Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 18, 1877, p. 4

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-> m m*m m THB~FBEE PRESS, AqTON,, HALTOF COUNTY, OCT., OCTOBER 18, 1877. 1877; FALL. 1877: ON&Co. AOTQlsT. .& ^H'A B-rtfll is? 98? \ST-* -: M it .-- isari..-.'s la * 1M Ills ii ; * :-f . r: :K B4. -f K VI)* w^m J, ; In presenting our-regular half-yearly Circular to the Public we have again to return thanks to our-numerous customers and the general public for the very large share bf business?1 extended to us, and in doing so we can only assure them that no effort on our part will be spared to merit a continuance of their favors. As heretofore it will be our?constant aim to advance their interests as far as lies in our power, and at all times endeavor to show as large and complete a Btock as can possibly bb found in oue establishment. .Feeling assured that the bountiful harvest of the past season witjh a rea sonable prospect of fair average prices for all kinds of farm product1, will cause a gloat re- ylval iu trade. Ave have purchased this season a larger stock than in any previous year, and having done so with a knowledge of the wants and tastes of our customers, we feel assured we shall not be disappointed in finding ready demand therefor. As heretofore our stock comprises > Of $,11 kiads5 Milliaery and Millinery Soods of all kinds, Booiis aid Shoes in immoneo vaiiety, .,.,:j Keady-pvaftf Glotfomg, Groceries* etc.. As to prices we are determined not to be undersold by nny one/either in Acton or outside. We manage our business at.tiro east possible "expense and will sell at all times at |he lowest possible prices. y?e extend a cordial invitation to examine our new Stock, which we trust will in style, variety and good value, compare more than favorably with any house of the kind in the trade. In the fall of the year no one requires a line of credit as money fs/theu more jplputiful tljan at any olher season of the year, besides oat- experience teaches ITS il is iu all cases infinitely better to pay as you go. Our motto heretofore has been CASH -&35TJD SIMI^XJL ZEPIIOjFIT'S, "' -., And we are determined to adhere firmly to the principle. .We find it impossible to enumerate all lines of Goods in stock, but will refer to some. <s> rr< We ;showj all the latest novelties. in colors, styles, and makes. We employ only eNpcrienccd hands, whose constant aim will be to suit tastes and re quirement of purchasers, at lowest possible prices. We charge no fancy prices for Millinery. The Ladies will please remember this. ^\ . ' We show an extensive stock of Xacfeg9 \ jffantle$"'and Shawls, Also Clouds, Wool Squares, and Furs of all kinds-^cheap. Also a large stock of I' GESTS, YOUTHS AID JOYS' OVERCOATS In Ulsters, Red River, Brown and Black; Beavers, Men's Ready-made Suits Coarse and fine, extra value. Clothing made to order by experienced hands. ladi: 1SS Shows all the new designs, fabrics and colors. In Blaick Lustres we challenge all competition. Ask for the famous Tiger Brantf Black Lustres. Win ceys; extra value. Flannels in grey, scarlet, white, cheek, orange, etc. See