wnni lllliliiadi. Htiitc'ieontH. i.ctT tor lieniis, Knvelom.n. Mcreiintlle Pllnt- li i?,. or liny kin-1,-ilono la himtm-HB hi jlr, sen I y.ifir onlaiH to Urn Mikk L' fjffl c*f. HiitlHfucllon guaranteed. H i now full A. ElU.Odt -'DARK. loreby givo iiotico tlint d do not buy Hemlock Hark, as I" have |t tipplK.bii hand. | ^G. L. RIOARDMOKE; ton Tannery, Oct. 15, 1877. I by about six 1 oat lengths. On\ \r fPPac as ho' wished. Capt Hodges was a tail spirit, and Mrs. Bliss,'in order to appear tall, Blood on a piece of joist." The depletion of tho company by tho withdrawal of the Evaus family made the engagemont of new pcr- sonators necessary. Miss May Evans, a bright young wotian who had been a performer in a small way in variety shows, Was bocwi secured. She made "her, firBt ap- peurance in a seance as StBter Agatha, a nun, and as a Quakeress. In- tho former character she re cited a short Latin prayer, and in the latter she talked a little, using " thoe" and "" thou" judiciously. The words were written ouVfor her by Evans. She ^vaa ven trained to appear'as the Virgin Mary. The most successful of all the seances was one in which tho be liever's baby was christened by the supposed spirits. " It was a great time," said Harrison. Miss Snyder dressed as the spirit of Clara Wolff, hold the phild, and'. Mrs. Bliss, ;ia an Indian, performed .the cere mony. "'. - Miss Snyder always went to und from the house slyly, so as not to be seen by dupes, one of whom was a brotbeVof tho dead Ckra Wolff whom, she peisonatcd. In this character she talked often with young Wolff, put her arms around him and kissed him with simulated sisterly affection ; jet-he did not discover tho fraud. Nor was he suspicions when she asked him to lend money to one of the conspira tors. Even after tbe fraud ~ was exposed be long refused to believe that he had been humbugged i but he was convinced at last'when Miss Snyder showed him how she: had enacted the part of his sister's spirit. But he spent much time and money in attendance at these seances in this .city. So thoroughly had he become engrossed with the subject that his relativeas, in order to1 un- decirve him, had to get up.a mock- seance, in which Miss Snyder- who seems to have repented a little of her wickedness the ways in which she had misled him. Ho was a witness in tho trial. One man was cured of bis belief much more easily thau Mr. "Wolff. Mis. Bliss, as tbo Indian maiden, frequently came out of the cabinet and talked to him. One night she put her face close to his, and he smelt brandy on her breath, i He Mr. Vennw waa considerably "cut"' in bis reckoning on the Btote of. tbo weather during the past summer. Nevertheless he has made souie very accurate forecast*, and taken altogether,, his prognos tications may be considore d as tolerably reliable. The following is a summary of his latest forecasts : Autumn to bo marked by m fine warm Indian Buinrner, after a rtber early cold teruij and ending wet. Winter : short, warm, wet and open, with one or two severo storms of short duration alto gether gloomy and not bealthy. Spring : very wot up to tbe middle of , June.. Summer: ' intensely hot and ^oppressive. The winter will be favorable to tlie1 increase of throat diseases and fevers^ also cattle disease s. . Mr. Yennor snys : " I -agree with Professor Mnnsell in anticipating the approach of Asiatic cholera towards northern latitudes." . The Hope .Case. The trial of Hope, in Hamilton, was concluded on Friday. The jury were out for an hour, and then returned into Court with a. verdict of guilty on both counts; and at a subsequent period in the day's proceedings, his Lordship, on motion of the counsel for the Crown, delivered the sen tence of the court, which was that the prisoner should ~be confined in the Provincial penitentiary at' Kingston for the term of five years on eaeb conviction, the two sen tences to run- concurrently. His iiordship remarked that he should have made the sentence more severe! had not the'pMsoner made restitu tion of tha property ttolen in so far as it appeared to bo in his