Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 18, 1877, p. 3

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rv ' m& isaassii* JtteiUS^baye^i^iA^^% /: THE FREE PRESS, END, .*?"far.. v A Splendid Assortment Back Combs, Back Combs, From.5c to 40c. ,1:04 a.m. j>. lOi a.IU. 1.57 p.m. S. SO p. ih. 7:07, p\m. aod iproStihi* Ll$LE- entprfcea, r Tart id now sell trig : he.eon thro- jio> zaaiter. i }rinS i Gnelpb or'" examined. Xo' )rass Goods.' ateh&U-otff ABASD TBOK TIME TABLK. - Trains learoActoh as follows: Kl|ht Kxpross r- - Toronto mail ' - . ? Day Exprcs*... - SxpfM* '. - (Hit mixed - - c.orxo east. , Xight Express - S:38 a.ra. - Gall mixed - - - 9:10 a.m.' MDay Express 11:34 a.m. ""Western mail - - - 5:20, London mixed . ." _-' 10:10p.m. Service in the Methodist Church every Sabbath -evening at half-past six T and both mornirur and evon- trj, an the flm Sabbath or each monih." Rev. H- Uosbs, Pustor. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Fy Up. B- 4 K. Xicklin. Proclamation ^County G:.ol. Actua Hakerv. Iv. T. <.J3.llovr.1y. Pocket-book -.Lost. John XiekelL Hemlock Bark. G. 1_ Hi-ir "more.. Chqap Dress Goods. A. 0. Buchaiii. Volunteer Ball and Supper in Acton. Milk 1\ S. Armstrong. Cash fur Skini Storey. Moore & Co. .Auction of Thorough-bred Stock C. S. Smith. AM, leEstabUsfcmsat. B9P BFSltyt "Ian !*, _ s3. Kjaaro prta-.-t. ara. renounced *j tb B rsandtinBjxople - jtlfoJ aaIiwept Lvvr msjTraslnr- [<ed.; Sent on le .1 trial and s 'proooczneetf ttser - In the world.- v- oeWbotted: Dr Organf-r Any ' to equal inem. r>tl, briliaiier cy,. jo.aueIy nd uteooiystop at esassnl be dis** I bellows capacity le eflort U require FPP'y all the air and moat elegantf >II foiu -voodr m BtfWlywar- -. Actiy ftW class,. 15 <*sys*t* trial. MT*. Waihtaf- 1 tj I Oil, Slt, etc low for cab SHOES iCOMEAN^ Ohio, Ir tailor, rfc** * of Intni<*a. |tohiciurtoine- |>u te.warri**--* * up garment* - paBBtyles. ** I the comnann11* ja^ABTIrTJB"' 6-* LOCAL MATTERS. Meeting of Village Council this e Toning. _ ' . '- Remember the lecture in the Congregational Church, by Rev. Mr. -Pavies, next Monday evening, . BJit .Photographs in Hult^n County are made by C \V. Hill. Acton. Auction sale of,farm Block and implemer.ts on the ppcniiscs of iir. 5ewspnurr Borrow ln. - ;. - - Wo like to sco a uuin refuse to take his local paper, and all the timd sponjjo ou his neighbor for the reading of it. Wo liku to hear a man complain- whon vro Mk him to suliacribe for hi* paper, that ho takes moro papora than ho reads now, and thou go around and' borrow his neighbor's or loaf about him .until ho gets tho news from it. \Vo~likd to see a mill run down hi3 homo paper as not worth taking, and every now and then beg tho editor for a favor in the editorial line. Wo like to sod a man refuse to advertiso in a home paper, and thru try to get ft ohMo of trado which the paper brings to town. But abovo all things, we like to see a rich, miser' ly man, who cannot pay for- his local paper, always manage to" bb around in tiinc to Fend the paper at the' expenso of a friend not worth tho tenth part of what he himself is, it looks so econo mical, thrifty and progressive, you know. BEATTY |iS There Is no manufacturer of Pianos and OrganB in this or tiny other country who hus received as many unsolicited indorsements as haB Mr. Beijtty. Krom