our line of Factory Check Flannel at 25c per yard. 0 l 4 pi 9 W.STEWART* CO I AttB j I wow saowina A rety large and very choice BBsort- raent of Wow Dry Goods FOB L i FALL WEAR w Now Black and Colored Silks, New French Cashmeres, New Ribbons and Ties, New Dreas Good*. New SlopU Dry Goods,... ' 1% ova btock or Tweeds, Cloths/ and Overcoatings U very choloe and cheap. Wo hold a very superior and large lot ot NEW MANTlEf AND MILLINERY. W, Stewart & Co., fiUELPH. October 16, 1877. ' THE FREE! PRESS SUBSCRIBE PANIEL EBEiim? FIAKQS & 05 U55 BEATT-"' aNo, ag* - AND UPRIGHT, .-,: M-Wk^S VAtS most porfect liiBiruinJStT 'J00*!^* - try. The world J eSaHSLS0* "S^' fore given. Koclc botto?lttS,'T'b' now reauy t Jobbers, aMm?"1 *** ' trade n general. AnoflOTWM uB% OrRon; boxod ond smpJ^2"M?'" flvoornfloendarg'^tJw^SSr * * -' 7 TOR THE -A. C TO 3SFJ Only $1 a, Tear In Advance. iivo or nrioen days' imii liJ^'Jl'WlM. a. waya If in uy way aBkS?^WiS wnysinn any waynoi tn use. Sew HiDstratedAl^S^MSr logoe EUitIon> with llrt cT^2fSZ now ready, sent fres IS5&*>S& 1859. Address DANiIl **&&"& Washington, 4&%Jg>,f -^Trjg $999 dozon dolWrs q day right S^lff8* localities ?aye noyrpo5f5, ^OW8 Business plba*ant and fcoBSSW^ttre, men, and boyB and'elrtf ;S'2MiJr*-!- men, W will ftirfllslty/S*!*^^**.., Outfit Ireo. The btoiaiS? JL2'*lt&*t ;- than an^blng^I^^t^wSWLi?^^ pn6 of Waning yon,7ftaffigW Write *nd eo. ^armeV,?KS5*?- i in need of payine- workafhSLi^ $?** write to. na add feiii fbSrt^&W once. Anr t IfwttmT^nSJ?^** Addreas TBUBAC.,li^,^Jgr. AT THE iflXOK. PLANINGF MD^LS Will b (bond a quantity'oT. ! SEASONED LUllSBBS i Comprising inch, IJ and 2 faoh ; dreaaed and nndreaaad.' AJ1 ioo<J i^pcfc S"ash, / ' Doors, , i- ". Mouldings^ Battens, &<J^ t Manufactured ai-ytfup*.' TROB. EBBAGE, Praf> k.ciop. Aoe Si. I*'5*- -A-QTOIST. I < PRINTING HOUSE h .. .4* (I and SHOES P From the heavy Stoga to tihe infant's shoe all bbufeht direct from the makers. No middle man's profit. Siock extra large and well selected, Five per centyff all purchases of five pairs at any one time. >' V FRESH TEAS AND GENERAL GROCERIES f Regularly to hand 1 Oiiar Famous 50c TEA is used more extensively than any oilier Tea*in the market. Sold in 5 lb. lots at 45c, Try it and he convinced. 1 Gents'" Felt Hats, Cloth Caps for Men and Boys, and a fine assortment of Fine Fur Caps, Criey and White Blankets, Grain Bags, Cotton Warps, in fact almost everything found at any time in a general store. .' We most cordially request a continuance of patronage from those who have hitherto favored us, and atrial from all who have not had pur Goods, feeling assured that Goods and Prices will be entirely satisfactory. We pay Cash for cx>d Dairy Butter, or take in ex- change for Goods. Our terms are cash or produce. CHRISTiE, HENDERSON & CO. ' . jLetop, October, 187-7. To Mer.eb^nt^ and other Business Men in Action, well k as throughput the County, the Fr<se iPr^ss isr an invaluable ^Yortising Mediuin. i The subscriber having again gone into the grocery business, would m*- timate that he has always a full lUje of goods usually kept in fi|tlssi grocery houses, fresh, apd. of qdality, such as ! ...