power. Over ftur thousand cigar- luukura aro on strike in New York. ' Reid has sold his lot 27, 3^1 eon., Erin, to Mr. Arch. McMillan for $-1,000 cash. About live hundred Canadian entries for the Paris exhibition have been made itp to date. Ooo hundred thousand dollara' worth of property was destroyed by fire at Whitby Tuesday night. A burglary was committed on Mr. Adam Brown's house, Hamil ton, on Ihursday night, and seve ral articles and $14 stolen. Professor O. S. Pratt, tho hor60 educator, well known all over Canada, died of typhoid fever at Derby Line; Vermont, on Wednes day evening. : This year's wheat, it is stated by the Manitoba Fax Press, will pan cut considerably more pounds of bread to tho sack than tho flour from last year's crop. Harry Henry,, a Toronto veteran drunk, has spent -1.0 years out of G8 in jail, and on Wednes day morning was convicted of his favorite vice for the 349th time. The Canadian Presbyterian Church iu Orangevillo was destroy-, od by fixe on Thursday night. Tho building was partially insured,, and the fire tho work of an incendiary. Mr. Eiy E. Maliory, father of the young man accused of procur ing an abortion on Miss Wade, writes to tho Cohourg World deny ing indignantly that.-iu>,. as stated by the Sentinel, doinawieoL tho ra- ' ward offered for his son's arrest, and Btating that his son's return and surrender, were entirely volun tary. A sad accident happened in the township of Harwich,, near the village of Blenheim, on Sunday morning, I3lh inst. A young man named Edgar Ordish, about nine teen years of ago, residing with his undo in the township- named, went out to gather hickory mils. He had ascended, a tree "souio thirty foot, when tlie limb on ' wltidi he was standing broke, precipitating him to the ground. Deceased's neck Was broken by tho fall, and he expired instantly. . of the City Hotel, Owen Sound, were brought before Mr.j George Spencer, Polite 'MujristraUi, by Inspector Peurce, charged with having in their pos session intoxicating liquors, bar, bar fixtures, &c, and were fintd $50 and costs. They were fined $40 aud costs a. few weeks ago on a similar, charge. The inspector, wO understand, has upwards of fifty prosecutions entered against the unlicensed dealers of the town, and a still greater number against those of the rest of the riding. The Dunkin Aot is being rigidly en forced. pi>rKET-BlOK LOST. _ I,i st between Mr. ISnntsnm Adams" stable, Actons and my promises, lot>'J^, -1-tli ton. ].sfpij.'Hing, on the ITith inHt., a Poet ct-book containing a Note and GO cent; in change. The note was paid on that day to Hansom Adams. - | JOHN" NICKKLli Hsrpieaing, Oct. 10, 1877. Ifi-'-'t j P A Y U P Your Accounts at ; " . i NICKLI>"S BAKERYi GASH FOR SKINS. Wo are prepared-to' pay tho highest \vat of Toronto for all cash ciass pr:co is o A Disinfectant. Onions slic ed and put in plates in a sick room are an excellent disinfectant, and .will prevent contagion from eruj- tive troubles. They should be re moved a-nd fresh slices put in their places as soon as .discolored. Be -sure that.these" slices are burned, or put where they cannot be eaten, as soon as taken from the room. It is not safe to use onions that are not taken fresh from the earth, during any epidemic of eruptive diseases, us they are so rapidly sen- sitive:to be impregnated %yitB any contagion or malaria in the atmos phere. . ' '-.. DIED. Gbeekwood. In Acton, on the lGth inst., after a lingering illneBa of ten months,. Mary Ann, beloved wifo of Mr. \V. E, Greenwood formerly of IVreham, Hampshire, England, in her 39th year. She died full of happiness QDd peace. Funeral to-morrow, (Friday, 19th), at 1:30 o'clock, to tho Friends' meeting house Eockwood."' The; funeral will leave Acton by. 2 o'clock train. -----------------------^ t ...--------------------^_ ACTOY HABKET8. Flour . .. ... 33 00 to 3 00 rail wheat,new.. 1 10 to 1 \9. Spring Wheat, new 0 70 to 1 05 Sprouted Spring Wheat 0 75 to 1 00 Barley 0 45 to 0 55 Oats ... ... - 0 30 to 0 35 Peas 0 60 toO 65 Butter 0 16 toO 18 Eks. 0 10 to 0 00 Potatoes, per bag 0 75 to 0 00 Apples, ep.rly, per bag . , 0 50 to 0 75 Sheepskins and Cairskins good condition delivered at our i' , <" tannery. 