every Stato nnd Ter- r'itory comes tho same vordiot.' "They are the best in the world." Illustrated Advertiser, (Catalogue Edition) Tree.. Address DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, New .lersoy. ACTOK, HALTON COUNTi, 0NT OCTOBER 18, ll877. of mtohes, Clooks, JeTTOllery and ;?ancy Seeds, "just" "'^^d.;"-"-' ' Sxjn Opened. Circular Combs, Circular Coir^bs, : Ladies, call and "see iriy Prom !c to 25c. OQMBS Vatolies, Clocks, Jewellery and Spectaeles Bep^ied and ^arraBted it &B0. HTNDS'. Jewelie^ Store.' Call and see me LIST OP Music books ] Sold wholesale and retail by Jjohn Anderson [ Bod*kBeller, QUelph. Burrowos' "Pinnoforto Primer. Joti8se's Musical Cntec'hisai-. Be.rtini'B Now Method for tho Piano, Winceys. Our VViucoys havo been pronounced extra Vafr.o ; by tho closest buyers. Our assortment is large and varied in price, ipiality and color we request close inspection, and haKe no doubt of the result. A new liqe of_our famous 50o Tea, combining flavor and strength, to hand. Don't fail to secure a 5 lb lot, put up in a neat caddy at 43o per' lb. Christie, Henderson Co. EKiH.f \W regret , John Burt, Keeve Accident in to leurn that Mr, of Kiin, met with an- accident on ' baturduy last, . He was at Cliis- \ holm's hotel, Erin Village, on ihut day distributing tideals for the I Agricultural Si>eiety'd show, and in the evening was about starting I for homo with Mrs. Burt when the I horse's bit l>ry>ke and he ran away, _ ^ ;throwing Mr. Dure out of the Situnhy of this week. t there are ;1S jL..av. cutting Lw foreWJ an J esauidattfS. > j shaking him severely. Ho'was, Messrs. GotjlJing it Henry, of 1 howi-ver, able to go. on with tl e GncJphkave jirst oj>ened a stock of dry aa.,:staUCO of Mr. McDowell to' We. Reid, at Knatchbull, on the 34it inst. "' ; Examination of the Teaclera in Training at tho County Model ;hool, will take place on Friday this week. There are' Bi isbane, nnd complete the business of the Society. For the Cold Suup grey uannels ; those scarlet those :1s; Those flannels ; white llannela ; those fancy llan- those home-made check tlannels ; those warm blankets; I saw them at McLeod, Anderson & Co.'s, George town, cheap and they made /me feel yanu all over. Get your^poBtora, circulars, billheads, letter'heads, etc., at the Fkee Press office. You wilLbe sat'*- fied with their cheapness and quality. JR*.TKe I>WKLLiN;S FOB The two dwellings; built of brick, situatod ou Main street, near' the Do-' Clarke's New Method for tho Piano. minion Hotel, are offered for sale, on reasonable terms. .; Tho lot consists of three-tifths of an acre, with good gar- don. The building ia now, ami well finished, adapted (or two fniiiiliej, A pood stable and driving shed on tho premises. Apply to the owner; JOHN KENNEDY. Acton, Auc \\ 1T7. 7.;im PHOTOC.RAPHERS should for. ward mo their address if they wish to obtain 11 Piano or Organ in exchange for Photographing. Ad dress DANIEL F. UEATTY, Wash, ingtori; New Jersey. AXTED. Indies ana gentlemen to le.irn Tele graph Opera ,ing for otlices opening in the Domiiiioi! A Stamp-for answer, ldress Masackh, Box 95"), Toronto. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE, A Sure Heller for the Sufferer. goois. in the new brick store opposite Ajjnew's hotel, which they intend sel ling at'aactioh and private gale.. Mr. C. S. Smith will Sell by public auction on the lst'.Novetnber, a iromber of pure-bred cattle, sheep and 1 .pigsJ See catalogue of animals, in j another column.