--'. " I TEAS. Blacks " Fineat English Breakfast Conguq, Souchong, Oolong,' F,lowery Orange Pekoe Greexb .-^ Moyune Unnpowdera, Silver Leaf HJunpowdera, ' Moyune Young ttyBOjjia UncOlored Japans, Imperials, TypaxikA&B Our teas are all selected for their nuperior drawing qualities' ' Special ifiBCOuht on purchases over 5 lbs. . . jP^ffesis. kv.w- ^ Oar stock.comprises the beBfc gradea OI -------!., . Old Gorernment iti'ys, tiaguayca, ,< . Maraoaibo, and Bio. Boaated and ground, daily, on the premises, thus retaining all the .natural aro.raa and flayer of the berry. OOOOAS AITS 0H000LATE?. T.'aylbr'B Cocoa and Chocolate, J Jipp's HomtBOD&thic Coooa, I : Menier'a Chocolates. PeEfted, in Loarea, Cn,foflf. Cry Urushed, Granulated, Extra GrMnd, Bxtra O,, Pnglish Kefined-iall gTAdss, Denjerara,;, Porto Rioo. Ambor, 2oao7 aa& Stan^ftrd Our Unrivalled Facilitiea fop Exp.eutipg kll kinda of f-~- BOOK AND JOB PRINTING Enable us to I urn out work equal to anytbins done in the cities. Collfornla Salmon, Portl*iI tcHktap, French Sardines,-Core Vysterai .' FreBh Mackerel. ' i- ^i . ' " -^ -JL' Cured. Sams., and Sacoa..jBet . "ea^jutter.'. ^^ Bunietfs'Extracts & Bsjwttafr^' The Finest Goods j^anntttetor^i. Soaps of all WTiflm. : *icsico aa4 Caucta. |> Crosse 4 Blackwell's, Mixed lri*^ { Chowchow, Ptocallll, * !.- " , Mushroom Catsup, John flail SMgfc : I^ea * Ferrin's VorcheiterWr8*W Tomato Caisup, Pavorltft do-. ,4^ - - y0rkshlra^Uah,l?*iv:hMa<5<.-i Carolina Klce. Arracan RVc*," ' i iV' fearl 8ago3lo Tapioca - L t: Pearl Btoey, CornaeaVQat9*. DBS5BST FBT/ITS .< Corranta, Val^rieia oranses, j ! Messina Lemons, Pineapple*- i : TunU Dates, Bordeaox Wahmav Filberts, Almond*. ArroT?roo, Wine, Soda, ATrBttJ^ ' C^eam, htmon, Bnlier, Boste,i Qrahnm, Oyster cracker, < " New YoMtGingernntsi . : Glneer Snaps, '^'.-.Zl^. Candle* and Sweetmeats otallJatrnf Cheese, Butter,%i,pop*; j China Sets. "WTiite Stone. Mats,, jjj. Fisared Btono Sets, Oluioib^r q*t Tea Plates, tli, JelUea, i , Matter., Bkert- -J: And a full Una ofotheriWte. MUl Pans, Cream Crocks, . . -. ^ ^. Butter Crooks, Jogs, Fkrrergw*^ .. mant^S<etprer"pn! OLASS^TASa, la great variety .-, Tub.. Pails, Sroomi. Hopes, ffjre eandWoi Medlclnpt. J3ye Stufls. oodeh aten Medlclnps, r-V. T0BAC00E3. . Chewing, Smofcing, Cigars. ifH U ITS PEISD. , Valencia Kaishis, Layer Raisins, . . Loose Muscatel, . ' Sultanas, Seedless,' Voatizra Cjurrants, Black Psiras jto. in.caaes selected Dp. doi in bbls7 Eleme Figs, French Prunes, Tunis Dates. 'hese goods aro the finest ex. ported. OAlTiTBD ffBBWS ASTD 7B&E- TASIJSS. -' ;"'. j Peaohes^ Pears, Cherries, rineapplea, Strawberries, Su,coota8h, Green Peas, Corn, Beans, TomatoeB. njany other articles in season,' not here mentioned.. - J*Cheap for Cash or Trade. ^ : JAMES MATTHEWS; "V. Acton,' June, 1877, . ; - Oonveyancer, Com. in Q.B., Issiier pf lilarria^ License?^. Insurance Agept, &c. ..-' !. "V: 8^^Kriarrtp^. Faniy Goods, C/Mao^ Boneless Codfish, Herring*. .^^ Uysters In can and bulk in-a**80* f

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