1 Wo to be distinctly understood tliat vc pay "tho P1:hi: for ttcl r'armers will-study their inter ests by bringing their skins to in, in-j stL:a<l of selling them, to MidtH'jaiun and" Peddlerj. STOREY, .\I00HE & CO; Persona leaving skins at tlie factory of W "' " ........ ceive II. & Co.. will als the highest price for. tliem. AUCTION SALE SH6BT-H0RN OftTTLE, "Lpng-wooletl Slieep, ! Hordes, PIrs and Poultry^ Tlie subscriber in returning thanks for the liberal patronago bestowed upon the late firm of Galloway i5r'os., solicits a continuation of the same; feeling assured that tho utmost <>atis faction ""will, be given, and that the high reputation of. our. bread and pastry will be fully maintained. Our superior quality of-. BREAD, BUtid AND CAKES Delivered fresh around the village and vicinity every day." A gpofl stouk al.vaya on hand at the BaWry fre/li ami cheap forctudi. _. fto credit given except, to prompt paying monthly customers. Weddihz .and Fancy Cakes Made to order on tho shortest possi ble notice, and satisfaction guaran teed '..-" All goo.Is are warranted pure, as nothing but tho best materialis used. If. T. GALLOWAY. Att-ir, Oct. 17, 1S77. ' D. A. MACDOKALD, CANADA. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. VICTORIA, by the Grace of Coil, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Q.cekn, Defender.of the Faith, ic, &e., ic. ^ - % PilOCLAM^ATION!;.. * ' O. Mowat, ) Att'irney-Otnnral. cd ijf the .Session of the Parliament of Canada, held in-the Fortieth year of Our Iteigti, intituled " An Act to j;ro- vide for.the safe' custody of prisoners in placea ^'here the Common Gao's .be come temporarily- insecurf," it. is atnonest other things in effect enacted that the Lieutenant-Governor nf any Province in Canada in Council "may, by Proclamation published in the'Official Ga/.ette of the Province, and also in the Ca-ia'la Gaz^tt*, declare . that the Com mon Jjriol of any District, County-or place in .such Province is'insecure, and name the Gaol of- any adjoining Dis trict, County or place as tlie Gaol to which offenders within such first men tioned District, from and after ' PESS G(J0i AT THE FASHiONABlE WEST END, a-TjdsiiiEHij. " r.-'-.ti' ii* X17-HEKEAS -'by V T the Act pass- County or place. The undereigned will sell by*Public Audi hi, on the premises, adjoining the Acton Station, on - . Thursday, 1st S^o-v'r; The follow inc articles, viz : i SHORT-HORN BULLS- ' "Zehyr" [4260],'3 years old, roan,^ brod by F. W. Stone,' Guetph ; dam " Sanspariel 10th,"- got by imported "Sheriff" (299G4). - j^ " Rov.tL Beaufokd" [7PS], 2 years old,' roan ; dam Imported " Lady Bamos,", got by imported " Royal Oxford Gwjlnne " (3539G). "Belle Duke " [1169], red, ono year old] (lam " Maggio Belle," got bj; " 3rl Buke of Springwood " [3087]. ; " Bitinsn Soveueion " [1171], rod roanj . one year old ; dam " Lady Barnes," got by " 3rd Duko of Springwood." CON'f r.ItVATIVE " [1170], red, ouo year dam "Maggio Bello," got by old "Zahhyt" [4260]. tsu BaIios' " [1172], red, one year, dam imported " Lady Smith,"' y ** Baron Berkley " 22010. s Prince" [799], red and littlo ono year old ; dam " Princess "Brii old got I "Acre whith Louiio," got by Zophyr, COWS. "PRiicEss Louise," roan, 5 years oldt| with registered pedigree. 2grad9 Cows, giving milk. ! LOUG-WOOIiED SHEEP. - 1 three-shear imported Leicester Earn, a prize taker. 3 Leicester shearling Rama, 2 of thorn1 prizo takers. . . ] 1 Lincoln shearling Ram. , 5 Leicester Kam Lambs,- some of them prizo takers. 6 Kwo Lambs. 6 Breetiug Ewes. 1 HORSES, , 1 Sorol Horse, aged. 1 Browii Horso, agod, , BERKSHIRE PIGS- '" ^Koar'Pitjs, 6 months old. I Boar Pig, 4 mouths old. 1 Sow Ifig, 4 montha old.- POULTRY. Brahma fowls. -. : hite Leghorns. Several 1 pair V 1 Plyindnth Kock Cock. Sale to co7nmence at 1 o'clock. TERMS.