- ~ I On anotherfinge will be found j ' an ;eicelktft articje on." cheap -print-1 irig," tateri frtin an exchange. Bank- j rupt. printing offices may possibly do 1 work under fair rates, but printers who 1 calcnlate to pay dollar for dollar cannot!- ., "^ i~ 1 ti j ' _ 1. 1 11. j j. 1 * __ ,, 1 Where hare vou been 1 1 have do work unless there is at least.a smulr , , -' . . , , _ . . bean away bnvmg my winterdrj' goo*la. margin for profit on. it ,: ,. | The best place I could hnd was at Mc- ----First Prizes for b>st cbllection Leod, Anderson &-Co., Georgetown. of Photographs were taken by C. W. I ordered my clothing, I bought my . Hill, of Acton, attho^ Halton County -Tw^3'^ ^uu^- .^ ^re1 Goo'Li1' Exhibition, and at1 the Esquesingtown- Millinery, Shawls and Mantles, and ahip Exhibition, hut wcet Cotton for the women. I got the big- . . - gest pile of stun I ever got lor tne Tt ia an ad-' money. : initted fact, notwithstanding oil tho '" -^ co lond talk alUtcieap Flannel that the . >0.mim engaged 111 business line of *U wool check Flannel sold'by In this, country makes more fair and Christie. Henderson * Co. at 25c per I trenerous offers to those unacquainted.; yard in the cheapest Flannel in th* | ""!i him than does Darnel 1. Scatty, market. The great difficulty is to p^l-. o ."hington, N. J., and cer- inake euatamer'a believe it ia only 25c .-l'etter". gpj j_ I Every instrument he sella, piano or ^ J organ, 13 fully warranted-, for six years, and, while he sells for cash, and thus gives the advantage of the lowest prices, yet no stranger is asked to advance one dollar out of hia own control, until-he has I seen.. and tested the instrument See his advertisement in this paper, j and if you intend buying an instrument ' write to him &nd examine hia method of doing business. .' J Full bUowb. ' There has been a great many of thom this year. - I visited them nearly all in this part of the biggest show I ritM'AREI) ISY SETH V.'. FOWLE & SONS, H HARRISON AVKSL'E, - nosros, mass. Hunton'a Piano Foito .School. Howe's Piano without a Master. Uioha'rujon'g Now Modem School. Gitro's Parlor Organ. Silver Wreath (Vocal). 100 different Music Books. A Big Discount on nil MUSIC BOOkS ERSE'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE On tho East sido of Wyndham Street GUELPII. J' THAT WONDERFUL MAN. TKADE MARK THE GOLDEN MAN. 11- GREAT ATTRAGTION. 1 silk department. T All New, Freish and Fashionable Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Mijrineryj Mantles, Shawls, Dress Goods,j etc. Especial attention is requoited to our Silk Department. Wo ofler tb- hroSBt assortment of Illack Silks to be fonnd In The Dominion. f We unhesitatingly say that >e oiler a saving of 2.0 per'cont to our patrons in Colored and Eoncy Dies* Silks.. . . > Colors^ n EvCniD6 and Weddin6'Silks we have very attractive Style* and Our stock of Ladles' Jacket Cloths, Ub'ter Clotn* and Trimmings for same, s well worthy Of attention, indeed our stock of all clas.e! of - goods this season is remark? hie for excellence of quality and I cheapness of price. 1 ' ~- f'Y.eJf"kier,-he ,crad ^is season, os usual, having the the finest assortment %Au iS "ress Goods m town, also of Ladies Quilted Lustre Skirts, Filled Sell bkirts, nnd the-PnnceES VYalking Skirts-beautiful gooda. - J<OECia: iBLOGtCS- cfa SON i : 11 Bales of which afe Bed Blanket, of the best kind, wonderfully cheap i^'SilVJS^nrffi f^K1!1- ! ' ^ been ,xer nnd gOOd. l n.. 321 C^.i3ESS DiltECT KNOW Carpets of tho Tapestry Carpets. -A-IESTD BALES FROM TUB MANUFACTURERS. warranted as represented, nianuf'acturers. - lmmenBe. and varied stock. TLe goods are all nesh and Every Article i direct from tho west designs and colors. Ueautiful' Brussels and UBJCE'S CELKBR.YTKI) SALVE, Is a Vegetable Preparation, Invented In the 17ili crntuiy by Dr.Wil li m tir.icf*. Surgeon lit. Kins James' army. Through its agency ho. cureil UiouKrindK of the most Kf-rions kotos und wounds that banieU lhoi*ktli nf the most imln.'nt ithyelehina of his diy, and wjus regmleil by nil who knew him us a pub-' le b. nefactor. puice 2", cknts A Cox, ICE'S CHLEIJIUTi CUHEH wor.jros," fiiozen O SALVE FI.EPII WorSTJS, FItoZEN MMBS, SALT UHKl'M, 0HILI!I,AINS, SOIiK IlItKAST, S<KK MM, KltYSITKLAS, i:IXG- " Y,*OIliIri,CALM'SE.S, firAI.I) HEaI> CIIAI'PEII HANDS, By reading and practlcui| the Inestimable truths con talced in the best medic* | ; - book ever Issued, entitled Vlllfftl"! I"SELF-rilESEEVAIIO , THY API SlMcconlyei. Scntbymat ilffClltS I III WkEsI on receipt of price. Ir , ~ treats of Exhausted Vitality, Prcniatnrc Dcclhio j Kcrrous and Physical Pebility, and the endleKt ! concomitant ills and untold miseries that rcsufe thcrfron3,lindcoataiilsmoroUiali60orif^iialpro J icrintionB, Bny one of which is worth the pricb ol" ttc book. This book was written by tbc most ca j tensive and probably the most skilful practitlonei la America, towhom was awarded a gold and jew tiled medal by the National Medical AsjociaUon A Pamphlet, illustrated,, with tho very fines] Steel Engravings a mar- ' " " Tel of art ana beauty sent raze to all. Send for It at once. Address FEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, Ko. i Bui. tnch St., Boston, Mass. BEATTY ^^^^roi wante HEAL THYSELF FIRE -^Some person or persons, not ha-ring the fear of the law, or due re- Bpeet for the ownership of property, made a raid last Friday night on Mr. C. Swackhammer's bee houae, 3d line of Esqneaing, and- took therefrom a'hive of b*es and a large quantity of honey. The plundered nive was discovered the following morzsing, a short ^distance from the houae, in a dilapidated condi tion, minus hc-ney, and surrounded by a *b county, but the biggest show , i j j i .ti have seen was at McLeod, Anderson s. number of dead. bees. The guilty , Cq_, GeorgetowIL They were per- parriei.v^iU probably be discovered be- fectly piled full of Dry Goods, both * - ..... insido and out. I was perfectly aston ished at the low prices. -They assured me that importing and buyii>f? direct from the Manufacturers and paying caah enabled them to sell so cheap. nimNS, CaNCEiu, srAj.ns ,' s,nE.-, WOUNPS,' , KTINOS, PKSTKIiiS WKN.-S I!II,BS ABCESfl, . BIT.VIONS, SI'KAIXS, I1ITE', OUTS T WAKT.S, liLISTEUS, l-IMPLES, C'lfNIS ITril, lNOROWI>b KAILS HUSUl'ITO AND: FIiKA KITBS, KI'IDEK fctTIN'OS, And all cutaneous diseases and t rupllous eenerally. For Bilo1 ny all drup;lKtM. grocers, nnd at all omiifyBtorethroui,'hciut the Tfnl- ted Ktat>' anil Britlbh Provinces. 'Prlco by mall 3'icentf; l'EI.'