- All sums of $10 and under cash ; over that amount 12 months credit, op approved joint notes. C. S. SMITH, Proprietor. GEO. GiBBg. Auctioneer. (Se id for printed catalogue.) H That facing th OIJSE TO LET. new House on Church streot, a Roasin House. Apply to P. KELLY. Acton,-Oct. 3, 1877, 14-3t O1 The of fine for sale IRItOTS FOR SALE. jy A con adnated J. E". MdG subscriber has .a great, quantity, table carrots, of a largo variety, by the pound or by the bushel. F. S. ARMSTRONG. welling House to let. fortable Dwelling,. specially 'or wintor comfort. Apply at arvin's Hall of Pharmacy, niay, time stated, be com mitted OF Sentenced, and that thereafter during the continuance of such Procla mation, any person who would other wise be committed to or sentenced to imprisonment in tho Common Gaol o declared insecure shall be committed to or sentenced to imprisonment in the Gaol named iii tho Proclamation forthe purpose, andthe respective She'ritTg and Otficc-rs shall have authority to deliver .and receive any such person, aiid that a warrant directed to tho Gaoler of the insecure Gaol shajl be a sufficient au thority for tho Gaoler of the Gaol'so named as aforesaid to detain in such Gaol, according to the e'iicency of the warrant or until ho ia removed as is hereinafter provided, the -person named in such warrant; and that every per son confined for safe custody under flie provisions aforesaid, may be tried in. tho District, County or place in the Gaol whereof he is confined, unless the Judge or other person presiding at. the Court at which it is proposed to-try such a person, or a Judge; of a Court having jurisdiction to try the 'offence,' shs'.l otherwise direct; and that the Court of General Gaol Delivery or Gen eral Sessions of the Peace or other . Court having like powers held in such District, County or place, and every Judge ' presiding thereat, ahall have jurisdiction to make, in reference tor .any person committed in default of sureties for good behaviour, or to keep tho peace, tho like order.of stich- Court or Judge might make if tho Court wns being held in the District, County or place iu which s'uehtperson was com. -mitted. X. And whereof, through alteration bo- ing mode to the Common Gaol of the County of Halton, in our said- Province, and from other causcB the said Gaol has become temporarily insecure and'u-unt for the,safe-keeping of prisoners, and it has boon determined by. Our Lieut.- Qovernor-in-Cotincil that this Our Pro clamation ehottld ho issuod in accord ance'with the terms of the said" Act in order to make provision therefor : Now Know Ye, that We do hereby ind by virtue of the authority vested in us by tho Baid Act, or otherwise howpdovcr, proclaim and.doclare .tho said Common Gaol of the County, of Haltbn to be insecure, and \\re do here by name tho Common Gaol of the County of Peel as the Gaol to which of fenders within .the said County of Hal- ton may, from nml after Wednesday, the 17th day of October 'instant inclu sive, be committed or sentenced until We make further order. Of albwhich Our loving"subjects, and all others . whom these presents may concern; aro hereby required 5to take notice and govern themselves accord- ">R'y- : .. . : In Testimony Whereof, We have i caused these Our Letters'to bo made Patent, and the Great Seal of Our said Province of .-. Ontario^ to be hereunto affixed; Witness, The Honorable DONALD ALEXANDER MABDOSTALD, Lieutenant- Governor of Our said Pro- vince of Ontario, at Our Gov ernment Hpuse, in Our Ci'ty of TOROSTO, this SIXTH day of OCTOBER, in the year of our Lord one thousand e'ight hundred and seventy-seven, and in tho Forty-first year of Our Reign.- By Command, - ARTHUR S. HARDY, f Secretary. SIGN PAINTERS ^^n. tlonoftne United StateR and Provinces !to answer this advortbenient. AUdtes DtMU F- BE-1TTJT, WtishlDCtor, ISew i Jersey. . ' Great Bargains to be given in order to dear' To the Ladies of Acton .'. and all iieadem of the Free Press, Begs to intimate'bas just closed an unusually laraa aorl;RisLiaT. ' purchase of * aoa P^Wito " . I V "f" 263 Pieces (13,676 ya* NEW, ^lAGNIFICEN^T AND FASHIONABLE - ' ' - .; ' -; . 'i . - Including every ne^nna popular Style, Texture and ilaterial ftns'tii.,m_ son's wear, at an enormous reduction from regular cnrrentprSi.'