.KS, SHINGLES, silt:.., PKKCKIjES, l!uIL, WHITLOWS T A .V sciityy, , NETTLE HASH." EEATTY'S pianoIparloScrcan i-wi.rii-a'gBs . fore long); as it-js altogether likely they are not f^r, away. Such acts deserve the aererast punishment 63 yards of new dress gcods sold at the Fashionable West End, Guelph, on Monday last A. Oi Bucham has joat concluded another very large pur- - chase, and we invite the notice of our rsUders to hia special advertisement in to-da/B-iBBue ot the Tree Press; -^Call tt'C.. W. Hill's Puoto- graph Gallery, Acton, knd see speci mens of his fine Photographs. If you want a real artistic picture, leave your order with him and we ske sure you will be satisfied. f The famine in India will not tho Indian Government fifteen million pounds, besides the loss of revenue. About six morning a fire Tka-t 5rrw Boad. More than a year ago, a.isnrveyor was employed by the Acton and Esqueaing corporations to determine the proper width of the road leading from this village towards" Xaasagaweya."; The. surveyor otid his dtrty, put down stakes, reported to the council, and wai paid for his work. So far there has been no J further step taken towards bavirlg the ;." fences removed back to their-proper I places. The winter will soon' be oh f agin,.aiid uuleiiohiething is done^at onc, the same old trouble of almost ... - % - unpasgablfi Bnow_banks, caused (by,, the, - extreme narrowness of the jipad; will have to be contended" with. This=:is a matter of considerable importance US the boainess of Acton, and |we trust if will receive -due attention.: J. E. McGjAetis, Acton, Deab Si-b ; Your Dpe Stufls for. col oring madder red, scarlet, yellow and ; black are without exception the best I eVCTuMd. Sen J at once two 5 lb par- eels of madder, also enough madder compound; which is for two neighbors. - ._ Ianr.ic, MRS. JNO.^ S - Eiuesing, Oct. 10, 1877. ;.. o'clock on Friday broke out in the engine shed of the Toronto, Grey; <fc Bruce Railway. The 'flames spread so rapidly that the engines were-savetl with the greatest difli- calty. The building was totally cUfltroyed, The "origin, of the fire ,ia unknown," A Freak of Nature.-^ Mr. Thomas Stewardson; on lot 12, in the 12th con, of the township of Bosanqu'et, has a crab apple tree which blossomed four times this season, in May, July, August and September, and it has borne fruit three times. , - The Warden of Peel A B>bo net. The Conservator says that through the death of Sir. Henry Parker, Bart., his only ' brother, Melville Parker, Esq., of Cooks- town, and "Warden"of the county, becomes a baronet and ia. now Sir Melville Eai'ker. Peel can boast of being-tbo, only county in Cuna<)a having a; genuine baronet for-its Warden, : and he "a right 'good follow." , IXSTKliCTOK. Containing the elemcntR ef nirjsic, with eo>y and progressive exercises to perfect tho plnyer in the art|of mu>-lo (either piano or orsiai,) to which is addedover sixty Waltzes, Poltens, iMiircheij, Galops. Operatic Melodies. Dances, eic by Dan iel F. Heatty, W'aslilrigton, New Jersey, one of the bi si works pi lis kind ever in-. trod';.lced, nnd should be in the hands of every piuno und organ player. Sent i>osi- pald t'any part oi the Dnlled Stales or Cauoda for only fifty cpnts- the prlco having been rednoed to- Introduce It 'evorj'wherfl^ Address :DANIEL F. BEATlY, Washington, New Jersey. "OUSINESS FKOPEKTY AXD "WAGGONS. Now is tho time to leave your ordor At 3. Ryder's Factory for a Styllslt BugRy or Scrviccnble Waiseon. I am making up a largo stock for the pre&ent soason, from/the best material. Call and See our Mandsomo Buggies i ' Now Is a good timo to seoure bargalna. : Strict attention given to Eorao-Bhoolnp & Qor.eralBl*ok- smlthincr. Sept. 8,;187T. JOHN HOOP & SON, Alma Block, Upper Wyndham Stieet," Guelp h Grand, jSquare & Upright. everywhere. Address DANIEL F. BEATTY, T Washington, New Jersey. ! FIRE! FIRE! AT. LPEN g-BOl To secure the ARGAENS Sxeat Zndueements at the . EAST END CLOTHING STORE. The proprietors of the EAST END CLOtfllNQfiTORS would*galn tender their sincere thanks to their numerous-patrons in and around the Village of Acton for their past liberal support, and -' in connection would beg leave to inform them that by buying early and for cask,|they are better prepared than ever - toaxbibit . - A Stook Varied and. Complete in all its Branones. OXJB CLOTHS Are of the newest designs in the market, and at prices to suit hard times." All we ask i3 a thorough inspection and comparisoa of-our Roods with those of any house iveai of,Toronto. J.. . -"" Acton. Feb. 26, JAMES RYDER. d877. '-,.. Dentistry. S. L. Peer, Dentist, will visit Acton on the first Thursday of each mon.h. Office at Agncw's Ilotcl. . The undersigned offers for sale that" desirable proporty situated on Main street, now occupied by Mr. .Chas. Camercn as a store and dwelling.': The property is in first class condition and with a good cellar. Terms liberal. For further particulars apply to . 1 MESSRS. W. DARLING & CO. Alontrcal. Or, W.H. STOREY. Acton. N Acton, Aug. 22d, 1877. B"J3CC I An>' Person who will tnnke rilbC \ and forward me a list ol the nimcB of reliable persons of Ihelr ac- (liialutnnco who wish to procure pn in strument, either Piano or Organ, I will use my best endeavors to seU them one, und for every Piano I succeed In selling to fhelr list within one year, 1 will credit thom with S10. and for every Organ $5, to be applied on payment of cither a Piano or Orcnn; nnd when it amounts lo u. siini suiUcient to pny for an instrument selected at toe lowest Trnolcnale price, I will immediately ship tho instrument, free, or after any amount Is credited the balance may be inld me in cnshxnd I will then ship them the instrument. They need not bo known in the matter, and will be doing thflr frlendis a real ser ving as I shall make special offers to tnem, sollimr a superior instrument for from one-Uair to tvvo-tlilrdK what 1b ordinarily asked tiy anm. .Plense send .mea lis' nt once andnfier yon havemiido liioulry you enn dd to It. AdilrfiSo PA NI EL F. BEATr i", Washington Jersey. V- N CONSUMPTION CURID. Consumption, Asihtna, UronchitU, r Catarrh, . W ft FortttT* and RidletJ Cqt* fbr ItervftttJ !> - pUity Kt>4 |1 .KcrToiu Compitlnfi, hilr hT- fyc .QaoroMhlj tcHed its wnnderiul enrmtin Vwtrt fn thuurd of eatt; fe!i It bl dirt/'lo i**t It known to hit lufJerinc f-llowi. Aetu- Mt by.tlin niotivt nnd a coniclcntioui dedrtflo rtllBtc hnmM tifTerinj. h wiU *ml FKEE OK CHARfjE lo sdj who dnira it, Ihli rccftf, wito iu.1 dlrctt(ini for prcrisvrliiB any ticcewrul- I with itanip, utmlng thi pfipw- " " , - l/t C. STEVENS, Bo*.H>, IICOC^TIIJLE, O^T. , New fl EOltGE LEVESS, Barber and Hairdresser, adjoining Secord 'Bros.' Store, Mill Street,- Acton. Hair switches' and combiuga prepared to orJer. can'buy first^e'ess Pianos and Organs cheaper of DAN- i IEL F. BEATTY, Washing, ton, New Jersey, than any other manufacturer in the United States. Why?