*" - end m\l commenca on " : Ko' Monday niext, 22d insi., (> Of these goods at a round price of 25"cents per yard,- - }% Mark : the Pnos,-:. 25 Cents I per tari, - Every piece ftf these goods being worth from 353. to 40c., and now.-jjilinz at these prices by larger houses in this town. During the eonfinn- J ance of this fnle all opposition in- Dress Goods, no math* '- " -: i where it cornes from, must'take a back'seat for the time.' . being. We anticipate'a rush for these goods d.tring': tbe next four weeks-^uch as we have never had b*. "; fore. We have never in all our experipn%9;' l seen anything to equal tne*e, and feel' " ."~ suro tlwt every lady will on'ex-' : '. ' amination say the same -thing. ',- ': ". TiflfllAC' ! Ee advised, r Pon't buy Dress Goodi'ih Qnelplr<#' -l : trouble to show goods; and prompt attention to every cmtooer.', - Visit the Fashionable West End for Gpeap Drees GoooW Ft41 stock of new and fashionable Trimminfirs tO'inaateh:al?oap materials. "' ,- ' " - .-,...' Fashionable West End Dress, Millinery and WaciloEaUMliiMOL Quelph, Oct. 17, 1ST7. " ' " "_-: *.' JlIVE CENTS AfiAIX. . On and After the 1st of November, SULK will be sold at. the following rates : ! _- _- ' ' Per Quart, 5 Gents; Per Pint, 2.Cents; J^ew Imperial Measure, 21 Quart Tickets for One Dollar 21 Pint Tickets for-'Fifty Cents. In advance. ARMSTRONG. Acton, Oct P. S. 18, JS77. BgATTV?8 W Btttt P 1 A 1^3 O S pronooaeedbyS* I,~1W *'M "" p.'eyjap(fHi jM)gl AND "^ t-ne most fceauural qrt' eat lomd Pianos evunimiftOii^ - - A BU'<. ed., 8f oa *JW^* tff.i.trw u4 WASHINGTON, best to th.rli- NEW JERSEY. ^^J' W>!ff4' ' olden Toneued Parlor Otgut. i.' ^marjut:ictnrer c^anedg^d-tocq1^IUlea- .. 'Ttiey poK^ess .power, depth, brllliMf and sympaibetio delicacy, pBjciHWT beautifully solo effects; *ndleool7iKi(i. action ever invented tTtateasiKt'M 6a* arranged by -use; The beltcnrt csptdqr lssoKreattnatbutiittls fQort tirsqali-' ed with the feet to $npplj all Ok4* . necessary Best nmdeafl'liaflrtildWJ ensr-s In the market. ^'Ml blM W* . ornamenip; KveryinsUwiKnIWUrjw' ranted for six rears ax strictly tatrdiy* and sent ort from 5 toli <fifcyrf*jttttl- Addre-s DAXIEL F. BBAT*I,Wi*- few Jerter. - 'i ',- '- . i ^ -' - ' <r I ton, New Jersey. SCHOOL TEACHERS: You can easily increase your salary by devoting a very small portion"1 of yourleisure time to my interest. I do not expect you tot canvass Tor my celebrated Bealty's Pianos and Organs unless you see fit tor' bat the servioe Irequire of you is both pleasant and- profitable. Full par ticulars free. Address DANIEL F. BEAT/IT, .Washington, New Jersey. rpilE ONTARIO SADDLERY, Lvthoplaoe to get the best Harnesa Jor the least money.' Owinfj to Hard .Times, Prices have "been -Reduced. All Orders Isft with me. tciFl receive careful atttntion. GC&IABS A SPEfflALTU; Assail farmers know- their horse's cannot work with sore necljs, throw ofFthelold collars and get a new pair that wilt give, entire satisfaction; Tbe place to get them is at the 0NTAEI0 SADDLERY Another lot of those famous American Whips Just Teceived and .will be sold fchoap for cash.' i ' Repairing Done Areatfy, Cheaply, and on (he Shortest Notice. ' - ? " R. CEEECH. Acton, Aug. 21, 1877. O. T, Mill Street, iCTWir i DEJLLEK IN- Groeerieo^. ' -i -*. ,^Oroc&7^.. | -"'; " .- Soots 85 Slopi>f j". : "Wall Papor,-.'| .;-. ;.:V Viadow Bliadi. r. ' - - Laae4 OIL;' - P&laifc. temtr^ 411 of which will brwiS J&ff "* BOOTS and Seliing--W * <>* Also agent for tha BTJBBEIi PAIN^-CO^ (f.*- &&*' Of CleVelan' 4; Okio-i, Cash for IlMes- ^cton, July 18," 187^.* rpAILOKING- " " J :-JOHN McARTHOT,]^^ it- returned from New "xm,-ywiz,tTnelif>- has attended, the School of IW- - in the act of cutting gann^7'l* nowberterpripare^thanev^^: the best of aatisacfabntohMU^t^ He is now in a position tOjWg^.' perfect fit, and to nWff^% - The very latest Amencans^^^. continued patronage ai-tbfi om^r~ . "respectfully ^"^^j ^iETHO*.'. Aeon,Ang.8.1S7r.- .'*^r

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