/ Became he sells only'for cash, takes no risks and has no book'accounts. - Every instru ment is fully warranted for six years as strictly, first class, and are sent on irom 5 to 15 days! test trial, money refunded mid freight paid both ways by him if. thi-y are usatis- factory. Send for Illustrated A;n- YEimsKR (Catalogue: Edition) and read testimonials from his. patrons, some of whom you may know. Ad dress DANIKL F. BEATTY, Wash ington, New Jersey. ' 2TCOT BEING OFFERED. TIplq Stozo is thronged every day Crowds-.of -People come from all the : Country Bound lo Take Ativan jage of this Great. < Chance. FEVRY OTHER STORE IS DESERTED We still have heaps and heaps of Goods Soiled and Damaged during the Fire, which Ave are bound to Clear Out at Any Price. PRINTS, ! COTT0NS- ; , : " ' BLAdNKETS; ; ; DRESS GOODS, MILLINiEB,Y, J.;' CL0Ti>Ta, ETC AIT at such Reductions as hayc never before been oilered. Acton, Sept. 4,1877^ FYFE & McNAB. FALL STOCK OF \%%W n 'mm <*[ i Sftjsilf Is now Arriving:, And Avill soon be complete for the. ^ALL- TBJJPB. CALL AND SEE 0FR NEW STYLES. Special Attention Given to Ordered "Work. Eepalrlntr Promptly Attended to. , Acton, August 7, "877, " l - * . CRAINE Si SON. END 25c. to (i. P. IIOWFM, i CO, New York,for P-implilotof 100 puijo of.ntalnlnc UsIb of 3)00neM'sparere,an Fetlmategjliowlngo istoradertl6lng. S' HOW'S THE TIME FOR CHEAP GOODS - AND " THE 1ION" is^ the Place. Ood^LEl ^s_T 015TGJB- J: D. WILLIAMSON & GO. Guelph, Sept. 10, ^. LEOTIJBE . TOYOUNGMEN. THE ROYAI, EXCHANGE " SlilTS-l.-- . . > J. UOTEI, J 877. Weliave recent'y puiilishe'i a nt-w euT- ilon of Dr. Cnlvcrwell's t^elebrnted Es- unyon-lhe ruUlou' and iiermuneiit cure (without in' dlclue) of Nervous S>ebllltv, Mental and Iiicuyncltyilni)-idi-1 merits to JMarrlngc, etc., resulting fiom ; excessep. ' 1'rice, In a^ealed envelore, only Ocoutt- or two postage slumps. r. 'J'hefeelebruted author, in tills adh;tr- nbe l2rtuy clearly tlomonslti^les,'frolu thlrtj? yturs* suecsstui pr;n-tiee, tli-.t. alaruasBOUns',qu"ncerimny b^riidhiiid; QureU without the jlaiigdroiiH useofinxer- iiul'iiu-dlclne or the apidlcatloii of the knife; iKiintlnn out a mods of cure m oiicu simple; ce.tntn nnd eOeeLual. by m'cuns of wh(ch every stifleror,no matter" wliat his con,l tion, mny be, my rure- him^elf ohi-nplv, prl'vnl-eiv and rH,Hcnlly- TiiIh'J ectureslibuld'heiii tlie hands o: -every youth untiovery niiu lu the n-iuU. THE CUtYERWFIX MFi'.*L CO., 11 inn St., New York, rost t-'-fll'je Uos'lose. -1-Iy ACTON. This well-known House has- recently undergone a thorough reuovating ana repairing, is now furnished with hew and modern furniture ;iif the. best dea-". cr'ption, and is prepared to provide - rirst"-clasa accommodation; to the pabhe. V The present proprietor has received a,". license, and he will jkbep-the: bar welj . supplied with the very be,st -of liquors and cigars. Tho stabling, is larRo and well-fitted up; also'awple shed-room. The patronage of the rmlme is respect- ully solicited^ JOHN MASEY. Acton, June 26, 1877. -

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